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8925147 No.8925147 [Reply] [Original]

Lolita conventions

Gone to one? Planning to attend one? Staffed for one?
Do you wish your comm would start a convention initiative, or are you satisfied with JFashion programming at other types of conventions in your area?

Pic related, just found out about it but I'm not sure if it'll be worth $40 admission and a drive to Missouri.

>> No.8925173

The people involved are working really hard to create something great. I was on the fence too, but I am going and a few of my friends are going now too. Plus kind of excited to see Soufflesong in person. I have been curious about them.

>> No.8925178

If you meet soufflesong ask them why they're completely jerks from my part

>> No.8925191

It certainly seems that way. I'm just skeeved about the $40 price tag because I'm only interested in Day 1 events. The Nelson Atkins museum is free to attend anyway, and the picnic lunch sounds boring and messy.

If only they had a reduced one day ticket...

>> No.8925205

What did Soufflesong do to you?

>> No.8925391

Last Paradiso was great minus the goddamn heat. It was cheaper then but I think it was worth it considering the really nice swap meet, the giveaways and food provided was really good as well. It was nice meeting so many sweet and fun people.

>> No.8925516

There was no "last Paradiso."

The girls who organized the megameets the last two year got cut out of this event. They're still listed on the site, but they're not involved at all. This is a new group of organizers trying to ride on the coattails of their past events, when they had zero involvement in previous planning.

Polite sage, because I'm not attending this on that principle alone. I don't trust people who lie out their asses and claim others' hard work as their own.

>> No.8925582

i'm kind of curious about rufflecon but i was wondering what the consignment room and its prices are like? can you expect really deep discounts from typical prices or are items pretty much priced the same as they are on lacemarket (or worse)? does rufflecon even have swap meets?

>> No.8925586

adding to this, is it even possible to find rarer dresses there, or is it mostly cheap brand/shitty offbrand (bodyline??)

>> No.8925668

Sorry, I think I confused it with another one from the same area. It's the same thing I believe, but they changed the name of it.

>> No.8925784

Last year the Midwest "Mega meet" was called L3: Lolita to the power of cute I think.

It's interesting that they'll ways call it an "event" instead of a "convention"
Is it a liability issue?

>> No.8926032

Idk that anon, but they have an horrible customer service

>> No.8926336

Prices varied a lot and depended on the seller. I saw items that were deeply discounted and stuff that was priced way too high. I did see rare items and not very much bodyline or offbrand. A couple sellers unloaded rare/old pieces for cheap but it helped to be in the room when the pieces were put out for sale because they got snatched up quickly. There was no swap meet.

>> No.8926339

Did anyone go to both that Megameet and the Chicago one? Which one was better?

>> No.8926448

Yeah, that's what it was. I just remember someone saying that they were doing it again this year but we're calling it "Paradiso".

I don't all of the details though as I'm from out of state.

>> No.8926810

would you say going to the con is worth it if you're travelling from out of state on your own? because my primary motivation for going was the consignment room's possibilities, but now i'm hesitant.

>> No.8926827
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I went to a lolita con in Chattanooga last year, but there were so many creepy businessmen at the hotel hitting on the lolis. It was fucked up.

>> No.8926837

Wait. I live in Chattanooga. When and where was there a Lolita convention?

>> No.8927272

I only went to the Chicago one and to clarify, it's the Midwest Mega meet in Chicago which is simply a meet and greet event to encourage people from the (Upper) Midwest to come out since everyone lives so far away and can't always come to meets in Chicago or its suburbs. It usually involves ice breaker games, raffles, a photoshoot session, and lunch. In the past years, it's been a picnic type event, but last year we've held it at a community center room we rented out and it was more of a potluck type event which was a godsend is since the meet have always been held outdoors in August.

The closest thing we've got to a lolita convention is Anime Midwest because we've got a few Lolitas involved who've made Btssb a guest possible (still no models yet, sadly). ACen isn't very lolita friendly and the past guests weren't happy about the lack of profits at that con.

