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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9599418 No.9599418 [Reply] [Original]

I don't see a help thread so, here it is

>> No.9599504
File: 94 KB, 900x900, happy_techie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting my question:
>Hello, devou/tg/uardsman here, I'm trying to make a tech priest costume and I want it to have some spark effects. How do I do that without burning to death?

>> No.9599517
File: 540 KB, 1200x1362, IMG_20170625_190912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Particle effects can be achieved through e-cig smoke machines and leds that reflect on the smoke.
Faking actual sparks is nearly impossible I think.

>> No.9599525

Well shit. Is there anyway to produce real sparks but contain them safely?

Thanks for the smoke machine tip, though, I'll add it.

>> No.9599531

Quick googling told me there's a thing called a spark ejector used by haunting houses and fx artists: http://www.theatrefx.com/funfacts6.html

Theyre pricy though, but small and run on simple batteries: http://themagicwarehouse.com/FX2843/Spark-Ejectors-Ejectors-.html

>> No.9599533

Are there some kiddy magic tricks that can make sparks by rubbing some kind of paper together?

>> No.9599534

And found this quote for a safe effect

"Safest way to get a spark effect would be to use a hyper bright LED focused to a small 7'' round area and have a high powered mini fan with shiny foil streamers in front of the fan.
When the light hits the thin streamers with the fan violently blowing on the them you'll get pretty close to the effect your looking for.
You will need a small fan capable of instantly moving a lot of CFM on near start up.
Kind of like a fire bowl but with a extremely bright but small light and a hopped up fan.
A air hocky table fan would do the trick as you can over voltage the fan a little for a quick kick in on start up.
Be for warned though those little table fans are not forgiving so make sure you have the thing mounted secure when you apply power because they kick.
One other time consuming idea to consider ( that we have done before with very good results ) would be to chain link side by side in long weird patterns by black wire some real bright L.E.D.'s and have them twinkle in a chain effect, that would be another option.
The LED option while more realistic would be way more time consuming.
Either way would be pretty safe and would serve as a good option for a spark effect."

>> No.9599548

Shit, this is SUPER helpful! Thanks!

>> No.9599610
File: 109 KB, 389x266, Screen Shot 2017-04-14 at 8.51.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since it never really got answered in the last thread, what's the best place to buy a long-sleeve seifuku from besides bodyline? I'm planning on cosplaying popuko, and bodyline does not have the cyan-ish color of seifuku she has (plus it's international site shut down)

>> No.9599809
File: 577 KB, 973x1084, 20170814_114656-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i add small triangles to this collar?? i want it to be more of a notched.

>> No.9599845
File: 65 KB, 900x900, shitty example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could cut slits into it carefully, tick the raw edges under and sew them, but honestly if you wanted to do notches you should have done that before you sewed it, especially with small triangles

>> No.9599911
File: 151 KB, 668x812, 20170814_163037_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread got deleted before I could see if anyone replied. What's a good material for Kazuma's half cape? This seems to be the only one of a similar colour I could find at my local place.

>> No.9599918

>e-cig smoke machines
are there even cons that allow these?

>> No.9599929
File: 249 KB, 767x768, MidBlueCottonTwill4_zps5a005356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kinda hard to tell from your pic whether it's twill or broadcloth.

Twill has a diagonal weave like pic related (close up), and is usually pretty heavy. It's fine to make capes and cloaks out of them.

If it's thin broadcloth, it's going to be very light and likes to wrinkle. Make the underside of the cape out of a heavier, sturdier fabric that hangs well, then sew the green stuff on top. Make sure to iron/steam out any wrinkles before you wear the costume. That way the heavier underside gives you better structure while the lighter green fabric just covers the top.

>> No.9599943

I'll keep that in mind. As it stands I didn't want to have an underside to the cake exactly because I wouldn't be able to do it in time.

>> No.9599992

I've never had problems with cons. But then again they are usually hidden and i'd only turn them on for pictures. Smoking e-cigs is generally not allowed inside but these only run for a second or 5 and they have non-flavoured liquid in them.

