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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 415 KB, 393x650, kissme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8969448 No.8969448 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: dresses or prints that you just can't see anymore.

Since Holy Lantern is way too obvious, my next choice would be the Kiss Me Cat OP. I just can't.

>> No.8969454
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>coordinates example
lol what coord?

>> No.8969467
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Cat's Tea Party. It's like every wannabe e-famous lolita's trophy piece.
Antique beast's bat headdress that every 3edgy wannabe goff lolita is buying up and wearing with their pastel wigs and new wave AP to prove that they're so not into ageplay sweet desu anymore guys!!
>also pic related

>> No.8969484

god I hate this fucking dress and I hate every newfag fussing over 'when will my dress get here I ordered it on preorder 2.4 hours ago but it should be here'
it's ugly, and the only time it looks halfway decent is on the mannequin. it looks so bad worn, especially on larger girls

>> No.8969508

I actually have an AP dress I think would work really well for a Marie coord in a way more cute and subtle way than this print. I don't hate it, but it feels a bit too in your face for me.

>> No.8969512

this +10000000

>> No.8969515

>thinly vieled AP hate thread
And I don't know what's up with the influx of biddies complaining about "ageplay sweet" lately, but calling it that changes nobody's mind. We're all still infantile freaks in the eyes of normies.

>> No.8969527

It's not an AP hate thread. AP is just really popular and even an AP fangirl like me will get tired seeing the same Marie coord again and again.

>> No.8969564

are you the same person who used to reply "JAYSUS" to things on here? Cut it out

>> No.8969567

No I'm not. Do you think biddy is some uncommon word?

>> No.8969603

Whining about Holy Lantern etc being overdone is more annoying than the hype itself. I honestly don't care if it's popular or not, if you like it wear it.
Cgl likes to shit on popular things but yet likes to shit on special snowflakes as well.

Since when did we need every coord to be super unique. It's not a costume you dolts.

>> No.8969605

I'd wear both Holy Lantern and that stupid Marie Op just to spite you.

>> No.8969644

I don't understand this dress at all. It's so ugly.
Whenever someone lists it as their dream dress I write them off as having terrible taste. Seriously, why would you aim so low?

>> No.8969649

Oh my god chill out 3 pictures have been posted.
Reconsider your persecution complex. You're protesting too much.

>> No.8969650

I have never heard the term biddie until I came to this thread.

>> No.8969651

it's slang from 2009
anon is so cool and edgy

>> No.8969653

Wtf is wrong with you guys, this is normal American slang that even grandmas themselves use

>> No.8969662

biddy as part of the english language means "an old lady."
biddy as slang means "big ol' titties" or "some bitch," "a woman" and nobody says it anymore.
words mean things.

>> No.8969666

CDC used to be everywhere and now I keep seeing a ton of sales posts for it.

>> No.8969695

I definitely use it to refer to older hags who have nothing better to do than bicker and fuss over shit. Fits you perfectly.

>> No.8969741

I... I like it. I almost bought it once to do a simple coord with a veil and ankle booties.

>> No.8969744

>I-I almost bought it to coord it like everyone else

>> No.8969753

I loved when it first came out and my eye for Lolita fashion was untrained. Now I don't care for it at all. The tiered JSK is especially shit.

>> No.8969761

I like it too anon, you're not alone

>> No.8969821

Maybe in the South? I have never once heard it used where I live. There are regional slang terms anon, like nips and bubblers. I wouldn't expect the entire US to know one area's verbiage.

>> No.8969827

No I've definitely heard it up north at my college so...

>> No.8969834

IVE NEVER SEEN THIS AND I WANT IT!! Too bad that cut would look so shitty on me. Uuuugh!

>> No.8969843

What? Biddie is much older than 2009, grandma's and grandpa's are the only ones I've ever heard using it

>> No.8969862

dude not everyone that speaks english is American and knows your slang words

>> No.8969875

Awful weird for you to get butthurt about a word you don't know then, I thought your original argument was that it was "outdated," now you're pretending you're an ESL? Kek

>> No.8969877

This thread is fucking trash, jesus christ.

>> No.8969884

How new are you?

>> No.8969913

actually I haven't really seen any coords with it yet

>> No.8970021

Different person!
But I'm a bit butthurt indeed about Americans on the internet assuming that everyone they talk to in English is American as well and must therefore have the same knowledge about their country (and their slang words, in this case).

>> No.8970034

>How new are you?
This dress only came out a few months ago. Calm your saggy tits, ya biddy.

>> No.8970047 [DELETED] 
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LOLOL so salty. you're probably a fat piggu behind that computer screen

>> No.8970050

Only one person asked that from what I can remember, chill

I like the dress but I hate coords of it, they're all the exact same. I wish someone would do something different

>> No.8970356

4chan is for 18+

>> No.8970382

>tfw it's my dream dress
>tfw I'm waiting for all theses sales posts to drop in price
>mfw all the melty chocolates and sugary carnivals are up for sale relatively cheap right now

>> No.8970496

I stopped doing lolita about 3 years ago, so I have zero reason to spend time looking up sets and coords and company releases. Chill out, anon.

