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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 13 KB, 490x103, holidaymatsuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9119089 No.9119089 [Reply] [Original]

So holiday matsuri just announced an international guest who will be judging for their Cosplay Super Show. Does this mean he's also judging to send a US team to CICAF and CC? Could they not get a respectable American judge to help with that?

Also AFO this weekend. Who's attending?

>> No.9119116


Bro, bro... did you see his muscles... America has celebrities like yaya, give me some man meat cosplay celebs.

>> No.9119133

Not going to AFO but I'll be at holmats. This new guest featured kinda reminds me of that stripper muscle man guest. Think we'll see a super muscley show down?

>> No.9119218

What was the purpose of starting a different thread for this instead of just posting in the Florida gen one. We dont know a bunch of threads for this shit state.

>> No.9119267

It was auto saging

>> No.9119278

Depends, Cosplayers all expect payment at cons and judging contests is a giant pain in the ass. If your going to pay for someone to come, might as well have an international guest.

>> No.9119770

Heads up for the next couple of cons:
Anime Festival Orlando-
Co-hosting the AFO Rumble On Saturday 11:15 AM.

Mini Iwai-
Concert at 3:30 PM

Concert, time TBD.

>> No.9120071

Already on site for AFO and hyped as fuck. I love this con so much.

>> No.9120075

Yo R. bastard, you're cool and talented.

>> No.9121017

Whats the tickets looking like for AFO? Are they normal wristbands or are they special?

>> No.9121154

AFO is great as always. If you're on the edge and salty about all the other shit Cons this year, forget them this is worth it

>> No.9121305

Buy one. This con practically gives passes out all year at different junctures and is run by wonderful people, so don't be a fuck. They honestly deserve your business.

>> No.9121457

Are any pool parties happening at AFO?

Also where do I find room parties? I've always wanted to go check those out.

>> No.9121527

I spent all of my money at Metrocon and I'm saving all of my cash for Matsuri, so I'm not spending 40 dollars of money I can't spare to go just one day. Please don't try to guilt trip because it won't work.

Now then, does anyone have a picture for what the wrsitbands look like today? Your help is appreciated.

>> No.9121539

Not this again. Posting full blown images of metros badges made their staff extra guarded and extremely rude. If your going to do so at least post a link out so it isn't super obvious thats what is going on. Let people enjoy their con.

>> No.9121585

I don't know anyone here. Is anyone meeting up at AFO?

>> No.9121598
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Then don't go, ezpz

>when scummy cheapskates ask for help

>> No.9121606

That would be cool. I'm headed out to AFO in a bit.

>> No.9121764

Kind of bummed about Hol Mat this year after their completely pointless jury process for artist alley. No communication as to when they would be accepting applications and then they accepted more than they had tables for and sold out in a flash like...What was the point? Tried emailing them right after about being put on a waitlist and they never responded to me.

>> No.9121792

You're not entitled to go just because you want to. If you can't afford it, don't go.

>> No.9121802

Nice try, AFO staff.

>> No.9122389

It's really not hard to fake AFO's badge. I have a legit one but I can tell that it's just paper with lamination and easy to forge.

>> No.9122392

Anyone know if there is talk of having another brand tea party at Holiday Matsuri? I'm trying decide if I should plan on going or not

>> No.9122396

No. I'm somebody who wanted to go, but couldn't afford it right now, so I didn't. There's always the next con.

>> No.9122401

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuTMkdEqpJ8 OMG ,i found this super cute pikachu dog

>> No.9122420

Sorry you couldn't make it. Maybe you can volunteer or do a panel and get a comp

>> No.9122747

What kind of shenanigans happened at the pool last night?

>> No.9122938

So who's going to Tampa Bay Comic Con or Mini Iwai next weekend?

>> No.9122957

Going to HolMat for the first time this year. What can I expect?

>> No.9123021

I was considering Mini Iwai, but it seems like almost no one is going to that event.

>> No.9123073

Really? I felt like a lot of people I know are going. Maybe it's just me, though

>> No.9123143

Can you get tickets at the convention or do you need to preorder them?

>> No.9123171
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Trying to figure out why AFO hasn't grown in size in over 10 years in regards to attendance, better guests, more stuff to do, etc. but went from a $30 con to a $65 con in that timeframe. Years ago, the halls and dealers room were shoulder to shoulder packed on Saturday. This year felt desolate and I'm willing to bet the prices scared people away. Asking anything more than $40 for a con of this size and quality is ludicrous.

Matsuri is looking good and Mizu should be interesting.

>> No.9123177

They changed venues so don't know yet.

>> No.9123241

Wow, everyone I ask has told me they're either not going or a maybe which is why I'm probably going to pass on Mini Iwai. Maybe, you just know the right people.

>> No.9123252

Mizu has been on life support for a good while now. I heard that Steve Lin no longer runs the event, so we might finally start to see some improvement. Orange Anime now runs Mizu and those guys usually do a decent job with panels as far as I can remember, so I hope they can do something about the con.

>> No.9123374

steve still owns the con. He is not the con chair but he still gets the money and still has a say in what goes on. I'm going to pass on Mizu this year because it's seriously not worth it anymore. Going to Animate and maybe iwai instead

>> No.9123421

They won't respond to you. Sorry but the holmat con chairs really don't care.

>> No.9123428

There was a Party last night that got LitAF but the Rent a cop security shut it down

>> No.9123429

I'm sorry to hear about that, anon. Fellow artist here, Holiday Matsuri "grandfathers" people in. So people who were in the AA last year are automatically accepted for the next year if they choose to repeat which leaves very little room for new people. It's a broken system but I heard it's being fixed for next year.

>> No.9123440

Oh damn. Nevermind then. Mizu is doomed.

>> No.9123449

For Mini or for Iwai? You can still purchase tickets for either at the convention itself, but if you want to preorder tickets for Iwai at Mini i think it's like $5 more expensive? Correct me if i'm wrong.

>> No.9123466

AFO picture dump?

>> No.9123474

Anyone in here ever set up in the AA at AFO? I liked it this year, and was thinking about applying. Any advice you can give me? Or even a dealer?

>> No.9123572
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>All those memelords that were shouting "Dicks out for Harambe"

>> No.9123586
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>> No.9123598
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Here a few photos I snapped @ AFO this weekend.

A great persona group I saw. Makes me want to pull my Theo out of retirement.

>> No.9123600
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Teen Girl Squad

>> No.9123604
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Steins Gate

>> No.9123605

I feel like such a dumbass for not knowing who they were. Then again, I never did watch the Teen Girl Squad segments.

>> No.9123607
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Caster from Fate/Extra. Fluffy tail is fluffy.