>> No.9600062
File: 1.09 MB, 3639x2422, Denethor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to basically make the cloak version of Denethor's coat to use as daily wear during winter. Those of you with experience from spending hours and hours in big bulky cloaks during say a larp, what do you suggest for "type"? Does full-circle become too much bulk to move around in? Is half-circle even nearly enough? 3/4-circle?

>> No.9600079

from what I can tell the edges are of a much thicker fur than the rest of the coat, so i think a regular coat pattern with short fur, and long fur as the trim, would be perfect and not too heavy. Use thin lining fabric (rayon lining) in a dark color for the inside to make it comfortable but not too heavy.

>> No.9600292

Are there compression shirts with "muscle padding" in them? Like a much more subtle version of those muscle suit superhero Halloween costumes. I want to do a character that wears pretty tightly fitted clothing and while my frame is fine I'm not exactly toned.

>> No.9600331

What is the best framework to use for large wings to prevent them from drooping? I've tried combinations of wire and interfacing with varying degrees of success, but I always run into problems with the mechanism used to hold the wings to the body. Right now, I'm bending the ends of the wire into a u-shape, and stuffing the wires along with a balsa wood board into a tight sack, and then shoving the board down the back of the dress. It looks good for the most part, but over the day I have some droopage issues.

>> No.9600449
File: 384 KB, 1550x936, 20728190_882541678565200_3732114392723263799_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most wings are made with electrical pvc pipes, home depots have numerous ways to attach them into different sockets and ways to attach them to walls (in your case a board of wood) and sorts.
picture is recent, from the cosplayer lara wegenaer arts

>> No.9600473
File: 57 KB, 656x800, Back_To_The_Future_2_Marty_Mcfly_Jacket__27151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my question
Where can a guy get a Back to The Future 2 jacket without the ripple crap on the sleeves?

>> No.9600475
File: 110 KB, 400x619, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda new to this so hear me out.

I'm going as pic related and I'm not exactly sure on how to make the pauldrons. It's less of making pauldrons themselves and it's more of the odd shape of them.

>> No.9600480


I traveled years to be this useful to you


>> No.9600489

EVA foam and heat

>> No.9600627

Genius. Thank you. Wire hasn't been cutting it.

>> No.9600744

I think somewhere between 2/3 and 3/4 would give you the amount of swing you see there

>> No.9600745

Anyone have any recommendations for commissioned cosplays? Pages/websites. I'm the anon who spent 400 on a costume and provided pictures with the tapemeasure where they asked and it still ended up short and missing pieces. I'm also a newer cosplayer and I've only made two costumes myself.

Either way I'm looking for some nice commissioners that you guys would recommend while I practice my sewing. Thanks!

>> No.9600809

Honestly ask around your local comms.

I did something online and it sucked. It's not worth risking serious money.

Find someone that actually will take your measurements in person and follow up with you in person.

>> No.9600908


>> No.9600912


You can underline instead of doing a proper lining. Basically this means layer the two together, then cut and sew them as if it's one single layer of fabric. You'll find it easier if you run one line of stitching around the outside edge to keep the two fabric from shifting while you work on it.

Lining gives you the option of adding a stiff interfacing/crinoline for the stand-up collar, though. Nicer looking than starching it, and easier to care for than putting wire in it.

>> No.9601232

So I ordered a piece for my cosplay. It doesn't say anywhere what its made of but I think its polyester or some other kind of synthetic material The piece itself is very nice but it was folded into a bag and now its super wrinkled. I tried ironing it on the synthetic setting and its still super wrinkly and I don't want to go higher in case I damage it. How should I go about getting the wrinkles out of it?

>> No.9601299
File: 159 KB, 667x1001, IMG_2943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for advice over construction help. I've wanted to cosplay Shinku and other sort of "dolly" and short characters but I feel like I'm quite tall for them and it would ruin the look. Are there any visual tricks I can use to look shorter? I was thinking of making my skirt extra poofy and shorter than Shinkus (probably knee length) so it would make me look shorter. Or am I overthinking things and I should just cosplay who I want lol? At least The Doll from Bloodbourne is supposed to be tall...

>> No.9601329
File: 61 KB, 600x450, robotmonster5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing the Robot Monster costume and any tips on ventilation of the helmet? The costume is done and now looking for any tips/tricks to keeping cool. I'm tempted to put vents on the top but only last resort if need be.

