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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 218 KB, 595x842, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9147573 No.9147573 [Reply] [Original]

New Lolita General.

>> No.9147574

That overlay better be removable.

>> No.9147575


>> No.9147578

Knowing AP I bet you it isn't.

>> No.9147582

Really? I feel like most of my AP dresses have a good amound of detachable things.

>> No.9147586

Does everybody really hate this? Maybe I'll stand a chance of actually getting a couple.

The overlay cut is fantastic.

>> No.9147589

Why does it feel so Meta-in-a-bad-way with Holy Lantern and Cinema Doll subtly making ugly children with Dolly Cat

>> No.9147590

AP has plenty of dresses with removable overlays... how new are you to the fashion...

>> No.9147591

I really do want this but it looks like I'm gonna have to find this second hand

>> No.9147593

Look at how it's tied in the front compared to the neat sewn bow on the tiered jsk. It's removable.

>> No.9147596

>No black colorway
Wish they would show the red one full size. The pink is ugly, not sure about teal and lav. I always get things in black or bordeaux

>> No.9147598


do you not know AP or?

>> No.9147601

There is wine jsk in the back view window.

>> No.9147602

Yes, red and wine are different color ways.

>> No.9147603


>> No.9147605

So sax and blue are the same colorways then too?

>> No.9147611

>navy for this teal
Okay, I was enjoying the novelty of teal in AP's Fall lineup but I really, really want navy back now, AP. The cats are all wearing blue and navy in the teal print.

>> No.9147614

A "red" dress could be any variety of colours under that spectrum. Sax is a subset of blue.

>> No.9147615

Again, semantics. Sax is a tone of blue. Wine is a tone of red.
If I said emerald was emerald, I'm correct, if you say it's green, you're also correct, since 'green' exists in many shades, inculding emerald.

The people that argue semantics really have no real place in society. Get a grip.

>> No.9147623

This legitimately looks like Metamorphose. Not even hating on meta, but why the hell is AP going after the Meta vibrant-prints-and-jewel-tones look? Even a tiered jsk version? All this is missing is an obscure accessory like a capelet or tiny hat.

>> No.9147628

Can you not even be assed to refer to colorways by the right name? Are you going to try and argue that ivory and white are the same too?

>> No.9147632
File: 13 KB, 480x269, %5C-Shut_up_it's_fucking_red%5C-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9147635

Is the headbow the same as Dolly Dot's, but right side up this time?

>> No.9147637

...I don't think that's what they're saying at all?
If something is a subset of something else, it's not the same... it's a part of.

you know how you get colors.. right?

>> No.9147639

I really like the teal colorway for this. The only shining star here IMO, although the lavender looks pretty nice too.

>> No.9147640

If you listed an item for sale marked as blue and it came in sax you would get your listing taken down, I don't see how it's expecting too much of lolitas to refer to colorways with their correct name.

Or is it really that hard, remembering so many words?

>> No.9147641
File: 47 KB, 485x360, itstime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9147643

You can't remember the correct name for colorways so I have to stop posting? I wasn't aware that's how it worked. I'm sorry I offended you, expecting you to work so hard in knowing your colors.

>> No.9147647
File: 126 KB, 650x975, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anybody preorder this?

>> No.9147648

So gulls, how bout that lacemarket revamp huh? I really like the new features. Kinda wish that there was more info on the watch list, like if it's sold and whatnot, but I'm stoked to finally have a watchlist at all.
Has anyone noticed a difference in thier sales?

>> No.9147649

Did all of the cuts have that mile of lace below the hemline? Print is cute, but that really throws me off.

>> No.9147650

This board is a mess

>> No.9147652

I think there was only this cut available. I reserved it, I'm hoping it's as bright as the photos.

>> No.9147653
File: 174 KB, 699x1048, IMG_8147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would've loved to but my titties are too big. I wish more taobao places that did MTO reservations (which most of them are) would allow for custom sizes. I wouldn't mind paying extra.

To follow this post, did anyone preorder pic related? I think they closed on the 13th but I got my order in before the deadline. I hope it looks as nice in person as it does in the pictures.

>> No.9147659

It looks hideous, I can't stand it.

The search function improved but I don't even want to use it anymore, it looks so bad.

>> No.9147671

I agree, I don't even bother using it on mobile now it's such a pain.

>> No.9147681

I actually really like it! I managed to sell five items today, which never happens.

I wish that we got notifications on our 'sold auctions' tab and not just the 'draft' tab though

>> No.9147682

the OP looks so limp and lifeless compared with the two JSKs' poof

>> No.9147694

Is Emily worth buying? I like weird stories but reviews say the translation is awkward

>> No.9147727

So generally and theoretically speaking, who has the more qualified say on opinions in lolita fashion?
>oldfag, >6 years in fashion
>wears lolita 2-3 times a month, mostly on the weekends
>sort of active in the local comm, visits /cgl/ somewhat secretively and complains about how much she misses the LJ days, posts every lolita outfit she wears on instagram or facebook
>has a lot of old BTSSB and AP but wears a lot of "loliable" shoes, cardigans, etc. A little bit ita sometimes. Doesn't have any lolita specific shoes and only a few lolita brand blouses, socks, and bags.
>not so great at hair, makeup, or accessorizing
>doesn't really care about newbies but will be generally friendly and welcoming
>newfag(ish), <2 years in the fashion
>wears lolita 2-3 a week, might be a student or have some employment that doesn't require a dresscode, or otherwise just wears lolita at any given chance
>extremely active in the local comm, almost to a point of concern. Openly visits /cgl/ and posts in draw threads. Only posts photos of fancy coordinates for big events online.
>Loves getting new releases and popular prints but will opt to only get the main piece and fill in the rest from taobao or ebay. Doesn't understand or bother with auction sites. Usually not ita but colors and styles sometimes clash.
>good at hair and makeup
>greets and welcomes newbies very enthusiastically for someone who's only been in the local comm for 2 years, obviously very eager to become their senpai
I feel like a lot of /cgl/ is the first one but I'm curious to hear other people's opinions.

>> No.9147730

are you the second one looking for asspats

>> No.9147732


>> No.9147733

Oh wow, I want this. This is lovely.

>> No.9147734

Is the bodice on the lower jsk asymmetrical?

>> No.9147735

Both are. You need different perspectives to learn or to form an opinion.

>> No.9147739

The oldfag. Even if they aren't as active, they still have a lot more knowledge accumulated. You've listed very specific, but irrelevant, points for each though. Makes me wonder why.

>> No.9147742

>pls tell me I'm better than this old bitch in my comm

>> No.9147784


I kinda feel like this was written the other way around, not really sure if OP is trying to say the oldfag is better, but that's really the way it comes across. For eg:

Newfag can't even give advice if she's ignoring auction sites, which are the main places cgl sends newbies to acquire cheap secondhand and filler from. If she's insisting on only buying new brand and going taobao/eBay instead of secondhand, ask her how to start lolita on a budget and she's already crumbled with nothing real to contribute. Ask her again "will this be cheaper secondhand later on", and again she's got nothing to contribute.

Info for oldfag says "a little bit ita sometimes", but knowing which offbrands likes to put out loliable shoes and cardis that works with lolita can be very useful. Don't know if that was what was intended when these two "characters" were written up, but that's what I got from it.

Also not sure if OP intended this, but:
>openly visits cgl
>only posts fancy coords
>very eager to become [...] senpai
This smells a little bit like the newfag desperately wants to achieve e-fame and become queen bee of her own horde of newbies.