>> No.9123611
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Rin from Fate/Stay

>> No.9123613
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Amazing Future Diary group. Gotta admit having the kid is pretty morbid though. Still an awesome job and probably favorite costumes this weekend.

>> No.9123615
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A very well done Spirited Away duo. No face offered coins but I anit touching those. Bad mojo.

>> No.9123616
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>there were people who actually took them

>> No.9123617
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A buddy of mine chilling after the costume panel on Saturday.

>> No.9123620
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I saw golden coins wrappers sitting around at various points during the con @.@.... Its bone chilling.

Here is the winner from my helmet raffle on Saturday. The helmet is signed by Kirby Morrow the english VA for Trowa Barton.

>> No.9123625
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A hall shot of me and my buddy as Herro.

Thanks to everyone who came out for the panel and said hi or stopped to talk to me in the halls. Sorry if I was awkward, half dead from exhaustion or hell just plain weird. Special thanks to Korin & crew for being awesome as usual. Thank you as well to Hanari & her crew for stopping to chat and talk shop. Always a joy to talk to fellow builders.

The panel went kind of rocky this year due to audio issues and problems with the slides getting corrupted, but I am going to make some changes next time to help things move more smoothly. Ill ask for more time as well so I don't have to rush so much with the raffle.

>> No.9123631

Could have been worse. The "Bringing play into your cosplay photos" or whatever didn't get their projector until the very end, and the staff was trying to kick everyone out for the next panel.

>> No.9123639

So how bad was the pool party? I was too busy getting drunk with friends to even notice that there was one going on.

>> No.9123652

You should do Barbatos or Crossbone Maoh.
That'd be amazing AF.

>> No.9123708

'get fucked kid.

Metro has grown, and was a massive cunt con, much like Megacon, much like all broder cons.

AFO and chibi pa honestly deserve your business. They are dwindling party cons, surviving from party loving communities. Already the effect of metro and other cons was felt with the smaller crowds at afo.

Still lit af IMO.

Side story: This one volunteer was a complete cuntface as I asked if they were leaving (forgetting that I was buying a pass to support afo) and he literally was 'NO, fuck off. You need to BUY A PASS. HOW DARE YOU.'

He was an ugly af neckbeardo, who clearly took his 'i get a free pass' too seriously. I didn't buy a pass because of his cunt attitude. I did however support artist alley and convention center by buying food and items. Sorry AFO. don't employ cunts. (very unfair, but i'm the guy that kills the last player to kill me, regardless of who's winning whatever game is going on.')

>> No.9123710
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Incidentally, Anyone at AFO see this motherfucker? He was wearing a gray shirt all day, and he was casually creeping, before he ran away from a party with a very drunk girl sunday morning (i'm talking slurring, lost).

Some friend of hers was livid when she disappeared, he was watching over her (he fucked up, but that doesn't excuse rapey-predator asshole)

Here's a pic. Watch out for him.

There were very few creepers at the con, everyone was p friendly besides the above incident.

>> No.9123714


That was Project BAKA! It was so lit! <3

free booze and music, and live djs/lights!
There was another party at the hawthorn that was v tame by comparison (and had whalelord faggots guarding the door), then there was that amazing pool party. <3

#afo <3

>> No.9123715

I heard my fat whore cunt ex went and she tried to reach out to my friend I was staying at and ask if he had seen her friend.
She apparently got drunk and vanished for fucking 6 hours+.

Wonder if this is related.

>> No.9123826

I'm sorry, did I fucking hear that right?

"Hanari & her crew"? You fucking shitting me mate?

>> No.9123918

If this has anything to do with some vendetta I can assure you I don't care. Ran into her and some friends she was with on Friday and we talked for a bit. I don't know anyone's names IRL so I'm not going to try. Hence 'crew'. If that offends you, well whoopty freakin do.

>> No.9124199

That photographer in the back with the long hair needed some head and shoulders badly.

>> No.9124603

>There were very few creepers at the con
I heard the main pool party at the Wyndham got pretty creepy near the end.

>> No.9125145

AFO was fun as fuck and I couldn't really ask for more. Con was comfy once again. As a person who loves panels more than anything else at cons, it's the best place for me.

The persona group from >>9123598 hosted a really good panel on the series. Lots of fun.

I hope people enjoyed the Jojo panels Sat/Sun. Really enjoy helping get people more into the series.

Also had a good time screaming in-character at the Sports animu cosplayers and making them do training exercises.

Much love, DD.

>> No.9125151

I didn't go to the introduction or discussion panels since one was an introduction and the other seemed to be mainly about Part 4, but the posing panel on Sunday was hype as fuck.

>> No.9125166

God I wish I went to AFO but I'm saving money. Hope I get to see y'all at Holmat. ;_;

>> No.9125192

Glad you enjoyed it, my dude.

[spoiler]Which pose did you do in the end and what did we score you?

>> No.9125223


If she was a blond, who speaks slow/slurs when drunk possibly. Feel sorry for both of them now. I don't think she was fat tho.

>> No.9125326

>if she was a blond
men are blond, women are blonde anon

>> No.9125386

AFO was REALLY good. I went to the raves to support music friends, and when I stepped out for some air, there were some guys doing fake job interviews.

Temjin, I really liked your panel!

Any gulls attend the AFO Rumble on Saturday? We had a lot of fun doing it,

>> No.9125454

Sadly I missed the rumble. Wanted to partake.

Glad that the higher ups asked for my input and we were able to hire you the company after your interview. Keep on flexing, brother.

>> No.9125468

Wish I did. I actually didn't go to many panels now that I think about it.

Name That Tune was an absolute shitshow though. Cowboy Bebop being in the Shoujo category? Fucking really?

>> No.9125472

wew, that's horrifying.

What others did you attend?

>> No.9125485

Photo/Cosplay panel that was missing a projector and Anime Jeporady, but that one was total bullshit since people were just raising their hands before the question was even up. I also poked into the Hentai Scene It with some friends since Hentaimonogatari was full, but we walked out on it since there weren't many people.
I was mainly being an assistant to a friend of mine who was doing photos almost all of Saturday so I barely has time for any of the somewhat interesting panels. There's always next year.

I wanted to sit in on Anime Family Feud, but it probably would have been just as bad as the other two game shows in retrospect.

>> No.9125489

Termin, ily, don't take shit from no one.

Alright folks poll time, Metro vs AFO, you can only go to one. Pick.

Also, did anyone check out LAMEcon in Land o Lakes? How was it?

>> No.9125492

How tf does autocorrect get Termin out of Temjin, idek

>> No.9125503

Oh and the posing panel on Sunday.

