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9433935 No.9433935 [Reply] [Original]

New Larp Thread

Post your accessories and how you plan to use little pieces to up your Kit!

Previous thread here:

>> No.9434035

Help me out here guys. How exactly does plot work in a larp? I've never been to one, but I've been reading up on them and I'm baffled by how plot works.

So everyone beings in the village/room/whatever, getting into character and socialising. Then goblins attack/an NPC dies/event happens. So what happens after the event is resolved? Do people just go back mingling in-character until the next event? Are you encouraged to go questing from hints given in the event?

I'm just really struggling to get my head around it.

>> No.9434218

See it less as a linear line and more as a lot of small thing happening at the same time. The big plot line might start and end at that very point with the NPCs being involved. But at the same time a hundred players all have their own little stories being told, their own little inter-player or inter-NPC arc.

>> No.9434464

Depends how big or small a larp group is. If the group is small it may feel a tiny more linear because you can't branch out into groups without being too small a party and getting your ass kicked or doing 1on1 stuff that gets boring quick.

Usually there are areas pre set up for plot with either an npc at the entrance of it/guiding you to it or monster/events roaming around. The point is to make sure everyone is doing something different and or can choose what their character would do.

I work at a larp camp for kids and teens and we have to have at least 4 different events set up and usually 1 roaming event. After a meal, the events change. Most larps do it that way. Because I work at a kids camp, we do the straight forward npc shows up, talk about or point out a plot important event, and each group decides which ones they will tackle separately first.

The adult larps I've gone to have never been so clunky as to just have people wait around and then "omg! npc is here to deliver the plot! we must follow them." Usually we have a big group battle between players to asses new larpers, warm up, and allow experienced people to do other shit like talk to non-active npcs. During those fights is usually when main plot stuff gets dropped on us and only to those looking for/paying attention to it. Being subtle about plot dropping encourages player interaction and makes the plot flow easily. Allows logistics to prep while the players are figuring shit out.

>> No.9434512

Cheap thrift fabric merchant from last thread here.

Went back and read some responses and yeah ... vegans can go fuck themselves. I'm not skipping out on all this nice leather I've been saving. The only things I've been making out of fake yarn fur are the tails and paws for the few fur fags and animalistic costumes for the mods. The reason I worry about triggering people is that this larp is in a very liberal state and the current hot topic people are always trying to call out is cultural appropriation right now. The last larp I went to in that state was fun, but half way through one of the mods told my friend he couldn't larp as a female because it was offending the "trans folk" attending. They are too spergy to be offended to your face, but I wouldn't put it past the mods to kick someone out over being offended at me selling something from a non white country. Amerilarping man ... times are tough. How do you guys deal with sjw's at larps? I would love to hear stories of sjw larp nonsense.

People talked about period accurate fabrics and what I look for. Cotton is a must to make my clothing cheap enough to sell to new people/event organizers looking for quick last minute shit. Thrift shops here have 2 useful places; the blanket/linen/towel section and the misc. craft section. I find wool/cotton/cashmere all the time in queen sized sheets and sometimes giant curtains. The curtains will usually have more regal/nature based patterns with cotton lining that works great for corsets, dresses, and borders. The craft section sells sewing machine attachments, patterns I can alter, and shit tons of loose rolled up fabrics. I'll by non-natural fabrics if the pattern and look is close enough. I use un-natural fabrics to make more of the non historic fantasy stuff like fairy and monster costumes.
American larping is a shit show, I'll easily admit that. And even though I love dag, they are the worst offenders when it comes to historical or period accurate garb.I'll dump pics

>> No.9434560

That is some nice, not ott kit.
Would militia with.

>> No.9434828
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>How do you guys deal with sjw's at larps?

We literally let them be alone in their own town, then we fabricate evidence of them being cultists or use some other minor excuse for us to gather every human banner and invade their shit, raping their village and burning their women.

Rinse and repeat.

I shared some stories a few threads ago about this larp campaign, I'll happily write some more / repost them once I get home.

Also an update on the current situation there
>the holy order group has resigned
>tfw I managed to recruit a corrupt consulting inquisitor for our mercenary band this event
>tfw we will have full control of both the "violence for hire" and "heresy on demand" market
Many "witches" will be burned this spring

>> No.9435513

Have a question.
is is better t have an over the top shit outfit or a plain well done outfit?

>> No.9435644

Plain well done. This goes with everything. A high quality basic kit will get you more praise and notice than anything else.

>> No.9435713

You really shouldn't need us to tell you this, but: a good-looking outfit is better than a poorly-looking outfit. A poorly-looking outfit that draws loads of attention is even worse than a regular poorly-looking outfit.

>> No.9435743
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I have a question that doesn't involve LARP but does pertain to uniform stuff, so I either use my own brain, ask /k/, or ask here which I will do first.

I want to put together a costume from Rogue One of one of the commandos (I would think they were) that was on Scarif but whilst I have in mind a good facsimile of the pictured stuff and what to do, I have no idea what kind of hat they would wear for when I don't feel like wearing the helmet all the time. Helmets get hot and heavy, so I was thinking something like a field cap dyed olive drab, but I don't really want it to look Imperial and those are what they wear. At the same time though I do like the look of them and think they'd fit with the rest of the outfit. A beanie is out too since they'd get hot and I don't want a "normal" cap, you know?

Thoughts or should I just ask /k/?

>> No.9435757

>How do you guys deal with sjw's at larps? I would love to hear stories of sjw larp nonsense.

For the handful at my game, usually people just let them be. They're almost all the type of folks who talk big online but have no spine for IRL confrontation, so they rarely cause any real drama. When one of them does try to get confrontational about stuff, usually the response is just an awkward silence and then "So anyway, moving on... "

Though there's one who feels the need, anytime somebody says "ladies and gentlemen," to interject with "and non-binary people." That one's pretty annoying.

>> No.9435812


Actually, I've been thinking about it and since I'd be mixing around other people I think it would be a bit more interesting to go mostly non-uniformed operator. Stuff like helmet, vest, pouches, weapon, etc, but definitely more plain-clothes operator. Would probably be way more comfortable too. Of course, cargo pants would work but a regular shirt or jacket with everything else would blend together and look a bit more "natural" when in a larger group of people. Sort of.

Sorry if this is the wrong thread for stuff like this. Again, if I'm not welcome or wanted here I would understand and can just take my questions elsewhere. Wouldn't bother me at all.

>> No.9435829

>How do you guys deal with sjw's at larps?
Never found any noticable sjw in real life so far, maybe I'm just lucky.

I did see some blogpost a while back where some woman claimed larp organizers are responsible for being able to accommodate every disability, even when they have no indication someone with that disability is going to play at their event. Then again, that isn't even particularly sjw, and the only case I've seen in over seven years of larping.

>> No.9435867

American larps are immensely left leaning. And for a right winger, or conservative this leaves a huge issue because the nerd community is incredibly hateful and vindictive, regardless of the fact they can't see the irony in that.

From what i've noticed, the happiest people are generally right wing and have had a social fufilling childhood and time in school. And of course because the nerd community is such a fringe group, at the time these people were in school they were made fun of out outed and didn't manage to move up in the "social hierarchy."

This creates a massive gap which people feel they must fill, and results in a massive left leaning bias because its hard to stand up for yourself if you never learned how, and much easier to play a victim.

I don't know how to solve the issue, but so long as "nerd culture" remains outside the societal norm, LARPS will be a magnet for Autistic socially inept assholes, and will continue to grow in left wing cognitive bias.

If anyone has any ideas on how to combat this please share your ideas. I'm so sick of having to deal with commie bullshit.

>> No.9435868

I'm currently serving in the airforce. We only wear hats outdoors or for formal events. I always saw the point of a larp was to escape and play the hero you never got to be. If your a handsome enough gentleman, why wear a hat. style your hair kind of rugged and show yourself off.

If you really do want a hat though the military is all about uniformity, Don't want to stand out. So just grab something like a ballcap, or better yet some kind of head wrap, maybe a pair of snow goggles tarnished and painted black, or drab.

>> No.9435871

Start your own Pepe larp.

>> No.9435877
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>> No.9435899


I am ugly and rugged. I will not be wearing a hat though after consideration

>> No.9435901

Just be proud of it man. Too much superficial focus now days. just be you and be happy.

>> No.9436005

I remember that article. The premise isn't exactly SJW in and of itself, but her argument does get pretty ridiculous--particularly the implication that if your larp doesn't use high numbers and lots of effect calls/parries/ etc, it's some kind of hostile environment for people with disabilities and you should feel bad.

>> No.9436146

>the happiest people are generally right wing
>entire post is whining that people don't create a conservative hugbox
right wing.jpg

>> No.9436194

>If anyone has any ideas on how to combat this please share your ideas. I'm so sick of having to deal with commie bullshit.
Start by not being so socially inept you can't separate politics from your daily life and just hang out with people.

>> No.9436198
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commie detected.

>> No.9436202

That is the exact opposite of the advice I just gave you.

>> No.9436259

>Fucking commies!

>> No.9436392

The most glaring issue I had with it was her statement that larp organizers had to pick a location with disability access, even using the Harry Potter larp and their castle as an example of what not to do. I can understand wishing to help the disabled, but she seems not to realize that when the fun of the disabled would be to the detriment of the fun of the abled, the 'right' choice isn't choosing in favour of the former by default.

>> No.9436409

>when the fun of the disabled would be to the detriment of the fun of the abled, the 'right' choice isn't choosing in favour of the former by default.
As a perfectly able-bodied person I have no problem if a venue is chosen for its accessibility, I go for the LARPing, not the location. If my LARP buddy has a physical disability I would absolutely pick going to a place they will be able to get into over some cool-looking locale they won't.

However this only really applies to LARP groups that have physically disabled members interested in attending. I think it would be a reasonable idea to alternate between accessible and cool locations depending on the current attendees and scenarios.

>> No.9436446

>I think it would be a reasonable idea to alternate between accessible and cool locations depending on the current attendees and scenarios.
Very true. I would not mind a location chosen for accessibility either. However, at the same time, I wouldn't blame the organizers if they chose a location that wasn't easily accessible because it better fit their idea of the game, which said blogpost did do.

In fact, I've seen one game that simply said something along the lines of "Our game takes place in a medieval castle. This does not have facilities for the disabled like modern buildings do. If you have a physical disability, you might not be able to partake in everything this event has to offer." This is fine by me as well.

>> No.9436677
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How to get that powered armor look?
Future/post setting ofc.
No fallout shit.
Pic unrelated.

>> No.9436978
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I don't think I can find a buckle for this at home, its gonna be a 'leather' strap for my water bottle so that I can hang it around my shoulder, and being able to adjust the length is preferred.

Any recommended ways to fasten the other two ends together? I'm thinking about a metal ring and going with the ring belt style system.

>> No.9437062
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>going to Ren Faire for the first time next month
>shit hell yeah get all into making my outfit
>finish costume feels good.jpg
>realize I'm a thirsty fucker and I might get hot in outfit, might require constant drinking of H20 all day
>don't want to break character by pulling out a dumb ass plastic water bottle
>wait I'm gonna wanna bring some snacks too
>thinking way too deeply about all my snacks and water, smaller gear etc
>not sure if I should just not care and bring normal looking shit, or if I should stay 100% in character

It's my first time so I'm not really sure what to do, I keep going back and forth

Can anybody point me in the right direction of some sort of flask, or container I can fill up with water that doesn't look modern as fuck?

Everybody seems to have a pretty good idea of their costume, but

>what do you bring in terms of bags, snacks, small necessities etc?

>> No.9437086

Peel the label of an Arizona green tea bottle and you have a decently neutral water bottle that's still cheap as shit.