>> No.9601339

Making your skirt shorter will make you look taller. Make it a bit longer than it should be instead.

>> No.9601354

Do it in proportion to your body. It does not matter if you're tall or short if you're not in a group, since there's no comparison

>> No.9601396

Thank you! I thought longer would make me look taller oops.

>> No.9601397

I remember someone posting in the coord help thread that having black tights with white shoes makes you look shorter, not sure how true that is.

>> No.9601442
File: 93 KB, 1200x675, DAHcXZXV0AE5DqH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the best way to make the little pink and white hair accessory that Marie has?

>> No.9601457

probably nowhere, since that's a large part of the look and what makes it recognizable.
also learn how to greentext

>> No.9601503
File: 20 KB, 555x556, 1482522114254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to get some kind of white paint, preferably spraypaint that is either glow-in-the-dark or very reflective. Not glossy, but, reflective like mailbox thing is.

>> No.9601528

PlastiDip carries a hi-vis/reflective topcoat spray. They also have a glow in the dark spray. I've seen both at automotive stores.

>> No.9601555

So I like how that the spandex mask makes it look like the skull mask's eyes are black.

However, I would like if it didn't have to cover my whole head. I would also like if I could see better, because spandex really makes it hard to see.

Any suggestions?

>> No.9601557
File: 31 KB, 540x960, skull mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.9601571

Would it be OK to post a pic for critique?

>> No.9601598

I would like to start casting things from clay. I was wondering if anyone has a preference from where they can order slabs of clay for a decent price or if I would be better off looking locally?
Can you make soft molds from clay? What stuff do you like to use? What kind of clear epoxy do you like to use?

>> No.9601663
File: 81 KB, 1200x675, 1502940958216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not too familiar with /cgl/ but this is the place to ask
I figured Subaru from Re: Zero would be nice to cosplay, but in addition to that his outfit looks comfy as fuck. The issue is I'm picky as fuck, like if the N on his tracksuit isn't rounded it's a shit costume, and this is something that's happened whenever I've tried to cosplay a character before
The question is, where can I find a costume accurate enough for a good cosplay, but comfy enough to wear around?

>> No.9601703

Fucking casual with shit taste.

>> No.9601764

Is there a significant difference between PVC and PEX pipe?
Does PEX give fumes while heat-forming like PVC?

>> No.9601890
File: 745 KB, 1282x1231, 20160126_064140-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about attaching 3d printed plastic (pla) to eva foam?
I'm trying to attach a 3d printed dome shell (2mm thick) to a helmet built using eva foam floor mats. I'm thinking epoxy putty to build up the inside of the plastic piece so it has more bite on the foam? Maybe just straight up use epoxy?

>> No.9601898

if you're that picky either pay out the ass and commission it or just make it yourself

>> No.9601939

Is this the picture guide to cosplay gondola

>> No.9601941
File: 925 KB, 854x738, Screen Shot 2017-08-18 at 1.15.14 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone give me insight on what kind of fabric to use for this front section of live action Belle's bodice is? I was thinking a heavyweight upholstery fabric or something and have found nothing coming close.

>> No.9601943
File: 404 KB, 1920x1080, yus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna do some leather-looking material for the main body. What should I do for the metal-y bits and ring around the neck? And where can I get a custom lengthed zipper?

>> No.9601949

You could do the metal bits out of eva foam. Seal them with plastidip, then paint them metallic. The other option is to design them with a 3d design program and get a local hobbyist with a 3d printer to print out the pieces for you.

>> No.9602001

hi-temp hot glue is my go to for bonding almost anything to eva foam.

>> No.9602239

>hi-temp hot glue
Won't that just melt the foam?

>> No.9602447

please respond.

>> No.9602450

I'll critique

>> No.9602494

Cut out some eye holes? That or make some eye holes out of a sheer fabric.