I was the guy who popped that super low Killer Queen and got a 19/20.

>> No.9125507

AFO because fuck Metro's terrible organization and pricing. I mean yeah AFO hiking the price up to $60 for a 3 day sucks, but at least they don't try to nickle and dime you at every chance they get.

>> No.9125522

Always a pleasure talking with you man. Alex says thanks for all the building tips and she'll def be using your advice in the future.

AFO was litcon and the Project BAKA party was awesome. Anyone that skipped AFO missed out on a good time. Looking forward to Holmat with all my heart.

>> No.9125526

>tfw next year's AFO will probably cost even more and will have a fun limit

>> No.9125575

I had annual inventory so I had to miss out.

>> No.9125630

>not buying a badge because one random volunteer hurt your feefees
>not telling a convincing story about this supposed incident

Did you even consider for a moment how lame this excuse was before you typed it?

>> No.9125639

>Looking forward to Holmat with all my heart.

What are you cosplaying there, if you don't mind sharing?

>> No.9125916

I'm probably going to be bringing Bakugou once the gauntlets get remade. I'll be entering the contest as Junkrat with my friend as Roadhog too. Other than those two I have no plans.

>> No.9125970

I know for a fact that if passes were 40 they would be in the negative.

>> No.9126088
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Pro-Tip for AFO: Passes are super easy to get if you just get involved with the event. Volunteering, paneling and more can get you a free pass for some work in exchange.

I personally hosted several panels, but you only need to host one for a weekend pass.

I know exactly who you are. Good job my dude. Glad you enjoyed yourself.

HolMat hype! I'll personally be there reprising pic related.

>> No.9126303


it's a shit excuse, but I'm a shitty person ;)

the awful person who loses the game because vengeful.

>> No.9126305

>Glad that the higher ups asked for my input and we were able to hire you the company after

go get your rooty tooty pointy shooty and kys anon. get that grey matter everywhere.

>> No.9126398

Looking forward to the Pokemon pool party at Mini Iwai, it's gonna be lit (hopefully)

>> No.9126473

I went last year and it wasn't 'that bad' compared to the years before..but fuck if I'm driving to ft laud for a show when I live right next to the MACC.

>> No.9126566

Probably not.

Yeah, I didn't go last year, but I had friends who did and it didn't look so bad. I really do hope Mizu gets better though.

>> No.9126585

Same, man. Miami has no events now..

>> No.9126683

Is there a need for a good South Florida convention for the anime crowd or does the state have enough shit flooding the market to bother caring for one?

>> No.9126704

Megacon has a 3rd unannounced event in the state. It's likely to be Miami or very nearby between the months Nov-April. I'm a vendor with them and we've been told to expect a future location soon.

>> No.9126708

I see. To be honest, I really dislike Megacon. If that's the only hope, SoFlo is fucked.

I'll miss you, Orlando.

>> No.9126725

I'm not fond of Mega either after what they've done to the vendors and artists this year.

It's sad that i'm actually holding out hope for Animate now that it's moved to a new location. You wouldn't believe how much theft happens in Miami shows. It's started to not be worth the losses.

>> No.9126775

Never been to AFO, but thinking I might come down there next year.

How big is the attendance for AFO?

>> No.9126887

It's a small con but attendance was pretty good this year. Not as packed as previous years, but it was nice to have some breathing room.

I'm moving from Orlando to Chicago soon, but I'm honestly considering flying down next year to go to it again with all my friends and actually do more than aimlessly wandering the halls.

>> No.9126912

Anybody doing Tampa CC? Personally I'm sick of Croix & her inner circle but I may stop in.

>> No.9126966

I was thinking the same thing like we still have FSC, but personally it's not my thing I'd rather make the trip to Metrocon despite everything everyone on here has said about the con this year.

I'd say we definitely need one.

>> No.9126967

I don't really think Megacon appeals to the anime crowd.

>> No.9127025

I wonder why?

>> No.9127039
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wew lad

>> No.9127046
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Have you filled out the form for your contest entry, and if you did have you gotten a confirmation e-mail? I submitted mine two weeks ago and there's been no response so far.

>"response may take up to 10 days!"

I sent a follow-up message to ask if I filled out something on my form wrong. Now waiting on an answer to that.

...They're gonna get back to me, right? :(

>inb4 "lol staff never responds gg"

>> No.9127071

I heard a girl got roofied.

>> No.9127220

I would root for Mizu if the owner wasn't such a huge dick, but then again, that seems to be the standard for South Florida con owners so eh

>> No.9127247
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>> No.9127251

Thoughts on HolMat? I know it's long ways off but it looks interesting and I've never been.

>> No.9127253

chillest con in florida

>> No.9127314

> <3 <3 <3
You need to be at least 18 on here anon

>> No.9127315

>replying like that to a 2 day old post

For what purpose?

>> No.9127329

That's good to hear. I'm not interested in any crazy large/party cons.

>> No.9127531

Because all the weebs live in Central Florida.
Same. That's also true.

>> No.9127532

Central FL is def the focal point of weebs from what I've noticed.

>> No.9127738

I live in Cen Fl..agreed.

>> No.9127758

Nevermind, they responded. It's all good. :^)

>> No.9127772

Oh yeah, for sure.

>> No.9127796

Who's going to TBCC? Never been before and always looks pretty decent

>> No.9127807

was considering it, but i've been to too many cons lately and need to take a break

>> No.9127817
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Megacon feels rather generic, but I still enjoy going. Then again, perhaps I don't know what I may be missing.

>> No.9127823

I've never been to Megacon, but it looks like a bigger Broder con, so yeah pretty generic.

>> No.9127827
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Yea, that's pretty accurate. I went to Supercon for the first time this year and it basically felt like a small Megacon.

I did like that each day lasted a lot longer than Megacon, tho.

>> No.9128710

I think the main difference is Super has a lot of panel content and Mega has basically none.

>> No.9128712

Good point, other than guest panels I don't really remember anything else at all. Whereas Supercon had lots of small panels thrown in with their bigger ones.

>> No.9128719

Now what?

>> No.9128721

There's TBCC this week and other shit later on this year.

>> No.9128745

Having been a panelist at both Mega and Super for a few years (except Mega last year) I can honestly say Mega doesn't give two shits about their panelists and we are treated terribly. Super actually gives two shits>>9128719

>> No.9128759

Wow, it sucks finding out all of this bad shit about Mega, but I guess it's better than having the wool over my eyes since it was my first con.

I don't feel very inclined to go back next year, honestly.

>> No.9128930

Don't waste your money.