Plus this:
>might be a student or have some employment that doesn't require a dresscode,
implies one of these:
- newfag is young
- newfag doesn't work and has a lot of free time to dress up
- genuinely has a job where it doesn't matter what she wears.
In the first two scenarios, their lives are so sheltered, they hardly have much experience to draw from. The third scenario is so rare it generally doesn't apply to most people who are seeking advice, so I'm not really sure if they can contribute much.

>posts every coord
>not so great at hair, makeup or accessorizing
>only posts fancy coords for big events
Don't know if this ties back to the anons lamenting how lolita is becoming more and more costumey, which is what only posting fancy big event coord amounts to.

at least, that's what I got from this post.

>> No.9147819

I really love this dress. I hope I will be able to snag one from the USA store.

>> No.9147828

That is one of the ugliest OPs I've ever seen. I wonder if it looks better in other colorways? I wish I liked the print more, I really love the cut of the teal JSK.

>> No.9147836
File: 178 KB, 690x1030, 14053685_10154428070572350_4959537669953777227_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is cute af but I'm trying to move away from sweet. Damnit Meta why do you always have to blindside me when I'm trying to streamline my wardrobe?

>> No.9147848

But I've seen many listings with sax listed as blue and no one says anything. Also, what if the brand labels the color wrong? BtSSB/AatP loves labeling certain shades of blue as green, even when it's clearly way more on the blue side.

>> No.9147855

No, you should stop posting because you're freaking out over people saying red instead of wine, and are trying to say such a thing isn't allowed on a sales comm, when that's factually incorrect (not to mention the fact that this isn't a sales post, so even if that were the case it wouldn't matter at all). Usually I hate it when people on 4chan call others autistic, but getting this mad over someone saying red instead of wine is definitely something someone with autism would do.

>> No.9147856

I don't do lacemarket anymore now. I didn't like the site before and the new one didn't help, so I decided not to rejoin.

>> No.9147860

I don't think you can judge based off that info alone. I'm ultra oldfag (decade long master race) and one thing I've learned in Lolita over the years, is that how long you've been in the fashion and how often you wear it doesn't mean you know much about it. I knew more at 2 years than any oldfag in my comm did by A LOT, I've known people who were in the fashion for 5 years and couldn't tell you who Maki or Asuka were, despite claiming to be AP whores. That being said, there are few things more annoying that when some 2 year faggot acts like they're an expert or an oldfag. It really just depends on the individual.

>> No.9147868

Exactly this. It's entirely possible to be into lolita for years and still have no real grasp on the aesthetic or anything related to the fashion scene. People who boast of their 6+ years of "experience" and "knowledge" while having no real coording skills are especially bad.

>> No.9147869

At what point do you mark when you became a Lolita? Like, if you're telling someone "I've been a Lolita for -insert number of years-" at what point in your Lolita days are you starting at? Are you counting your it a phase, or the time you lusted over it before you could buy any? Or do you only count when you began to have a solid grasp on the fashion and bought your first quality piece?

>> No.9147874

When you start wearing the clothes out.

>> No.9147888

Does that count ita attempts, or only real lolita?

>> No.9147921

Not the one you replied to, but I would also count the it's phase.

>> No.9147929

How in the world was it not a pain before? At least they have a mobile layout now. Before it was terrible.

>> No.9147951

Couldn't the blue-green confusion stem from cultural differences? I was under the understanding that green and blue are just shades of the same color in Japan.

>> No.9147956


I wouldn't count the "cosplay lolita" phase, if that's what you're referring to. But even those who start their lolita journey straight up buying burando, or buying taobao, indie or secondhand, can mess up and still be burando itas or just badly coordinated itas.

I'd count the second type of ita as lolita, but not the first. The difference is between treating lolita like a cheap cosplay costume, which doesn't actually seem like you're trying to wear lolita, vs a real, serious attempt at really wearing lolita fashion but not getting it quite right.

>> No.9147970

Okay I feel like a moron but can somebody please ELI5 the new Alice and the pirates release and how to reserve it and when? I've tried to read the over seas page and I'm just stupid I guess.

>> No.9147978
File: 100 KB, 570x653, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really loving this print, and the JSK and socks are still up for reservation.

Anyone else planning on ordering it?
Is Violet Fane's quality on par with Taobao?

>> No.9148002
File: 86 KB, 500x751, 1394073117367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see Meta's accepting applications for their fashion show at AWA.
Would you guys say modeling for brand shows are worth it?

>> No.9148010

I'm neither one of these?
You need to learn how to write more relatable characters.

>> No.9148023

Oh man that's so cute. The only problem is that headdress, how do people pull them off?

>> No.9148024

Yes, and it gets translated literally instead of the right colour. In my language there is a shade of blue we call green.. Anyway wine is a shade of red and sax is a shade of blue so I don't understand the argument here.

>> No.9148035

Go to the newfag for upcoming info on releases and then the oldfag for advice.

Personally, who cares where you get your shit as long as you look good. Which of these two gets more likes on CoF or which of these two show up on the ita thread?

>> No.9148037

Crap. This is really cute too

>> No.9148038

There are so few people on this board that go by how many likes someone has on CoF

>> No.9148044

The fabric looks tacky to me

>> No.9148046

It's fun but don't do it if you want to actually do anything else on a Saturday of a con.

>> No.9148058

It turns red on your watch list if it's sold or expired.

>> No.9148069

>sold or expired
But you have to go into the listing to see which is which.

>> No.9148079

It looks like cotton

>> No.9148080

>cue whiny about how there's too many cat prints

>> No.9148091

Lol. Too many cat prints. Watch.
Bring on the cat chocolate prints.
>cats with crowns on their heads and crosses on the collars play in chocolate syrup and truffles.
>call it royal holy chocolate cat

>> No.9148103

and then they whining about crosses all over shit. get over it.

>> No.9148145

>not cats using crosses as scratch posts with chocolate on their paws and a chocolate pawprint trail behind them


>> No.9148151

That's a beret.

>> No.9148162

Yes please.

>> No.9148166
File: 26 KB, 213x232, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they mean this bandana type thing.

>> No.9148183

Sorry, I meant >>9148166 . I don't know the name of it.

>> No.9148196

When did you start working for AP's marketing department?

>> No.9148199

I've always called them babushka or old lady headscarves, but that might just be a Slavic thing.

>> No.9148209

I live in a high Russian/slavic populated city l in the US, it's moat definitely babushka kei.

>> No.9148279

Under rated post

>> No.9148291

How much do the english GLB go for?
Mine are in good condition with minor scraches, bends but nothing super major imo.
I believe i have the first four? (Vol 1, Autum 2008, Spring 2009, Winter 2009) All have the sewing inserts but Autumn 2008 has been torn out but still included.

I thought i saw the wedding one going for more. Is that true?
I tried lace market history but i didnt see them in the sold lists.

Also how about fruits or "gothic & lolita" photo book

>> No.9148300

Usually AP uses katakana though for the foreign word. Take this print for example where the teal colorway is labeled green. Calling it the same color as what AP labels it avoids confusion among languages. They should have said wine as per AP's label to avoid confusion really (I'm not the anon that's angry about it though).

>> No.9148302

Both AP and Meta label them as Babushkas.

>> No.9148350
File: 39 KB, 323x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9148357

The headdress is the best bit! I've worn them before and they look so cute!
I really want this for the theme amd headdress but I prefer lief's Matryoska print as this art style is too cutesee. Not sure what to do.

>> No.9148358 [DELETED] 

mattie go home

>> No.9148384

What is this shit

>> No.9148404

i hate you

>> No.9148425
File: 43 KB, 431x645, 498781-2983-2015-10-26517536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a babushka and it's cute as fuck

>> No.9148427

AP design team on cgl

>> No.9148447

I'm just happy that somebody is working on the site

>> No.9148448
File: 30 KB, 439x388, babushka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

head kerchief

>> No.9148449

To clarify babushka is an old Russian grandma (the people who normally wear them, not the actual headscarf) but in the USA it might refer to the scarf too.