>> No.9437389
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Found an unused wrist watch band in the closet I bought three years ago off ebay for like 2€. One buckle and three band rings, nickel plated. Crisis averted, project is finished, I wont go thirsty this year, unless the bottle cap gets confiscated.

Post a pic of your costume so that we can give accurate suggestions.

My initial advice would be to have a small tin mug in your belt since you are going to a renaissance fair, and there should be plenty of water available (and other beverages that you might possibly come by).

There are a lot of styles of water bottle types you can make, that aren't fully historical but discrete enough to work (while maintaining good budget proportions and sanitary hygiene). Covering a 0,5L coke bottle in hard leather like the ones Mytholon sells is an easy option. You can also just kill two birds in one stone by making a shoulder bag that is large enough to carry your snacks and a 0,5-1,0L glass bottle.

>what do you bring in terms of bags, snacks, small necessities etc?
My current setup is pic related. My group can move around over large distances, and be gone for hours or the whole day, with weapons and armor and shit, so I personally need a good source of water and some extra energy to stay alive (room for a sandwich or some chocolate bars).

In the bag I'll keep my coin pouch, matches, pocket watch, bandages, gloves, snacks, money, and phone for emergencies.

>> No.9437470

For snacks, I suggest taking them out of the packaging and replacing that with a cloth sack or even wrapping the food in a scrap cloth. Obviously this won't work so for some things (mainly chocolate), but hard granola bars, bread, etc. will be fine.

If you really wanna get into it, I would suggest doing something like this: https://youtu.be/tVuWJ54CjpE?t=7m1s . Corn may not be period correct (assuming you're in medieval or renaissance garb), but wheat certainly is and most people wouldn't notice anyway. I know this is what I plan to bring along to events when I get around to finishing my costume.

>> No.9437519

I use kitchen towels for packaging bread and biscuits.

Everything that is packaged in portions will either be opened within the bag or eaten out of sight. Because fuck off, my bag is my bag, and my bag is off character 100% of the time since Im no npc or mc.

Also, my favourite biscuits to bring are digestives or privateer crusts. They look crude and simple but are a bit foody and tasty.

>> No.9437817


Lots of cheap plastic over a pipe frame. Or at least that's how I would do it. What kind of power armor you looking at?

>> No.9437979

Quick sidenote:

Has anyone Master-Blaster'd their disabled friends?
We recently did but didn't get any good pictures and now he's back in hospital :(

>> No.9437988

Since you only posted this to get someone to ask what master blasting is, I'll bite: what is it?

>> No.9437998
File: 136 KB, 763x1200, oooooh yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is it?

>> No.9438517

Not the space marine or fallout kinds, more of the modern futuristic look.
Good examples would be crysis and halo I guess.
Sleek tactical look.

>> No.9438662

As an autistic socially inept individual, I take offence that you think all such individuals are the same. I am very centrist, and can at the very least fake my way through social situations, hell, I worked food service for 2 years. DESU, I think my different view of social situations allows me to be more in character as I already am essentially acting in those situations normally.

Tldr: STFU faggot.

>> No.9438699

>My anecdotal evidence is better than your anecdotal evidence
Not him, but the strong left lean is real and heavy.
Also, I find when people yell about autists, they rarely are talking about actual autists. They are talking about people who yell about how they are autistic and never need to better or change themselves. I've literally had a person at my larp say "You can't do that, I'm autistic" when she learned I had pickpocketed her. Most people with actual autism I've met are actually great. You have to sometimes remind them to let go or chill a bit but fun
One of my favorite players at my game is this autist mage who embraced it all and plays a super weird and magic obsessed mage. One of my favorite people to rp with

TL:DR Stop being a faggot and learn the language used on the website

>> No.9438826

...what the fuck? Was he casting spells from up there? Using a bow? Healing you?

I need stories.

>> No.9438909
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best thing you could do would make formfitting plastic armor with a metallic finish

Start with your torso and work outwards. It's the hardest to make work, because you need to be able to move naturally and have it move with you.

>> No.9438981

Also important to keep in mind that by "immensely left leaning," I very much doubt he meant to claim that all American larpers or socially awkward nerds are leftist. Just that it's a large majority which tends to get its way within that group by virtue of shouting down the opposition.

>> No.9438985

Not me, and not a disabled friend, but we did get two friends doing that sort of thing for a monster they were playing. One played the creature's front half, with claws that would hit for damage normally, while the other guy sat on his back with a flexible whip-like weapon, using it as the "tail" and calling trips with it.

>> No.9439228

>>My anecdotal evidence is better than your anecdotal evidence
>Not him, but the strong left lean is real and heavy.
Please provide non-anecdotal evidence, else I'm going to dismiss you as a retard who doesn't know what the word "irony" means.

>> No.9439246
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Whats a good way to keep it from falling off me? Sew it or glue it unto a body condom (like the black rubber layer of storm trooper armor)
>tactical knight
You know me so well.

>> No.9439312

straps. All the motherfucking straps

>> No.9439489

>Whats a joke
Honestly, there is no evidence besides anecdotal. Thats the joke. Picking a bunch "progressive" blogs or posts online won't do anything, thats the vocal minority usually.
All I have in anecdotal evidence, that I've been to quite few amerilarps, and almost all of them have had lots of dumb rules specifically for inclusiveness and questioning them gets you yelled down. At least one player at every game hides behind whatever "disability" they have, and criticizing them is forbidden.

>> No.9439594

When you say "inclusive" do you mean that the game is taking steps to ensure that everyone can play the game in some capacity? Or are you implying that they'really trying to force everyone (people with disabilities, etc...) to be equal?

Because every communist librull amerilarp I've played in has been the former, even for lightest-touch games.

>> No.9439741
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The nylon ones with the clicky things? My vocabulary is lacking.

I have a half baked idea for a ww1 themed alternative history skirmish larp.
I'll link it here, your opinions are welcomed.

>> No.9439762

>The nylon ones with the clicky things? My vocabulary is lacking.
either that or anyone that fits the setting and your abilities. It can be leather, some kind of heavy fabric or plastic, doesn't matter. Nothing says tacticool clothing as much as a literal shitton of straps. You can even use velcro too

>> No.9439779

I'm not a big fan of class-based larps, personally. Unless there's a big thematic reason why you want to have set classes instead of letting players build their characters themselves, it's usually better to leave them alone.

>> No.9439789

what is shareable health?

otherwise it's a mess so far, I rather not form an opinion on it right now.

But here is a tip: First try to figure out what you want to do with this larp, what you want to show your players or what kind of larp you want it to be.
Secondly decide who will be the playerbase. "everyone" is not a playerbase, that's a clusterfuck. Decide what kind of people you want on your larp and find out what mechnics will work for that and your main vision.

>> No.9440170

no one cares you don't hold any conviction

yep. Thank you.
Not everyone who larps or is a nerd is a leftist. I'm not. But the demographic of nerd culture and larps lean heavily left due to what i think is being socially invalidated as a child.

They like equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity.

gtfo commie leftist autistic larpers.

>> No.9440196

Anyone have links to good early renaissance belts? All i can find is renfaire trash

>> No.9440232

Clars le mage?

>> No.9440267

I'm really shit at making things, but have access to a sewing machine and I have a bunch of cheap cloth right here to practice with. What's a relatively simple torso garment I can make? Medieval fantasy setting, but nobody really gives a shit about anachronisms.

Main objective of this project is to make a simple torso garment to hold me over until I can make something better.

ANybody got any hints for websites to look at, or tutorials I can follow? I keep finding people making tshirt tabards online, and I feel I can do a bit better than that.

>> No.9440278

T-tunics are dead easy, and late medieval doublets are only a little more complex if that's something you'd be interested in.

>> No.9440304

supposed to be a 1 day (8-12 hours) militant larp, I have been larping for some time now but this is the first one im trying to run one.

I wanted to give people classes so the other guy will have a clue about what the other guy in front of him is capable of.
The demographic is clearly the more combat oriented larpers.
the only reason we aint using airsoft for this one is legal stipulations.

>> No.9440472
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To the anon in the previous thread desiring some fashionable headwear.

The one in the book I mentioned isn't that exact type, but is more like pic related. I can probably give you a good approximation of what you want if that's all the same to you.

>> No.9440473

why do you want other people to have a clue of what others might be capable of do?
And why do you think class based system is the best way to achieve this?

>> No.9440495

I was going to experiment my way forward either way.


>> No.9440884

>Not everyone who larps or is a nerd is a leftist. I'm not. But the demographic of nerd culture and larps lean heavily left due to what i think is being socially invalidated as a child.
...Yes? That's what I said. I was agreeing with you.

>> No.9440888


This and other guides on that site make a great starting point.

>> No.9441034

Sorry, that wasn't directed at /you/. Just tieing up the post showing my agreement. Expanding on what you said really.

>> No.9441198

Is there a book similar to the Tudor Tailor for other countries' fashion around the same time? I realize that things like kirtles didn't change very much from country to country, but has anyone else compiled a nice research book like that? I'm specifically looking for Italian stuff.

>> No.9441255

Oh, gotcha. No worries, we cool.

>> No.9441310

Check out the supplies for my new garb!

Trim goes with the Maroon wool, simple T-tunic with a few adjustments. Button up sleeves with fabric buttons, conforms to the wrist. Two slits up the side of the gores at the "skirt" part of the tunic for aesthetics.

Mid-weight linen if for an under-tunic.
Canvas grade is for pants.
Also getting a Black under-tunic.

>> No.9441312
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whoops forgot the picture

>> No.9441326
File: 31 KB, 810x500, Tunic and shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the draft for the tunic
I'll be adding a bit of embroidery to it aswell.

>> No.9441460

No idea what that is.

That looks great! Definitely post pictures of the completed thing.
Whats the white for?

>> No.9441498

Looks comfy! I'd also love to see pics of the finished garb

>> No.9441597

literally just got arrested doing Korean War LARP with friends

Turns out even 50s era Korean and US military uniforms and carry their respective AKs and M1s in a public park freak people out

Also apparently considered "war re-enactment" and you're "not supposed to fire blanks" and it was "disturbing the peace"

id show you pics but i just got my uniform together and now its in police lockup

>> No.9441733

Honestly that sounds like a perfectly appropriate response.

>> No.9441751

Fuck you

I spent a lot of money on that M1 and idk if ill get it back now

im gonna fucking sue

Not like we were shooting live ammo at anyone or pointing guns at anyone but each other

only one guy brought live ammo and only time he shot it was at some trees

this whol thing is fucking stupid and illegal

>> No.9441807
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>running around with realistic looking guns in uniforms
>not informing the authorities ahead of time so the police would know its some harmless wackos instead of a militia uprising
>not doing it in a secluded american forest/desert/wasteland

you gotta be making this up, no one is that stupid

>> No.9441816

their not realistic looking their real

its an open carry state and its a state park

literally 100%legal

people target shoot here all the time

>> No.9441837

Running around pretending to be shooting people with actual guns (I get they're blanks) is enough to make people jittery.
that being said go sue if you feel you are in the right, but what you did sounds like running into a shield wall, dying, and then complaining to the GMs that you got unfairly swarmed.

>> No.9441845

idk wtf that means

but theyve been doing this for years

my first time goingive never had a uniform and rifle til now

this isnt some fucking city park with kids running around and moms with strollers its a state park and wildlife area that has berms and shit for shooting and signswith rules on when u can and cant shoot

u dont know wtf ur talking about

>> No.9441858

Sure, bud.

It's pretty blatantly false.

Nerd communities are leftist, yes. Right-wing nerds don't get along with anyone, much less each other, so they're not throwing together conventions or public games.

>> No.9441908
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I took the bait knowingly without going apeshit. I'm ok with that.
Here nerds to be mostly center, if you are leaning hard into one way or the other no body gives too many fucks unless you are really vocal about it.
On the other hand we had to deal with immigration and terror attacks since the 50's.