>> No.8970510

>go into thread for bitching about dresses we're tired of
>complain about bitching
this is like people who complain about itas in the ita thread, or berate unpopular opinions in the unpopular opinion thread. like why even bother man

>> No.8970526
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more overdone dresses please

>> No.8970535
File: 222 KB, 700x1050, l304-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surprised no one mentioned this. Falls into the category of ita staple but still overdone

>> No.8970538
File: 33 KB, 250x333, FantasticDollyOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantastic Dolly, especially in Minnie Mouse coords

>> No.8970542
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This is a dress if I came across it, I will burn.

Nope the fuck out of that.

>> No.8970546

I don't think I've seen this dress in anything but red and Minnie Coords. A friend got the lavender (there was lavender? maybe it was sax?) and I've never seen her wear it, even though it was her dream dress and took months to win an auction. She kept getting outbid at the last minute.

>> No.8970547
File: 302 KB, 700x1200, l580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this skull/pentagram jsk but I held off buying it in case it becomes the next bodyline clock ita dress

>> No.8970550

the aristocrat lover in me needs this dress. When did come out? I'd even take a replica if I had no other choice.

>> No.8970555

It's on lacemarket right now. It's called Kiss Me Cat.

>> No.8970557
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No, it isn't. Maybe in your village it is, but no, not everyone uses it. Stop making hick slang look like a normal part of our vocabulary.

>> No.8970559
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Lost its magic after I saw it everywhere. Never saw it coorded really well, either.

>> No.8970561
File: 70 KB, 300x300, l251-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we go ahead and say all Bodyline prints are overdone, or is that too much of a generalization?

>> No.8970570
File: 53 KB, 300x300, l348-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Pic related
>babby's first "old school" dress

>> No.8970580


I sold mine after I saw it was babby's new dress. I don't really regret it either. The dress was really nice but it was hard to coordinate with all the blues. Drove me nuts.

>> No.8970600 [DELETED] 

I personally see nothing wrong with the dress. It's just a simple white dress with a white collar.
Was it overdone though, yes. Is it ugly, no.

>> No.8970603

I personally see nothing wrong with the dress. It's just a simple black dress with a white collar. Not much different from a lot of other pieces just like that.
Was it overdone though, yes. Is it ugly, no.

>> No.8970609


I fuckin hate newfags fussing about when their dress is going to come 5 minutes after they order, but honestly, I got it, and it was super nice quality with crisp folds and nicely draping fabric. I thought it was nice that it was very simple as well, unlike the copycats that came soon thereafter.

I sold it though, mainly because it was too themed for me. But it was a nice dress.

>> No.8970615

Came out in February.
There isn't a replica, it was an AP x disney collab so sold in the disney store. Was on the Disney jp website for ages and ended up 50% off at which point it sold out online (I think, although it has been periodically restocked so you could be in luck...) you might be able to get an in store SS to look for it though.

>> No.8970622

That was why I didn't buy it, because of the crosses and I knew I would eventually get tired of the crosses being on it. I'd prefer the unembroidered version with no crosses. Looks more simplistic.

>> No.8970652

I'm Australian and I've heard the term biddie used plenty of times.

>> No.8970657

There's none left in store after the sale. Only the parka and accessories are available.

>> No.8970686

Still a great simple jsk though

>> No.8970696

hey HWC.

>> No.8970707

>Cgl likes to shit on popular things but yet likes to shit on special snowflakes as well.
4chan has such an interesting complex. It's the same way on other boards. If you enjoy fast food on /ck/ you'll get lynched via walls of text and memes.
But then if you enjoy cultural cuisine you'll get shit on for "enjoying things"

Like everyone on this site just wants to hate everything and yet somehow be a shining beacon of knowledge.

sup friend.

>> No.8970708 [DELETED] 

that wasn't be but hi, know you want my attention so I'm giving it to you

>> No.8970714

>Cat's Tea Party. It's like every wannabe e-famous lolita's trophy piece.
I legit enjoy the print as I really do love cats and want to own all cat prints, but this makes me so angry because it's one of the ones I'm probably not gonna buy. I've seen it go for like $900 and before that HL re-release I was only willing to pay $600 for one of those (that's what I saw them going for on y!j) or Cinema Doll as I've also seen it go for like $600-700

>> No.8970715


It's almost as if boards are full of people with differing opinions and anonymity tends to make people contrarian.

>> No.8970717 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 446x400, laughing lolis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that wasn't be but hi
topkek thanks

>> No.8970720

>anonymity tends to make people contrarian.
It doesn't do that to me. Perhaps I'm just more autonomous than the other folks browsing.
Why not just be honest about what you like and dislike? It always feels like people just want to jump on the "I HATE IT" bandwagon that is ohh so popular here.

