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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.8999222

Kind of amazed with how long after the bump limit the thread just went on.

Either way, how many artists have cancelled AX so far? I know Shilin/Okolnir has.

>> No.8999230

I tabled at a first year con last year and it was so so dead I barely broke even.
I got a free table there this year from the art contest but I still can't shake the bad feeling I have about it as I prepare. Have any of you felt something like a "let's get this over with" about a con before?

>> No.8999235

Only when I was young and stupid and tabling with even stupider friends.
If the table's free you might as well go. Good luck with the con.

>> No.8999267

I'm on the fence with cancelling. I've never sold there before, but with the moving of the AA, the background checks, and the cost of the table being increased I'm not sure if it would even be worth it to keep the table.

>> No.8999277

Some people have been taken off the waitlist for Fanime even if the payment deadline for accepted artists hasn't passed yet. Apparently there's still a handful of unclaimed tables left on the map.

>> No.8999282

First year cons are risky, some people don't even bother going to small conventions.

When going to a small convention, plan it more as a fun convention than a business one. Going to first year cons can be very good though. If it ends up becoming a very successful, large con in the future, having tabled their in the past usually gives you a much, much higher chance of being able to return another year.

Personally, unless a con is extremely badly managed, I go to every con I can.

>> No.8999360

Your table's free you might as well go

>> No.8999397

If it's free, why not. And it might be better this year, you never know!

>> No.8999425

Oh man I have a lot of these...

I went to a very small con because I had some family in the area who wanted to split the table with me; it went really bad because it was super small and depressing, but then also because my family didn't understand that con tabling should be treated semiprofessionally and ended up starting a bunch of drama behind the table while I was trying to talk and sell to fans. Then halfway through the second day a lot of the con attendee dudes started taking their shirts off and then pretty much all the guys were running around the con without their shirts on and no one was stopping them. It was really uncomfortable and I don't wanna go back. The only cool thing was that the convention actually paid all the sales tax, so you added up your sales at the end and paid the AA your tax, and they did all the filing for you. Wish more cons did that.

I also did Yaoicon the year (or the year after, I forget) it moved back up to SF, and while it wasn't super depressing, it wasn't a great experience; our table wasn't in the right location on the first day, and then they made the entire AA break down and remove all of their stuff from the room so they could use the hall for a dance. The next day everyone's tables were in entirely different places. I put up a table map before every con and it was entirely useless. I don't know if it's doing better now, it used to be a good con I think.

Also APE last year was pretty sad too. Lots of good artists and sellers still but attendance was bad. They shouldn't have moved it out of SF. I hope it does a little better with attendance this year, but I bet the number of good artists goes down a lot.

There was also Japan Expo in Santa Clara CA, I forget which year that was. Holy shit. Professional level vendors, absolutely abysmal attendance. I didn't even earn back the table cost. They actually had to send a convention rep into the AA to calm the artists down because everyone was doing so badly.

>> No.8999698

Literally every con I go to because I'm a lazy fuckass who just doesn't like table setup. But once I actually get my shit together, I usually end up enjoying the con.

>> No.8999746

You never know how much bigger the con will be in its second year. A couple of years ago I worked for a first year con and it was practically empty the whole weekend, but the next year it was so packed that it was almost impossible to walk through the Artist Alley because there was so many people! It's their third year this year and they're moving to one of the bigger venues cons are usually at, and it'll also be my first year selling my art there so I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.9000072

I didn't find anything in the ressource sheet, but where should I order for pocket mirrors ?
Any good site ? I'm mostly looking for quality, the price doesn't really matter...
Sorry if it's obvious or if many people already asked for it.

>> No.9000125

artsmoo makes them. Or if you're looking to do this for a long time and want to make them on the fly you could buy a button maker in a larger format (2 3/8"-3" seems to be the norm sizing for pocket mirrors) and then buying the mirror backing parts

>> No.9000259

Vograce makes pocket mirrors as well. They're pretty cheap if I recall.

>> No.9000330

Do you refund or replace lost packages? Even if you are a small independent artist, should you still treat it as a business and refund/replace? I know a lot of people that refuse to do so but I wonder which is the right way.

>> No.9000354

I personally would if it meets certain criteria. If you shipped it without tracking and they say they never received the item, or if the item arrived damaged and they can provide evidence, then you should refund/replace them.
If you're unsure if they're lying, go through their account/blog and see if they brag about getting shit for free, or if they have a suspicious amount of refunded orders. You'd be amazed at how many people enjoy telling their followers about their totally foolproof scams. Obviously you don't need to stalk everyone, but if you get a bad feeling about someone it might pay to check them out.
Just say you're not responsible for damages/loss of item after the package has been sent, in case you run into a scammer, ship orders that are cheap to make, and refund/partially refund any orders that would be too expensive to ship.

>> No.9000365

I would say case-to-case basis if it ever occurred to me

>> No.9000387

Yeah, case by case makes sense. I do replace damaged items or cheap items but sometimes I can't afford to. How do you refuse refunds? I usually say "not reponsible for delivery issues" in my terms of sale but like people read that.

>> No.9001007

All package shipping should have tracking if you're mailing in the US at least. USPS lost one of my customer's decal in the mail. It didn't have a location update in tracking for like 6 days. I sent a claim to USPS and somehow it magically got to its destination like two days later. My customer didn't blame me at all or expect me to replace it for free, though I did offer to make her one for just the cost of shipping and materials if the decal was lost forever.

>> No.9001191

Do you guys have any tips for dealing with people who come up and try and do the whole 'selling fanart is illegal' spiel? i've encountered at least one every con the past month and while usually asking if they're a legal representative of the IP or if they've also harassed all the bootleggers in the dealers room as well makes them huff and leave a couple have been persistent. I know it's less about them actually caring about the poor ip owners and more trying to flex some dumb moral superiority but they're worse than booth barnacles and actively chase off customers.

>> No.9001194

Has anyone tried Vograce for mirrors? How is the quality?

>> No.9001301

BOY do i have a relevant story for you. My friend at awesome con was basically accosted by this woman who tried to convince her not to sell fanart and that it was morally wrong and illegal etc and her talent was being "Wasted" etc. She gave her a card that was just awful, i have a picture of it some where but it led to this url:


>> No.9001339

Now try opening it on your phone.

10x the clusterfuck!

>> No.9001343

shoot i should have linked to the main page if people didn't figure it out: http://www.centerforcopyrightintegrity.com/

The card she gave had that weird drawing of the woman with the C on her crotch .. great logo

>> No.9001423

Jesus, what the fuck is this?

>> No.9001426

Holy fuck, this is incredible

>> No.9001434

Sometimes I love WIPW because I get to think "Huh. If these guys are selling, surely I'd do alright at a con!"

Then I remember that most of the people posting are mediocre at best and feel bad about my own work again.

>> No.9001438

I bought a bunch of really shitty artwork and buttons when I was younger. I'm sure you'll do fine.

>> No.9001650

Have you tried to reporting them to con security or some kind of authority at the con? If they're doing it to you at a con, they're probably harassing other people, too.

>> No.9001710

Please help! I'm a bit confused...Thanks to some tuts I understood that to make clear acrylic charms you have to flip both the back AND the front. But what about opaque charms? Do you have to flip the back and it will line up with the front after printing and cutting, right? You don't need to line it up with the front in the file like with clear charms, do you? Thanks!

>> No.9001742

You have to flip the front as well for clear charms? First time hearing this!

For opaque charms, just make sure the cutlines match.

>> No.9001748

Ten seconds on that site and I'm sure she's got severe aspergers.

>> No.9001765

I read that you have to have the front mirrored for clear charms due to the printing process.

Do you have to line up the cutlines (like if you make the front layer semi trasparent the back lines up exactly underneath - like with clear charms) or they are they the same but mirrored in the opaque charms file?

>> No.9001777

Holy shit what a nutcase. Did she get kicked out eventually or did she continue to spread her righteous indignation for days?

>> No.9002146

I'm not sure she was ever reported? i think every artist just kind of smiled and nodded. I don't know how many people she hit up either because i didn't get her, but she clearly had business cards for this precise reason so who knows..

>> No.9002451
File: 37 KB, 630x470, tumblr_mql68kTWtv1r2g7mto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to register for a second year convention yesterday. Their artist alley is full and the convention is in August. How far back do I need to register to catch a table anywhere? I don't even have a large amount of merc to sell, I could live with a half table.

>> No.9002458

Depends on the con, but it's usually a relatively long time. For example, A-kon is at the beginning of June, but AA sign ups were on February 3rd. Ikkicon is smaller and is usually over New Years, but IIRC, they have sign ups in the fall.

>> No.9002463

Damn, alright. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.9002469


If you need to know sign up dates, try following the con's FB page or twitter if they have one or check their site, or even see if there's an email list or something.

>> No.9002475

Yeah, I've started compiling a watch-list and liking a bunch of pages on FB. Probably a bunch of them I'll need to catch next year but, that's alright because I would like more to present for the table anyway.

I'm pretty thankful I'm so close to Texas, holy shit there's so many.

>> No.9002489

>I could live with a half table
See if you can post that you would like to split with someone on their facebook or whatever.

>> No.9002515

there are more popping up every day
a new one called Anime Austin is debuting in July

>> No.9002611

im kind of sad that artist on AANI isn't doing the bootywatch print b/c whinging, I would buy a male or female ver of that instantly.

On a related topic, how do you guys deal with comments about work being 'inappropriate'? I have some female + male pinups in my lineup and while i almost never get negative comments about the women, every time I openly display the male pinups there's some pearlclutcher demanding I stop displaying 'pornography' at a family friendly event.

>> No.9002676

I just sent them a msg. Hopefully I don't seem too pushy. TY for advice.

That's great! Oklahoma has been trying really hard to put more conventions on the table. A lot of the new ones seem to be gaming or sci-fi though. I don't know how artist alley really works for them.