To avoid confusion during fights. This is an idea I obviously borrowed from video game design. All in all its ment to give people more motivation to take more calculatable risks and more of them.

>> No.9441991

Sorry, the natural color linens are for pants and an under tunic. The maroon tunic is wool, don't want it against my skin.

>> No.9442026
File: 158 KB, 1364x1365, 11101241_10153733145858452_4895138455461067887_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off to Empire festlarp this weekend, i'll be NPC'ing on behalf of the story team most of the time. But should get to fight in a battle or two and shoot people with my crossbow.


>> No.9442040

So LARP thread, I'm setting up a sports team for a full-contact not!rugby team at a LARP. The problem I'm trying to solve is; what's a good decently IC approved team jersey? We already settled on old-cotton styled blue rugby pants, those short ones higher than most boxers, and bi-coloured socks.

Would rocking a simple doublet, to show off your bi's ofcoure, be too much? Any ideas that are simple enough that I can trust a group of people to make them?

>> No.9442055

a square of fabric with its ends tied to eachother with a hole for your head?
less expensive and makes sense IC because its simple and cheap so it can get torn and dirty instead of a nice doublet.

>> No.9442059

Union or League?

This is important, the latter is essentially larp safe touch rugby as standard.

>> No.9442074

Union, but pussified, can't actually go full-out a LARP, both the orga would hate the risks it gave and forbid it, and half the players would be set-out of the game because of the fitness difference.

It's kinda union, but played like a family league, I know it can be done since it's a yearly tradition at clubs all round. We'll do a bit on safe tackling, rules of tackling (men don't tackle women, rugby'ers just blocktackle other men, and full tackle other rugby'ers, etc.)

>> No.9442294

Hey guys, I hope it's cool to ask here, but I'm requesting photos of kits that look good that has gambesons in them.
I want to play lightly arnoured characters and I don't dig leather armour.

Thank you!

>> No.9442306

i think >>9418159 looks good even without the chest piece.

i dont have gloves but they add a lot.

>> No.9442340

And so the 7-8 hour drive to Empire is almost complete. Tonight shall be setting up camp and drinking, with the game kicking in properly tomorrow evening.
I'll try to take some pics before time in.

Have a good weekend folks.

>> No.9442367
File: 123 KB, 537x536, 1453395626445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can barely stand a 2 hour drive, let alone a 8 hour drive packed full with larp gear.

Have fun! And bring back pics!

>had to call in sick today
>got loads of shit left to do, larp event starts on thursday
>took the entire week off several months ago yet my boss still managed to book me in on a course next tuesday and wednesday, have to take a late night train out instead of going out there and building up camp
>tfw looks like a rainy and cold week, risk of snowing as well

What are the chances of jumping in to your boss if I go out tomorrow to grab last minute supplies in the city?

>> No.9442410
File: 19 KB, 236x329, this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are from the future.

in the most basic form:The usual larp

>Player goes to the front desk at the beggining and give his character name and who you are supposed to be.
>the game master then try to make your story fit in with the main quest
>the main quest is the main story that all player can witness/have an impact on somehow during the event
>Player tend to be divised into factions because of different ideology
>you get the idea
>you usually join a side based on who you are supposed to play or who you like better
>at the end one side or the other have more stuff to beat the other side at whatever their objective was
>some npc will be there to guide player along minor quest
>there is non-player ennemies or sometimes monsters for player to figth and gain loot
>loot can be used for goods and services
>players begin to elect leader among themselves
>you now have real rivalities (still ingame...normaly)
>the main storyline keep happening
>player now have to worry about the main storyline and war
>some poeple dont want to join the biggest faction and are independant
>usually merchant,dancers,priest,brigands
>some people prefer to do quest/war
>some people only want to help
>they become doctors,cook,politician.

all the stories tend to follow a direction based on what influent players do.

So even if you are not directly into the main quest you still have a purpose if the larp is done correctly.
Economic, politic, war,chaos
a good game master will take note of what players do and play with it.
Have fun and dont mix too much drugs/alcool
Bring many pair of socks.
Its a costumed festival so always try to perfect your costume.
And remember it's only a game.
Here you go.

>> No.9442451

I just want a kit like that because it is fucking cool.

also, "plan for the larps you want to play".

>> No.9442455
File: 160 KB, 717x960, 14047335_1254734491237408_1288277038789857138_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you guys deal with sjw's at larps?
Remember that larping is a microcosm of the real society

Since the gamemasters are often affraid to lose a playerbase, they will comply to these demands if no-one speak up against it.
If a group cry hard enough, the game master will always give them back what they lost.
That's shit, we all know it but see it as you are watching retards create a small society of retards.
And we are all one of those retards with little to no experience into whatever we are doing at that larp.

The real way to win at a larp is to make your own fun with people you like.
If you ever get frustrated, just stop going to that particular larp. its not worth it.

Find your own group with people you apreciate.
Go casually to many larps , not just one.
You will find the one you like, even if you need to make it.

>> No.9442464
File: 89 KB, 564x689, 1475407967983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to reply to this post >>9442340

Was searching for a good pic I had in my folder for this guy when I took a break and replied to yours...
If you are going for the "light infantry" look, then all you need is a good looking gambeson that fits your style.
If you want more of the cool "scout infantry" look, then a short gambeson without sleeves or short sleeves is a good choice.

I also couldn't find that pic in my folder, so have some osprey. I have some low quality pics of my brothers kit, which I think its pretty decent.

>> No.9442884

>theyve been doing this for years
Then it sounds like you should have known this might happen and taken some precautions.

>> No.9442892
File: 2.82 MB, 3264x4912, 1481290312635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little bit of plate here, but other than the ill-fitting greaves it still looks good.

>> No.9443162

>chainmail under gambeson
W-what? Have I been doing it wrong all these years?

>> No.9443181
File: 2.21 MB, 4912x3264, DSC05458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes people wore it under the gambeson. Contrary to popular beliefe it's not that bad if you have your period civilian clothes underneath it. Which is to say for standard larpers it would be really bad.

>> No.9443190

What is it good for?

Also, which polearm is your favourite, LARPfags?
I wanna get into fighting with polearms more seriously and looking for cool stuff.

>> No.9443191

Spears and halberds are the way to go, if you can get your hands on a polehammer that'd be pretty sweet too but the difference is hardly noticeable for LARPing.

Still, late medieval best medieval.

>> No.9443200


But wouldn't you just end up getting your gambeson cut up like an elven whore?

>> No.9443217
File: 28 KB, 478x516, 1316626309619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also on the note of pics with gambeson guys

>> No.9443224
File: 532 KB, 808x839, 1325618743625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9443225
File: 15 KB, 998x598, Wee hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, the pattern is basically two stripes of nothing. I don't know your level of tailoring so bear with me if what I say doesn't make immediate sense.

I'm also not a native English speaker, so I might not get the specific terms right.

>Set the pieces to paper. Start with the ellips. E and F are the length and width of your head. You're going to have to experiment with measurement E to fit you just right, though. Add 1cm seam allowance all around.
>Going by the top WITHOUT SEAM ALLOWANCE, calculate C, take your measurements For A, B and D. Add 1cm seam allowance to all edges except A and B. Count no seam allowance to the edge (A or B) you plan to cut on the fold, add 1.5cm seam allowance to the seam not on the fold. Set to paper and cut the pattern

>Set the ellips to a single layer of fabric, cut once
>Fold the fabric with the right side on the inside. Set the second piece to paper, placing A, B or neither on the fold. Cut through both layers, you will end up with two mirrored pieces or 1 piece, depending on use of the fold.
>Overlock or zig zag the edges
>Place right side against right side, sew A to A and/or B to B
>Keeping line A as front and center, set C to G, right side against right side and sew together.
>Repeat the process for the lining.
>You will not have your hat twice, once in fabric, once in lining

>Set fabric to lining, each fabric edge to their respective lining edge, right side to right side, so the seam allowances of both the fabric piece and lining piece are visible.
>Sew the edges together in a single stitch along the entire shape except the last 2cm. Choose the opening before you start, as you will want to sew this shut by hand later
>The hat is now inside out. Pull it right side out again through the 2cm you left unstitched
>Stich shut, preferably by hand

>> No.9443228


>Put on hat
>Fold the flap hanging around your ears up
>Original picture attained

Also keep in mind that your lining is what's visibly when you put the flap up, so match your colours.
There's still the fur, but that's just a circlet of fur around the brow which you stitch on after production, so it would remain in the same position whether you had the flap up or down. If you're worried that the fabric you use isn't strong enough to stay up on its own, iron in some interfacing fabric.

>> No.9443234
File: 916 KB, 2592x3456, DSC03024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9443235
File: 1.10 MB, 2592x3456, DSC03027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9443236
File: 802 KB, 3456x2592, DSC03031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9443250
File: 1.56 MB, 3264x2448, DSC03406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9443314

Thank you so much.

Most of them look rather basic IMO though, what's the best way to pimp up such look?

>> No.9443566

belts, pocket belts, surcoats, fancy helmets dressings, knots.

look here

most are easy and really cool looking, if they are really era appropriate but its for larping not reenactment.

>> No.9443573
File: 27 KB, 320x240, Blaze%20Bar[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I *don't* know if they are

no really tho i want to make a "Prophet of Cloth" character, just a monk from the deity of cotton or something, where clothing that has no sewing (reminder that im from a temperate country where its fucking hot here)

A literal man of the cloth.

>> No.9443625

well, gambeson only is about looking basic.
If you want to pimp up you want to add other armour pieces.
Or just drop the gambeson and go full civilian cloths, may or may not noble looking.
Or go for a doublet.

Or do what tarantula did and modify the whole design of the gambeson, but then you aren't really having a gambeson anymore

>> No.9443766
File: 85 KB, 500x533, IMG_0645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of the current atmosphere of American larp and not just sjw shit but stuff like "elemental" abilities aka yarn balls

>> No.9443782

imo: yarn balls are ok as long as they look somewhat like a magic ball, and they dont throw it like a baseball but actually do a move that meant to emulate casting magic.

>> No.9443790
File: 18 KB, 480x360, MagicMithle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yarn balls
Atleast take the time to craft some sweet throwing prop out of latex or whatever.
Still, not too fond of a lot of magic in general. Muh immershun 'n stuff.

>> No.9443936

>What Tarantula did

Which is what?
Also, why is she not around anymore?

>> No.9443959
File: 31 KB, 288x641, 17634783_10206495273819799_6129703697366907855_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well she made it into a glorified cape, cut out everything under upper torso and made it longer at the back

not worth the effort of saving. Kill everyone and do a fresh start.

>> No.9443987

Does... Does this fish have a cock for head?

>> No.9443994

I can see myself taking a plane to australia to participate in their larp culture rather than going to america.

>> No.9444090

Amerilarps are what they are.
My understanding of Eurolarps is that they're basically reenactment-lite. The 'game' part of "live action role playing" is possibly the least important aspect, with costuming and overall immersion being much more important. Maybe it has to do with Europe's much more prominent medieval reenactment/living history community.

American games are just that: games. You're still expected to draw up a character and adhere to a minimal level of costume, but it's much more similar to playing D&D at an anime con.

>> No.9444136


Mildly thinking of taking up a bit of german one day to go to their larps

>> No.9444155
File: 12 KB, 236x209, 381f921641a158080f5461721bd0596f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need different, Period, pants.

no, lol.
Fucking where. No one wore chain under a gambeson unless they had a gambeson under that. It defeats the point of a gambeson.

>> No.9444187

>Fucking where. No one wore chain under a gambeson unless they had a gambeson under that. It defeats the point of a gambeson.

