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9134085 No.9134085 [Reply] [Original]

Most jfashion styles obviously cater to Asian body types. A lot of them have sizing that's limited or garment cuts that aren't flattering on people who don't have the small build most Japanese people have. A lot of people get criticised on here for being too tall/chubby/big-breasted for certain outfits. What jfashion is most suitable to people with more western body types? I'm not talking about being fat, I'm talking about people in healthy weight ranges who don't have stereotypical Asian figure. What cuts or items are more flattering to them? What style has the most of these? Pic unrelated.

>> No.9134088

Probably something like cult party or dolly kei, or fairy kei, as items can be thrifted or bought from local or vintage stores or something rather than from Japanese brands. I dont know if you've looked through the larme threads but there's been kind of an ongoing discussion on non-asian body types in the style. Personally i think larme can look good on someone with a non Asian body, especially taller people, but you may have to pay closer attention to the balance and style of the fashion so you're not showing too much leg for example

>> No.9134281

In Lolita fashion something you can do if you have an hourglass figure is to get dresses that have a more corset shape to their bodice. Most Lolita big brands don't so dresses like this but Alice and the Pirates & Victorian Maiden do make dresses in that kind of cut.
With Lolita fashion the two major points is to make sure the skirt is the right shape and there is enough skin coverage; beyond that you can mess around with the shape of the bodice and other details.

>> No.9134331


I'm not sure if you've thought your quest through...

>very definition of jfashion means it's fashion for/by japanese people
>looking for clothes meant for japanese people that don't fit japanese people it's meant for.

idk, you can try looking for oversized clothes (t-shirts, sweaters) or fat people clothes like Plumprimo. Fair warning though, oversized clothes tend to fit odd on actually larger sized people, and the fat people clothes tend to be cut for short people anyway.

Alternatively, lolita fashion is at the point where half the time they're either marketing for small chinese girls or larger American girls, so the dresses run the gamut between being teeny-tiny Asian sized or generous shirring that fit larger sizes. No lolita brand seems capable of wrapping their head around the idea of boobs bigger than B-cup, though, and the dresses still tend to be cut for shorter torsos, even if they're tea-length.

You last option is to stick to your own Western brands that actually fit you, and simply opt for copying the look without buying the original brand, plus buying only accessories and bags to help achieve the look. Good if you can DIY and have a good eye for fashion, otherwise you might just be happier doing your own brand of Western fashion instead of trying to squeeze yourself into jfashion.

>> No.9134381

>You last option is to stick to your own Western brands that actually fit you

I made an intresting discovery by accident. I bought a slip dress from a fast fashion shop because it just complimented my figure really well (not skin tight; has a cami shaped top and a very slightly gathered skirt) but then I wasn't sure what to do with it once I brought it home.
After some experimenting I found it really worked well as a "base" to layer J-fashion accessories over.
If I threw an oversized Fairy Kei shirt over it, it complimented my body better then a pair of short-shorts or a tutu skirt.
If I threw lots of long lace vests and cardigans over it it worked for cult party.
If I threw a potato-sack tunicy thing over it it became Mori.

The bottom line I'm trying to get at is for a western body the solution might be to get a base piece that fits you perfectly, is super plain and then go to town with J-fashion after that one part.

>> No.9134399

There are lots of japanese plus-size gyaru brands.

>> No.9134406

idk, JM and Meta's unshirred JSK's are always too big for me and I'm not all that skinny (I don't fit Mary Magdalene for example)

>> No.9134425

Meta's known to be the fatty lolita brand so that really isn't saying much. Surprised about JM though, I always figured their bust range was around 86-90cm.

I'm comfortably within brand measurements for the bust and waist, but my shoulders err on broad and I'm tall. Mostly I just find JSKs/OPs that are around 100cm and lengthen straps or add a ruffle.

>> No.9134434

Older JM's bust size is smaller, I think I have a JSK that's 82-84. The newer ones start at 90cm and I think Dans Salon is even bigger since it's for older customers.

>> No.9134446

Are you serious? Lolita has gotten bigger and bigger, and even comes in tea length. Otome and gyaru brands are still smaller, but lolita is very suited for westerners. I gained 30 lbs my last year of grad school and almost everything in my wardrobe fit before I started losing weight

>> No.9134448

Gyaru is something anyone could do, because it's mainly about makeup, hair and the aesthetic in general. You don't need brand.

Also mori would be a nice option.

I'm an hourglass with a 95cm bust and I fit nearly all brand dresses (even without shirring) without stretching them or something. Only blouses, tights and well pants in general get difficult sometimes cause they cater to people with a sticklike figure

>> No.9134466

Does anyone have any tips for losing breast fat? I want to know wich kind of exercises could I get into so I could finally fit into brand. (130cm bust here)
I'm pretty sure if I had surgery and made myself as flat as a plank I would fit into things without trouble.

>> No.9134467

I think the style you should focus on is larme kei and gyaru to some extend. Because they are the most normie looking right now and western brands sometimes follow similar trends. It's not as easy as walking into primark and getting a perfect jfashion coord but if you look at the larme magazine a lot and find coords/clothes that you like, you can often find something similar in a normie store in your size.

>> No.9134471

That doesn't exist. If you work out that area, it will just get bigger with more muscle.