>> No.9602496

oh my god you inspired me

>> No.9602524

but it's hard to see through

>> No.9602570

I'm not opposed to paying for it to be commissioned if someone can do it perfectly

>> No.9602579

This is probably a stupid question, but what's the best course of action for someone who's planning a cosplay but has zero makeup experience? Find general beginners' resources on Youtube/etc to learn about what all these esoteric products are or focus on cosplay-specific resources from the get-go? Or is it not really that different? And should I practice with cheap items until I'm confident enough to do more advanced stuff / refine techniques or start with higher-quality products with the assumption that they won't run out that quickly? I've never worn makeup before and I'm entirely clueless about it but I don't think I could pull off a pretty anime girl well without it, aside from naturally long eyelashes.

>> No.9602580

christ you are literally the most annoying normie to ever grace this shitty board.
Just use really REALLY chap cotton for the eyes and glue it into place or something, since that's see through. go to the fabric store and test different ones by holding them in front of your face.

>> No.9602597

cotton eh. Is that better than chiffon?

>> No.9602603
File: 1.20 MB, 1333x886, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laser cut out some wood parts for a quick axe head. I want to fill out the bevels with Bondo but I've never used it before and don't know which one to buy.

>> No.9602619

sandable wood filler seems like a better choice for this

>> No.9602660
File: 24 KB, 340x255, IMG_4508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to make an extra head and not fail miserably?

>> No.9602702

Yes, but be prepared to take a lifecast of your head, make a mold around that, slushcast some silicone, take the 'mask', put it around a large wig head, paint silicone 'mask' with alcohol paints', add wig/punch hairs for brows/lashes/hairline if you don't have a lace front.
Also you could get fake painted eyes if you don't think your painting skills could cut it to produce a realistic looking effect.

>> No.9602718
File: 1.32 MB, 2048x2048, EBE050BF-0192-4598-AD1B-C1641E920B83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottom left is a pic of the accurate colours. Is this boucle a good fabric choice for the coat pictured? I'm having a hell of a time getting informed opinions about this fabric choice. Not sure if it would look too overdesigned & cheap, or somehow not ''graphic" enough for cosplay. What do y'all think?

>> No.9602733

I would personally use foam. Just pattern it out with paper first and then you should be fine.

>> No.9602737

To my knowledge, no. Hotglue only really melts styrofoam.

>> No.9602738

Then mention how "perfect" you want it beforehand and see if they are willing to put that much work into it. Just talk to people. Go to another thread and ask for commissioner recommendations.

>> No.9602739

Just lookup makeup tuts on youtube and look for cosplayers you like for their makeup and just PRACTICE. You just have to suck it up and start. We all started somewhere, even with our everyday makeup. You can do it, anon, just sit down and practice.

>> No.9602761

Alright, thanks for the help anon

>> No.9602774
File: 54 KB, 676x1000, 3ddb22dcd7175826e000275f30e87e04e6fab28f_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on this skirt and as simple as it looks, i can't find a proper way to attach the flowers to the skirt (i bought plastic flowers and they are really hard to sew) is there any other option that doesn't include hot glue?

>> No.9602800

Do you not want to use any glue at all, or just not hot glue?

Alternatives include:
-Silicone caulking
-Using floral wire of some kind on the bottoms of the flower and use it to create loops that to can sew through easier (essentially turning the flowers into giant buttons in how they sew on)
-Dealing with it and sewing it on anyway
-Another kind of glue

>> No.9602803

I guess you could always glue on pin backs to the flowers and pin them on, or glue rare earth magnets to the flowers and magnet them on… but it seems like kind of a waste if the flowers aren't going to be removed at all anyway.

>> No.9602834

It doesn't have high enough contrast/drama

>> No.9602844

Has anyone used dollar store acrylic paints on EVA foam after it's sealed by Plasti Dip? How were the results? I'm just looking for alternative paints to spray paints before I drop a lot of money into 5 something cans. I don't care much about brush strokes when painting, and I plan to seal the foam after I paint it.

>> No.9602888
File: 339 KB, 689x1541, morgan yu full body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I got some foam and vinyl fabric. What kind of pattern should I do for a full body suit? Coveralls?

>> No.9602971

should the speckling be larger? What should I look for in a better textile?

>> No.9602979
File: 259 KB, 800x800, damask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a better reference? It could be a lot of things from those pixels. It looks like some kind of damask perhaps but either way it looks like you need really sharp contrast and a large pattern.