Well, here are some counter points about why having a gambeson over mail is good and was historically a thing.

1. I have a book in the library somewhere, where I remember seeing a period statue with the mail clearly being underneath a gambeson.

2. I don't feel much difference in pain between a hit on my gambeson compared to having mail on top of it.

3. Comfort is better with the mail on the inside, since it doesn't hug the gambeson tight to my body and instead provides a layer between for air to ventilate through instead. Comfort also depends on how good my shirt or tunic cushions the mail.

4. Better body balance with the mail being slightly closer to center mass, and also being kept in place around the body without to much flailing around when you move your body.

5. Lesser risk of the mail breaking if the gambeson absorbs the initial impact of an attacks.

That being said, If I went straight in to a big battle I would wear gambeson->mail->another layer of padded clothing. Just to be absolutely sure that nothing gets through. On a casual day of guard duty or raiding I would just wear a thick wool tunic->mail->gambeson, since I'm not standing at the front line at the moment and can expect to not get hit in the body by 50 arrows and 50 pikes, at the most I would probably trade a few slashes with some illiterate peasant or some second rate mercenary, come home and let my mother sew my gambeson back together instead of paying the blackssmith to repair my mail.

And since a gambeson could be used as an armor element on its own, I don't see why you couldn't reinforce it with mail behind it. You know, in case something does get through.

>> No.9444393

Not agreeing with you on the European LARP part, I think they're just as RP focussed as some of their American counterparts. Usually they have a tendency to be less gameist though. So less calls, less magic, less nonsense on the side, but that doesn't cut away the roleplaying.

I've seen everything from small groups of people setting up an IC printing press and newspaper (including terrible cockney child with coal on his face and a "please don't kick me sir" smile) to playwrights teaming up with musicians and IC actors to make a play about IC events as propaganda, to holy orders who'd get up at 5 in the morning to give their holy sermons to the townsfolk.

Heck we even had heathens get baptized!

>> No.9444483
File: 718 KB, 1764x2352, varangian_guard_update_2_by_stholm-d64eqtk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a bit unrelated to the thread, but I know here I'm not going to get a bunch of shitposters and useless replies.

I'm trying to brainstorm/create my own setting for writing/roleplaying, sort of like a fusion of low and high fantasy if all those fantastical tales of monsters lurking in the forests of europe in the early middle ages were 100% real along with other stuff, not much in the way of magic. Armor works like real armor worked, and people wear period gear from the early-high middle ages.

But my knowledge of gear pertains entirely to western europe where most of my reading has focused. I want to include lots of things from Eastern Europe and the Moors, but I know absolutely nothing about their armor and how it performed in comparison. Where can I find reliable information on what Romans and Slavs looked like from the 900's-1100's?. And exactly how lamellar armor functions in comparison to hauberks.

>> No.9444572

Has Australian LARP improved over the past five years?

I'd like to get back in to it, but not if it's a step backwards.

>> No.9444704
File: 62 KB, 570x855, Sleeves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Fails to find supporting evidence
I saw it in a book is not evidence
Okay? You're at a larp, with foam weapons, will pulled hits probably.
Chain isn't made so you can ventilate better.
Having it 1/4th of an inch off your body on top of a gambeson isn't going to make a noticeable difference.
>the gambeson is going to get cut then, and the chain will probably cut you.

You would wear a tunic, gambeson, chain in medieval times! But i mean you're welcome to do whichever you please, no one can stop you. I noticed your chain was butted though, you'd probably not wear riveted chain directly on skin or linen due to cuts and tears, I can't stand wearing mine.

>> No.9444707
File: 16 KB, 236x376, viking kaftan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds alot like the theme of "The Witcher" you might be able to pull some inspiration from the witcher 3

>how lamellar armor functions in comparison to hauberks.
I assume your talking about a chain hauberk?

Try a good search for around that time period.
But from the 8th-12th century people were generally wearing Anglo saxon clothing.

>> No.9444767

FYI, instead of a bottle cap, can you find a large cork? It'll look better and you won't break character even a little bit.

>> No.9444795

The throat is about 1/3 wider in diametre than standard bottles, so its easier said than done.

Only cork I've found to "fit" is one of those champagne bottle corks that are meant to pop once and not be inserted again (the angle goes out near the bottom). I'll see how it works out in the field, otherwise I'll keep the plastic one in reserve.

>> No.9444846
File: 124 KB, 720x1280, IMG-20170422-WA0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babysteps on making a Landsknecht outfit; please be gentle beginning costume fag here.

Used dark green wool and linen, both from thrift shops.

>> No.9444859

Looks like a voodoo doll to me

>> No.9444875

It's a codpiece on my braies, although I haven't sewn it yet.

>> No.9445514

This is actually what I'm referring to, sorry if I didn't make that part clear; American games are ass in terms of roleplay.
No one, and I mean no one, at any American game I've heard of or been to has ever had to gumption to do things like that. It's a game and only a game over here. The moment things slow down or the melodrama cuts, people get bored and drop character.


>> No.9445714

What would be a good simple and light costume for the summer in a medieval setting?

>> No.9445746
File: 74 KB, 1000x1500, early-medieval-man-garb-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nice tunic, fisherman's pants, belt, a nice hat if the sun is an issue, ans don't forget period looking shoes/boots.

Pic related with short sleeves is fine for countries that think that 30 Celsius is hotter than the devil's asshole.

>> No.9446686

>"elemental" abilities aka yarn balls
As in, throwing a spell packet and calling an elemental damage spell? I think it can be done right. You need to keep the spell list short and make sure any spell effect can be reasonably approximated by its name alone, so that players don't have to memorize a huge list of dumb spells just so they won't have to constantly ask "what does that do?" if they fight a mage. And as said earlier, the spell casting should also involve chanting/gesturing/brandishing a prop, something that clearly looks like invoking magical powers rather than pitching packets rapid-fire.

Overall though I prefer if a game keeps casting on the more subtle, utility side of play. I'd say the ideal spell list for a game should be something like 50% utility spells, 40% buffs/healing, 10% damage/debuffs that are thrown at the enemy.

>> No.9446692

>you need different, Period, pants.
a) That's not me; and
b) I would, if the anon had asked for costumes based on a specific period. As he did not ask for historical accuracy, but for simply "kits that look good that has gambesons in them," any pants that are reasonably natural-colored and don't have any logos or obviously modern accountrements like cargo pockets should be fine.

>> No.9446699

Not him, but there are very much sources out there showing gambesons worn over mail. Your unwillingness to look for them does not invalidate their existence. Nobody is saying it was the only way to wear it, or that it was superior, just that it's an equally valid method. No need to be a faggot about it.

>> No.9446748

Pretty late, but I have some ideas

>make armor/heath easier to remove
having to untie and tie cloth to you in the middle of a fight would be difficult. Having the cloth attached to clips like the pic would make it a lot easier to grab and go.
>Machinegunner class
required to have belts or a large amount of mags, have massive amount of spare ammo to provide covering fire that was so loved during WW1

>> No.9446753
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, plastic-clip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic

>> No.9446819
File: 146 KB, 564x848, landsknecht1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so did landsknetch wear padded jacks under their armor, or did they just have their fancy clothes? I always see pics of them with puff and slashed sleeves, but you can't see what they have on under the armor

>> No.9446921

>Chain isn't made so you can ventilate better.

Quite the opposite, in fact. It is made to keep from getting ventilated.

>> No.9447039


Should I get this and modify it?

>> No.9447042

I was thinking of just removing those tassels

>> No.9447130

paded jack were standalone textile armours, you didn't wore any more armour with them usually, maybe a jack chains, helmets and gauntlets but that's all.

And by that time armour didn't needed much padding underneath it, usually not even an arming doublet. The civilian clothing was enough.
At most there were sometimes leather jerkins underneath that were possibly there for padding but so far that's only a theory as far as I know (although a very convincing theory if you look at a few specific leather jerkins) But then again, not every leather jerkin was optimal for that

>codpiece on braies
for what reason?

technically speaking you are wrong.
it was aketon - chainmail - gambeson as the innermost layer is called aketon and was way thinner than the gambesons. And while they were better for it than standard civilian clothings those also worked too

>> No.9447169

Because I'm a poor fag and still only have unjoined hosen but did want to practice on my codpiece making skills.

>> No.9447171

well, fair enough. but next time try to make it more colorful, the braies I mean

>> No.9447172

Oh, good idea! Make a terribly striped set of braies... maybe throw in some awful hearts for meme effect. Although it will kinda kill the historic vibe.

>> No.9447173

Got a bunch of really cheap black poplin. Could I use this to make a tunic to go over my relatively basic and shite garb?
Or should I make something else out of it? Any suggestions? If I make a tabard I'll likely sew ooured strips of my faction colours onto it.

>> No.9447174

the codpiece on the braies already killed the historic vibe

>> No.9447175


>> No.9447178


this is quite awesome as is.
i dunno about the price tho, for 60 canadian i would take it.

good idea with the plastic buckles

if a machine gun class would be incorperated it would have to be at least two people carrying it, and besides that i kind want avoid automatic weapons since counting rapid nerf hits during combat is not fun.

I might just turn this into a political larp and save the fighting to a later event.

again I would like all the help people can spare, I've been larping for almost 4 years now but this is the first one i try to write.

>> No.9447370

Got my money back from an Indian snake oil salesman.

I want to get a nice metallic helmet with built in padding so i dont need to wear something under it. any recommendations for something for around 80$? doesnt have to be re-enactment level just enough to look ok and not harm its wearer.

preferably a sugarloaf or something similar. I already posses a kettle helm.

>> No.9447609
File: 115 KB, 500x378, 1453364368977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically they it's not made that way *because* it ventilates better, that's just a side effect of the way it's made.

Nitpicker, away!

>> No.9447612

For $80? As far as I know, the best you'd be able to do for that price would be something simple like a spangenhelm. Expect to pay at least $120 for any decent helm with full-head coverage.

>> No.9447620
File: 53 KB, 480x511, conquistidors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nasal helm can look good, especially if you paint it or add some mail to it

How would you go about making a shield that looks like it's metal while still being safe for use in a LARP. I was thinking of making curved foam bits that would be raised on the front of the shield to make it look like the pic and make shield bashes safe. Would metallic paint look good on it?

>> No.9447625
File: 12 KB, 236x223, Dank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those look obviously modern. Atleast try a bit.


I guess I was wrong. Seems very incredulous that people would wear chain under Gambesons though. Almost a common sense thing. But, I concede.

>Already posses a kettle helm
But do you possess TWO kettle helms.

>> No.9447629



120 is still cheap...

Found this for you though, Don't expect quality..


>> No.9447648
File: 103 KB, 720x960, 18136731_1214687248647677_2103077323_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess I was wrong. Seems very incredulous that people would wear chain under Gambesons though. Almost a common sense thing. But, I concede.
Well, it's not that uncomfortable and inside or outside the gambeson will pad the incoming blows. (and it's not THAT easy to cut up a gambeson if you aren't just standing there)
Plus maybe it's better for stab protection to stop the stabbing things before it gets to the chainmail, although I'm not entirely sure about that.
And lets not forget the fact that if you make very tight fitting hauberks then you basically make your armour several kilograms lighter. That's an important thing.

Anyway the fun thing is that as I said they did it with civilian clothing too not just aketons. because there are paintings where you can see part of the cloths under the chain and they are clearly very thin and clearly not quilted in any way (contrary to an aketon)
Like on pic, it's clearly just a doublet under the chain

>> No.9447652
File: 54 KB, 640x480, 18136284_1214685191981216_597967152_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another good pic, guy in the funny hat and the mouth grimace thing whatever

>> No.9447656
File: 1.95 MB, 3264x4912, DSC05525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those look obviously modern. Atleast try a bit.
And before you want to crucify that anon, I know the guy on the pic, I was even on that larp.
Yeah, his kit has a few modern stuff, and mismatched as fuck. But then again he isn't there as a reenactor (although he does gladiator reenactor stuff, that's where he got the greaves from) it's just for larping

>> No.9448056

>Those look obviously modern. Atleast try a bit.
Yeah nah. Unless you're going to go so far as to pick at the stitching, there is absolutely nothing wrong with those pants for non-historical larping, at least as long as they're mostly covered by the chainmail and greaves.

