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File: 203 KB, 500x733, tumblr_o4bgtxVUkT1qdx9hzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9125009 No.9125009 [Reply] [Original]

I'm soon to be 20 and i just feel so old even though it clearly isn't. I need some older lolita inspo because i love lolita so much and plan to wear it until i maybe get tired of it or something.
So...older lolitas/women in jfash thread?
Pastels would be awesome since i'm into sweet lolita and stuff.

>> No.9125010

Is this b8?

>> No.9125017

You're clearly new here

Misako is over 30 now, let's just pretend I posted a recent pic of her I can't be bothered to...

>> No.9125022

I'm not new, this whole thing reeks of b8.

>> No.9125032

It doesn't even make sense that it would.

>> No.9125036

She's old?

>> No.9125039

the OP pic isn't old.

>> No.9125051

I think she's in her early 30s now but this might be an older photo. I still wouldn't consider her an older lolita, most lolitas are in their early 20s to mid 30s.

>> No.9125055

Right, which backs up my point of this seeming like b8.

>> No.9125135

OP here. I just don't know any older and while she IS still young (and rocks lolita) to me 30 seems so old but once again i am afraid of growing older because wrinkles and shit meaning maybe cutesy things won't be cute on me anymore. I have distorted standards about what is considered old.
Also asians is cheating it's like they escape aging for most. Some azn women in their 40s like TommyFebruary or a 30yo idol like Eitaso look like they are 20, what the fuck. Give me your secret already.

>> No.9125138

yeah this is for sure b8

>> No.9125144

Are you retarded?
Anyway is there any 30+ lolitas or jfashionistas other than shelbycloud and misako?

>> No.9125147
File: 993 KB, 500x240, youngandrestless.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soon to be 20
>feel so old

So you're still a teenager.
Most lolitas will be older inspo then as I think mid to late 20s is becoming an average age for people especially with experience and developed wardrobes.

Just look at octavekitten, she recently turned 36 and is still going strong.

>> No.9125150

I'm not, look at the phrasing of that post. Clearly b8.

>> No.9125156

Guess how old all brand owners and designers are and no, they aren't 20.

>> No.9125157

>I'm going to bait by claiming something's bait
Huh, I don't think I've seen that one before.

>> No.9125158

You can't be serious. There's no way you're dense enough to not pick up on the b8.

>> No.9125162

Why don't you look at >>9104894

It seems like you're asking to see more mature cords. Age means nothing since most people look younger/older than they are.

>> No.9125167

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.9125169

No one but you is seeing it mate.

>> No.9125174

>cgl is retarded

I'm not surprised, just disappointed

>> No.9125191

I'm 30 and don't have a single wrinkle. People act surprised when I tell them my real age and that I'm not 20 like they think. And I'm white so I look even more youthful.

Anyways, gr8 b8 now get the fuck out

>> No.9125198

>And I'm white so I look even more youthful.

I thought it was common for white people to age faster because they are more retarded about skincare even though they need it the most. (I'm also white.) I've never heard of being white as a plus for looking younger.

>> No.9125201

White people typically show signs of age faster. Especially if your skin is dry or you have history of tanning.

>> No.9125206

White people are generally stupid about skin care. I wear sunscreen whenever I leave the house, use Retin A at night, I don't tan, and I'm cautious about being in the sun for too long.

Being pale is associated with youthfulness and beauty.

>> No.9125212

Turning 35 and I started at 30. I wear mostly sweet as well. I'll dabble a bit in classic and gothic, but I'm most fond of sweet. Kind of glad that the newer sweet trends are leaning on being slightly more mature than the stuff that was popular when I started.

Anyway I think Shelby is my age or a year off in either direction, not sure.

Also, it's a lot easier to build up the kind of wardrobe you really want when you're older and have a better job and more disposable income.

Yeah white skin is prone to aging quickly due to sun damage. Stress can play a big factor in it too. I always notice people who have kids and don't really take care of their skin or go tanning age a lot faster.

>> No.9125484

Who is this?

>> No.9125486

Shelby Cloud.

