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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9440755 No.9440755 [Reply] [Original]

Simple, just post the worst and best things that had happen to you while wearing jfash, no matter if they're really bad, meh, okay-ish or really good.

Best: I went to my sister's place after a meet and my nephew loved how I looked. I was wearing toned down sweet lolita. Now she wants to wear lolita too.
Worst: Someone tried to lift my skirt on the train once. I gave him the stare.

Pic not related I guess

>> No.9441187

Anyone have experience wearing lolita to community college?

>> No.9441203

Yeah I've occasionally worn lolita to my college, though I wouldn't recommend it unless you're intending on going casual.

Most reactions are quite positive or neutral but in my experience professors view your appearance as a distraction to their lectures, and lolita can become quite uncomfortable if you have a class that's more than 1.5 hours, or a full-day course load.

>> No.9441216

Wore it to college class before. This teacher was very liberal and thought it was cool (plus it was a Master's level class so pretty small). Just evaluate how you think it would go depending on the class and teacher.

>> No.9441223

Best: Went to a meetup in a beautiful location and had a nice time.
Worst: One time a dude spilled his drink on my brand.

These are pretty boring but it's all I've got.

>> No.9441510

I do, but I wear pretty toned down or casual coords, mostly because I'm carrying a bunch of bags and shit around already. Nobody seems to care. I just wouldn't wear a big petti or tall, bulky headwear.

>> No.9441529

I have several times. Full dress prints always get more attention than solid or border print dresses, but I've never had a professor call me out for being a distraction or anything. Once the class starts, no one is looking at anything but the professor.

Note that I wear gothic, which is almost always easier to blend into normie crowds than sweet.

>> No.9441535


>> No.9441563

Best: Passing this mother-daughter duo on the streets, and the daughter turning to her mother and gasping "Look mommy, a princess!"

Worst: Having to use a washroom in the subway at 1 in the morning and a crazy homeless woman yelling obscenities at me while I was washing my hands.

>> No.9441765

i think "she" refers to the sister, anon.

>> No.9441783

best: wearing gothic lolita to disney world and hearing cast members call me "princess"

worst: wearing gothic lolita to a fancy accessories store (they sell hats, gloves, scarves, that sort of thing) and getting immediately held hostage by a female employee who "loooooves lolita" but had never seen one in person before. she insisted i try on a bunch of hats for what felt like days while people started staring. looking back at it i find it hilarious, but at the time, i felt SUPER uncomfortable/awkward and couldn't find a way to leave without hurting her feelings

>> No.9441935

best: theres a video on the news that im in the background of, just happened to capture the moment a child saw me and rushed over to ask me what its like being a princess. ive also gone on stilts in lolita which was really fun! i like to go to festivals because you often get picked as the audience member to be teased :P

worst: creepy dude followed me for hours in a park whispering things about hawt anime lolis at me. im pretty sure he was mentally disabled but it was super gross he was basically drooling/mouth-breathing. i also got raped in lolita by someone i thought i could trust at the time. we were friends for a while and one day i got heatstroke and fainted. he took me back to his place, barely conscious, and it was pretty traumatizing from there on out

>> No.9441943

not community, but was a lifestyler at my university.

Teachers were cool about it.

Dudes on campus wanted to fuck me because of it because I was a novelty (weird, but I guess I kinda get it)

and I ended up being in the school paper, had an interview on the school radio as "the campus barbie"

On the way to class had other students scream "ITS NOT HALLOWEEN!!!!" at me like it was their religion.

>> No.9441954

Best: I had a sleepover with my closest lolita friends. The next day, we helped each other into our burando and traveled to a J-fashion convention together.
Worst: I was trying on a dress I'd just received in the mail, my cat jumped on me while I was sitting and pulled a thread. I couldn't look at it for months.

>> No.9442460

that sounds horrible anon...

>> No.9442469

Was in gay part of the city, three gay dudes started fawning about how beautiful i was and how my future gf will be so lucky. Got so many compliments I was blushing.

Got beat up and harassed by a group normie girls.

>> No.9442471

Best: went to a Christmas themed meet and had a line of little girls waiting to talk to me and ask if I'm a princess
Worst: got mugged at an ATM right before a convention. There was a small group of teenagers that were heckling me while I was withdrawing money. They ended up following me, pushed me, grabbed my purse, and ran. It was only $80 but the purse was worth more....

