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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9101269 No.9101269 [Reply] [Original]

New Overwatch thread because the old one is dying

>> No.9101304
File: 1.82 MB, 1920x1080, peggy leggy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've completed printing for my Junkrat leg, and upon wearing it and trying to move, walking with it is very hard, but standing is alright. So I think I'll just use it for pictures
But I'm very happy with how it turned out

>> No.9101317

it looks really cool but are you actually missing a leg ... or how.

>> No.9101344


>> No.9101350

I thought my next cosplay would be Pharah until I saw Captain Amari. It looks so good!

>> No.9101378

>not cutting your leg off to get into character

How long have you been cosplaying?

>> No.9101396

Oh no no, I've got both legs
Thank you very much

>> No.9101419
File: 144 KB, 180x180, 1426268208577.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sorcery is this!? How the fuck are you doing that!?!?

>> No.9101627

what the fuck this is so cute. you're great. this is great. 100/100 would feel the deep urge to cuddle you if i saw you hobbling around on that

>> No.9101673

Holy fuck, this is amazing!

>> No.9101675

Genuinely can't tell if sarcastic or not.

>> No.9101745
File: 47 KB, 151x170, 1373999712766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9101760

I second >>9101675

If you aren't being sarcastic, how did you do this sorcery?

>> No.9101791
File: 629 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_0667.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knee in peg pocket, leg tucked away behind ass

>> No.9101793

Not them but at this point I'm considering it
Who needs two legs anyways lol

>> No.9102115

I thought of this recently, but then wondered: how hard is it to walk and keep balance?
The result looks impressive!

>> No.9102132

Ouch, looks like it'd give you a cramp if you wear it for too long. Looks fantastic though!

>> No.9102135

>tfw I'll never make my Junkrat look this good

>> No.9102149
File: 139 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_oacbm6VdN31vym4wso1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Junkrat wig progress
Don't mind the wonky spikes at the top, I'm gonna fix them once the hair spray dries.

>> No.9102155

Keeping balance is okay when stationary
As of now I can barely walk with it on, I'm going to see what I do since I think it's just because the knee rotates on it's own
But either way, it'll take a while to learn to walk with it if I choose to actually go with that

>> No.9102262

Needs a much deeper peak.

>> No.9102299


>> No.9102305

this is actually pretty cute

>> No.9102307

if you can figure it out you'll have loads of attention at whatever con you go to im sure

junkrat has mad fangirls (and boys? if youre into that)

>> No.9102424

>junkrat has mad fangirls

Guilty as charged

Tbh I'd be dripping if I saw a really good Junkrat cosplay in person.

>> No.9102453

Why do all Junkrat cosplayers leave out the bald spots and give him a full head of hair?

>> No.9102459

because hair attached to a bald cap looks like shit 94% of the time. I'd rather see nice junkrat wigs with full hair than see a bunch of poorly applied bald cap monstrosities

>> No.9102520

Didn't you ask this exact same question last thread? If you think it looks bad, why don't you try making an accurate one?

>> No.9102552

As in a widow's peak?
It's gonna be hard to replicate since I'm poor and don't have a front lace wig.

>> No.9102566

I do a full head since it's easier and harder to fuck up
If I made a patchy bald-spotted wig it'd just look like a bad wig style or bad cut that I justify with "LOL he's supposed to look bad!"

>> No.9102596

Thank you for the explenations :)

>> No.9102644

Then it's going to look bad no matter what, I'm sorry.

>> No.9102662

let's see your junkrat wig then anon
I think >>9102149 is looking pretty decent so far.

>> No.9102740
File: 117 KB, 180x310, junkrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon but i don't have a wig. but it's going to look bad, dude. the deep peak is integral to his design and your wig currently just looks like some generic anime wig, to be brutally honest. if you can't figure out how to make it work i'd probably cosplay someone else unless you're ok with being mediocre

>> No.9102744

im also not sure what's up with the weird sideburn things you have on yours, he doesn't have those. his hair is literally meant to look like it's been blown back from an explosion

>> No.9102754

That was a different anon you replied to.
Those sideburns are just me messing around with the hair. I'm thinking about keeping the sideburns since I have brown hair, and I need to hide my actual sideburns somehow.

>> No.9102758

>getting this butthurt about criticism
The wig looks bad, anon. He decided to share it on /cgl/ and he'll get criticism for it. This isn't facebook or tumblr. We're gonna be honest.

>> No.9102774

yeah i dunno i've seen junkrats avoiding the peak because frontlace is tough or whatever, but honestly... it looks like shit. sorry.

what this guy said. it's not a personal attack, you're just not gonna make a great cosplay if you avoid such a big part of the design. which is fine if you don't care but since you're posting here i assume you do?

>> No.9102810


Had the exact same problem when I cosplayed Lord English.

I feel like the solution would lie with someone who has experience with Pirate LARP'ers or even someone whose been involved with hardcore theatre productions that involved a peg leg of some kind.

>> No.9102828

Would the best solution be to make individual hair pieces instead of a wig? I feel like getting an actual wig to do this would be so incredibly difficult. But maybe if the cosplayer started out bald, and applied hair sections in the appropriate pattern it might look better?

