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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8887848 No.8887848 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is saging

>> No.8887851

I used to dress up in lolita to cheer myself up in harder times, when I was younger. Now I hate my self so so much I can't bring myself to do my make up and hair. When I finally get some clothes on that are not sweater or work clothes, I feel like a fat, frumpy, ugly weirdo.

>> No.8887855

Try and find friends who are similar to you? Going lolita among all the young ones in perfectly skinny dresses and corsets that don't hurt them must suck.

I don't know much about lolita i'm afraid, and i'm really not sure if theres anything like a christmas cake society for EGL and other j-fashion types.

>> No.8887871
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I wanted to get a bunch of sewing done today, but I practically wasted the entire day shopping around on AliExpress and various other sites just because I'm procrastinating writing a ½ page report. I didn't even buy anything cute. I'm pathetic.

>> No.8887882

ugh same here, not doing my homework.. what am I doing with my life

>if i could drown in frills i would but reality sux

>> No.8887948

>when not a NEET, had the money to go to a big con outside of my country
>cons would always take place during exam periods
>now a NEET don't have the money to go to bigger cons
>but have the time

I'm starting to think I'll never go to a big international con at this rate

>> No.8887975

Brought this up in lolita gen but it's more suitable here.

I live on a fairly big city that has a pretty big comm. I'm very new to lolita but have been buying the clothes for about a year now. Kept telling myself I wouldn't join the comm until I had a full coord. I'm really close to having one now that I have some shoes on the way. It takes a long time to find stuff that matches but it's finally gonna happen and I'm gonna go to a meet in the next few moths for sure.

So I've already decided I'm gonna go but I have such cold feet about it. I have a really really hard time relating to people, even my close friends.
I'm in therapy for this but it doesn't hurt to have more opinions or advice.

My biggest problem is when people start talking about family. For many reasons I don't have family and do not like talking about the reason why I don't keep in touch with my family.
The other problem is I lost interest in all my old hobbies. I pretty much traded them in for lolita and other j fash. And no matter how hard I try to go back to my old hobbies, there is no passion in it. Sure I could sit down and watch and old favorite movie but I find myself getting bored and antsy and I just want to sit around in dresses and do my make up..

I play vidya on occasion but never the kind of things that other people play like mmos and rpgs. I've just never been into those kind of games.

I kind of feel like I fucked up getting into this fashion. But I've already spent thousands of dollars on dresses and other items. I feel like there is no going back and I don't really want to.

I just don't know how I'll ever click with others.

>> No.8887977

Kinda positive feels, I'm really tempted to make a jfashion beauty blogging channel just for the funsies. I've always thought it was really relaxing and helpful to watch other people demo face care products and make up, but I don't really have anyone to relate to with a similar make up style since it seems like all of the beauty bloggers are more into western-style make up. I'd really like a channel to follow that's more realistic rather than "how to look korean desu".

W-would anybody watch this or be interested? I'd probably do it anyway and just make my videos private or something, I love demo-ing products.

>> No.8887982

Some tips for doing the vlog thing~ make sure you have good lighting, and maybe even a "set" (just a place that's always tidy, and does not look like a sty) And if you want to take it to the next level, try and learn or find someone who will do graphics for you.

So many vlogs are ruined by bad lighting, cheap mics and being filmed in a room that looks like a dump

>> No.8887984

I've come up with a great way to get my newly formed comm more active and interested in the fashion by having a sortof big meet similar to maison de julietta.
Only 4 likes....
I fear at this rate the comm will disappear.

>> No.8887988

Oh of course, if I'm going to do this I wanna make sure it's done well at least. I'm currently going through video camera options. I have a wall covered in dresses so I could probably find a way to make it so that the prints of my dresses are what are visible in the background. Maybe. I'll set up something cute.

Thanks for your advice anon, if I do this I'll try to deliver with decent quality in the beginning. I'm sure I'll learn as I go along too.

>> No.8887991
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>tfw my cos-senpai suddenly dropped plans for Momocon

I don't want to go alone, you guys. Doing "fun" stuff like anime cons alone is the worst.

Also, my gf and little sister broke up with me last month. I could deal with one or the other, but not both!

>> No.8887992

That was supposed to say "cosfam". Filtered.

>> No.8887994

I've always wanted to start a personal life/jfash/cosplay/living abroad type blog, but it feels like the market is so saturated already. And I honestly just feel like no one would like me. In a NEET, so I usage plenty of time, but I still avoid putting myself in the spotlight because I'm terrified of attention. I don't even have an established internet presence because I'm so glued to my anonymity. So I'd never have be brave enough to attention whore and get my stuff noticed :(

>> No.8887997
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> having a cosfamily or cossenpai
I-I'm not horrifically bitter or anything.

>> No.8888007

Yeah, the thought of it can be pretty daunting when you consider how critical people can be. Still, the more you do something the better you'll get. It's good to take constructive criticism, but if somebody just doesn't like you and they wanna be a dick about it it's best to just ignore them out of existence. Whenever I feel like there's no way anybody could possibly like anything I could post on Youtube, I pull up any random mediocre vocaloid cover on Youtube and sure enough there are tons of people complimenting them even if you can't fathom why. So... do what you think would be fun and there will be people who will find it just as entertaining as you do and that's whats most important.

>> No.8888012
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>be a lone lolita
>sell dress
>have a really nice conversation with buyer
>we seem to have the same taste in brands and music
>find out she lives in my city
>really want to chat a bit more
>but already sent her tracking and feedback
Farewell possible friend.

>> No.8888017

You could contact her and make plans you know?

>> No.8888020

That was really uplifting, anon. Thank you for that boost of confidence!

Send her a message with a quick, "Hey, if you want to talk more, here's my email", if you can. I'm glad you found someone you could bond with. Hopefully you guys can be cute lolitas together.

>> No.8888024

I want to have time for cosplay but nope, my school have to force us to do dumb shit so they'll look good in front of other schools and new students. Because the students are responsible for that, somehow.

>> No.8888087

It's just a group of like 4-8 friends (depending on the con) who I cosplay with. Do none of your friends cosplay?

I also have a few friends who I met at cons. So that's fun.

>> No.8888103

>little sister broke up with me
Did you guys cosplay Oreimo?

>> No.8888120
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I got to do ALL of the Morning Musume 16' activities at AM with no problems or restrictions excluding the chaos with lineing up for the concert. Fuck you salty lolita gulls, I had the best weekend of my life at AM.

>> No.8888144

What a sad life you must lead

>> No.8888166
File: 335 KB, 496x279, d68d7ebb8fa0bdb0b7fdfdbe29a86706.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>am a huge weeb, but was well disguised and had lots of normie friends
>accepted i would never have a friend to talk about anime/cosplay to and was content with online buddies
>fast forward to my first year of uni
>summer orientation, my family left and i realized i still haven't spoken to a single student
>panic because i dont want to go to the orientation meeting alone, so i decide to talk to the very first person i see
>the person is a shy-looking asian girl that is also alone
>i introduce myself and we hit it off as well as two awkward asian girls could get
>somehow a literal miracle occurs and we are both super into animu and mango
>i suddenly realize that uni is going to be better than i ever thought it could be

sorry for the sappiness seagulls, but i'm so thankful that i met her. she's literally the most best friend i've ever had and we've been cosplaying and just plain weebing out together since the day we met three years ago and i love her so much!

>> No.8888178

maybe stop being a self-absorbed cunt? Lol.

Ask people about their interests and at the very least you have the fashion in common. If you don't want to talk about family, don't. You are bound to find people you connect with in a bigger comm, but not if you already have the mindset you won't be able to connect with anyone. You sound annoying and I probably wouldn't want to be your friend either.

>> No.8888185

That's awesomek anon! This is how I felt for the longest time, that I'd never have friends who shared my interests after I lost my only friend who liked lolita, but this year I found a few people who I get along with and I'm much more open about my dorkiness and love for lolita and even normies have been a lot more interested in being my friend.

>> No.8888200

>Been saving up for some time, always putting off getting into lolita (too tall, scared people might think I'm a freak, super judgemental friends)
>ditch old friends, find new friends
>meet one new friend in particular
>fucking amazing she's into the same weeb shit I'm into
>shyly show her lolita
>"oh yeah I know about this, I used to be super into jfash but I could never wear it!"
>show her dresses I've been contemplating buying
>she gives me the confidence to buy them instead of dismissing them as weird
>show her dream dress
>"omg anon that's so pretty! Is that...cinema doll? Omg I remember that dress! You'd look great in that!"

Best. Feel. Ever.

>> No.8888248

>tfw committing pseudo-suicide by sleeping 12-16 hours a day and zoning out the remaining hours

i do not want to be conscious. i hope this phase passes soon so i can get back to work and afford more brand and go to conventions.

right now, i would rather sleep than do anything else. it feels so good and peaceful, even with the constant bad dreams.

>> No.8888271

I'll be your friend anon

>> No.8888283

>already spent thousands of dollars on dresses and other items
>still only "almost" has a full coord

>> No.8888288

I have an acquaintance who is getting in to cosplay photography and their work is t e r r i b l e. Poor cropping, out of focus, sloppy photoshoping "effects", wretched use of lighting, unflattering angles on models. Rookie level photography goofs. The problem is this photog thinks they are the hottest thing going (and charges outrageous prices to match), and has an armada of butt-patters ready to butt pat. I'm not going to step in and provide criticism un-asked for. That would start the witch hunt. So I have to come to you, CGL. I have to get this off my chest to you. I can't voice this elsewhere because someone would snitch on me if I put this on any other social media outlet.

>> No.8888290

I do not. I tried to get my boyfriend into cosplay, he seems to only like fucking around conventions and snapping pictures of other cosplayers. And the few friends who know about it are the poor and unskilled kind who cosplay simple things like Gravity Falls or Undertale. Not that I'm insulting that! I'm just more into manga/anime/vg cosplay. So I'm mostly always alone (and my bf hates panels and events, so I don't go to cons with him unless they're small).

>> No.8888295

Post examples? Flip them if you want.

>> No.8888318

This used to be how I felt about things when during my first year wearing lolita.
The only advice I can really give you is to just commit to going to a few meets and try to make the most of it.

A comm is one of the best ways to make close friends with people who are as invested in the fashion as you. Even just chatting with other lolitas makes me really happy and calm somehow. At first I was just as nervous and sperg-y as you seem to sound but just the fashion itself is plenty to talk about. I really like talking about new releases, online dramu, hunts for dream dresses, and stuff like that.

Organized meetups are really nice too. If you have trouble finding stuff to talk about with people, meets at museums and stuff like that presents you with natural topics already. I especially like game meets (board games, vidya, escape rooms)

I don't know if all comms are like this but mine is the chillest group of people. If you're not comfortable talking much, they'll pick up the slack. If they think you look lonely, they'll try to engage you. And no matter how different you think you may be from the members of your comm, just remember that just being in the same fashion gives you a ton in common.

>> No.8888328

Girlfriend doesn't go to conventions but decided to go katsucon. She spent all weekend hanging with me and my friends despite going with her friends.

Sunday morning, steps into my room demanding we talk outside. He breaks up with me because "you're a different person when stressed about cons and photoshoots and you couldnt find time to pay attention to me."

Happy Valentine's day, I guess. I still feel lousy.

>> No.8888348

If someone breaks up with you without even talking about the issues first, aren't they the lousy one?

>> No.8888356

he sounds like the type of person that expects you to be a mind reader. i wouldn't feel lousy at all.