>> No.9442538

Best: Girl recognised me from the web and asked for a photo, never been more flustered in my life.
Worst: Chased and harrassed by normies.

>> No.9442918

it was a couple years ago and im gladly in a much better situation and have a good support system of friends so my overly trusting ass doesnt get taken advantage of again

>> No.9443004
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well when I was younger and getting into lolita, every time i'd go to an event in lolita my dad would take a bunch of pics of me. made me really happy to know he supported me and my hobbies.

this one is more my fault, but once at an art show I was in, my skirt knocked over someone's sculpture, which broke.... luckily, it was easily fixable, and the artist forgave me... i still feel really bad about it to this day

>> No.9443054

By all means I'd likely laugh if the destruction of one of my pieces of art was related to an unusually large petticoat. Frustrating, yes, but that is at the same time hilarious.

>> No.9443207
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This girl was talking shit about my "princess" clothes and pushed me down. (We were both adults btw, not children.) She acted like she was going to kick my ass, but some guy came over and yelled at her. When she turned her assault on him, he kicked her feet out from under her.

>mfw I dated that beautiful boy for 3 years

>> No.9443264

That's horrible, wish you all best Anon

>> No.9443273

That's a really cute story, anon!

Best thing that happened to me was a girl coming up to me while I was out shopping in my hicksville hometown saying I was the first lolita she'd ever seen in real life and asking me tons of questions, telling me she wanted to be a sweet lolita and that she was saving up for her first Bodyline dress. I don't really like kids but she was around 12 years old and it was super cute.

I don't really recall a worst, maybe the time I was sitting outside eating lunch at a restaurant and some fat neckbeard just came right up into my face to snap a picture and then walked off. I told him he was being rude and could've at least asked and he turned around and just stared at me with a blank look on his face.

>> No.9443439
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Best: Winning a sexy dance-off against a super pretty MeMeMe cosplayer

Worst: Play fighting with my little sister in kigurumi and got nailed in the left testicle

>> No.9443701

Did you murder the drink spiller?

>> No.9443716

I wore a toned down classic coord with gardenberries in Black with a small Peter pan blouse in white and a 3/4 sleeve bolero in dark red.

Got all positive comments

Some other girl at my campus on the other hand dressed in light pink sweet and looked kind of dumpy exposed petti and all. She got weird stares and one dude pulled a lovely bopeep comment.

It's all about dressing for your environment and how well you apply it.

>> No.9443730

Newsflash: this still looks weird as fuck to normies.

>> No.9443737

>what is alternative fashion
No shit.
Why do you care so much about what normies think, anyway?

>> No.9443738

How was wearing Lolita at Disney? I hear they're pretty strict about letting in oddly dressed people but I want to try it one year.

>> No.9443739

If course it does, but you're going to get a different reaction to an outfit that looks more retro inspired vs bl tier sweet lolita with messy hair and a lumpy petti that's sticking out.

>> No.9443833

I like sweet though. :( I do like classic but not as much.

>> No.9443855

true, I'm just sick of the amount of "classic lolitas never get negative comments!1! you guys are all just OTT or ita!!" posts on this board. I guess it's to be expected when /cgl/ is full of NEETs that barely go out, but even though I have less bad reactions in classic, I still get negative responses wearing classic and have sometimes had people make wack assumptions about me because of it.

>> No.9443864

they're not strict at all, they just don't want you to wear masks that cover your face (for obvious reasons), or high-budget/accurate character costumes that could be mistaken for actual employed characters (again, for obvious reasons). other than that they don't really give a shit.

as far as wearing lolita to disney goes, the only real downside is that wigs and elaborate hairstyles are a problem if you plan to ride any fast rides. ALSO, i highly recommend flat shoes if you don't want your feet to hate you forever.

>> No.9443869

Not that anon, but I wore lolita at Disney World back in December and had no issues. I also had cast members calling me "princess" and a lot of people complimenting my coords, it was nice. I did make sure to tone it down a bit though by wearing a low-poof petti and my natural hair so that I wouldn't have to worry about them possibly turning me away. And I also made sure not to wear any Disney princess colors.

>> No.9443902

they wouldn't have turned you away for poof or colors, people go "disneybounding" all the time in what is basically just closet cosplay. they're just not a big fan of "costumes that are actually fully accurate to the face characters' costumes and could be mistaken as such" but i can't see anyone casually wearing something like that anyway

>> No.9443921

I tried to laugh and be polite about it because it was an accident, thankfully it wasn't a coloured drink and it ended up washing out. I smelled like an alcoholic all the way home though.