>> No.9125488
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>> No.9125490
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I'm disappointed at this bait, I just wanted an excuse to post based grandma-chan

>> No.9125515

>I look so young, people act surprised when I tell them I'm not a fetus.

>> No.9125527

>And I'm white so I look even more youthful.
no you have to be Asian or Black for that to work.

>> No.9125530

Yeah, yeah, humble bragging. Not them but I deal with the same thing cause I'm Asian.

>> No.9125581
File: 379 KB, 475x596, Misako_MILK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To actually try and talk about "older" people in lolita, like 30+, what do you think of Misako? I get really tired of some of the Japanese comments I read on gossip boards saying she's getting old looking and needs to stop. Her whole life is lolita fashion and promoting it and she's incredibly successful with that. Why is there this mentality in Japan that past 30 (sometimes even 25), women need to stop their fun stuff and "get on with life"? She makes money from it, looks really good overall, and always had that side nursing job too. We don't really know if she's dating anyone either since she doesn't talk much about her personal life, but she's definitely probably been with someone in the past decade.

>> No.9125590

Does she actually still work in nursing? I knew she used to when she was starting out, but I always assumed that she'd quit when she started becoming a lolita idol.

>> No.9125592

>she's getting old looking and needs to stop.
Honestly? I've always thought that she has a slightly old or 'tired' look to her. It's something about her eyes and nasolabial area.

The mentality comes from jumping straight from a Feudal to a Modern society. Women either get married or pursue 'respectful' careers.
If she were already married and wore lolita nobody would care; However since she isn't, people will assume that it's BECAUSE of her weird style of clothing and so she needs to stop it in order to get married/start a career.

>> No.9125602

This is why I can't stand damn teenagers in the fashion.

>> No.9125617


Feel free to dump, honestly. I'm nearly 40 and could use the inspiration, bait notwithstanding.

>> No.9125662
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Fujiwara-san will always be my lolita idol.

>> No.9125666
File: 208 KB, 800x1067, factorialist_Yumi_2 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops I meant Fujihara

>> No.9125672

I feel like a baby at 22 because I'm the only one still in college that shows up to meets that cost money. All the other girls are mid-20s to early-30s, with established careers, and have known each other forever

>> No.9125693

You should just join your local comm, you'll see almost everyone is in their 20s or 30s. And that's just the avarage age, there are people much older than that in my comm.

>> No.9125695
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She's still working as a nurse, she sometimes posts pictures of herself when she goes to work. I think probably she doesn't work in a hospital but takes care of some old or sick people at home.

I'm sorry nursing isn't a respectful career to you.

>> No.9125703

This. I'm probably one of the more established lolitas, but I'm one of the few who are over 21 with no kids.

>> No.9125709

First of all, unless your genetics aren't that great, you won't have any aging signs at 30 as long as you take good care of yourself. If a 30 year old can't easily still pass for 20, it's almost always because of their lifestyle. That's the main reason why Asians do so well, because for the most part they eat WAY better than we do, it's not because they're immortal. You'll notice in poor Asian areas like the slums of China, people look 40+ by the time they're 30. Go to an area doing well and they're still hot at 50. So yeah, posting Misako isn't "cheating" just because she's Asian.

Second, anyone over 14 is too old for sweet Lolita in the eyes of normal people. This faahion is way too weird to care about something as trivial as age.

>> No.9125731

>start a career
... She's a nurse, anon. She has been the entire time she's been a model.
Yeah, she's still a nurse, she's very passionate about it.
I hate to be the one that calls "jealous fatty", but that's basically what is going on on the JP boards. I lived in Japan for two years during school and Japanese women take a lot longer to grow out of their catty jelly bitch phase from middle/high school than Westerners (if they ever do at all), it's also a lot more socially acceptable to be a massive bitch over their. Most of the young Japanese women (and a lot of the men) I've known have almost an automatic response to undercut anyone who has something they wished they did. So yeah, I have no doubt that most of those girls bitching about Misako are just bitter because they want her life, so they use her age against her because it's the only thing they have on her. If jealousy/bitterness wasn't behind it, they wouldn't say she should stop, they would just say she looks old and not care what she's doing.