>> No.9602997
File: 495 KB, 711x550, 4461872-0637559356-D-040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a speckled screentone.

>> No.9603009

If you want the eye holes to be black but allow visibility, glue black buckram to the insides of the eyes in the mask. Don't know the character so I can't tell how much of the spandex is necessary to keep.

>> No.9603209
File: 527 KB, 764x907, oggie nigger boggie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fellow /cgl/ anons, I was wondering if any of you might know how to make a decent looking Boogie Woogie Man from Nightmare before christmas. I don't want to sound picky, but might as well ask for something that won't make me melt while walking around. Thanks everyone and hope your cosplays get the help they need.

>> No.9603251
File: 52 KB, 348x620, F1Y90C2IIQEBH18.MEDIUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /cgl/ first time making props here made a shield out of cardboard, I would like to strengthen it or make it more durable, any tips? Pic sort of related.

>> No.9603266

What did you seal the cardboard with? It looks really good/not like cardboard

>> No.9603291

The only thing I can think of is to look into how fursuit bodies are done and go that way.

>> No.9603327


Try the light green from here. It's pricey but it will look the best.

>> No.9603331

Google Adam Savage's Totoro build and mod that and cover it with burlap. Any huge costume will make you sweat balls, but his frame is lighter and doesn't use foam so you might get circulation. Be prepared to give yourself breaks, even the pros at Disnayland are only out for 30 minutes at a time.

>> No.9603347


The built you referenced already covers most of it -- layer (glue) a few pieces together (try to alternate the direction of the corrugation), and seal with several coats of stuff (modge podge, gesso, shellac, paint). Of course, at the end of the day it's still cardboard, the only way to turn it into metal is to put an actual metal sheet in there. Layering and several coats of primer/sealant on it should help make it stiffer and harder to break, so long as you aren't actually trying to break it.


nayrt, but


>> No.9603377
File: 680 KB, 750x1200, oogie collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you anon and anyone else who wants to try making one themselves, here's what I did that took me less than a week to put together.

Materials, most I worked with what I had:
- foam (had leftover upholstery sheets, EVA foam would work too)
- corrugated plastic/coroplastic
- wire (optional especially if you're using EVA foam instead, I had leftover hoop boning wire to use for Oogie's mouth)
- scrap toque/beanie
- ~4-5m of burlap and I prewashed it (lot of nasty stuff came out, and turned out less smelly which I appreciated)
- ~1m of knit fabric
- small piece of see-through black fabric for the mouth
- spare scrap shoes
- two t-shirts (one that fits you, one several sizes bigger)
- 1-2 bags of stuffing (maybe pillows work)
- hot glue
- marker (ran out of time, I would've used yarn for the "stitches")

I'm not going to go into detail especially since I forgot a lot about how I made this since this was done in 2014. I used a lot of hot glue when putting together the head, and apparently I used some knit fabric to cover the foam - probably to make it easier to adhere the burlap to the base whether I'm sewing or hotgluing burlap on.

When I formed the burlap onto the foam base, I started from the middle and worked my way out so I don't have a fabric pattern for that. I think it was mostly a giant triangle, and I trimmed any extra stuff on the sides of the head so the seam would be straighter.

For the body, it was a giant sandwich of a kigurumi pattern with triangle arm-sleeves. I left a lot of room for the belly and legs. Also, since the hands aren't detachable, I left an opening in the seam where my thumb can poke through - I might've made a velcro thing so my hand can slip out, but I can't remember. I did use velcro between the legs so I can slip into the costume from underneath.


>> No.9603381
File: 745 KB, 1200x750, oogie pics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underneath all that burlap body, I made a marshmallow suit with the t-shirts and stuffing:
- put the fitted t-shirt inside the bigger t-shirt
- sew the bottom hems and sleeve hems together (not to closed, you should still be able to wear it)
- at the neck hole, stuff the stuffing between the t-shirt sandwich
- sew the neck closed
- try it on, stuff more if necessary

Despite the puffiness of the suit, I didn't feel hot wearing this. Only if I wore the headpiece, I'd get warm. Otherwise it's very easy to wear the Oogie Boogie costume. After that, I'll never work with burlap again...