Your only options are weight loss in general, which may not shrink them much especially if you are already thin, or a breast reduction surgery.

>> No.9134807

You guys always talk about Japanese people as if they're a totally different species. Honestly, most of them aren't that thin, and it's not like their body proportions are that different, either. Idk, it just doesn't seem like there's THAT big of difference between asian sizes and western sizes. Discuss?

>> No.9134814

Fatty chan alert

>> No.9134820

They're definitely shorter on average, and it shows when trying to buy skirts. I'm 5'6'' and can't buy most cute skirts from Japan because they're only 40 cm and wouldn't cover my ass.

>> No.9134822

I lost all my tits when I started doing cardio and got off hormonal BC. It sort of sucks. I was already thin with relatively small boobs (B to C cup) and now I have a child's chest (A cup).

General weight loss will work but my boobs are sort of like...deflated, I guess. Just be aware.

>> No.9134841

No such thing as spot reduction with fat. Either lose weight all round with a cardio and resistance fitness plan or get a reduction.

>> No.9134857

I'm so confused how unless someone is at least chubby they can't fit in JFashion unless it's a height issue. I'm 32DDD and have a 30 inch waist, but I fit in it just fine. Yeah, certain specific pieces don't fit as well in the bust area, but most things fit just fine.

>> No.9134862 [DELETED] 

They're probably fat and don't want to say be they already know the response.

>> No.9134869

Japanese are shorter than Americans by an average of two inches, which is part of why they're thinner, but it's mostly because they're not nearly as tolerant of fatness there. As opposed to America, where people literally tell themselves there's no such thing as skinny people who don't starve themselves so that they can feel better about their size.

>> No.9134870

I'm 5'10 and 40cm skirts sit on me just fine. I'm sorry anon but you're just fat.

>> No.9134919

Maybe it's body proportions, but I'm 5'6" and I regularly buy 40cm or shorter skirts.

I don't know, when I was in Japan there were plenty of chubby girls. But I might have narrow standards...Also, it didn't seem like girls were in shape, so maybe even though they were thin, they didn't look it?

>> No.9134938

>make sure the skirt is the right shape

Could you explain this a little bit further? es it only include the shape (bell / A) and poofiness? Or is there more behind that?

>> No.9134969

My main issue with Japanese clothing is that it's either too short in the bodice, length or arms (I am 5'10 so it's to be expected). Though I have the same issue with a lot of western clothing too. I actually have had better luck with Japanese clothing lately because it tends to be more modest, looser fit and longer.

Also a lot of stuff is cut too boxy to fit the one size fits all - I have a shapely body with a small waist so it can be unflattering to wear dresses that are cut for a more childlike body (thinking specifically about Jane Marple OPs).

I've come to learn what cuts of things suit me and what don't. I don't want to look like a lanky giraffe wearing children's clothing, so I find things that are elegant and have enough length.

>> No.9135458

Honestly yeah most Japanese brands I buy from don't have their sizing that much different from US brands. Except for the lesser-known ones.

>> No.9135581

Asian people tend to have shorter legs and arms, which I had to experience with my school uniform during my stay there.

Also, I'm 169/170cm and some skirts just don't cover my booty (talking about gyaru or just short skirts in general) because damn I haven't seen a single Japanese girl with a booty during my stay

>> No.9135685


OP specifically talks about jfashion, not mainstream fashion that you can get anywhere.

Jfashion brands tend to be smaller companies that only carry a single size, usually Japanese/Asian size M. The companies that carry the normal wide range of sizing tend to be larger companies selling normie, mainstream clothes that you can get anywhere in the world, not specific to Japanese street styles. Also adding to the mix, most of the street fashions skew young and skinny as they're aimed at youths who just finished their school uniform years and haven't started their salaryman uniform days.

So we're generally talking about Japanese size M clothes that are generally made for girls with shoulder width 33-36cm, height 150-160cm. Yes, that's a pretty specific, narrow range. Even if you went to Japan and saw tonnes of chubbos on the street, I'm going to guess you saw people in normal clothing, not girls wearing specific jfashion.

If it weren't for the jfashion aspect I'd be there agreeing with you about the sizing since their Uniqlo goes up to like 4L or something, and I've had to give away normie clothing bought from Rakuten because they're much bigger than the shop's sizing chart led me to expect. Jfashion is a whole other story though.

>> No.9135784

I'm not even tall, but even I have this issue with gyaru skirts from time to time. Having a butt is no problem in lolita fashion at least but it can be pretty annoying with short skirts/shorts.

I just wish things looked more flattering on hourglass figures. I'm not really skinny with a 27 inch waist, but I think my bust and hips often make me look fatter than I am in jfashion.

>> No.9136093
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>if I had surgery and made myself as flat as a plank I would fit into things without trouble.

Yeah no, I have to pad to fit literally almost everything. If a girl with a b-cup can squeeze into it without the kind of severe boobloaf only giant breasts get it'll be very baggy and saggy on me. As much as I'd love the "all Japanese clothes are made for 12yo boy bodies" thing to be true it's most definitely not. So far innocent World S size is the only thing I don't necessarily need to pad for.