>> No.9125747
File: 1.85 MB, 340x205, whoa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lone lolita, recently turned 25
>insecure about joining a comm at my age
>/cgl/ assures me it will be fine and there will likely be lots of other people my age and older
>okay I can do this

>first meet, everything going well so far
>girls start talking about Misako, age and when people should stop wearing lolita
>”I feel like now that I’m 21 I should stop wearing sweet and move to classic lolita. I’m definitely going to stop after I’m 25 lol, that’s way too old and not cute.”
>everyone seems to agree, and people comment that they’ll do the same when they reach her age
>I am surrounded by teenagers
>they start talking about Melanie Martinez, ask me what school I go to and what my parents and classmates think of me wearing lolita
>I awkwardly tell them that I work a full-time job, my coworkers don’t know about lolita and my parents don’t care what I wear anymore but my husband thinks lolita is cute
>their faces when they realize I’m ~old~
>they keep bringing it up during the meet and asking questions like I’m some kind of alien grandma

My husband and I are planning on buying a house and want to start a family in the coming few years, which will undoubtedly create an even bigger lifestyle gap between these girls and I. Is there any point in sticking with this comm? Other than me, the oldest person is a 24-year-old guy who wears thrifted "aristocrat" and keeps inserting broken Japanese into his speech and calling everyone princesses. I feel like it's going to be really hard to connect with anyone.

>> No.9125753

Nah don't stick with the comm if you're not comfortable with it. There's nothing wrong with not associating with a comm either - I've been a loner lolita for years.

>> No.9125765

if that is what they think about you then I wouldn't bother hanging around them, just be a lone lolita or find an older lolita friend to hang out with.

That said, look at the bigger international events, mostly older girls go there, those who have jobs and/or relationships. Don't feel bad about your age at all, just enjoy!

>> No.9125831

This type of discussion isn't too uncommon with teenagers and girls in their super early twenties because they care much more about what people think than a girl who is 24+ typically does. It's also indicative that they don't actually care about lolita that much and just use it as a special snowflake trend for their attention whore purposes. You want to find a comm in a major city if possible, they tend to be mostly women 22-35. I'm about to be 24 and used to be really worried about being "too old" for lolita within the next couple years, but then I remembered that if I cared that much about what random people think, I shouldn't be wearing lolita in the first place. Whether you're 20 or 40, outsiders are still gonna think you're a freak, and for the people within the fashion who care, you have to question why they're in lolita.

>> No.9125864

>It's also indicative that they don't actually care about lolita that much and just use it as a special snowflake trend for their attention whore purposes.

100% this. If someone said "There's no way I could actually be goth at 25 that's way too old" would you ever actually think they'd be a tru goff~ or just someone jumping onto the alternative trend to look cool and edgy? The same thing applies to lolita or almost every interest.

>Whether you're 20 or 40, outsiders are still gonna think you're a freak, and for the people within the fashion who care, you have to question why they're in lolita.

Also this. I'm 18 with a very undeveloped body and slight baby face and I get just as much shit for it as older women do. Unless you're super old looking (around 60-70) it's not going to make that much of a difference to anyone outside of lolita. And usually the lolitas who demand everyone get out at 22/25/30 are the ones that are jealous about "an old woman" looking better than them like >>9125731 said.

>> No.9125877

Maturity doesn't come with age, sadly. In my comm even the lolitas in their 20s-30s still behave like teenagers. They work shitty part-time jobs or failed at their education and are still undergraduate students far beyond the normal age. One girl even pretends to be 5 years younger than she actually is, so she can still pass as a student and avoid questions as to how she still hasn't got a finished education at her age. All while still being supported by their boyfriends/family. Those same girls are so obsessed with looks and clothes that they can't even afford, yet they treat me like an alienated grandma because I have slighly conservative views and work towards having a family and a stable income. There is no common ground and after a while I realised that there is no reason to hang out with people like this. Sometimes it's better to be a lone lolita.