Is anyone going to go back to omniexpo next year? The halls were dead the entire time and the only reason why anyone showed up on Saturday was because the costume contest best in show got $1,000. The panel content was shit and the only cosplayers there were ladybugs or undertale. That con was terrible.

>> No.9128934

I won't.

... And I definitely wont go to Omniexpo after reading what a shitshow it was.

>> No.9129009

Yeah it was pretty disorganized and not to mention the Roy thing LOL

>> No.9129014

Roy thing?

>> No.9129221

He's a pedophile anon, banned from the tampa bay con center for life. But he's hosting events in Orlando now and avoiding management positions displaying his name. But for omni he is part of staff, and interacting with young girls again...

>> No.9129223

The thing is I WAS accepted but I didn't see the email until the day after and tables were already sold out for both AA and their crafter corner. Which just really made me question the entire process because what was the point of jurying applications if you won't be holding tables for those who were accepted for at least a day or two?

>> No.9129236

Plus at first they even denied an artist who mainly sells prints, and listed charms too. They denied her because she sold charms.

Then they denied artists selling prints on fabric accessories like coin purses. So if you sell anything on fabric in the AA, it'll get removed.

>> No.9129260

That sounds ridiculous. They accepted me and I'm a plush maker so what sense does that make? They even made a separate subsection of AA to include crafting so why would they be prejudice against textiles? Man Hol Mat what are you doing...

>> No.9129261
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Oh, that's terrible. Do people not know he's a pedo and that's how he's able to host events anywhere?

>> No.9129291

>They denied her because she sold charms.
>Then they denied artists selling prints on fabric accessories like coin purses.


>> No.9129312

Since it happened almost a decade ago, many have forgotten. Or choose to ignore it since the girl moved away to avoid the situation further. But he is still a convicted pedophile with a record...

Holmat is becoming a mess to be quite frank. I won't even be returning with my art. The quality of artists accepted now is subpar compared to other cons that actually judge based on art quality and not products permitted in their new "AA".

>> No.9129343

I will be sure to avoid anything he's running, then.

Also geez, it doesn't look like there's anything good left in FL for this year.

>> No.9129359

There was AFO but you missed it by a week.

>> No.9129362

Nah, I went to that. It was cool.

>> No.9129383

TBCC, Megacon Tampa, and a few unannounced dates for new cons in the winter. I'll keep you guys updated as soon as we vendors hear of them.

>> No.9129397

Is TBCC or Megacon Tampa any good?

>> No.9129445

Mega Tampa is new, but the announced guests should be top-notch since its Mega funded.

TBCC is great too though, and a good location for food/drinks nearby. The guest list is better than Mega's so far.

>> No.9129451

That's cool, maybe I'll hit them up next year if I haven't left FL yet.

>> No.9129476

>Is TBCC or Megacon Tampa any good?

TBCC is controlled by a 20something girl who treats the whole con like it's her personal club so its programming slants heavily toward whatever or whoever she likes.

Megacon Tampa nobody knows yet but Megacon's new corporate owners kinda pissed everyone off in Orlando & they are being shady touting guests that are one-day only for Tampa

>> No.9129488

I'm going to guess she's not a good person, huh?

>> No.9129524

Can I lobbycon TBCC?

>> No.9129536

Will HOLMAT have a lolita event this year?

>> No.9129540

Now that I'm in SoFlo, I guess I need to pray and get to work to fulfill my weebtrash needs.

Orlando seriously was the weeaboo central. So many anime organizations and cons... I miss it already.

Big shoutouts to the people who make that stuff happen.

>> No.9129542

Good luck! Orlando is never too far away.

>> No.9129594

Anyone from Florida thinking about going to Katsucon next year? I'm thinking about it but nervous because it will be my first time and I don't know what to expect.

>> No.9129597

Way too far for me, I'd only travel very far for huge cons.

>> No.9129640

If accepted to the AA, yep.

>> No.9129642

I was thinking about it but I think I may try my luck and head to AX.

>> No.9129879

If you're gonna discuss this issue, get the FACTS right.

Roy is NOT banned from the Convention Center, only from Metrocon, which he used to own and run with the current owners.

The accuser (who was 16 at the time, I believe) could not even be bothered to appear to make her statement before moving. In any case, he has paid his debt to society for the incident and has a perfect right to make a living. And there are no other incidents of a similar nature since. Like many, his presence on the list is a gross injustice as compared to those who are truly deserving of it.

As for Omni itself, it's difficult to put on a good con when you're the victim of embezzlement, as well as having events announced for the same city AND dates well after your dates are announced TWO YEARS in a row.

I happen to know how much the staff respects the fan community and how experienced a lot of them are when it comes to running cons. Omni is certainly more interested in fans than many of the events that are regularly piled on here (Broder cons, Megacon, Metrocon, etc.) Those events' main concern is $$$.

I urge all anons to decide for themselves what events they'll support and attend and not believe the misinformation that regularly gets put out here.

>> No.9130009

I don't even care about anything with Omni staff or the politics. I went last year and it was terrible. Nothing to do, lame dealers room, and empty halls. Not worth the $25 I spent for a weekend pass.

>> No.9130321
File: 161 KB, 1582x2048, 13669366_10155131012244148_345591923681665160_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know we all kind of shit on Mizu but look how cute this shit is

>> No.9130325


>> No.9130326

It might actually look like they have their shit together..usually when cons are going to be fucking terrible the art is just as terrible.

>> No.9130346

Anyone at TBCC do you know if they have it set up like metro or is the hall free?

>> No.9130352

They have had the same artist for he past few years anon. Cute art does not make a good con. They don't pay her either

>> No.9130360
File: 767 KB, 1340x1976, guestbadge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean you're not lying when comparing to their old badge but as the other anon said, cute art does not make a good con. That means they're making slight improvements to their appearance but they are still disorganized as ever.

>> No.9130384

Anyone going to Mini Iwai?

meetup maybe?

>> No.9130387

If cute art is the reason people keep going to this shit con then no wonder they can get away with shit like having hentai panels in glass panel rooms

>> No.9130390

lol that was like 4 years ago anon.

this artist started last year when the new people took over

>> No.9130391

I'll be there! I'm down for a meet up not sure where though

>> No.9130419

I'm not but I hope people who go enjoy it!

>> No.9130422

Exactly. If the con is still bad then cute art is just the equivalent of putting make-up on a piece of shit.

>> No.9130426

>hentai panels in glass panel rooms
Holy shit what

>> No.9130432

The old staff signed a contract with the MACC for a bunch of those glass panel rooms in the main area.. And then decided to schedule 18+ panels in them..few years ago but still baka

>> No.9130441

Apparent s m h corrects to Baka lol

>> No.9130442
File: 335 KB, 500x281, 1454184021136.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And then decided to schedule 18+ panels in them
>In glass panel rooms

Did they not even think about this?

