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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9236353 No.9236353 [Reply] [Original]

so how are we doing? Feeling rested after FACTS, ready for the first MCM?
>Do you still need your Hascon ticket refunded?
>Do we have faith for the Q-cons? (Comic con Brussels, Ghent and Elftopia)
>FACTS article satire? Community feedback too much?
>do the C4 representatives deserve the spot?
>MCM or Skillzcon?
>How corrupt are the CCloud members?
>Kuma Film Festival Great programming or will it fail like irasshai

>> No.9236407

Did MCM already announce any decent guests? It's really pricy for a first time con.

>> No.9236493

MCM sucked cocks when they tried to run a convention in Germany. I highly doubt the one in Belgium will be any better.

>> No.9236534

aauw that would suck, they have been giving out a ton of tickets

>> No.9237112

How much is it? Was thinking about maybe going, but haven't actually looked into it.

Also, are there enough of us here to run a thread?

>> No.9238882
File: 404 KB, 500x410, 97c158e2-a274-4e58-bd1e-0b7dd9cc8765.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belgium is soooo goddamn boring con wise.
I went to Made In Asia like three times. First was really fun because i was a little weeb,it was my first con and it was one of the first MIA ever. Second was meh,same thing but hey. And third was this year I was bored to death and just went home after 4 hours.
Doesnt help all my friends live in France and I have no friends in the con scene here.

>> No.9240173

>Not talking in Dutch or French


>> No.9240274

>What are global rules?

>> No.9240523

€23 a day oslt too lazy too look up
I personally know at least 5 people posting here, so I think so?

>> No.9240525

>Complaining about language
>not mentioning German

>> No.9241727
File: 44 KB, 600x599, 14713687_10211099351785196_4765044687849939460_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had fun, is MCM worth doing? compared to facts i mean?

>> No.9242324

>implying Belgians ever remember their German

>> No.9242684

It's smaller but it has a decent name judging from UK editions

>> No.9244318
File: 282 KB, 2048x1365, tut tut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets chosen for the FACTS/Nintendo cosplay contest to collect the most likes to win a 3DS
>has, admittedly, a lot of genuine likes for a while, apparently spammed her picture everywhere so nothing fishy yet
>suddenly amount doubled with very obvious fake likes
>Nintendo gives it to second place kek

So what do you think /cgl/, bought likes herself to win the Pokémon 3DS and it was too obvious or got fucked over by someone who doesn't like her?

>> No.9244692

I find this ""cosplay'' really cringy, doesn't deserve a first place t b h
and if she bought likes she doesn't deserve anything, people buying likes are cancer

>> No.9244700
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She and her sister are cunts, wouldn't be surprised if someone had enough of a grudge to fuck her over.

Did you see the other entries? Most of them were godawful.

>> No.9247047

what does the first place entry look like?

>> No.9247120
File: 262 KB, 2048x1365, bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. Here's the rest of the entries:
>facebook com/pg/Nintendo3DSBelgie/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1274750339236269
Might have to change region to Belgium on the Nintendo main page to see that album.

>> No.9248487
File: 281 KB, 2048x1365, Eva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a point in which she gained 100 likes in 6 minutes. that's asking for it I guess.

Her sudden rising was suspicious from the start. Slowbro and Flareon where head to head at 350 likes, with pikachu at 150.

The next morning she had 400 likes, making Flareon drop the race completely.

Not to mention the Flareon was ugly af, pic related

>> No.9248491

..MCM how was it? Was occupied otherwise but reviews don't seem to like it?

>> No.9248501

New convention! another Comic con, this tim ein antwerp. Old Gameforce location.

I hope it's not from the same scammer as Comic Con Brussels and Ghent. They have been deleting comments already, sow it could be them?

too expensive hence noone joins and the hall remained empty

>> No.9248941

>tfw only the slowbro is good
why didn't any of you gulls join? I've seen so many good pokemon cosplays in Belgium
Even my cosplays are better...

>> No.9248995
File: 920 KB, 500x376, weh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you did join and have just kept quiet about this contest mess until now
>tfw anons think it's all shit

>> No.9248997
File: 276 KB, 2048x1365, 14692026_1274750372569599_9048840706935701517_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon if you really thought anything in that contest except for scammer girl and the Slowbro looked even remotely decent, you need to get your eyes checked. Is pic related you?