Why would I want to crucify someone for disagreeing with me? I'm just going to mock him for getting his knickers in a twist over trivial details.

>> No.9448116
File: 70 KB, 852x944, 1492905753783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It's just for larping!
what a shitty excuse. The pants are blatantly modern, Everything from the type of fabric to the cut of the pants is modern, not to mention the blatant stitching. There is nothing Period about it. This does not pass larp standards.

And here I though Euro-larps were suppose to be superior. They just do a better job of selectively showing pictures.

>> No.9448271
File: 428 KB, 849x529, 1486980307502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American, specifically New England larp here.

If the worst at my larps looked like this guy, it would be a marked increase in quality.

Stop trying to pick fights.

>> No.9448309

>Pissing on the type of fabric
>implying your ass could tell jeans from cotton in these pictures if it wasn't for the glaring stitch

Look at this gigantic knob. Look at him and laugh.

>> No.9448478

>Why would I want to crucify someone for disagreeing with me? I'm just going to mock him for getting his knickers in a twist over trivial details.
I can agree with that.

I'm sorry for your autism

>> No.9448581

1/ You saw the images, you forgot to read. You mismatch gambeson and jacques. Jacques are protection over chainmail and armor plates. Gambesons have always been the first layer of armor you wear.

2/ Just let's try with a 1,2Kg steel sword to make a better advice. With the pain, i assure you that your delusion will disappear.

3/ the coldness? the fact that the mail is tearing off your hairs? Are you beardless?

4/ Anecdotal. Having it on the first layer is not changing anything. But having the mail tightened with laces on the gambeson do a huge difference in body balance.

5/ Higher risks for your skin to be scratched by the rings openings.

Wearing mail under a gambeson is totally absurd for me.

>> No.9448593

To know more about jaques, gambesons, pourpoints, aketons, and how do they wear them

>> No.9448724

>Gambesons have always been the first layer of armor you wear.

This is flat out wrong. There is no consensus or system in period sources when it comes to what various terms for textile armours mean. Gambeson could refer to under-maille padding, over-maille padding or textile armour worn independantly- sometimes all within the same document. If anything there is a growing trend among historians to refer to light under-padding as aketons and heavier garments worn over or independantly of other armour gambesons but this is a modern typology to help us concisely communicate in a way period authours did not. So yes, gambesons can be worn over maille and no, over-armour protection is not automatically a jacque.

As to the idea of wearing mail under a gambeson being absurd I'll just quote a few lines from the 13thC Norwegian text "The King's Mirror".

"Above and next to the body he should wear a soft gambison, which need not come lower than to the middle of the thigh. Over this he must have strong breastplate [Coat of Plates] made of good iron covering the body from the nipples to the trousers belt; outside this, a well-made hauberk and over the hauberk a firm gambison made in the manner which I have already described but without sleeves."

The nature of quilted linen armour means that the "soft" gambeson is going to have less layers and possibly less dense quilting than the "firm" one. In other words the latter is going to offer better protection.

Maille under padding (possibly in combination with a CoP, but possibly not) was very common in the later 13thC and most of the 14thC. When two seperate textile armours were used it was the norm to have the lighter under the maille and heavier over it. And there is nothing wrong with calling the heavier textile armours gambesons.

>> No.9448879
File: 288 KB, 1299x974, IMG_20170425_192313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you are going larping but sips is life

>> No.9448883

It's nice to see even Conquestadores appreciate Calimacil's Agrippa

>> No.9448935
File: 430 KB, 395x395, listen here swine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had two bottles in a larp once.
one had Fernet-Branca the other red gatorade.
I used Fernet as an in-game smelling salt to bring unconscious folks back up, most went up on their feet within half a second just to figure out what's that smell.
I had folks coming to my infirmary telling my they have been poisoned and had stomach aches (I mentioned to theses few it can easily alleviate such pains) just to take a swig.

I always acted as if the worse drink was in the other bottle.

Cali's Agrippa was the first sword i bought directly from Calimacil and IMO the best sword they ever made

I even made pic related a few threads ago

>> No.9448983


I love my Agrippa and I am salty beyond comprehension that an antiquated grognard on weapons check at Empire this weekend failed it straight before passing my far less safe and far more unattractive "traditional style" back up weapon

>> No.9449089

What it got failed for?
what weapon is your backup?

>> No.9449180

"The pommel on this weapon is too hard and could hurt someone if they ran into it."

My backup was a beat up medlock katana type jobbie with blatantly peeling latex that's been kicking around as society kit for my uni group for at least five years. I borrowed it to bring to the event because I had heard weapons checkers love failing calimacil weapons. I'll try and grab pics soon.

>> No.9449203
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>> No.9449231
File: 622 KB, 475x823, 1473256484676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I used Fernet as an in-game smelling salt to bring unconscious folks back up, most went up on their feet within half a second just to figure out what's that smell.

Thanks for the idea, you sound like an awesome healer/witch doctor.

Alcohol is banned where I'm going but I could always mix something awful together and put it in my pocket flask shaped glass bottle and dare people to drink it. Yay or nay?

>> No.9449313

just make sure its non-allergenic and non-toxic

that inspector is a moron.
only time i made contact with someone else's pommel was because we were trying to disarm each other.
unless you explicitly go for a pommel bash there is no way or reason for that to happen.

I was the sleaziest back alley guy with a bone saw that could still heal you if ya had an exotic despise for an appropriate amount of coin or if you paid for insurance.
i comically offered insurance with different rates and offered non-sense deal.
want 50% off for your next crabs treatment? refer us to a friend who is willing to loose a limb!
the "is" part was smeared suggestively

>> No.9449484

Wish I could come up with something that creative desu.

I think the most unique thing I ever roleplayed as was when I made wooden signs for lynching people.
>"Sire, if you want to portray the criminal in a more demonic way, I suggest you upgrade to a premium sign package which includes spikey borders and red colored text in dripping calligraphy"

Business died down when the witch hunters got a, ehem, staffing problem.

>> No.9449502

Can you give us more tips about being a sleazy medic? After my character died this weekend, I rolled an asshole villein with some herbal knowledge, who I'd like to expand into full on barber-surgeon over time.

>> No.9449545

Get some standards. My fabric Autism can tell modern pant fabrics from a mile away. Just because you don't hold yourself to a high standard doesn't mean others can't hold you to one.

It's okay, I just don't make excuses for mediocrity.

>> No.9449836

Sorry for late reply, kept getting distracted by larp prepping.

My tailoring skills are pretty basic and hat making is on my lowest tier list, but I think your pattern looks easy enough for me to try at it again. And dont worry about translation issues in description, Im not a English native either so I'll probably figure things out without taking things literally if they dont make sense.

Thanks a lot for the detailed description, I'll be sure to post the results here!

>> No.9450104
File: 115 KB, 960x960, 18034002_1351410348277451_3858456516670316158_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then v now?

First image is me at my first larp gamenight, second one is me last weekend

>> No.9450179

Come a long way from jeans!

You should go with Jack chains.

>> No.9450249
File: 42 KB, 359x614, troops2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you replace the shield, or do you prefer to fight without one now?

>> No.9450264
File: 33 KB, 351x300, sips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a LARP edit for this now.

Would Italians, or at least those in northern Italy have worn clothing similar to the Landsknecht?

>> No.9450292

I really enjoy German Fencing practices, so I ditched using a shield all together.

>> No.9450315
File: 42 KB, 540x960, received_242139756128116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me as a pirate, at Fort Zachary Taylor, Key West.

>> No.9450336

is it just me, or is your sword short?

damn fine beard though

>> No.9450422

random tips as they come back to me:
Sell insurance.
Have insurance papers ready, if they don't get confused by the concept, bury them with scrolls.
Come up with crazy fraud schemes.
Have an actual policy printed with lines between the lines.
be pragmatic! (out anesthetic? offer the burliest man you know a job as an anesthesia specialist)
Have a larp safe bone saw or a serrated machete.
Get a pimping medical coat or the era appropriate equivalent with your name/crest/infirmary's symbol on it.
If low on customers drag some wounded from the nearest battlefield and make them sign stuff while they are hazy while recovering.
Cite the benefit of your coin ba-PATIENTS as you're main concern multiple times.
offer shitty solution for a price, and then offer a better solution for more.
keep it playful, you want them to have doubts if you care or not.
Get connections.
BE discreet unless you can get more gold by talking.
take the hippocratic oath, apply to everything.
Exotic strange booze is a great smelling salt.
you're bound to have folks not liking you, know how to use a basic weapon at least.
Don't show them you know how to use a basic weapon.
Accept odd jobs, odd jobs lead to great reputation which can only help this kind of character.
Facial hair! The sleazier you look the better.
pipe optional.
work near the butcher shop, make people wounder.
Always have a wacky deal ready, Free* hangover curing potions**!

*during the solstice
**might be a non-liquid and may or may not be taken orally.

>> No.9450447

I have been drinking these for a year ... had no clue they looked like spunk water inside that can.

I just weaved a bunch of glass bottle holder slings , im hoping they sell well. I have a hard time trusting leather and wood water containers.

>> No.9450635

don't worry about it anon, we are all autist here, just in a different kind of way. Yours isn't even that specific.

depends on when. also depending on how vague we are on the "similar" then yes. But truth to be told slashed civilian cloths are mistaken for landsknecht cloths all the fucking time. You have a slash on your cloth? you are a motherfucking landsknecht now.

>> No.9450643

>Fighting Landsknechts
>One of them nicks my blue doublet
>reveals scarlet undershirt
>We Landsknecht nao

>> No.9450656

How do you usually choose what group do you want to go to, in LARPs large enough to have ones?

>> No.9450665

>How do you usually choose what group do you want to go to, in LARPs large enough to have ones?

whichever is the coolest with people i know are good roleplayers and the least OOC drama.
other than that I check to see who I think is the coolest.
Alternativly, i choose the one that the character I want to play would be the most fun in.

>> No.9450681

I always join groups that I like

>> No.9450682

I always have enough larps people want me to go to that any groups I join are on invitation basis.

>> No.9450690


I'm part of a group usually large enough to create their own.

>> No.9451236

>Alcohol is banned where I'm going but I could always mix something awful together and put it in my pocket flask shaped glass bottle and dare people to drink it. Yay or nay?
A hundred times yea. I think I'll try something similar myself, actually.

>I borrowed it to bring to the event because I had heard weapons checkers love failing calimacil weapons.
iktf bro. I've been lucky so far, weapons checkers always seem to miss the Calimacil logo on my swords. Nobody complains about them being too hard, and I get compliments all game about how good looking they are, and where did I find such nice weapons? Then one moron with his own Calimacil starts baseball-swinging and hurts somebody, and everyone blames it on his weapon.

>> No.9451243
File: 23 KB, 296x394, Kisama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I get compliments all game about how good looking they are, and where did I find such nice weapons? Then one moron with his own Calimacil starts baseball-swinging and hurts somebody, and everyone blames it on his weapon

Had the same experience.
like, motherfuckers, go hema or sca if you wanna hit as hard as you can.

I can hurt you with a pool noodle just as much as a calimacil weapon. DOESNT MEAN YOU WILL EVER EVEN GET A BLUE MARK FROM ME.
People who dont understand that fighting and larp fighting are similar but different should be reeducated on the subject by their peers and looked down upon, especially if by people who are out-right better than them in a fight.

this makes me turbo mad.