>> No.9125976

I don't think maturity depends about having a stable job and a family in my opinion because not everyone wants kids or has a partner/stable relationship, finding a good job for your degree is hard (at least in my country) and usually you end to do shitty underpaid jobs or jobs that everyone can do it with no degree. Maturity is when you can sustain yourself without depending from your bf/family also with a low wage job, handing relationships between friends/family without being a spoiled brat that has anger issues, avoiding spending habits that are dangerous and save your money, etc. I saw mature people that are younger than me while i'm trying to finally "grow up" like getting my degree, choosing a career that is not underpaid shitty job, getting a small apt, trying to do this all alone with no bf. I'm tired to still living in my parents house but in my country moving out isn't easy and most move with a bf, is difficult to live by yourself due to expenses and rent. I get along with people that is a bit "child at heart" but not of course immature people that cannot handle a simple criticism or get angry like edgy teenages at their parents when they are past 20 years.

>> No.9126045

As you can see form the thread most people in lolita are mid 20's and up.

This makes me think OP knows nothing about this fashion. This isn't decora. This fashion isn't for little kids. Now go get a job/a degree and don't come back to this fashion until you're adult.

>> No.9126103

The idea of being "too old" for lolita by your early 20's is also really dumb because most people don't actually start making real money until they're like 25, so basically they're saying you need to be done with it before or right after you can afford a really good wardrobe.

>> No.9126110

>20 is old

Well, I must be dead then. I'm 42.

>> No.9126225

Rest in peace anon, we'll miss you

>> No.9126286

It depends on the country. If you're in the US, a lot of people don't have finished college education due to insane costs. I quit in 2008 when our economy tanked, went on to a shitty part time min-wage job retail job and moved up in the company into store management and make a decent amount on it. I almost have that loan paid off too. I feel like a lot of people are going this route, because they are intelligent and competent workers, but there are no well-paying jobs unless you decided to go to school for something that's extremely high in demand.

I can't count the number of people I know in my graduating class that are nurses, teachers, or retail managers. A lot of the older lolitas in my comm have similar jobs, or they did actually finish their degrees and are doing something else. I donno, I think most everyone in my comm over the age of 25 has their shit together. I only see people who are spazzy like that when they are in college or younger. Then again, we have some 17 year olds that have their shit together more than some adults I've met in my life.

>> No.9126317

Not that anon, but I agree. I'm what cgl probably considers 'old' (40+) and I know people in my age range that I still wouldn't consider 'mature'. It's sad, but some people never seem to grow up.

>> No.9126320

If you're dead at 42 then at 48 I'm I fucking mummy. Gonna rise from the dead and steal all the frills.

>> No.9126326

you sound really immature OP. 20 is still basically a child to most people.

>> No.9126956

mine too. She's like grace and class personified.

>> No.9126964

I love her so much.

>> No.9126979

See how I put it in commas? The Japanese people at large consider nursing a shit-tier profession for an unmarried woman.

If she isn't pursuing a high position business job, why isn't she married?

>But you're some silly bitch who can't understand reading comprehension.

>> No.9126982

Yeah but isn't she like a fucking low key nurse and bathes old people?

>> No.9126987

I think you're partially mistaking "maturity" for "independence".

>> No.9126999

Same. Most girls in my comm are at least 28.

>> No.9127082

Hey anon! I think I am feeling the same way as you. I turned 25 this year and feel like a lolita-aunty to all the noobs and 'just 20's' or 'fresh outbof high schoolers' find it hard to put up with their immature conversation sometimes. Wan't to be FB friends? The only other member of my comm who is a bit older is 36 going in 12.. Wich is even more annoying.

>> No.9127091

Are you one of those people who managed to have an amazing career and looks down on everyone else?

>> No.9127116

I'm 20 and I'm the youngest person in my comm, everybody else is at least 25.
Don't worry and just enjoy the fashion, OP.

>> No.9127131

Fujiwara is correct

>> No.9127230

Having done the job myself (as a carer, not a nurse) I would say geriatric nursing and carers are some of the most underappreciated people in healthcare - the majority are amazingly compassionate, caring and manage this all on a generally minimum wage and shit hours.

>> No.9127272

Yeah, taking care of the elederly is so not kawaii, so let's just disregard her well paying respectable career.

>> No.9127320

That's great and all but that doesn't it mean it isn't a demeaning job where you eventually have to wash someone's ass for them.
Unless you get to be one of those that can say up front you don't want to do that but those types of places usually don't pay that well.