>> No.9130445

yes, and t b h filters to desu

>> No.9130448

Yeah it was hilarious

>> No.9130451
File: 67 KB, 500x367, 1456459009411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure, but again... Nobody took even a second to sit down and like, question this decision?

>> No.9130457

I don't know, the staff they had at the time isn't there anymore so im guessing they either got fired or quit

>> No.9130460

probably fired after that shit lmfao

>> No.9130463

They were fired.

>> No.9130465
File: 545 KB, 496x360, excellent.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, they deserved it.

>> No.9130478

That's amazing.

>> No.9130647

Some of the staff is still there lmao

>> No.9130654

Well, only a matter of time until the fuck something else up, then.

>> No.9130660

Who else is there besides Steve?

>> No.9130687

... How?

>> No.9130717

Headed to TBCC is it still hallcon or like metro?

>> No.9130721

I've been going to this con because it's local the past few years..the only person who's still around besides the staff last year is the guy who owns it but he stepped back because he was ruining it and their web designer..everyone else is new

>> No.9131160

I miss afo already

>> No.9131325

Same, it was cool

>> No.9131334
File: 687 KB, 640x703, 1444439980671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that TBCC commercial
There should be no reason now to play that song.

>> No.9131596

TBCC is too far so I'm going to Mini Iwai so I don't feel too left out this weekend. I'm worried that no one will be there because everyone's in Tampa.

>> No.9131642

Were you able to hallcon TBCC or is it more closed off than Metro was?

>> No.9132132

You'd have to pay me to take that art. It's so cringey, I don't know why cons don't think of getting a good artist for these things. The first thing a lot of people see is the advertisment art which is really important. Too many cons don't put enough effort into marketing and just expect to be succesful.

>> No.9132140

I'm going too anon. Tbcc is just too far

>> No.9132150

I'm going too! I'll be doing a casual Umbreon cosplay cause I'm trash and am not willing to dig through hordes of heavy boxes (cause moving out of state sucks balls) for a cosplay so I just stuck yellow circles on my shit WOOH COSPLAY~
Anyone want to meet up? It'd be great to meet some SoFlo seagulls.

>> No.9132271

I'm playing at 3:30, so any time after that.

>> No.9132971

Someone post pics from mini iwai. thinking of heading down

>> No.9133086

how do vendor's room and artist's alley at holiday matsuri compare to metrocon's in like..size and quality? It'll be my second time going to a con and I need to start budgeting because I'm a greedy bastard who wants everything in the hall

>> No.9133533

So whats next?

>> No.9133607

Mini was pretty good! Definitely going to the real thing in November

>> No.9133802

Omni's being run by the people who originally created Metrocon back when it was worth going to. It's definitely worth going to especially if you're planning to hang out with friends not attend shitty shows or get harassed by asshole security that's more concerned with confiscating your badge or upskirting you. I'm hoping they get some more decent guests this year.

And if you're offended that -1- person involved with the event has a criminal record then you should probably avoid most large retailers (esp Wal-Mart) and just about anyone who works as a janitor or table cleaner. Felons and sex offenders are common.

I'm no friend of Roys but I've been attending and volunteering at cons he's been a part of since Metrocon and that includes ShadoCon, KhaotiCon, Holiday Matsuri, EvilCon, BelleCon, Necronomicon, MythiCon and probably more. He's also been seen attending AFO, MegaCon, TBCC, GBG and a bunch of others and there have been stalker photos of him posted from both Disney and Universal. If he was so dangerous and not allowed around kids you'd think he'd have been arrested by now.

Definitely decide for yourself what cons you want to support because if you read any 4Chan FL thread you'll think that they ALL suck because that's how this group rolls.

(commence drama/hateposting)

>> No.9133894

Project BAKA part.2 Party at Anime Iwai in November that shits gonna be LIT

>> No.9134738

Loved seeing all the pokemon cosplays! The con was pretty tiny but the majority of the panels were really good.

>> No.9135715

I have sent a few messages to the page for a panel I'm running and the responses have been understandable so I don't think he's doing much on the public side. It looks more like he's just a financial backer because Lord knows mizucon does not make any money for him to be profiting

>> No.9136000

What are you running anon?

>> No.9136024
File: 55 KB, 500x406, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually excited for Mizu this year. I got to meet the new Chair (Brian?) and the rest of the Orange Anime people at Supercon this year and they're very cool and friendly. It seems like they're trying their hardest to revive Mizu. It's my understanding that Steve is just providing the back end and financial support.

Plus who doesn't love Mega Ran.

>> No.9136043
File: 101 KB, 1274x613, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same actually. im hesitant because of the number of cons this time of the year but i could go for another small, inexpensive, local party con. it should be a good time. megacon and metro kinda wore me out of big cons for a while

>> No.9136053

That picture is fucking hilarious.

>> No.9136162

The bad trivia panel was amazing and I'm happy I won a little keychain. The pool party was alright, the maid cafe was actually decent and really cute, and the vendor room was actually better than i expected. The staff was also super sweet. Not that many people but not bad for a tiny first time con!

>> No.9136276

Lol I love this picture and even though people were bashing on the art I think it's cute and way better than years before. I love Megaran and have not seen him in a while and I was surprised they had more than two guests. Maybe I'm putting my hopes up too high but I'm going to give it a try since it's only 10 minutes from my house compared to the hour drive animate is going to be.

>> No.9136286

Lmao ya ppl encounter more pedos at their Walmart but cry wolf when they see Harms. Guys a twig like you can snap him in half & use as a toothpick if he acts up. Florida con scene is sleazy man it has always been but it is easier to point a finger to one person to cover up the shit you're doing. The infamous orgies at Metro where the Staff fucks one another. Easy for Metro to push the fucking bad image onto Harms so they don't get in trouble. Sounds like this chick was 16 & was with this guy for a while before she decided yo let me call the police. please this sounds like the typical story of a girl who wanted to get by on perks and when she didn't have them anymore she cried oh I got abused. Give people a second chance and stop being up their asses unless you know legit they're doing shady shit then call the fucking cops on them. Don't be keyboard Warriors just call the fucking cops man. Same people who try to stir up the shit with his guy but don't call the cops they're all talk.

>> No.9136363

uhhh anyone doing Umicon?

>> No.9136424

Skipping Umicon (obviously) and going to Animate Ft Lauderdale to see if the location change is for the better.

>> No.9136454

went a few years ago and heard its gone even further down since then. Don't recommend.
Headed to Animate as well.