>> No.9102836
File: 496 KB, 1405x1765, 20160715_150537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other side looks marginally better. I know this wig's shit but I'm trying to make it look better.
There's no harm intended, don't worry. I'm trying to make this cosplay half-decent, but by god wigs are not my forte at all. Not sure if it's just my lack of skill in styling or poor choice of wig, though.

>> No.9102844

honestly, making your own wig from pieces is an ingenious idea and i think it'd look 1000x better and be even easier than trying to style a wig

styling wigs is not easy at all. but yeah that just looks like a bad cloud wig or something. it's gonna look like anime or homestuck if it's not given junkrat's crazy style

i don't know if this is possible or would make it harder to walk but what if you made the leg less bendy at the knee joint? or removed bending alltogether? might not look as "real" but at least then you could get around easier

>> No.9102916

I'm a photographer with a con next weekend and my god, i'm on the hunt for a good junkrat cosplayer because i'm fucking guilty fangirl garbage. The best part about shooting at cons is getting to take nice pictures of your favourite characters cosplayed well.

>> No.9103122

>First time Cosplayer, used to make costumes for halloween and parties but only know the basics of patterns and cos-craft.
>Never been sure what to do because my friends have far too few common interests, I mean we all like games and anime but rarely the same stuff until Overwatch.
>Thinking of doing Junkrat with housemate as Roadhog, Hes a big fella, I'm a tall fella. Seems a good place to start since things don't have to be perfect to look presentable for the character and we would have fun either way.
>Looks like the standard is pretty fukken high and I'm a total novice, what I expected to be almost casual-tier is husbando-mode.
>Don't want to ruin any girl/guys Husbando.
>I guess I'll just commit sodoku then.

Starting a new job next week that is 4-on-4-off, so I'll have much more free time to actually do this kind of stuff.

>> No.9103123

I honestly think Junkrat wings should be started off a bald cap, he clearly is missing alot of hair.

>> No.9103234

Its ok anon, your junkrat cosplay would be 10x better then mine
At least in the wig department

>> No.9103567
File: 74 KB, 869x376, sale___axel_wig_by_xseyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen tutorials on how to make a deep widow's peak for Axel wigs. I'd suggest looking around at those.

>> No.9103860

My mercy wig came in yesterday! I had actually bought two wigs off of allieexpress thinking I would need to splice the two together to get enough hair to be able to style, but the one wig is so thick I don't think that's necessary anywhere except the bangs. I'll post progress pictures once I track down a wig head and start styling.

>> No.9103861


>> No.9103923

Holy shit anon this is some clever stuff, thank you!

>> No.9104025

This is absolutely gorgeous. Very nice job.

>> No.9104042

First of all - this is very clever and kudos for even coming up with that! I'm very curious if you'll make weapon and his tip tire too. I guess it would be better to skip at least tire if you would have troubles with keeping balance - overall all you do looks really impressive and I wish you being best Junkrat of all! :D

>> No.9104535

>tfw decided not to make Junkrat's tire since I'll be in a very crowded con and I'd rather not have my costume fall apart after 5 minutes

>> No.9104722


>> No.9105793
File: 88 KB, 640x960, 13775816_10154392996933478_4497685062947951306_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just home from AVCon, but there were seemingly at least three reasonable Tracer cosplayers, one was a guy. There was also a Junkrat, a very cheap attempt at Reaper, a significantly better Reaper and this D.Va.

>> No.9106178
File: 168 KB, 1600x900, McCree_Reference_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm debating various approaches on McCree's chest armor, and was wondering if anyone had any feedback?

Mainly it's the dark brown "bodice" and shoulder straps part that's throwing me for a loop. It completely encompasses his torso like a vest, but it looks like it's a bit padded/structured? Was considering one of two options:

> Make a base layer out of thick and stretchy fabric. Attach foam armor parts on top of it.
It's a compromise on the structure, but it'll be mostly covered by the poncho anyways. Finding a suitable fabric will also probably be a little pain.

> Make the whole thing armor.
More potential accuracy, but more room for failure. Doing the closures will also be a pain, considering the underarm tubes. Will definitely be less comfortable as well.

>> No.9106290

He looks so naked without his hat

>> No.9106294

honestly the whole backside is going to be covered with the cape/serape/poncho/whatever so I'd go for comfort. I'd maybe suggest making the front part as a hard armor out of worbla or foam or whatever you prefer and are most comfortable with and attaching it to a fabric back rather than making an entirely stretch fabric under piece. I'd be worried that foam attached to stretch fabric would shift and move throughout the day and night look weird. I'd also maybe think about using a non-stretch fabric for the back, something like a canvas or duck-cloth and having snaps or hooks at the side for you to put the thing on. Again, worried that stretch fabric will either a) loose it's stretch and hang oddly off your body and b) be finicky to put on and take off. With a thick sturdy fabric and trouser hooks or snaps you can be sure that everything will stay where it needs to be! I hope that made sense, if you've got questions I can draw a diagram or something idk

>> No.9106518
File: 143 KB, 814x720, 1000hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say just continue the brown shirt down to the waist. As other anon said, it will be covered and it will look fine. Then make the chest armor and attach it with 4 side release buckles (2 shoulders, 2 under arms) kind of like my skillful MS paint representation

>> No.9106569

That guy Tracer was easily the best of the three.

>> No.9106978


How are you going to hide your real leg? I had the idea of carefully strapping my ankle to my thigh but the foot it gonna produce a massive lump on my ass. The calf and ankle I could hide with careful wadding on the non peg leg but I'm struggling to figure out the best way to hide the jutting out of my foot.