>> No.9136095

I don't have many issues to fit jfashion items, because i have a smaller frame compared to western girls my age (mid 20s) and being pretty flat chested/tiny shoulders that fit most lolita and tops without issues. My only concern is the waist size that is 71 cm, i'm pear shaped but with a bigger waist similar to rectangle shape (ugh) that has issues to fit most old school lolita skirts and also otome/gyaru items. I cannot wear short skirts without tights like japanese girls do, because i have bigger thighs and also at my lowest weight, they are always the same shape. At least i can wear them during winter. Many jfash items unless they are pants/shorts, tights or some skirts fit most people in my opinion.
I have the issue to fit them good but my legs look bigger compared to the rest, also having some butt doesn't help much. I have heard most japanese women are rectangle and pear shaped, but why they do always these freaking short short skirts except for otome/lolita? Pear shapes, hourglass shapes have bigger legs and booty if i remember good.

>> No.9136110

Yeah I have the same problem with dressing up in J-fashion. My titties are small, but I have wide., child-birthing hips and wearing baggy clothes makes me look way fatter than I actually am.. I'm tall too so I've kinda given up on ever wearing Japanese brand clothes. It's kinda sad 'cause I'd really love to get into menhera, but that style would never suit me because of my body.

>> No.9136191

Line up a series of images of current Lolita brand dresses (worn by models or dressforms, not flat) and skirts and you will see how the silhouette syncs up pretty well on all of them. The shape of the Lolita skirt basically should look disconnected from the anatomy of the person's body; you should not be able to easily imagine the proportion of the lower half of their body, it should look like it's own shape that has no connection to the body shape of the human wearing it.

This concept of a skirt shape is the most unique aspect of Lolita fashion and as long as you maintain it other adjustments you make to fit your body will not cause confusion or style mis-identification.

What's also important to keep in mind is the ratio of skin coverage. When people obsess over knees, wrists or cleavage, what they really mean to say is a certain amount of your total body skin needs to be covered but you CAN re-arrange and adjust what parts are being covered. As an example; most Lolitas are fine with ankle socks as long as you are then wearing a 3/4 or long sleeve cardigan or bolero, or long-sleeve blouse on top. Equally short sleeves are fine as long as you then cover your legs.

>> No.9136198

>Wide Shoulders in J-fashion
A HUGE problem I have is wide shoulders. A lot of girls of northern European descent are built like brick sh*t houses down to their actual frame and it can make fitting Japanese clothing difficult. I have a small chest and am almost skeletal but I can only buy sleeveless tops from Japan because my shoulders are broad. It's so apparent that my gym instructor, upon meeting me, asked if I use to lift because it looked like my shoulders use to have a crapton of muscle on them (working out causes your frame to open up to support more muscle tissue). I told him I'm just a weeb and he was really surprised.

>> No.9136200
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Actually, I don't think what you said about skin coverage is quite true. A lot of the time when someone wears ankle socks with long sleeves there will be debate over what type of weather the outfit is even meant for. It looks unbalanced. Generally, it's better to go with either a "summer" look or a "winter" look, at least in fabric and amount of skin covered, if not in theme. Wearing pic related with a short sleeved blouse for example, would look very off.

The most important thing as far as skin coverage goes I think, is your skirt not being too short. Anywhere from just above the knee to tea length is acceptable, but when you show a lot of thigh you will look bad. This is why sometimes underskirts are recommended, although those are debatable as well depending on the dress/coord.

>> No.9136207

That's not true. It's perfectly fine to wear ankle socks with short sleeves and most people wont bat an eye. It's like you wore a hoodie with booty shorts when you have a long sleeves with ankle socks. The key is to still be modest: don't have a dress so short is shows your ass or skip blouse and balance well. Knees covered has always been mostly about dress length, not socks covering your knees. Crew socks, under the knees and ankle socks have always been perfectly acceptable. Just have any legwear, be modest and have some kind of blouse and you are pretty much good to go.

>> No.9136312

Fair enough. Weather coording is a good way to go about it. I guess what I was trying to get at is to provide an example about how it's not about specific body parts but more about there being a "general amount" of coverage. I've seen a TON of itas where they have "covered their bases" in terms of knees and such but they're still showing too much because there is overall too much bare skin; even if there are no knees or cleavage showing.

With underskirts I think a really good way to go about those is to try make sure they are just extending the hem and are not necessarily creating a whole new element to the dress. Some of the underskirts from tao bao will be made of super elaborate lace, which is lovely, but then it sort of throws a whole other theme into the coord if the main piece (dress or skirt) does not have much or any lace on it really.

The way I did my under skirt is I made it of a neutral ivory thin cotton and made these medium-with ruffles (two rows). It's super simple, but with a classic wardrobe it just sort of blurs in and doesn't complicate the final look.

>> No.9136502

>maybe even though they were thin, they didn't look it?
I'm pretty sure it's this. Asians have "big" faces and usually have shorter limbs (with regards to body proportions) so that generally makes them look chubbier than Caucasians that are the same height and weight. My face looks like a balloon next to my white friends.

I also think asian hip-waist ratio is not as significant as caucasian. I notice a lot of asians have narrower chests and hips, so proportionally they kinda look like they could stand to lose a couple inches around the waist.