>> No.9136612

Avoid at all costs

>> No.9136847

Avoid at all costs. It's not worth the money at all and the only saving grace it had was the events orange anime did but their gone. Go with animate or matsuri instead

>> No.9137794

Would you recommend ShadoCon or Anime Iwai?

>> No.9137845

Depends on where you live. ShadoCon had been kind of whatever for years, and Iwai is promising but it's still in its first year

>> No.9138026

Anime Iwai

>> No.9138361
File: 105 KB, 600x414, ShadoCon-2016-Floor-Setup-Final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So has anyone else noticed on the Shadocon website that the Starbucks is bigger than main events and kitchen is about the same size as the actual convention area? Shitty little con is smaller and shittier than ever. PASS!

>> No.9138489


>> No.9138497

Kind of small area there. Necronomicon was there a few years and took an attendance hit in St. Pete. Iit's gonna happen to Shado because people from Orlando (or even Lakeland) won't go all that way.

>> No.9138560

It's shado, even if it wasn't this small it's shit. Ex staff here, they've bailed out on paying their hotel bill every year which is why they had to move away from Tampa because most hotels refuse to work with him for leaving the unpaid bills. Save yourself the trouble and don't support this shit con at all. Also this is the same con Cerebino was a guest at last (biggest laughter right there) and the person making the guide didn't even spell his cosplay name right of our own guest :x

>> No.9139463

How much does a single-day Holiday Matsuri pass cost at the door? I likely will only go Friday and Saturday so I'm trying to decide if it's worth pre-ordering a weekend pass

>> No.9140134

The whole weekend is actually worth going to. With the cosplay super show there's actually an event worth attending on a Sunday!

>> No.9141247
File: 81 KB, 621x444, 1466461357547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So AFO and TBCC overlap dates in 2017. Which would everyone be going to if they could only choose one?

>> No.9141273


>> No.9141285

Another one for AFO.

>> No.9141471

Afo for sure

>> No.9141659

I live in Orlando so AFO is a no brainer.

>> No.9141687

This is a tough one for me. I make good money at TBCC but AFO is where the party is at.Guess I'll have to flip a coin when the time comes.

>> No.9141815

Whichever one >>9141687 isn't at

>> No.9142250 [DELETED] 

They're a vendor, anon.

>> No.9142293

Out of town during it but after last year they would have to pay me to go back again. I am going to want all the details about this year though. Like all those guests they're promising and that bullshit about Nintendo representatives being there. Highly expect it'll crash just as hard, all the guests will back out the week before, and the "Nintendo" booth will be some Pokemon Go thing from Umicon itself and not any sort of real officials.

>> No.9142375

Yeah I'm curious about this too. It's funny how they made that announcement and people still don't care

>> No.9142449

The same 50 local teens and weebs show up every year but otherwise no one seems to know or care about this con. It's a shame because I think if they went back to a hotel, kissed and made up with orange anime, and got some good beach events going it could be a lot of fun.

>> No.9142461

I'm just wondering why they tagged Genkigoth in their Nintendo announcement. Like, $5 says it's just going to be them handing out flyers and trying to sell their splatter art pretending to be associated with Nintendo. Also if ACTUAL reps were there at such a small con it would kill a lot of business for artists and dealers selling anything that falls under their copyright, wouldn't it? I mean you couldn't hide or run from a C and D when the artist space is less than 20 tables.

>> No.9142509

That's honestly how I feel. Florida cons already do a shitty job in advertising for the most part. Umicon should of stuck with their niche and ran with it. Having the beach right there at the con should of been their main selling points and made cute beach themed events from there. Who is running Umi-con now?

>> No.9142512

Some manchild and his 70something grandmother who harasses artists at pretty much all florida conventions, trying to get us to booth there again.

>> No.9142515

They got kicked out of that con center

>> No.9142524

Who also sends people the artist info from the wrong con

>> No.9142593

That grandmother slightly terrifies me. It's the Brooklyn "I don't give a shit" attitude she had when I met her in person mixed with the fact that she can't seem to type a single coherent e-mail without at least 3-5 spelling and grammatical errors.

>> No.9142598

There's plenty of other hotels they could have moved to. It's Daytona Beach there's miles of them, they have their pick of every other place besides that one they got booted from (which they were honestly getting too big for based on parking but they are not popular enough to warrant renting out the ocean center).

>> No.9142939

When's the next convention in FL?

>> No.9143042

MizuCon is this weekend in Miami, as is Pensacola Comic con in Pensacola

>> No.9144414

Lol Pensacola? No thanks

>> No.9145700

If anyone's heading to Mizucon on Saturday, I'm going to be playing at noon if anyone's down to kick things off with a little mosh session.

>> No.9145820

Sweeeeeeeet. See you there bud

>> No.9146138

Can't confirm orgies but some of the staff are freaky as fuck and bring their weird kinks to the con and expect us to put up with them.

Fuck that. Con ain't getting my money for next year if they wanna keep using freaks who wanna push their sick little agendas and cause drama and chaos during the con.

>> No.9146141

Fuck that con. If the owner wants to stay true to something that isn't his marriage, he should stick to that and not kiss Metrocon's ass along with all the fucked up rejects from Shadocon like their Grell obsessed fanboy.

I save my damn money for out of state cons now. People, do yourselves a damn favor and start saving for cons like AX, Katsu, ACen, and many others that at least have better quality than these shitshows.

>> No.9149379

Fuxk it I bought my pass to Mizu

>> No.9149663

I'm looking forward to Mizu this weekend. It's shaping up to be pretty chill. I'm glad they have new organizers, hopefully they don't fuck it up

>> No.9149666

Are there any Seagulls at UM? I don't particularly want to meet I just want to know if you exist.

>> No.9149880



>> No.9151159

Their burlesque show is fucking lit

>> No.9151191

Apparently yt cracker is coming

>> No.9151334

He's already here and doing shit with megaran tomorrow

>> No.9151460


>> No.9151565

So far it's been lit and better than last year which makes me way more hyped for megaran tonight. Mizu may pull this shit out of their ass finally after years of being shitty.

>> No.9151695

Eh, they have all new staff. The only thing the same is the location and the name. But with all new organizers I'd say that makes it a completely new event. I'm actually surprised that they didn't rename it and start a new con, but that might be because of Steve having the rights to it or something. I know a lot of people that didn't go simply because "it's Mizucon" but would have more than likely gone to a brand new south Florida convention at the same place for the same price.

>> No.9151752

Well that's good.

>> No.9152265

Umicon officially cancelled. Is anyone really surprised though?

>> No.9152294


>> No.9152312


This makes me feel happy and bitter at the same time. At least only 30 people pre-registered so not that many suckers are out hotel money but damn Umicon why are you so shit?