>> No.8888360

How long have you been dating? They obviously didn't like the way you were acting during the weekend but it's a bit weird for them to dump you over it so easily. Previous anon is right and maybe they have more reasons that they didn't communicate. You were with friends so they shouldn't be complaining about you not paying attention unless you were somehow completely ignoring them. Still a clingy thing to say so they don't sound very confident.

>> No.8888386


Thank you. Its a bit hard to put it into other perspectives aside from "Ow. Way to even attempt talking things out, but ok?". I wasn't going to argue there in a hallway and I was still at a con and didn't want to deal with it at the time and so I just kept going as if I was fine.

It was about a year long? We had broken up once before and she didn't feel the need to talk things out then either but still annoying. I warned her cons wouldn't be her scene, and that my con schedules are always packed so she "included herself" in my plans (much to my annoyance) so I'm not too sure what was going on with her.

She might have had other reasons. Who know. I won't ever know unless she talks to me about them.

>> No.8888398
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>wear nonprint brand to a party
>get hammered
>recall eating spaghetti
>dress is fine after the night put it in closet
>take it out of the closet
>HUGE FUCKING STAIN on the front

jesus what do i do

>> No.8888413

I've made friends through sales! Just tell her you really enjoyed your conversation and would love to add her on Facebook so you can talk more.

>> No.8888441

damage control time. Since it's non print washing it shouldn't be too difficult maybe research on the fabric first though just so you know what lengths your able to go to to get rid of the stain. Also check that other items in your wardrobe aren't damaged.

>> No.8888463

I've had something similar happen. I just sprayed the shit out of the dress with some OxiClean Max Force and let it hang overnight over my bathtub, and the stain was totally gone when I washed it after. I definitely recommend that product, but maybe try spritzing some of it in the store before you buy it because it does have a scent to it. Not something that bothered me, but you may be more sensitive to it. Good luck!

>> No.8888470
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>Best friend forever gets a girlfriend
>She seems so happy and I'm very happy for her too
>Spent all the time talking about GF
>I listen to her everytime, I want to know her
>GF lives in another city, about 2 hours in car
>We were underage, so waiting for GF parents let her come here. My friend went to her house last time
>Finally confirms she will come on easter
>While friend keeps talking about GF, how pretty she is, her hair and eye color, how sweet, etc
>Really in love
>2 weeks before she comes, friend tell GF I'm a lolita
>GF just almost die of joy
>Very interested in lolita, she did a good research. Really wants to try the fashion
>Oh God, another lolita! (we were only 3 in my little city) Preparing resources for the rest of the days, got excited
>Finally GF came to friends house
>Got ready 2 hours ago in my best coord, run to my friend's house
>She opens door and seems 1000% excited, Go to her room
>Hello! o! o-o-o....oooo....
>150 kg of GF. Very greasy hair, Heavy acne everywhere. Fox ears and fur fox tail attached
>She hugs me
>My bones creak
>We did a little introduction
>GF: anon told me you will make a good coord for me! omg you're really a lolita! *meows*
>W-well I-I really didn't know so much about lolita...
>GF: what you say? your coord is beautiful!
>Spending the rest of the day on computer searching for some items
>Complaints nothing is on 8XL size, "Muh curves". Thin privilege
>Ending on BL
>GF: nononono, I want a real BURANDO!
>Weeks later she bought TWO AP dresses for sewing them in one
>She always tag me in every "lolita" photo of hers
>I don't want to be related to her, not in public
>She entered on a handmade group and bought printed CURTAIN fabrics
>Still tag me on every lolita related photo
>Ita at maximun level
I feel bad, she's my best friend GF and makes her so happy, they're being together for 4 years now. But she ashames me in everything lolita related, and lolita is very important to me. I never be rude to her, but I feel a bitch

>> No.8888473

Lol calm down ana-chan
150 pounds isn't that much

>> No.8888478

150 kg is equal to 330 pounds, anon...

>> No.8888479

bless. I have stain remover but I do have to check out spaghetti stains. I'm worried that its been such a long time the stain wont come out

>> No.8888498

>what are reading skills?

>> No.8888503

They said kg not lb anon...

>> No.8888506

>just remember that just being in the same fashion gives you a ton in common.
Thanks for this anon, it really helped!

>> No.8888508

>My bones creak
jfc I feel it

>> No.8888511
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This guy I have been seeing for a while is so accepting of lolita and my dumb weeb hobbies. It has really given me a confident boost and it warms my heart. I'm so used to teasing and annoying comments from old friends, so this is a nice change.
>mfw I suddenly dare to buy sweeter dresses instead of gothic

>> No.8888515

Yeah that's pretty bitchy anon.

But I mean, if she's willing to buy two brand dresses for the sake of fit then she can't be a lost cause entirely. Surely she can improve and look better?

>> No.8888517
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>150 kg of GF. Very greasy hair, Heavy acne everywhere

>> No.8888571

My friend started dated someone just like that recently. I know it's bitchy, but have to wonder what anyone sees in those people. Of course not everyone can be a goddess with the body of a model and the skin of a photoshopped Korean celebrity, and I'm certainly not perfect, but someone who can't even keep their weight below 300 or go to a dermatologist for their skin condition or wash their hair a couple times a week? Being around people like that is just gross and sad. I could never imagine dating one.

>> No.8888598

Ugh I got hammered last night and lost my tights somehow when I changed (looked twice and couldn't find them). Good to know it could've been worse

>> No.8888630

>inb4 overrated

>> No.8888638

Plenty of decent people under 150kg, anon

>> No.8888647

And this person liked the fat one.
It's like asking why date anyone ugly, or who has poor eyesight because there's always *someone* else better out there with the same attractive attributes.

>> No.8888649

>tfw I feel like the 150 kg gf in my current relationship
My gf is the most supportive and wonderful person I've ever been with, and I love her to death. But her and her friends are all ridiculously attractive working on their masters or phd's and in research positions on their way to six figure salaries and I'm an okay looking punky and gothic wearing girl who makes a living doing much less savory and valuable things. I'm terrified they wont like me and it'll hurt our relationship

>> No.8888739

>tfw the big people in your comm are tumblr cancer incarnate
>tfw can't sew
>tfw blow all my money on stuff other than cosplay and can only do simple shit like pokemon trainers

>> No.8888770
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>tfw all my con friends are NEETs/poor and I'm not
>tfw no friends to join me in cross country trips to different cons

first world problems

>> No.8888778

>cosplaying a character from an obscure series with friends
>they absolutely want to do the masq
>insist that I should go with them no matter how many times I already said I didn't want to
>their characters could work as a duo perfectly fine without mine

I really like the series and everything but going on stage is not my thing, plus who knows if it might be filmed and end up in the cringe thread.

>> No.8888793

so what did that first part have to do with that last part or do you not understand greentext

>> No.8888813
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>tfw tfw is actually short for "their face when"

>> No.8888829
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>that feel when
newfag what is wrong with you

>> No.8888830

I met a qt a con and my autism didn't scare her away. Everything connected until her friend showed up and made a comment about another friend which lead me to ask what school they went to. Turns out she just graduated middle school. I noped the fuck out there before my penis could assume master control.

.... I could have finally had someone that cared about me.

>> No.8888832


>> No.8888841
File: 148 KB, 700x289, CSBro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the real newfag.
Here, have some archive.

>> No.8888842

>not a lolita
>definitely not thin
>can't really do makeup
>REALLY want Hydrangeas and Butterflies skirt
>just got engaged, am going to have hydrangeas in my wedding now because of it
>can't stop thinking about that print
I've even looked for normie dresses with hydrangeas, the need is real.

>> No.8888849

Anon I've been to about every other meet up but just not enough to get close to my comm.. And I don't think we've ever talked about family. They may have asked who I lived with but if I said a roommate they wouldn't have asked further. As for hobbies I've likely laughed and said I worked to much to have a hobby or said I like reading about jfashion or using tumblr or some crap. It usually won't matter that much.., they're just wanting to get a hint of what to talk about with you. Just ask them what you want to know and guide the convo. I think your biggest concern is answering "do you work or go to school" if your a NEET that's probably a bigger issue. Other wise they'll just talk about school or work until they have something else to talk about.

>> No.8888852

anon was saying it means "their faces when." i was calling them a newfag. your image supports my point. please pay closer attention.

>> No.8888853

>their face when tfw is actually short for "their face when
That doesn't make any sense why would they say that.

>> No.8888883

just buy it and alter it if you manage to find it anon. chase your dreams. congrats on the wedding!

>> No.8888890

I know someone who cosplayed around the same time I did, but suddenly got all so 'serious' and about it. Whenever we meet they're either trying to teach me how to sew, do makeup or trash people and they seem to follow what I do, from social postings, cosplans, hobbies but be 'better'. What irks me the most is that they're pretty popular and get lots of asspats on their work, but jfc it's a horror story and not what an 'experienced' cosplayer should make. Puckered hems, uneven seams/hems, bad fit, shiny satin, noticeable hot glue elements....I stopped giving them any advice since they always brushed it off and ignore it but their construction bothers me so much and with how condescending they are UGH.

>> No.8888892

Lose weight then, senpai. If not for yourself then for your inner lolita. I mean, ask yourself, if you turn forty and never get to wear the dress because you never tried to cut down, you'd feel pretty shit, right?

Just like, do it and don't look back. The first week sucks, the second week plus is great because even if you only lose a pound, you feel better for it, relish in that positivity and keep going. Also, don't eat sweets, ever and only drink water/tea (easiest way to stay on top of things) and no alcohol because that's excess, wasteful, calories that aren't being used to fill your stomach.

>> No.8888939

I'm going to be starting pole dancing classes sometime this year if things go well, and I'm really excited!

I was anorexic in middle school, then ballooned in high school. I'm still pretty heavy, but I've been losing a lot of weight since last summer. I have a shitty body image and self esteem issues but I recently met a few pole dancers, one of which was easily twice my size. They gave me the confidence to try it out, especially since it does wonders for your physical and mental health.

Bonus points because I'll eventually be able to cosplay Panty and do a routine as her. That's honestly my motivation haha.

>> No.8888960
File: 32 KB, 400x256, esmeralda19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for it. Pole is probably one of the most positive communities I have seen (well, mostly, like all communities there are bitches and bad eggs) and size doesn't seem to limit people at all.
I want to do a routine as Esmeralda from Hunchback which is also technically canon, but I also want to do her justice and be able to actually dance as well as do pole tricks.

>> No.8888983

I was like this pretty much constantly from 13-20 and I still lapse back into it sometimes. It's hard to break out of but you need to try to do something different to what you normally consider an option, like if you tend to watch TV/play vidya/go online when you're not sleeping then go outside, even if it's just a walk in the garden. Wear something you haven't worn in forever, or wouldn't normally wear. Even listening to different types of music or eating different foods will help. When you feel up to it, exercise, or at least do some stretches if you don't feel up to it. I know it sounds preachy and tumblr-y but it really does help, it won't magically cure you but you'll feel a lot better and more alive while you are awake. I hope you get better soon, anon.

>> No.8889035


It's both, dummies. They both came into vernacular around the same time.

>> No.8889036

Agreeing very hard.
Adding to that, please, for the love of all that is holy, EAT. I seriously messed my immune system up by eating nothing but crackers for a week. Make soup, eat applesauce, rice, toast, or other easy to digest things. Just make sure to eat. I wish you the best.

>> No.8889068

I am currently suffereing from this. What exactly is it, depression?