I made this in a few days so I didn't care how perfect or not it is, especially since I rushed in the end with using a marker to draw the stitches instead of using yarn. So take what you want from my experience and pictures, and all the best!

>> No.9603507


Use black pantyhose. It's very sheer, especially when stretched. Close up people may be able to see your eyes, but from 5 ft away it should be a good illusion.

>> No.9603574

How should I store skirts?

I currently have two, one is a pleated ankle-height skirt and the other is a narrow, ankle-length skirt.

Right now the pleated one is on a clip hanger and the long one is folded over a regular hanger. Should that do alright?

>> No.9603592
File: 56 KB, 640x457, Beatrice,Details.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to make pic related.
My main problem lie with the skirt.
How do I get the shape and what fabric should i use?
Is it even possible to do this without having a framework run to the very bottom, rendering one unable to sit down?

>> No.9603596
File: 17 KB, 430x323, DSC02917-1_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the pleated skirt has ribbon loops, it would be best to hang it using those loops. Otherwise I would recommend turning that skirt inside out so the clips don't leave marks on the waistband.

The long skirt should be fine.

>> No.9603614

Framework? You mean hoopskirt? People can sit in hoopskirts don't believe what the movies tell you. It sounds like you still need to learn a lot about sewing and/or gowns so first go look up some videos on hoopskirts, petticoats and crinoline. Then the black part of the skirt to make the shape look up "facing scallops" and the red part is just gathering just look up Belle's yellow gown tutorials

>> No.9603617

Looks cool as shit, and thanks for the walkthrough!

>> No.9603651

Thanks for the advice. Pleated skirt doesn't have ribbon loops so I'll flip it and see about adding them in later. It's a bit big on me and my solution when I needed it was to sew in an elastic waistband since the waistband isn't normally visible. Ribbon loops seem like a much more practical solution.

>> No.9603721

Does anyone know a cheap place to buy sintra in bulk? Also, can you buy sheets in hardware stores?

>> No.9603819

what kind of scissors should I use to cut wigs?
in the past I used regular kitchen shears, but those were awful at cutting hair

>> No.9603937
File: 180 KB, 800x960, IMG_9949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to find the exact patches and pins that Amanda from Dream Daddy has, but to no avail. (I'm especially having a tough time finding the sparkle patch on her jacket) Is there a place that sells exclusively patches and pins? Or would I be better off commissioning someone to make those for me?

>> No.9603948

There's QuidVis on etsy. They don't have Dream Daddy patches (yet, I'm sure) but they do commissions. I've bought from them before and am pretty happy with the quality.

>> No.9603984
File: 54 KB, 540x559, 213123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to keep a shyguy mask up? It's been heat-treated to have a curve, but not deep enough to countour to a face,
I feel if I make the strap tight enough to keep the mask on, it'll bend the mask

A third hidden strap that goes over the top, maybe?

>> No.9604005

depends on what you want. chiffon is breathable and more transparent, but people will be able to see your eyes. Cotton is heavier, but more opaque to viewers.

>> No.9604007
File: 72 KB, 488x750, 1487929704223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try something like this with your wig

>> No.9604008

if you don't have enough experience in sewing to even know the name for a hoop skirt, I reccomend not making it. it seriously takes an immense amount of practice/training and skill to be able to make a gown like that that doesn't look like absolute horseshit

>> No.9604025

^this or use some magnets. Met a cosplayer that did the magnet trick earlier today

>> No.9604027

when you airbrush fabric and fur, does it need to be sealed?

>> No.9604033
File: 182 KB, 591x1257, tumblr_oqghjyVY6m1tz8epdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im trying to make the dog hood like in pic/vid
but not sure how to get the dome shape
this is my first real project with foams and have no clue what im doing cause im a dumb ass
any suggestions would help

>> No.9604048

What if I'm not sure I'll be using a wig yet? It may be my natural hair since it's long enough right now and I never really do well with wigs.
What's the magnet trick, exactly?