>> No.9152314

No. I do admit a con that's already going on five years to only having 30 people pre-registering is embarrassing. Like >>9142509 stated before, they could of been better if they advertised even if their "marketing team" didn't.

>> No.9152319

After last year it isn't a shocker. They gained a really bad reputation among vendors and artists and I know they were emailing a lot of people begging them to sign up for a table again this year with little success. They did this to themselves by pretending all last year that they had this big successful transition to the ocean center when they had practically all but one of their guests 'cancel last minute', they lied about the attendance, they had inconsistent ticket prices, shit communication and advertising, jack all for panels and activities, no maps, no physical schedules, no signs in the building, no discernible perks between VIP and regular attendees, and they couldn't even get fucking Pikabellechu and her car to show up.

>> No.9152805

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.9153507

If anything it's something positive. Florid as already way too oversaturated with cons. A few biting the dust is a win in my book

>> No.9153509

Florida's stupid autocorrect

>> No.9153760

Yea, I agree about the oversaturation. Hopefully some more shit ones will close their doors over the next year or so.

>> No.9153784

Who's going to Kira Kira Pop in Orlando this Saturday?

>> No.9153787

I might. I went to the last one and it was really good!

>> No.9153852


What other cons do you all think should go away already?

>> No.9154248

Ultracon. I don't know if anyone even goes but Irving is still non stop promoting.

>> No.9154300

I've never even been or heard of it (which says a lot clearly). What's so bad about it?

>> No.9154354

Just when you think Yoh hasn't done anything fun recently he posts on his page about drama over prints he got, didn't pay for but is upset now that the girl blasted him on fb about it. I live the problems this guy puts himself in

>> No.9154381

Literally who?

>> No.9154472

An old soflo dramuking. Stories about him are amusing

>> No.9154526

It was very disorganized and it still is. This year it's at the MACC.

>> No.9154555

Funny enough to match the earlier.person as does Yoh, train wreck event with train wreck people

>> No.9154578

Oh, I see.

Sounds worthless, then.

>> No.9154609


Any screenshots?

>> No.9154870
File: 60 KB, 551x475, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there you go bud. I like his last sentence, I wont say a name to make her famous. guy you wrote a whole post about this shit and didnt even say youve strung the girl around for 2 mths with this shit

>> No.9154883

he's such an idiot. Its crazy people this stupid exist

>> No.9154974

Who is the cosplayer blasting him?

>> No.9155030

This wasn't very amusing.

>> No.9155053

i guess spelling is really hard for him

>> No.9155291

After some snooping found her public post but that shit is way to big to screenshot: Bailey Vea. Reading her post seems like everything started in July and Connie didn't happen upon the print like Yoh says. Though it's a he said she said until screencaps come out

>> No.9155297

so what is going on here exactly? he didn't like a print so he didn't pay here and he's being roasted?

>> No.9155300

this all seems rather petty desu

tho I imagine most Florida con/cosplay drama is yea?

>> No.9155302

yes, that's why you stay out of it anon

>> No.9155323


>> No.9155325

Just compile it into a big screenshot

>> No.9155327

lmao that's unfortunately the con least likely to ever go away here

>> No.9155330

I know. I just wish something better would come an take its place.

>> No.9155403

I love how people have started advertising other cons on the "Umicon is cancelled" announcement post like vultures on a dead carcass. It's hilarious.

>> No.9155405

Wow, that's pretty shameless.

>> No.9155420
File: 247 KB, 1024x916, vultures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They thirsty, lmao

>> No.9155427

Lol no surprise Croom did it, that fuck did it when EXP disappeared and whenever he thinks a con will tank or try to make it tank. The wonder's of Florida
Florida is con dramu to the max

>> No.9155429

The first one isn't too bad, wording-wise, but the second one...
>"anime fix"
>"swing by"
>pathetic attempt to hook with "mystery CoOoL gUeEsT!!"

>> No.9155434

Why is Florida so drama-filled though? Like this state is lame who cares???

>> No.9155440

Both posts are scummy but yeah that last one is embarrassing.

>> No.9155445
File: 9 KB, 200x200, hey bb u wan sum succ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The profile photo in that last post tho.

>> No.9155446

so... im confused. why would yoh buy prints if he found them unsatisfactory? why buy them in the first place? were they mailed to him or something? did he buy them online?

>> No.9155448

Not knowing the full context here, maybe he purchased them knowing what the artwork would look like, but the actual quality of the paint or paper it came on was bad?

>> No.9155450

By paint I mean ink, or whatever. Like the prints came out like shit but he may not have been able to judge that until he got them.

>> No.9155469

Greg (Yoh) gets his dick hard from drama. He's told me personally that he purposely starts drama because he doesn't believe that there's such thing as "bad fame"

>> No.9155482

Yoh shouldn't really complain about the quality of someone's art prints when what he sells isn't even art of his own.
He always plays the victim.

>> No.9155555
File: 131 KB, 1000x625, 14125678_816216341813292_1571694358678524489_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, Ultracon needs to go.

>> No.9155556

Sega is the autistic kid that sells sonic and brony shit. Each and every convention i've seen them at they always have these children's bedsheet table covers and handwritten signs like NO BOOTLEGS and ART THIEVES ARE BAD. Really wish they'd stop wasting vendor space.

>> No.9155812

"swing by wasabi con and get thoroughly disappointed!"

Love the way he self-promotes his shitty little con as if he's not involved, let alone the owner. If he wants people to come he should advertise the underage drinking and parties. That, at least, would be interesting.

>> No.9155882

From what I read on both sides, she sent them because they were "friends" so you know you would think your friend would pay for shit as promised. Two mth's later she calls him out and in true Yoh form he makes a video with half the info saying he didn't know how to tell her the prints were bad....after 2 mths. You'd think as a artist he would know the importance of paying another artist

>> No.9155903

What a dick. It's like "Sorry your puppy just died. We've got a fresh live box of puppies in Jacksonville though if anyone wants one!"

>> No.9156083
File: 186 KB, 502x621, yoh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am actually the cosplayer Yoh/Greg is referring to, lol. I have the full and TRUE story posted publicly on my Facebook page. (I literally also have every single conversation him and I have had as well as their partner Connie, have had in the past 2 months while this has been going on)

I am going to attach separate screenshots of my public post here since it's reading the link as spam, lol

My prints are all professionally shot and produced, Yoh/Greg tried every excuse in the book on me to get out of paying, so I blasted him. And I'm not sorry. Be professional or don't waste my time, yanno? Anywho, I'm glad at last some people on here understand that he is full of drama because all his followers are blindly labeling me as the bad guy here... even though he stole my prints... and lied... and then lied about lying.... LOL

-Bailey Vea Cosplay

>> No.9156085
File: 240 KB, 497x620, yoh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the second bit to this mess... and I have one more after this!