>> No.9127323

No, I'm just aware of what that job entails. I've done some pretty degrading shit too.
When I was a janitor at the airport one of my coworkers was a model on the side and I thought it was hilarious.
Like now that you're done scrubbing toilets you can go look cute.

>> No.9127485

Maturity goes hand by hand with independence sometimes but not often, for me growing up is that. You won't say a woman that ask money for burando to her bf everytime, especially spending a lot, isn't a very mature thing in my opinion. Or handing coord criticism like a crying baby. What is maturity for you, anon? There are plenty of engaged and married people with kids that behave like little immature teens, also with some good careers. Or spergy forever alone guys/girls that always complain how they are good guys/gals while they don't notice their flaws and not improve their personality to be a more functional mentally adult.
This anon. If the pay would be higher more people would join these careers. Unless it's your dream career, people cannot do these stressing jobs with a low pay, it's more demeaning compared to working retail jobs for example.

>> No.9127490


She's not a lowkey nurse and seems to take care of people of all ages, there's one interview where she talks about her job and a teenage boy tried to ask for her number. So she's not a geriatric nurse.

>> No.9127499

so she's handling underage boys business as well as old peoples? Misako sure is versatile.

>> No.9127511

I don't know about others but I appreaciate the work nurses do not depending on what kind of people they are working with. It's extremely hard and atleast where I live they have low income. I'm sure we all will appreciate good nurses when we are older. Most of them are people with good heart here because of the low salary and should be appreciated way more.

>> No.9127668 [DELETED] 

Oh so I asked about this once cause I was curious as to when she would have time to be a regular nurse and I was told she was a geriatric nurse that made more sense because she probably doesn't have to be there all the time and a lot of places can do oncall for home care.

It just doesn't make sense that she's a regular 9-5 nurse. She's always traveling and stuff.

>> No.9127683

It also doesn't make sense and can wear such a cute uniform to a normal hospital

>> No.9127797

I'm thoroughly disappointed in the people itt saying that caring for the elderly is a demeaning job. like, where are the elders in your family? are they living with you while you take care of them? fucking nope.
in this day and age we just ship our grandparents off in this out-of-sight-outta-mind until ya die-fashion.

nurses are amazing. we depend on them to be trained and to care for people physically and emotionally when they don't even have a genetic bond as motivation.

self-centered teenaged assholes, the lot of you.

>> No.9127801


>> No.9127811
File: 702 KB, 700x1019, GLB55EGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 image replies
>no Mana-sama

anon pls

>> No.9127863 [DELETED] 

Right, I'm calling bullshit.

>> No.9127872

This is nice that another anon thinks this way. We are all going to get old and I am grateful that someone will take care of my old ass.

Same goes for lolita stuff. I will never get too old to wear frilly clothes, if it pisses off a bunch of kids or they wanna say I'm too old they can keep crying like the babbies they are. As long as the coord is on point and effort is made to look nice as one can, I won't shame someone.

>> No.9127877


It's like this board is myopic and self centered to the point they can't even fathom anything beyond their frill covered walls.

Seriously though, like people can't fathom why people work hard other than to get money.

>> No.9127902

Moar, dump moar anons

>> No.9127911

Oh man, she still rocks lolita/otome and she still looks super cute. They're massive jelly bitches for sure.
I actually wish to look like that in my thirties, asians look so young sometimes it's unfair.

>> No.9127914

Oh my god she looks like the sweetest person.
And she wears it so well.

>> No.9127918

I'm taking good care of myself and try not to eat too much shit.
But i have godawful dark circles and eyebags due to genetic so i'm fucked kek, even makeup can't save me. I plan on maybe having surgery, getting tired of the "you look tired" comments anyway so.

>> No.9127924
File: 1.04 MB, 222x255, 1445977882964.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are absolutely awesome.