>> No.8889079
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I am living with my boyfriend until I find a place of my own and a job and save a little bit, but something happened that set me back and I am at basically step 1 again and will have to stay a little longer
My boyfriend doesn't let me go out and do anything because he says it's dangerous (we're in the city) and originally he used to say he liked my clothes but now he won't let me wear them anymore and says they attract too much attention so he feels more like a bodyguard when we're going out and he hardly ever compliments me or anything and gets angry at me when he sees me sad or upset and I want to move out so much, and I can't really save up fast enough.
This whole thing is hard because my living situation is relying on him right now until I save up again so I have to not anger him too much and not make him not like me being around.
Almost all we really do are things -he- wants to do, I can't go out or do anything because he says I need to stay with him, I feel empty because I can't even wear my Jfashion clothes, he doesn't ever really say I look cute in anything I actually like and tells me to wear normal things all the time because he thinks I look "sexy" in them, but I don't want to look sexy... I like my fairy kei clothes and I like to feel cute and I want him to like them too and think I look good in the things I like, and he gets mad and stresses me out often but I can't do anything about it.
Also I have to act like I'm not sad or upset when I am or else he'll get super angry at me so I have to act happy and he will tell me to hug him and kiss him and it makes me feel weird because it's like I'm upset at him and sad but I have to act happy and do stuff he wants and have to be affectionate and it just kind of leaves me feeling like a puppet and I start feeling happy hugging him but I know it is just because he is cute and warm...
I know I actually need to try to leave whenever I can and I can't just stay here like this.

>> No.8889080


>> No.8889081

You need to get out asap. Can't you stay at a friends or your parents place?

>> No.8889086

Yeah I really do need to get out.
Sadly my parents are a couple states away and I don't have any friends I could stay with for longer than like a day or 2... I just have to save for another few weeks probably and then maybe I can actually get out of here.
It sucks to be stuck here though and I guess I will be pretty down until I can finally get out but at least the end is not that far!

>> No.8889087

You sound really cute anon. Don't let anybody try and tell you not to wear cute clothes, it'll feel really good to be able to wear something you really love again without worrying I bet

>> No.8889091

I do pole anon and I LOVE IT

I just worked up to inverts.

Warning you now, you're going to get a lot of bruises, look into bruise creams for your skin. But its really fun, its boosted my confidence in my body and has helped me loose weight. It also just really helps me feel stronger. There's a great feeling looking back on my first lesson when I couldnt climb the pole ven with a spotter, to now being able to zoom right up to the top no problem.

>> No.8889092

Thanks anon!
And I won't let him, Luckily I know that what's going on isn't right. I need to be able to go out and be able to do and wear what I like without being controlled and told it's not okay.
it's a tough situation right now but sometimes you just need to tough certain things out and thank god when it's over. I really can't wait to wear cute clothes again!

>> No.8889093

I guess i'm not really much of a cosplayer, but i've wanted to get more into con stuff, and now i'm pushing my late 20s..

Just every time i go to a con, it's with one or two friends, who want to do their shit, visit one or two traders they like, maybe have a little walk around, but they pretty much want to go home within 2-3 hours. They have no interest in the weeb shit or whatever, and half the time if i say 'hey i want to look at something' they leave me alone, and within half an hour i get a text saying "we're at the station, come meet us"

So, i've never really "experienced" a con in it's fullest, and that really saddens me.

>> No.8889116

I envy you, anon. I managed to ditch my more judgemental friends a while ago and get into lolita by myself but the few friends I have left still think lolita is really dumb. I've tried making more friends with lolita-friendly interests but so far they all turned out to be cringy weebs who think it's an uguu lolicon meido sex costume and refuse to believe me when I say otherwise because their precious animus can't possibly be wrong, nya~!

I recently joined my local lolita community and am going to my first meet in a few weeks. Pls help me pray to the lolita gods that I'll meet someone nice and sane who wants to be my friend!

>> No.8889132

>what is preference for fat people a.k.a. fat fetish

>> No.8889149

>using my hideous op image.
thanks anon.

>> No.8889159

I don't get it either. My cousin is dating a woman who is not fat, but has terrible personal hygiene. She makes no effort to wash herself and has some of the worst acne I've ever seen on someone over 25, greasy hair, gross crooked yellow teeth that she never seems to clean, terrible BO and really long dark facial and body hair that she happily shoves in people's faces. YMMV on the last one but it doesn't help the full picture. She also has a very annoying personality and constantly laughs like a horse at her own unfunny comments. Any time these two make out in front of me (which is often) I want to throw up.
All I can think is that it must be really slim pickings if you're a lesbian. Tbh, I'd rather be single.

>> No.8889161

Basically. Iron deficiency and thyroid problems can make you tired too, but really it's a vicious cycle. Too much sleep makes you tired, so you sleep, which makes you tired. That's why it's so important to do anything to mentally snap you out of your routine, even if it only snaps you out of it for a few minutes it's important to realize that you're not living properly. It's like a fog coming down, you don't realize how bad things are until you get a glimpse of how it feels to actually live. It's also why so many people are suddenly getting diagnosed with depression/anxiety etc, it's not that smartphones made us oversensitive, it's because people can google the symptoms and realize that it's not normal to feel like a zombie all the time.
Adding to that, it's super easy to become suicidal when you're like this. Being suicidal isn't just flinging yourself off a bridge in a fit of emotion. It's also trying to die in more trivial ways- smoking/drinking too much, not looking when you cross a busy street, and the like. If you feel that it's okay if you die, or that your bad habits/lifestyle are perfectly fine because you're not expecting to be around much longer, you need help. You might not actively plan to kill yourself, but wanting to die is not normal no matter how little you act on it.
Sorry for the blog post. Hope you get better.

>> No.8889168

Go alone. Have a ball. Nobody will give you shit for it, and if you want someone to talk to, either text your friends throughout the day or chat to a cosplayer about their costume, or even strike up a conversation with a random person about the panel you're in line for or the show their shirt is from. It's easy to make conversation at cons even if you're nervous, people expect awkwardness and spaghetti anyway.
Ask them why they're furry pedos, because animu with cat ears=furry loli fetish.

>> No.8889170

>Iron deficiency and thyroid problems can make you tired too
Adding that if you suspect one of these is the source of the problem, head to a doctor and get some blood tests. They're usually easily solved with iron supplements and synthroid respectively.

>> No.8889190
File: 108 KB, 347x364, halp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>job interview today in 5 hours
>previous one was 8 years ago
>trying to go over potential questions and answers
>also thinking about wig shipments, fabrics etc.
> know that I should focus on interview or I won't be able to get this stuff at all.
>cries into coffee

>> No.8889194

It's okay anon, let's do a trial with some common questions
>"Where do you see yourself in 5 years?"
>"What is your greatest weakness?"
>"If you had a superpower, which one would you have?"

>> No.8889203
File: 46 KB, 736x414, 81f071bba3929a5a86f7b2ee8c12503b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lost 8 pounds since I started my diet a month or so ago.
>About a quarter of the way to my ideal weight.
>Still a good way to go but feeling pretty positive.

>> No.8889213

Congrats anon! Losing weight is so worth the effort. How are you going about it, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.8889222

Thanks! I'm just counting calories basically. I allow myself 1200 a day, and I've stopped eating junk food and cut down on white carbs. I've also started jogging, and I'm going to get some weights to see how that goes. I developed a very unhealthy relationship with food after getting out of an abusive relationship. I'd comfort eat a lot and get a lot of takeaways because I wasn't up for cooking. Eating became a compulsive activity to distract me from thinking about things. So now when I feel like that I just drown myself in green tea and water or go for a walk.

>> No.8889226

>lone lolita
>have a few brand pieces
>no where to wear them but cons
>can't drive because muh anxiety
>boyfriend works swing shifts so he can never take me
>considering making a youtube channel just as an excuse to wear lolita

>join comm
>all the meets are always on days where I'm busy
>probably wouldn't go anyway because wonderfinch is in the comm

>> No.8889237

>tfw there is that one lolita that I vaguely know irl
>we share a similar taste and she often buys from my sales
>I actually appreciate it because she is my most regular customer and I like her
>but she always asks for payment plans
>I constantly see her buying and selling new stuff and posting pictures of her new purchases and such
>she still doesn't manage to pay off the payment plans in time

I don't know how to feel about this. When she is selling a $300 dress of hers one might assume that she had enough money to pay off the payment plan before the deadline. But nope, she must use the money for other purchases first. But I actually need the money too. It feels a little bit exploitive.

>> No.8889239

I'm worried my one lolita friend and I are drifting apart. We don't seem to talk much anymore, and I miss her, but I don't want to come across as clingy. I don't have any other friends in the fashion, either, and have trouble relating to other girls in my comm (I'm older than most by at least a couple years, don't care about drama or who e-famous lolitas even are, and don't let lolita take up a huge amount of time in my life - I like talking about releases and stuff, but they're just clothes, and I can't relate to girls who put a ton of energy into it). I don't want to lose a friend in general, but I really don't want to lose my only real friend in this fashion that I've clicked with.

Hopefully it's just a case of us both being busy lately. I wish I were less of a socially anxious sperg.

>> No.8889242

>started going to cons and got into cosplay to make friends
>what few friends I do make are gulls from meetups, no one I've met purely at cons really cared for more than a picture
>I get approached for pictures but no one wants to actually talk or anything
>pictures are almost never posted, even when like 100+ people stop me for pictures
>I feel like everyone is laughing at me and just taking pictures to make fun of me
>I'm afraid that nobody wants to talk because they think I'm a hideous mess
>I already had self-esteem issues and it's getting worse because of these feelings
>I can't talk to my friends about this because I feel like I'm not a good friend and that I've isolated myself from them
>I don't want to burden them with my problems because I don't want to look needy or scare them away with my issues
>they're all in relationships and I'm happy for them but I keep getting crushed by how alone I feel
>I don't want to be the psycho friend with all the problems
>I'm scared that they talk about me behind my back and that they really hate me, but confronting them will make me look like an ass for not trusting them or reveal things I don't want to hear about myself

I'm even afraid to post this because they will probably see this and might figure out it's me, but this is the only place where I can vent.
All I wanted was to go out more and make friends. Now I just want to hide in bed and cry

>> No.8889244
File: 87 KB, 702x692, SvU8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Always been a cosplayer, recently trying to get into Jfash
>Kinda chubby, but usually not too hard to find things that fit my waist
>110 cm bust, so nearly impossible to find any tops that would come close to fitting without squeezing me

Right now, it's just been sticking to sweaters. On a good note, I found out reductions are sometimes covered by insurance if a doctor sees it as more necessary than cosmetic. If all goes well and my insurance covers it, I'm probably gonna get a reduction next summer because I hate having such a huge bust.

Congrats, anon! I've been trying to cut back on sugars and diet a little bit, and I think I've lost couple pounds since the beginning of the month.

>> No.8889273

Thank you anon, I actually have had those thoughts and actually did something really stupid on New Years. I have been feeling this way for quite some time now and honestly thought it was normal and not depression. But New Years made me open my eyes a bit and I have slowly been realizing that maybe I am not ok. Iwill hopefully be getting help soon. Sorry for blogging too.

>> No.8889274
File: 515 KB, 663x556, angryMissPiggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost weight for cosplay
>almost 35lbs
>didn't take any progress pics
>can't see any difference
>feel like I haven't lost anything
>sea of complements and congratulations
>those somehow make me feel ten times worse
>all I see in the mirror is fat cat woman, not 35lbs down cat woman

What was the point?

>> No.8889288

I feel the same way about my friends. It honestly is a horrible feeling. The fear them deceiving you, followed by the guilt of not trusting them ;_;. I'd be your friend anon.