>> No.9136806

>be 5"3
>B cup
>slim/average european weight
Feels good. I always complained sexy clothes werent looking good on me as a teenager and wished to be tall and grow bigger boobs but now that i am in jfash i am the happiest
Good luck for all the tall and chub gals out there there is hope for you! My gf is 5"6 and kinda chub but i help her find nice things and i think she is the most beautiful girl ever

>> No.9136889

>European weight average isn't going up

I bet you're a fat fuck from Germany.

>> No.9138037


My problems are
>proportionally wider shoulders
>proportionally wider upper arm
>proportionally longer arms
>proportionally longer torso
>proportionally larger bottom and thighs
>inb4 fat

What works for me
>sleeveless tops/dresses, or buying a size up on short jackets (cropped and boleros) and adjustable blouses (back lacing)
>elastic princess sleeves, elastic 3/4 sleeves, sleeveless, or long
>3/4 sleeves (looks less akward), Putumayo (longer arms), and custom wrist cuffs (extra long)
>avoid short bodice dresses, opt for top + skirt instead to control where the waistline sits
>skirts, Putumayo pants (fits over hips without huge gaping at the waist)

Basically instead of cramming into a long sleeved OP or romper and having my wrists and thighs stick out, I try to break the look up into individual pieces that do fit me, and layer them for the same effect. Hope that helps someone!

>> No.9140547
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> so you're not showing too much leg for example
But there's not a rule like that for Larme, though. It depends on your coord, and yes balance is key I agree.

>> No.9140557

>and even comes in tea length

it coming in tea length doesn't make the length of the torso any longer, I still look like I'm walking around in a too small dress regardless.

>> No.9140568

I'm an A cup too. No need to call it a child's chest, jezus, why you feeding the stereotypes?! I prefer to use Iggy's definition: fashion tits..

Which comes to the point of this thread again, I have no problem wearing all this j-fashion with it. But then again I'm pretty slim in general. The only problems I have are broad shoulders that sometimes make some tops look different on me. And a J.Lo ass that makes it impossible for me to fit into shorts made of non stretchable material.

I think those free size clothes from 109 brands should be able to cover quite a range of sizes, because of the stretch. My friends all have different body types, and still fit into those clothes. Except for maybe the ones with a combination of being quite tall + chubby + big chest. But even those somehow manage to rock a j-fashion style anyhow. If they can do it, so can anyone else here.

>> No.9140572
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>be 5"3
>slim/average european weight
Stated height in American, but weight in European? I'm confused whether this anon is an American having a certain image on European sizes, or a European who thinks we're all living in America (like that Rammstein song).

And this is coming from a European btw.

>> No.9140622

Doesn't England also use feet?

>> No.9140648


IW tea length dresses actually do tend to have an extra inch in the length of the torso. I like some of their prints a lot and have them in two lengths.

Though I guess that doesn't apply to all the other brands.

>> No.9140934
File: 105 KB, 480x470, tumblr_l9a5zulfUL1qbat6to1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tiny asian size meme needs to stop.

Although being typically shorter on average, east asian people are just as varied in body types as caucasian/black/other western people. Look at a group street snap or staff snap and you'll notice that the girls are actually all different proportions, they're just all thin. Liz Lisa, AP, WEGO, etc. all make free size clothes that are usually cut with the idea that many different sizes will be wearing them. Many are adjustable with lacing or buttons. The only issue that would arise would be if you have significant amounts of body fat or you're over 6'.

I'm and 5'10" with swimmer shoulders and a long torso. I fit most free size stuff just fine. I know to stay away from high waists and OPs. On the flip side, my best friend is 5'3" with a thinner torso and wider hips. She also wears free size stuff just fine, but she knows that skirts and blouses usually fit better than dresses, which can be too big. We borrow each others clothes all the time. We're both east asian from the same country.

>tl;dr don't blame "asian sizes" for your problems, there is no asian size. learn to know what works for your body type instead.

>> No.9141049

I'm not fat and while I may fit into a lot of Asian clothing a lot of it looks absolutely, hideously unflattering. It doesn't matter much that it technically fits if it makes you look like a potato. I'd love to wear nanchatte seifuku but the fact is that it just wasn't really made for hourglass shapes.

>> No.9141060

This is entirely accurate from what I've seen. It's mostly height.
I'm what would be a fairly average height in japan (5'), and I know a lot of other girls who are the same height complaining that brand isn't made from anyone that isn't "japanese sized"! What they don't realise is that they're chubby and that's normal by western standards in general. They're also the same people who slyly bitch me out for fitting into VM and MM so hey fuck them.

>> No.9141112

For one thing, nanchatte makes most people look like a potato. It's still cute, so people wear it anyway.

Also, I could be wrong but...harajuku kind of jfashion usually isn't "flattering". It's super cute, but not flattering. Honestly, you just have to get over your insecurities and just wear it.

>> No.9141124
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Don't get me wrong, I still lovingly wear jfashion. I just think a lot of the looks suit more rectangle-shaped figures better because that's the people who wear it the most and thus, the people the sizing is largely based on. I'm also not arguing sizing should cater to me, I was just asking what styles/garments would be more flattering. I don't see how this needs to be turned into a discussion about whether or not sizing fits certain body types if we can just discuss how to make things look better on you.