Honestly that leg of yours is stunning though, great job.

>> No.9107349
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>> No.9107478
File: 55 KB, 600x398, 1461561748116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in fuck

>> No.9107773

omg great mei

>> No.9108084

I want to cosplay D.va. I]ve never really made any costumes before (honestly figured she might be easier to make than Mercy, and I'm like 5'4 and 110-120 pounds so I thought the body type might be a better fit).

Is it a really hard cosplay to make?
I figured I might buy a base suit and then-re design it (since I don't want her basic outfit but one of the re-colours and I can't find them online) Honestly, I'm not sure if I'm stepping into deep water and if I'll drown.

On the bright side my con isn't until next year sometime so I have time to reconsider this.

>> No.9108094

Seems most people opt for silken one-piece that zips up the back, but unless they made it themselves, it's pretty lazy to buy it online.

I'd say it's one of the harder to make, if you have no skill, but not impossible.

>> No.9108125

If your buying a suit online it's definitely the easiest costumes in the series, but I haven't seen any store-bought suits that don't look like shit. If you've got experience sewing knit fabrics and drafting/altering patterns then its still pretty easy, especially if you're like me and kinda suck at making armour but can sew like a dream. If you've never sewn with knit or never sewn before you're going to suffer because a multi-piece colourblocked bodysuit is not exactly newbie-friendly. It really all depends on your skill level.

>> No.9108179

breast pump

>> No.9108408
File: 380 KB, 1920x1080, scavenger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she might be easier to make than Mercy
Depends on what sort of skills you have, to be honest. Sewing and crafting props/armor are two different challenges. Personally, I'd rather deal with Mercy's wings/staff/armor than sew a tightfitting bodysuit for D.va.

But if this is your first time cosplaying, then both are going to be rather challenging. D.va has the shortcut of having the bodysuits available online, but folks are already getting a bit tired with the overwhelming deluge of cosplayers. Also, the bodysuits available have her design printed on it, so there's no real way to easily adapt it to one of the recolor skins.

Personally, I would consider looking into her Scavenger skin. It's a more unique design, and many elements of it can be adapted from pre-existing clothing, or will be a lot more newb friendly to make than the spandex ones.

>> No.9108487


>> No.9108518


>> No.9108519

Let's be real, who would actually want to cosplay this skin, it's butt ugly

>> No.9108624

It is really damn ugly. I love the concept to hell because I love the Junkers. But the skin is shit.

>> No.9108781

Does anyone know if there has been any good Reinhardt cosplays?

>> No.9108812

I think its really cool.. But I might have shitty taste

>> No.9109459

I also think it's cool, anon. You're not alone.

>> No.9109578

the sophie the giraffe on her head really makes it

>> No.9109796
File: 204 KB, 713x891, tumblr_oal827jMV01qivxivo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has way too many notes for such a shitty cosplay. what the fuck.

im guessing the majority are from fat neckbeards who just want to fap.

>> No.9109823

It's not the best, but its honestly better looking than most Junkrat cosplays I've seen
I'm assuming you think its bad because its a girl

>> No.9109826


Hmm not a big fan of the hair but it's not awful like say casual mei is.

>> No.9109842

the construction on this isnt too bad. the bombs are incorrect but ive seen other junkrats do it just as badly. the hand looks decent and at least shes wearing a top unilke other junkrats ive seen. she has the patches too even if her shorts are inaccurate and has the peg leg. unforunate she has no gun or riptire but whatever.

on another note, when are female junkrats going to do his actual hair instead of "girl" hair? his hair is on fire for a reason and unkempt- do they really think long hair would even last on him let alone remain styled. i'll give a pass on the bald spots since thats hard for people without experience but for fucks sakes stop with these bobs/long hair/ponytails.

>> No.9109905

its bad because the cosplayer is more concerned with looking cute and pretty than actually looking like the character

the clothes and shit are on, but the face/hair ~cant~ be ugly because ~lol female version!~ as if female junkrat wouldnt be just as disgusting. the approach makes it garbage and forgettable. own the character.

>> No.9109907

on another note, when are female junkrats going to do his actual hair instead of "girl" hair? his hair is on fire for a reason and unkempt- do they really think long hair would even last on him let alone remain styled. i'll give a pass on the bald spots since thats hard for people without experience but for fucks sakes stop with these bobs/long hair/ponytails.


the cosplayer didnt even put soot on her hands/face or do singed tips? it looks so dumb. it negates any of the rest of it for missing such a critical detail

>> No.9109912

She's a girl, so she has to keep clean hands.

>> No.9110015

She got posted on Overwaifu or whatever so yes, probably 90% of those notes are from fat neckbeards who just want to fap, indeed.

Cosplay won't be remembered when better ones start rolling in, it's ok.

>> No.9110179

>Fapping to 19 year old boob-rat
>Not fapping to the 30 year old mommei and her breast pump posted above.