>> No.9604056

>natural hair
>green haired character
anon, dying your hair that shade of green is going to look really bad
get a wig

>> No.9604065

You could use some spongy foam to attach to the underside of the mask so that it can cushion around your face and forehead without having to hug at your face. And then use whatever you are tying the mask to your head with. When attaching foam to the mask, I'd recommend spray adhesive/contact cement, otherwise hot glue might warp the mask unless it's thick enough to withstand the heat.

>> No.9604115
File: 53 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nqo0dotHX41uqfyuao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, I'll probably avoid die. Honestly I'm tempted to try something like pic related, because I've seen shygal cosplayers try both wigs, and some kind of simplistic fabric cutout over it, and the later seems to clash a lot less. So I'd be without anything to clip to.

If I do end up using a wig though, I'll definitely try the buckle clips, I'm just scouring all my options right now, so thank you!

I'll give that a try too, thanks

>> No.9604122

nope, although on fabric like fake pleather it can easily peel off, but there's not much you can do other than using fabric paints or leather paint

>> No.9604813

Aw thank youu. What kind of collar is this and do you have any photos of what it looks like after? Wouldn't it be creased on the darts?
The outcome on the picture showed it but it's not what I wanted.

>> No.9604817

>>9599911 oh man i've wanted to cosplay sugintou for a while but my sewing skills are not up to date for that lmaoo.
honestly i would just make it closely proportionate or else it'd look wonky. You cooould make it a bit longer and find shorter heels?

>> No.9604818
File: 150 KB, 1024x837, Narancia_ASB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on this guy for AWA and I dislike the cel shading type makeup a lot of people use for Jojo characters, but still think you really need to have some kind of heavy makeup to match the obnoxiousness of the designs. I'm also crossplaying, so basically I have no idea what to do to my face.

>> No.9604824
File: 1.49 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170821-013512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of imprint such patterns on PU leather. Will it work? How to best go for it? Aluminum foil between and crank up the heat on the ironing?

>> No.9604845

ayyyy fellow AWA jojo! Narancia has a sort of baby/round face, so just a simple contour should do + eye makeup. He has feminine features, so crossplaying should be no issue. When I cosplayed him, I usually used a light contour on my cheeks and accented my jaw since his jaw is pretty prominent. I'd say to match up to the obnoxiousness, maybe try falsies?

>> No.9604865
File: 352 KB, 940x1342, 1214318_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newer to cosplay, but I'm looking to get a decent looking Nazgûl done before the end of the year, but the various tutorials I've found and seen are lackluster at best.

Think I'm going to just order a custom pair of Gauntlets/boot and shin guards.

But does anyone have a recommendation for a proper fabric to use, that isn't wool? While I'm going to go for as much accuracy as possible, I don't have the budget or desire to go for layers of heavy HQ wool. So if any other people that have done Nazgûl can give me some tips, or just general fabric recommendations, or a link to a good tutorial, I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance

>> No.9604871

Are you doing part 5 by any chance? I'll be doing Diavolo with my friend on Sunday

>> No.9604915
File: 33 KB, 256x475, 87895[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to get a compound eye effect for a mask?
I'm working on a Kamen Rider 2 helmet from scratch and don't know what to use that'd be effective.

>> No.9604919

Unfortunately no, but I will be cosplaying jojo at some point in the weekend! Good luck with Narancia & Diavolo!

>> No.9605116

Look for tail light lenses.

>> No.9605129
File: 20 KB, 416x360, Crap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone used a voice modulator in a costume before? I'd like to use one to create a staticy and autotune-esque effect, but I don't know how to find or make such a device.

>> No.9605271
File: 1.37 MB, 1910x2847, DrEggman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime Nebraskon is on Novembdr 11th, I'm going as Dr.Robotnik, I don't know how to sew but am willing to learn to make his jacket.

How fucked am I?

>> No.9605272


>> No.9605438

I was thinking about doing a My Hero academia group for New York comic con 18, and have two fairly decent cosblocks:
What would be the best way to make Bakugo's gauntlets, and what would be the best way to go about Tokoyami's head?

>> No.9605481
File: 12 KB, 228x218, 1503295137329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello I would like to crossplay a much taller character than i am i'm 5'2 feet tall What do you guys recomend?