>> No.9156091
File: 101 KB, 498x370, yoh3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here ya go.. and TRUTH behind this print fiasco. I'm not sorry for putting him on blast, he needs to know this shit isn't okay. How would he feel if someone treated him this way with his art??? I can guarantee you... He wouldn't let it slide...

-Bailey Vea Cosplay

>> No.9156099
File: 29 KB, 533x314, yoh4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realize that this is a whole he-said-she-said type ordeal... but I have SO many screenshots of him promising me the agreed upon payment, on a certain date... that he never came through with... So I'll post just a couple of those here... Also... as for him not liking my prints??? LOL, I HAVE PROOF HE "LOVED" THEM! I have had multiple other PAYING customers that have all been more than pleased with the product I have given them... Yoh/Greg... can't weasel his way out of this one.

Oh and by the way he said they returned them... it's been over a week and I STILL haven't gotten them back.. despite us all living in Florida... LOL

>> No.9156101
File: 35 KB, 529x364, yoh5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There ya go :)

I'm out.

-Bailey Vea Cosplay

>> No.9156107

>it's been over a week and I STILL haven't gotten them back
>no tracking
Yeah they're not coming. And if they DO arrive bet you $10 they're crumpled and damaged and were shoved into a shitty envelope. Greg is such a literal garbage person.

>> No.9156260

Wow this is just the icing to this guy. I didn't want to tell her I disliked them but let me string her along for 2mths and lie saying I do like them. Jesús this guy just needs to leave the community already

>> No.9156571


For a dude that doesn't like blasting people he really likes to blast people with his shitty videos and posts.

Did he learn nothing from the last time he tried to pull something like this?

>> No.9156701

I wish EXPcon would make a comeback. That con was magical.

>> No.9157181

This is just unprofessional in my option all around. Blasting someone on social media is childish. Of course it's completely messed up to not pay someone. However, It's a simple resolution though... don't send product until payment...

>> No.9157587

True that would usually be the best situation but I can slightly see where the other person came from where you would think if your friend of over a year tells you they're going to pay you that they're going to actually do it. This is definitely a lesson that sometimes you can't even trust friends with money but most of us would probably think our friends would follow through

>> No.9158038

I loved the location of EXPcon and would love a good con up here again. Any of croons events sick dick and I don't even bother with Wasabicon and much less with ACC

>> No.9158283
File: 360 KB, 582x915, Screenshot_2016-08-25-15-59-36-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what this third shit is but I refuse to go to anything that jumps on the bandwagon of advertising themselves on another con's fucking death announcement. Even if Umicon sucked this is just shameful.

>> No.9158318
File: 314 KB, 720x1131, Screenshot_2016-08-25-16-11-10-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. It's "meet in a park and bash Umicon". Not to say they don't deserve it but that's their entire description. This is golden.

>> No.9158334
File: 323 KB, 962x864, thatfuckergotme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man truly gives no fucks.

>> No.9158336

Carl is one of the old UmiCon organizers..LOL

>> No.9158344

I guess his salt is well warranted then.

>> No.9158963

Keep in mind that Croom now works for Megacon for nothing. You still want to support them if they'll use this guy?

>> No.9158966

Carl and Greg were pretty much the founders of Umi so it's probably going to a be a oh man they fucked up this great thing we started festival

>> No.9159442

Overgrown kid begging for attention is more like it. And if he doesn't get it he complains and posts shit like this to get it. Your reposting it here has given him attention and you can bet he's loving it.

He works for Mega (and any other event he can get in to) for bragging rights then tries to use it to desperately promote his little shitfest.

I won't avoid a con I want to go to because one guy I don't like works there (Roy Harms, Tom Croom and Mike Broder being the biggest examples) but I've got no problem avoiding shitty cons because they're shitty.

>> No.9159507

Croom is a retarded faggot with no self esteem and is pretty miserable at everything he attempts to do. He takes advantage of teenagers just looking to have a good time and enjoy a convention and is consistently holding the FL con scene back because "lol ill sue u". Dude just needs to either be banned from every con in FL or kill himself already. He's a probably one of the scummiest human beings I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.

That girl who got her prints "stolen" is also fucking retarded for sending products before receiving payment. Who the hell does that? You deserve that shit.

Stay classy Florida. I love this fucking thread.

>> No.9159738
File: 1.58 MB, 2448x3264, 234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was at Pensacola last week & it was complete shit. They had no stage so they used the wrestling ring for the costume contest, never mind that the big armored stuff could not get between the ropes so you'd hear the bitch on the mike say stupid shit 'Costume looks great, but I guess you in the audience can't see it tee-hee-hee.'

>> No.9159766


>> No.9159772
File: 194 KB, 2048x1365, I should have won.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So apparently at Fan LexiCon last week Brandon Fugleberg finally got escorted out & banned for his usual autistic creepiness. Anybody else hear about it?

>> No.9160090
File: 2.06 MB, 1242x2208, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9160165

I have seen this person before. They compete in the same costume at every event.

>> No.9160210
File: 43 KB, 600x338, 1466409135450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Supercon has now announced 2017 dates overlapping Tampa Bay Comic Con and AFO, and they've left Miami to Ft Lauderdale. Discuss. Which would you choose to go to out of the 3 and why?

>> No.9160229

Where did you see the announcement

>> No.9160230

It's on the main supercon page, the new dates.

>> No.9160269
File: 266 KB, 798x827, Brandon Fugleberg Yes thats his real name.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They compete in the same costume at every event.
Yeah this guy has only this one costume and he thinks it should win every contest, he even told one winner that his costume was better than hers and that she...I shit you not...should turn the prize money over to him.

He also hits on women at cons & won't take no for an answer.

>> No.9160312

Well Metrocon can really kiss their shrinking shitshow goodbye. These dates are gonna kill them! They're so outclassed its too damn funny!

>> No.9160328

...Is that duct tape?

Is this guy related to the Gannon that was wearing jeans and a button up by chance? /sigh

On one hand, I am glad its not in Miami anymore since everything out there is expensive, crowded and a pain to drive around. New location in Fort Lauderdale is only 20 minutes from me.

Over lapping AFO though.... ouch.

>> No.9160752

That's.. messed up and super rude... None likes a sore loser. I know for a fact that he has won prize money at smaller event. Apparently he had already won before that. Some contest / judges don't care about costumes that already won so they will still award it anyways.