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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8980743 No.8980743[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Haven't seen one of these in a while. Confess your sins cgl

>> No.8980796

There's a girl at my school who isnt exactly a great cosplayer who keeps trying to be my "cosplay buddy". She's one of those JNig wannabes whereas I just cosplay for fun. She refuses to style her wigs and just wears them straight out of the bag, insists on showing more skin that she should show (girl, please keep those stomach rolls hidden), and is obnoxious and loud. Another cosplayer at our school and I can't stand her but neither have the guts to say it to her face.

>> No.8980809

There is this girl in my comm who everyone swoons over and acts like total entitled shit, openly trashes on people and talks poorly about the bdsm community. Which is fine to have your opinions, but she has a separate account and insta I found where she does this gross loli bs and is into petplay/daddy daughter play or whatever. It's really hypocritical. What's worse is she runs a depop shop and sells her clothes she uses in sexual play but doesn't tell the users. I know because of her other account & insta based on the photos. She also sells replicas at regular prices and then claims she didn't know it was a replica and throws fits when people on depop confront her about it. She even made a second depop account because of all the drama.
Hint, she's from Colorado.

>> No.8981877

I post my friend every chance I get just to make her disorders worse.

>> No.8981893

nothing unusual, cheated on bf a few times while being on a con

>> No.8981943

a lot of my friends are REALLY shitty cosplayers and I can't tell them because
1) they'll bitch about how "cosplay is just a hoppy!! its my own personal ~*~*~style~*~*~!!1!!1"
2) they've all self-diagnose them selves with a multitude of mental disorders and if anyone talks shit about their shitty cosplays or even offers suggestions to improve them they also go into a bitch fit about being triggered

>> No.8981949

I know this chick who is a massive bitch. She's manipulative and abusive towards her girlfriend and has lost so many friends due to her bad attitude but constantly plays the victim.
She lies about literally everything. Says she makes all her cosplays, yet they're the first result on ebay. Says she works for a big video game company, yet never has any money. Says she's done this cosplay and that cosplay, has meet this actor, is friends with this famous person.

I'm so done with her shit. I've been collecting screen caps from her "private" accounts and writing shit down that she's said or done so that I can basically ruin her life. I'm going to post it all for everyone to see after tearing her a new one in a long, angry e-mail that's been months in the making.

I'm so excited to see her crash and burn.

>> No.8984111

was he bigger or smaller than your bf?

>> No.8984140

you may have bigger issues than her
just ignore the bitch, senpai

>> No.8984222


A corner in my sewing room has boxes full of half done cosplays I started making for friends.I'd only ever charge them material cost and whenever I got half way done and was ready to do a fitting, asked them for half the cost.... they would flake and never pay. I have no idea why I haven't thrown them away.

I guess the plus side is I have less shitty friends now who buy the materials beforehand and take me out to dinner at the cons.

>> No.8984308

I am amazed that someone could lose all of their close friends in the course of 1 year. You come off as nice, but in actuality you're possessive, obsessed, clingy, you talk shit about everyone, you're overly sensitive, and you expect everyone to take your feelings into consideration before they even think about breathing! You're quite possibly one of the worst friends I've ever had. You don't know when to stop, you think that just because your life is filled with menial tasks, that means my life is too. So you pester me every day with your "omgsh new dream dress" that you'd never be able to fit, let alone afford it.
Honestly, I was glad when you said you would leave. You drag down our comm with your shit coords and attitude. Just because you're obese doesn't mean you don't need to wear a blouse or a petticoat. Disgusting! What's worse is that a person as large as you shouldn't be talking in a uggu kawaii voice. You look like an idiot.
I find it ironic that you talked so much shit about the comm, and then you sucked up to everyone when I stopped tending to your bitch feelings. Hah, you talk so much shit about everyone being fake when you're the worst one! You're drama starved but have such little significance on your own, so you use others like pawns to create your own drama nest and then you jump right in. I wish I could talk to your other friends to see if you were just as psychotic to them as you are to me. I wouldn't be surprised. I feel so much lighter and happier without you in my life. Why don't you go back to cosplay and leave our comm alone for good?

>> No.8984316

There is a girl in my comm who was a bit of an ita but it's OK because she seemed like a nice girl and everyone improves. So i got to know her. Turns out her personality is just as ugly. She constantly thinks of occasions just for people to toss gifts at her and keeps making references to her birthday which is MONTHS away and saying people should message her so they can ask the style of lolita items she likes. She made an album of dresses she wants to buy and had to not so subtly remind everyone that her birthday is coming (in like 5 months).

Girl, no one wants to buy you lolita shit, or any shit at all for that matter.

There are much more details of her money/gift grabbing things but they would be too personal and identifiable to post. I just needed to get this off my chest.

>> No.8984321

There's one girl in my comm who's a bitch - whines about everything, has more "medical conditions" than hot dinners, turns everything into a pity party for her - and was a jackass to my baby sister. Nobody picks on my baby sister but me, so I schemed my vegetable for months.

Bought the cow's dream dress, wore it to a meet she was at while admitting I wasn't too keen on the baggy fit but scooped it up as it was a bargain anyway - then resold to another girl in my comm who also dislikes her.

Try to fuck with my sister again, bitch, see what happens.

>> No.8984322

*vengeance, thanks very much autocorrect. No scheming vegetables involved in this tale.

>> No.8984331

Maybe it's just me, but that hardly seems like vengeance. There's plenty of dresses to buy, and often people end up having dresses I love and I never get salty about it.

I guess as long as it makes you feel better it's good, since no real harm came to her and she probably doesn't really care.

>> No.8984337

Is it bad that my first thought about the typo was that it was actually supposed to say "I steamed my vegetables for months"?

>> No.8984339
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When I was 19 I stole a bunch of my grandma's xanax and lied about how I got it when my parents found it. I never even took any, I was just an idiot who stole stuff back then. I'm sure my parents knew I was lying too.

>> No.8984351

I'm well-liked in my comm, and I act nice around everybody, but the truth is that I can't stand some people and I use my rage as motivation to make good cosplays in order to crush them during contests

>> No.8984389

You're a horrible person.

>> No.8984392


>> No.8984396

I cheated on my gf at a con with a much less attractive woman. To make it worse I hit her up again another 2 times because she wanted to try new things and I have 0 self control.

>> No.8984402

>There's a girl at my school who
>There is this girl in my comm who
>I know this chick who
>There is a girl in my comm who
>There's one girl in my comm who

Did amyone else check the number of posters ITT to see if samefaggery was occurring?

>> No.8984405

Instead of turning down my female friend who was interested in me I told her I was gay. That ruse did not last long when I got together with another girl a month later. I am not a brave man.

>> No.8984631

I posted one of these. I just kinda went with the general writing style I was reading, since it was more of a confession that I don't like a girl rather than talking about something awful I did to someone.

>> No.8984653
File: 107 KB, 222x250, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm spending all my hard earned cash on merch for my itabag instead of saving for my education but i can't find myself feeling bad about it because the feeling of waiting and receiving my orders is the best

>> No.8984663

I love leading people on at cons, have them think were about to hook up, then "change my mind" at the last second.

>> No.8984674
File: 73 KB, 315x163, sokay bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the feel, anon.

>> No.8984682

>friend wants to twin with me but I honestly don't want to spend the extra money buying all the match stuff we would need right now
Sucks because twinning is something I want to do so badly but I want it to be good. Like super good. Like that samefag lolita meme good.
Alas I just bought two new dream dresses and I really want to concentrate money building them up..

>> No.8984718

It's a really common format for confessions. This is my first post here and I write like that too. Have you never seen the feels threads?

Next thing you're gonna say is that everyone who starts a story with >be me is samefagging.

>> No.8984722

25 posters. 28 replies. you're a fag.

>> No.8984806

the question was "did anyone else check the number of posters" not "what's up with the samefag." it is obviously not samefagging, and there is nothing wrong with pointing out an odd trend.

>> No.8984823


You should let her know that. You can say you want to make it a really excellent twin coord, but you just can't afford that right now. I don't think she will be mad at you, and you can always twin later.