>> No.8889293
File: 1.96 MB, 1334x750, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i usually think body dysmorphia is bullshit but you my actually have something like that

35 pounds is a lot of weight to lose for anyone, and I'm proud of you anon

please continue on your path to being your healthiest self

>> No.8889309

I haven't stopped and don't plan to until I reach my ideal of 120 (only 35 more to go...) but aside from having to take in every item of clothing I own, I just don't see much of a difference and I know I don't feel better either.

As for body dysmorphia? Who knows, maybe. I have severe depression and anxiety so that could just be hiding under the normal self loathing, but I don't think so.

>Choose all the limousines
>all the pictures are stretch hummers
>this is why I have to take medication

>> No.8889310

oh hey wait, only 25 more to go! Yay, I am bad at math!

>> No.8889313

I mean I have issues with my weight myself, but they're sort of in the opposite direction

I convinced myself that when I was 120 I was really fucking fat and after a while I was down to 95, for reference I am 5'6"

I've managed to gain 10~ pounds or so back but I'm still considered underweight

I have really bad anxiety so actually gaining weight is hard when I get sick every other time I eat

but you can do it anon! 120 is probably a good weight for you if you're in a normal height range

it's perfectly normal to have unrealistic views on what your weight is, but it sounds like you have a bunch of supportive people around you

don't forget that and just try and be as healthy of a version of you as possible

>> No.8889329

>Cosplay friend and I finally decide to cosplay characters from the same series!
>Both competent cosplayers, roughly on the same skill level, so I know her cosplay will look good.
>Invite other friends to attend convention with us.
>"You guys are cosplaying? That sounds fun! Can we join in?"
>One friend takes our advice, her costume is simple and is gonna look great.
>Other friend has history of taking weird short cuts with her costumes, which end up looking shitty to mediocre.
>Last friend wants to buy party city type costume.

I know we're gonna have fun regardless but damn I am not excited about dragging my friends kicking and screaming through this process.

>> No.8889346

Feelings are discussed on tumblr, this is 4chan. Please delete this thread. 4chan is for discussion of reality, fiction (anime/manga/video game), and Internet culture. Not "feels"

>> No.8889351

>stop posting what I don't like

it's ironic because your post is more tumblr than the rest of this thread

>> No.8889352

We've already had this argument and most people were in favor of these threads. Sorry you don't like it but you also have th option of not being in this thread.

>> No.8889355

not only do you need to move it but you need the not be with that guy...... he doesnt appreciate your wants and needs, clearly

>> No.8889390

Oh anon, I'd adopt you in a heartbeat and wear jfashion with you and bake you cupcakes while you save up money.
Nobody deserves to have to go through that.

>> No.8889392

>boyfriend forces you to wear normie clothes and uses you as an emotional-comfort living stress doll
You need to escape, i would lose my sanity in a place like that, you're rather resilient

>> No.8889425
File: 332 KB, 720x720, newfag detected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan invented feels ya doofus. are you mad somebody doesn't like your fapbait thread?

>> No.8889428

warn them that you take cosplay seriously and your priorities might be different. spare yourself the hurt feelings and at-con stress by communicating your personal goals and expectations now.

>> No.8889437
File: 91 KB, 286x278, ahegao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you are now the third to an adorable lolita couple in your comm
>i've never been so happy

>> No.8889460
File: 270 KB, 300x200, 350x700px-LL-335971cd_shirly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>con coming up in 3 weeks
>not even close to done with cosplay
>had an interview last week
>interviewer kissed me afterwards
>tfw I absolutely need to report this but I also really want this job
>tfw I don't have time for this shit right now
>mfw received a call from his office asking me to call them back

>> No.8889496
File: 33 KB, 197x228, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tfw, you can not obtain Vivian Westwood's Rare wing Harajuku sandals.

there is no sign of it, how shall I ever go live on

>> No.8889502

yoyoyoyo i've been looking for them for years, hey i'll evven get the replica at this pint but i can't even find that

>> No.8889563

>finally find a comm in my small-ish town
>join FB group
>itas, gender trenders, trannies, just flat out men wearing dresses.
>I'm disgusted
>the nearest comm that doesn't blow is 5+ hours away
Someone please give me strength

>> No.8889646

>planned sewing a dream cosplay for a while
>con is in three weeks
>finally have all materials together
>get a really nasty cold and being unable to concentrate for over a week now

Seems like I have to change plans, there's no way I'll manage to finish it now.

>> No.8889649

Kissed you? Like on the mouth or cheek?

>> No.8889650


>> No.8889669

>4chan isn't for feels
Where do you think we are right now?

>> No.8889697

Mouth. After the interview, the interviewers told me "off the record" that they were impressed with my application and encouraged me to apply for more positions in the company. The main guy walked me out and went on to tell me how interesting he found me, he really hoped to hear from me (he gave me his email earlier so I could inquire about other vacant positions), yadda yadda, then kissed me. Obviously I was completely taken by surprise so I just "let" it happen.

As an update: I did talk to him again today and recorded the conversation. I now have audio evidence where he states his name and admits to the act. Also clarified that nothing further would come of this. Dunno what to do. I really want the fucking job and it's upsetting that my application will be thrown out if I do report this. He also is actively looking for positions I'm qualified for. On the other hand, this is potential sexual harassment and abuse of power.

Not that I wanted this to happen at all, but I really wish it was a month later when I wasn't so busy and could at least properly focus on the issue. I spent a couple hours yesterday looking for their goddamn HR department contact info when I could've been painting a prop.

>> No.8889723

>tfw upper middleclass
>my friends are either poor as fuck or ALWAYS spending money and expect me to do so as well

I this much money because I spend it all

But I totally get you. I want a travel buddy so bad. my boyfriends got one, but i dont. We could go on cruises and to Japan or France and that shit would be so sweet

>> No.8889725

I love them to death, but I'm such a fuck up that I know they have to notice it. I want to share my feelings with them, but I've been feeling alone among them because of their relationships. They have people they can privately share everything with and now I know that they have shared personal things I trusted them with. They were mostly things I didn't mind getting out, but how can I fully trust them now?

>> No.8889737

...if he kisses you on mouth without permission the first day he meets you its definitely NOT going to go away.
You'll probably end up as a lampshade or something...

>> No.8889740
File: 328 KB, 1262x848, 1419438610470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since today was supposed to by my day off I was all set to not only work on my costumes all day (but also get chores and errands done as well).
But then my boss decided to wake me up at 7:30 this morning and demand I come in under the prematurely conceived notion that we'd be slammed all day.
Of course we ended up being slow all day so I ended up wasting my entire fucking day being in a place that I didn't need to be at when I could've been home getting shit done.

>> No.8889769
File: 26 KB, 320x320, hijikataandmayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I've bought so many things online that I don't even know what item today's delivery notice is
I'm usually organized, but with so many different packages from so many different places, it's hard to keep track. I suspect it's the randoseru I bought in January, but...

>> No.8889788

Why don't you just travel to those places with your boyfriend? That would probably be a lot more fun than traveling with just a friend

>> No.8889839


>> No.8889841
File: 9 KB, 342x342, 1454781979717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on rufflechat
>see someone who looks familiar
>click their profile
>clumsy fingers and weird laggy phone screen
>share one of their post to my timeline
I deleted it, but can they still see it in their notifications?

>> No.8889851
File: 50 KB, 412x280, 1455258383862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8889934

>cot excepted to a con AA last minute.
>killing self to prepare merch
>so tired but i hope itll be worth it
>its badly affecting my emotions though and im lashing out at everyone
>i just really want to finish this project

On the plus side i barely have time to eat so pounds are dropping off like mad. I'm going to wear lolita at my booth so I'm happy itll fit better. Maybe ill be cute for once.

>> No.8889936

Report that shit.

>> No.8889947

>tfw looked at estimated shipping from Australia to my country for the first time

What the actual fuck? I really want one or two of Pepfox's brooches, but I cannot justify paying around 80$ total just to get two little accessories to me. Ugh. Maybe I'll find them secondhand one day. Damn.

>> No.8889958

I'm sorry that you were really excited about this job anon, but if you don't report this he'll probably end up doing it to someone else since he obviously thinks it's totally fine. Best case scenario they hire you and fire him, worst case they'll toss out your application but at least you won't work with someone who sexually harasses people.

>> No.8889990

>They have people they can privately share everything with and now I know that they have shared personal things I trusted them with. They were mostly things I didn't mind getting out, but how can I fully trust them now?
>tfw iktf

i hold friends' secrets in confidence, and even if i need to vent anonymously i change details to make them unrecognizable. i hate that it is so common to discuss other people when they are not around, and that people "in love" (who statistically will not be together forever) are free to violate confidences shared with others.

>> No.8889996
File: 165 KB, 675x337, 1453395951440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scrolling Rufflechat
>accidentally "like" a random inane comment from a stranger
>remember it forever

>> No.8889999


>> No.8890001

I ate some dinner. I'm hella broke this week though and theres not much food around.

>> No.8890034

Even worse when on a site like tumblr or twitter you accidently follow someone and you know they saw it.

>> No.8890036

It was the oddest thing getting contacted by my now former confidant's bf about very private things that literally no one else knew about. She was my best friend, but at this point I've got no one I can trust enough to keep my feelings secret.

>> No.8890046

I've had something similar happen. A good friend told her boyfriend about something very private, and he lashed out at me over it even though it had literally nothing to do with either of them at all, he was just a bitter twat. It taught me not only to distance myself from them but to also never tell anyone anything that I wouldn't mind being repeated. That sort of behavior is why I don't keep friend circles anymore, just have a few close friends here and there who don't really know each other, and anyone else they know is just a casual friend to me at best.

>> No.8890076

Found my first thrift store loliable blouse! Only problem is a missing wrist button, which is super easily fixable. It was a great trip overall, got lots of larme styled things, a CD from one of my favorite artists, and a movie my bf and I were just recently talking about watching but couldn't find on netflix. Was in a bad mood so i'm glad the thrift gods were smiling upon me.

>> No.8890100

What is this guy's position? Will he be your boss if you get hired? If not, it may be worth it to keep your evidence and bide your time. After you're hired, continue recording all of your interactions. If you're uncomfortable around him in ANY capacity early on, bring your concerns to your boss along with your evidence from the interview. Most companies don't take sexual harassment seriously, but you have a confession on tape.

And if they don't hire you, report him anyway.

>> No.8890201

Yes, anon! Let the magic of thrifting run through you. I love good thifting days.
I was stalking and accidentally reblogged my exbf's exgf's photo on tumblr once and I died inside because my blog is full of OC featuring my face and she knows who I am.

>> No.8890226

>tfw your holy grail dream dress is selling for $2,756+ usd with no BIN and 3 weeks left of bidding
>f u c k

dear Baby, please for the love of god rerelease this dress set, I'll gladly throw 1,000 at you if it means I don't have to pay 2,700+

>> No.8890233

>tfw your brother's SO is a total nerd
>tfw she's excited as fuck to learn you like the same fandoms she does
>tfw she wants to talk cosplay unprompted

I've always liked this kid in general, but she was really shy around me for the first couple years they were dating. Now that she knows I'm as much of a dork as she is, she's so much warmer with me, and idk, that's just sort of a nice, fuzzy feel. She might even start cosplaying with me.

>captcha wants street signs
>gives me no street signs

>> No.8890256

I like having a big friend circle that all interacts. I like when my friends are friends or more with each other. But I can't feel like I'm as important to them as they are to me. I'm afraid my issues are now just entertaining talking points to them.

>> No.8890357

>want to apply for a maid cafe
>am brown

>maid cafes usually go either 1 of 2 ways

>maids are hired according to person's personal preference (usually asian girls with some white girls mixed in)

>maids are hired because they know someone working on con staff (usually you can tell because these cons have ugly maids)
>con seems to be route 1.

dammit Anime Expo, I had higher hopes for you but im still gonna try

>> No.8890445

> Cameo Window finally comes back up in blue on the auctions sites
> Gets paid in 5 days
> It's above market value so figures it won't sell
> It doesn't
> Seller doesn't relist for some reason

Why though.