>> No.9451249

Whichever fits my character concept the closest, generally. If it's a new game/character completely, then unless I have a character idea I'm really set on, I sometimes pick an organization first, and then design a character around that.

>> No.9451259

I had a little trouble with over-swinging when I first joined, and had to be told to pull my blows a few times. That was just because I wasn't used to larp fighting, after a few events I got used to it and haven't had any problems since. The guy who was over-swinging was just a kid, he's still in high school and hasn't been larping for long, so I cut him a little slack. It's the people who immediately jump to HURR UNSAFE WEAPON HURR TOO HARD HURR GET A GORG that make me mad.

>> No.9451343

Nay. Sounds like a fucking awful Idea. Not integrity driven in the least.

We had a guy do this with lighter fluid in a mason jar. someone threw it into a fire and created a bomb. Luckily no one got hurt.

Be honest and genuine with people. Your shenanigans are childish. If you are going to commit to shenanigans at least make them complicated and worthy of a story.

"hah! i tricked this guy into drinking this nasty drink!" is not a good story.

>> No.9451536

>We had a guy do this with lighter fluid in a mason jar. someone threw it into a fire and created a bomb. Luckily no one got hurt.
I thought there was an implied suggestion in the original idea that the mixture would consist of actual potable drinks. Of course I wouldn't condone "lol I tricked you into drinking bleach, I'm so clever."

>> No.9451597

I mean you could drink it, But it still isnt a story worthy shenanigan.

>> No.9451620

Depends on the circumstances, I think. Certainly a straightforward case of making someone drink something gross without context or reason isn't story-worthy. But playing a character who might legitimately be carrying medicines and such that tastes bad? Representing it with an accordingly foul concoction and having somebody drink it when you treat them would be a great way to get a genuine in-character reaction out of them.

>> No.9452173

clearly if you not hitting others with FULL FORCE all the time then you aren't a manly man doing manly thing. and you won't be allowed at the cool kids party anymore

>> No.9452531

Hey guys, I'm making an Indy-style archaeologist character in a new larp I'm joining, and no field archaeologist is complete without an appropriate haversack or messenger bag to carry their notes and tools. I'm looking on etsy for a bag, and there are a lot that are so cheap it makes me suspicious. Many with the same description copy-pasted from other shops, too. So I figured I should ask here, any tips on what to look for and what to avoid when buying a bag?

>> No.9452539

what setting?

>> No.9452634

One of those multiverse "lots of different worlds in every time period you can imagine" settings that are so popular here in the US. The look I'm going for is a little bit retro-modern, so I've been looking at a lot of old WWII military haversacks from Eastern Europe. There seem to be a lot of them out there that are obviously fakes or low quality, though.

>> No.9452724

I always try to make sure it can hold an a4 sized paper without folding it. Paperwork stays nicer for longer that way

>> No.9453034

Noted. I picked up a couple of appropriate-looking notebooks, so I've mostly been trying to stick to appropriate sizes for them.

These are a few of the big ones I'm considering right now:









>> No.9453860
File: 233 KB, 600x430, HandTool_GladiusScutum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LARPers, perhaps you can assist me. I wish to to better understand the historical use of various types of shields. But for wheelchair related reasons, I won't be able to participate myself.

I have found several videos relating to the use of the targe/round shield, and to the use of bucklers. I have not been able to find usefully accurate information on the use of heaters, kites, or legionary scutums. I would like to know the practical tradeoffs for these types of shields- what benefits they offer and what are their drawbacks? The targe seems optimized for striking with the lip, and every other shield seems less suited by comparison. Is that correct? Or can you strike just as well with a heater or kite? Pic related strikes me as dubious. Can anyone confirm from their own use or experience?

Are there any other significantly different types of shield I have not mentioned?

>> No.9453979
File: 2.67 MB, 4032x2268, 20170428_230802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know nothing about shields.

post your kit and a cool pose as a reference and ill draw it for you*

*as long as my patience lasts

pic related is a drawing of a kit i didn't get anyone to photograph

>> No.9454039

>The scutum could be used offensively as nessecary

Well, virtually anything could be used in an offensive manner, but I think the scutum is the worst for that purpose, due to its relatively-heavy weight, large size and curved shape.

The point about hacking at the scutum might make sense if your enemy is dumb enough/if you're fighting in formation, the latter was usually the case with it. But it doesn't sound as effective for 1v1/Skirmish etc.

I personally like to break down shields into 'punch-grip' and 'strap' shields. You can, of course, break it to any subgroup you want (size, shape etc) but this does the job for me.

Tradeoff stuff to these two groups:

Punch-grip: (Viking shields etc)
+Easier to move around, get to your other side etc
+Potentially covers more of you for the same size
+Shield-punches (Not LARP-appropriate obv) has more reach, since you hold it in the center rather than close to its end
+Often have bosses, which may help stopping an enemy blow when it clashes against the boss (Although you can put bosses on strapshields as well)
-Will require stronger forearms, will tire you up way faster

Strap: (Targe, Heater etc)
+Better 'strike absorbtion'(?)
+You can use it for longer, not getting exhausted as quick
-Probably not as good as an offensive 'weapon'
-Less maneuverable

"Punch grip sounds so much better! Why would anyone want to use strapshields, anon?"

Two reasons:
-Shields become not as crucial as armour improved (AKA you may allow yourself to hang around with a smaller shield)
-That little point about requiring some endurance and stamina becomes VERY important when fighting for long, especially in armour.

Hope this helps, friend!

>> No.9454084

Thanks- that is helpful. Would you classify a scutum as a punch-grip or a strap grip? They're a poor choice for offense, which suggest they're more similar to strap grip, but they are actually held with a horizontal center grip like a suitcase.

Also, could untrained peasant militia use strap shields to any effect? Since they're just strapped there, and according to Skallagrim held against the body anyway (I wish I had better sources but oh well). Obviously punch-grip shields appear to be very counter-intuitive and would require extensive practice to use properly. Is there more to strap shields than just wearing them?

>> No.9454106

Scutum belongs to the punch-grip in my book, mostly because, well, it is held by punch grip. Not all punch shields are useful at melee (I doubt you'll do well with a teardrop shield, supposing you're not holding it with both hands or anything.)

>Peasant millita thing
To any effect? Probably. But the skill cieling is a little bit over than 'train it for a few hours and you're good'.

I suppose some of the strapshield motions would be more natural (Think of when a punch comes to you-you would either deflect it with your forearm or do that motion where you cover your face with your forearm. Now think that forearm has a piece of sturdy wood strapped to it). However, you can learn how to use it in more efficient ways, learn techniques with it, etc.

I do find the punch-grip shield more effective though, supposing you know how to use it, save for that fighting-for-long point.

>> No.9454161
File: 100 KB, 800x399, brigandine_srpg_armor_cosplay_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys. Sorry, this question isn't really directly tied to LARPing, but this honestly seems like the best place on 4chan to ask about historical wear.

Were brigandine and gambesons ever made with coats of arms? Like, would you get one divided into a field of colours with heraldic animals stitched on? Or were they always just the one colour, with any heraldry being worn on a surcoat or tabard?

>> No.9454274
File: 329 KB, 1366x2048, arming dublet1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what are arming dublets, and how do they compare to other textile armors? I read that they would be worn without a breastplate or other armor over them, but that seems like a poor choice?

>> No.9454292
File: 69 KB, 564x752, brigandine2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen them with two colors, and you could probably put some devices on them

Painting helmets would work as well, a whole group of guys with the same design on their helmet would be pretty unmistakable

>> No.9454347

fuck, I completely replaced padded jack with arming dublet

don't post when you've been awake for three days kids

>> No.9454363

Where can I get a good gambeson for layering armor on for SCA reenactment? It appears we have no seamstresses local so ordering is the only option.

>> No.9454400
File: 229 KB, 800x586, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any experience with a Sagum?
I'm new at the whole fabric game and apparently I need to find 1.5 meters of red wool

>> No.9454470

Noob Question: Do you keep your plate armor oiled at events, or do you wear it dry and only use oils for storage/maintenance?

>> No.9454485
File: 2.43 MB, 2000x1333, DF2016_IT_0546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Padded Jack=Gambeson, AFAIK.

And if so: Yes, they can certainly be worn without more armour on top of them. Not the best choice, supposing you're infantry or not a flanker or something like this but it can certainly absorb some of the strike force and protects from cuts like a motherfucker.
Sometimes you don't have the money for legit proper armour, so a Gambeson does the job. Look up 'Gambeson vs' on youtube to see some examples.

Arming Doublets, on the other hand, are to be solely worn under armour. They're not nearly padded enough to protect you without any plate on them.

>> No.9455011

as >>9454292 pointed out there are a few simple one that we have found but I would say it wasn't really common because you put on other cloths above it and the rivets also fuck up the heraldry too.

padded jacks are standalone textile armours which are padded so much that they are actually hard (or getting that way, milage may vary) and you can beat people to death with it. Quite good against most one handed weapons. And yes they were worn without breastplates and such as far as we know.

I re-paint it every year

>SCA reenactment
you want to reenact ye olden SCA fighters from 1990?

>> No.9455057

what's a good solution for camp lighting during the nighttime?
we may have where to plug in electric lights and that may be good enough do you have any tricks or worthwhile tips?

>> No.9455071

LED lanterns
Also, LED torches

>> No.9455270

I see from your later comments that you're already familiar with Skallagrim; if you don't already follow them, check out Metatron and Scholagladiatoria's channels as well. Shadiversity has a very informative video about the kite shield specifically which answers a few of your questions, and Scholagladiatoria made a response video not too long ago that expands on a few of his points.

As to what >>9454039 said, some of his criteria for shield types seems a bit suspect to me, but I'm not really knowledgable enough on the topic to pick out specific problems. I think a lot of it boils down to a combination of shield shape and strap type though, rather than just strap vs. punch grip.

Regarding the scutum, the big advantage is obviously its size. When it comes to large shields, punch grips have the great advantage of allowing more coverage (by holding the shield at a distance form your body instead of up against it), at the expense of cutting off some of your view of the enemy and your own attack angles. As Metatron mentioned in one of his recent videos, a big advantage of pairing this kind of shield with the gladius was that it allowed a legionary to effectively hide his weapon from his opponent before striking, making it more difficult for the opponent to tell where the strike would come from.

>> No.9455385

how were padded jacks made, compared to gambesons? Did they use a different material, or just stich the layers together so thoroughly that it was more dense?

>> No.9455389

similar to gambesons but turned up to eleven. Also the pattern was slightly different, but the how depends on what kind of gambeson compared to what kind of padded jack. Also it wasn't as much lotts of layers as a few layers and a lot of padding between them which can be either leftover wool or linen or both.

Also padded jacks are a later things, there were a time when they coexisted with gambesons as far as I know but they survived into early 16th century IIRC.

>> No.9455590

>you want to reenact ye olden SCA fighters from 1990?
There was supposed to a... whatever you call "/' symbol in there.

>> No.9455712

would you mind posting a picture of a padded jack?

>> No.9456111

So yesterday I found out that the entire setup I was going for is a little too heavy, atleast for now.
So I'm gonna start over more or less, have a very basic kit and work up from there, hopefully you guys can give me some tips or even a direction to work with.

The basic kit im going to start with is just some old jogging pants I had lying around and a gambeson, how should I work up from that?

>> No.9456137

Shield-explaining anon here
Of course you could break it down to shapes and such, I just personally use the grip style because it's easy IMO.