>> No.9148492

This is the first time I've actually liked a meta print for whatever reason, the illustration is so cute and and the gingham/plaid works so well with it. The apron and headscarf really make it though...

>babushka kei
yes please

>> No.9148495

Not sure about the GLBs, but you can get the FRUiTS and Gothic & Lolita books pretty cheap on Amazon and eBay.

>> No.9148560
File: 131 KB, 280x373, sch_babuskha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, this is nothing new. Brands have been releasing them for some time. Lolibrary has them listed as far back as 2008. I'm sure there have been more in the past that aren't listed.

>tfw you just really want the sweet cream house babuskha to complete your set

>> No.9148678

Can confirm that in the US they are,in fact, referred to as babushkas. My grandmother was the daughter Polish immigrants and while babushka is really close to the Polish word for grandmother was well (babcia) she always referred to head kerchiefs as babushkas when she was yelling at me to put something on my head so I wouldn't get sick if it was windy.

>> No.9148684

I've only heard them called kerchiefs

>> No.9148834 [DELETED] 

Sorry if this has already been mentioned buy I've been looking around for a bit for it. Any idea on when Princess Cat will be released?

>> No.9148862

maybe put them on auction

>> No.9148872

Okay, because this is a general thread, I'm deciding to say this here... Is it okay for a guy to dress and do myself up as a lolita? I know I'll never be as pretty or as photogenic as others, and I'm a little too big for dresses that don't offer custom sizing. I just don't like the idea of people shaming me for wearing the fashion just because I'm a guy, and there are some that are just so adorable.

>> No.9148877

Just please shave and wear a petti, this is all I ask of you.

>> No.9148881

Brolitas exist. If you're worried that people will think you're ugly, check out brolita help threads and don't post your photos online otherwise.

>> No.9148886

As long as you don't expect special treatment, have good hygiene, and don't harass anyone do whatever you want and you'll be fine.

>> No.9148887

I love the look of babushkas I really need to get my hands on one.

>> No.9148896

I'm fine with shaving, body hair freaks me out anyway.
I never even knew Brolitas were a thing. And I've been looking into Lolita stuff for a while now. And I'm way too shy to actually post any photos of myself online.
Special treatment would probably be one of the last things I want. I mean, I'm just in a pretty dress. And I take good care of my personal Hygiene, because I get very self conscious if I haven't showered that morning. And I'm too nice to actually harass someone.

Thank you guys for clearing up my concerns. I can continue to wear my dresses, with confidence!

>> No.9148898

Guys who wear lolita are the same as women who wear it

Brolita is such a stupid and useless word. Would you call Mana a brolita?

>> No.9148901

I believe they had issues with quality control in the past, check the archives.

>> No.9148902

Is a guy. It can be done well, you just have to put effort in.

>> No.9148903

>men who wear women's dresses are the same as women who wear women's dresses

I'm all for wearing whatever the fuck you want, but that's absolute bullshit.

>> No.9148905

I did! I just hope the sleeves are long enough for my hideous monkey appendages. Bought white, but it was a tough call between that and black.

>> No.9148909

this looks terrible, too much clown collar and a straight bottom? it feels unbalanced

>> No.9148910

What fashion era do you guys think lolita draws the most from?

I've been on a vintage/retro binge and noticed a lot of 1950's dresses have extremely similar or the same cuts and silhouettes as some lolita dresses. I know people usually explain the fashion as having victorian and rococo influences (and of course in some dresses or styles in particular it's pretty obvious) but did/do brands draw inspiration from that time period as well?

>> No.9148914

I feel like Violet Fane has a lot of really great design ideas, but their execution and/or quality control is off. I'm still put off from them from the video review one seagull did where one dress had issues with horribly messy threads plus other construction issues, and another was not the correct size even though she had specifically asked for custom sizing (plus size custom sizing and the skirt had nowhere near enough room to properly accommodate a petticoat). Like, the issues were just so bad it made me question why the owner decided to do all the work herself if she can't even sew. Unrelated to dress quality but also recently the owner tried to suggest that BTSSB saw previews of her dress at an event they were both at and stole her idea?

Like I want to support western indie brands and I want to love her clothes because like I said, the ideas for her designs are nice usually but I am weary of ordering for fear of getting a shoddy product for the price I'm paying.

Unless she has upped her quality control - if anyone has ordered something from her recently I'd love to hear what your thoughts are.

>> No.9148919

Well... it's just cloth cut and sewed together differently.
Oh wow, you look so pretty! Maybe with enough effort, I can be like that.
When I hear "Brolita" I think of a dude in a dress with shutter shades and having a red solo cup in-hand.

>> No.9148934

I am an anon who encouraged you to do what you want, but do not think it is the same for you to wear it as it is for a girl. Does that mean you shouldn't wear it? No. If you like it wear it, who cares? But it's when you start saying that it's exactly the same as a woman wearing it you get into tumblr tier ideology and that's nonsense. You are not a hero for liking pretty dresses just because you have a penis.

Honestly the more you are posting the more tumblr you sound. Brolita isn't some obscenity, it's a term that many take on with pride.

>> No.9148938


Isn't she the 'Years and Years' designer?

>> No.9148939

Absolutely they do.

>> No.9148944

No, you're thinking of Candy Violet.

>> No.9148969

Not tumblr culture, I think lolita is like this because of visual kei influence? Anyway lolita is the name of a fashion. Guys wear the fashion exactly the same or at least they are supposed to, so no need to seperate them. Just like a girl wearing ouji is not called differently from a guy wearing ouji.

I think of barnie stinson wearing lolita.

>> No.9148973

Sauce on the dress?

>> No.9148974

You sound to obsessed with shitting on tumblr that you forget there have always been male lolita's that don't call themselves brolita

>> No.9148979

This. Can we just not fucking talk about tumblr ever again?

>> No.9148981
File: 133 KB, 650x1023, 10497309_584558931662320_1596228814355267030_o_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lief Gardenberries Rabbit

>> No.9148983

Plus we have Mana to thank for EGL, so turning away brolitas is like throwing it in his face

>> No.9149039

No one is turning them away. I have a brolita in my comm, but it's not like we actively call him a brolita, we just accept him as one of us. However I feel 'brolita' is a term that is still useful, since men have issues with the fashion that women don't (sizing, body and facial hair issues, silhouette etc) it makes it easier for them to find advice relevant to them.

>> No.9149042

I completely agree. Now all we need to do is agree on a term for women who wear ouji and EGA.

>> No.9149051

Why? There's so little of those compared to lolita it's pointless. And female EGA had a separation already. You don't even see style separation in ouji is because there's so few.

>> No.9149055

It was sarcasm. Male and female lolita's should be held to the same standards, so there's no need to seperate them.

>sizing, body and facial hair issues, silhouette etc
You can find that info without calling male lolita's brolita. As far as I know that term started in American comm's and in other country's they've always managed without it.

>> No.9149064

Does everyone sell on lacemarket now? I haven't touched lolita for about 4 years and I just want to get rid of all of it.

>> No.9149067

you can sell on the b/s/t thread. You're more likely to get an honest buyer.

>> No.9149072
File: 19 KB, 340x388, winking_babushka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw babushka is just russian for granny
>mfw I could never wear a burando granny headscarf

If I ever wore such a thing my family would think I'm either in a play for a granny or a german milkmaid.

>> No.9149087

I come from Hungarian decent and my grandmother used the term babushka for a head scarf.