>> No.9127972

Seriously? Washing someone's ass because they can't do it for themselves, and actually helping them directly, seems far less demeaning for the person doing it than the elderly person who needs it done. I guess if you think of all cleaning and dealings with body fluids as demeaning things though you will never change your opinion about that, but then you may as well say working in early childhood childcare is demeaning because a lot of what you do is caring for snotty noses, wiping bums and cleaning up.
IMO looking after the elderly is much less gross than other people's young crotchfruit, and has significantly less chance of getting body fluids in your mouth compared to a baby or toddler that pisses straight at you or projectile vomits or projectile poops.

>> No.9128058

I like how you use a reaction gif of a girl who quit lolita partially because she felt she was too old for it at 21 to voice your appreciation of lolitas in their 40s.

>> No.9128088

Nah she quitted because she had stalkers and shit and she began to prefer otome and stuff. If that's true then it's kinda sad. She rocked it and she was one of my inspo. What is she doing nowadays anyway? Last time i saw her she was going for a minimalist tumblr hipster look on instagram.

>> No.9128101

who is she/what's her insta?

>> No.9128109


>compared to a baby or toddler that pisses straight at you or projectile vomits or projectile poops.

You clearly haven't taken care of an elderly person with incontinence and c diff colitis then. Like no fucking seriously, sometimes there are fucking arcs of poo.

I wish I was making this up.

>> No.9128291

So you've never been to Japan

>> No.9128296

Are you saying they let their nurses wear lolita?
I'm not buying it.

>> No.9128309

People are just trying to defend the fact that they think they're helping people therefor they're morally upright and "look at all the good things I'm doing!!" shit.
I have a friend who is a lawyer and he does this shit nonstop with the "but I'm helping people because I want to be a good person"
Like who gives a shit, stop trying to impress everyone with how you help people regardless of how awful it is and makes you a fucking submissive piece of garbage.

If you want to be a good person and help people, do it for yourself and stop trying to tell everyone how fucking amazing you are because you help people.

Think about it. Most jobs are service jobs. You're helping someone somewhere.
It doesn't make you fucking special.
And if you're cleaning up tubgirl tier shits out of old people's asses well, good for you I guess?

>> No.9128313

Think she's an outpatient/home care nurse, so she takes care of those disabled/ill at home.

Scrubs come in all types of colors and patterns yo. She can wear kawaii ones if she damn well wants to

>> No.9128333


All I was doing was telling a mildly funny anecdote. I dont particularly care about justifying what I do for a living to people like you. Calm the fuck down.

>> No.9128449 [DELETED] 

I was also sharing anecdotes.

>> No.9128450 [DELETED] 

>Scrubs come in all types of colors and patterns yo.
That's not just in Japan

>> No.9128466

Plus elderly people who can't take care of themselves physically often also have dementia, and may fight the person who's trying to take care of them. My SIL works in a home for the disabled elderly and she semi-regularly gets punched or even has feces thrown at her.
It sounds like an absolutely awful job but I really respect the people with the patience and empathy to do it.

>> No.9128531
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>young people not respecting someone who takes care of old people

I assume all of you will commit suicide after 60yo?

>> No.9128540

That's why I said "partially". When she announced leaving on her blog, the two main reasons she cited were being too old for it and it becoming a chore. It wasn't until months later that she said stalkers were a big part of it.
MilkyFawn. She deleted almost everything, though. All that's left of her are our memories and deerstalker videos.

>> No.9128543

I mean, since there's so many girls in the fashion who think you should quit by 22, there's probably a few girls who think you should kill yourself before you're 60 and not kawaii anymore.

>> No.9128547

They can wear whatever they want to a hospital in Japan? I'm not one of those people shitting on nurses, I'm just saying I don't think she works in a normal hospital because she wears scrubs with patterns or pink and her hair loose.

>> No.9128549

Not that anon, but at my local hospital, nurses wear pretty my exclusively scrubs with cute patterns. It's a pretty major hospital, too. I'm so sure there's are hospitals in Japan that allow the same.

>> No.9128555

Also, as for her hair, she's probably taking those selfies on breaks or right before/after shift. No nursing job would let you have your hair down while working, even if it weren't at a normal hospital.