>> No.8985072

I've been with this guy for two years, and we're at a point where we want to get an apartment together. But now whenever we have issues, I keep thinking of going back to my parents and finding a girlfriend. Mainly because I don't want to deal with this man issue of "I'm the guy so I need to provide" but then bitch at me when he's had a bad day and tell me to pull my weight or he'll drop me. Now I'm having second thoughts about being with him still, and in truth, it'd be more fun to cosplay with another girl who's willing to try new things that are my interest and not just me trying his stuff all the time because it's "Better".

>> No.8985083

Haha whaaaaaaat. Who is this fellow CO anon?

>> No.8985084

I want to get groped at a con.
specifically not by a normal fag. only by a congoer. the common interest is what makes it appealing.

>> No.8985107

I've been going to conventions with a couple of close friends for the past few years.They've gotten fatter and fatter and only talk about how they hate their lives. They're almost in their thirties and still working retail.

Recently they "retired" from costuming and all they ever want to do is go to olive garden (gross) and complain about how they hate their job/being single/etc.

Whenever we hang out, they both tease me about still costuming. Meanwhile I have a great job, a great boyfriend and am slowly making new cosplay friends.

I feel like I'm only keeping them around out of habit.

>> No.8985110
File: 153 KB, 1440x1457, _20151117_224307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love lacemarket

>inb4 haters hating

Fuck you, this is my confession

>> No.8985120

They sound really depressed. Anyway anon, seems better to keep your distance if you have nothing in common with them anymore and you live different lives now.

>> No.8985144

I eat what would be considered ungodly amounts of garlic salt for the average person, and I'm always scared that people can smell it on me. It's one of the reasons I haven't joined a comm yet. Garlic breath isn't kawaii.

>> No.8985162

I got drunk and had sex with a minor. I wasn't hammered, but not sober enough to realize that she was 16. It was consensual, and she said so/was fine knowing I was 21, but I haven't talked to her since that con and I'm terrified that she's going to regret it and make a callout or some shit.

>> No.8985167

If you're going to Famine this can be arranged

>> No.8985203

I get the feeling he won't ever treat you like an equal, or that he would have to grow up a lot first. But what do I know, I'm just a random anon totally biased against men.

>> No.8985222

How long ago was it? If she hasn't said anything and it's been a while, she probably doesn't care / won't say anything. 16 + 21 isn't a big deal and is even legal in plenty of states. When I lost my virginity to my 20 year old boyfriend at 16, it was other people who complained about our age difference, not me. But I understand your apprehension and worry - these days "callout posts" have become a quick switch you can flip to turn a regrettable situation into a witch hunt.

>> No.8985233

There's this awkward chubby guy at work who I'm pretty sure is attracted to me. I never really reprocicated until I found out he has a hidden powerlevel and thinks my Jfashion outfits (which I don't wear to work, but he's seen my insta) are really cute. Now I keep fantasizing about dressing up in a cute maid or schoolgirl or even lolita outfit and having sex with him. I get the feeling he's a virgin or at least super inexperienced and that makes my desire 10x stronger.

Problem is that I'm already in a relationship with a guy I absolutely love and do not want to leave or cheat on. He is 100% right for me except that he's really vanilla and doesn't want me to dress up during sex. We're currently long distance and I'm kind of lonely, so I guess that's why I'm fantasizing so hard right now. Is it wrong to fantasize about another person while your SO is away? I'm planning to bottle up all these sexy feels and unleash them on my bf as soon as he gets back. Maybe I'll even dress up.

>> No.8985236

If you're having any issues, don't move together. Those issues will intensify tenfold once you live together

>> No.8985271

He sounds very cold, like your thoughts and feelings don't matter. Is it the same across the board anon? Do you think moving home would give you some breathing room.

My husbands "friend" proceeded to ruin a great girl by acting how you describe, when she left him we were all "good on you". He gave her the pull your weight and I'l drop you shit, so she moved her job even to be with him as he thought her old one was too far away (more that she could see her family and friends).

Nothing she could do was good enough. I was super worried he would destroy her confidence. It was forced to a head when he let someone he knew move in rent free

Run away anon, your doubts are valid!

>> No.8985325

I post so much to /cgl/, I pretend to be different people so my responses aren't monotonous.

>> No.8985327

Nah, as long as you don't make any moves on him or anything.

>> No.8985328

man, when I was 15 I had sex with a guy who was 22 - my boyfriend at the time, actually. nobody cares (besides my mother, who tried to ground me for ever even meeting him but I filled all her dumb demands about it so she had to let me out. she didn't even know we fucked, that'd have made it ten times worse) and over here it's legal. we broke up soon after because my mother was psychoing everywhere at me, but he was a great boyfriend and I don't really regret it happening

>> No.8985344

I'm super loyal to my GF and abhor cheating, but lately have more women start paying attention to me sexually.
I have a high sex drive and my GF can't seem to keep up and has gone rather vanilla lately.
I keep thinking of finding a side girl but hate myself for the thought.

>> No.8985348

I hate my small boobs so much that I've been intentionally been making myself fat just to make my boobs bigger.
>inb4 guys tell me flat chested is better
You only mean it when it comes to shorter girls. Being tall and flat chested I might as well be a man...

My old clothes don't fit me but I have cleavage now... I think I might have BDD to be honest.

>> No.8985497

Where you are, maybe it's legal, but when I see someone in their twenties dating someone who is in their first year of high school, that's pretty disturbing. The closest I ever got to doing that was dating a guy who was three years younger than me (I was 20 and he was 17). I'd say if they are over 16 and the gap is only 3 years, that's fine.

But 15 and 22? 7 years between you? There's such a giant gap in development. Age gaps like that makes me wonder what's so wrong with the older person that they can't find a partner their age.

But I remember being 15 and fantasizing about dating/fucking my middle-aged teachers. More reason for adults to ACT like adults and not respond to that shit.

>> No.8985502

You were stupid and 15, but he was a grown adult and if you cant see how fucked it is now it just means you are stupid now too. It isnt hard to see that it may be 'ok' for you at 15 because you think you are mature enough but in the other position it is easy to see how childish a 15 year old is compared to someone who can legally drink, drive, be on their own, and is done with school.

You broke up before it got bad but dont take that to mean it wouldnt have.

>> No.8985509

So you rather be fat and ugly then slender and flat chested? You know fat just doesn't always go to your chest. Men don't like saggy fat tits and a gut. Loose the weight and save up for implants instead. It's much healthier for yourself.

>> No.8985516

>Men don't like saggy fat tits and a gut

Because you have to put down one body type and shout "ALL MEN LIKE X" to feel better about another body type?
Because you can't just say "Some men find flat chested tall girls attractive"?
Because fucking IMPLANTS are going to fix low self-esteem?

I'm sorry you were bullied by a fat chick in high school, but I know plenty of average dudes who are certainly dating girls with saggy tits and are fat.
>inb4 those are some kind of mythical lesser men
>10/10 got me to respond

>> No.8985518

>tall and flat
Muh ideal body type. I used to be tall and flat but then sprouted boobs as a teen and I fucking despise them. The grass is always greener, dude.

My confession is that in my comm, more genderfluid/nonconforming types are showing up out of the woodwork. The moment someone that is clearly a biological female and presents as such tells me they go by pronouns other than female makes me automatically think less of them. I'm becoming a nervous wreck trying to remember who is he/him, they/them, and xie/xim because if I dare make a mistake, they'll be all over me having panic attacks and calling me a transphobic person. I hate these fucking gender flux people. I'm so afraid of getting attacked again I don't want to go to meets anymore.

>> No.8985531

What makes a 20-22 year old an adult though? purely their age? I know plenty of 25 year olds that should be back in middle school if we just judge their mentality, and ive known a lot of teens that were far more mature than 20 year olds ive known.

I agree though that I look down on anybody out of high school that decides to date a freshman or something. Not because I think its disgusting really but that its just fucking stupid, if youre a man your risking so much if anything ever goes wrong and why would anyone whos gotten out of HS want to keep reliving it by dating someone still in it unless they graduate in the next year or so?