>> No.9141164

I agree with most of what you wrote about "tiny asians" except when it comes to (some) Japanese. I was really surprised by how many really small-framed Japanese I saw. I've been to a lot of asian countries so I thought Japan would just be like those where everyone was just shorter and skinnier that most westerners. I'm a 5'1" asian so usually I'm very firmly in the median range for height and weight. In Japan, I definitely felt like I was in the upper range. I noticed a lot of the girls that were taller than me were only so because they were wearing heels, and many had narrower frames than me.

But yes, I agree: asians, like every other ethnic group, vary in body shapes and sizes too. Provided you're not overweight, the main issue to tackle when it comes to asian clothing is if shit is too short if you're a tall person simply due to the average height difference.

>> No.9144124

Not sure if it's still a relevant trend, but how do you guys feel about the marshmallow girl movement? I know Japan is a lot harsher against plus size girls, but I feel like this stuff recently makes the whole "the only fashion is for tiny Asians!" argument even less relevant. Personally, I'm at a weight I'm unhappy with so I do feel a little better seeing stuff like that. Even then, I've never had problems finding jfashion to fit my waist/hips, but my bust is the tricky part. I'm at about 110 cm, and I plan to get a reduction as soon as I lose weight.

>> No.9144132

>tfw broad shoulder + tall Asian girl
I feel you, anon. I look a lot better in men's clothing but in my heart I wish I could look as cute as some of these girls

>> No.9144187

In my opinion, I cant wear Jfashion, or at least at the moment. I have small boobs, which is a plus, but with my body shape (big ass thighs and tiny boobs) nothing is really flattering on me. I think if you want to wear something, wear it with confidence, or loose the weight so you can be confident in it. My plan is to loose the weight and dress how i want, no matter how tall I am.

In short, be confident and happy with what you want to wear, or try to adjust yourself so you are happy(hopefully not going over the top though)

>> No.9144189

But I see sticks wearing lolita with the greatest of ease all the time? One is in my comm and she doesn't pad. Last meet I saw her at it was like 102°F out, she'd die of heat stroke with a ton of padding.

>> No.9144193

There's not really a certain cut of clothing for menhera -- you could wear a skirt or something as long as you have other things to bring out the theme.

>> No.9144201

>Iggy's definition: fashion tits..
As in Iggy Azalea? Fucking disgusting.

>> No.9144233

Same. I hate my mannish shoulders. I always have to be a hawk about what I eat because getting just a little chubby just looks horrible on my frame in general, and the shoulders just make it worse. I've pretty much settled for admiring from afar.

I guess the general guidelines on dressing for wide shoulders would help (like plainer tops with a busier or patterned bottom), but there's only so much they can do.

>> No.9144265

I find being a bit chubby balances my shoulders a bit since I get a bigger ass and average tits. I can fit almost everything I want, I have encountered just a one blouse that didn't fit, but I still look ridiculous, like a fucking hulk or something. Sucks.

>> No.9144271

this weirds me out so much when i see myself next to white people, if I was shorter it would be okay but I look like a giant child next to them

>> No.9144329

Yes. lol I know she has a lot of haters, and that it's partly because of her insensitive remarks. I'm not that much of a fan, but I give her kudos for that comment and the song 'black widow'.

>> No.9144332

It's cute, but unfortunately, Japanese society is still pretty harsh. Especially men. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=za5g2LCN3gE
I think chubby girls are getting more accepted, but really slooowly. It's good that at least the fashion brands cater more stuff to chubby girls in Japan nowadays.

>> No.9144375
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Do you know what OPs and JSKs she wears? I'm always on the look out for things that look decent without padding and aren't those mumu things. Would you also happen to know her measurements by any chance? I'm very petite all around so I can't fill things out like a brolita could for example. That helps a bit to make the sagging less obvious.

I know cgl has a different meaning of flat chested than I do so for reference I'm even flatter than pic related. Think completely prepubescent or mastectomy but with the nips still attached.

>> No.9144381
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Here's an example of a saggy bust. It looks way better than my chest usually does actually, so she's probably at least an a-cup or a smaller b. (Before all the brasthatfit people throw a fit I know those measurements are outdated. It's just easier to explain to people.)

>> No.9144383
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And here's someone who can actually fill it out. This what I meant by if someone with a b-cup or above can fit into it and still breathe it won't fit me without padding. Corset lacing only does so much of it's cut for breasts. Just like how a minimizer can only do so much if it's cut for a b-cup when you're an f-cup.

>> No.9144385
File: 349 KB, 1280x1280, 1445037903747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably a better example actually.

>> No.9144601

I wish I could just link you her instagram but she has a lot of haters online. One thing that comes to mind is that she wears a lot of JSKs that have partial shirring and she just a sinches them all the way up. She also wears a lot of weird indie brand like this one called baby ponytail -- not my style at all but people seem to be into it. Hopefully that will hint who she is without having to bane drop.

That dress is meant to be worn by someone with boobs though? Show me examples of milky cross or something

>> No.9144645
File: 1.92 MB, 1500x600, Milky Cross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> that have partial shirring and she just a sinches them all the way up.

I already said that doesn't work for me so she's probably at least got something. I'll post a picture explaining the differences in cut in my next post.

> Hopefully that will hint who she is without having to bane drop

Sorry I have no clue. If she wears prints like this I'd probably never bothered to click thumbnails even if I have seen her. You don't have to give me a name a coord photo where you can see the bust clearly would be nice.