>> No.9444068
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>Weird looks
>"So...What is this?"
>"Are you in to Easter parade?"
>A few glances
>"OMG you look like Wednesday Addams"
Toned Down Classic
>Grandma compliments
>"So are you like, Mormon or Amish?"
>"Are you dressed as Mary Poppins?"
>"Are you a square dancer?"
To normies classic hard bonnets=strict traditional Christian and that makes some people act strange. I get the feeling people think I'm stuck up or something too just from how I dress.

>> No.9444559

Have you ever seen gardenberries anon, its just like a print a line dress

>> No.9444710

I used to. Go simple. I did it in the graphic design program, it was fine. One teacher assumed I would try to wear weird clothes to a job interview so it makes a weird impression. But there were a bunch of idiot weebs in the program.

>> No.9444724

>best: wearing gothic lolita to disney world and hearing cast members call me "princess"

I had the opposite reaction to this. Bag check into magic kingdom was pretty long, and while my bag was getting checked, a cast member kept calling me me 'princess'. I smiled, didn't say much because I don't like that kind of direct attention, and then he suddenly asked everyone in line to clap for the 'princess'. Everyone gave a halfhearted clap because wtf, and then he asked them to stop and lap LOUDER. I was pretty mortified and will probably never wear anything unusual to Disney again.

>> No.9444734

I get comments about being stuck up, too. One time I was sitting in the train staring out the window on my way to my parents' and some lady was making this nasty face at me for a while and suddenly yelled "you're no better than the rest of us, you know!"
...Okay? I didn't think I was? I was just looking out the window and thinking about the book I've been reading...

Overall my experiences with people while wearing lolita tend to blend together. Best experiences are generally little kids or older ladies complimenting me, worst experiences are generally people yelling, following me and and taking photos without asking. I've never had anything physical happen, thank goodness.

>> No.9444746

Sounds like she was severely projecting more than anything.

>> No.9444959

i hope you responded to that lady with some snark

>> No.9445349

you didnt play along and its their job to make people happy. if you smiled and acted excited he wouldnt have embarrassed you like that

>> No.9445353

What the fuck, no anon. You don't do things that will single out and embarrass your guests.

>> No.9445422

I went to magic kingdom recently too in Jfashion and was left almost alone until I went into one of the restaurants to eat. An older woman all the way down the serving counter came over and asked me what character I was dressed as. I told her I just wanted to dress up (aka look nice because first trip to Disney World) and she hollered back at a male server "She just wanted to dress up!" before walking back to him.

I was pretty embarrassed by it since I wasn't wearing anything too out of the ordinary all things considered.

>> No.9447408

>Got beat up and harassed by a group normie girls.

Pleas tell me this is some kind of horrible joke, anon.

>> No.9447957

No it isn't. But I wasnt in a very good part of the city and they didnt take too kindly from being told to leave me alone apparently. Bunch of stacies/mudslime girls that were really heated. And nobody even helped me except this one dude when I was on the ground. I hate people.
But it's fine, there are also really nixe things that happened. I was given three macarons for free once because the lady loved my outfit and wanted a pic.

>> No.9449280


Fanny Rosie wore an outfit to Disneyland Tokyo that was...basically a slightly toned-down Belle's blue dress, although it was Halloween.

If you watch the video she posted she meets Blue Dress Belle later on. It really highlights just how costumey and unrealistic the face characters look in comparison to, say, lolita/classic.

>> No.9451347

It's their job to make people happy, not my job. Cast members are instructed to call guests in princess-y or Disneybound clothing "princess" because it makes a lot of them happy. In this case, the guy took it way too far by involving a crowd.

>> No.9451386

I wore lolita to disney world for like every week for 4 months and only once during it all did I ever get stopped at the bag check because I was wearing a very Alice themed coord, but even then they let me in after checking.

I went with low poof, big poof, medium poof, no issues.

The only real issue is making sure you wear practical shoes. Sometimes I would bring an extra pair of shoes with me to slip on for photos with princesses and such.

>> No.9452097

You'd have to be a serious attention whore to wear full lolita to class.

>> No.9453039

Worst-old Walmart employee that I was trying to ask about green tea, he starts looking me up and down then rather than answer my question he asks if I lost a bet