That said though my parents were almost 9 years apart and met while my mom was still in highschool and I had an ex whose parents were 10 years apart, so its not exactly uncommon or anything. As long as everyone is consenting who cares?

>> No.8985534

Honestly im going to have to agree with >>8985509 on this. I am a fatty chan with big boobs and im working hard on being skinny instead. Its better to be healthy first and then you can do something about the boobs if its really that bad.

Implants are not a horrible thing, and yes they can help fix low self esteem, ton of girls who cant get over their chest size are so much happier to get implants to go up a size. If the size of your chest is whats keeping you from loving yourself then there is no reason to feel bad if you ever opt for implants.

But please stay healthy first, youre going to regret forcing yourself to be fat just for that extra fat in the chest

>> No.8985542

It's hard for me to cosplay because every time I do, I see myself in that character. Every time I see an image, it makes me cringe inside.
How do I fix this

>> No.8985543

>and yes they can help fix low self esteem
Implants are a surgery and a commitment that require upkeep and eventual readjustment. There's a possibility that they won't set right on a person, and make their feelings about their chest even worse.

If you don't fix the reasons behind the low-self esteem in the first place, which are more likely tied to validation issues, you just become a person who still has low self-esteem with bigger boobs.

The comparison of losing weight for health to cosmetic boob surgery is absolute bullocks. At least when a fat person decides to lose weight for 'self-esteem' they're getting a health benefit, but there's still plenty who lose the weight and still find something else to feel like shit about. Usually at that point it's stretch marks, saggy skin, scars, and the like.

>> No.8985546

I started dating my current boyfriend when I was 16 and he was 23. We're still together now and happy and I'm 19 now. Soooo...when exactly is it supposed to get "bad"? Because I don't think its going to.

>> No.8985551

I said they can help, not that the implants fix everything and make it all rainbows. But being able to look at yourself and say "Yes, I look like how I thought I always should" is a huge thing in helping it. Its not a cure for needing therapy and wont solve all your issues, but it can help you feel more like how you feel you should look.

But my source is just knowing a couple girls that went from being flat to getting implants to be a B cup that are so so so much happier with how they look now and that makes me happy.

In the end the reason for most peoples low self esteem is all about validition. Why am I losing weight? To look good because I dont think I look good now and Im not healthy. I want validation just as much as the flat girl that wants boobs.

Theres always something to feel about, but why does that mean you should just accept it if theres something you can do about it? Get an arm lift, get a boob lift, are those things also awful? Even though they help people feel better about looking themselves in the mirror?



As long as youre getting these things for you and not to look better to a bf or something its absolutely fine.

>> No.8985555




>> No.8985557

I just picked shit up that I googled

and why not reddit? It has real women that actually got implants talking about how it affected them, thats pretty important.

My main point in the first place was to put your health first and deal with the other issues (feeling bad about boobs) while being healthy.

If implants are in someones future because they think itll help than thats not a sin.

>> No.8985559

>they can help
I understand what you're trying to say here, but you're agreeing with an anon whose first recommendation is for that girl to get implants without knowing much more about her other than she's flat and tall and feels a little bad about it.

I'm just trying to be the voice of reason before everyone jumps on the cosmetic surgery train hoping to quick fix their problems.
>I want to lose weight because I don't think I look good
>I want to lose weight because I'm jeopardized and I don't want to die
These just aren't comparable, bottom line. They're two separate things. If fat people are driven to change because all they want deep down is the acceptance of others, who I guarantee are going to be finding some other shit wrong with them (because not everyone is going to approve of everybody), then that weight loss isn't likely going to be kept off in the long term.

All I can recommend for people with deep body issues is to talk to a therapist.

>> No.8985561

you don't even know how cup sizes work who would follow links that you sent?

also, you're an idiot if you think that people get implants for 'themselves' it's due to pressure from peers and society, people rarely do it for themselves.

>> No.8985564

Tall and skinny is way, way better than tall and fat. Being tall and fat is the worst possible body type for a woman to have, especially if you're also an apple shape. At least when you're tall and skinny you can be elegant. Tall fat women are like lumbering lard titans.

>> No.8985565

I dont think theres a single fat person that lost weight solely because of their health, but sure I agree with you.

I dont know how cup sizes work? says who?

You measure your underbust and your chest and go from the difference between the two. Your band size is very important.

>> No.8985568

>Tall fat women are like lumbering lard titans.
At least they're the ones who land the plus size modeling gigs if they're attractive enough.

>tfw fat hobbit with medium boobs

>> No.8985579
File: 43 KB, 680x453, pec implants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weight solely because of their health
But that needs to be the predominant reason because it's the only one with any value.

I mean don't you see how arbitrary it is to physically cut yourself open and morph your body just because it's not in line with what others expect of you? If society decided tomorrow that it was desirable to have yellow hair and a big nose, would you feel the pressure to do it?
Do men who get those weird "muscle" implants because they can't naturally maintain that kind of bulk not strike you as a bit...pandering? Potentially endangering their health and bodies because they want to look like the ideal macho man?

I mean if you can look at pectoral implants on dudes and say "Gee, that's a wee strange thing to fix self-image issues," then how is it different for female breasts?

>> No.8985581

Same with my comm. A lot of the genderflux people don't even go to any of the meets, yet actively post in the fb group reminding that "not everyone here is a lady~~ uwu" It's so annoying and makes me ashamed of being part of the trans community.

>> No.8985589

In the end my only thoughts are, if it helps you than thats great.

Obviously this isnt always the case and as stated before no amount of surgery is a cure from needing therapy.

But still, I know a lot of people that have gotten jobs done and are very much happier for it.

Its a case by case sort of thing.

Although the difference to me between a muscle implant and a boob implant is this:

You can always work out to get bigger muscles

You can not work out to get bigger boobs

Theyre not really comparable to me

>> No.8985593

>implying b-cup is large

you said it yourself.

either way, people like you who encourage people to get breast implants are disgusting.

plastic surgery in and of itself is harmful because it implies that looks are all that matter, and while they are important, they're not the only thing that is important. even so, a lot of plastic surgery is acceptable and even good, especially for people with deformities.

breast implants however have no good merit to them and they put fourth the idea that women and femininity are defined by breasts, which they are not. they serve no function and unlike many other forms of surgery they look terrible except for in some instances, even when done correctly, are painful almost permanently and require lots of expensive upkeep. plus, other than people who have breast implants or horny losers no one actually respects those who get them. they obviously shouldn't in any case. and the only people who want breast implants are extremely insecure and don't know what real breasts are like, and their insecurities aren't solved due to getting them, mostly they just shift.

tl;dr: breast implants are for idiots who want other idiots to think they look hot in clothes.

>> No.8985594

When you grow into a fully developed adult woman and he goes looking for another dumb impressionable teenager to fuck instead.

>> No.8985596

actually you kind of can.

also, you can actually get larger breasts naturally by using human growth hormone and taking estrogen supplements. it works only in a few months and is done all the time in other countries, even though it's somewhat dangerous and highly increases risk of breast cancer.

>> No.8985597

Yes its just awful for me to say "if in the end this is what you want, you shouldnt be demonized for it"

Also I never implied they were large, in fact I was trying to imply they WERENT large, as in "I know women who ONLY went up to a B cup (instead of something crazy)" and were happier with themselves.

I really dont care about why you think its awful to feel good about yourself in the way you choose to. Youre just as bad as people who think you need huge boobs to be happy. All your doing is shaming the other way. Let people choose what they want.

>> No.8985599

>You can always work out to get bigger muscles
For some people.
Otherwise steroids wouldn't be so popular if it were that easy. These muscle implants wouldn't be a thing either. Eventually having that level of muscle becomes unrealistic for some because it requires dedication to a strict diet and so many hours lifting.
>you can not work out to get bigger boobs
Agree, but lifting can make them slightly more perky.
But it's not fair of you to assert there's no way to make boobs bigger. Hormones are what makes the body store fat in breasts. That's in part why MtF go on hormones, why people on birth control experience breast development, etc.

Either way, both are getting the breast implants because it's how they feel they will feel better with insta-boobs.