>> No.9002681
File: 44 KB, 384x640, 1382398032603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was a nice way to tell someone "having your baby/toddler drooling and farting all over your table is not as compelling of a draw as you think it is". A friend of mine brings her baby every time she tables with me and I'm so fucking tired of it. Her reasoning is "people love cute things so he'll draw people over and they'll buy more stuff! xD"

I go out of my way to avoid all children <16 at a con and nothing makes me avoid an artist's table more than their crotchfruit hanging around/on their stall. How people still think it's acceptable to bring young kids to a con is beyond me, ESPECIALLY if you have to stay all day tabling.

>> No.9002732

But kids are not cute.....

>> No.9002739

I barely look behind the table. If I see a kid, I just assume they couldn't find a babysitter and feel slightly sorry for the kid.

Tell her that?

>> No.9002743

Kids make me uncomfortable, I avoid them as best I can. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way too.

>> No.9002774

i hate it when people do this. once i used to try and browse their stands regardless, but if you don't oo and awww at their horrible little goblin they'll shove it in your face or do some awful little sketch where they pretend to voice the baby doing a sales pitch or something equally terrible.
now i just walk in a large radius and avoid eye contact

>> No.9002989

Just tell them that you're sorry your work offends them, but that it falls within the rules of the event. You could actually leave that first part off, if they're crying about it particularly hard.

>> No.9003032

>I just sent them a msg
I meant post publicly on their wall to see if anyone might have a table they don't mind sharing but that might work too.

>> No.9003040

If they want their kid at their tables "helping" that's their choice. It's when those kids travel around the alley and touch everyone else's stuff that I get annoyed. I don't even mind kids most of the time, but when I'm doing setup and some 8 year old won't leave me alone and keeps pawing through my things and asking me questions and naming all the characters they know like I should give them praise for it, it needs to be on a leash tied to its parent's table.

>or do some awful little sketch where they pretend to voice the baby doing a sales pitch
I have had other artists do this to me using stuffed animals and nothing makes me cringe and nope out of there faster.

>> No.9003131

How strict is Florida about tax forms for AA? I'll be at Megacon this year and I've never filed taxes for a show before. Do I need like, proof of forms before I can setup?

>> No.9003172

When looking for a table, how aggressive is too aggressive? Do you just post a general message saying that you're looking for a half-table? Do you message people directly? I'm not sure if I'm being to forward.

>> No.9003185

Just post a general message in the group asking if anyone wants to split a table.

>> No.9003226

Ask the con organizers. It varies county by county with how strict they are.

Normally, in my experience, the very most they'll just collect tax from you before you leave the con.

>> No.9003361

I'd just tell them AGAIN...ahem.. this is artist alley where fan-art is sold. If YOU got a problem take it elsewhere. And make the face and hand motion that they were irrelevan~shoo~go away~ toodles crazy people

>> No.9003422

I have a bunch of perforated plastic (like yard signs are made of) and I'm trying to figure out if I can use it for my display.
Does anyone have display inspo to dump?

>> No.9003584


You could probably sub it for foam core for any of those foam core display tutorials. I see a lot of people that use foam core to make mini shelves, magazine racks, etc. I don't have any resources on hand though. I'd imagine the plastic would look a lot better after being set up and broken multiple times.

>> No.9003608
File: 429 KB, 396x810, tumblr_mjmk3fFV7M1s71q1zo1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck this is like that bridal website. Not sure if serious or part of an ARG.

>> No.9003852

Curious about the Twitter drama surrounding someone being salty over another artist being succesful? What happened? Everyone is subtweeting to hell and back about not being bitter over popular artists. What started this shitstorm?

>> No.9003911

It's probably got something to do with this tweet

>> No.9004246

desu I have no idea what's going on in this Twitter drama but I'm salty as all hell about Sakimichan's success so I mean...
If I said I "hated" someone in that way it wouldn't be without a lot of (admittedly jealous) admiration, and I'd mean it playfully, but I can see how awkward it would be if it was a stranger/if someone said it in the wrong tone.

>> No.9004319

I dunno. It just seems rude no matter the context if you're not super close with the person and are very obviously joking. It says a lot about you as a person if you tell someone you hated them because of their success. Like damn, just git gud yourself instead of being salty.

>> No.9004480

Being jealous is one thing, hating or disliking them over it is something entirely different.

>> No.9004594

When you run out of stock at a con, do you sell your sample products? I liked to keep mine so that my table is not too empty but is it better to sell them? You know, so that people passing by can see a sold out item and if they like it enough to ask me where they can get it, i can give them my online store url.

>> No.9004600

Again, I'd only say it if it was obviously playful/a joke. I would never tell someone I wasn't close with something like that, that's just weird--which I guess is the point. Whoever said that is probably just lacking in basic social etiquette.
I'm sure everyone has felt salty a few times (or more) but how you express that saltiness is the problem...

>> No.9004612

Depends. For prints I have a sample hanging on my display and a sample in my portfolio book, I'll sell the portfolio one but not the hanging one-- usually they either get a little beat up from use, or I designate one that got accidentally torn a little or something as my display. For buttons and charms, I'll sell my samples. It might be different for 3D crafters though.

>> No.9004644


Up until now I used to sell my sample (though I always let people know it was slightly damaged from hanging), but this year I want to just put up a "sold out" so that I can drive people to buy it online. It'll still act as advertising that way. Like >>9004612 said, I will sell my sample for buttons, though. That's an item that I usually don't reorder except for cons, so I'd rather someone take it and enjoy it.

>> No.9004708

For hanging displayed prints, since I obviously want to show them until the end, I tell the person that if they want it they have to come back right when the hall closes and I'm packing up.

>> No.9004804

Speaking of social etiquette, rude artist neighbor stories?

>Family of like 6 helps out it's shitty artist family member
>I arrived 4 hours early so I'm in my table space ready before they arrive
>con starts in 20 mins
>As they set up, they get in my table space and hit my displays
>They don't say sorry
>Have prints facing towards my booth

>Goodnews side note??: I out sold them the whole con weekend so ignoring it paid off???
:desu I'm a ass

>> No.9004959

not exactly neighbours but I once tabled at a con where the tables were back to back, without a partition or backing of any kind and not only were the artists behind me snobby 14 y.o shitheads with traced animu, they had legions of squealing, obnoxious cosplayer friends that were CONSTANTLY in the artist space, knocking peoples bags over and banging into their chairs, despite signs everywhere saying only artists and designated helpers were allowed behind the tables. They were told to leave by me and the artists next to them and just sighed and rolled their eyes and started loudly bitching about us in canto.

also not precisely rude but I dread it when i'm placed next to 'lewd artists'. always grim-faced men 30+ surrounded by uncomfortably pornographic prints who are very unfriendly to female artists, or obese adult 'women' who have never gotten over the mid 2000's convention scene being incredibly loud and cringeworthy.

>> No.9005005

>Due to travel issues tablemate and I arrive at con later than intended (Friday right as the con is starting)
>Find out we're in a corner booth and the other table on the corner is a mother and daughter duo who has already set up in our space
>Neighbors make it extremely difficult to set up; there is literally no room for us to be behind the table
>Daughter is mostly polite but mother keeps making comments (loud enough for us to overhear) about people being too lazy to arrive on time
>Eventually at some point Friday evening the mom takes a break and leaves the daughter alone at the table; we take the opportunity to move their things a few inches back while daughter is distracted by sales

Like I get that it's partly on us for being late and it sucks being crammed into a corner spot but they were literally taking up our entire space; we didn't even have room to open up the folding chairs. A braver anon than myself might have said something to them but... our method worked out, I guess.

>> No.9005031

Those are the worst! I remember a artist made a back drop to the size her space in the contract was, so no one could get into it. It was hella smart.

Also I hope more cons do SOME SORTA OF JURY????? To cut down on artist tracers, and I feel you with the cosplay friends. Some of my booth mates friends are like that, and it's the fucking worst. It hurts me in sales when they try to come by and chat to them and not buy shit. Q____Q Getting to the point of wanting to have a chat.

Aw shit. What kind of travel issues?
The con not send out maps? That must of been hecktic.

Also why folding chairs? Gosh this sounds awful.

>> No.9005048

>all these words and only one sentence has a point
> Q___Q
hello newfriend, you might want to lurk more.

>> No.9005222

One of my friends last year had a neighbor who wasn't getting a lot of sales, so the artist tried to yell out to the sea of congoers to entice them to come look at her booth (which didn't work too well). At one point I was told she asked a guy who was looking at something else if he saw anything interesting at her table, and he flat out said 'No'.

Earlier this year I the table that was behind me had some sort of He-man painting that was rigged to light up and play the 'heyayeayay' song very loudly. By the second time it played I was ready to strangle someone.

>> No.9005291

I hate artists who have their whole family behind their tables.
One time my back neighbour had their three ~4 years olds and their friends playing behind their table/in my space. I was so scared of accidentally backing into the kids I had to talk to the artist multiple times. turns out the artist is one of the staff and I was not accepted into the con this year lol.

>> No.9005309

what a cow. it's not unreasonable to not want small children rampaging around a business area.

lmao. I always get the awkward lolicon artists - their work isn't 'pornographic' or pin-up-y, per say, but features a lot of uncomfortably detailed rendering around certain areas and wet/tight clothing on children.

>> No.9005315

what would be the best way to display microfiber/glasses cloths? i have few different cloths on my AA tables, but i find just laying them flat on the table to be bit boring...

>> No.9005319

if you can buy a few cheap it would be cute to display them inside glasses' cases.

>> No.9005492

Is it exceptable to leave a con a few hours earlier than the closing hour?

>> No.9005501

I can't find a photo right now, but I have mine packaged and hanging on hooks, and I hang a single display one with my logo on it next to them to show the full size. Because I have to fold them to fit them in the packaging, I also put a little sticker with the full design on the front.

>> No.9005570

Unless the con specifically says you shouldn't, then yes.

>> No.9005625

Depends on the con, but generally festivities fall off sharply on the last day. I remember the first time I went to an out-of-state con, I booked my tickets home from Acen on Monday and ended up having to stay at a motel because everybody was GONE by 2PM Sunday.