>> No.9110574
File: 62 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1469178913775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask and you shall receive, he put this together on a really short time frame and intends on working more on it

>> No.9110636

oh thats cute

>> No.9110648
File: 44 KB, 540x720, Dainese-Black-2014-Oak-Hard-Long-Evo-Mtb-Knee-Guard-4dbf6-XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'll buy one of these and recolor it to orange/grey and strapping mechanical shit to make a junkrat leg

would it be ok? I'll probably wear a black sock to hide my feet

It's my second cosplay ever and I don't feel like making robot stuffs with foam and plastic atm

>> No.9110665

>I don't feel like making robot stuffs with foam and plastic atm
If that's the case, you're going to have a bad time regardless, considering the mechanical arm and the other props.

>> No.9110692

well, there are also that kind of thing for the arm that goes from the fingers to the elbow, so maybe with orange paints and some mettalic parts, I can do something simple but good looking

>> No.9110821

I saw someone doing that, it looked like shit
Might look ok for the leg since its a peg leg and really hard to go good, but the arm, bombs, tire and gun is still gonna take a lot of work. It's not one of those cosplay you can be lazy with

>> No.9110823

> good Reinhardt cosplay
> posts this shit
Sloppy as fuck even for a short period of time.

>> No.9110872
File: 88 KB, 338x600, tumblr_oa0wsx17Ze1rpmicqo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9110894

What kind of fabric should I use for Mei's jacket? I have to order it online because none of the fabric stores near me had anything close.

>> No.9110904

It's horrendously overrated that's for sure

>> No.9110905


>> No.9110906

got it, I'll try to see what I can do using foams. It can't be that hard

>> No.9110939


>> No.9111075

I don't think it's too bad, especially since it was made in less than 2 weeks

>> No.9111114

I agree, I think the other anon has way too high standards.

>> No.9111218

For some reason all I can hear is "GIMME A BAG OF M&M's"

>> No.9111320

Who is the better Momei?

>> No.9111338

I know I'm a week late, but you sound like a cunt.

>> No.9111341

He has like, a receding hairline, not a simple widow's peak, so I don't know why you think that a fucking lacefront is going to fix the character design or make someone artificially bald in places far back beyond their hairline. Or are you suggesting that they fucking lacefront all the way down their forehead to appease you?

>> No.9111346

You sound like an arse who settles for half-arsed results.

>> No.9111524

Honestly, i would have clean hands too. No one wants dirt hands mgee touching stuff at a con in the dealers hall and makeup would be gross sneared all over your food if you go out to eat.

>> No.9111608


>> No.9111716

This this and this

>> No.9112111

All this guy does is bitch and moan that he loses to girls in dresses at contests. The time frame of the build doesn't matter either cause he had a bunch of people helping with the build. Even when he puts a year into a build it still looks like a sloppy unfinished mess.

>> No.9112208
File: 1.70 MB, 1195x999, RH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, at least its not junkrat.

>> No.9112211


> sexy Roadhog

That's even worse.

>> No.9112214


Next one from her will probably be junkrat

>> No.9112219


>> No.9112221
File: 147 KB, 951x1200, femalerh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least it looks similar to the concept art.

>> No.9112223

> people still believe those boobies are real.

>> No.9112229

Even if they were it doesn't matter. Why do people with surgery have to announce they have had it? If I was her, Id fucking deny it too because people prod about it all the damn time. Its none of their business. Plastic surgery is the norm now. At least she isn't overboard like Penny Underbust.

>> No.9112231

I like it.

>> No.9112233

/injects her sitty T&A into goddamn everything "Silly boys don't ask about my giant fake tits! Its not like I got them for attention teehee!"

Seriously I couldn't care either way if anyone had surgery but the fucking white knight defense force that comes out of the woodwork over this chick who couldn't care less about her fans or the source material is hilarious.

>> No.9112234

Why do boobs always have to be for attention? For fucks sake. I know many girls who got them because they felt unwomanly and ugly with their flat chests. Even models for places like Victoria's Seccret have gotten fake boobs, but moreso for more modeling jobs because thats the type of work they want to be in. They did it for them and to be in a profession they want to be a part of. Even my own mother has fake tits because after 4 kids, we pretty much ruined her breasts. Its not JUST about attention, but after getting them you can use them to very well market yourself if you see an opportunity for you and for her, it was modeling for game companies as a booth girl which them developed into what she does now. Hate her all you want. Her marketing is spot on just like how Kim Kardashian does, but less father defended a murdered and sex tape exposure.

>> No.9112302


For attention and male praise for a shitty self esteem

Got it

>> No.9112307

Could you put your leg behind the tire or in it? Isn't it kinda obvious if not?

>> No.9112340
File: 339 KB, 334x444, 1437547112956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Skinny genderbent Roadhog


>> No.9112360
File: 23 KB, 500x500, 1463119097981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legit screamed out loud when I saw this. I was planning on doing a genderbent Roadhog, and now I don't fucking want to anymore
Everything she cosplays just gets ruined to me, I fucking hate it
If she cosplays Junkrat I'm gonna fucking cry

>> No.9112368

>at least she was close to this other super shitty rendition of the character!
yeah that totally makes it better you're right

>> No.9112407


Give it till PAX till we see her genderbend junkrat

>> No.9112513
File: 305 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_oasf45NoP61qjm6tmo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting from the tag

>> No.9112517
File: 309 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_oasf45NoP61qjm6tmo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9112521
File: 245 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_oacsruxWIi1qjm6tmo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9112731

I actually love this, wish the hair was more accurate, but, the cosplay itself is amazing

>> No.9112734

Hot damn

>> No.9112745

Kill yourself already

>> No.9112811

Stay mad. She's making money off of patreon and posters and appearances and deals with booths. Im honestly not going to focus on someone's tits for knowing how to market themselves in an overly saturated market and make it out on top.