>> No.8985602

You can work out to make your boobs perkier, not larger. Thats impossible because your boob is fat.

and if a person ever chooses that route I wouldnt demonize them for that either. I would tell them the same thing I would if they wanted implant, "research the hell out of it first and do not go cheap on it"

Thats very true about steroids

And like I said before I would never tell someone its wrong to go the hormones route either.

I really do believe its a case by case sort of deal.

Why is a transwoman getting boobs to be more feminine any better than a flat girl getting boobs to be more feminine? They both should be given the same respect and told of the risks and see if they still choose it.

>> No.8985610

>Why is a transwoman getting boobs to be more feminine any better than a flat girl getting boobs to be more feminine?

In my humblest of opinions, I find both to be superficial and performative measures.
Because both imply one can only ever be feminine unless you fit into rigid body stereotypes.
If there's one thing I don't think feminism should have supported, it was that "boobs make the woman" in transgenderism.

Like you said, I'm all for people doing what they feel is right for themselves but I wish there were healthier motivations behind it that didn't necessarily involve outside validation.
Worst of all, I hate how when someone says they feel bad about their bodies the first thing we tend to say is that it's a problem with themselves and to recommend surgeries. Not that we should ever question why they're feeling that way or if maybe the isolation they feel is justified.

>> No.8985614

are you retarded? transwomen get breasts from HRT they don't get implants.

>> No.8985617

I followed & supported a cosplayer on Twitter because she lived in the same city as me (NYC), she was kinda cute, & I was hoping to one day penetrate her. But, she was actually pretty boring and eventually unfollowed her. She deleted her account not too long after.

I found her via PT's account (who I also followed for completely different reasons; she eventually blocked me) when she replied to her.

>> No.8985620

Everyone ITT arguing about looks and plastic surgery should read this article. Basically it's saying we should stop breeding this idea that beauty matters most, also we should stop pretending it doesn't matter at all because both are harmful. Rather, we should teach everyone that being different is fine.


>> No.8985623

Ok I can definitely understand what you mean and I agree.

I dont think anyone should feel they HAVE to have boobs to be a woman and im sorry ive made it seem that way.

It would be nice if there could be healthier motivations but in the end breasts will always end up in the realm of "I want them/dont want them because I dont like how they look"

Other than of course, breast cancer survivors who dont get a choice.

Problems with your body do come from within most often than not though and I think therapy is a great way to start dealing with it and be able to find out if its justified or not and what can be done to help.

I just hope that if a person does decide to get a job done its not meant with such hate to that it doesnt matter anymore that they feel better about how they look because now they have the stigma of "fake boobs" on them if someone finds out.

That hurts women (as far as the ones I know) far more than actually having the implants when it comes to feeling better about themselves because they finally get them, they feel good, and then someone says "ugh fake boobs how dare you you vapid whore."

>> No.8985662

To be honest anon, the stigma exists for a reason. Other than breast cancer survivors who get them, the people getting them are clearly influenced by others to do so, namely a lot of those people who believe breasts are the be-all-end-all of femininity. I don't think that breast implants should be encouraged at all because getting them actually has the opposite effect of "owning your sexuality", which is a primary argument for augmentation. The stigma of having small breasts is what needs to be erased. As a woman who has very small breasts, I would never get implants because I don't feel bad about it on a personal level, rather, everyone around me feels bad for me, and points it out as if I feel insecure about it, and that's the issue. It was never an issue of me looking in the mirror and feeling bad about them myself, It's when I have friends tell me I should wear extreme padded bras because I would look more "complete" with larger breasts, or when insecure girls make snide remarks about how I'm "perfect other than my small chest". These are the real issue, and even for me, I am lucky that my mother doesn't chide me about it, like what happens to some people. But the real point is that my breast size never bothered me until people tried to make it important. I just feel lucky enough that I am happy with myself and surpassed that insecurity.

Sorry for ranting. I just feel like it's extremely misguided to think that people aren't constantly being influenced to get augmentation or that they wanted it of their own volition.

>> No.8985666


I like reading the comments about this article because they're right:

>>I'm not sure how much the opinions expressed in this article have to do with the author's being Australian and how much my reaction to it is shaped by my being American, but I find myself offended that a person who fits both cultures' paradigm for attractiveness, and whose picture demonstrating this is posted at the top of the article for all to see, is telling us that those who aren't as non-ugly as she is (i.e. most of humanity) should accept our biologically-determined place in the world as the ugly people we are instead of questioning the metrics we use by which we judge attractiveness - perhaps because doing so would rob Ms. Baird of her biologically-determined aesthetic superiority. I understand that she is writing to report on Mr. Hoge's story, but this piece may be more about the writer's own story than she intended.

>>In the final paragraph she tells us that her daughter "accumulated" a large number of Barbie dolls, but that she "decided to buy her" the Eleanor Roosevelt doll. Does that mean her daughter bought her own dolls? Perhaps she got them from another relative, but still, the switch from passive to active voice implies that she bears no responsibility for the Barbie dolls appearing in her daughter's room in the first place.

>>This article is self-serving - being ugly's OK, but only those with Ms. Baird's looks can be "beautiful". Neither she nor Mr. Hoge got to choose what they look like, but we can choose to call them both beautiful, and why shouldn't we?

>> No.8985691

I know a similar feel

Beta-fags/virgins kinda turn me on for some reason, then when the sex happens they feel so fullfilled you can't help but laugh on the inside because you're no where near satisfied.
What is this weird feel?

>> No.8985715

I used to be a virgin hunter anon. I know exactly what you mean.

>> No.8985729

My sister is trans and she did in fact get breast implants. It's not all about the hormones.

>> No.8985753
File: 33 KB, 600x500, FB_IMG_1462042172122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't shake the feeling I got pity-kissed by my senpai when he asked me out a few days ago.
Reading his signals is as diffficult as it can be; he hasn't mentioned the kiss itself just he had a good time. He treats me the same as before which is nice but somewhat disappointing.

Guess I'll just have to find comfort in all the money I'll be making at my new job.

>> No.8985754

Used to be? Why stop? It's fun, isn't it?

>> No.8985770

I'm getting too old now. A lot of the virgins I have to choose from are older and unattractive rather than young and shy.

>> No.8985774

1) we got along very well and still do, if life works out for both of us we're considering getting together again. he still misses me.
2) the 'giant gap in development' really didn't show, we were having pretty fucking meaningful conversations back then (we both were kinda into armchair philosophy, and I helped him out of a massive depressive slump, after which he went to military and afterwards finally finished university). I'm diagnosed autistic/'gifted' as my parents like to put it so I guess I've always been kinda smarter/more reasonable than the average and never got along with folks my age. people thought I was around 20 when I was 14, but at the same time I could and still can be horrible with social norms/conventions.
3) I'd had a really early start to sex and sexual things, from 11 when my best friend I had a crush on asked me for nudes and I complied (wasn't really aware of what I was doing or what would feel nice), to having an overly excited boyfriend at 12 who taught me to actually masturbate, to having my first real (as in, meeting with him) boyfriend and losing my virginity to him at 15. I am definitely fucked up in my sexual development and I sure as hell wouldn't start as early and as shittily as I did, but I turned out more or less ok.
4) I'd always been into guys several years older than me, my longest purely online relationship was when I was 13 and he was 18. we were pretty happy together. this relationship was the biggest age gap I'd ever had, but it really didn't feel any different from the other ones I'd had. on the contrary, we were a very good match.

I can completely understand why people would get red flags, but we really did, and still do, have a very good connection and I mean, you don't know us personally. I agree that it doesn't work for most folks (and I mean, this is exactly what those people would also say), but it just kinda.. worked.

>> No.8985809

I accidentally findom-ed a guy when I jokingly told him to buy me lolita. I honestly didn't expect him to do so since that's a common way I tell my lolita friends I want something. He started talking about how"hot" it was and how aroused he got as he was checking out buying the dress. He's bought me two dresses now and absolutely loves when I degrade him. I feel really fucked up for doing this and do that really stupid nervous laughing and talking to yourself thing when I send him messages but the idea of not having to buy my dresses and accessories myself and being able to buy things purely to sell to make money appeals to me just too much. Plus I get to somewhat take my anger out on him and he loves it.