>Point about hiding gladius behind Scutum
True. However, it's not the only shield you can do that with. Bucklers and Viking round shields can do that as well, although with a slightly dofferent techniquw

>> No.9456161


>The basic kit im going to start with is just some old jogging pants I had lying around and a gambeson,

find a pair of pants that look more in setting to wear over the jogging pants.
are you planning on a helmet?
dont forget belts and pocket belts.
nice gaiters if your shoes are not very in-setting.
Dont forget a bottle or some other water container.
will you wear armor? what kind?

>> No.9456192

I'll try to salvage some of the armor I had before and use it, probably chainmail, a gauntlet and maybe a chestplate. As for the helmet, I have one, but I dont think I'm gonna use it for a long time.

My plan is to kinda make some sort of 'night watch' deal, patrolling the streets with a lantern to hunt undead and werewolves and such.

>> No.9456200

What are you going to do during the daytime? I'm serious, that's an important thing to think about. I once played a paladin of the sun-god and found I had fuck-all to do at night, It'd suck for you to experience the opposite.

>> No.9456204

post pics of your gear, that way we can give you better more specific tips.

>> No.9456253
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The idea is sort of gothic night watch as I explained before, but I'm not restricting myself to only walking around at night. My brother is going along with me, with some sort of hunter setup, working with a bow and poisons and such.

>> No.9456260

this looks fine,
what do you have for footwear?
I'd also wear a nice square or L shaped piece of fabric to add some visual interest if its fitting.

>> No.9456283

>square or L shaped piece of fabric
Can you post a picture or something? I have no idea what to visualize with this.
That said, I do plan on getting something more visually interesting, probably a cloak or something, I think chainmail covering the entire body is not pleasant to look at.

>> No.9456304
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L shaped fabric.

>> No.9456305
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Worn over the shoulders with belt

>> No.9456321
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Worn openly

Add some detailing (sew over with another fabric/dirty it up a bit/paint it) to the color of your choice and its more than decent top for most occasions.
Play around with the shape to make it sit however you want.

Im also working on a more complex cut that will be perfectly weatable without and sewing requires.

>> No.9456468
File: 138 KB, 337x254, 96a2925d3a77f9662ecaee1ee89670e8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought this from a local online market.
Now I just need a bottle to attach to the belt and I'll be set when it comes to belt related gear.

>> No.9456579

Thank you for this link. Unfortunately now I have more questions than answers. Shad bills the Kite as weakly dominant over the round shield (advantages outweigh drawbacks in all situations). But if that were true, 1) Why did the rest of the world continue using round shields and 2) Why didn't this shield come into being earlier? and 3) Why did this shield go out of favor, resulting instead in heaters?

Still, more information helps me refine my questions if nothing else. I appreciate the link.

>> No.9456642
File: 108 KB, 1000x888, AU MS 24 Folio 12r (c.1190).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kite shields were used in most of Europe and much of the Near East. In any case, kite shields only share the same niche as large round shields intended for battle, medium and small-sized round shields have a different role and the teardrop shape only offers distinct advantages on larger shields. Even then you could compare cultures as diverse as the late Roman Empire to the Zulus who used various elliptical or similar shield shapes that offer comparable coverage to a kite shield (especially the shallower curved early versions).

As to why kites did not spawn earlier there are two reasons. The first is that it's a lot easier to look back in hindsight and say "gosh what a brilliant and simple idea!" than it is to think it up in the first place and for it actually get adopted.

The other is that various cultures already had used long, thin shields on and off for millenia instead of or in addition to rounds. The specific profile might be new, but the underlying philosophy was not.

The main reason for the decline in kites was the proliferation of armour. Over the course of the 12thC the "classic" teardrop kite was replaced by the larger flat-top kite which deeply curved around the body (much more so than early kites). At the same time you also saw the proportion of mailled warriors increasing, the adoption of gambesons for those without maille and the coverage of a knights maille go from elbows and knees to total coverage. This is augmented in the 13thC as the CoP develops to be worn on top of all that maille.

That is an awful lot of armour and a large bulky flat-top kite is a bit over-kill especially considering the weapons that were used. A smaller, lighter shield becomes attractive especially as it is the armour rather than the shield which is the primary defensive equipment.

>> No.9456764

Can anyone recommend a dutch website to buy a larp weapon from?
My brother and I are going to get the same weapon for style points, but I'm unsure where to buy from.

>> No.9457154

That's a good point, I didn't mean to imply you couldn't do that with other shields. Just that the particular combination of large sheild + punch grip + smaller weapon made the practice particularly effective with the scutum + gladius combination.

>> No.9457345

not dutch, but its worth every penny.

>> No.9457499

First of all, ask your larping friends if one of them has a discount somewhere. I know quite a lot of people who have 10% or 20% off at certain stores (by either ordering 'through' some association or simply being buddy-buddy with the owner).

If you're quite new to larping (which I'm going to assume from the fact you don't know any Dutch stores), I'd say just go to your nearest store. There's Games-N-Stuff in Zwolle, Subcultures in Utrecht, and the Goblin/Top 1 Toys in Uden, although I don't know if the latter still sells larp stuff nowadays. If you're not sure if you're going to stay in the hobby for long, just scour Marktplaats for a pair of used but not too beat up weapons.

Otherwise, just go Calimacil or Celtic Web Merchant. I've found most Dutch larp stores have a very, very limited selection of items (pretty much just Epic Armoury and Forgotten Dreams stuff), so for the extra choice alone I'd suggest shopping elsewhere.

Also, I swear by Calimacil weapons. They're not the prettiest, but they'll outlast any other weapons you buy. On the contrary, if you want a stylish weapon that'll only see minimal fighting, buy Forgotten Dreams. Nice and intricate weapons, but with a well-earned reputation for getting damaged easiliy.

>> No.9457617
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Also, if in Yurop and have dosh ready, find someone that can custom make your shit.

Or you can find something second hand, and customise it.

>> No.9457682

What you going for? Basic stuff or proper character specific weapons?

If the latter I'd say go for custom, if the first, I'd still say go custom. Funnily enough a lot of custom made weapons are about the same price as normal weapons from the store.

>> No.9457689

A one handed weapon, whether it be a sword or mace, already have a claymore but I need a backup weapon for when one of my arms break, as it were.
I'm kind of skeptical about custom stuff, just feel like professional made stuff sounds better.
That said, if you got any good custom made weapons you can show me, I'd be happy to see em and change my mind.

>> No.9457947

I just got a secondhand mace, looked like it wasn't damaged at all.
It's the demon slayer from iron fortress.
Paid 25 bucks for it.

>> No.9457982

its latex so dont forget your maintenance lube
I hear IF weapons tend to easily break so ymmv.
great cop for 25 dollaridudes,

>> No.9458114

Iron Fortress is just the catch-all company that makes Epic Armoury and some sci-fi weapons, right? I've never heard anything about those breaking easily. They ARE very much on the light side as far as larp weapons go. Not that anon btw.

>> No.9458129

they make decent accessories, but lots of my friends complained they broke super easily.
I'd like to be proven wrong, but than again im a 100% calimafaggot

>> No.9458167

How do you define "break", exactly? Are you literally talking about the core breaking, or do other damages also count?

The only actual damage I've had with Epic Armoury gear (out of a shortsword, a spear, a shield and three throwing knives) was the pommel of the shortsword suddenly letting loose after about a month. Turns out it wasn't glued properly and was only held in place by a thin sheet of rubber.

Then again, with the one Calimacil weapon I've owned the glue holding the crossguard in place let loose after a month.

The issues with weight and maintenance are quite real, though, and not surprisingly the reason EA is so (relatively) cheap.

>> No.9458203

Core snapped at the strong to mid of the blade.

I prefer calimacil over everything else i've tried, no maintenance, sturdy as fuck, looks better than most and so on.
some of my pals complain about the weird weight balancing, but i like their top heavy balance.

>> No.9458221

Aye, Calimacil still has my preference as well, although they are a bit on the hard and heavy side for my tastes.

>> No.9458280


I second this.
Calimacil are pretty cheap and will endure a lot of stress.

my group and i have very strong preference for les ateliers Nemesis concerning looks but when its time to bring out the big guns and shmash it against metal helmets at Bicolline and makes sure the guy in front of you feel it under is armor and gambeson, bring your cali.

look at that sexy shword.
i really like the look of a wooden handle.

>> No.9458283
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forgot file.

>> No.9458439

Paging Gropey! Where you at clownbro?

>> No.9458551

hopefully in a bathtub full of blood.

>> No.9458569

I really shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did at this comment.

>> No.9458609

If he comes back looking 10 years younger we will know you were right. Only the loose morals of the typical SCAdian is preventing full vampiric transformation.

>> No.9458660

So you're going to volunteer your virgin blood for his bath?

>> No.9458676

Last I saw on facebook, he's been busy at work with the tv show they are filming at his museum. You can always try email or messaging him there.

3edgy5me. Spring break?

Gypsies are natural enemies of vampires I thought?

>> No.9459016

Muh dik.

How much would something like that cost?

>> No.9459139
File: 518 KB, 2048x1368, 10473327_626268464136198_1057101414764768485_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but i like their top heavy balance.
they are only top heavy balanced compared to the light as fuck latex weapons (90% of latex weapons)

Draclua was in Romania which is pretty much Gypsie country and he unlived for a very long time until a proper white man came around

Well there aren't many remaining stuff there and it's not excatly the easiest to tell them apart in period paintings (also these are obviously modern terminologies)
But there are written sources too. Then again different countries thought differently about it.

Anyway here are ONE of the pdfs written about jacks (I would make a difference between simple jacks that are several layers of fabric and padded jacks which are not that many layers but stuffed with something. Others aren't making that distinction all the time)

And on this pic you can find a reconstruction (not a high quality one) it was made according to the charles de blois ordinnances source with some errors.
Second from the right

>> No.9459143

>hey are only top heavy balanced compared to the light as fuck latex weapons

I know but i've given up explaining it to nerds who never held steel in their hands that even calimacil are nice and light.

>> No.9459145

my two problem with calmiacil that the longer ones are wibbly wobbly as fuck, and that they no longer sell hybrid core weapons that weren't wibbly-wobbly as fuck.
I still have a custom made sword from that I bought 4 years ago, still my best sword and I used it a shitton but I would no longer bring it to larps only, for trainings and such because it really degraded from the use

>> No.9459207


>> No.9459313

pics of the sword?
What was the hybrid made out of?

>> No.9459342
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x2448, DSC04165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will do pics when I get home, until then here is an old one.
Also it is a fiberglass/carbonfiber hybrid core. Does not bend at all. It's a tiny bit heavier but not that much and also way better weight distribution. Behaves more like an actual sword, you have a better control over it. Then again because the core doesn't bend you can hit harder with it (but with the better control it's easier to do soft hits if you know what you are doing)

>> No.9459344

pretty too!

>> No.9459583

Where did you get your gambeson and mail coat? They look pretty good
I have nothing in the way of larp gear but I'm trying to find out where to get some good stuff for when I can afford it

>> No.9459595

There is a button to turn the site english, I suggest using that.

>> No.9459609
File: 2.02 MB, 3264x2448, DSC04337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sadly today it is only a shadow of it's former glory. As I said I used it a lot and even let others to borrow it. The part where it misses a chunk is from one such occassion when it was used repedately full force against a badly padded shield. that was a few months ago so it wasn't in top shape to begin with...
But it's still good for trainings and such. Even use it in hema trainings so that the beginners can play too

>> No.9459614
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>> No.9459620
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>> No.9459625
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>> No.9459627
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>> No.9459629
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>> No.9459636
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>> No.9459637

oh man, that would look great for an undead knight or something.
I still think it looks gorgeous.