>> No.9112833
File: 293 KB, 750x924, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penny underbust you said? Say no more
Actually think she looks kinda cute as mei

>> No.9112844

>nigri autist

>> No.9112845

Both of them should kill themselves tbqh faminista

>> No.9112863

The thing that irks me the most is that it's not an accurate Roadhog mask

>> No.9112867

the tat looks pretty good ngl. Also girls face is good for mei.

>> No.9113005

People like you are reason why we were stuck with massive tits in Xenoblade X.

>> No.9113010

`where dey leg

>> No.9113096

Of course not, because then you wouldn't be able to see how pretty she is, and then she wouldn't get as much likes, duuuuh

... I hate her so much

>> No.9113182

If they would have used a wig and like a tank top or sports bra instead, it would be pretty much perfect

>> No.9113358


Why be accurate when you need to show off the tits?

>> No.9113532

I always see roadhogs with just the hook, is the gun really that hard to make?

>> No.9113606

Damn people really hate that bigger tits get attention. Penny is disgusting though. Jessica isn't there yet.

>> No.9113613

Who wants to carry two weapons around all day?

>> No.9113620

Don't mind me with my complaint about Xenoblade.
The large tits on the 14 year old just seemed out of place. Wanted to have a cute character, not a titsmonger.

>> No.9113622

The hook could be hung up on the outfit somewhere, the gun could be slung on the back, neither HAS to be carried around in hand all the time.

>> No.9113628

I just don't see why it's a necessity to you when he literally only uses his gun to ult.

>> No.9113677


She's definately the best Junkrat so far, such a shame about the shitty fauxhawk hair

>> No.9113981
File: 62 KB, 960x960, 13700115_644712162354042_3507814799653840786_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Headphones and gun for D.VA. Still have to sand and paint obviously.

>> No.9114028

Loving those headphones, dude!

>> No.9114191

Because no one wants to carry around 2 props, I prefer to have at least one hand free at all times

>> No.9114199

h-have you played the game, anon?

>> No.9114207

how much did it cost to print?

>> No.9114208

damn this is so well constructed but the hair...

>> No.9114211

jokes on her roadhog was already sexy

>> No.9114247

hook the hook onto your belt?

>> No.9114252
File: 71 KB, 540x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9114274

although her tits are ridiculously big and unproportionate. Her face is kinda perfect for mei

>> No.9114360

Agreed, her face is perfect

>> No.9114384

She has a super nice face for Mei, but it kind of looks like she's giving herself a Tumblr nose with makeup what the fuck

>> No.9114457

Face looks digitally touched up, not sure if Instagram filter or photoshop.

>> No.9114459
File: 180 KB, 750x741, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prob a bit of filtering but this was taken with someone else and looks fairly similar

>> No.9114460

That one looks normal, but the others all look smoothed. It's the lighting that gives it away.

>> No.9114485

what the fuck is up with her boobs

>> No.9114495

She looks like a fucking turtle with fake tits. Where is her neck?

>> No.9114566

fat girl with a boobjob

>> No.9114572
File: 117 KB, 960x870, junkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9114595


So as Roadhog you just hook people and melee, or....?? His gun is fuckin' beast dude.

>> No.9114600

I love how this thread on reddit about this cosplay devolved into "Yeah, she puts cleavage on every cosplay unnecessarily, but at least it's made well!" Dude, she has so much money and a team of people helping her. Of course it's well made. She's not putting these together in her mom's basement.

>> No.9114654

shame about the junkrat's hair beause the rest of it is pretty good

wish roadhog had made the gun and used a wig as well, but the shoulder strap, hook and mask are awesome. these aren't bad but just.. man. not quite there.

>> No.9114675

Have I played the game? I've played since beta and I'm the top 5% of competitive players.

>> No.9114679

> Top 5%
> Says Roadhog only uses his gun for Ult

>> No.9114704


>> No.9114714

this is such an embarrassing attempt to over compensate for not knowing something as fucking basic as roadhog using his gun literally as his left and right click, and thus, all the time

>> No.9114776

> Top 5% Bastion player confirmed

>> No.9115053
File: 133 KB, 465x1058, ^15B8A706734C66E6EB3936F3CFA53338EAF75695DE79AEDF06^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Junkrat progress

>> No.9115148

You gonna contour some abs?

>> No.9115178

They look way too big m8
Not sure if its your small torso or if they're just big

>> No.9115205

They're big
I have slight abs, I'm working to make em more noticeable.

>> No.9115220

You must be retarded or have only seen POTG memes or something

>> No.9115473

Is there a foreseeable end to these Mei closet cosplays and zentai suit DVa's or will I die long before that ever happens? These have gotten exhausting. I hate that people who really seem to try their best to put together accurate cosplays are sort of getting overshadowed by shit like this. (Does that sound salty? I don't mean for it to if it does. Just a little rustled. Tired of this shit flooding my insta.)

>> No.9115535

What the fuck is that

>> No.9115536

The power of corsets. Pity, she has a good face for mei.