Ive been invited to Paradiso before, but I never really see people actively talking about it.

>> No.8927277 [DELETED] 

>Paradiso is in Kansas City

Holy shit that's far.
/polite sage

>> No.8928620
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events include: A fashion show, a consignment shop were people bring their own things, an outdoor picnic that doesn't include food, and a tour of a free art museum. $40 PLEEEASE.

>> No.8928623

Oh wait and I forgot. Flying in Cadney as a special guest.

~so international~

>> No.8928656

I would say: probably. I really loved the event but a lot of what appealed to me was getting to see my east coast friends that I only get to hang with once or twice a year, and also meeting people in person that I've interacted with online. I didn't buy much in the consignment room personally but a lot of my friends did (and I spent a lot of time in there browsing and picking stuff out for other people). Are there specific things you would be looking to buy? Most people would probably find the vendor room to be a bigger draw, but I guess it depends on what you are shopping for. The fashion show was also one of the best I've seen, just because of how many designers there were. I didn't go to many panels but the more "party atmosphere" ones like karaoke seemed to be entertaining. So if you want to meet people and make friends in addition to shopping, I'd lean towards yes. If you are more introverted and won't get as much fun from meeting people or even people watching, then maybe not.

>> No.8928743

go away Sandi

>> No.8928784

I think if anything it's to call out people bitching here on 4chan behind their backs, aka you. Her response was totally valid imo, but she could have thanked you for the free publicity. Bought my ticket tonight.
It's at a wedding venue, there's a fashion show, a tea party, a swap meet, venders/artists, and while I'm not crazy over Cadney, she is a world wide known Lolita that's worth getting to see. The museum is free, but we're getting a private group tour. Sure, I'm not paying for the picnic lunch, but nobody's forcing you either. Either bite the bullet and go, or shut up and save money for your next BL dress.

>> No.8929702

Any plans for a megameet or convention in SoCal? We have a huge community with plenty of money and it's unusual that there's nothing here.

>> No.8929719

Don't you have OTTea?

>> No.8929821

That's in San Francisco.

>> No.8934183

Marry me anon

>> No.8934353

Why does AM have to be run by such shit heads. One day I'd love to travel to an event because no large ones are held near me. AM seems worth it since so many brands go, but I'd rather not go seeing as the Leighs are well.. the leighs.

How is Rufflecon? Thats one of the ones I always hear about most

>> No.8934375

>How is Rufflecon? Thats one of the ones I always hear about most
i had a lot of fun. if you like panels, concerts, fashion shows, and just being on an altfash holiday it's worth it. if you want brand name guests, it might not be, unless you like indie brands. Nunu from Haenuli and Kimura U of Kokokim were my favorite brands/guests there. not a fan of Triple Fortune but the designers were awesome to interact with.

it was also nice to be at a convention where everyone had good hygeine, could have fun without damaging property or creeping on people, and run around being cute without worry.

>> No.8934380


Seeing Nunu and Kimura U could be totally cool! Do they have artists/vendor type hall for shopping?

>> No.8934410

yep! brands like Aetherlund, Voodooodolly, and i think Moss Marchen vended there, as well as a lot of lesser known brands. also Automatic Honey donated some things to the charity auction (proceeds went to RAINN) but i do not think they sold anything.

Lolita Collective were there. other indie brands included Cloudberry Lady, Lily of the Valley, I Do Declare, can't remember others off the top of my head.

oh and Simplicity was a sponser so VIPs got Simplicity stuff, but they were a bit goofy in the fashion show. and there were a bunch of steampunk type peeps if you are into that, it's not lolita-specific.

entertainment wise they had Kimura U, Brilliant Kingdom, Rasputina, an 18+ burlesque show, and a DJ. lots of kigurumi dancing with no obnoxious BO or fuccbois grinding. when i went to my next anime con rave i was so annoyed, RuffleCon spoiled me.

>> No.8934412

also they have a consignment room but it was kind of mess. better than last year but could be improved. good stuff vanished pretty fast, VIPs get a head start.