>> No.8985844

Why the hell is no one pointing out that big boobs are fucking unaesthetic?

If you cosplay, padding will always look better than giant, oddly-spaced and ill-fitting rocks. If you are a lolita, flat is perfect for the cuts, especially IW. If flat-chan isn't either, she needs to fuck right off this board

>> No.8985869

I honestly wondered if there was an idiom that went like that for a good minute too.

>> No.8985895

Similar feel
>Old classmate invites me to play tabletop games with him and friends
>all but old classmate seems to be virgins
>Theyre con bros which is why i guess i was invited because my thinly veiled powerlevel. >One of them is in a small class with me but we never talk
>I can tell the old classmate is into me but i just want to fuck his virgin friends
>spill my spegghetti every time im around virgins but have no problem around normal people
>just want classmate to lose his virginity while in cosplay, would settle without it though
>spilled spegghetti in class when i asked him for his number and if hes free on two separate occasions
How do i advance anons? Why is it so hard for me not act beta with these virgins?

>> No.8985918

Finish the cosplays and give them to your new friends at no charge! They're an asset for strengthening friendships

>> No.8985926

My guy had the same thoughts, told me upfront about said thoughts, and ruined Valentine's day for me forever.

>> No.8985945

Tell me your secrets.

Does he expect stuff in return?

>> No.8986021
File: 2.99 MB, 241x148, HerdingCats.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not an uncommon confession, but I'm thinking of leaving my lolita comm. Not stopping lolita, but removing my name quietly from the comm's facebook group, and then organize just small private meets with a few close friends.

One of my lolita friends did this a few years ago, and she seems so much happier for it.

I'm getting burned out organizing meets for the comm. It can be fun, but it also can become mentally taxing.

>> No.8986025


You disgust me.

>> No.8986032


>Is it wrong to fantasize about another person while your SO is away?

Absolutely not - whoever thinks that thought policing is a good idea needs to get smacked twelve ways to sunday. As long as you don't act on it. Don't get too comfortable with that though - it'd be pretty dismaying to hear if some guy aroused my girlfriend more than I. Great idea on using it to your leverage though. If he doesn't like the idea of you wearing dresses while fucking, then tough for him. Go nuts.

Hang in there though. Long distance is super tough and very admirable.

>> No.8986039


I absolutely understand your pain, mate. My ex was asexual and, when we did have sex, it was purely for my sake (emotionally as a connection for her aside). I beat myself up miserably over it, and decided to go with the idea you have of having a "side girl" - we both sat down and talked about it and she was fine with it, but after actually going on about it for a little bit, I just absolutely couldn't handle it and had to stop that.

Sexual intimacy is a very core component for many functioning relationships between people, and those who usually are sexually incompatible will find extreme distress on one end or the other, and it's terrible because no one is at fault.

Don't go for the side chick. Sit down with her and tell her about how you feel. Try new things and experiment - hopefully there can be a fire kindled. Somehow see if there's more to your relationship that might somehow quell the desire for sex until you two can work it out (infinitely easier said than done). If not, you may just need to play the role of responsibility and break it off. If you two could remain close friends, that would be awesome, but why kid ourselves?

I'm no guru on the subject. I just know it fucking sucks.

>> No.8986051


>Being tall and flat chested I might as well be a man...

You have not met the right guys then, gosh. Don't diss yourself like that. As a fat guy with mantits, I sometimes worry that girls dislike the pudge and find it an extreme turnoff.

Just love yourself and others will love you too!

>> No.8986057
File: 22 KB, 368x368, 1442722336979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl I know that feel all to well. BF is super vanilla, he's not interested in anything like dressing up, heck everthing that isn't vanilla. I'd love to be his most kawaii maid or school girl and all that stuff but simply he hasn't any interest in it at all. We're living together for a couple of years now and I'm still fantasizing hard every now and then, because there isn't much I can do about it. Otherwise our relationship is awsome.

Guess you can't have everything.

>> No.8986064


>All these guys being vanilla in relationships with weaboos


>> No.8986073

He gets abused in return. That's what he gets out of it. Source: my husband has that kink.

My confession is that a couple weeks ago, I got high and fucked my husband while I was wearing a very expensive dress, so hard that I have forgotten most of it, but he tells me I was so into it.

>> No.8986088
File: 62 KB, 800x600, 1437462905543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to post a confession, but I don't quite know if it's much of one -- I wanna' hook up at a convention some day.

Yeah, that's about it. It's pretty lame.

>> No.8986102

>As a fat guy with mantits, I sometimes worry that girls dislike the pudge and find it an extreme turnoff.
But it is, though. No one worth anything wants a fat slob who can't even take care of himself. Tall DFCs on the other hand are cute as fuck.

>Just love yourself and others will love you too!
o-or she could give me her number, that could work too.

>> No.8986106

How much are you "worth" anon? You sound like a salty cumdumpster.

>> No.8986111


You got me, Anon. Why else would I be into Chinese Cartoons if I wasn't fat? Duh.

>> No.8986143

This frustrates me. All I wanted was for my gf to dress up and cosfuck. The only chance I had was a Halloween party where she wore a robin costume. But she came late, saw me talking to some girls and got pissed.

>> No.8986147


Well in all fairness, I'm sure a lot of girls don't want to get their outfits messed up with wrinkles and sweat and misc. stains when they don't have to worry about clothes in the first place.

>> No.8986152

I know. I think of all the work I've put into a cosplay, and it would be hard to justify potentially ruining it for sex.

desu I totally would. Hopeless horndog though. I've offered to make her a costume before, she just wasnt into it.

>> No.8986193
File: 70 KB, 400x400, 1409518304550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate you guys trying to help me when it comes to feeling like shit about being flat chested but it still doesn't erase
>being asked if I'm a tranny every time I go out without a pushup bra in jfashion
>having people stare at my face, chest, then face again every time I go out without a pushup bra (people trying to figure out my gender)
>my mother getting me pushup bras and telling me it embarrasses her when I go out without one
>the girls in my all girls middleschool telling me that I had nothing so there's no point of wearing a bra since I'm practically a dude anyway
>my friends in highschool literally naming me "IBTs" and saying how much cuter i'd be if I had something there
>strangers in highschool calling me tiny tits and telling me I'd never be attractive
>random people at cons groping my chest trying to figure out my gender
>every boyfriend of mine (save the weird ones) acting somewhat disappointed because of my small boobs+ height combo (they insisted they didn't care that much but it was still made shown)

I didn't always feel like shit about my body.
but no, I am going to continue bulking up- my mistake was saying fat in the first place. my body is getting thick. I exercise- with an athletic build. need to tone my tummy more and not neglect arm day like an idiot- but other than that- i'm not an obese chan, and if you're really stretching I'm a semi muscular chubby chan at best.

I miss being unhealthily thin but I like actually having boobs now more. Society isn't going to magically change overnight, and those things that were constantly said to me arent going to just dissapear.

>mfw all these "DONT BE A FATTYYYY REEE" comments

How would I, an anonymous internet stranger choosing to gain weight effect you? Some people actually choose to become obese since its what makes them happy. Stop pretending you care about your health when in reality you don't give a shit about these people. You just think being fat is gross.

>> No.8986215

I hate so much girls who are always "LOOK AT MY BOOBS" and they only have fat boobs.

>> No.8986218

Don't become unhealthy gaining or losing weight. Either way is a terrible idea anon. Muscles are great, but health first anon.

But honestly the itty bitty titty committee is my jam. Canada?

>> No.8986219


>my mother getting me pushup bras and telling me it embarrasses her when I go out without one
>every boyfriend of mine (save the weird ones) acting somewhat disappointed because of my small boobs
>random people at cons groping my chest trying to figure out my gender

Yo, that's pretty fucked up. Really fucked up.

>How would I, an anonymous internet stranger choosing to gain weight effect you?

I'm obviously not speaking on behalf of the other anons here, but I care about people I don't even know. The idea of someone being unhappy living with themselves doesn't sit well with me at all, and it's upsetting not being able to do much to help Anon feel any better. I know I can't magically say "Just don't let it bother you!" or "Love your body!", but everyone is beautiful in one way or another, and other people robbing you of that thought's awful.