>> No.9005656

Hang them from a cork board, maybe?

>> No.9005935

Why does it seem like less and less content is being shown in AA threads?

>> No.9005970

Self posting ends with
>Where did you get thing made from
>Your stuff looks like shit

Granted, self posting on AANI isn't much better. They're just out to copy the next good idea.

>> No.9005979

I'm trying to improve a bit more before asking for some input.

>> No.9006001

I'm hoping you lovely AA anons can help me with something.

I want to make a custom tshirt on artsmoo for a friend, but whenever I load a picture up on it a notice saying that there will be a quality issue for the final product.

I'm hoping that someone will be able to guide me in the right direction as to what I need to do to make the picture appropriate.

Thanks in advance!

>> No.9006012

What is the resolution of your image? How many DPI/PPI? That might be the problem.

>> No.9006018


>> No.9006111

for me at least I don't really want to be recognized as someone who frequents cgl because of the bad reputation of 4chan/this board in the con community in general. Also as proven with that girl who went and cried to AANI about her shitty art being critiqued, there are a fair number of lurkers from there.

>> No.9006152

I find the anonymous critique to be a draw, honestly. People will be much more honest, even if brutal, but sometimes you need that. It's much better than posting a charm sample on Facebook and it looks like shit but no one wants to be the bad guy and risk getting attacked/blacklisted for saying anything.
That's me, though. Sometimes people just want to show their work off without getting critiqued.

>> No.9006158
File: 110 KB, 600x514, dragonsandbeasties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This really. I love you salty bitches but I still have to play nice with other artists and there's a negative stigma associated with posting here. Also as a crafter I am stupidly worried about people ripping off certain ideas of mine so I don't like to post a lot of my things online. It seems like every craft artist who gets popular or Instagram or whatever gets six thousand copy cats. I'm sure you've seen pic-related being copied under the guise of "inspiration" as many times as I have. Plus everyone and their mom copies Xoxorufus' and Oborochan's clay charms. Not that they're particularly unique but still. Went on a tangent there...

>> No.9006167

i am a crafter who posts my work mostly in the indie and resin threads. i don't mind being known as a seagull, and i think being a bit visible about using /cgl/ in positive ways can help dispel the negative stereotype.

>> No.9006174

I've never posted my work here because i've seen someone talk about be negatively in the past. Rather just help while staying anon than open myself up to more shit from you guys :)

>> No.9006280
File: 341 KB, 417x625, itkDcjD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to have my first table at a local con in a month
>mostly just a casual fan of american and japanese comics (except largely into batman shit)
>realize this is a con geared more towards general geekery
>realize i will make no money with just the shit I'm into
>start to make sketchcards about general shit that I have no interest in like Avengers, Star Trek etc.

How do avoid being sniffed out as a casual?

>> No.9006287

if you're really into batman shit, then make some batman shit. there's always a bunch of edgelords who want to buy joker/villian stuff

>> No.9006298

I could really make a ton but I'm afraid if I don't have enough variety I'll be fucked and even looked down upon. Right now I only have 4 large prints and they're all Batman so I'm trying to branch out by making sketch cards (selling for like 1 dollar each) of other series.
How bad would it look if I had like 90% Batman shit 5% other shit I liked, and 5% shit I may have never even watched or read?

>> No.9006299

and anything that looks vaguely harley quinn related. in general harley/joker print money

>> No.9006301

i don't think that it'd look too bad. just try to make it more 80% batman and 10% shit you don't like and it should be less noticeable

>> No.9006311

I could do a lot of those...how many is too many?
Alright, cool. Thanks for your help anon.

>> No.9006324

I think as long as you have enough variety in general, it should be fine. Even if your table is 100% Batman, don't make every single thing just Batman (the character). Do others like Joker, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Robin, etc. and you should be okay. Batman's pretty mainstream.
You can do the sketchcards if you want but I don't think people will judge too harshly over it.

>> No.9006355

99% of people will not give a shit about you knowing/being a hardcore fan of everything on your table. everyone else you can spout bullshit at or come up with an excuse to get them to leave (happens maybe once or twice a convention).
i wouldn't stress about it.

>> No.9006364

This. It only really happens when you make art of less popular shit. I talked up Gargoyles for like ten minutes with a dude in the alley when I saw he had a Goliath print. If you're making something lesser known, it's a given you have to love it because you're not in it for the bank. Bigger popular shit, they just want to squeal then possibly give you money.

>> No.9006366

Lol same and it's funny how many people I've figured out go on here and it's all the passive aggressive ones who size other artists up.

>> No.9006375

As a first timer considering tabling, do you think it would be wiser to share a table with another artist-friend (who is also first-timing) or to go solo?

>> No.9006392

definitely split the table. ideally you'd be tabling with someone more experienced, but it's still a huge weight off your shoulders to share the struggles with someone else.

>> No.9006396

>it's funny how many people I've figured out go on here and it's all the passive aggressive ones who size other artists up.
sounds a bit like you're passive-aggressively sizing other artists up

can you clarify?

>> No.9006401

I figured this is better to post here than the feels thread but
>be me, young innocent weeb
>other young innocent weeb friend and I are super tight art buddies and have always wanted to table together
>fast forward through high school
>lose contact for a year during college
>we both have new friends but are still part of the same circles
>she thinks she's too good for me now because my style is still very anime while she's switched to Sakimichan-sequel paintings
>she's now too good and efamoose to table with nobodies like me

I'm not angry but it's so sad to lose an art friend, especially since I don't have many with similar interests in the first place.

>> No.9006582

>They shouldn't have moved it out of SF
holy shit I didn't even know it had moved because I blinked and the date passed by

yeah, sorry artists who go to APE. I'm not going to drive an hour to see you guys.

that was me at AX. exhibiting and the booth next to me had a song on repeat every few minutes.

>> No.9006651

The resolution is 500x1000 and it's 96DPI which I now see is piss poor.

The issue that comes up is how do I then increase the DPI? This is a copyrighted image (as I said, it's a personal project I'm making for a friend) so is it possible to do so?

>> No.9006671

I feel like the ones that openly post and help out are generally pretty nice but the ones that stay more anonymous and that you have to figure tend to be more bitchy. Definitely not all, just from the ones I've run into imho

>> No.9006674

DPI doesn't mean shit when you're working with pixels, its only relevant when you're working with images. If it's a normal t-shirt, artsmoo says the ideal size would be 1500 x 1500px minimum. You really don't have a larger version of your art? 500x1000 is way too tiny for print, period.

>> No.9006759

do you guys find that certain 'types' of artists fall into specific personality types? obviously this isnt true but from my few years in the alley this is what ive noticed personally:

- kawaii artists are either incredibly sweet or incredibly snobbish/elitist, usually tied to their 'popularity'
- asian 'old style' anime artists will bitch about everyone else in the alley
- white 'old style' anime artists will be an embarrassment
- strictly western comic artists at anime conventions are arrogant and condescending
- painterly style eastern-influenced artists are usually quiet and may seem kind of stand offish but are usually pretty nice
- original, handsewn plush makers are generally friendly
- original design, mass produced plush makers are sale pitches 24/7 or will override any conversation topic to talk about their super great plushes
- perler bead artists are awkward as fuck or very 'craft mom'-y

>> No.9006925

You can't really increase resolution. You can tweak things around in photoshop to have it look better, but really, at that size, just try to find a better image. You can try using Google's image search and filter according to size.

>> No.9006940

If you need to increase the size of an image, you can use this site http://waifu2x.udp.jp/

>> No.9007133

I posted once, but then again it wasn't an issue for me since I drawfagged a lot.

>> No.9007139

i really wanted to find something about your post to disagree with, but damn

i do painterly, vaguely anime influenced stuff and being too quiet/shy is a problem i've been having

>> No.9007142

These are so true. Especially the condescending Western artists, the only nice ones I've met were excited teens who were just really, really into Batman.

>> No.9007146
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Should I put another nail in the middle of each wedge, or is it fine as is?

>> No.9007235

can you define old style?

I honestly only see the so called "kawaii" but in reality, weeaboo art style in western countries. None of the asian artists draw solely chibis and call it art.

>> No.9007248

I'm not the OP but I'd say people that draw in the style that used to be more popular in the early 2000's, the anatomy and facial structure that's trendy in anime has changed.

And "kawaii" doesn't just mean drawing chibis, I'd think it includes accessories/decoden crafters, polymer clay sculptors and even indie lolita brands that get tables.

>> No.9007267


Thanks anons, I'll suss this out when I get home from work.

>> No.9007268

sorry, i originally described it as 'classic' but that can be interpreted in many ways...

I do mean what
said, people drawing in the style of older anime.

I also wouldn't say that that's true, where I go to cons at least. There are 2-3 regular asian artists who sell either mostly chibis or chibis + basic headshot prints.

but yeah it's not like those personality types apply to EVERY SINGLE artist who draws in that style, just what I have personally noticed.

>> No.9007278
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shy baby artist new to self promotion. i have a tumblr as my main portfolio thing, and i recently got a twitter and an instagram. are you supposed to post the same pictures on all of them, or should it all be different pictures on each? not sure of etiquette.

>> No.9007284

I personally post mostly wips to twitter, finished works to tumblr and a combination to instagram. It's different for everyone though. I don't think it's bad to share the same images on all of them, if you get popular you can deter reposters by linking to the work being available on your other sites.

>> No.9007296

Its up to you. Most people normally have one place that is more of a blog to post updates and wip, and another place that they just have finished pieces.

As long as you keep all your finished pieces in one place, you'll be good, thats what matters the most I think.

>> No.9007361

It's really personal preference but I personaly only post finished pieces to tumblr, sketches/wips/ and doodles to instagram, and I just got a twitter but I plan on posting the messy sketches on there plus wips and finished pieces.

>> No.9007386

I don't know what sketch cards go for these days but $1 is really low. I've seen people charge $2 for 45 second sharpie sketches on post it notes.