>Good, less competition for when it comes up on the 2nd hand market.
>Enjoy the headwear of your choice, anon.

>> No.9149118

A lot of people post their sales on both egl comm sales and Facebook. I've honestly never used lacemarket or the b/s/t thread. Do you have anything from gothic brands? There are a lot of older releases I'm looking for, especially from moitie, black peace, h.naoto, excentrique and seraphim

>> No.9149191

Please don't use FB for sales. It's such a terrible system, you can't even leave feedback. Not to mention trusting facebook with your privacy is also a terrible idea.

>> No.9149218

It is the place where my lolita clothing sells best tough. We don't trust paypal either but we all keep using it.

>> No.9149221

Really? You trust Facebook more than Paypal? Ultimately, yes, it's up to you. But come on. Which one is at least going to try to protect you if something goes wrong. Facebook has become the "safe" place for scammers to sell because of the lack of feedback.

>> No.9149225

PayPal has never tried to protect me and things have gone wrong

>> No.9149228

>>9147653 >but my tittes are too big Bind with tape girl! Or is this a soft way of saying you're very... heavy-set?

>> No.9149230

Then you didn't follow Paypal's TOS.

>> No.9149233

Silhouette is from the 1950s, details from Victorian children's clothing, Roccoco dresses, and heirloom sewing. AP-style sweet is definitely 50s inspired; I don't see any Victorian or Roccoco inspiration in most of their modern dresses despite everyone spouting on about how lolita is modern Victorian/Roccoco.

>> No.9149260

Um yeah I did. You have no idea what you are talking about. Buyers can get their money back through their bank/creditcard company. Paypal knows that and unsurprisingly they usually side with buyers. So it's not as save for sellers.

>> No.9149266
File: 129 KB, 641x682, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would just assume anyone on here who says they have big tits are fat.

>I-I'm totally a normal weight my tits are just big
>f-fucking annoriexic bitches with their healthy BMI

>> No.9149321

I apologize for my newfaggishness but does Holy Lacy Doll or Katrina count as Gothic sweet or classic or what? It seems to really blend the lines. Also what exactly is considered a Gothic sweet coord? Do light colored Gothic dressed still count as Gothic?

>> No.9149322

I'm not convinced this isn't a man with a pillow stuffed into his bodice.

>> No.9149324 [DELETED] 

That's pretty much my feelings towards all fatties.

>> No.9149327

I know this is a dankmeme now but in this case it's incredibly accurate;

Lurk more.

>> No.9149334

99% of the time it's just fat. Even the 1% that really are busty tend to be at least a little chubby as well.

>> No.9149337

I have and there is always heavy debate with this. Some people are blowing up saying just because something is black doesn't make it Gothic and vice versa. That's why I'm asking about two specific dresses. Especially Holy Lacy Doll with the cross motif. It seems Gothic but what about when it's in white or lavender? Also just general resources for sweet Gothic coord inspo are great.

>> No.9149343

Once again, if you lurked and did actual research on what makes gothic gothic rather than classic or sweet you would be able to form your own conclusion. There will always be people arguing that a certain thing makes something gothic over sweet(like people saying Holy Lantern is gothic when other than having crosses and a black colorway it is predominantly sweet.)

>> No.9149349

The way I figure it, sweet/goth is just as legitimate a style now as classic/sweet, stemming mostly from sweet lolitas who coord with gothic motifs but in a sweet way. So I'd call it a sweet dress using gothic motifs.

That's just my opinion though and I'm not one of those gothic purists that seem to deny that anything that's not styled like how Mana would do it is not gothic. Also I don't think categorizing styles is really that important.

>> No.9149364

I bet you think chocolate prints are classic.

>> No.9149368

Can someone explain the "years and years" thing? I tried to search the archives once but found nothing

>> No.9149373
File: 28 KB, 345x437, 152607-m-01-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People bitch over everything. Generally unless it's literally just a sweet dress in black it's gothic. Gothic lolita is still frilly and feminine. Not to the point of sweet sure, but having a one ruffle or bow and a super gothy coordinate isn't going to suddenly make it pure sweet.

With different make up and styling this could easily be gothic.

>> No.9149376
File: 255 KB, 494x700, 021_zpsd5732a98.jpg~original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like this is undeniably gothic.

>> No.9149377


Mana literally invented gothic lolita and he would find it silly to see people arguing on cgl about which print is gothic lolita, if the sleeves are shaped like this or that is it gothic lolita? etc.

>> No.9149378
File: 363 KB, 500x750, 1339537540373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While this is just sweet in black and not gothic at all.

>> No.9149380

as someone who wears all black, i gave up and just call everything i wear kuro unless it's overtly sweet in black or overtly ~ooo mana-sama~ gothic. too many people disagree with what constitutes a gothic coord vs a sweet in black coord vs a classic in black coord.

"has bows in black, is sweet" "no ur wrong it's clearly gothic" "lurk moar you think everything black is gothic" "this has historical influences therefore it's classic not gothic" "wtf are you talking about, gothic uses historical influences" etc -_-

>> No.9149382

>someone most of us will never meet thinks it's silly to debate a fashion where many things cross over

Alright, that doesn't mean there isn't a discussion to be had over it.

>> No.9149383


>> No.9149384

Yes, and you are arguing about something he made up, so you are all just sharing your opinion, therefor you are all right

>> No.9149386

Are you dumb?

>> No.9149387
File: 134 KB, 742x1200, Cp4hEEtVUAE5QKr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any more pictures of this upcoming AP release? Need more info on this pentagram, upside down cross, and unicorn cocktail. I'm assuming it's for halloween.

>> No.9149388

So why does it impact you that we discuss this? You don't have to be in this thread. We aren't off topic.

>> No.9149389

how is that not classic/swassic

>> No.9149391

It doesn't impact me. I'm just pointing out that there is no need to pretend like there is a set of rules for this. Because people on here are always talking as if they know what is the ''right'' way to do gothic lolita, and criticizing people who do it differently. Why don't you just discuss your ideal image of gothic lolita instead of stating your opinion as fact?

>> No.9149392


thanks for answering my question.

>> No.9149393

I posted that many people will argue over what makes something classic/sweet/gothic and anon should lurk to form their own opinion on that. I didn't state my personal view on what makes what a fact. Are you trolling?

>> No.9149396

i'm just throwing you a bone with that swassic remark. i don't think there'd be a debate it being straight up classic if the canotier was straw-colored, blouse/tights were ivory and the jsk/shoes were brown.

>> No.9149400

I included you because you are the one who brought up Mana. Other than that I don't disagree with you, what I said was meant for people who want there to be a set of rules of the correct way to do gothic, and want everyone else to go by those rules.

>> No.9149402

Do you not understand the impact a cut of a dress or blouse has on determining a sub style?

>> No.9149405

It's mostly because of the shoes. It's one of those dresses that could be both but there's no way those shoes could ever be anything but sweet.

>> No.9149410

I didn't bring up mana you dense moron, that was someone else.

is me.

>> No.9149414

Then I do disagree with you indeed. You can do research on what makes it gothic lolita, but you will just find other people's opinions pretending like they are facts.

>> No.9149418

So you are saying not only can you not think for yourself and lack the ability to identify the potential for pieces to be in multiple substyles, every single Lolita piece ever made can only fit in one substyle? And that no one can have their own opinion on what can go in what substyle?