Sorry, don't mean to ramble. I'd hug you through the web if I could bud.

>> No.8986224

It sounds to me that the problem isn't your lack of tits, it's that you look androgynous.

And for the record--androgynous looking people can have boobs and people can still have confusion figuring out which gender they are.

>> No.8986232

>fat boobs
As opposed to...magic boobs with no fat or plasti-tit?

>> No.8986236

I'm not androgynous.
I'm just tall.

Tall is associated with
>being manly
>being dominant

Short is associated with
>being cute
>being submissive

Height doesn't make you any more or less manly, and it sure as hell doesn't define your preferences either- but most people see it (even subconsciously) as such

Funnily enough, when I do wear a super padded push up bra the "are you a tranny?" questions and stares COMPLETELY stop.

I appreciate it anon. honestly I'm the same way- every post is a person- but the majority isn't like that due to lack of disconnection. what I'll never wrap my head around is people bullying others so harshly on sites like twitch they make them cry.. and then keep going. you see their face, where is the disconnection there? (sorry miniramble hah)

>> No.8986237

Opposed to natural boobs. (sorry, english isn't my first)
I mean, obese/fat girls who are "I have huge breasts, look at my cleavage" and they only have breasts due to their weight.

>> No.8986239

As opposed to fat and perky boobs, maybe? Anon didn't say it didn't need to be fat, just that it had to be more than only fat.

>> No.8986240 [DELETED] 

Its fat chicks you have big boobs but they are gross asf. Cottage cheese jammed into balloons

>> No.8986249
File: 681 KB, 800x800, 1456527257016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>what I'll never wrap my head around is people bullying others so harshly

Can I be your friend, Anon? :3? It's refreshing to hear someone else on the 4chins actually isn't a dillweed.

>> No.8986256
File: 127 KB, 500x500, 1456068842119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cosplay community in NYC is the most toxic thing I've ever seen. All they want to talk about is talking shit about each other. I can never have a conversation with any of them without it being about how this person did this and that. I'm all for gossip but it's so tiring from how immature and petty it can get. Feels like I'm in high school still.

>mfw never get too close or hang out with them at non cosplay events because I see how badly they talk about even their "close friends"
>dropped my friend because she got wrapped in it and never told her that was the reason

>> No.8986259

drop your email. I'm not dropping mine after confessing lmao- but I'll hit you up

>> No.8986260 [DELETED] 



>> No.8986261

I keep wanting to make a shitty costume to see if I know how to apply my current electronic knowledge enough to include working LED set ups and possibly servos but I know I probably can't afford it and spending time thinking on and planning on this is definitely getting in the way of my school work
Also I drink too much, I'm a creep who spergs out when near girls at cons, etc.

>> No.8986267

Something that helped me a lot was cosplay a masked/helmet character. For whatever reason, the separation helped me get over that awkwardness. .
Plus helmet characters are awesome.

>> No.8986269

You sound retarded because boobs ARE MADE OF FAT. Stop being so insecure about fat chicks and their tits.

>> No.8986275

I sort of knew that already because the last costume I went as had a face mask and I noticed myself feeling a lot less skittish than normal and the one I keep thinking about would be a full helmet so I bet it'd be work even better for me
The only real problem is I don't know how to ventilate my stuff very well so I overheat fast unless indoors

>> No.8986277


Done and sent!

>> No.8986280

Don't need to know you personally to know that the people you dated were pedos, only need to know the age gap. Every teenager thinks they're more "mature" than the next.

>> No.8986281

>all these way too young, inappropriate sexual experiences
sounds like people have just been chronically taking advantage of your low social/emotional IQ

>> No.8986287

Your brain is literally still developing until you're 25. The fastest growth happens when you're going through puberty/a teen. So there is a big difference in just that. Teenagers are just starting to be able to reason, but they have no impulse control and are into instant benefits.

Of course there are immature 25 year olds. That doesn't mean they should be dating freshmen in high school. Age does matter.

>> No.8986289

Stop being so mad you forget how to read.

>> No.8986292

Just keep asking or even have people wear those nametags? They can't get mad at you for forgetting, and if they do they're assholes.

>> No.8986294

So should no body date until their 25?

Youre assuming all teens are the same, which they arent. I for instance had plenty of impulse control, and I know plenty still that do. People treating teens like they cant think is partly what does drive them to do something dumb. Teens can be dumb, but not all of them and not all the time.

I said it rubs me the wrong way if youre old and dating someone in highschool though. Mainly because, why the fuck would you unless its the age gap you like? Like how does a 25 year old meet a 15 year old anyway? Internet I guess, but most people would back off when they hear the kid is 15,16,17. So once you hit a certain age and you try dating a kid in hs its pretty obvious its more because of the age than anything.

However if youre 20 and your gf is 18 and a senior in hs, so what? Id even let it slide at 20 and 17 given certain circumstances.

4-5 years is the biggest difference I think can work without looking funny. Any bigger age gap only works when both the people are already out of hs

>> No.8986296

I think its something about not being you. You feel more confident and can act non retarded. I still do mostly face covered cosplays. I both love mask making and enjoy being able to talk to people.

Ventilation is tough. Most of the time, I just tough it out and drink tons. I have like 8 different sweat bands to keep that in check.
I'm working on putting Fans into my gundam head. I have wiring for the LEDs anyway and had 2 spare computer fans. Don't know how its going to work, but I have positive thoughts.

>> No.8986298

But also, the lower in age you go the worse it gets of course.

14 dating an 18 year old is only 4 years but now the 14 year old is only just hitting teens. Its a hard line to draw and I think 17/18 is a fine consent age.

>> No.8986305

Not really a "confession" just a rant.

FUCK YOU REPLICA BUYERS >:( You all make me so angry I just can't handle it sometimes. "I'd rather buy replica that fits or nothing at all" so get it tailored! There is no good excuse to buy replicas when some AP JSK's go up to fucking 110 cm in bust and a good amount in the waist too! If all you need is more shirring then just get the dress tailored to fit in more shirring!

Fuck people that make excuses to buy brand, from one fatty chan (that owns brand I can fit into even) to another

>> No.8986307


>> No.8986310

I was stating a fact about development. That's up to YOU to decide if you think people shouldn't date until then, but for me, kids in high school are old enough to date.

Teens should date others close to their age who are similar in development. Not creepy old predators taking advantage of the fact they are ~cool~ by virtue of being older and having access to alcohol.

Of course all teens are different, just like people in literally every other age group. It doesn't mean that humans don't hit developmental milestones as they age. I teach at a high school. Teenagers can be incredibly intelligent and mature. That doesn't mean they can't be taken advantage of, that they aren't still children in need of protection, that they are vulnerable to disgusting perverts who will draw them in with compliments of "You're so mature for your age~"

>> No.8986311

If you actually see what ends up being done to 'add more shirring' you probably wish they just bought a replica. Its usually fugly even if a professional does it well because you have to add panel somewhere.

>> No.8986312

hope that's not too loud, I imagine having little whirring fans by your head would be really annoying unless you've got like a good 6 inches on each side of your face

>> No.8986316

Maybe im dumb because I do know very little about tailoring, but why would they have to do that to add more shirring if there is already shirring there?

Normally what I see if that they use the fabric from the waist bows or something to add extra shirring. It shouldnt look funky at all to just add some more elasticity to already present shirring?'

I could see it being fugly if it was OP they cut a square out of to put in shirring though

>> No.8986325

Fat boobs are saggy fat slabs compared to perky or medium sag. Women's boobs and man boobs look different IMO and man boobs are usually fat boobs

>> No.8986328

Thats my biggest concern. Liquid cooling was also considered, but it might be too expensive. I building a foam pad behind the ears in hopes that will muffle the sound a bit, but still let the air circulate.

>> No.8986331

They wouldnt, the person just doesnt know what is needed to make something bigger. If anything you would take the shirring out because you would be maxing it anyways. All shirring does is gather the fabric.