>> No.9007408

I remember a while back I was following a really really popular artist who had gotten a question about what's popular and unpopular to sell in AA. The question had to do with whether or not it was important or monetarily more intelligent to try and cater to what's popular instead of what you liked to draw/knew about enough to draw. She had said it's actually her more niche fandom/things SHE personally really likes that sells well as opposed to things she's drawn just for the sake of popularity. In my own experience this tends to be true. If you draw something you're not really into/isn't your passion, it's going to show in your art. And who cares if you don't draw what's popular? Plenty of people will pick up the slack and people who are looking for that will spend their money there.

>> No.9007428

I think it's less that "it's going to show in your art" and more that, with big, popular fandoms, you'll be competing with a lot more artists. If I see a shitton of Pokemon posters, for example, I'm going to go for the best quality one over the other 50. But if there's only one print for this slightly obscure series I like I'll probably buy that regardless of quality just because any merch is hard to come by for that series.

>> No.9007464

This is actually my method to keep myself from buying too much when I walk into an AA.. I limit myself to only one item from whatever popular series I'm into at the time, but tell myself that if I find anything from xyz less popular fandoms then I'm "allowed" to spend as much as I like.

>> No.9007498

oh god can we not have this wankery again

>> No.9007505

Yeah, I can agree with that. I guess my point was that I've noticed in my own artwork and those I'm close with that if the passion isn't there, it's just not going to measure up as much? From artist to artist, anyway. Who even knows if other people notice.

Bottom line being you shouldn't shy away from what you like to draw just bc it's less or not at all mainstream. Especially with the bigger the con you go to, the more likely you're going to find fans who not only love that series but would gladly put down money to buy merch of it. That's all.

Sometimes a guy's gotta wank, my dude.

>> No.9007524

Although it's not true for everyone, for me it's true. Like obviously the biggest shiny desu artist will sell no matter what they draw, but for me ever single print i've done for a thing i didn't care about has fallen flat despite what i think is pretty good rendering and execution. Idk.

Things i like though, i do tend to do more than one print for that fandom, maybe it's just an issue of catching people's eye? All i know is it's never worked out for me so i've stopped trying. I'd rather shot gun prints with things i actually like than things i don't so at least i had fun drawing it.

Don't get me wrong, i'd love to sell more even if i didn't like the fandom but it just does not work for me so whatever hah

>> No.9007594
File: 380 KB, 1100x919, 0506162242a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here's a relatively random question. I make art but I also design and cut vinyl decals. Anyone ever seen someone get in trouble for selling decals in the alley? There are always a couple of people selling decals in the dealer's room at most cons, and that includes symbols like superhero symbols, or FMA alchemy symbols, etc... but with discussions about how there's issues with copyright with some of those things in the Alley, I'm wondering if the rules differ from Dealers Room to the Artist Alley.

>> No.9007597

you will most likely get shit from other artists (perhaps not to your face) but i've never seen someone get in trouble with it. you might be reported to staff depending.
I personally think it's pretty tasteless to just copy and sell logos and you're much more likely to get a c&d but as you mentioned, it's not like you would be the first.

>> No.9007615

Thanks for the response.

I design most of mine from scratch, but the way decals sell, simple recognizable symbols are the bread and butter for your profits. If any of these companies actually bothered to make and sell decals of their stuff, I'd stop... but at best they sell generic stickers.

>> No.9007637

a lot of conventions will refuse you for using logos

>> No.9007645

AWA will be sending out acceptance e-mails tomorrow. Good luck everyone, hope I can make it and see you guys there.

>> No.9007652

Maybe you can design your own? Rather than using official logos or the like.

>> No.9007661

My phone ended up not saving a photo, but I think it was twitter where I saw these clear acrylic charms with holographic backs? Are there any alibaba stores that do holographic charms? The ones I'm finding are the same vograce photos and nothing turns up for those keyword searches.

>> No.9007684

I saw those on Instagram. Pretty sure the person making those just put a holographic laminate on the charm.

>> No.9007685

Saaaame. Good luck to you, anon.

Fucking dumb question ahead but y'all know the little extra pieces people put on their charms? What... exactly do you call them? I tried searching "transparent star beads" (looking for star shapes at this point though I know there's probably a more general term) but I'm not getting exactly what I want. Is there a certain name for them?

>> No.9007690

we really should make a FAQ
you are looking for 'plastic star charm'

>> No.9007739

Just got accepted into AWA. I'm from Canada though and wondering if this show is worth flying over for, I heard mixed reviews from last year. Any thoughts? I'm a print artist with a fairly large following.

>> No.9007786

With all the mass produced charms on the market now, how much can I sell my 1" shrinky dink charms for? I feel like I can't sell them for what they used to go for, since acrylic charms are cheap and easily accessible now.
I was thinking $3 for a keychain? Or is that still too much?

>> No.9007800

looks fine as is

>> No.9007924

I sell mine (they're the inkjet printer kind) for $7.50 with little bells attached. Acrylic isn't widespread in my area yet, though.

>> No.9007945

It doesn't really belong in AA; all you're doing is taking preexisting art (logos) and sending it to your cutter. Even if you're tracing over to make your own vectors it's not cool. Consider if you tried tracing over official artworks, or just printing them directly, and trying to sell it in the AA. It's the same thing. I understand it makes you money but that doesn't make it fine. You're not doing any creative work, any design, etc.

I also admit I'm salty as fuck about decal "artists" who bring their giant boards loaded with 1000 black and red decals for every show that exists, taking up a space a legit artist could occupy. I have no respect for that shit.

>> No.9008076

i gotta agree with the other anon here, it's no better than those perler bead 'artists' who just sell sprites straight from games.

>> No.9008115


At least for Funimation properties, the symbols are still something they will ask you to take down or cover up. Haven't seen it for the FMA symbols yet, but AoT patch symbols for sure have run into issues. Especially if all your "art" is just literally a copy of the symbol from a show, that's lazy and doesn't really belong in AA or Dealer's unless it's licensed decals.

>> No.9008137

Brilliant, going to use that later.

>> No.9008152

if you make a bank normally you'll probably make some profit at awa but it'll probably be your least profitable con of the year aside from the really tiny ones.

>> No.9008558

I do mostly, see >>9007615

Ah, the reaction I was expecting, which is probably why I'll avoid bringing them, maybe even my original ones. I make legitimate art too, but I'm not into making charms and just wanted to bring small cheap things to sell with my prints. Oh well... I don't need to piss off half the Alley just getting back into tabling again after a long hiatus.

The guys who sell nothing but decals in the Dealers have done FMA for years. No idea about AoT, haven't hit a con in over a year. Again, this isn't all I do. Oh well, back to hiding in the threads again.

>> No.9008642

sorry for my noob question but could i get a link to artsmoo?
google doesn't give me anything for some reason, just some martial arts shit...

>> No.9008644

Replace the 'moo' part with cow.
We can't put the actual name because it triggers the spam filter due to past issues.

>> No.9008647

I prefer "fucktrophy"

>> No.9008653

Anybody worried about the tsa security lines? I looks horribly bad and I'm so worried about missing my flight or not being able to check my luggage with my merch.

>> No.9008660


The Funimation policy hasn't been in place for years, though, so it's possible they've just gotten away with it until now regarding the FMA decals. Decals are fine, and people sell things like stickers and bumper stickers in AA, so it's not the medium that's the issue, it's the content. Anything that's directly taken from a show, be it a symbol or a logo, is just inviting the licensor to tell you to take it down, or worse, get reported for bootleg.

>> No.9008671

Why is this? Lots of competition? (not him btw)

>> No.9008689

People at AWA didn't do as well as they normally would last year. Some of it was due to the AA and dealer room merging into to one room. Print sales where slow, but you have a lot of trickets, buttons, and charms you should do fine.

>> No.9008690

Ahhh I see, that's unfortunate to hear. Will they also be merging the two rooms this year as well?

>> No.9008766

not even lol. people just don't spend as much in the atlanta area. it's just more impoverished or hit harder by the economy, competition is no better and probably actually significantly worse compared to cons of the same size.

FWIW, i had WAY more merch (prints and charms) than the previous year, and actually managed to make LESS than the previous year despite doing better at every other con in 2015 compared to previous year.

>> No.9008828

I dunno, I remember Funi getting on a decal seller as early as...I think 2005? I think it was Ushicon 4 that I remember hearing Funimation staff wanted a decal seller in AA shut down for selling decals of logos and titles, but maybe that was a fringe case.

>> No.9008849

just get to the airport on time??? if you're really paranoid just arrive at the airport 2 hrs early. Have fun sitting at your gate for over an hour waiting though desu.

>> No.9008876


You are spot on.

I fall into the painterly type.... Yep this is me. Been next to pretty much all these types. We should make like a book.

>> No.9008907


This second anon is obviously not following the news. It's actually a big issue right now. Someone flying out from my airport got there 2 hours early and still missed their flight. A friend of mine just went on a trip and I'm waiting to ask her about it when she gets back, I think they ended up going like 3 hours early. If you're flying out of a major hub airport I'd get there really early, smaller airports MIGHT not be too bad.

>> No.9008927

Yeah I was about to say that that anon must not know hiw crazy it is right now. I live in a major city but will be flying through a smaller airport. I originally thought 2 hours would be ok, but now i'm not so sure. I really can't miss my flight so i'm leaning towards 3 hours.

>> No.9009130
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I was put on the waitlist.

>> No.9009139

There's always a ton of tables at AWA. I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.9009179
File: 37 KB, 500x395, 1440933001687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strictly western comic artists at anime conventions are arrogant and condescending

I-I'm sorry you feel that way, anon.

I guess we don't actually have anime conventions in Australia, just general pop/culture conventions, but in my experience:

Australian-born professional comic artists who still come to conventions and just hang out, being cool guys. They're always really kind and inspirational. Ex: Mark Sexton.
The generic 'Tumblr kawaii' scribblers whose work consists only of ironic/bitchy sayings and fat samefaces. They just sit around circlejerking eachother for their diversity the entire time. Ex: Mel Stringer.