>> No.9149422

did i say all brown/ivory coords are classic? no.

considering the jsk cut looks very similar to this mm jsk:
and this vm jsk:
and a number of other ones from those brands

and the blouse looks like any high collar blouse released by a classic brand

yes i do. do you?

thank you anon :)

>> No.9149423

I am saying they are all opinions. I'm saying there is no point in asking ''Is this black dress gothic lolita?'' and then someone replying ''this print is gothic lolita''this style can never be used for gothic lolita'' etc. as if they are the inventor of gothic lolita. I'm saying it makes more sense to talk about what your ideal is of gothic lolita and you can disagree with others on that.

>> No.9149429

So who's opinion is the absolute fact on what makes something sweet over classic? mana doesn't dictate what is sweet and what isn't. There are pieces that can go into multiple substyles depending on what you pair it with, and even then it could be argued what style it's under. People like you with such a rigid attitude always cite mana as your savior and someone who has all the answers, well I would love to hear his opinion on Chocolate prints. People debate if they are classic or sweet fairly often, could you call him so we can get our answer? Then surely everyone will change their opinions that were formed over the course of time observing Lolita.

Just because you disagree with something doesn't mean it's wrong, and dismissing others views on what makes what a certain style makes you seem incredibly stuck up. Why is your opinion over what makes something one thing more important than the person you are disagreeing withs opinion?

>> No.9149434

Not any if the anons involved in this conversation so far, but this is only true to an extent. Yeah, there are some pieces where the substyle is more subjective (a lot of pieces can be sweet or classic, sweet or hime, gothic or classic, etc.) but to say it's entirely subjective is just silly. For example, Iron Gate is Gothic. That is just a fact, you cannot argue against the fact that it is Gothic and not sweet.

>> No.9149448

There is no absulote fact. I think you misunderstand me there. Mana invented gothic lolita initially, and moi meme moitie is the expression of HIS ideal of gothic lolita. But I assume the people here all know the general idea of what gothic is, and what lolita is. But there are often people talking as if there are set rules and they are facts. Some new lolita's expect there to be an easy way to identify the style of a dress. And in most cases, it is easy to tell if something was designed to be sweet lolita or gothic lolita. But if a dress has elements that we consider gothic, and also elements that we consider sweet, it just depends on your personal ideal of what gothic lolita should be, and of course you can discuss that. I just don't like when people pretend there is a set of rules like ''if the sleeves are shaped this way, if the print is that, if the colour is this'' etc. and tell it to people as if it's the only right way and everyone else is stupid.
That's why I said Mana would find it silly, because he is just dedicated to his ideal of gothic lolita and doesn't care if someone else comes and tells him ''that's not gothic lolita because it has flowers'' or something like that.

>> No.9149454

Then why do you disagree with me when my entire point was that anon should lurk and study the different substyles to form their own opinion on what makes what a certain substyle? Is English not your first language or do you lack reading comprehension?

I literally said there is not set rules to identify everything.

>And in most cases, it is easy to tell if something was designed to be sweet lolita or gothic lolita. But if a dress has elements that we consider gothic, and also elements that we consider sweet, it just depends

This is literally my entire argument. And you said you disagree with it. Are you drunk?

>> No.9149466

English is my third language and if that's what you said, then indeed I do lack reading comprehension, and so do you as well for continuing this discussion with me even after I've stated what I meant in my previous comments. For some reason you thought I worship Mana and think everyone should go by his rules even after I several times said that it depends on your opinion.

>> No.9149468

Your English isn't to the level for you to be making well thought out arguments. Please study it more. I apologize for implying you were drunk, but your skills in English are severely decreasing your ability to debate.

>> No.9149493

Lol "lurk more" is just code for " I don't know the answer but I just have to put my two cents in". Especially when she said she already has and it's a debated topic.

>> No.9149496

But I put my two cents in with the rest of the post, and following posts. Repeatedly.

>> No.9149499
File: 21 KB, 321x517, IMG_9739a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It refers to something the Vivcore/Candy Violet designer said about her lolita Chemise a la Reine design.
>pic related
I don't remember exactly but I think either people criticized her prices or another person produced a very similar dress and she got upset, then ranted about how she spent years and years researching this dress and how to turn it into a lolita dress. Someone on lolita_secrets or BtB (I don't remember which one) mocked this by juxtaposing a picture of a traditional long Chemise a la Reine with an edited version with the skirt cut to knee length, with a caption about it having taken oh so many years to figure that out. I can't find the secret anymore.

>> No.9149500

Sure anon sure. Without proof and no story, you're really making a great case.

>> No.9149513

Completely different anon, but are you seriously doubting the fact that buyers use credit card chargebacks to scam people when the lolita community has had multiple scammers who have done that exact thing (Most notably Mabet and Maikodolly)? Or that PP nearly always sides with buyers? I thought this stuff was common knowledge.

>> No.9149529

not that anon but I searched it too and assumed it was something to do with Years and Years the band

>> No.9149538

What does that band have to do with lolita?

>> No.9149542

I remember there was a post on EGL or egl comm sales that listed alternatives because there had been so many issues, and paypal didn't protect people outside of the US, but I can't find that post. I just found these posts (see comments)
http://egl.livejournal.com/18929625.html (okay, this is because paypal doesn't consider you a seller when gift payment is used)

you can find more complaints on this website but I just saw this one on their main page and it's somewhat similar to what happened to me. I sold two dresses to a girl on egl comm sales. One of the dresses was for a special occassion and the parcel arrived more than a month too late, because of my mistake with the address (a spelling mistake). I offered a full refund if she would send me back the dress (of course I would pay for shipping), plus a discount if she wanted to buy from me again because of the trouble. She refused that, refused to talk to me and got a refund for the entire amount through her creditcard company. She kept both dresses too.
Non-lolita related I sold some old shit and the buyer claimed it never arrived, he got his money back, despite the fact I had a tracking number that showed it did arrive.

>> No.9149562

The way they're riding PP's dick so hard, they either work for them or have used their policies to their advatange lmao

>> No.9149662

That thing looks fucking dope. And I rarely use that word.

>> No.9149665

I love how chocolate gets categorized as sweet even thought there are dark chocolates out there that are not.

>> No.9149672

I can't tell if you're serious or not.

>> No.9149676

OMG I just had the most amazing idea (maybe). For those of you that set up tea parties/gatherings, do you just use e-vites? I'm super crafty but I never make things in bulk or for profit. What if I made really fancy, heavy card stock personalized invitations and matching envelops? Lolita styled of course, but that would be a nice thing to get in the mail, if your doing maybe a small gathering of 4-8 friends, right? Thoughts?

>> No.9149678

Not serious as in, I think we should stop categorizing it that way because some dark chocolates aren't sweet, no. I just think it's interesting.

>> No.9149680

Sounds like something you'd do for an extremely fancy meet up.

>> No.9149690

Would you mind linking the video? I agree VF has a lot of great ideas as well, but their execution always seems a bit off. I'd like to see the dress that was reviewed.

>> No.9149691

The only chocolate print I can think of off the top of my head that could possibly qualify as being not-sweet is Chocolate Addiction, and that's only because the chocolate motif is very subtle as far as chocolates prints go.

>> No.9149692

It's a nice hobby, to make cards. It always makes me feel so calm. And usually people keep them

>> No.9149722

That's not PayPal then, that's the buyers bank screwing you over.
Also using gift payments. Improper use.
You can't blame PayPal for a credit card charge back either.

I never claimed PayPal was the best either. For the last case you should have talked to customer service. But really anon just decided Facebook was a good selling platform because hey, they don't trust PayPal either. But when has Facebook ever helped you out when a sale has gone bad? Oh right, it's not their problem.

>> No.9149726

For Holy Lacy Doll in particular, I mean honestly, who really cares about all these gulls trying so hard to box something ambiguous into one thing. I think that's the beauty of HLD in particular. I think generally it has kind of sweet overtones in any colorway, but you could coord it a bit more gothic or classic if you wanted to.