>> No.9115541

homestuck finished, undertale is dying off. Unless people really start liking their pkm go avatars it's ezmode costumes till a new fad comes out or a old fad comes back in (spring new AoT season, lost of old jackets coming back it)

>> No.9115818

That rip-tire is absolutely beautiful.

>> No.9115880

Everyone does D.va cosplay. Someone needs to do Mercy.

>> No.9115976

Id rather not let my waifu take the chance to get wasted on bad cosplays

>> No.9115980

Considering how people seem to still struggle with D.Va's headset, I don't really want to see those same people mangle the Valkyrie suit.

>> No.9115989


i spy camel toe

>> No.9116132
File: 220 KB, 1024x1558, mercy___overwatch_by_shappi-da7hld0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9116200

her boobs look so painful wth

>> No.9116202

>a wide hipped hottie
>not a fat back woods harley chick

>> No.9116256
File: 225 KB, 600x600, bombs_away_junkrat-4389.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me some trash man. I would freak if I saw even a half decent one at a con. There needs to be more Junkrat everything.

>> No.9116264
File: 64 KB, 670x521, Removing_Wig_Wefts_KB_t670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be possible to undo the individual pieces in the wig and sew some back on in the direction of Junkrats hair. Then a few rows facing the opposite direction to give it some volume You can also sew then back in all the wacky direction his hair goes in to make it easier to style. Idk how you could do realistic bald spots other than may doing a couple layers of good latex over the wig and using some good makeup to make it look like skin. For the widows peak you can get some thin felt and do the widows peak that way. just get some spirit gum to affix it whenever you wear it.

>> No.9116465

Well yeah, but that's literally the only chick on the entire internet to do one.

Meanwhile I've could like 10 D.Va ITT alone.

Good point, I guess

>> No.9116676

What you suggest sounds like its gonna be a complete mess, and last like two uses
Maybe attatching the wig pieces to a bald cap, but it's probably still gonna look bad and not last long

>> No.9116695
File: 170 KB, 747x1200, genji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I do ok?

>> No.9116697

Honestly dude it looks like you just stuck craft foam on yourself and didn't do anything to it.

>> No.9116707

For robotic characters like him I think the foam just looks bad.
You could have actually tried but you didn't.

>> No.9116710

you need to paint/shade it better. The build itself doesn't look too bad though.

>> No.9116715

Thanks, I understand
I see where you're coming from; what material would you have used?
I assure you, I tried, lol.
Thank you, I'll try to learn some different techniques

>> No.9116722

looks like you tried to do LEDs so major props. I'd work on adding dimension to pieces and what >>9116710 said. overall its pretty proportionate so you should be proud!

>> No.9116738

The foam is too unfinished. Sealing it would of been better. Doesn't look metal at all

>> No.9116747

Yeah it definitely doesn't look bad. You have your shapes and proportions down pretty nicely, it just could use a better paint job/solid finish to clean it up. I'd say use worbla for some of the more detailed parts and perhaps a thicker EVA foam sealed in wood glue?

>> No.9116763

Thanks a lot for the helpful feedback! I never considered sealing with wood glue, I was just using lots of passes with a clearcoat. I'll give it a try!

>> No.9117032
File: 914 KB, 3024x4032, eat your heart out ahmed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished a print for a Junkrat grenade, gonna reprint since due to my being an idiot some parts came out super bad

And I'm thinking I'm going to try my hand with silicon molds and resin casting, since I don't want to waste the materials to print 8 of these things and it'll be a good learning experience

>> No.9117105

The amount of resin you would need would easily cost way more than the printing price.

>> No.9117130

Just 20 for the plastic. I am fortunate that my BF has a 3D printer so I just buy the plastic and he prints it for me.

>> No.9117138

I have a question for Junkrat cosplayers and that is, how do the peg legs work if you're not an amputee?

>> No.9117142

Guys she's a fetish model

Her boobs are pushed up to her ears because people pay to see it

No I don't get it either, but if all it took to get a patreon was a corset and a few chicken cutlets I'd do it too

>> No.9117149

Oh dear
Even so, it's something I would like to learn, and I could be printing something while casting something

>> No.9117257

You've got large, free-range breasts?
Would love to feel them. (It'll probably never happen.)

>> No.9117288

Slush casting is a thing, just in case you were referring to making them as a solid resin piece. Don't know how the costs will compare to printing them, but it's an option.

>> No.9117305

>tfw wanna cosplay young Ana and her Shrike skin
>don't know where to start
Fuck me.
Blizzard needs to make reference kits for their skin variants, it'd make life a lot easier.

>> No.9117314

They set it up so their legs are bent, leg behind them, their knee resting on the top. If you angle yourself just right, the lower half of your leg is hidden behind you

>> No.9117317

Demi off topic but man I am not looking forward to all the pale white chicks doing Ana.
>finally a delish brown Milf
but man anon if you're a pretty brown girl I'll be cheering you on

>> No.9117332

I'm actually Egyptian myself, which is a big part of why I wanna cosplay her. Pretty is arguable, but either way, I am bery much brown so I've got that going for me if nothing else.

That said...I'm seeing so many makeup tests being done for Ana by white girls who are all going for the typical 'Arab Makeup' look which is a shame. I don't think skin color factors in for the quality of a cosplay, but they keep going for makeup styles that were meant for skin tones darker than their own and features that're way different than theirs, so it looks really gaudy.