Using waist ties and letting out seams only goes so far, at some point you need to add a panel of fabric in the back and make it look okay once you are big enough. When it is a print it looks awful because you cant match that.

>> No.8986333

>always have been disgusted at the idea of sex in Lolita
>today half unzipped my OP to tighten bra straps.
>incredibly turned on about my bare chest with my old dream dress half off.
>disgust returns as I would really never show anyone or attempt to have sex in Lolita

>> No.8986337

Good. Your rage and sexual frustration only make me stronger.

>> No.8986339


>Sexual frustration

Not quite. You'll only be getting half of your power today, you demon temptress.

>> No.8986342

if all else fails you could probably just get earplugs and say goodbye to the outside world once inside

>> No.8986345

Ah I see, well at the point were you absolutely can not tailor the dress to your size without adding even more panel or whatever I guess you just shouldnt buy it at all or hope your replica is really well made.

But generally the girls I see only need a few extra inches in their bust or waist which from what ive looked up is very much doable and not fugly or even really noticeable.

If you can get it tailored and not buy a replica you absolutely should go with getting it tailored I think instead of using this as a reason to support thieves that use cheap fabric

>> No.8986346

Ive worked in various types of high schools as a teacher for a few years now. In my observation, teenagers are all pretty much idiots. There are different kinds of idiocy, but they all suffer from at least one.

>> No.8986349

Denial is fine too.

>> No.8986351


Do you take it up the ass? That's the only thing that would make me jealous. Even so, you know not that my perversion out trumps your evil ways. You have gained no victory here today!

>> No.8986353


Also, a cat is fine too.

>> No.8986354

Normally Great Idea, but half the fun is interacting.

I guess confession, my favourite part of cosplaying is people wanting to talk to me/hang out. Strangers you just love the same shit I do. I usually hate pictures but once I suit up, I love it.

>> No.8986356

If you're tall and flat chested, just wear crazy runway fashion all the time. That way people will think you're interesting and fashionable even if you're ugly.

>> No.8986357

I dont take it up the ass, so I guess the day is yours, brave crusader!
Yes, yes it is.

>> No.8986365 [DELETED] 


>brave crusader!

If only posting Anonymously was a brave act. Imagine how famous I would be!

Actually, now that I think about it, I'm a newfag to /cgl/ and I've yet to see a single Namefag. That's nice.

>> No.8986408

idktf talking to strangers is scary

>> No.8986442

If you have sex you have sex but it shouldn't be dressing up for sex unless you're into that - if you have wild sex directly after a meet then it can happen naturally.

>> No.8986443

>tfw graduating
>tfw excited to head back home from college, finally, forever
>tfw none of your friends back home are into lolita
>tfw leaving a fantastic comm in which I almost had an adorable lolita best friend (we joined at about the same time and started carpooling together)

A-at least I can get re-involved in the comm there...

>> No.8986682

IMO if a girl is so big that even adding extra inches to an already large shirred AP dress won't let her fit it, she is likely obese and needs to focus on losing weight instead.

My SIL recently had this epiphany that instead of spending all that money to get her clothes and costumes altered to fit, she could use that money to see a dietician, stop eating candy and go swimming twice a week. She's lost twenty pounds already and is feeling really great about herself. Seeing her progress I find it very hard to feel sympathy for obese girls who cry about brand not fitting them and 'needing' to wear replicas instead.

>> No.8986765

every one of them has had completely normal aged relationships before and after, and only one was into lolicon and shit like that (5 year gap; he was also abused at a young age which seemed to influence his fetishes a lot)

meh, the early ones yes, but I very much enjoyed the feelings of being in love/crushing on someone, being wanted etc, and startd to hunt for them and specifically go after guys. if anything it was more of me not knowing how to get that attention and emotions in a healthy way. I still have problems with losing interest in people once I fall out of love but I'm trying to take care of them and improve myself. I've already managed to move on from being the typical rage kid in video games (except usually my rage was directed inwards), so I don't think it's impossible. I'm still young, I still have all of college to get my shit sorted out

in my case we met because he was the brother of a friend, not because of the internet or something. I really can't see your jump of logic from 'teens can be dumb but not all of them and not all the time' to 'why would anyone older ever be attracted to a highschooler besides the age'

I completely get what you mean and you're being reasonable about it too but in my individual case it was nothing to do with being cool or having alcohol. I remember making jokes about him buying me a drink, but he always refused and the only time he drank in my presence was one beer after a stressful first meeting with my dad (who was mostly ok with it, and he is someone who has dealt with trafficked, abused etc children before). spending time with him was great since when he came to visit, we would wander around my city's old town and other cultural shit on dates and he was legitimately so interested in everything I could tell him about it (in contrast to the other guys I dated who came over or went to dates with me, who didn't care about any of the surroundings and mostly just wanted to go fuck).

>> No.8986780

cool story sis

>> No.8986826

I feel like a sex addict, and it's really weighing down on me.

>meet guy on internet, we get along great, he helps me out of an abusive relationship
>6 months after this abusive relationship, i start to get a crush on my friend
>my ex made me extremely anxious about my appearance, once saying that i should get plastic surgery
>the only way i could feel attractive to him was by sending him nudes
>so frankly i confessed to my friend by being sexual
>he laughs at me, but a month later says hes in love with me too but thought a long distance relationship would be hard
>fuck it we're doing it anyway
>i get sexual super quick. at first he loves this, teases me about it and we masturbate together twice a day on average
>his sex drive slowly declines, but mine doesnt. we masturbate together once a month now
>we finally meet in real life, and after a few months of meeting each other, we lose our virginity
>his online sex drive doesnt improve, but irl he is really sexual
>thats great n all, but he is vanilla.
>so vanilla.
>jokingly mention whipped cream fetish, he gets really defensive and yells 'wtf i dont have that kind of fetish!'
>but you dont have any kind of fetish...
>whatever. i can deal with this, because i love the guy
>his sex drive irl starts to go down too
>last time i saw him, in the last 5 days we were together, he didnt even touch my tit
>i try to start shit with him, but he always pushes me away
>towards the end, even physically pushes me away
>well shit. i have had no sexual stimulation from this guy for more than a month
>im constantly thinking about sex now. i cant stop. it barely ever even crosses his mind
>i can barely concentrate on work at all thinking about sex
>i bring this up with him, he goes 'uh... i dont really know what to say...'

I don't know what to do. I feel just terrible for wanting more from our relationship, when he's perfectly happy with how it is. I don't know why his sex drive has decreased so much, and it's driving me crazy.

>> No.8986828

Don't worry anon, theres nothing wrong with having a higher sex drive. I have a much higher sex drive than my bf but i manage it by myself if i need to. Maybe look into getting a toy or something? Try to explore a bit, he may not know what he likes until he tries some things if he is inexperienced. If it really bothers you and you can't get over it, maybe it's time to move on. If you are too incompatible sex wise it won't work in the long run.

>> No.8986833

Thank you, it's odd to have those thoughts but know that you won't act on it.
It's just hard sometimes and it makes it slightly better to know that I'm not the only one.
Also I'm very open about what I want and how I feel just after getting cheated on I'm pretty fucked about how I deal with sex sometimes as honestly.
I love women all shapes and sizes and really need sex.

>> No.8986837

Does he, by chance, watch/read/look at alot of porn?

>> No.8986845


Thanks, it's kind of a relief to know there are others... I was thinking of getting a dildo of some kind, but at the same time, I'm also sort of worried that using it would stretch me out and make sex less satisfying for my boyfriend even when we do do it. If you don't mind me asking, what kind of toys do you recommend?


I don't think so, but sometimes he confuses me. Two months ago, I blew up at him a little because I found out he masturbated without me, even though I asked if we could do it together that day. (Selfish, I know) He said he did it to me though, and tried to assure me he still found me attractive by saying he'd fapped to me 5 times that month. But when did he even do it? We hadn't done it together at all. It only begs the question of how often he really does it without me, and frankly, I don't know. I don't even know what he's jacking it to. He says he does it to me, but he's also mentioned porn in the past a few times.