It just wouldn't be EGL, if that makes sense. It suffers from the same problems Holy Lantern and even Horror Garden do, which is awfully sweet cuts and other giveaways that really scream "Angelic Pretty" no matter what you do.

>> No.9149731

Anon's English is fine, you're both just idiots for talking in circles.

>> No.9149735

Sure, he invented EGL, but the streamlined look of Moitie is pretty different from the styles of Alice and the Pirates and Atelier Pierrot. Atelier Boz is pretty streamlined but they own Lapin Agill, which is still considered gothic.

If a chocolate printed dress is styled in a classic way I don't see why not. Aatp even released a gothic chocolate print.

I would consider the styling on this classic, although it is a gothic dress, Caterina by AatP.

This. It makes me wonder how often these people even wear lolita, because coming from another kuro lolita it's really difficult to care about if my coord is gothic or not when I wear it everyday.

>> No.9149737

They said they disagreed with my entire point and then later repeated my point back to me as their argument. Their English is not fine.

>> No.9149858

The greatest troll in this thread atm.

>> No.9149867

desu i think daily lolitas/lolitas who wear their stuff casually/often care way less about substyles than people on this board. i've worn things that would be 100% sweet in different colorways (baby's dessert op out in black with tea parties and double buns for ex) and other lolitas have called me gothic. it'd be really pedantic and dumb for me to go on a spiel about how no, actually this is sweet but in a black colorway.

>> No.9149870


that was not intentional

>> No.9149872


>> No.9149874

The silhouette, lace or trim, and details, you absolute nitwit

>> No.9149879

sorry my incompetence offended you :^)

>> No.9149887

apology not accepted, drink bleach.

>> No.9149902

Yeah, im hyped. Love that mixed symbols are becoming a thing. I think its because of menhara bleeding over.

>> No.9149903

People don't talk about it in real life because this shit borders on being autistic and most of us have the social grace to not subject others to our own obsessions, but it doesn't mean that it's not an important or interesting discussion to have, which is why it keeps being brought up here. Also, how do you know people who wear it often don't care about it?

>> No.9149905

I'm ok with this.

>> No.9149930

"care" was the wrong word; i meant logistically your outfits will end up blurring substyles more often if you're wearing it daily/multiple times a week because you're going to eventually end up mixing/matching items that might not be cohesively one substyle. ex all of your classic-styled blouses are dirty, so you wear a gothic-styled blouse with a classic jsk etc.

i think it was an interesting discussion to have at one point, but it just goes in circles with people never coming to a consensus. i've seen this discussion happen multiple times on cgl and there's been nothing new added to the discussion.

>> No.9149954

Wait till they release it and ruin the whole thing with a large chunky meta-style border print and ugly ass cuts.

>> No.9149976

it was also apparently not great quality.
it was my favorite old drama

>> No.9149977

It was great because the reviewer was a bit of a witch too "This is horrible quality, I own Hermes scarves so I know quality." over and over. Sadly I think the user purged their LJ and the review is lost to the ages.

>> No.9149979

>ugly ass cuts.
this has never effected me with an AP release. I love seeing gulls bitch about it though.

>> No.9149981

>drink bleach

>> No.9149991

You do know that's a fairly common meme?

>> No.9150014

>Moitie is pretty different from the styles of Alice and the Pirates and Atelier Pierrot.

Just an fyi, AatP isn't always gothic. At the very least it's both classic and gothic, and it has wandered over into sweet territory a few times. So, not the best example to compare to.

>> No.9150027
File: 69 KB, 564x736, 67ui68i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese ghost hat

>> No.9150070

I use facebook rather than lacemarket and the b/s/t thread, because there are groups to sell more locally. I can sell within Europe or even just within my comm, so if something goes wrong I could call the police or literally go to their house myself to get my money back

>> No.9150087

Sure, that's true. But the main point I was trying to make was that Moitie isn't a end-all be-all to all gothic lolita everywhere.

>> No.9150095

Not much, maybe $10.

PayPal has gone to shit. I couldn't get any money back when someone shipped me ruined items unless I paid out of pocket for return shipping.

You are a moron and should be quiet until you have done some research. Lol at you thinking all black dresses are gothic unless they're obnoxiously sweet.
Both of these are classic.

>> No.9150096

Their Hime-Style OPs look pretty Rococo to me. You're spot on about everything else, though.

>> No.9150111

Yeah I'm the OP of this post, I'm totally not either of these. I was just characterizing 2 really different people in my comm who I've seen express opposing opinions before. I guess saying "ignores auction sites" yet "wears lolita every day" was a bit of a stretch but I definitely know people who'd rather just pay out the ass than try to deal with Japanese websites.
It's kind of weird to see someone analyze it like this because I was trying to keep it as balanced as possible, but you're definitely right in saying that I have a bias to the oldfag character.

>> No.9150147


Yeah, but any statement that blanket sweeps AatP under gothic lolita label is pretty much going to make you look like a confused newbie, or maybe someone with selective vision who choses not to see the amount of classic and sweet AatP produces. Thus weakening any point you wanted to make.

Use Mille Noir, Atelier Pierrot, Antique Beast or Lapin Agill instead. Atelier Pierrot and Mille Noir actually pump out ruffle monster dresses, which helps your case. Though I do believe some of these have the seperate issue of not adhering to lolita 100% (exposed shoulders, short skirts. I've seen the argument that a couple of these brands run more EGA than gothic lolita. Still, the ruffles are there, so.).

>> No.9150154

that's a fucking tragedy. that review was golden.

>> No.9150155

I can't seem to find the aliexpress thread so I assume it has autosaged - just need some advice:

First time buyer, bought a shit load of accessories from one seller. seller starts messaged me "hey pretty etc" asking what my facebook is because they want to be friends, asking for my email, to download chatting apps, and the weirdest, is sending me a text message (through aliexpress) telling me i need to check his messages and send him my contact details so he can "send me something to do with my order". I asked him if he could just send it via the ali messaging, but he said he cannot and needs my email or facebook details to confirm the order (which I have already paid for...) I checked my aliex app, and didn't realise that they auto created a profile for me using my facebook profile picture so he can see what I look like as well. I can't however, see where my phone number is stored on the app so I am unsure about that one. I don't want to reply because it may cause issues and lead to me not receiving my order. Is this something I should contact aliex about? Is it normal for sellers to pull shit like this, is it even allowed?

Sorry for the long rant - just getting the serious heeby jeebies over here!!

>> No.9150156

Yeah its from Heathers.
Also memes are fake&gay.

>> No.9150160

Thanks anon!

>> No.9150167

I actually agree there anon, this looks super off in the face / chest department. Plus she/he is fricken huge!

>> No.9150170

no aliexpress pro, but I don't think this is normal. report to aliexpress and see if you can get your money back or something

>> No.9150172

Do we know the release date?

>> No.9150175

Yeah, those types of things that come from brands are part of the reason I feel that people in the western communites care way too much about labeling. Mille Noirs and Antique Beast have a lot of items that people seem to use when coording for ero, but gothic/ero doesn't seem to be mutually exclusive when we're talking about general Japanese street fashion (which goes to show why it's Gothic & Lolita I suppose).

As for AatP, I've always been under the impression that they're generally considered a gothic brand, but it could be I don't pay attention to their sweet things at all. At the same time, they constantly put out things that are punk or steampunk (the early stuff is pretty punk aesthetic imo, but they've moved away from that since), so I guess AatP really does whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.9150187


fwiw I actually don't think this guy is trying to chat you up or stalk you.