Everybody else is just generally okay. No notable groups.

>> No.9009180

I've been put on waitlist before at another con, and later got accepted, so I know there is still a chance, but it is kinda heart breaking.

>> No.9009203
File: 25 KB, 517x398, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the universe telling you to stop.

>> No.9009251

a little field guide to spotting the various species of the AA

don't take it so personally anon. obviously there are exceptions but there's often that (usually white late twenties-early thirties) comics-only white guy looking down his nose at all the 'kids' and their anime...despite having willingly signed up for and paid to table at an anime convention.

adding to my previous list:
- watercolor artists (or artists selling a lot of traditional originals) tend to be very sweet/quiet but friendly
- guys with a wall of prints and no other merch are either incredibly aggressively friendly or stone cold to everyone that walks past

>> No.9009257

oh noes, now the sjws have started attacking the pokemon fandom. fat animals are totally new to the AA, in fact to art in general

>> No.9009275

there is no such thing as a fat animal in real life

>> No.9009278

theres no such thing as dragons or cat girls in real life either but nobody gets mad about them being drawn? i dont understand why it would make you mad that someone drew a fat animal. i assume you only draw photorealistic portraits and landscapes

>> No.9009281

Stop being defensive
Stop being an idiot
at the thread in general:
do you guys ship internationally? if so, do you work your shipping prices into your product prices or not? have you had any issues with shipping internationally re: more orders going missing or arriving damaged compared to shipping domestically?

>> No.9009440

Because she's probably drawing them as a "lol body positivity" thing rather than just drawing cute fatty animals, she probably wouldn't have phrased it the way she did if it was just chub pokemon since a lot of people already draw chub pokemon and the fact that they're fat isn't worth mentioning unless it's THE POINT. I'm all for the whole "learn to love your body" thing but body positivity pokemon is dumb.

>> No.9009448

Ok now I know Fanime jury is picking at random. I got in initially but the artists getting through in the waitlist according to the fb group have been so questionable in terms of quality.

>> No.9009556

Calling them 'fat' doesn't mean she's trying to promote body positivity through Pokemon. It means she drew them fat. Because chubby animals are cute. You are an idiot.

>> No.9009581

Roundish animals are cute, but fat animals are pretty gross. An obese dog or cat is not as cute as a roundish puppy or kitten. Draw what you like, but why would you think a pokemon abuse print would sell if not for "body positivity" reasons.

>> No.9009630

why would you make that assumption without actually seeing the prints, at all? if i was drawing rounded/chubby chibi type pokemon i'd probably call them fatties too.

>pokemon abuse

yeah, i'm sure it's much more likely to be a depiction of some wheezing diabetes riddled pokemon, rather than someone using 'fat' to describe a rounded style. holy shit, dude.

>> No.9009636

Is AWA worth flying to?

I pull a comfortable amount at conventions that size and I'm trying to decide if it's worth it. I have friends who do very well there, but I've also heard the past two years were very lacking.

>> No.9009640

Was there a terrorist attack i missed? I don't understand why this summer would be any worse than last summer. I guess your best bet is to google your local airport and see if you're being affected and plan accordingly. I have TSA precheck so i don't really plan to get there any earlier, historically i've never had to spend more than 40 minutes in line for check in + tsa even before tsa precheck though so guess i'm just lucky, though i fly to 6-8 cons a year and then 3 other cross country flights a year..

>> No.9009650

I was selling at a local con when one of the tables a further down the open area decided they need music.
>They get a speaker from somewhere
>Proceed to play nyan cat
>A 5 hour loop of nyan cat
Too make it worse nyan cat was my wake-up alarm at the time (nothing like a annoying song to make sure you wake up)

>> No.9009654

tsa wants more funding and by their logic, being slow and obnoxious will get it.

>> No.9009703

.... well in that case i'm praying they just abolish the modern tsa and roll back to pre 9/11 procedures instead.

>> No.9009707

>roll back to pre 9/11 procedures
That definitely won't be happening any time soon

>> No.9009732

Ahhh the good old days when I could sit in the cockpit if I asked.

>> No.9009734

I can dream.

Anyway good luck to all my fellow fliers i guess i should warn people going to acen since it looks like chicago is the one getting the most dicked right now.

>> No.9009740

do i have to point out the obvious that when i said that i meant the security screening segment of "procedures"? I mean i thought it was obvious but i maybe you are slow. or just trying to pick a fight because you can.

>> No.9009744

Not the original anon, but I'm p sure they just meant that there were less security concerns back then. Going through security screening was a breeze, and she exaggerates that you could even "go into the cockpit" because they weren't constantly paranoid about terrorist attacks.

>> No.9009747

Chill out anon. I brought that up because in hindsight I can't believe I was ever allowed to do that. Stop reading every comment assuming that someone is bitching at you.

>> No.9009751

That's not an exaggeration, you actually could. But that issue was clearly not what was being referenced in the original post.

>> No.9009764

Ah. I was really young and only flew once before 9/11 so that just seems bizarre to me

>> No.9009795

It definitely isn't worth flying to. Many of the artists that flew in had a difficult time breaking even.

Overall AWA seems like a con where if you aren't local it's not worth the trouble.

>> No.9009850

The shitty part is that there's a huge congregation of people in line for the TSA checkpoints now, which is a huge security hazard. Thanks, TSA.

>> No.9010066

Really stressed out about going to acen because it looks like a nightmare in chicago. I'm going to have to leave the con early on sunday so that i can get to the airport like 4 hours before my flight.

>> No.9010186

Yeah seconding this. Don't do awa unless you're local. People are super cheap and they think really hard about spending $5 at your table, let alone $15-20 on a print.
Drove 10 hours to Atlanta instead of flying for awa last year to save a bit of money becouse I knew it wasn't going to be very good but I did not realize just how cheap people are.
For reference I usually make 3-5k at a 3 day con the size of awa but at awa I barely made $900 and I was Lucky becouse none of my nieghbors even broke $500.

>> No.9010254

Hmmm... are there any craft artists that have AWA experiences? I got in but I'm second-guessing going, now, but everyone with negative stories seems to be a print artist.

>> No.9010284

I've never been, but I heard last year was a bit of a clusterfuck management wise.
One example being the way reg was organized

>standing in registration line for 5+ hours
>artists not having paid for their tables before getting to the con
>no one knows what the fuck is going on

>> No.9010303

The table next to me were crafters. One of them (plushies) made around $300 and her first sale wasn't until Saturday afternoon.

>> No.9010318


I'm >>9008152 for AWA. Since someone posted numbers, i normally make 5-7k at a con like this. Two years ago i made 2.8k. last year i made 2.4k. It just keeps going down despite having better and more merch. As you can imagine if you don't make 5-7K at cons your numbers will be scaled down...accordingly so artist beware..

>> No.9010371

How do you even reach that level of incompetence? Cons tend to be shit at paying other people, but they're usually pretty good at being paid.

>> No.9010427

Old AA head left and the new one isn't the most organized.

>> No.9010826

So I hope this isn't an obnoxious question....
the artist alleys i go to tend to be fairly small and for the first time, i've been placed next to an artist who is noticably more well-known (arguably skilled?) than me and we have several overlapping fandoms in terms of merchandise.
Do you guys find that being direct neighbours with someone selling the same fandoms as you impacts your sale....? I'm hoping that the fact that this artist only sells prints and I sell other merchandise (charms, buttons, etc) means it won't be too bad, but I can't help but be nervous.

>> No.9010841

honestly I have never had problems with neighbors being better than me, I'm pretty middle of the road. I don't get more traffic from worse people around me too, i usually get worse traffic if i'm in a row of people worse than me

It means that if there's a line around that table people are going to look at yours while waiting to look at hers so... you get some traffic you might not normally get!!

>> No.9011005

Yarn crafter here. AWA was my second most profitable convention in the year up until last year. I only made roughly $700, when I was making about $2k+ in the previous years.

>> No.9011010

Wasn't the previous AA head Ribbit? The way she was running the alley wasn't exactly fair and let a lot of her personal issues get in the way of deciding whether or not someone should be accepted into the alley.

>> No.9011088

I get nervous about this but i've never had it affect me. If anything, most of my friends say being placed next to a really popular table just gives them even more customers.

Yea it was ribbit. Yet it's just gone down hill since she left. Incredibly down hill.

>> No.9011104

so I accidentally got a table at a comic con..
I draw mostly animu stuff...
should I cancel?

>> No.9011129

depends, how much is the table? there's plenty of overlap between anime and comic fans. comic cons tend to be kind of general anyway

>> No.9011141
File: 28 KB, 650x650, s1000_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in a couple weeks will be my first time ever flying to a con. For my print display I've been faithfully using this photography backdrop stand (same thing as pic, basically), which I find nice and lightweight and easy to set up. However, even when it's all folded up and packed away, it is still too long to fit into my suitcase (suitcase is 30" tall, poles are 36", doesn't fit even on a diagonal).

Any anons have any experience or advice on how to travel with this? I'm worried about checking it because the poles are so light, I'm afraid they might bend if handled roughly. I've tried to call the airline to see if I can take it as a carry-on, but after sitting on hold for 20 minutes I gave up. Is it worth it to just leave this stand at home and come up with another display method, just for the one con?

>> No.9011147

Who are you flying with? Southwest Airlines lets me take it on as an extra carry-on. Never had much trouble.

>> No.9011150

the table is free because it's a first year con (t's from an established organizer though)

it was advertised as a comic manga video games con, but all the guest seems to be either western comics or geek culture people and when I checked the line-up, all the other artists seem to have their own comic and stuff, I feel kind of out of place with all my glittery shoujo shit...

>> No.9011152

If it's free, I would say go for it. Maybe your stuff will fulfill a niche if everyone else is doing western.

>> No.9011230

If you have nothing better to do, go for it I guess. I personally do very well at anime conventions, but absolutely terrible as comic leaning conventions.

wow, How is that? I guess it has to do with awa being a more expensive convention?