>> No.8890521
File: 18 KB, 500x375, anxiety-charlie-brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> went through a series of abusive & bullying relationships and friendships with cosplay people
> last time this happened I was assaulted sexually by my "friend" & they got away with it by using their relationship with populars to make me look bad.
> recently set up a cospage to try making new friends and put shitty people behind me
> too nervous to do sexy things anymore without supervision from bf or friends
> photogs ignore me for not being sexy
> other cosplayers ignore me for not having enough likes or knowing "cool" people
> everyone treats me like a scumbag for using /cgl/ even though I have nowhere else in the community to vent safely.

I- I don't know what to do guys. Scared I might crack and do something stupid. I'm sorry it's not a funny story.

>> No.8890551
File: 1.56 MB, 400x267, 1452490441394.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw months behind on a prop commission

i need the money and i am too sick to finish.

>> No.8890565

>tfw finally take the plunge to buy $150 worth of accessories for coordinates
>feeling anxious but haven't spent money in a long time
>suddenly, toilet, shower and dishwasher all break in turn
>crying out of frustration because my place is a fucking dump and I never have enough time to fix/clean/change everything

It's not like I wanted to be cute, anyway..

>> No.8890573

>tfw the get isn't bumping anymore

check it before it archives, gulls. >>8888888

more entertaining than trolling fap threads i guess.

>> No.8890578

I feel this way too. Ive lost like 70lbs so far and am currently in a healthy weight range for my height, but I still feel like a lardass. I've got like 15 more pounds left to lose so I just hope that by then I will actually look the way I want to. It doesn't help that I have a large bust and it makes me look larger than I am. Some of my lolita pieces do fit better, but not as well as I would like.

>> No.8890593

>broke up with my bf
>doubt i'm gonna find anyone who was as accepting of lolita as he was
>don't feel like wearing lolita anymore
>getting close to crawling back to him

>> No.8890613

Why did you break up? If he was being abusive in some way, stay the fuck away. If it just wasn't working, don't bother going back, it won't make either of you happy and it'll end up being more emotionally taxing. If one of you cheated, also don't bother going back, it'll happen again.

>> No.8890639
File: 1.29 MB, 557x605, 1456356190877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting gf into more and more anime
>favourites so far are Steins;Gate, Parasite and Girls und Panzer
>mfw thinking about all those cosplay opportunities

>> No.8890664
File: 113 KB, 474x599, 474px-Red_Slowbro_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>doubt i'm gonna find anyone who was as accepting of lolita as he was

Nigga wut. It's the secret dream of like half the con-going male crowd to have a lolita gf.

Do you only hang out with normies or something?

>> No.8890721

Anon, my boyfriend is the normiest of normies, and he's very accepting of lolita. He's not nuts over it, no, but he tells me how cute/pretty I look when I wear it and likes that I've made friends through the fashion, so he supports it. You'd be surprised at how many guys would be okay with it, even ones who seem like they might not. Don't go back to someone who didn't work for you just because you're afraid of rejection elsewhere.

>> No.8890746
File: 60 KB, 750x556, 1453660656974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You broke up for a reason, stick with the decision and accept it, better things will show up if you accept you are on your own now.

>> No.8890795

Why the fuck are you telling people you're on cgl in the first place?

>> No.8890801

start ignoring the scumbags, focus on self improvement, make them eat dirt

>> No.8890884

I don't really bring it up in regular conversation but a few people figured it out and decided to hold it against me. People in my comm have just gotten petty as fuck lately.

Thank you anon.

>> No.8890919

What is it? My favorite meta dress is also similarly overpriced right now, I figured that was what you would mean before I read your post

>> No.8890920

Message them, f a m. I always like that as a seller, I hate relisting

>> No.8890928
File: 120 KB, 1920x1080, nonsense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ordered a sailor fuku and don't know when I'd ever wear it.

Especially since I'm a guy.

I guess to weeaboo events?

I just got it to cheer myself up after my sister moved away.

>> No.8890933

As long as you're cute, it won't matter.
The worst part about this, though, is that they usually have an "invisible quota", so once they've gotten one cute brown girl, two max, that's all they're getting. Anymore than that and it's too ethnic :^)

/cgl/ gets are best. Fuck vp, they always get them on other boards.

Just wearing at home is a good enough reason, in my opinion. If you're feminine, you can trap it up at cons! If you're masculine, you can jokingly trap it up at cons! It's a win-win.

>> No.8890951

It's on Y!A though, no idea how to go about doing that without getting a nonsensical mess of broken Google Translate Japanese...

>> No.8890984

Yeah, I figured it'd be a fun late-night costume at out-of-state cons. At 6'5", I can't actually be a trap, but whatever. I'm gonna look "kawaii uguu" as the kids say.

>> No.8890987

this! it's important to seek medical help. I used to be super exhausted all the time to the point of barely being able to function, and made it through to finally get on antidepressants from my doc and it's helped me a lot. I have low blood pressure and get scatterbrained and tired easily, so my antidepressant, bupropion, has really helped me stay awake and be more alert, and it's helped my moods return to normal, and helped me start focusing more. if you can do little things first, like just take care of yourself, bathe regularly, eat regularly, go outside, even if it's just for a short walk, that will help you in little ways that will eventually build up to helping you a lot. hang in there, anon!

>> No.8890988
File: 75 KB, 540x748, itsmegoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to reply to >>8890933

>> No.8891013
File: 95 KB, 700x379, letitgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be pretty content dude
>order Sailor Moon costume to compliment gf's Venus
>two months before con
>split up with gf
>feel listless and uninspired ever since
>just going through the motions in life
>trying hard to be creative again
>expensive ADD meds don't even help much

>currently lying here alone, heavily medicated, jerking off, dressed as Sailor Moon

>> No.8891038

I wish I had a tall bro who was comfortable enough with crossdressing for con fun. I would love to dress in an over the top pompadour and those delinquent boy's school outfits.

If this is true, I'm really sorry. Sounds like it was s a really hard break up.

>> No.8891091

You've got a ton of other threads and boards to go to not to mention the ENTIRE FUCKING NET. Why the hell do you gotta jump in this one thread just to whine about it when you can just hide and ignore it? Idiot.

I don't think the internet is for you, so let me suggest you shut down whatever device you're on and go for a walk to learn why you shouldn't waste your time complaining about things you don't like and to not take the net so seriously.

>> No.8891092

I don't think it's bitchy to think these things, as long as you know you wouldn't vocalise the bitchy thoughts. Be glad your friend is happy, just don't let her stretch out your brand

>> No.8891113

I'm the anon you're replying to, and to be honest I never thought I'd never find a friend who liked the same shit I'm interested in, so keep on believing!

Also good luck with the comm! I've never joined one!

>> No.8891121

>went a local con in December, cutie pie cosplaying Russia from Hetalia wandering around.
>was there alone, seemed really sweet
>too nervous to talk to them, spend whole day working up courage to talk
>Finally do, have perfect opportunity and good way to invite them to hang out with friend and I
>Don't see them anywhere at that point, Head to event hoping I might see them after
>Never see them after that and can't go to last day of con

This still bothers me, dear god. I would have thought I imagined them if not for my friend and the photo we got of them.

>> No.8891148
File: 315 KB, 1070x1188, dippergf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's basically what I used to do with my sister before she moved to another state. We used to be Jojo and Ryuko Matoi.

I really miss it.

>> No.8891228

>bought cute double row leg garters
>my time to be kawaii is now
>they don't fit my thigh
>they fit my calf
>losing weight everywhere but my thighs and hips

>> No.8891272

Not sure if it fits here, but the drawthread here always annoys me, it's always filled with people who seem to have never visited any board on 4chan before, just to get a free drawing.

Oh and don't you dare say anything but positive sparkles and sunshine about outfits or else people will call you a bully, even when the person is ita as fuck.

>> No.8891276

>tfw I'm finally going to have a cute fun guy boyfriend to go to conventions with this year
I'm so excited. Can't wait to fall into his arms after a night of dancing with my shoes off to J-Pop and cheese.

>> No.8891288

>not just being a relentless con slut instead

wew lad

>> No.8891290

>implying 95% of this board actually visits a board other than /cgl/

>> No.8891291

same here, anon! Congrats!

>> No.8891308
File: 744 KB, 245x137, 250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeling sad
>no bf to cuddle anymore
>I'll just buy some lolita shit
>nothing worth getting
>no money anyways

Honestly senpai, this
I used to years ago, but like /cgl/ is the only board with content I care about anymore.
And it's gotten a lot of attention from its negative rep which attracted the tumblrs.

>> No.8891309
File: 326 KB, 500x281, tumblr_manz9bdaZU1rt2e8mo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a job interview later today, it's exactly what I was looking for and I really hope I present myself well and don't stuff it up

>> No.8891330

Good luck, anon!

>> No.8891335

/cgl/ has a negative rep with Tumblr, or with the rest of 4chan?

>> No.8891347

I meant I'm pretty sure the negative reputation attracts a lot of curious tumblrfags who end up staying or just posting in the drawthread.
It obviously used to have a negative reputation with other boards especially as the vagina board (the period talk caps are great) but I'm not sure if any one cares anymore.

>> No.8891360

I always found it hilarious how the period talk cap is used to show how gross we are, yet you have guys on other boards proudly posting their piss jugs and cum jars with date and time

>> No.8891373
File: 18 KB, 500x282, 12227199_929167583785452_3293511565167580888_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're too stupid for your classes
>tfw you try to talk to your professors but you are too spaghetti to keep up a conversation
>tfw you're an ita and a joke to your comm
>tfw you will never do anything right nor will you ever accomplish anything remarkable because you're an unintelligent scumbag piece of shit

>> No.8891377

>mfw a girl starts unfriending everyone who went to AM
>mfw the girl is in-charge of a fashions how I wan to be in

I don't understand why people would go to such lengths when it's really just a convention? To lose friends over something like that??
I mean it's not like stuff like that doesn't happen EVERYWHERE.
AM was just the first that people started reaching out about.

>> No.8891380


>> No.8891411

>Scarlet Primavera Waltz sealed with accessories
>tfw there's a Meta dress going for the same
what even is that Meta dress??

>> No.8891421


Sounds like you only friended her for the fashion show. Can't really feel sorry for you for that.

>> No.8891433

Some people have convictions and expect others to show the same concern for their community/desire to hold leaders of organizations accountable for their actions. It may not be uncommon to hear stories of such incompetence or seedy behavior, but it's fairly uncommon to have people step forward with proof, let alone in such volume. Good for her for taking a stand about something she cares about when the opportunity presents itself.

Also, facebook friend =/= real friend. You don't sound like you were even really friends with her. Go apply for AM's fashion show instead.

>> No.8891467

They don't even have an invisible quota. Looking up pics of girls from past years I don't see anyone brown. Like, one ugly girl but after the past years of all Asian girls you just KNOW she knows someone
R.i.p. my weeaboo dreams

>> No.8891475

After a couple days message her and ask if it arrived safely. Continue talking from there.

>> No.8891481

Over the last year, I have only made costumes from this one series. I feel kind of crappy about it but nothing else has really called to me. Makes me feel kinda shitty and I don't really know why

>> No.8891485

No not at all. I really liked her and wished we could have talked more, but we're in different comms. I would have messaged her more but she was always busy when I did :/
Dunno if she even liked me either for whatever reason

>> No.8891494

Yeah you're right. Real friends vs. fb friends wouldn't dissown you if you choose to do something they might not agree with.
I do genuinely wanted friendship with her and not in for just being apart of the show. She's a great gal and it makes me sad she did this to a quite a bit of girls.
If they apply too I hope them the best.