Giving him your phone number allows him to figure out how to spoof it in order to get around facebook's 2-step authentication and hack your facebook.

The chat apps he wants you to download probably contain viruses and trojan horses.

Any links he sends asking you to "confirm your order" will probably lead to a virus or worse.

So yeah, report his ass to Aliexpress and try to get a refund.

Then go unlink your facebook and let this be a lesson not to click through permissions, always vet apps before installing them.

>> No.9150191

I didn't get him my phone number, the text message came from "aliexpress" with a message from him - it was very strange, and I still cannot find where my phone number is stored in the app. I might have to uninstall and use the browser only.

thanks for your tips and advice anon - I'll unlink my facebook and report him asap

>> No.9150195


Kind of don't really know how to answer you, I've only seen AatP referred to as a gothic label quite recently, like maybe the last few months kind of recent. Btssb is definitely sweet lolita, but nobody ever tries to label AatP as anything because most of us have hung around long enough to see their steampunk, classic, sweet releases being discussed on lolita general threads, even if you don't go looking for it. The label is usually described as Btssb's edgier, less sweet sister, no specific substyle label.

I think Ero is easier with gothic because the influences stem from Western Goth originally, which includes some fetishwear influences, in turn explaining why most gothic lolita brands have corsets (underwear). That's really just my guess, though.

>> No.9150217
File: 968 KB, 500x352, Mana Twirl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, I agree with you. Good talk.

>> No.9150225
File: 203 KB, 700x600, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I can't believe I still have this secret in my hardrive.

>> No.9150226

This. But lolita's in the West cling way too much to labels and rules of lolita in general, compared to Japan, so of course there are going to be designs from japanese lolita brands that don't quite fit in with that.

I know the handbook was made because new lolita's constantly had to be told a skater dress is not lolita etc. But I think it's time we become more chill if people start arguing if the cut of a blouse is classic or gothic. People in my comm argue about this a lot for some reason.

>> No.9150227

you must have had it in there for years

>> No.9150233

Probably. I don't remember when it was posted though. Just that I have a lot of old lolita_secrets and BtBs on it. I save every secret because of the ones that get removed.

>> No.9150252

I actually like the overlay although not with this dress... Is there anywhere I can get one on it's own?

>> No.9150273
File: 34 KB, 400x754, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's vivcore/ candy violet dress that took "years" to research. She should have spent some more "years" on researching because it looks like a mockup out of satin curtains.

>> No.9150277


That's interesting. There's certainly something in your subconscious that's colouring your descriptions, I think.

For eg, even when you said you were trying to portray someone who'd rather pay out the ass than bother with Japanese sites, what you actually wrote was that she "doesn't understand or bother with auction sites" instead, which gives a very different impression of someone who can and does understand buying direct from Japanese sites, but apparently refuses to buy secondhand off lacemarket, presumeably because she's a snob. I'm both amused and alarmed by this twist, just goes to show how you can try to be as impartial as possible, but your subconscious or something still somehow influences your actions to skew it one way or another.

>> No.9150343

When AatP was newer, it was called a goth brand a lot because their earlier stuff is mostly goth and pirate. As time went on, though, they started having much more style variety. I think the reason people are calling them goth again is because Moitie's popularity has tanked so much while AatP's has grown tremendously, so a lot of people see AatP as becoming the new goth overlord since it's the closest thing we currently have to one.

>> No.9150345

>comparing $500 scarves to burando
omfg ~high fashion~ girls in lolita can be so fucking obnoxious

>> No.9150413


I can understand that, and quite frankly if the gothics want to pledge their hearts and wallets to a new overlord I don't think anybody is really going to complain about it.

The reason I brought up the topic in the first place is because someone was using AatP to argue that not all gothic dresses look like Moitie, but the very easy counteragument is, all the dresses that don't look like Moitie are sweet or classic and the person who brought it up is in denial about what gothic really looks like, and this argument is possible because AatP hasn't been a strictly gothic brand for literal years and years now. They even just released a sweet hydrangea print this year.

For the record, I do agree with the anon who says not all gothic looks like Moitie, and I agree AatP makes great gothic designs. I even provided a list of brands that are old, established, and strictly gothic that she can use to argue that point instead. I'm only pointing out that AatP is not a good brand to use in this debate because it's so easy to counter. Like, I'm not even disagreeing with you and you're already trying to explain AatP's goth cred in the face of their style variety. Just save yourself the trouble and use another brand as an example.

>> No.9150417

The dress, hat, jewerly and the collar of the blouse are definitely not sweet. So those shoes make it sweet? If this was in different, soft colors it would be definitely labeled as classic.

>> No.9150421

Wait, was the reviewer tiferet? Because I remember the ol' tifster making very similar comments about having expensive brand scarves and jewellery made of only the best real freshwater pearls~

>> No.9150432

I disagree. BOZ is goth overlord

>> No.9150444 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Freshwater pearls vary but honestly Swarovski is better. It's nacre formed synthetically around a crystal center so it's essentially a pearl. Not sure why people are obsessed over misshapen pearls when we have this.

Sorry it's a pet peeve of mine when people talk about real vs fake like all glass pearls are the same.

>> No.9150446
File: 263 KB, 1024x1024, 1440556632950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If this was in different, soft colors it would be definitely labeled as classic

Well duh anon. That's like when people say "well if you change the OP, socks, shoes, and ironed everything and gave her a wig and head piece she wouldn't be ita. Also lots of people label sweet-classic as regular grandma classic because in their minds sweet is only sweet if it's pastel and covered in cutesy prints. Innocent World is a good example of both sweet-classic and regular classic.

I've seen jewelry used like that all the time in sweet and it never looks out of place. The hat and blouse are more classic, but with how it's coorded it's not enough to make it 100% classic and impossible for anyone to see it as even a little sweet. The shoes however do make it impossible for it to be classic unless everything else looked like this for example. Then the shoes would be shoehorned in and look really put out of place unlike in that coord where it looks perfectly fine. If she had been wearing generic classic shoes it would've been sweet classic at absolute best.

It'd be like having OTT sweet accessories all over your head, you can argue the rest of it of it could be classic but if they don't look out of place at all the coord is OTT sweet. It wasn't supposed to be the sweetest coord and print ever anyway. Just a quick example of something that's definitely not gothic.

>> No.9150452

Anon no one agrees with your classification of it. If you Google classic lolita you get hits that look exactly like that coord but in other colors. If her shoes were classic, the whole thing would be classic undeniably. Her dress is from a gothic/classic brand, has a classic cut with gothic or classic fabric textures; her blouse has a classic cut. Her shoes look like Baby's antique ribbon shoes, which are sweet or swassic, but I fail to see how the inclusion of those shoes make her entire classic coord suddenly sweet. I am aware sweet isn't exclusive to AP styled pastel, but that coord isn't sweet.

>> No.9150456
File: 367 KB, 780x1720, f-405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want these bloomers but they are 18000JPY excluding tax?? Does anyone know where (within Japan) I can get bloomers like these but more affordable?

>> No.9150460
File: 787 KB, 850x1280, tumblr_nrc42rJVgd1tyohpdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If her shoes were classic, the whole thing would be classic undeniably.

That's what I said. I admit this "If she had been wearing generic classic shoes it would've been sweet classic at absolute best." was written in a weird way. I meant is she had classic shoes the most you could reach for is sweet classic and that'd still be a bit of a stretch. The shoes look really sweet to me so I guess if you don't think they are there'd be no real reason to see it as sweet over classic. I guess I'm just holding onto when coords like this used to be really sweet no matter the color and classic was very "victorian" styled like a bitter old man.