>> No.8970724 [DELETED] 

whenever I'm summoned I have to appear otherwise you'll think I'm letting up on my shitposting

gotta stay vigilant

>> No.8970747 [DELETED] 

Nah, this could be anyone posting.

>> No.8970748 [DELETED] 

so you're saying I should go start more shit by insulting meta again?

>> No.8970752 [DELETED] 
File: 482 KB, 256x192, popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


aw man i like meta but i love it more when you shit stir metafags.

>> No.8970754

if someone wears this they are Ita. That simple.

>> No.8970757 [DELETED] 

look in the catalog boo~

>> No.8970799

I want this jsk, it never pops on sale, only the trash bag cut.

>> No.8970896


In the UK 'biddie' refers to a an old lady. You hear 'old biddies' a lot in soaps and whatnot. Like 'FFS can these old biddies walk any slower'.

>> No.8970926

Hey f you i have this in blue and it's cute! But it's fine if you don't like it though, different taste and stuff.
It's one of the rare good bodyline dress imo.

>> No.8970966

I've never heard it in my life. Also Australian. What the hell does it mean specifically?

>> No.8970997
File: 44 KB, 250x333, bittersweetlololol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The baiting is strong in this thread. Meta did nothing to you. How dare you, HW-chan.

Back on topic, a lot of AP prints. AP prints tend to either become incredibly dated or just sad replica'd-to-death-husks eventually. This print in particular I just hate looking at because I only ever see itas wear replica versions of it anymore. I'd like for it to go away for a bit, particularly this eyesore colorway.

>> No.8971037

this is gorgeous and I need it.

>> No.8971073

Am I better off buying this now or waiting for more to hit the market?

>> No.8971102
File: 21 KB, 250x333, sx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never understood the milky planet hype, it's an absolute eye sore

UGH cats tea party is so overrated imo, the cats look super possessed and creepy.

>> No.8971110


IDK about Australia, but in the UK it usually means crotchety old ladies haha

>> No.8971155

The print looks like one of those cheap tote bags from Joann Fabric that I saw a while ago. Even the few decent coords using that dress look dumb because that print looks its for craftsy grandmas.

>> No.8971174
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Am I the only one that thinks this is seriously overdone in every colorway possible

>> No.8971188

i'm from SA and here pretty much any chick in short shorts/a crop top/short dress and high heels is a biddy.
>in a sentence: "red square's full of biddies on pingas"

>> No.8971192

I used to love this print so much, the sax jsk was my dream dress for a long time, but I got so sick of seeing those awful, faded, 5XL DoL replicas that when I got it, my love for it was short-lived. It was the first time (and last) time that had ever happened to me with a dream dress, but I just couldn't stand it. I ended up selling it.

>> No.8971220

really? I'm from VIC and I've always thought of biddies as old ladies/crotchety old women etc.

Though to be fair I'm sure I have heard biddies used in reference to attractive young women as well, just not very often.

>> No.8971368

I love this dress and similar dresses. I love the nun feel about it. But I guess I have pretty shit taste, so I'm not saying you're wrong

>> No.8971457

Sometimes I want to buy it just to get the feeling of being enamoured with it like in the good ol times, when I didn't have any money for brand.

It's such a dumb idea, I'll probably do that anyway.

>> No.8971461

Do it. It feels good

>> No.8971466

definitely but it's also one of the best bodyline prints

>> No.8972384

every single dress in this thread hasn't been seen worn in a long ass time. Where are the classic dresses, that's the over done shit right now, if I see someone wear one of those dresses with the long skirt under it one more time Imma blow my brains out.

>> No.8972415


If it's anything like Wonder Party or Dreaming Macaron, the price is going to decline slowly over time. So whatever price you pay, make your peace knowing that you're taking in the dress for good and only able to sell it as a loss thereafter.

As for whether you should buy it now or later, it depends on what condition you want the dress in, and how long you're willing to wait. The longer you wait, the harder it is to find a pristine dress, since the more likely every dress that passes through a lolita's hands will get worn, get stained, become faded, have alterations, get mauled by pets, etc. The longer you wait, though, the less popular the dress becomes, and the price will drop lower. Keep in mind that the decline is rather slow, so if you're looking for a decent dress at $150 you might need to wait another ten years for it.

tl;dr -- you're better off looking at secondhand sites for it and then buying it when a dress with the right price and condition pops up that you are okay with.

>> No.8972445

Agreed. Only times I ever wore the skirt I looked cringe-tier

>> No.8972664

you guys are butt frustrated if you think a plain black dress with a white collar is ugly. that being said, all the coords for it are the same though.

>> No.8972674

yep that's all Americans. they're like this about everything

>> No.8972681
File: 331 KB, 2048x2048, 12823424_1332855150073430_9031275855729732748_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two OP coords in CoF recently, one in ivory and one in black. but before it i have not seen the op posted for a while now

>> No.8972685
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