>> No.9128601

If I'm unable to wash or use the toilet by myself, I might. If being a nurse who wipes people's butt is degrading, it must be hell to be that person whose butt is being wiped by some underpaid stranger.
>tfw my grams is 78, still lives by herself, and can take care of herself perfectly fine
>pls be genetic

>> No.9128737

Not all nurses work in aged care facilities. There are other areas such as community, outpatient clinics or mental health where nurses don't have such strict uniform policies as in general hospital settings.

Also don't shit on the nurses that work in aged/geriatric care. They have a hard time already with their working conditions and pay. Who would look after you if your family decide to put you in a nursing home?

>> No.9128791

I think 90% of cgl might be the same tard replying to himself. Jfc.

>> No.9128821

As a caregiver right now, the only demeaning thing about my job is what I'm paid. No it's not demeaning to change diapers and wipe ass all day, it's not even that bad if your facility isn't shit and doesn't understaff and underpay you like 9/10 nursing homes do. Thankfully I'm only doing it while I'm in school.

Also the uniform is a plus. We're allowed to wear any scrubs, people wear ones with cutsey patterns and designs on them all the time. There are also very easy scrub patterns avalible if you want to sew it then it opens up a while bunch of other options fashion-wise.

>> No.9128927
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In recent news, there's Japanese lolitas going out in the streets with their kids in strollers according to Tokyo Fashion

>> No.9129382

that is qt af. though that thing of dressing your children in matching clothes freaks me out.

>> No.9129543

No nurses are 'lowkey'. My speciality is ER, but my first few jobs were in nursing homes - harder work for less pay only to be called a 'registered geriatric med cart pushing ass wiper'.

So fuck you.

>> No.9129546

Caring for other people is a privilege, anon. It's my pleasure and honour to help others. Can you imagine how much worse being sick/infirm would be if you knew that your nurse/caregiver had a shit attitude like yours? Pts can always tell if you aren't being genuine.

>> No.9129548

Japanese nursing uniforms are hella cute, anon. You must be American.

>> No.9129553

Thank you. I'm the 'caring for others is a privilege' anon above and the disrespect for nurses and caregivers I've seen from a few posts makes me... disappointed. Nurses are the ones that can make or break someone's healthcare experience and overall outcome. A good nurse can catch a sick pt starting to decompensate early enough that they can be salvaged... they're the ones that wash the homeless and get covered in cockroaches coming out of the skin folds of the 650 lb bariatric pt in cardiac arrest. No job is unimportant or demeaning. My ability to give an enema and make the process as not-awful as I can for the pt is as important as, say, my IV skills. I'd much rather work in my busy ER than be locked behind a desk at a corporate office doing a 'good' job.

>> No.9129565 [DELETED] 

>Caring for other people is a privilege, anon
Not always? I used to make less than minimum wage in California as an at home live I'm caregiver through some government agency. It was meant to be a part time side job but I couldn't get other work bc I lived in such a small shitty area.
I would not say I was privileged at that time, nor would I try to claim I'm a good person cause I help people.

I still help people but now I'd say I'd have privilege bc I make way more than minimum wage and can provide for myself.

Just my opinion based on my experience - I don't think that just because you are able to help someone doesn't mean you don't need help yourself or that you can actually take care of yourself.

>> No.9129567 [DELETED] 

>No it's not demeaning to change diapers and wipe ass all day
Okay so do you enjoy doing that or something because most people don't regardless of how much you pay them.

>> No.9129592

It isn't great but there are so many worse things to come our of a human body. Ymmv tho.

>> No.9129603

People do it when they're young partly because it's a lot easier than trying to pick individual clothes for both kids when they're going to outgrow most of them within a month or two

>> No.9129754

you are in desperate need of more lurktime

>> No.9129764

putting this thread back on track...
most of the lolitas i've seen with extensive wardrobes and great coords are at least in their mid-20's. unless you are very fortunate (either with wealthy parents or ample job/saving opportunities) when you're young it's difficult to establish yourself in a luxury fashion before then. i promise you OP, as long as you take care of yourself you'll find that you only become more confident and feel more beautiful as you enter your 20's and 30's.

>> No.9129765

lol I don't think other anon meant privilege as in tumblr privilege--it's clear they meant honor/joy/edification etc.