>> No.9150466

I agree that the coord you posted is sweet (of course), but I guess we just have to disagree re: the shoes.

>> No.9150520

If you compare it to sweet, I don'really see how it would be changing about everything if it was, let's say, dusty pink. Of course, if you believe a pair of unfortunately picked shoes are going to make an classic coordinate sweet or something you probably think a color of a coordinate tells which substyle it's part of. What I meant is simply, that all of these items apart from shoes are perfectly classic and has nothing sweet in them. Just because some of the items work in sweet doesn't make it any sweeter. I find over labelling seriously annoying sometimes but this isn't even it. This is simply a classic coordinate with sweet shoes. Also, damn I hate sweet classic as a term.

>> No.9150527

Yeah if the shoes were gothic they'd just be shoes that didn't match, they wouldn't make the coord suddenly gothic.

>> No.9150528

H.naoto occasionally releases luxe bloomers without a print on them.

>> No.9150577

Nah, IIRC the reviewer was French.

>> No.9150610

I know F+F made some similar like these. though F+F isn't really burando. or maybe ask a local seamstress to make a similar pair?

>> No.9150626
File: 41 KB, 750x1125, 14068369_235265766869237_6414212482594700862_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw this monstrosity posted in lolita updates. It's from the taobao brand souffle song. About 150+ people like it. It looks akward af and way to long to be lolita. I don't know why so many people like this.

>> No.9150652


I just figure they like it because it lights up.

Though I figure both the light and the lower ruffles are just part of the mannequin and not actually part of the dress.

>> No.9150658

It looks too long for human beings

>> No.9150667

F+F is in china

>> No.9150676

Bodyline? You can try CC but they don't usually have much of a bloomer selection

>> No.9150687

Not to read too much into this, because it's just a dumb post I made when I was half asleep, but even though I think I wrote them pretty equally and even a bit of a bias towards the oldfag, the response I got was pretty different. Half of the replies were people saying "oh so you're a newfag looking for approval". I can't tell if this is because a lot of seagulls hate this kinds of person or because a lot of seagulls are this kind of person.

>> No.9150695

I like the top actually and the rose texture but the hem is just an awkward mess.

>> No.9150704

I have somewhat similar bloomers from Milky ange that were around 70 euro. They are not available anymore but you can check them out every now and then because they usually have really cute ones.

>> No.9150720

with burando I meant japanese brand

>> No.9150745


Oh, okay. If you were half-asleep I can see how the writing ended up that way.

The comments accusing you of being the newfag looking for approval was what made me stop and analyze the two characters, actually. I think they reacted to a few of the hints you left in, specifically the ones that point to her queen bee and e-fame aspirations. Cgl typically doesn't respond well to people who smell like they want asspats, so my guess is this little hint rustled some jimmies and set a few of them off.

>> No.9150816
File: 50 KB, 600x900, All Kinds of Fur -Dessert Party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some help or even a point in a direction looking for this dress? It's my girlfriend's dream dress, she just recently found a picture of it to show me after wiping her hard drive. I wanted to get it for her for our half year anniversary but I've never really searched for these types of things, even on taobao it's hard to get a good search.

>> No.9150830

It's not even lolita, it's just a wedding dress inspired by lolita.

>> No.9150842

Try hitting up LaceMarket, Facebook Sales, and the sale threads here.

Getting it secondhand might be your best bet if it's an older print.

>> No.9150864
File: 263 KB, 1200x1200, CmVDvymUsAAoz9y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Seraphim but they always have so little in stock, does anyone know similar brands? I especially love their long-sleeve OPs but the sleeves are too short for me and I'm not even big..

>> No.9150874
File: 116 KB, 960x678, 13934754_10154437250342350_3907582974204124676_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The long JSK confuses me, and it's so expensive...

>> No.9150876

>so expensive

Newfag detected.

>> No.9150877

I'm not allowed to think $1000 is expensive? You're delusional.

>> No.9150878

I mean.. that's not a wedding dress. Why??

>> No.9150879

They're just trying to say they have more money than you so to them 1k is nothing.

>> No.9150880

Nothing about this dress justifies the price tag. If it were more elaborate like a lot of Baby dresses then I'd understand, but it's just a bunch of red ruffles.

>> No.9150888 [DELETED] 

HWC shitting up threads again, I see.

>> No.9150890

If you don't know that it's common for this type of dress to be released around that price range you really are newfags.

>> No.9150893

No shit it's common. Doesn't justify it being ugly as fuck and not worth the price.

>> No.9150899

come on man, there were already 2 discussions that ended nicely, and one with an "agree to disagree" ending, and on /cgl/ no less! there's no need to ruin it now.

>> No.9150907


It's not my fault you're poor.

>> No.9150911 [DELETED] 

Housewife-chan, please

>> No.9150915 [DELETED] 

If you video yourself cutting your arm and rubbing lemon into the cut while saying "I am fat and useless" I'll buy you that dress

>> No.9150921

>getting married in souffle song

what a nightmare that would be

>> No.9150934

I'm waiting to be able to order my messages by date received/sent, but other than that, it looks nice!

Now, can we talk about the trend of sellers not being assed to list measurements in descriptions since the revamp????

>> No.9150935
File: 58 KB, 733x361, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What special set is getting released tonight?

>> No.9150936

That's ugly as fuck. Of course people will still buy it.

>> No.9150940



>> No.9150949

My question is, when do japanese girls wear such a dress?

>> No.9150956

Maybe leftovers from last time? It says they are all 10800 yen.

>> No.9150990

Are you that fat that you can't fit into most measurements? what the fuck anon?

>> No.9151022

say it with me, NINE GAG

>> No.9151024

>all the dresses that don't look like Moitie are sweet or classic

Moitie is a super distinct style of gothic that is easily recognizable compared to other gothic brands. Kek.

>> No.9151025 [DELETED] 

why would I listen to your outdated meme spouting? The offer is still on the table, humiliate yourself for me and I'll buy you the dress you pathetic piece of offal

>> No.9151027

That coord still is very sweet though. Lol if anyone thinks it's classic

>> No.9151035

The name of the brand is on the photo- All Kinds of Fur. The dress name is Dessert Party.You'll have to hound secondhand sales like other anon said- it can be hard to find not so popular Taobao dresses. If I were you, I'd go to Lolita Sales in English on FB and post a WTB.

>> No.9151058

Stop. The coord in the post you linked is sweet because she's wearing a fucking Dessert OP. The coord with the Caterina JSK is classic. If you disagree, please post whatever the hell you think classic looks like.

>> No.9151110

I'm pretty sure that's only if the seller agrees to accept gift payment or some other sketchy friends and family shit.

Submitting an invoice for goods and services has clear protection for sellers, in which a dispute must be opened on the dissatisfied buyer's end in order to work towards a refund.

>> No.9151579

No, they can always get back the money through their creditcard company,just by claiming they didn't make that payment

>> No.9151682

I've been wearing them wrong this entire time?

sssshhhhh don't invoke that pathetic cunt.

>> No.9151937

Thanks for the help! I was searching under All Kinds of Fur before but having the name really helps. I'll try out the FB sales for now and hope I can get it.

>> No.9152420 [DELETED] 

A seller sold me a dress on LM that was illustrated in the photos made the dress appear to be lavender. When I received the dress in the mail, it was actually pink. She is not being very forgiving and has only offered me a $20 refund for a dress that I bought for $100. I snooped on her Facebook and she made a public post on the dilemma. I am extremely upset she made it public and feel robbed. What are my options?

>> No.9153759

Different anon who also wants that dress. Check the secondhand section of Taobao (s.2.taobao) and see if any Chinese lolitas are selling theirs since it's a Taobao brand.