>> No.8891499

I mean, they might, if they feel strongly enough about it. But you yourself have said you weren't close friends, so it doesn't really matter in your case, and I'm willing to bet the majority of the other girls she unfriended were likewise not important in her life. Not enough for her to look the other way on them supporting something she obviously strongly disagrees with, anyway.

>> No.8891500

>the negative reputation attracts a lot of curious tumblrfags who end up staying or just posting in the drawthread.
yep. tumblrfags invade BECAUSE of the bad reputation, and then they think they can shit all over /cgl/ because it's the naughty place lolitas go to be mean.

however, the drawthread also attracts tumblrfags who find art on tumblr with captions like "a kind anon drew me on cgl" and come here for that.

i would really, really encourage those in the drawthread to stick around past the 200 post mark, save your art for those who are still around after the initial newfag flurry has died down.

>> No.8891504


also if she feels that strongly about AM, you would have clashed with her anyway.

your decisions affect the company you keep. be someone worth keeping as a friend.

>> No.8891508

I hope you can save up enough money for you to drive back to your parents soon (or for them to come get you)

>> No.8891513

Yeah I agree with you on not being that important in her life. We weren't close enough to be considered good enough friends so i was probably just part of a check list.
I just don't agree with people losing actual close friends because of something like this
I think I heard someone say she even ended a friendship with one of her maids of honor from her wedding. Someone I would assume she's known for years at least?

>> No.8891516

If she even befriends one of her brides maids I don't think i would have even lived up to her friend standards.
All in all that's kinda messeded up for something that petty

>> No.8891521

The 1st step to not being stupid is to understand that you're stupid

>> No.8891523


>> No.8891528

> weathers warming up, going to more events, great plans, life's good
> coord starting to come together
> have some plans for tattoos, hair, maybe even a piercing
> want to do everything before joining military for that great pay
> basicially just excited for life

And then I fucking sell out.

> offered new job that I didn't even apply for or want
> weekend job, 28 hours, 11$ hour, 25% off rent, free water and electric +450$ commision in my apartments office.
> no tattoos, flats and red hair are considered out there for them.
> will never have a weekend off for meet or con
> and I fucking live here so I can't just quit without it being awkward and worried about them slamming me on move out fees and shit.

And the worst part

> have been looking at houses for two months to move out of here.

It's so convenient, and would give me more money for hobbies and savings but hot damn I'm so miserable thinking about it already.
I was giving myself a free period before I go military living strict, and this is what I still put myself into.

>> No.8891541

you don't know her full reasons. you don't know if she was personally affected by the Leighs, if she wanted an excuse to can that bridesmaid anyway, or what. you don't know her well enough to decide whether or not her reasons are petty.

sounds like you're just butthurt about the fashion show. you have no reason to care what she does with her wedding, especially when you believe it's not a big deal to give the Leighs money. if stealing from and lying to your friends, harassing them, and running them out of communities isn't a big deal, defriending some of them on Facebook can't be that serious of an issue either, can it?

>> No.8891551

Best of luck Anon!

>> No.8891554

>knock head against something
>go about my day normally with slight headache and nausea
>next day feeling okay
>but when I try and actually focus on something I feel dizzy
>end up vomiting on brand because of head injury
>literally my favorite dress too
>left with hospital bill and vomit stained brand

>> No.8891557

I made the mistake of going to /jp/ once; there were like 2 separate 'Ona hole' or whatever they call their fleshlights threads. One was essentially an Aliexpress thread solely based on where to buy and reviews of, the other was Waifu hell.

>> No.8891562

that sucks Anon but at least you're not in a coma.

>> No.8891565

nah I'm just stuck with dizziness and difficulty with my memory for 3 months to a year

I'm really pissed about my dress though, it's full of good memories

>> No.8891569

Is there nothing you can do to clean it?

>> No.8891572

I've never gotten a stain like that on a print before so I don't know what I could do to get it out without fucking it up

>> No.8891576

So she cares more than you do about people stealing, lying, and harming others in her community and doesn't want to be friends with people who financially support that behavior. Get over it. You sound asspained more than anything by bitching about someone else's friendship standards, ma famille.

>> No.8891577

Maybe take a few pics and make a post in the help thread or lolita general thread, someone might be able to help.

>> No.8891579

>'Ona hole' or whatever they call their fleshlights threads

You're not alone, I've visited those threads a few times just because I couldn't believe they had entire threads about what loli image plastered fleshlight felt the best.
In a way it was kind of amazing seeing those guys just discuss how everything felt, reviewing their latest additions etc.

I'd argue their idol group threads are worse, it's just them jerking off to underage girls.

>> No.8891580

I would but I'm afraid people will be super grossed out and tell me not to post things like that. it's very obvious what the stain is

>> No.8891584

well then your best options are researching the fabric and googling the best cleaning methods for it, researching the print to see if anyone else has basic cleaning tips or chucking it in the washing machine and hoping for the best.

>> No.8891585

is not being cool with people paying money to known scammers or sexual harassers considered "petty" these days? how about that.

>> No.8891589

Serves you right, she's just person with a good moral compass

>> No.8891605

All this friend talk reminds me of one of my old friends who was super into lolita until her mother found out and threw out most of her dresses. (Not even related to the other topic but)
I felt so bad for her and offered to keep the dresses her mother didn't throw out at my place.
When she comes over we secretly dress up and go out.
Always tons of fun.

>> No.8891610
File: 378 KB, 381x485, 1210956056768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parents who don't respect their kids property are the worst
One of the easy ways to fuck people up when they are older

>> No.8891636

Aw that's adorable, congrats and hopefully a awesome sister in law!

>> No.8891662 [DELETED] 

>Finally saving up, getting somewhere
>dietpills are awesome, eating two small meals a day
>broken bone so I don't have to go out and spend money on bs
>in one month I'll have money and lost weight

I'm gonna shop so hard.

>> No.8891669

shop for lolita that is, considering so many threads have been deleted for OT lately.

I've even been building my wishlist finally, setting a theme and solidifying it, getting closer with the girls in my com and generally starting to feel kinda good despite being sore as fuck.

>> No.8891672
File: 23 KB, 754x264, fuck u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*posts, not threads btw.

>> No.8891689 [DELETED] 

My beautiful ratty passed away at 3 years old today. I love him so much, I don't know what to do. Sorry for OT.

>> No.8891691 [DELETED] 

What was his name anon?

>> No.8891697 [DELETED] 

Walter. He was so sweet and very resilient, his mobility had been deteriorating for months (he wasn't in pain, but frustrated that he couldn't go about his business and needed more help) and he outlived the average life span by a lot. But 3 years really isn't long enough.

>> No.8891698 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry to hear that Anon. Is 3 an average lifespan for a pet rat or was he ill?

>> No.8891699 [DELETED] 

RJ, I'm so sorry. :(
I was afraid that this was you when I refreshed the page, though I wasn't the anon that asked for his name. RIP, Walter, bless your furry little soul.

>> No.8891700 [DELETED] 

R.I.P Walter.

>> No.8891705 [DELETED] 

I love that name. I want to offer you a drawing or something in his honor. Im sorry if thats weird.

>> No.8891708 [DELETED] 

2 years is the average, so at 3 years, 3 months he was very old. He went peacefully but his age finally caught up with him in terms of his body.

I didn't know anyone local came here (unless you're MS?), thank you for being so sweet.

Thank you, I was very lucky to have him for those 3 years.

>> No.8891715

Mine is like that with a lot of my nerd stuff. I collect dolls, both BJD and monster high. Every time I left for college I'd put all the BJD's away as well as most of the MH ones. I forgot to one time with some of my MH ones, and was sent a picture of them with their heads popped off.

Now I'm kind of forced to live with them for another month till my visa goes through and I'm moving away again for work (just between gigs right now, an issue of the periods of time my job of choice hires) I got a storage locker for my stuff, so my parents wont be able to do anything to any of it. I just hate having it all packed away instead of being able to work on my cosplays freely or display my collections.

>> No.8891717 [DELETED] 
File: 1.24 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_20150820_223311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's so sweet of you, it was hard to pick, but here is one of him late last year before he was starting to decline in movement. If you could add a banana somewhere (he absolutely loved them), that would be really great. Thanks so much

>> No.8891722 [DELETED] 

Why are the janitors here such assholes? Most of us have pets, srsly

>> No.8891725 [DELETED] 

I will send tomorrow. Please let me know your tumblr or a throw away email. I have something special in mind and i'll have to mail it to you. Again, sorry if it's weird, I'm very sensitive to animal death.

>> No.8891729 [DELETED] 

My tumblr is ruinscathedral. Thank you. <3

>> No.8891736 [DELETED] 

and the foot thread, which is obviously just fap material, is still up.

fuck. i don't dispute deleting OT feels, but to take action against innocuous shit like that while a whole /b/ or /s/ tier masturbation thread is weird, do we have different janitors for different parts of the board?

>> No.8891753 [DELETED] 

Stay classy janitors stay classy

>> No.8891776 [DELETED] 

I have so many cgl related feels about the shitty janitor who clearly can't be bothered to spend any time in any thread other than the feels thread. It's a repetitive fucking curse.

Why don't you just ban the entire makeup thread? I hope everyone who recommends any western brand of skincare is deleted, I hope that every fucking thread that is not about cosplay or elegant gothic lolita (that exact subtype) is deleted so that you can finally feel as though you've achieved something in your empty life.

This is very clearly /cgl/ related, so suck my dick and stop shitting up the board more with your obvious targeting.

>> No.8891783
File: 236 KB, 752x1600, 23471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no cosplayer, but a good number of my closest friends since high school are. They all went to college in-state, while I studied abroad overseas. I usually don't get to see them until I come back home for Summer/Winter breaks.

Because of the seasons I'm back home, when I come back they're all preparing cosplays for big conventions. Every week, they have a kind of cosplay work hang-out that I join in on.

It's so nice to see everyone so busy and happy. I mean, all I do is drink beer and watch them toil about their projects, but still. It looks like a good time. Sometimes some of their boyfriends will be there too, and we'll play some Smash while they do their thing.

It's just quaint to see all my cosplayer friends helping each other out and drawing up references. They all seem so excited, stressed, and lively at the same time. It makes me happy!

Anyway, tl;dr:
I really admire your guys' passion for cosplay. Keep up the good work!

>> No.8891787

I was b/cancer for 8 years now but I thoughth OP ment other threads. Efame hungry girl in my community comes here regularly for draw threads and in the same breath claims cgl is Satans asshole but recommends the rest of our comm come here for drawings. She's wide af and gets drawn because she up plays her uguuu uzzlang face

>tfw can finally do picture captvha on mobile again instead of audio one

>> No.8891789 [DELETED] 

Man, fuck the janitors
No other board gets micromanaged like CGL and it's only for the lolita shit
>Janitors making me rage

>> No.8891794

mthfr-fag here: get tested for MTHFR

>> No.8891816

I'm really sorry about your dolls. And seriously, how fucked up do you have to be to see your kids totally harmless stuff and not only decide to destroy it but to do it in a taunting and extremely dramatic manner.

>> No.8891827

delete this too, I dare you

>> No.8891830

For my mom its about the money. Even though I make my own cash and buy my nerd stuff with my wallet. But she'll still always complain that 'I waste my money on trash'
I solve the problem by hiding my stuff, getting a PO box so when stuff gets delivered she will never know, and getting everything prepped for when I move.