>> No.9011237

AWA Is actually one of the cheapest cons to attend, both ticket pricing and hotel pricing. Just goes to show how impoverished the area i think.

>> No.9011239

Keep in mind it's different show organizers this year. They are trying some weird insurance thing with vendors where they want you to buy a super expensive one out of Canada. Just get a tax id from Florida just in case. Again, this isn't the same people running the show and you don't know what's going to go down.

>> No.9011268

I was wondering if anyone had experience with tabling in the AA vs the dealer's Hall? I got reached out to the other day by someone who had half a dealer's spot (10' x 5') at Fanime, and I'm not sure I'll make it through the AA waitlist. From what I understand traffic being much higher can be both a good and bad thing, it probably doesn't help that I'm a print artist as well.

>> No.9011324

Just so you know, Friday was the last day to submit all your information for the artist alley (seller's permit, badge #, etc) so no one else can really get dropped at this point, and with one week to the con I find it unlikely that many would drop out themselves. Your chances of getting off the wait list are stupid slim right now.

Take or don't take the dealer's hall slot, but you're probably not getting into Fanime otherwise.

Also, as a print artist, just know people will generally automatically assume that you're not the artist/a reseller if you're in the dealer's. Shouldn't impact you too much so long as your stuff can sell though.

>> No.9011547

It was more the fact that they oversaturated the artist alley, while sharing the space with the dealer's room. This wouldn't have been an issue if there wasn't a giant traffic breaking space between the two, with no signs to lead people over to the artist alley.

Minor reason: Badges ended up being $100 more than usual.

So all in all, having to wait in line for ~5 hours due to the incompetency of their staff, despite there only being 30 people ahead of me, having to go through a second check in process at the artist alley, and then ending the weekend with a slim profit made me extremely hesitant about reapplying. They are under new management after ribbit left them to deal with a shit storm, so maybe this year they will be able to learn from last year's mistakes.

>> No.9012138

I guess this is more a question towards a consumer standpoint, but I'll ask it nonetheless.

If you went to a booth, and bought a print, and it didn't have a protective sleeve with it, would you be upset?

Basically: I ordered all my sleeves and just got them today only to figure out... I ordered the wrong size for my 8x11 prints. Really stupid mistake on my part, but I'm sort of SOL in terms of getting new ones... I don't have the time or money now. I have to sell them without sleeves.

Would this be a deal-breaker for you, or am I making this out to be a way bigger deal than it is? Not like I can fix it if it IS a big deal, I just want to know what to expect, I guess.

>> No.9012140

It's not that big of a deal. People might already have sleeves and slip your print into the one they already have. It's not a deal breaker or anything, but it does make you look slightly cheap if you don't have them. If you explained yourself (if asked), then people would probably understand.

>> No.9012164

From what I've heard, sales are not significantly higher in the dealer's hall vs. the AA. The downside to that, of course, is the fact that you have to pay more for a dealer's hall booth, but if you already do pretty well at Fanime, the increased costs can be a negligible loss.

>> No.9012178

Essentially what >>9012140 said. You can even say you ran out of sleeves, if you want a little ego inflation.
I've never seen someone turn down a print just because it had no sleeve, but it does make me cautious about the print's safety.

>> No.9012179

I'm glad... The thing that bothers me most is that I DO have sleeves for my smaller prints, but not for 8x11... I hope people are understanding, hahaha.

>> No.9012201

Honestly about half of my customers are bewildered when I pull out a sleeve for a print. Maybe the other artists at the cons I go to are consistently cheap ass, but I'll always have multiple people surprised that I include a sleeve, so I don't think it's a must.

I think at one con a customer even asked if they were really free in a super surprised tone which leads me to believe some scumbo artist was charging people extra for sleeves.

>> No.9012297

Sleeves are something very nice, but I don't assume an artist will have them. Probably about 40-30% of artists I've purchased from didn't have sleeves, and I typically slide everything into the same sleeve anyways.

I HAVE however bought a print from someone because they had sleeves with handles, though. That shit was gold. (They had good art but no fandoms I was super into, so I was on the fence anyways, but when I saw another customer get an 11x17 sleeve with handles that cinched the deal.)

>> No.9012311

I'm flying out using Southwest, so I'm glad to hear that shouldn't be an issue. Flight back is with Delta, so I'll see if I can find out their policy... if all else fails, I might just seek out an alternate means of display.

>> No.9012323

Usually people who are more comic convention based tend to know everything costs extra. When I attend them as a attendee, I assume everything is a extra charge. I've tend to estimate 20-30$ more per autograph or comic artist commission because of extra charges. Also some artists know they have this mindset since it the norm, and charge extra. Like anything that can protect your merch is a extra $0.25-$1 charge at some artist booths. It's gross. I now carry hard slips, sleeves and cardboard rolls to protect my stuff to avoid it.

>> No.9012476
File: 524 KB, 1918x2371, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AANI is not an art sharing group!
>mods don't even bother to delete random shit that gets posted with no to very little relevance to aa's

Might as well make it a free for all where we can post anything we want.

>> No.9012491

i am SO FUCKING TIRED of people sharing random shit to the group like it's their own facebook feed

and not only that, but the people who reply positively every single time

i want to leave the group so bad but every once in a million blue moons there's a gem of new information to be had

>> No.9012495

The next super not AA related thing that gets posted will be getting a negative reply from me. I don't even give a shit if I get banned from AANI.

>> No.9012500

hell, if i see it happen i'll back you up

>> No.9012501

I wish they would judge whether or not something is a 'wip' on WIPW as harshly as they do for self-promotion. so many finished products get posted for ass pats - the fact that you have yet to attach keychains to your finished charms does not make it a WIP.

>> No.9012508
File: 70 KB, 480x762, 13250553_10154232511502082_1719402571_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like them. I was quoted 40 cent each for 30 mirrors. The mirrors are 3 inches big.

They also have different type of overlays besides the default milar/plastic. This one has a silver glitter overlay on it. They have a grid, semi gloss, and faux leather style overlays.

I'm getting a sample of their compact mirrors made.

>> No.9012530

>North Atlanta
Spot the non-local

>> No.9012533

do you have an online store? I'd love to get some of your art.

>> No.9012553

Thanks for the comments guys, I really appreciate it! I've decided not to table after all and instead help out my friends who got tables and work on cosplaying. Gonna take it easy this year I guess.

>> No.9012558

Share screens with us please. I am getting really damn sick of all the clickbait things that are vaguely related to art and the "thought some of you guys would get a kick out of this!" shares of memes and tumblr posts and things like >>9012476
It's gotten to the point where I got upset seeing someone post that PBS remix Bob Ross song AND I LOVE THAT VIDEO but it's not the place to share that!

>> No.9012688

i guess i'll just call you guys stingy then? is that better?

>> No.9012713

Thanks Anon! Are these mirrors similar to button badges? Is the reflection good in these mirrors? No distortions?

>> No.9012879

Literally the second day in a row someone's asked about glitter prints/glitter foil. Do people not know how to use the search function?

Can we make this a bannable offense because seriously...

>> No.9012901


It should at least be something they get a strike for. The vast majority of the things on that group could be solved by google, let alone the search function in the group. I understand if it's more of "I want opinions" instead of straight up facts, but even then so many topics have already been discussed. People are just stupid and want to be spoon fed.

A FAQ doc might also go a long way because at least then it would be very easy for someone to say "there's a FAQ doc" and a mod to delete the post.

>> No.9012906

Can we make another AA group that isn't shit? I'm so tired of all the """professhonal arteest""" shit that gets posted in AANI. I've seen those chameleon markers where you can "change" the saturation like 50 times in AANI alone.

>> No.9012935

If you don't mind being ghetto, you could grab sleeve protectors from Walmart or anywhere, guillotine off the sides, and use them as 8x11" sleeves. It's last minute, and better than nothing? Or only for people that asked

>> No.9012965


If you do one, make an application process. I wanted a group that was strictly Artist Alley, not "I sell soap at craft fairs" type shit. Have people have to list the shows they've been to or are applying for (if they're new to AA), prove that they're an artist, etc. Just something that's more real than the crap in AAIN.

>> No.9013137

I want a new group solely to get the elitists out of AANI.

>> No.9013167

I think that as long as they prove they're artists and open to concrit they should be allowed in- they might be preparing for their first con or still deciding which ones to apply to. Imo being able to post only relevant things, not whine about meaningless shit, and understanding that the FAQ exists for a reason are the most important things.

>> No.9013191


Sounds reasonable. As long as you set the rules and let people know it's a strict system (like, you get one warning then you're out) and if mods are diligent about deleting shit, it should work. I would totally join.

>> No.9013196

What you reallllllly need to do is start a group that will attract all those crafters into one new bait group.

After that start a new print artist group, that auto-filters anyone from the first group out.

>> No.9013204

holy shit I am so tired of AANI, I don't even check their posts anymore.

It's always the same questions/posts.
>how do you display your buttons?
>how many prints to you bring?
>how much do you price your prints?
>any tips for a newbie?
>where do you get x printed?
>what art software do you use?
>do you sell on storenvy, etsy, etc.?
>fan art debate

and then there are the people who treat the group like their personal journal. I'm glad people in my lolita comm don't do that, at least.

I'm all for having another AA group. I just fear that it would become inactive due to a low number of members.

>> No.9013253
File: 38 KB, 521x373, 41455d10bf1f4ab7a36387b126edbaf0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"i don't have any friends who care on my own facebook feed, so let me share my struggles with AANI!"

>> No.9013256
File: 40 KB, 521x373, 0e6a284694bfe1498b7e1e5e55659762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone even care anymore if names are blocked out?
reupload jic

>> No.9013274 [DELETED] 

So I thought that these were going to be like, "Look at this cool shit I found in the AA" threads, but instead all that I see in every single one is just bitching.

That's how you *know* /cgl/ has been taken over by women.