>> No.9117339

I like Ana a lot. But I'm white as fuck and know if cosplayed her it wouldn't look right.

Which is why I'm waiting for pep files of her masks.

>> No.9117384

I think you can take this to the next level by sealing it with a fibreglass resin, it may make it a bit more metallic. The build itself looks great though, and with a little more polish this will be a 10/10 genji

>> No.9117450


I'd say get the starter Kit from smooth on and uoull have what you need to make a mold and cast it.

While you will probably save money by just printing the other 8 you'll save a lot more time and effort by sanding the first one and molding it.

>> No.9117476
File: 417 KB, 1365x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Award for laziest Junkrat of the year goes to....

>> No.9117480

>Handmade glove
>Singed shorts
>Pipebombs handmade
>Riptyre handmade
I reckon there's lazier.

>> No.9117492
File: 178 KB, 1600x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>craft foam glued to a glove (and what is that top part? A spray painted bottle?)
>it's not hard to burn the bottom of store bought shorts
>pipe bombs are spray painted soda cans
>I'll give you riptire but it still looks like shit

>pink hair, also didn't bother styling
>makeup is ~pretty~ cat eye
>duct tape nerf gun?
>teehee I didn't see you there while I was standing here casually thinking about life pose

For reference, here's what he's supposed to look like.

>> No.9117500

I'm not really wanting to carry around solid chunks all day, so yeah slush casting is probably what I'd do

>> No.9117569
File: 144 KB, 640x632, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurked the tag on insta to try and find worse

>> No.9117575

This one is really bad but still manages to be one hundred times better than the other one, which says a lot

>> No.9117579


Agreed, Id say I'll take half ass but tried junkrat than the lazy Dva in that pic

>> No.9117584

What kind of vendetta do you have against this girl? It's not great by any means but jesus take the stick out of your ass.

>> No.9117646

I'm guessing you're her or her friend lol, because it's really bad.
No vendetta or anything, I have no idea who she is, but like.. What? How can you think that looks good enough to even go outside in?

>> No.9117680
File: 47 KB, 640x960, tumblr_oawv1iQRZZ1sm61fwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no words

>> No.9117684
File: 73 KB, 960x642, tumblr_oace2pjdsa1sod0wpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is why that junkrat upthread is extra disappointing, because their costume is incredible, but they lack a key component-- his hair

they couldve been THE best junkrat in the world, currently

>> No.9117757

>the sock

Holy shit I'm rolling

>> No.9117803

I'll give it points for the keks I had but what the actual fuck
>that sock
>the duct tape
>all of the face

>> No.9117889

>mfw I want that sock

>> No.9117934

Different anon, but it is pretty bad. Absolutely nothing about this reminds me of Junkrat. For all I know its one of the Koopa Kids.

>> No.9117959

it's not even supposed to be a joke cosplay is the thing, the guy thinks it's good and has these "professional" photos taken of it like. what the fuck

>> No.9117972

This reminds me of late 90's cosplay so much. 10/10 nostalgia

>> No.9117982


>> No.9117985

Omg eww

>> No.9117996

I highly doubt it. You can do a half assed on purpose cosplay and still go to those free photoshoot booths are cons or ask a friend to take professional photos of you if they have a black screen like this person did. Stop trying to start shit that isn't there, anon.

>> No.9118091

you sure are defensive of this bad cosplay. nobody's trying to "start shit"

>> No.9118230

>mods deleting random posts again

>> No.9118243


>> No.9118964

This concept makes no sense, Junkrat even says in the comic that he hates "suits".
Also, Roadhog mask looks so fucking bad

>> No.9119033

I follow the Roadhog's tumblr, and Junkrat is no-wig since she didn't have enough time pre-con. Hog's wig wasn't working with the mask, and again, no time to tweak fit in the pre-con crunch.

>> No.9119061

Holy fuck that's disgusting.

>> No.9119064

>that obviously shopped face

>> No.9119069

>skinny roadhog
At least try to be accurate to the character you are cosplaying.

>> No.9119164

Well I hope someday they get the time to make it work because it feels like such potential. I have not seen a single good cosplay of either character yet aside from them and it's just missing a few important pieces.

>> No.9119209
File: 1.06 MB, 2048x2048, IMG_20160728_133454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found on twitter

>> No.9119255
File: 796 KB, 1638x2048, IMG_20160728_140214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9119405
File: 58 KB, 934x960, FB_IMG_1469745185195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm digging it

>> No.9119408

> getting some as simple as the canteen wrong

>> No.9119412
File: 519 KB, 1396x2048, wqeqw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl is my perfect Mercy. I love how she kept her wings true to the Blizzard official reference, noone does that

>> No.9119430

Please let this turn out to be good, I need more good cosplays of my husbando!!

>> No.9119482

Looks fucking awesome, but fuck me if it looks impossible to do on my budget and with my tools.

>> No.9119638
File: 78 KB, 641x960, 13615061_907604206034580_9131766195215649898_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who did that amazing Genji is now working on Nomad Genji.

Holy shit.

>> No.9119642

>blonde axel wig
>wrong color contacts
>canteen wrong
>hiding mech arm behind body probably because it looks like shit

garbage. you have no standards.

>> No.9119645

holy fuck this looks amazing

>> No.9120013

i haven't really seen any mercy cosplays in general but how do people generally do the wings? out of curiousity

>> No.9120059

Really? I think that is her best skin!