>> No.9459642

it's still my favorite nigger beating weapon. It's just the part where the chunk is missing the core is actually revealed and no padding whatsoever there anymore. Than again it's close to the base and on the side of the edge so it's not the end of the word but I won't bring it to a larp anymore

>> No.9459663
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It's usually custom since you can choose pretty much everything.
But a model like this is around 150-200$


It's pretty much the luxury car of swords.
They handle like it's only an extension of your arm.

You have enough weigth to connect good shots without ''bouncing'' and enough control on the point to stab easily.

Also, everytime we broke one, they replaced it without any problems.

>> No.9459746

>As to why kites did not spawn earlier there are two reasons. The first is that it's a lot easier to look back in hindsight and say "gosh what a brilliant and simple idea!" than it is to think it up in the first place and for it actually get adopted.

I'm very hesitant to accept this kind of reasoning. I don't think it gives enough credit to ancient peoples and is unlikely to be the correct answer. In some cases maybe- something abstract like physics for instance is very simple but counter-intuitive. But making different types of shields and sparring with them to see what works? I'm pretty sure our ancestors had that figured out better than we ever will.

So two thoughts. 1) Why did the tapered Kite replace the Cylindrical Scutum? I've heard people say its because you can't ride with a Scutum- but I've heard sources claim that Caesar himself chose to ride with a Scutum instead of the standard Parma.

2) If a center-griip Kite is just as effective as a round shield for dueling techniques (as Shad seems to claim), then why doesn't everybody use a Kite? Even now, most HEMA and Larpers seem to prefer round shields.

>> No.9459811

>Even now, most HEMA and Larpers seem to prefer round shields.
HEMA people mostly use either the viking shields or the rotellas. Buhurt people on the other hand aren't that keen on round shields.

As for larpers... I'm not entirely sure that there are more round shields than non round ones

>> No.9460158

In your guys' experiences how serious are people usually about having 'proper' attire and weapon aesthetics? I've never been to a LARP before but have spent plenty of time sparring with friends in the past. I really want to get into it but don't have any passable 'medieval' clothes. I just built some swords out of 1" PVC with 1" pipe insulation but I'm not sure if a) this is generally considered safe / acceptable (tips are properly covered) and b) if this would be so bulky that I'd be at a huge speed disadvantage in combat (although I'm pretty athletic)

>> No.9460202

It varies massively, but it pretty easy to either buy or make kit that more than satisfies most games minimus requirements.

The thread is amazingly good at providing help in obtaining kit for almost any time period, level of detail/historical accuracy and role. Start asking about what it is you want and advice for obtaining passable medieval clothes shall be yours.

Weapon safety/aethetic requirements again varies massively game from game, so tell us what game/where you are and hopefully someone will be able to tell you more.

>> No.9460252

Hola, sup?

Blood is a bitch to get out of the tile grout.

I wish. the 3rd is my birthday, and I am feeling old.

That would hamper is quest to become a wizard.

>Last I saw on facebook, he's been busy at work with the tv show they are filming at his museum. You can always try email or messaging him there.

All correct. One of the sets burned down too.

>Gypsies are natural enemies of vampires I thought?

Depends on who you ask.

Thats a handsome smack-a-ma-bob you got there.

>Even now, most HEMA and Larpers seem to prefer round shields.
>HEMA people mostly use either the viking shields or the rotellas

At least in my experience, American larpers lean to strapped rounds for the sake of easy/safe/cheap construction and the general invulnerability of the head and neck region in-game. Most of the HEMA crowd I have seen lean to bucklers, especially of the angular talhoffer variety.

Give us a vague period or culture to start you on. NOT!Viking? NOT!Renn German? etc.

>> No.9460316

Where might I get good lamellar armor that is pre-assembled? I'm not really up for doing hours of sewing and however in the ever-loving fuck you're supposed to tie it off.

>> No.9460322
File: 276 KB, 1280x720, Kit_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of mah kit.

Next check I plan on getting an alchemy/apothecary kit from a local leather vendor.

Besides them, where are some places to get neat leather and fur accessories?

I have Ebay and Etsy covered, I practically live there.

>> No.9460328

The lacing isn't hard, but know that the cost of lamellar pre-laced in your size will be many times over the cost of loose lamellar.

What kind of lamellar and what purpose? Larp/costume/SCA etc.

What kind of accessories in particular? Avoid Etsy and Ebay. Reenactment suppliers carry better shit, cheaper.

>> No.9460335
File: 251 KB, 1280x720, Stuff_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am into fur and/or leather sporrans and fur pelts to accessorize, but the fur is usually only in cold weather.

I can't say I am too familiar with Reenactment suppliers, I usually pick odds and ends off of other places and websites.

>> No.9460344

>What kind of lamellar and what purpose? Larp/costume/SCA etc.
SCA. All the guys at my scene were able to tell me was where I might get cutting patterns or bulk pieces.

>> No.9460492


>> No.9460551

Is steel mastery trustworthy? I recently ordered some padded from them and for some reason what I got was (what I ordered and it worked) from Forge of Svan in the Ukraine. Even though I ordered it from Steel Mastery's secondary website.

>> No.9460595


I'll be honest, I don't own any of their products myself, as I haven't decided to sink that much money into armour yet. That said, I know three people who each recommend it. I haven't seen much fault with their products (a brigandine, some gauntlets and a padded coif). They didn't complain about delivery either.

But it's LARP, so I have no real measure of how they stand up against actual weapons.

As for your gambeson coming from FoS, they're both Ukraine based stores, so I imagine there's a lot of common ground when it comes to their craftsmen.

>> No.9460621
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Well, I got my secondhand mace now, has some light damage at the pommel, but overall for 25 bucks it's a nice spare weapon.

>> No.9460623
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Also got a leather bag from the same guy, for 5 bucks.
Has a neat little lock.

>> No.9460854

Happy birthday Clownfag!

>> No.9461108
File: 83 KB, 500x668, Utopia Descending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality high or low, are you at least having fun?

>> No.9461208

even more important, is it true fun or false fun?

>> No.9461214

That's just the difference between an abusive relationship and actual fun, yes?

>> No.9461230

it's a /tg/ thing. the difference between people shitposting or not

>> No.9461244

Fair enough.

>> No.9461390

What is the hottest to wear in mild and cloudy weather (~10C)?
And sunny summer weather?

Gambeson + Chainmail hauberk
Gambeson + Plate cuirass
Gambeson + Wool brigantine

And if it matters, the gambeson has armpit holes.

>> No.9461425

In my experience, most of the larp community (in the US at least) prefers either round shields--but not historically-sized ones, monstrously large ones the size of a person instead--or pavise-like "tower shields." Both, in general, made of foam with a center grip. So I'm not sure there's much connection that can be drawn there as regards historical shields.

>> No.9461450

I don't know about mail vs. brigandine, but plate is certainly going to be hotter than mail in most circumstances. My guess would be, since brigandine doesn't have holes for ventilation like mail does, it would fall somewhere in between the two.

>> No.9461452

there are a literal shitton two point larp shields in europe, partly because shops are selling those too. But yeah, larp rarely is an indicator for history

>> No.9461465

I'm more familiar with the SCA than Larping, but I presume some people concerned with historical reenactment might be classified as a Larp as well, no?

I'm >>9459746
by the way.

>> No.9461547

>but I presume some people concerned with historical reenactment might be classified as a Larp as well, no?
if you are saying some reenactment count as larp then no.
If you are saying that some reenactor also go to larps then yes

>> No.9461587
File: 113 KB, 1000x1000, Skull Mace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you read this, but I buy most of my stuff online. Mythalon or somesuch usually has what I need.

Except for weapons. If I don't have what I need, and i'm sure I'll reuse the weapon later (For that reason I generally get "average" weapons. Not average construction, but average looking) I go to a guy I know that does custom weapons.


I've attached a picture of the weapon he made for me most recently. For my necromancer character. He also has a photogallery of stuff he made.

>> No.9462232

is that a Club-Magnon?

>> No.9462443

It's supposed to be a regular human skull, minus the lower jaw.

The bottom picture is a bit distorted. The top one has better proportions

>> No.9462470

I'm just kidding around.
I thought you couldn't headbutt people in larps?

>> No.9462471

True. Heads generally are not targets due to health reasons. But this numbskull manages just fine.

>> No.9462864

>there are a literal shitton two point larp shields in europe, partly because shops are selling those too.
No shit? Interesting! I wonder why they seem to have taken off more in Europe. In the US at least, I think they're more popular mostly because the center-grip is easier to make babby-safe.

>> No.9463189

Where do you guys find your boots? I've got a pair of really solid outdoor boots that have amazing grip even in shit weather and are comfortable for running around in, but they're distinctly modern. I've been meaning to replace them with something in period, but anything I've found that fits in period looks like it would be a bitch to run in.

>> No.9463194

I use a pair of service grade boots since the area I larp in has terrible weather conditions and I got feet and leg issues.

Correct setting shoes is good but a pair of gaiters is better for some of us.

>> No.9463327

Haven't used them myself, but I've heard good things about Soul Path Shoes and Son of Sandlar. The latter are at my local Renn Fest, but they're way overpriced at the stall there--I think their online prices are a bit better.

>> No.9463619
File: 174 KB, 750x1000, Nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I didn't expect these responses. Looking back it was pretty funny tho.
These kids are Autistic though.
>implying I would dare be a Virgin
you fags larp, if im a virgin we're all virgins.
Go back to your Hiatus pls.
Come back when you have good garb.

>> No.9463633
File: 268 KB, 1920x1080, boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just spent 300 on period boots and I had the artisan make them in Dark brown and Beige, she fucked up and made them in Black and gold ;_; fucking waste of 300. I'm really upset about it.
really nice quality, but they don't fit anything in my kit.

>> No.9463825

>Extra maneuverability
>Negligible weight

in LARP, there's nothing a forearm strapped shield provides that a centergrip can't, and when you can wave an Epic Armoury scutum around more easily than a real life buckler, there's little reason not to choose that.

>> No.9463861

>Paying for shit you did not order

The fuck are you doing, anon?

>> No.9464747

She did custom make them for me and The pictures she sent me I just thought were off in color due to the camera ;_;

>> No.9464803

>in LARP, there's nothing a forearm strapped shield provides that a centergrip can't
Ability to take a strong hit to the edge without flipping around.

>> No.9465359


so can I story tiem?
fuck it I will anyways.

>Australian pvp larp 4 factions and pvp based objectives
>One camp has just been sieged and one of their dudes has done a runner with all their research stuff.
>being hunter by some if the best fighters we have to get that stuff.
>I bump in to him hiding in the neutral town.
>offers me half the research if I get him out safely.
>Might be able to take these guys 1v1 but there are ten of them.

Time to deploy my best weapon.

>Tell research bro to go along with whatever I do and just trust me.
>Shout "I've found him!" and chase research bro down knocking him into bleed out.
>10 man murder squad comes running up to see me standing over research bros corpse.
>"he's got nothing on him but I think we can make him talk"
>talk murder squad into a little game pitting research bro against his allies to see who wants to live more.
>Research bro is cursing my name and playing along like a champ.
>Take research bro and murder squad back to my camp.
>safely secure research and then organise research bro to have an IC wrestling match with chief murder bro for his freedom.
>Research bro fights like a champ and murder squad let him walk free for being such a good sport.
>wrestling pit keeps going and 2 hours later everyone is shirtless and throwing eachother around while sinking brews.
>Chief murder bro walks up to me later and says how much he loved the fight pit.
>I tell him the actual purpose and he laughs his ass off for about 10mins and shouts me drinks all night.

Now my entire larp community is getting super /f/it for next games fight pit.

>> No.9465385

I love these stories

>> No.9465422

New thread:

>> No.9466557

>Have two vials of green liquid
>"Ah, this makes you immune to poison, and this one IS poison"
>"...Or was it the other way around..."
>"Best to buy both!"
>Both are actually poison