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File: 1.00 MB, 1600x1141, partykeigirls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8901515 No.8901515 [Reply] [Original]

Party kei is starting to gain popularity, thoughts?

According to Pixie Locks (who started the fashion):
"Party kei is the style for a girl who loves to celebrate every day life. Adorning herself with pastel ribbons, confetti motifs, and yummy frosting perfume makes her smile everywhere she goes. Party kei has a kitschy, youthful vibe with lots of decorative jewels and accessories! She is a girl who looks like she could have just walked out of a 90's slumber party. It is a street style that is happy, unique, and colourful."

>> No.8901519
File: 83 KB, 581x640, 1443407602769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is for Jfashion. This isn't Jfashion.

>> No.8901521

She didn't start shit. This is literally Japanese fashion right now. Just a blend of cult party and fairy kei and other unnamed stuff in Harajuku. If you are going to start something at least make it unique and actually start a brand

>> No.8901523

Can we please keep anything jill off of fucking 4chan. i know we 'tumblr as hell' now but there's legit no place for this here at all.

>> No.8901530
File: 23 KB, 500x294, 1447198120565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to Pixie Locks (who started the fashion)

>> No.8901531
File: 129 KB, 688x552, 090222_fairy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now an "invent a jfashion"-thread.

>> No.8901534

Agree with >>8901519 . This board is for JAPANESE fashion. This is not japanese... sure it has some inspirations but its just not. It dosen't belong here. Let's not forget Jill is white.

>> No.8901540

Speaking of which, hatever happend to "uchuu kei" or whatever it was called? I'm guessing death by shitty outfits filled with nothing but tumblrina galaxy/star print leggings, am I right?

>> No.8901542

fuck no. that's worse than the OP. i don't want a repeat of shitty hikkikei. plus we don't know if jillian is ITT looking for ideas.

>> No.8901544

She got busted for it being so similar to cult party kei, so she's going to make it into "pixie kei" aka fairy kei. Try harder Pixie.

>> No.8901546

Trendhopper kei, where you wear a completely different outfit every day depending on the previous day's most popular tumblr/IG post

>> No.8901548

that sounds more like a gender identity.

>> No.8901550

Pretty much.

>> No.8901551

Pixkie Locks kei.
Bonus points if you cry about how much you hated the previous outfit because it was opressing you and you couldn't follow the crushing rules of it.

>> No.8901552

Uchuu Kei is still pretty much alive but all jfashion styles seem to fuse with eachother these days due to the pastel fad.

>> No.8901557

Lol of course Pixie got tired of not being in the spotlight after the whole lace drama

>> No.8901564

Party kei is really unoriginal IMO. Jillian wasn't even aware of a nearly identical j-fashion called Peco-kei, which is already trending in harajuku, when she created her ~super speshul fashion~.

Also, party-kei isn't even j-fash because 99% of what Jillian wears is tacky western normie clothes.

>> No.8901570

Lolcow exists for a reason

go to /pt/ or /snow/

>> No.8901575

she's already got a thread on /snow/

>> No.8901578

so why are all these people here then?

all you go back to lolcow, there isn't the fucking place

>> No.8901591

Kei-fags were a mistake

>> No.8901596

does anyone actually have pics of peco kei?

and there seems to be no stopping jill, she's going to make pixie kei a thing and her followers are going to suck it up as they've already been doing

>> No.8901602

the fuck? obviously someone made a thread about this super spechul new fashion unironically cause this place is trash. don't bitch at me cause your board is going to shit.

>> No.8901611


Article in which they talk a bit about Peco


Peco's instagram

>> No.8901612

Is it bad I follow her on IG only because I love a good train wreck? I follow a couple of people I can't stand.

I don't understand how she has a completely different "look" like every couple of weeks. I also don't understand how she's claiming she made up party kei.

>> No.8901631

Jillian can hardly dress herself, let alone inspire a trend.

>> No.8901639

>Street style
I didn't realize Jillian's house / where she records videos was smack dab in the middle of a street in Tokyo.