>> No.9129797

>tumblr privilege
I thought their gripe was racism and fatties?

>> No.9130535

I think ribbonplague is around 35?

>> No.9130540
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>> No.9130558

Good for them. I'm tired of the "lolitas need to stop what they're doing and get married after x age" that Japan seems to think. Getting married to your qt j-fash guy sounds amazing.

>> No.9131117

this is really sweet

>> No.9131122

This is perfect. I don't even like kids but it's adorable

>> No.9133429
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As someone who has two sets of twin siblings, I can say not many feel that way. People love seeing twins (fraternal and identical) in the same outfit. It also simplifies things, of course. My twin little brothers who are in elementary school now still have matching shirts every so often, and my mom matches my twin little sisters (four months old) all the time.

>mfw my mom has kids and our age gap is two decades
>mfw since I have babyface everyone thinks I'm a teen mom in her early years of highschool

pic related

>> No.9133442


I am so confused by the point you're trying to make. I really do think you are conflating tumblr "privilege" and the original meaning of privilege.

Anyways caregiving isn't for everyone, and neither is nursing. if you don't like caring for people I understand. But also at least to try to understand on a surface level the passion people have for this sort of job.

>> No.9133444

>>mfw my mom has kids and our age gap is two decades
>>mfw since I have babyface everyone thinks I'm a teen mom in her early years of highschool

Ayyy gurl I feel this. My mother and I used to get confused for sisters. Nowadays, I don't quite pass for early high school at 26 but I totally could for late high school. If I'm wearing lolita or nanchatte and have my daughter with me (she's about a year old) I get a fuckton of dirty looks from people as opposed to when I leave her at home.

husband isn't into jfash, but this is goals anyway. Eventually, I'd love to dress my daughter to match me (within reason, of course - her comfort comes first and she's gotten to the point where she lets me know she doesn't want to wear something).

>> No.9133447


I think the term you're looking for is "projection" :^)

>> No.9133475

Want to see more of this

>> No.9133483

>Just look at octavekitten, she recently turned 36 and is still going strong.

I don't know that "strong" is the word to use

>> No.9133535

This post is fabulous.

The OP may have been bait but the thread is turning out ok. Fuck giving up the frills at any certain age. Let's just not.

>> No.9133664
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>> No.9133686

I love this guy, but his outfits always remind me more of colonial williamsburg instead of j fashion.

>> No.9133803

Their uniforms are probably just cute, like pretty much every other uniform in Japan. Even fast food uniforms are cute.

>> No.9133806

Life goals.

>> No.9133891

Yeah it is. She's a great Lolita. I smell salt

>> No.9134318 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9134421

I've seen her wear pink scrubs, strawberry printed scrubs, and white with ribbon. So I'm pretty sure it's not a hospital uniform and she picks it herself.

Either way people should stop shitting on older lolita's who are not CEO's or something

>> No.9136937

OP Could just have a hard time coping with ageing...
Im 20 as well and I know I do.

>> No.9139518

I appreciate that. anon. If weren't for nurses who care, I'd have died as a small child.

>> No.9139528

Honestly just looks like they found a jumper they liked at Disney Land and got one for both kids. The one kid is also wearing shorts on top of his so it's not even really matching...

>> No.9139531

The minute I have to wear diapers I'm offing myself. I could not live in a world where I shit myself again.

>> No.9139536

Mana looks so good here!

>> No.9145160

I originally entered into Jfashion as a mori girl in 2009. I then became a lolita because of the community and being exposed to a lot of the coords. Now that I am approaching 30, lolita really doesn't appeal to me as much. Natural Kei and specifically Pink House have become my happy middle ground between the two styles. There are some natural kei girls in my community, but everyone pretty much sticks to lolita outside of fashion walks. I just wish there was a general jfashion group for my area. I don't want to meet people in lolita all the time and natural kei tends to attract older people anyway.

>> No.9145955

Nurses in hospitals can wear whatever ostentatious or cute pattern scrubs that they want to. I pretty much lived in the hospital my mom worked in from a wee age. So many cat patterns, you would not believe.

>> No.9146047

That "really great" holy lantern coord of hers just looks messy and cluttered.