>> No.9013294

>"Look at this cool shit I found in the AA" threads
>/cgl/ has been taken over by women
How new are you and why did you think it was a good idea to post before lurking moar?

>> No.9013296

It's never been "hey look at this cool thing I found", though

>> No.9013298

you're an idiot

>> No.9013345

Are you complaining that there's a thread on /cgl/ that's actually useful?

>> No.9013366

i am a male gull who uses other 4chan boards and most of them are full of bitching.

you yourself posted in this thread just to bitch.

>> No.9013420

>That's how you *know* /cgl/ has been taken over by women.
Are you implying that a board dedicated to Lolita fashion, crafting, and costuming is attracting women?! UTTER NONSENSE.

>> No.9013620
File: 1.96 MB, 500x344, tumblr_n8r9tw89SI1s2wio8o4_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought some sleeves with handles on eBay
>seller is in Hopkins, MN

>> No.9013906

>I went to a store that's having a sale on items that people tend to buy a lot of
>le gasp! all the items that i want are almost all sold out!
>how dare these people buy the item that I wanted?
>didn't they know they were supposed to save some for ME???

>I just fear that it would become inactive due to a low number of members.
me too. i was thinking of making an aa group that's not aani but i'm pretty sure it'll be dead 99% of the time.

>> No.9013987

as much as i would enjoy a less-stupid group than aani, the type of people who would join are the ones who are smart enough to google and research. It would be a glorified show and tell group (with perhaps group orders thrown in, but there is already an aani group order group...)

>> No.9014633

Got my charms from Vograce today and it only took me two weeks to get them from start to finish. I only ordered 70 total, but I was upfront with Coco about my deadline. The shipping this time was through SF, which I'm not familiar with, but it came through UPS once it got stateside. Price was good, too. I was fearing that Vograce was too slammed, but they made it work. They are definitely busy enough that I didn't get in progress pics or a tracking number, but the charms arrived so quickly I'm not going to complain.

>> No.9014687 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 500x333, face palm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone from Netherlands nagging me for weeks while I make them a custom idea
>Order is finally ready on Etsy and they didn't know international shipping is $12 and now basically wants the item for free

>> No.9014691
File: 36 KB, 500x333, face palm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone from Netherlands nagging me for weeks while I make them a custom item
>Order is finally ready on Etsy and they didn't know international shipping is $12 and now basically wants the item for free

I guess lesson learned that I need to warn people about that ahead of time, but still

>> No.9014722

$12 is as cheap as international shipping gets too...

It does sound like your bad though. If you talked about a custom item with someone, you probably should have told them the full price.

>> No.9015155

>Wants item for free

Can't you just pay for the shipping? Why should you have to give away the item for free, if you're paying for the shipping they aren't out of pocket.

>> No.9015319

That shipping might be a bulk of the OP's profit? If they are complaining about shipping for such a little amount for international, I assume it's not that big for being a custom item? idk??

>> No.9015429

I figured it was like:
>item is ~$12
>person is outraged that the shipping is the same amount, therefore doubling the price they have to pay
>person only wants to pay ~$12
>OP has to pay the $12 shipping and only receives that same amount
>profit = $0

>> No.9015925

>stupidly worried about people ripping off certian ideas of mine

Scuptor here, with a few friends that make a living through sculpting and textiles, and it makes me leery too.

>> No.9016281

I have this too. It's hard not to be wary of, because it seems that 90% of places like AANI and DA and Etsy consist of people unable to produce a single original idea.

It's not 'original character do not steal' paranoia, either, because these people struggle with the concept that pixel art and screencaps shouldn't be domed and sold as original art. Getting it into their heads that there's a difference between 'being inspired' and creating a copy is like trying to chisel through granite with a jellyfish.

The worst thing is that it's mostly adults who are the worst repeat offenders imo. You can forgive idiot teens and tweens because they're still in the 'incurable dumbass' stage, but when you have a thirty-year-old smugly defending their ripoffs with 'If they didn't want their work copied they shouldn't have put it online, should they' bullshit excuses, there's not a lot you can do to make them understand that they are being shitstains and should try being original for once.

>> No.9016289

Today was my last day at Acen I did really bad. How did other people do?

>> No.9016310

I still have tomorrow but I did incredibly well. I flew in from CA and didn't expect this many people. I'm sorry you had a shitty experience though, anon!

>> No.9016488

Made 3k profit so far. Flew in.

>> No.9016539

May I ask about how much you've made? If it's not rude to ask!

>> No.9016568

A little over 3800 so far! Hoping to hit 5k tomorrow!

>> No.9016581

That's awesome! I really hope you do!

>> No.9016865

Any tips for a first time table?

>> No.9016875

use google to find the dozens of articles and blog posts dedicated to helping out first time artists
also read through aani

>> No.9016887


Sure those are totally legally copyrighted phrases

>> No.9016997

So I tabled without telling my boss. I just took a day off for personal reasons. Now that I have to file taxes for the sales I made, I'm worried that he'll be able to find out and know that I lied. Will he be able to find out?

>> No.9017008

The only taxes your boss would know about are from employing you. The income you get outside of that is between you and the IRS.

>> No.9017048

Good to know. Thanks, anon!

>> No.9017050
File: 79 KB, 720x960, 12936688_10156745348145072_6773324095017160350_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do people use to display their button badges on? I have my trays of button badges in those plastic hardware compartment boxes for people to rifle through and sets of badges in little plastic bags, but I'm having trouble figuring out a nice-looking display.

This is the display I had at the last con, and while it did what I needed it to do (excuse the poorly-written, lat-minute sign sign) I've added a ton more button designs since then.

I made a stand using some foam core and covered it in fabric to pin the badges onto, but it was a right bitch to pin them all straight, and it took forever to do. Is there a nicer way to display them without people trying to nick them?

>> No.9017078

I own one of your badges huhu.
Honestly, this is the only way I've seen them displayed, and it's pretty effective. Retire your least popular ones too, as they age out.

>> No.9017080

just put a sign on it that says "examples"?

>> No.9017120

Just had a thought, you could display them on a bag/jacket on a hanger and actually sew them on. That would be neat, especially with itabags gaining steam.

>> No.9017304

Throwing it out since I love supporting seagulls, if anyone has Borderlands merch post a shop link!

>> No.9017310

>The worst thing is that it's mostly adults who are the worst repeat offenders imo. You can forgive idiot teens and tweens because they're still in the 'incurable dumbass' stage, but when you have a thirty-year-old smugly defending their ripoffs with 'If they didn't want their work copied they shouldn't have put it online, should they' bullshit excuses, there's not a lot you can do to make them understand that they are being shitstains and should try being original for once.

God I want to shit in those people's shoes.

For the friend's who've had this happen, at least in some cases the other 'artist' is shit or just not as skilled, so the rip off shows enormously. Not always the case though, unfortunately.

>> No.9017774

I got a 3$ cork board from Daiso, and some velveteen from hobby lobby and glued it on. Looks nice. Pretty light weight, and the board is pretty big. It's less than a yard tall give or take. Can fit so many buttons. You can buy some decent sized boards at a walmart I recall? Usually craft store ones are more costly.

>> No.9017799

I've googled it and nothing so far. Does any of you have any idea of what are the procedures for a foreigner to sell in the US? I can only find information for non-permanent residents.

>> No.9017818

>non permanent resident
Are those two not the same?

>> No.9017885

Not that anon, but I have tried a couple different methods to keep people from trying to remove pins: "display, please ask", "ask for assistance" and they always end up either trying to rip it out or walk away because it says "display". People are dumb as fuck.

>> No.9017996

Would any of you buy a table knowing you couldn't afford to print your prints?

>> No.9018001

I know a girl who crowdfunds every fucking time she signs up for an AA to cover the table cost/printing, she doesn't even have the "it's my first time" excuse

>> No.9018024

They need money for more than just a fucking weekend selling shit.
I hate Tumblrinas, dear god.

>> No.9018039
File: 399 KB, 1440x812, MFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First, I would greatly appreciate if you could donate and spread this- though DO NOT spread to chilean people
>The violent threats of getting me kicked out keep coming, I get harrassed by two people daily now, I just keep getting hit and yelled at and there’s so little food I basically eat once a day now and no one cares.
>On top of being trans and having these people grossly belittle and scowl me whenever I demand the slightest respect.
>I could have had a portion of the amount needed for us to print our merch but the money I make is often stolen by my abuser.[...]They’ve been doing this since 2012. I could’ve had at least $90 by now… they stole it.
>(as of now I still own only one pair of chuck taylor- yes, I get my feet entirely soaked each winter and no one cares)
>I definitely wouldn’t be able to handle the emotional shock of letting this down, of letting myself down.

>> No.9018059

I understand that people can go through hard times but the fact that three people combined have $0 for something they've planned is bullshit. They state they could have had $90 "by now" which means they would have been no where near the $600+ they need for their own stock and they lied when they applied so I don't see how they are deserving of any money. I'd probably report them if they are breaking rules as they seem paranoid about the con or anyone finding out.

>> No.9018061

>People are dumb as fuck
This is the number one thing I learned at cons. People can't or won't read signs, don't understand how anything works, will look at you like you are stupid if you ask them a question or try to help them with something (I once took five minutes trying to teach anyone how to use a lobster clasp to attach a charm to their cosplay. A fucking lobster clasp. I gave up and just told them to have a nice day and let them leave. ) , don't understand the difference between artist alley and dealers room, and are just generally retarded. Once I had some sketches on the side of my table that said "Free : donations appreciated", so people could just take them and give me some change or whatever if they wanted to. Besides drawing I make a lot of plush by hand. I was the only person at my table and I had someone ask me "hi, are you the one taking donations for this person's art? " "yes. That person is me. " "oh, okay, then who made the plush? " "also me. This is my table. " "... but then who drew these?" Sometimes I feel like I'm babysitting when I'm tabling.

>> No.9018081

I wouldn't bother, they said the con staff will probably bar them from future artist alleys because of their inability to pay.

I like how they act like victims about all of this.