>She also wears a lot of weird indie brand like this one called baby ponytail

Every fat, busty, flat, big foot, or "tall" girl knows about indie brands and custom sizing. The whole point of this thread is how your body differs from typical asian sizing or j-fashion sizing.

>That dress is meant to be worn by someone with boobs though?

That's exactly my point. All lolita dresses except innocent world S size are cut for breasts. Unless you're trying to imply only f-cups are actually breasts.

I really hate prints like milky cross so I never payed attention to it but it seems to have the same problem.

>> No.9144664

The cuts and design are usually meant to flatter narrower builds and shorter heights, often a very different figure. Japanese tend to be pretty homogeneous even in these days where there is probably a little less xenophobia than previously, but it's still an issue.

In the rest of the western world however, we have people of various different heights, builds, and structures. There are short women with long torsos with short little legs, Tall women with short torsos and long legs, petite tiny figures, and towering people who have broad shoulders and narrow hips, big butts, flat butts, etc.

J-fashion tends to work best on a specific Japanese figure. Deviate too far from that, and you might have problems. Though I have found Lolita to honestly be the most forgiving. I lost and gained weight and I can still make things work. Some brands are quite forgiving and really allow for a lot of adjustment in height or torso length whereas you might not get that buying Gyaru, some of those brands are very small in comparison.

>> No.9144670

See >>9140934

>> No.9144673

>J-fashion tends to work best on a specific Japanese figure. Deviate too far from that, and you might have problems.
That is in no way unique to Japan, which is why you have fatties and almost-fatties whining about beauty standards 24/7.

>> No.9144836

Before getting into lolita I knew that Japanese girls were more rectangular than Western girls but I didn't expect almost straight up and down. I've never felt so curvy in my life until i started wearing jfash, lol. I haven't had a piece touch my waist since I have to fit my bust. The corset lacing helps but custom sizing is the only way to go for me, especially with me being 6'

>> No.9145132

I actually really hate going out with my caucasian friends for exactly this reason. I already have a wide, round face with far-spaced chinky eyes, and sitting next to my white friends just highlights this. When we stand next to each other, there's no hope at all. I look like a child standing 5'2" next to their 5'8" heights. It doesn't matter how long my legs are or how slim I am proportionate to my body - when I'm with them I am a midget. Men who try to chat me up are usually either 50+ or asian fetishists.

Conversely when I'm in an asian country, my face is just average width and my eyes are actually a little bigger than average in size. My height is average and I "look my age". My sex appeal ramps up significantly, it's crazy. There's a phrase for this but I can't remember what it is - something about the state when you're the most desirable.

>> No.9145847

>I already said that doesn't work for me so she's probably at least got something.
She doesn't though and I've seen her in normie clothes. There's no difference in her body shape only that you can see what her legs look like. She's like fucking skelly mode man.

>All lolita dresses except innocent world S size are cut for breasts.
Milky Cross is not meant for someone who has anything more than A cup. Get out of here.

Also I can't post her picture, she's in my comm.
She owns Romantic Rose Letter though?
And no, it's obviously not Voldie. (she's not skelly)

>> No.9145870

I've bought clothes from several different jfsash brands and honestly the range of sizes that they could fit is larger than what internet rumors would have you believe. The only things that I own that are absolutely for small women only are a couple pairs of shorts from Liz Lisa that were released 2012 or earlier.

It gets harder as you get taller, but it's not like Free size can't accommodate a decent range. I think current mainstream jfash is a lot easier to do while not a stick than previous trends. Gyaru inspired fashions were so goddamn unforgiving. Short as fuck sukapan/skirts made everyone's thighs look fat.

>> No.9146379
File: 428 KB, 1024x1365, tumblr_ni9decZTUv1s0s3nuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She doesn't though and I've seen her in normie clothes. There's no difference in her body shape only that you can see what her legs look like. She's like fucking skelly mode man.

Honestly the way you describe it makes you sound really fat. Unless she has a bmi of 17 or below she's definitely not skelly mode. I tried not to jump to conclusions but unless you can show me a pic there's no way you aren't one of those "I'm not fat I'm just busty" girls with a waist measurement of 30 at the absolute smallest.

>Milky Cross is not meant for someone who has anything more than A cup

A-cups are still breasts and I still have not even half of an aa-cup much less an a-cup. Not to mention it's baggy even on the mannequin. This girl (I don't keep up with models) clearly has more than an a-cup.

>Also I can't post her picture, she's in my comm.
She owns Romantic Rose Letter though? And no, it's obviously not Voldie. (she's not skelly)

Still no clue. Come on anon I was super excited about being proven wrong. Give me a super cropped pic or whatever. Saying she owns this dress lots of people own means absolutely nothing. At this point it just sounds like the "I have an online gf in Canada" excuse.

>> No.9146389
File: 62 KB, 837x453, SBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Part of doing the SBA is decreasing the amount of fabric going across the bust, because if there is less fullness that means it takes less fabric to travel over the bust."

tldr you can't fix it with corset lacing anymore than you can boobloaf with shirring.

>> No.9146454

Are you a tranny?

>> No.9146489

Tiny asian size meme is actually true because like most fashion industries in the world they prefer to make clothes for models, not normal people. So a lot of the clothing people are looking to buy are usually made in "model" sizes, just look at stuff like Mary Magdalene.