>> No.8934422
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Thank you for the info ! It definitely sounds like something I would be interested in. Shopping would probably be my main interest, regardless of brand or indie. So good to know they have a variety !
>also never even thought of how much more hygienic and friendly a lolita con would be
>is this real life or is this just a fantasy

>> No.8934434
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glad to help!

the guests also got really interactive. Nunu played Cards Against Humanity (lolita edition) which i am sad to have missed. i know she has had health problems but i hope she returns.

will dump some pics from Facebook.

>Nunu goofing off with her Haenuli models

>> No.8934437
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>3F at Voodooodolly's booth

>> No.8934440
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>huge con attendee group photo

>> No.8934443
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>random pic i saved of the different kinds of fashion

>> No.8934449
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>the tea party i think

>> No.8934454
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>more teaparty featuring an ouji pimp

>> No.8934460
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>a concert

>> No.8934463
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>beard contest

>> No.8934467
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>> No.8934472

40$ is not expensive when a basic tea costs 25-30 minimum. Stay poor, poorfag. You probably can't afford nice enough stuff to even go if you think 40$ is too much for a con. Acen is like 70 and I'm not interested in any of the programming at all, or I'd go

>> No.8934473
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>Brilliant Kingdom concert

>> No.8934477

>what the consignment room and its prices are like?
It's like an irl lacemarket. Some people sell for cheap while others try to scalp. Also, since sellers have to pay a fee they're likely to make it so the price reflects their effort.

The consignment room for Rufflecon was TERRIBLE last year. Way too crowded, and I felt compelled to rush along because there were people wanting to get past me and there was barely any room for people with poof to squeeze by. So claustrophobic.
Anything good will also likely be taken by VIP who get first access anyway, so, good luck with that.

I might go, what's so wrong about the pricetag being $40?

To put this in perspective:
>$80 ticket
>no food included
>no gifts included
>stay not included
>tea party not included
>workshops not included
>a fashion show and a consignment shop that you don't even get equal access to

$40 is usually a high tea price for me anyway, so?

>that group photo that nobody told anyone about

>savor those 5 mini sandwiches, that $50 tea ticket won't be getting you more!

>> No.8934478
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>consignment room

things were organized by item and color

>> No.8934483
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>more consignment

really hoping for a less crowded space this time. the room they had consignment in was small. i don't think they understood what a big draw it would be.

>> No.8934488

I've been to Rufflecon both years and I've had fun each time, I mainly like to go for the shopping. I didn't end up buying much from the consignment room either year, partly because a lot of the items I wanted could be found for cheaper online, but it was really great to be able to try stuff on in the dressing room so I could see how it looks on me if I decide to buy it in the future. I also liked selling stuff at the consignment room, it was nice to not have to deal with packing and shipping things individually. Last year the consignment room dropoff was a clusterfuck and some girls had to wait 3 hours to drop their stuff off on the first day, hopefully they'll have a better system set up this year.

>> No.8934492
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>Kimura U being cute

>> No.8934681

I was under the impression that SoCal had a ton of events/meetups relative to the rest of the country. Is this incorrect?

>> No.8934744

SoCal rarely have meets. For example, the LA comm has two different comms, cholita and the main comm. One is more of a close friends comm and the other is the maim comm for everyone; we have money to spend on meets but no one in the main comm wants to host meets. Many of the comm memebers confuse friend gatherings as "meets." Which makes no sense imo. Idk how our comm is so huge but it's super cliche at the same time and very dry for meets.

>> No.8934762

It costs ~$50 to get high tea at the Palmer House or the Drake in Chicago... As long as they have an indoor venue with AC, it probably is worth it to go to Paradiso if you live in the nearby area! It's either a $90 amtrak or 8 hour drive for me, so I probably won't go.

>> No.8934857

I didn't get snapped very much at RC this year so I just got really excited because my butt is in this picture

>> No.8935286

i literally ran and hid from photographers and was somehow still disappointed to not find pics of myself