>> No.9120066

soooo... you either don't play the game at all, or are reeeally reallllly bad at it.

>> No.9120087

all her skins are kinda ugly though

>> No.9120089

Nailed. It.

>> No.9120091

I kinda like them actually

>> No.9120095

Technically its her boyfriend's parent's basement.

>> No.9120244
File: 651 KB, 1364x2048, mercy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On her page she wrote that she used PVC pipes for the construction. probaby they connect on the back

>> No.9120419
File: 1.13 MB, 245x140, 8f7 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9120696

Is there any clear reference of Ana's biotic rifle?

>> No.9120848
File: 248 KB, 2048x1365, 13669261_932747586848530_4877447114904922571_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9120874


Shhhhhh! Genji is sleeping

>> No.9121006


Is this vacuuformed? It looks way too smooth to be anything else.

>> No.9121144


Looks like foam with glued on shiny sketchy fabric.

>> No.9121180

You can view weapons on the character screen under voice lines and sprays and shit.

>> No.9121324

Best wig I've seen but the construction on everything else is... mediocre. Do love that wig though.

Goddamn but blend your prosthetic chin better pls.

>> No.9121328
File: 728 KB, 1081x945, 1440095418528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im supriced noone making a reaper outfit?

>> No.9121442
File: 2.38 MB, 5312x2988, 14698840597891249889318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ended up starting to make captian amari coat,mum ended up getting wrong fabric ,might up changing to shrike

>> No.9121490

points for actually trying to look like the character. could've used some touching up though

>> No.9121493

I'd fuck him.

>> No.9121568

Where's the young Moreison cosplay?

>> No.9121673


One of the best Roadhogs I've seen

>> No.9121753

That's talent. Need to see more like this

>> No.9121761
File: 545 KB, 516x573, traceraa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9121821

Yuck. Hopefully nowhere, old man 76 is hotter and has a cooler costume

>> No.9121949
File: 140 KB, 1500x937, Cosplay-Soldier76-Overwatch-page-003[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know any good online places to get colored faux leather for 76's jacket? My local Joann only has black, brown, navy, and Yaya's shitty plastic-looking pleather.

>> No.9122029
File: 70 KB, 640x960, 437e5958-2225-4368-8f3f-b04027e81480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9122031
File: 843 KB, 1280x1920, e54168ae-9ece-443a-8cb4-f2717b6c64a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another

>> No.9122036

might just be the super unflattering angle but something look so on off here but idk what

>> No.9122051

I'm doing a Reaper for a con in November, but I'm doing some silly gimmick shit instead of traditional reaper.

>> No.9122061

I think it's the angle, causing a double chin, also inaccurate armored boots

>> No.9122081

Is there much satirical OW cosplay? Iike there was a guy at comic con cosplaying "dude vader" and it was brilliant.

>> No.9122082

Vinyl, anon. So much better for this, trust me.

>> No.9122094

This is obviously the sort of cosplay where they took forever making the torso armor/coat that they didn't think about boots until the night before, slapped on some sealed foam, and called it a day.

>> No.9122099

Even so, my Joann doesn't have those bright blues or reds in vinyl. What's a good brand on Amazon?

>> No.9122759
File: 55 KB, 640x960, overwatch-reaper-cosplay-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a few.

But in order to make the mask look proportionate, you either need to create it yourself from scratch or pad out the entire build of a costume after getting the existing head, which requires pretty much a costume built around just a mask.

People are starting to realize how awful the bobblehead look is with the official mask. Pic related did a nice job though.

>> No.9122781

Yeah, I'm trying to find a starting point for making my mask, as I've never actually made anything like this before. There's various guides and suggestions online, but I don't know which one to go with.

>> No.9122793

While we're talking about it, is vinyl like that really the best choice for Reaper's coat? I feel like it looks so cheap but I can't think of a better material.

>> No.9122802
File: 132 KB, 1080x898, 1465813017528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9122848
File: 65 KB, 729x1127, d.va bodysuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna cosplay D.VA really bad.

Anyone know where to get a bodysuit that doesn't look garbage (and ideally able to be in a custom size)?
Something like pic related rather than the entirely printed ones.

>> No.9122852

Hi Tom

>> No.9122920

This looks amazing! Can you tell me what material it is made out of? Or is it a secret?

>> No.9122971

You'd probaby have to comission it, and it won't be cheap.

>> No.9123044

this is literally a pic form taobao

>> No.9123070

>I have slight abs

Anon, I...

>> No.9123360

no flask/10
I'll just assume the mechanical arm was cut off from the photo.

>> No.9123417

I don't see why people get the badly printed Dva suit instead of this glorious one

>> No.9123424

it's not out yet

>> No.9123441

She honestly should just fucking stop being such a costitute and a cancer shit and prob kill her self DESU super Famicom

>> No.9123448


Can somebody find her? I want to offer to pay her to sit on my face pls.

>> No.9123470

Junkrat looks ehhh..an attempt was made
D.va is fucking lazy with just the suit but it seems she made effort to make the headset and paint gun . Helps that she's thick AF and perfect for breeding.

>> No.9124143

It'll probably cost more as well.

>> No.9125373

oh no.

i want this. fuck me.

>> No.9126214

I can't stop laughing at the Batman in the background.