>> No.8986846

You need to calm the fuck down about the masturbation, it is getting controlling and creepy here. I get it, its a ldr and you want to be close sexually but getting angry that he masturbated is ridiculous.

A toy wont stretch your vagina out, thats isnt how your vagina works. But you need a toy because your sex drive doesnt match his and you need to lay off the pressuring.

>> No.8986850


Sorry, I know it's out of hand. That's why I feel terrible about the whole thing. Thanks for the advice, I think I'll seriously look into getting a proper toy.

>> No.8986891

Ok just wondering. Recovering porn addict here. Porn induced ED is very very real, and its quite possible his sex drive has lowered to you because of the constant overexposure porn may give you. The behaviors hes going through sound alot like what I did, back when my addiction was in full-force.

>> No.8986892

Toy and lube. There's also LDR sex toys.
Don't forget the lube, keeps you tight.

>> No.8987098

I'm so tired of one of my cosplay-friends but he's kinda the only one who lives near me so i'd be alone if i tried to cut him out of my life...

I've known him for a long time. He's ftm and i was really supportive at first but now he's into that tumblr-stuff and thinks he's a genderflued or something like that (actually i think he just wants that people think he's mtf). He's already been in sexual reassignment surgery and now he still wears dresses and he has bought fake boobs. I feel bad for not being that supportive anymore but now he just feels like he wants to be special snowflake and he thinks it's cool if someone thoughts he's mtf. I just don't get it.

Also, he has a lot of friends but as I said, we are the only ones who live in this part of the country. He's like a kid, someone has to keep a eye on him all the time just to watch that he takes his meds, eats, sleeps, don't waste all of his money, etc... And all his friends act like i'm his mom or something. At the con they tell me "he hasn't eaten anything, hey anon you watch that he eats when you two get home!". I'm even younger than him but if i leave him aloine our friends get mad at me for not looking after him. Also, he's NEET so he has all the time in the get his stuff done, but I'm always busy with my work and I'm still the one who arranges everything.

He lives the most unhealty life ever. He eats only fastfood. Also, he's in lot of debt because he buys everything he wants. If I try to tell him no his answer is "when i was child i allways got what i wanted so i never learned to save money or eat vegetables so you can't assume that i'd to that now either." I'm so tired of trying to put up with him but i don't want to loose the only friend i have at this city.

Sorry fot the long text, i just want to get the steam out because i can't say anything to him or to our friends. He can't take criticism and all our friends would just blame me for being harsh.

>> No.8987159
File: 43 KB, 400x279, toolewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a very sexual person, for a time I even considered the possibility I was asexual. However, for whatever reason when I'm working on a cosplay I find the idea of hooking up with someone cosplaying from the same series as me and having roleplay sex with them incredibly arousing. I don't think I would ever go through with it, even if the opportunity did arise but it is fun to fantasize about ...

>> No.8987250


>tfw you will never have have a girl who viciously wants to masturbate to you, with you

Feels very fucking batman.

>> No.8987254


Who are you cosplaying as? ;)

>> No.8987277

Let's be real. The Colorado cosplay comm is full of entitled assholes. The whole you have to be part of the "in crowd" mentality for us to associate with you is so sad, and even the photographers are super guilty of this. The whole state is cancerous when it comes to cosplay.

>> No.8987372

>ftm who wants people to think he's mtf
My brain can't take this.

>> No.8987377

I really want to peg my boyfriend while in my Bayonetta cosplay and he's said on more than one occasion that he would let me but ultimately I'm so afraid of ruining the costume......

>> No.8987402

Fucking Teens is now pedophile.
Phew, the more you now.

>> No.8987424

underrated recommendation

>> No.8987430

good for her!

fitness is mostly a psychological issue. chaging habits is difficult.

>> No.8987436

Oh I absolutely agree though! I bought a couple dresses the other day that are a few inches under what I need. I did it to make me work out more!

Obviously its even better to just lose the weight entirely, but I wasnt really factoring that in to my talk since you dont see replica buyers ever losing weight instead.

They have to an excuse to keep buying stolen prints!

>> No.8987529

DESU you're both right. There's a certain level of self esteem you need to have before you opt for surgery because nobody ever accounts for recovery. That shit isn't going to be fully healed until a while after surgery, and as someone who's recovering from rhinoplasty (I got it for medical reasons, my septum was so malformed pressure from glasses would cause excruciating pain/my breathing was so bad I almost passed out multiple times at work) it takes a lot of pre-existing self acceptance to handle how you look in the early weeks after surgery.
And on the other hand, if it's going to make someone happy to get something changed and it's something they've thought about for a while, then why not? Like (once again) in my case, neither of my parents had my nose; I actually somehow look more like my mom post-surgery.

But >>8985348
If you think you have BDD you might want to contact a Dr about that. Like even if it's a passing thought your happiness comes first and BDD means things are gonna suck after the initial thrill of having cleavage wears off. Look after yourself anon.

>> No.8987531
File: 1.34 MB, 1344x508, sweater clip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear mori a lot.
The mori silhouette, if you aren't familiar, is loose and layered.
At a family gathering last year, my grandma asked me what was wrong that caused me to let myself go.
I had already worried that people would think I was fat since mori is flowy/bulky, and that sealed it for me.
I bought a vintage sweater clip.
Now I wear the sweater clip with all my clothes so I look slim, but that ruins the waist-less mori silhouette.
I'm so weak.

>> No.8987533

I have a friend who became famous. She was my best friend, but oftenly I feel I'm being used. I took her photoshoots, I edited her photographies, when we go to con's I check if she is pretty and stuff like that.

But more fame she gets, less talking with me. Also she became so friendly with my archienemy and since a bad event, she doesn't say we're friends... The last week I told her I was tired of this bullshit and I don't wanna be her friend anymore and she keeps being as I hadn't told her anything!

>> No.8987578

>forgetting there's an actual mammary gland in there
Naturally large tits on skinny people happen, I'm tall and on the edge of underweight with FF's.
Finding good blouses are hell but it makes seeing people who do what >>8986215 is complaining about that much funnier because you know you could out-boob them if you wanted to.

>> No.8987707

As someone who has taken the virginity of 4 guys there's two things you should know:

A: be forceful. Most of the time (if a guy isn't religious) the stigma of being a beta virign gets to them and they become insecure and or desperate so it doesn't take much to get them where you want them.

B: virigns become so fucking attached to you once you sleep with them. If you just want to hit and quit, be prepared for what comes next or make it very clear this is a one time thing.

>> No.8987721

>thinking 22 year olds should fuck 15 year olds
>or that nothing is off about a 13 year old (an 8th grade child) and an 18 year old dating
The feds are probably on their way to your house right about now, heads up

>> No.8987762

For what it's worth, I have a pro-cosmetic surgery story.

My mother has a flawless face and can't tan. My father is one of those dark-haired curly Welshmen that tans in minutes if we go on holiday, and he's never ever got a mole. I get moles every time the sun touches my skin, yet never tan so it's super visible. And it's not even 'freckles', it's the big black ones. I had three on my face since I was ten and finally got them removed last week.
I hated it when people told me 'I'm beautiful just the way I am'. I spent years trying to be happy with them, believing that my self esteem was low because everyone and their mother kept telling me I'm totes bootiful. Mum even told me 'if you get it removed and it's benign, three more will appear in its place' and I believed her (I was 13). Then she told me she'd pay to get them removed when I turn 16 (never happened), then she said I can do it when I turn 18 because she's not giving consent. Then when I finally turned 18 she forbade me again.

Everyone kept telling me not to do it, that I'd regret it, that I don't know what I want and will change my mind later etc. It's been 13 years and I couldn't be happier.

For this reason I can't take people who are so vehemently against PS seriously. I agree that you shouldn't cut yourself up on impulse or anything of the sort, but if it's causing you so much distress over a long period of time that it's the only thing you're insecure about I say go for it. My self-esteem isn't low either, I don't look bad, I just didn't like those things on my face. I know it's a minor procedure compared to tummy tucks and whatever else to the same effect but the principle behind it is the same. You only live once, are you gonna spend your youth moping about and being miserable? Not like anyone will give a shit about your looks when you're older, you're saving yourself for no-one.