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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9517099 No.9517099[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Only post the best.

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>> No.9517102
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>> No.9517105
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>> No.9517350

Yes I do the cooking

>> No.9517360

yes i do the cleaning

>> No.9517754
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>> No.9517766
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Not a fan of this au, but the cosplayers are nice-looking and hella queer.

>> No.9518821 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9520444 [DELETED] 

This thread is pro-rape and torture.

But it's ok because it's YAOI.

Right girls?

>> No.9520462 [DELETED] 

You gotta love fujoshi logic. 'Rape is totally hot if it's guy on guy!!' or 'it's not pedophilia it's shota see that sounds way cuter!!111'

Have never met a fujoshi that wasn't obese or completely fuck off crazy and creepy.

>> No.9520500 [DELETED] 

>Have never met a fujoshi that wasn't obese or completely fuck off crazy and creepy.
I used to have a fatty-chan friend who was so obsessed with yaoi and shotas, that she is now a he and pretends to be a 12 year old. It makes want to puke.

>> No.9520502

If you think killing stalking is pro rape you didn't grasp that manwha at all

>> No.9520504 [DELETED] 


Because trans ppl are only real if they've never heard of animu before, kek

>> No.9520512

Oh sure, then I suppose that acting like a prepubescent boy in order to get aroused it's just what your average trans person does.

>> No.9520519

Get offended all you want, but the amount of straight chicks who claim to be lesbians because they only get off to Japanese cartoons of grown men fucking little boys is insane.

No guy who gets off to lesbian porn claims that liking lesbian porn makes him a lesbian woman.

Likewise, the amount of chicks who think rubbing one off to Supernatural Incest fanfiction makes them trans is also remarkable in that it requires the same level of being completely deluded.

If you're a woman who gets off to gay men who dress like effeminate women it doesn't make you trans, it makes you a straight woman who gets off to gay men who dress like effeminate women.

You're not trans, you're just another creeper objectifying other people. Just because you're a woman who claims to be trans and they're a gay man doesn't make you suddenly not just another creeper.

If I sound adamant it's because the first time I met someone like this I thought maybe they were just odd, the second time I met someone like this I thought it was a coincidence, but I've now met four chicks like this and it's just nuts.

Again, never met a guy who said watching lesbian porn made him a lesbian woman. Yet four chicks I've met have claimed that watching gay porn makes them gay men. The fuck.

>> No.9520522


>> No.9520536

Levi is that you?

>> No.9520558

Nice try. Try harder.

>> No.9520561


to be fair, I don't know your acquaintance. the usual trans dude doesn't behave like that. hard mode: some trans dudes like girls. guess that's just lesbians to you but your fine scientific and deep logic doesn't apply there

>> No.9520563

Sorry you're a fujoshi trastrender.

>> No.9520566

Can we have just one thread without trans bait?

>> No.9520567

Off-topic as fuck, get out.

>> No.9520570

Yeah! This is 4chan! People are trying to masturbate to rape here, you insensitive jerk!

>> No.9520579

How does it feel to be too retarded to get sarcasm?

>> No.9520582 [DELETED] 

the ks fandom (including any cosplayers) is disgusting and should go to hell
romanticizing the gruesome abuse and rape makes you the scum of earth.

>> No.9520585

it's a horror/thriller.
It would be pro-rape and torture if it painted those things as good.
It doesn't.

>> No.9520586

I don't get the hate for this manhwa. Fujos have schlicked to worse, but there's been this sudden influx of pearl clutching Tumblr antis who suddenly care that a bunch of adult women get off to gay cartoons.


They don't even look like real people. Why is there now some implication that getting off to gay cartoon porn means they creep on real gay men? Why is this even an issue on 4chan of all places? Go fucking tell off /a/ or /v/ for touching themselves to naked loli figures and drawing porn of the female Nintendo staff.

>> No.9520605

I don't get the hate for this manga. Neckbeards have jacked to worse, but there's been this sudden influx of pearl clutching Tumblr antis who suddenly care that a bunch of adult men get off to lesbian rape cartoons.


They don't even look like real people. Why is there now some implication that getting off to non consensual gay cartoon porn means they creep on real women? Why is this even an issue on 4chan of all places? Go fucking tell off tumblr for touching themselves to naked shota figures and drawing porn of the male Supernatural/Sherlock/Avengers/KpopSingers/PopSingers/ staff.

>> No.9520621

>"Fiction is reality ya'll!!!"
Moralfags gtfo

>> No.9520626

That's like saying 13 Reasons Why doesn't glorify teenage suicide because it doesn't outright say the words if you fell outcast and lonely you should kill yourself because then people will miss you.

>> No.9520627

>wow it's kinda creepy how you get off to rape

>> No.9520628

If you need to fantasize about rape to get off you should probably talk to someone :(

>> No.9520637

Kill this thread already. Its on hiatus until July 7th anyways. Of course this would derail. Should be in a different board anyways.