>> No.9018086


>i need 2k to sell my mediocre art at a nerd convention!
>pls help i'm abused and also trans and never get to eat

what are priorities

>> No.9018104

If they somehow get the money for nearly 20 per product then they pull off a pretty good scam.
Two of the artists actually have a table at Anime Matsuri for the end of May which means they will have some of the funds which isn't mentioned when begging.

>> No.9018107

A tumblr artist begging for money? I'm shocked.

>> No.9018118

I feel guilty about it but I am always so fucking skeptical of these posts. So many times i've seen fundraising posts for ppl who are being 'abused' when it turns out the 'abuse' is shit like their parents trying to get them to go to school or refusing to buy cross-country plane tickets for them to meet some 28 y.o they're 'dating'.

it is a dumb reason to fundraise even if it is legitimate. there are ways to have 'moments of happiness' that don't involve raising 2k.

>> No.9018158

>First, I would greatly appreciate if you could donate and spread this- though DO NOT spread to chilean people

this sounds really suspicious

>> No.9018161

Yeah that raised my flag as well.
I figure maybe they're scared of it being passed around so much that their family sees it, but Chile's not that small of a country.

So my second guess is that they don't want to be recognized by convention-goers.

>> No.9018183

>. So many times i've seen fundraising posts for ppl who are being 'abused' when it turns out the 'abuse' is shit like their parents trying to get them to go to school or refusing to buy cross-country plane tickets for them to meet some 28 y.o they're 'dating'.

Are all tumblr users just clones of each other? This, and that tumblr post, describes my irl tumblr friends perfectly.

>> No.9018231

I knew a girl who said her parents were abusing her by withholding food from her as punishment and that she was starving but it turned out they just wouldn't buy her papa john's and told her to eat what was in the kitchen.
I don't mind gofundmes for artists that make sense (like tablet broke, they have some money but need a couple bucks more to get enough for one that isn't shit) and I have bought commissions from people needing money for car repairs before but none of them pulled this kind of fishy shit. There's so many red flags.

>> No.9018374

It always amazes me how people can miss a bright yellow sign with a bold price sign right next to the product they're asking about. I mean I guess some people are awkward and just want to make sure that it's correct, having a sign that basically says 'buttons $2' is not simple enough it seems.

Yeah I'm also wary about any tumblr fundraiser in general since so many of them are skeptical especially if there's no incentive or proof that they need the cash. I've done something like this before to help a friend and included some sort of proof that it was going to an actual cause.

>> No.9018378
File: 6 KB, 189x200, ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had people look me dead in the eyes with a giant 13x19 poster displaying my prices right 2inches above my head and ask me what price my posters were.

>> No.9018475

This. I've had moderately more success with little labels on EVERYTHING - every display print, charm, sticker sheet etc having a little price tag in the corner. But people still ask.

>> No.9018477

Has anyone made lenticular notebooks from the Alibaba list? How was it?

>> No.9018628

More like a hivemind

>> No.9018637

I've literally had string lights around my price sign and people still asked me what the price was.

>> No.9018694

Have you girls and guys ever had any quality problems with Vograce? I'm planning an order with them. What should I expect? Do you make a specs list for them, what defects to avoid, etc, or just go ahead with the order and hope for the best?

>> No.9018708

Do you think it makes any difference if prints are landscape vs portrait orientation? Is one preferred? Is it harder to set up your display if you have a mixture of both? Sorry if this is a dumb question, I was just curious (as someone who's never sold before but is working towards it).

>> No.9018870

Combination of Speshul mentality and the inability to see that not everything is drama. When you go into a 'panic attack' because some anon said ur so ugly lelzzz you're too far gone to realize that occasionally being told to do the dishes more often is not a sign of mental, physical and emotional abuse, nor is it because you're non-binary translesbian starkin genderqueerromantic.
Tumblr's asspat culture makes it really fucking hard to tell when someone's legitimately going through shit, because a lot of abuse really IS hard to describe to others, but these people take the fucking cake. Crowdfunding a plane ticket is something that's only necessary if you're escaping a dangerous situation and are flat broke and have tried to raise the money yourself. You want a weekend away, you pay for that shit yourself.

I have that with awkward people, who don't know how else to indicate that they would like to pay for an item, and with kids who have two-second attention spans and don't want to look at the massive price board.
As long as I make a sale I'm happy, I guess.

>> No.9018925

Is etsy worth the listing fees? I get good traffic but no sales. My tictail store gets no traffic but at leaset it's free. I'm not sure if I should keep mu etsy open or not.

>> No.9018940

The fee is only $0.20 to list, and 3.5% when you make a sale. Thats about as cheap as it gets.

It takes time to sell on etsy, and idk about anyone else, but this month has been garbage for me.

>> No.9019060

I'm not being one of thise whiny crafters but I would like to ask for advice. As a crafter, my display is significantly lower and less noticeable than print artists. Prints are more colorful and prettier than my tiny crafts. Should I use more decoration to grab attention or should I start doing prints so that I can have a tall display with attention grabbing prints?

>> No.9019068

I don't think it really matters. I see a lot of people with portrait oriented prints, but depending on what you're drawing, landscape may just be more aesthetically pleasing. As far as having a mix, it makes it difficult if you have an uneven amount of each. You want to keep it consistent with your layout so there isn't a visual bump when people are walking by your booth; i.e. all portraits grouped/hung together.

>> No.9019084


>> No.9019103

If you want a taller display, then why not just make a taller display? Buy shelves and stack your crafts up.

>> No.9019105

I'm nervous as hell, I just opened a storenvy and listed my first thing. I'm afraid no one's going to care about it and 6 months later I'll still have 0 views or sales. I don't have an online presence already, so I can't even advertise or anything.

>> No.9019111

I would say use more decoration as well as what >>9019103 said. Doing something as small as making your display pop out color-wise with a tablecloth would help.

>> No.9019126

Do you have to print prints, mainly 4x6 and 5x7, on cardstock? Someone recommended Walgreen's matte prints and I'm loving their prices, but they are printed on photo paper, not cardstock. I personally don't mind as I've bought many prints printed on photo paper. I've even bought a huge poster printed on very thin paper. But will buyers be picky about what kind of paper is being used?

>> No.9019134

My storenvy has plummeted this month. Usually bringing $600-$1k/mo. It's the 23rd of this month and I'm right under $200 in sales. Got megacon this weekend though so hoping to get rid of most of this stock.

>> No.9019140

For small prints, you should be fine. Photo paper's not that thin. I've bought an 8.5x11 that felt like it was printed on a magazine cover because the art was neat.

>> No.9019191

Found this video about displaying jewelry, maybe this could be helpful.

>> No.9019211

Wow, thats *exactly* the same as for me. I got a con coming up too, so at least this gives me time to make more products for the con.

>> No.9019348


>> No.9019398

I've seen a few small-item crafters use pretty display photos of their stock? (like the type you might use online in your store). Just so it's easier to view what you're selling at a distance.

>> No.9019404

Get a Tumblr and Instagram and start promoting it. It'll take a while to get a following so get started ASAP. Also, if your stuff is board related, you can post a link in the indie craft thread.

>> No.9019442

I like how they also imply that cis women deserve to be abused

>> No.9019542

Has any of you have luck with making a print catalogue? In my experience people will usually buy what's displayed but I have way too many prints and I'm sharing a table with a friend. Should I bother making a catalogue or pick and choose designs? The con I'm attending is quite large if that helps.

>> No.9019894

You could pick and choose designs to have up for display then have a portfolio that includes the rest of your prints on the table. But if you're a popular artist with a lot of traffic, print catalogs are nice for customers to pass around in case they're in the back of the crowd trying to look at your stuff. Another option is to pick and choose designs then have a comprehensive chart of thumbnails of all your prints.

>> No.9020977

i put mine on a whiteboard with magnets on the back (you can get them at hobby lobby)

the short answer is: everyone will pull them off and say CAN I GET THESE and you're like i'll get you fresh ones :) and they'll just throw them haphazardly back on the board. Just get up once every few hours to fix up what the fucked up..

I tried covering the board with cloth so it wasn't obvious it was a whiteboard, I put 2 signs that say DO NOT REMOVE, nothing stops them.....

>> No.9020988

I did a print catalog and quite a few people look through it, way more than I thought would, so its worth a shot

>> No.9021002
File: 33 KB, 300x500, 55218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about an acrylic case? Buying one could be a little expensive but it seems like the most straightforward solution. You could probably make your own, acrylic sheets aren't that pricey.

>> No.9021551

so, quick question, for those of you that sell buttons, do you do a display board or do you have them on your table for people to pick up and touch?
I've found that my sales increase a bit when they're able to be touched, but I'm always super paranoid about theft.

>> No.9021648

>I'm always super paranoid about theft.
It's mostly been the little kiddies that reach-and-grab any loose items on a table that's near the edge I've seen. Putting it on board away from the edge is the only way to prevent that.

>> No.9021658

yeah I see those often. There's this one table I've seen that did not list prices, instead relied on verbal pricing. Seemed smart since it was just prints of 3 sizes, made the table look super clean, and those that ask bought.

Though it helped immensely that the artist prints were vastly different from everyone at this particular con, so as you can hint it was priced rather high. Thus avoided the possible sticker shock perhaps?

>> No.9022147

Sorry if this is a common question, but where can I get maybe 1 charm printed?
Most places have minimum quantities of 10 or 50, but I just want this for me.

>> No.9022357
File: 1.57 MB, 1300x841, which background.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue for contrast, or greyish violet to match the portrait of Rose in Steven's house?

The painting is watercolor that I plan on using as a mini-print

>> No.9022409

Violet. The yellow boob highlight feels kinda weird to me since that bright hue doesn't show up elsewhere in the piece. I would adjust that if I were you.

>> No.9022415

Thanks for the advice! and yeah I need to take care of that yellow, it scanned way more intense than the pink hues.

>> No.9022423

Any of you gulls make clear files?

>> No.9022512


>> No.9022584

New thread >>9022583