>> No.8891841

drawthreads have a different feel to them than any other thread, because it's generally both gulls and artists outing themselves. I don't mind it. I'll attack any ita, but it feels wrong seeing people getting shit on in the draw thread. Dunno why.

>> No.8891852

Thank you guys! The interviewers were super chill, which kind of unbalanced me, and they asked a few questions which were out of the norm, but overall I think I gave a good impression. Fingers are definitely crossed!

>> No.8891859 [DELETED] 

Things apparently /cgl/ related
gg janitor, did your job for you, shitstain.

>> No.8891871

Did you forget that cosplay is a part of /cgl/?

>> No.8891878 [DELETED] 


I'll make a feels post :^)

Today I was considering the character I next want to cosplay while I was grocery shopping. When I reached for a carrot it was mouldy and disgusting! The manager wouldn't give me a satisfactory explanation and all the carrots were bad, how am I going to make carrot soup now /cgl/? :(

>you know it's fucking true

>> No.8891880 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 236x236, 5013ebce89f316e6859d4aaf6319d3af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8891897 [DELETED] 

>tfw you're an ita and a joke to your comm

Nope, not /cgl/ related at all.

>> No.8891907

Omg anon that sucks. At least you aren't in a coma like the other anon said.

And for your dress, maybe you can use baking soda by making it into a paste with water and make it absorb the bad smell and some of the stains. Then use white vinegar with warm water in a spray bottle to kill any bad smell and remove most of the stains. Hope for the best anon!

>> No.8891909 [DELETED] 

Only thrown in for relevance. Anon wants to complain about their terrible life. Itas don't know thy are itas, they probably don't even own any lolita and just lurk the comm.

>Tfw wisdom teeth removed
>have ingrown toenail
>failing my classes
>BF dumped me for supermodel normie chick
>I can't sew for cosplay
>my life is a huge mess, I have no money, my parents abuse me and I'm an aspie hurr durr

One of these things is not like the other.
But because you disagree with one of my 'off topic' selections, they must all be completely in their place in this thread, right?

Look. My point is that the Janitors can't just let 50% of non-cgl stuff slide and remove 50% of it, it's confusing and shitty. The anon whose pet rat died was offered a piece of art in his memory and posted their tumblr, then suddenly those posts were deleted.

Yet, these posts about school, depression, suicide, money, job interviews, memes, weightloss and fat people can all slide because, what? Who knows!

The feels thread either needs to be open to OT stuff, or completely closed to it.

>> No.8891911

I go on /a/, /jp/, and /cgl/ since /jp/ has the rhythm gaming threads there. I looked into the bjd thread but dear god it was just horny guys posting their dolls and their awkward boners when posing with said dolls.

I feel like this board is the only normal board and has content I like a lot.

>> No.8891916

If you want a decent BJD thread try the one on /toy/ I used to post in there when I was actively collecting.

>> No.8891945

I was talking to my crush and I compared myself to a tsundere.

I'm so embarrassed ;_;

>> No.8891956

u fukkin shud b

>> No.8891977

>Yet, these posts about school, depression, suicide, money, job interviews, memes, weightloss and fat people can all slide because, what? Who knows!
a lot of them are continued conversations that began ontopic. not every post will be 100% cosplay/lolita 100% of the time, we would lose chunks out of most threads.

don't be daft

>> No.8891989

I know, I'm a huge baka

>> No.8891992

I have never understood what sort of person would do such a thing, much less what sort of parent. Like what drives someone to actually ruin another person's belongings and invade their privacy?

>> No.8892000

But we can at least agree that the janitors are a bunch of dick bags, right?

>> No.8892006
File: 996 KB, 500x370, 1449270967887.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lack of boundaries, paranoid delusion, and/or sadism.

my psychotic X chromosome donor threw out a lot of my stuff and persuaded me a doll in the house was possessed and we needed to pray over it. why not throw it out like all the books and movies with magic (that were all evil, including Narnia)? because it was a gift from Grandma and Grandma's feelings actually mattered.

any toy rumored by our church to be evil (Cabbage Patch kids, Trolls, Magic 8 Balls) went into the garbage. but the doll that she told me had an actual demon inside of it stood out in the open until she decided it was pure.

had nightmares about that doll for years into adulthood. now i wear gothic lolita and i am well aware of the connection. spooky doll for life.

>and beyond

>> No.8892009

Yeah, it's not about the money. It's about her. That's just what she says to camouflage the real issue.

>> No.8892023

>Was bought up to be frugal with my money, always think purchases over, never go below an alloted amount in my bank account etc if I could
>Now I'm working I'm making more money than I'm spending, especially since I'm being really careful with my lolita purchases
>Have managed to save up quite a lot of money and am looking to make props for a OTT outfit for a convention
>Put all the stuff in my ebay basket and it comes to a lot but I can afford it
>Feel like I'm a bad person for wanting this stuff instead of saving, I feel really guilty and like I'm spoiling myself even though I haven't been by any standards

>> No.8892029 [DELETED] 

as much as you want to be the janitor, you're not. you're just some annoying little shitstain with too much free time and a superiority complex.

>> No.8892035

I feel this, I buy all my normie stuff in sales, feel bad if anything is full price, am super frugal and Scrooge like, but then I started lolita recently and it's such a leap for me, even though I was fully aware that lolita sales would be way more expensive than full price normie clothes from the high street. Every purchase I make is a seesaw of should I , shouldn't I

>> No.8892039

Seeing the items you bought on closet child come up with the sold out sign because you bought them
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yis. Mine, all mine!!!!

>> No.8892089 [DELETED] 

>don't you dare reply to someone else's feel

>> No.8892090
File: 253 KB, 500x252, stockinglove.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of my OKC pics are cosplay
>girl likes my profile
>she describes her fashion sense as "kawaii" but otherwise doesn't mention anime or weeb shit.

I think I've come across a semi-secret weeb. How do I engage without looking like otaku scum?

Also, I'm slightly worried that I'm only contacting her because I feel the need to fill my ex-gf's role asap. I say I'm over her, but I'm totally lying to myself.

>> No.8892128

Some times i pay for my friends where they like it or not because otherwise we'd never do do anything together. I'm willing to spend money for the memories

>> No.8892186

I was dating a guy from out of my city, he was about 2 hours away, and he came to stay with me for a weekend and didn't shower once, I was so grossed out that I broke up with him. It's gross and it's rude, why would you think I would want to touch you if you haven't showered in almost 3 days?

>> No.8892200 [DELETED] 

So basically the only difference between that anon and our actual janitor is the ability to delete posts?

>> No.8892203


>> No.8892206

If your profile photos are only of you in cosplay, you've already established yourself as otaku scum.

>> No.8892227

hair wont stop frizzing no matter what i do to it ;_;
it's better than it was a few years ago but i don't think it'll ever stop completely

>> No.8892249
File: 11 KB, 129x128, 1451008733155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I befriended this fat weeb girl at school because I was getting a bit lonely and holy shit, biggest mistake. I prefer to hide my power level in public and she have been somewhat quiet about it as well. After we started talking she has gone full blown turbo weeb and it's getting really embarrassing. I already want to end the friendship and I feel really bad about it.
>mfw she said "sayonara" to our teacher

>> No.8892266 [DELETED] 

>you're just some annoying little shitstain with too much free time and a superiority complex.
That's what the jannie is, idiot. Do you think they get paid?

>> No.8892278
File: 913 KB, 500x281, fan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First heat wave of the year
>Always forget how hot it gets here
>The big conventions always seem to land in the middle/end of heat waves
>It's hot here about 70% of the year anyways
>Always need to avoid getting sweat on my lolita clothes
>Decide "fuck this heat"
>Bought myself a replica of Dream Marine
>Less worry about wearing it out on hot days
>It has pockets so I'm going to get myself a mini-fan and decorate it to match
>Lots of cute resin jewellery to go with it
>Found a orignal pair of the tights (OTKs are usually thicker and catch more sweat)
>Gonna wear it with no blouse
>Gonna wear it with no shame!

>> No.8892293
File: 26 KB, 391x366, Can We Fix It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be male
>like making things
>even things men aren't supposed to like making
>things such as womens clothes
>none of my current friends cosplay so no one would wear anything I made
>cross dressing is not for me so I wouldn't wear them either
>haven't made anything in years now
>miss it, but don't want to deal with the hassle some folks I know, especially some of the girls, will cause me if they found out I like making womens clothes
>could sell online but I like to see my work worn and enjoyed in person
>couldn't match the quality of most sellers either

Ultimately I'm just making excuses not to do it anymore.

>> No.8892297

/tg/ is pretty good. One of the memes about it is "You don't even need the other boards anymore."

In some ways, they can get pretty lewd, though, and some of the Quest threads are laughable, but it's made up for by some of the best stories and discussions you can get on 4chan.

>> No.8892299

If you're female, both of your parents donated an X chromosome, anon.

>> No.8892301

Some people can honestly be alright going a few days without showering, though.

Showering every day regardless of whether you actually need to is a good way to dry out your skin and hair.

>> No.8892304

>all of my OKC pics are cosplay

But why? That just seems a bit silly to me.

>> No.8892432

Oh, fair point. I just don't want to look like that's all I'm about.

That's when I look my best, and also to attract fellow weebs.

>> No.8892452 [DELETED] 

My roommate is gone for the week so I stay at work longer at night and try to go out for dinner or a movie because if I'm home alone I just binge on random sugary things and drink. I have to get hammered if I wanna sleep anyway. I try to make plans with my closest friends so I won't feel too lonely but they keep cancelling on me. I hate my face it has gotten swollen because of purging and alcohol. I don't know what to do, I can't handle myself anymore.

>> No.8892453

>Sent my favorite brooch through the washing machine.
>It's ruined
>Upset at own stupidity.
>I'm already a nervous wreck.

I hate myself sometimes.

>> No.8892474
File: 43 KB, 500x717, CRrt8qwXIAAsRFl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, so many fashion designers are male. i hope you find a way to enjoy your hobby without ignorant fools bringing you down.

>> No.8892476

which is more likely: anon knows that, or anon is not male?

>> No.8892511

And you had to support art theft for this.... why?

You realize there are lots of cheap lolita dresses on taobao for less than what those replicas cost, right?

Or did you just feel you were entitled to that specific print at a cheap price?

>> No.8892544 [DELETED] 

I feel you, anon. I'm trying to stop purging as well, and it always gets worse when I feel isolated and alone. I don't drink, but I can always see the difference in my face when I don't purge for a few days vs after purging. If it makes you feel any better, I used to do it nearly every day (multiple times), not because I was binging but I was just at the point where any food made me incredibly nervous, and after about a month of successfully not-purging my swelling went down A LOT.
Honestly, a lot of emotional turmoil might be lessened if you quit purging, it'll be really hard at first, but once you get to the point of not using it as an emotional crutch (and then feeling terrible for doing so,) it'll get a little better, one day at a time.

>> No.8892567
File: 998 KB, 500x200, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of the reasons I wrote angry Anon.
>Someone would get annoyed if I said I was planning to wear a brand dress that'd most likely get ruined
>I choose to buy brand when it's important to me and I know I can take care of it.
>Comfort in the heat>guilt over replica
Lastly, the replica debate has been done to death already. People will always have their reasons regardless of what you think about it.

>> No.8892603

Different anon, but I'd say your reasons aren't very good ones. Not good enough to condone art theft.

I live in Australia, it gets bloody hot, and I get not wanting to ruin brand with sweat. But this is why they invented skirts.

Also as the other anon said, you can wear cheaper taobao pieces.