>> No.9146513
File: 6 KB, 275x275, 1462348791706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just deformed unfortunately. Really rare but it happens and doesn't effect functionality at all. Go search for flatchests on reddit if you want an example or search for 007b and flat chests. It's a site about breastfeeding but they talk about this too.

Pic related

>> No.9147025

Here's your (you)

>> No.9147310

I'm. Always surprised when people say MM is small because I am by no means tiny and fit it fine. I get the feeling I must have a smaller ribcage than the average person because I'm 5'10 and 68kg, fairly average looking in size generally. My waist varies between 26-27 inches. I'm not anywhere near as tiny as a typical Japanese person is.

Where do people find the issue fitting into it? Is it the waist, shoulders, bust? I'd be interested to know.

>> No.9147331

what is your bust?

>> No.9147367

I wonder if it might be Himezawa? She's not very well liked online and has something from Baby Ponytail and is also skinny.

>> No.9147577

I think bust is the issue. I wear a sports bra with one of the pieces I have and my bust is only 84cm. I could wear it with a normal bra, but it'd be a bit tight and look odd.

>> No.9147585

If you're deformed why are we even having this discussion?? You're body obviously isn't like other people's.

>> No.9147790

I'd like to know what pieces you fit fine into. I'm only an inch shorter than you but 10kg lighter and MM, while fits, is very snug for non-shirred pieces. My measurements are 75/61/84 but the issue comes from that all dresses sit on my ribcage. I'm completely flat chested so bust isn't an issue.

Some of the dresses have waists less than 63, I don't see how you can fit into those ones.

>> No.9147796

I love nanchatte but as someone with wide-ish shoulders, big hips and muscular thighs I will never be able to pull off the oversized blazer/cardigan with short skirt look. Lolita is perfect for me since it accentuates my small waist and hides my chunkier bits, but anything that requires a slender rectangle with skinny legs is pretty much off-limits to me. It kinda sucks that I can't wear all the styles that I like but that's life, I guess. Instead I try to incorporate nanchatte elements into a more lolita silhouette.

>> No.9148060 [DELETED] 
File: 311 KB, 680x681, 1463568247736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole point of this thread is how your body differs from typical asian sizing or j-fashion sizing. If anything it's way more valid than all of the people complaining about being too fat for everything. Sorry those that have a "western frame."

>> No.9148063
File: 29 KB, 627x626, 1463445981750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole point of this thread is how your body differs from typical asian sizing or j-fashion sizing. Being too small isn't any different than being too big. If anything it's way more valid than all of the people complaining about being too fat for everything. Sorry those that have a "western frame."

>> No.9148453

They are skinnier.

Generally, your average european is taller and bigger set then your average Asian. In America, your average person is fatter then your average European or Asian.

This affects clothing size those who wear a medium in most American brands may find that they wear a large in Europe or even extra-large in Asia since the sizes are based off averages.

>> No.9148462

Holy crap the amount of landwhales in here trying to justify their obesity is insane.

Europeans are not "larger" in "bone density" than Asians, you're just obese. I'm a skinny white chick, my friends are skinny white chicks, and none of us had problems fitting into brand.

Lose some fucking weight and put away the Cheetos.

>> No.9148465

Stop jfash entirely and go back to western ones.
I mean, if its called jfashion, its designed and made for japanese people,not westerners.

>> No.9148487

How's that dfc going? ...and how does case of noassatall feel?

>> No.9148578

I think jfashion is suitable for pretty much any body type except fatties. The Japanese are shorter but not rly that much skinnier in my experince, unless they are models or smth. I think it's rly all a matter of finding what cuts/styles work best on your body. That really applies to all fashion, not just jfashion.

I also think a cute, doll-like face is a must. This is why I don't wear jfashion myself; I just have a "mature" face. Like I'm by no means a hag but I'm deffo not kawaii, and I'd look ridiculous in lolita, or nanchatte seifuku, or whatever. So mostly I just admire jfashion from afar, tho I do like to incorporate one or two jfashion-esque items into the outfits I do wear.

>> No.9148595

Cute, doll like faces are fucking rare. Not even most Japanese people could wear jfash if that was a requirement. It won't suit people who are overly old or masculine looking but saying a cute face is 'a must' is such an exaggeration.

>> No.9148635

Most Japanese girls don't have kawaii doll faces. Those who do are models, idols, etc.

>> No.9148706

>muh curves
Real men want meat huh?

>> No.9148925

I'm far from being a fatty and I fit most brand, lolita, gyaru, whatever, but sometimes I struggle to fit my boobs into stuff, because most asians simply don't have larger breast/are smaller. I admit in this thread there seem some fattys, but not everyone who can't fit every piece of brand is automatically a fatty.

Most of the stuff I buy has to be L or LL because of my boobs and then this shit gets super baggy on my waist and looks like trash (not always, but especially some gyaru brands are shit when it comes to this, Lolita is ok because it's not that visible if there are some free extra cm along the waist)

>> No.9148994

Femanon here -- I like big butts and I can not lie

>> No.9148995

Yeah but if you're deformed, you're different from most people. Even your own people.
What did you even mean by deformed?