>> No.9249016
File: 66 KB, 960x720, 14657373_1300996153267228_5019869627907514272_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I was this idiot. Most of my costume got cut off in the contest photo, but eh. It wouldn't have mattered contest-wise since I'm too much of a social recluse to get the like machine going, kek.

Feel free to concrit, btw. There's a lot of last minute rushedness and there's a lot of errors to fix by the April edition of FACTS.

>> No.9249024

Has anyone of you tried joining foreign conventions? For example in Germany, France or the Netherlands?

I consider going to Dokomi next year, heard a lot of positive feedback about it.

Also I consider looking at Hyper Japan one day.

>> No.9249032
File: 68 KB, 960x716, 14910325_10211223898584037_670374261425295557_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. Was it that bad?

>> No.9249054

It's a bit niche, but I was considering the FF XIV FanFest in Frankfurt... until I saw that it's €149 for two days.
I'm going to be honest and say that I have no idea how big the event is, but it's a bit much for me, considering I'd have to take into account travel costs and possibly being jobless by then.

>> No.9249417

Seems like the Cosplaycucks passed Aoi Sora Cosplay as the biggest reagional community page. Is there any recent drama around these bags of shit?

>> No.9249507 [DELETED] 

Let's keep dramacloud out of here.
they claim to stand up for their community but enjoy all the mishaps happening.They even hate most of their community. the only reason they still do thier shit is to suck their own dicks.

>> No.9250068

are you one of those bonte brothers?

>> No.9250123
File: 93 KB, 557x196, silly boy, cgl is for girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are they? Like I said, I'm a social recluse and I'm not really into any community.

>> No.9250137

oh lol, I should've known that was you (awful article btw)
no one special, they just do a lot of these kinds of cosplay
from the pic, your costume looks pretty good, I'm surprised it didn't win but like you said, it's more of a popularity contest anyway.

>> No.9250209

Green screen fucked up with your picture and I didn't see a like train for the 'Toise. That's the only reason.

>> No.9250230

to be fair, that green screen fucked up everyone's pic

>> No.9251874

CosplayCucks are antagonizing the Poképlay admins again. When will this feud stop?

>> No.9252062


>> No.9252113

only saw the start, had something to do with stolen Tshirt designs (coming from the guys who steal designs for their living) But Poképlay admins deleted the thread :'(

>> No.9255573

Yeah I really feel this. The first ones were pretty fun desu, but now it's a hellhole full of degenerate normies.

>> No.9256189

Degenerate normies? Please elaborate, I guess I've not been looking hard enough for this kind of shit.

>> No.9256249

those degenerate normies are also paying wich makes conventions possible in our country. Be glad it's getting more popular, less people will mock your hobbies and it's more available. 10 years ago we had facts and that was it. Back then facts actually was a huge store. People complain about it now but there was even less to do there back then.
But I agree we still don't have an actual convention like Abunai or Anime con in Holland.

>> No.9256624

Well, we have Made In Asia.

>> No.9257028

You know, the same ones you see everyday outside in big cities, they're loud, rude, into the "hood culture" and they're here mostly for One Piece and a few other similar shows
>less people will mock your hobbies
I don't care, I hide my powerlevel even with weebs
>and it's more available
I do admit there's probably more licensed shows and paper manga coming out, but it's not necessarily more available, I could just download those just fine before.
>10 years ago we had facts and that was it.
Nah, not really, there were some very small cons that were admittedly amateurish as fuck and had no pertinent guest, but were actually fun and very comfy.

>> No.9257048

There's Atsusacon, which... well, certainly makes an attempt at emulating Dutch cons.

>> No.9257523

I've gone to Atsusacon for the first time this year, and honestly? I enjoyed it. I don't have convention/cosplay friends, but it was nice just being able to move, not having too little time to see everything, to go to all the lectures you want to go to (which is a thing I miss completely at FACTS, have there ever been lectures?). It's very small, sure, but it was charming. If the lectures next year interest me I'll be going back.

>> No.9257591

true that the small cons were great.
Do you remember Next Games? It was a one-time thing, small as fuck but we had so much fun.
Also, animansion, i miss that one so much. It was an outdoors festival-like anime con.

That might be but is there even one con in Belgium that has a night event? Like the parties at anime con and abunai. We don't have any cons with sleeping accomodation either so it's like you're never really supposed to be there for the entire weekend.

>> No.9257723

Yeah! I went to all the animansions! Those were my favourite cons ever tb h. I also miss it so much.

>> No.9261816

I still want that Hasshin 2 event. If only Nippon Zahasshi wasn't dead