I think you just wanted an excuse, and if you didn't have this one you'd find another one. Obviously you can do what you want, but if you put it out there we have the right to disagree and judge you openly too.

>> No.8892653

He was greasy and smelled so bad I couldn't handle it. I have a lot of friends who only shower/ wash their hair every couple of days and it was NEVER that bad. And I honestly find it incredibly unhygienic to fool around with someone who hasn't showered. To the point where typing this is making me gag.

>> No.8892687

>tfw USD is still down compared to the yen. I was buying things so cheap in December at like 120, but last week only got 100.9 yen per dollar on PayPal

I don't care about other countries with shittier currency, it's the fluctuation that sucks since I make minimum wage

>> No.8892698

Cgl is predominantly female, and mothers ALWAYS donate an X, plus there was nothing else to suggest they were male. It's not unreasonable to assume they made a mistake.

>> No.8892713 [DELETED] 

How do you flirt with qt cosplayers at con? I suck at staying conversation; I'm mortified of coming off as that creepy guy.

But how else am I gonna end up doing couples cosplay with a cute girl :|

>> No.8892714

Use amex or change your settings on your mastercard/visa to pay in yen. As long as your bank doesn't use a crap exchange rate, it's usually better than paypal's exchange rate (they take advantage of this and steal people's money).

>> No.8892727 [DELETED] 


Don't go to cons with the intention of finding a girlfriend. Go to hang out, to find people who are interested in the same things you are, keep talking to them after the con. Don't be desperate, its not an attractive quality.

If a person is in cosplay, that's usually an invitation to talk them about the costume or the series/game/whatever. Use that as your in. "You look like just ___!" "Your prop looks amazing!" Avoid telling girls that they look beautiful, sexy, etc. That's a way to seem like a creeper. If it seems like they're fans of the thing they're cosplaying, talk to them about it. Don't monopolize their time. If they start making excuses to leave, don't follow them.

If you see the person throughout the day or rest of the con, or if you spend a significant amount of time talking, it might be appropriate to ask for a facebook or whatever. "It was great talking to you! I'd love to keeping chatting about the show/comic/whatever!" or "I really loved your cosplay! Do you go to other conventions? I'd love to hang with you at the next one." If she says no for any reason, don't push it. Just say goodbye.

Do this over and over again. Turns out qt cosplayers have boyfriends, girlfriends, or just aren't interested in everyone who talks to them.

>> No.8892730

>tfw credit card got skimmed recently
>tfw credit card company is now marking all purchases outside the US as fraudulent so tons of companies are contacting me bawwing at me about it even though i didn't tell them to do that
>tfw everyone at the company is fucking terrible at english so i can't even explain!

>> No.8892748

Omg thank you, I didn't realize there was an alternative to PayPal's grubby shit. It's such bs when they charge the seller a fee and then charge me for the exchange

>> No.8892772

No problem. Don't know if I was clear enough, but it's a setting within paypal to be charged in seller's currency. Paypal will only automatically do this with Amex, not MC/Visa.

>> No.8892971

I started following Fanny Rosie on insta and every day I just get reminded how much of a seedy loser I am compared to her and how I shouldn't even try because some people are just blessed with everything.

>is pretty
>has long beautiful hair that she didn't have to baby and meticulously wrap in silk sleeping caps
>on that note, doesn't move in her sleep at all to a point where her bed is still perfect in the morning
>has a nice figure
>her coords are always top notch
>has a stable job and decent income
>gets to travel a lot
>visits the opera and is generally cultured
>speaks french AND english (and probably something else too) fluently so ample work opportunities
>has a steady, fashionable bf
>has friends all over the world and people fawn all over her and don't shit on her for her fashion choices

meanwhile I'm
>steadily going blind
>not too ugly but kinda plain
>shit teeth quality
>okay figure
>only 3 years younger but still in my 1st year of college and unemployed because I'm a poor Slav
>don't have enough money for travel and I even live in fucking Europe because I'm a poor Slav (see above)
>coords are always plain (because I'm a poor Slav)
>bf is equally unemployed and still hasn't finished high school and I have to nag him about using deodorant (he too is a poor Slav)
>world's frizziest, sad, limp dark brown hair
>speak english and a useless language nobody cares about
>to get a job I'd need at least a Master's
>no friends
>most people that know about my lolita wardrobe think it's garish and weird
>most people I meet never want to be friends past drinking and partying so I never push it
>no one to go to the opera with
>if I do get some money it all gets spent on medical bills, dentists and repairs

I just want to live that lolita lifestyle, at least for a year. Whomever I tell this to irl says 'but those starving orphans in Kenya, shame on you'.

At least my skin is clear I guess.

>> No.8892989

Anon, please remember that people only show the best parts of their lives on Instagram, and are perfectly capable of editing/faking things like that.

I'm not saying Fanny Rosie is a liar, but I'm sure she has her share of concerns and insecurities. Just go on being you and do the best you can.

>> No.8893001

Don't compare yourself to other people. You'll only make yourself crazy.

>> No.8893011

What kind of a Slav, anon?

I'm looking to pay someone to teach me Russian or Serbian.

>> No.8893020


>> No.8893026

Why Serbian? Because that's where I'm from, I just kind of assumed it was the 'here be dragons' of Europe
tvoa mamka ))

>> No.8893032

If you're Czech, Slovak, or pole you should meet up with me this summer
Fucking hell, jannies. What was your question? If you need spoon-feeding I can't do that but otherwise I'll try to help

>> No.8893033

What makes you think she doesnt put work into her hair and doesnt move in her sleep? She isnt going to take pictures of herself looking like shit, so you are only seeing her planned out perfected angled photos.Fanny is amazing but dont try to make her into something inhuman. She just doesnt post her personal shit onto the internet.

As for you personally, dump the lazy bf and get your shit together. Fanny didnt come out of her mother's vagina looking all pretty and with a good job. She worked on it. So do the same. Use wigs if you want for lolita or get your hair did, make budgets for what you want/need so you are more focused and stop waiting for other people to do the work for you in friendships.

>> No.8893038

Do you actually do this or are you just writing Rozen Maiden fanfic
>tfw nobody will buy the Rozen Maiden set I got in my lucky pack that doesn't fit me and it will languish in my closet forever despite being relisted once or twice at increasingly good deals. It's fucking 15000 yen on WW without the hat

>> No.8893040

>What makes you think she doesnt put work into her hair and doesnt move in her sleep
She says so herself

Every single question that get's asked the answer is usually 'it's just like that naturally/I don't do any work/etc'. Look through her answers tag, she says she doesn't toss in her sleep at all so she just puts her hair a certain way and it's still there and not tangled in the morning. Nails? Born that way. Hair? Always been that way, never colored either.

>stop waiting for other people to do the work for you in friendships
When did I say that? I do invite people places and talk to them but most of them decline or don't want to talk to me past casual friendships. I'm not socially inept even if I have no friends, I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.8893042

Oh and I do budget but you gotta understand my income is €300/month. Rent's half that, and I need to eat. I don't live in America or the rest of Europe and my parents are old. Saying I'm not focused is incredibly ignorant of you.

>> No.8893056

Because my family are Serbian, but my mother was raised in Australia and never bothered to learn, and my dad up and died without any extended family in the country.

Also I mean if you learn one you can learn the other, and I want to be able to sing Otava Yo songs.

>> No.8893062

Haha that's fair. There's a lot of us in Aus I hear, how are we generally treated? I've heard a lot of horror stories but I've also heard people saying it's actually not so bad.

>> No.8893074

Fanny has long thick hair and she rag curls it and sleeps on it. If you have long thick hair you can achieve very similar results with the same minimal effort.

>> No.8893123
File: 47 KB, 377x640, makocry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite local cosplayer died in August, and I still think about her sometimes. I'll visit her page, as if I expect it to be updated, and browse for a bit.

It seems idiotic, to mourn someone I never even met.

Every now and then, though, when I'm discussing cosplay with my friends, she comes to mind.

I don't know what she did to wedge her memory so far into my brain, but this total stranger made an impact on me.

>> No.8893134

>want to cosplay
>live 5 minutes from where comic con is held
>always too afraid to try because no friends

>> No.8893150 [DELETED] 

this will probably get deleted but i just need to fucking rant

i have no idea how to kick my roommate out. i'm getting tired of living with her for a multitude of reasons. but i literally have no idea how to talk to her about it. she has no where else to go. her parent's house is a horrible environment, and just visiting for a few days takes a huge toll on her. but she can't stay here anymore. but there's no one else she can move in with and she can't afford on apartment on her own.

i'm at my wit's end. i'm so fucking stressed i can't take it anymore. if i hear "i'd kill myself if i had to move back in with my parents" one more time, i'm going to snap. at this point, i'm sure she knows what she's doing. she fucking knows i can't just kick her out without feeling like a horrible person. she knows she can use that against me and play the victim and get everyone against me.

>> No.8893169

Just do it, you friendless piece of trash. You'll make some friends along the way so don't worry about that right now. And if you don't, then at least you've learned some new skills.

>> No.8893232

Sometimes I forget how horrible tumblr is and post my cosplay plans for the year, only to get torn apart by SJWs who think I'm "white washing" Moana. Because you know, I live in the states and have a normal sounding name, so that obviously means I'm not in any way Pacific Islander.

Sometimes I wonder why I even still have a tumblr.

>> No.8893332

I would recommend calling a lawyer and asking them what you can do because if she's serious about threatening to kill herself in order to stay with you I'm pretty certain that's illegal.

Unless she's a teenager that's not something you fuck around about as an adult.

You didn't mention if she's helping you pay rent or not, so I don't know if she's a complete mooch or just an unpleasant roommate. If the latter, she still has hope finding a place on someone else's couch and you could probably help her with that, but if the former then you're going to need to evict her broke ass because she has absolutely no right to hold her problems over you when you've been more than generous to her.

It's the same kind of people that say non-blacks who cosplay Garnet or Amethyst from SU are "white washing" them even though they don't even HAVE races.

They're idiots and racists themselves, feel free to ignore them. Tumblr is also really hypocritical in that they preach "anyone can cosplay anything they want" but they obviously show a bias towards non-white cosplays, particularly ones that use a lot of photoshop.

>> No.8893472
File: 955 KB, 300x162, 098766.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recently picke up art again
>really want to get better and improve myself
>at the point where I'm not beginner-tier terrbile, but nothing special either
>feel hyped and want to work on my skills

>tfw none of my friends are into art
>tfw I don't know anyone anymore who draws
>tfw no one can help me
I couldn't even manage to have a popular tumblr or FB page, so I can't even properly interact with people on the internet because no one cares. Internet and online tutorials are nice and all, but I wish I would have *one* friend who likes to draw animu so we could talk about their newest art untensile purchase, help each other out and draw together. But tfw not even any online art friends.

Lolita feels:
>got part time job to buy Lolita
>work mostly Fridays and Saturdays
>mfw almost every single meet up in the past few months were on Saturdays
>mfw almost every planned meet up up to summer is on Saturdays, with only like 2 exceptions so far
>have money to buy burando, but no time to go to any meet ups
I went to a meet up once this year, simply because of work. But I can't quit my job either.

>tfw either no friends or no time to enjoy hobbies

>> No.8893523

I wanna be your online art buddy. You have a throwaway email?

>> No.8897144

>How do you know her life is so perfect?
>She said so on the Internet. She can't be lying. Do you really think people would do that? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?

My precious, sweet summer child.

>> No.8897426
File: 48 KB, 400x450, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your adjustments were spot on and your armor fits on you like a glove

It's like the armor is embracing you with a firm hug