>> No.9149330

Being completely flat chested is legally a deformity. Doesn't mean anything law wise but people definitely act like it is. I'm not sure if being smaller than an aa-cup while still having something would count as a deformity as well.

I saw this thread as a "what do you have problems with" type of thing. Sort of like the tall or big feet threads. Not a blame my fat on being from a different country like it ended up turning into.

>> No.9149761
File: 397 KB, 1800x1205, JEF_054885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For real. Most people don't realize how unkawaii the average japanese girl is. All we see are the models and idols and assume they're all tiny and doll-faced, but the average Japanese girl is just as average as every other countries average.
Y'all gotta stop putting the Japanese on the ultimate beauty pedestal.

>> No.9149801

>Being completely flat chested is legally a deformity.
so all men are deformed? what?

>> No.9149806

Yeah true though. There's a pretty common type I've seen around a lot too, that is cute dress + plain face + glasses type of Japanese girl. Like they're not even trying to match their cute dress with a cute face. And since I always catch these girls gossipping it's pretty much how I imagine the anons from girls channel to look like too.

>> No.9149811

For women, obviously. Are you an idiot?

>> No.9149816

Is mayonnaise an instrument?

>> No.9149821

yeah, flip through a fruits books and it's tons of cute outfits with tons of plain average faces. All the attractive ones go on to be the famous models we see, but it's still a very small percentage. It's an alternative fashion for a reason, the alternative in Japan wear it.

>> No.9149829

You're the idiot, because you seem to know nothing about women or how their breasts work. You're just making shit up. I tried finding anything about a flat chest deformity, and all I can is flat chest kitten syndrome, for cats. Breasts come in all sorts of shapes and sizes anon. Some extremely flat, some extremely large. Every single body is different and works differently.
The smaller ones are better anyway, Those are the ones that fit into more brand and don't have to bind, unlike your saggy ol' titties.

>> No.9149832

you speak as if theyre aliens

>> No.9149834

I hadn't even posted in this thread until that post. Clam the fuck down, you're #triggered as fuck.

>> No.9149837
File: 1.82 MB, 298x168, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9149863


>30 in waist

There are dozens of us! I don't believe all these gulls that say that it's hard to dress an hourglass shape, especially in brand. All the AP I own helps support my breasts better than any other dresses I can get off the rack. A proper bra also goes a really long way to preventing or minimizing boob loaf.

>> No.9149869

I have an hourglass figure and never have issues with fitting into brand. I always assume gulls complaining of this and claiming to have an "hourglass figure" are just fat.

>> No.9149875

Exactly why when you see "30 inch waist" and think they're hourglass or big chested. No they're just fatfucks.

>> No.9149878

I didn't say the 30 inch waist was thin or hourglass. I said I assume anyone who complains of not being able to fit brand with an hourglass figure is far. Your reading comprehension is fucking terrible.

>> No.9149883

So is yours apparently. Anon was agreeing with you, but disagreeing with the person that said they had a 30in waist but were an hourglass.

>> No.9149886

>Exactly why when you see "30 inch waist" and think they're hourglass or big chested

Read that really closely, it's terrible English.

>> No.9149888

>No they're just fatfucks.

Anon has shit English but that last sentence makes it pretty clear. Maybe if you hadn't quoted that person it'd be confusing, but it was pretty understandable in context to me.

>> No.9149890

If there was a comma after exactly they would have been agreeing, without it and combined with the poor phrasing it leaves it up to interpretation.

>> No.9149891

? Really? It may not be proper but it still works for the reply. I'm sorry I didn't correctly word myself. I still think fatfucks are gross and not hourglass.

>> No.9149892

Please see


The inclusion of "why" makes it read like a question. If anon noticed the poor English and read it as "Exactly why when you see 30 inch waist blah blah blah?" it can easily be taken the way it was.

>> No.9149897

I still think it'd be a confusing at most instead of looking like they were definitely picking a fight, but I guess this 4chan where almost every other reply is arguing for the sake of arguing. I also deal with a lot of spanglish in text form so maybe it's easier for me to understand bad/questionable English.

>> No.9149901

I work on writing legal contracts for a living so picking out errors in communication like this is my job, I'm just trying to provide potential reasoning for the reaction. I can see how you read it that way, but I also see with the lack of punctuation and the inclusion of a question word how anon took it the way they did.

>> No.9149904

Stop working, you're off the clock. I'm adding a smiley so you know I'm ribbing you. :)

>> No.9150199
File: 46 KB, 375x500, 53942e78-3c1e-47ca-8589-7c858495de09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where I could get jumpershorts similar to pic? Reverse google search didn't find anything

(And sorry for the pic, I go there to get inspiration, not to buy anything)

>> No.9150259

Well, just get it from there. Milanoo is a chinese reseller, it's true their Lolita shit is awful but the normiefag stuff like that has the same low quality for a more decent price as if you'd buy it from syndromestore or spreepicky (eg)

>> No.9151042

>flat chest kitten syndrome
Well this took a turn I wasn't expecting..

>> No.9151978

Do you really not have trouble? I'm not thin either ( H:104cm, W:71cm,B:100cm) but I have a real hard time fitting into any lolita without looking like overstuffed. I sympathize with OP a lot. But it isn't just Jfashion. I have to really pick and choose what normie clothes I wear too.

>> No.9157116

Does Plumprimo still exist/produce new items?