>> No.9605485

manlets, when will they learn

>> No.9605491
File: 9 KB, 241x343, 1502006054479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a girl and a short one It sucks, im looking to cosplay as Jason vorhees and i dont want to go and just half ass a slutty version of him or do a girl version if anyone could help that would be pretty cool

>> No.9605496

Have you considered using stilts

>> No.9605513
File: 47 KB, 640x640, mercy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of fabric would you recommend for the new Mercy skin?

>> No.9605524

begone thot

>> No.9605525

Boots with a lot of lift?

>> No.9605529

what the fuck

>> No.9605530

Begone thot

>> No.9605537

try drywall stilts. Lots of pawn shops have em cheap

>> No.9605551

can you explain how wanting to cosplay a video game character that's almost fully clothed makes me a thot?

>> No.9605558

Neckbeard anons don't care, Anon

>> No.9605621
File: 183 KB, 648x191, Screenshot_38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I am totally new to everything cosplay related but I need to dress up as Link for a introduction weekend. I'm playing to buy a premade 55 dollar OoT Link costume from AliExpress. I need to order today but I don't know which size I need to get. I practise weightlifting so I'm a bit bulky. Just measured myself:

Chest 95cm
Wasit 88cm
Hip 93cm
I am 171cm tall.

Might increase a couple of centimeters because I lost 3kg due to vacation time. Anyway, back to my question. Should I get size M or L? I am afraid that the costume will be too long when I pick L but size L seems more my fit if I gain a bit a weight. But I always buy clothing in size M and it fits fine. Maybe someone here has experience with these kind of costumes? Is the material a big stretchy and is M fine or should I really buy a size I definitely fit in cause otherwise it will tear easily?

See pic for measurements of the costume

Much lobi in advance!

>> No.9605632

It's a flavor of the month outfit of a popular cos-slut character
It's like asking what you should make your virgin killer sweater out of lmao

>> No.9605636

Found the correct size, atleast, I hope so.

>> No.9605640
File: 64 KB, 200x247, RESTORED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I've been going to conventions for ages, and if you told me in 1997 that in 20 years I would be browsing a Tibetan Shadow Puppet Enthusiasts website only to see some random guy belittling a woman for trying to wear an "overly slutty" outfit to one of these things I would have called you crazy.

I'm not trying to take a side, I'm just saying, Hell of a world.

>> No.9605658
File: 567 KB, 2048x1365, 1481468315681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am wearing a polyester tuxedo outside in hot weather. How the fuck do I stay cool? Are there cooler things I can wear in my jacket?

pic related (opposite)

>> No.9605690

I legit don't get how this is considered a slutty costume is my deal. Oh my god there's leg showing wow such whore. The stomach, arms, and chest are completely covered. If showing a little leg is considered slutty now there's some real problems here.

>> No.9605697

it's not about your skin or your body

>> No.9605717
File: 290 KB, 512x724, scrcap1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got two questions

1) Is Tamamo from Fate GO a beginner-friendly cosplay as long as I know very basic sewing or is it way too ballsy? I don't own a sewing machine either

2) Has anybody here tried to order from HoneyColor with fake details on the prescription? I ordered a few months ago and was able to bypass the prescription check as long as I ordered 0.00 grade lenses but this time it wasn't the case. Is it possible for them to reject orders? I tried writing the prescription details in random binary so I could check out. Right now I'm waiting for the order confirmation

>> No.9605752
File: 142 KB, 868x694, haruhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of a good pattern I could use for Kyon's jacket? The only one I've come across is a Simplicity pattern labeled as advanced.

>> No.9605824

making the jacket and in that shape is going o take a lot of drafting which takes a lot of experience in the first place

>> No.9605843

I don't consider it "slutty". It's just a Mercy costume. There are far more scandalous things one could dress up as. I just thought it was funny that that one anon was giving you grief about it.

>> No.9605855

It's because Mercy is the typical 'gamur gurl XD' character to cosplay along with d.va. It's flavor of the month.

>> No.9605873

Re: noob friendliness, you're going to have a bad time making the strapless bodice from scratch. I would recommend buying a black bustier as a base layer so you get waist supression + secure cups, and then adding the layers of white and blue to it. Use Jacquard Lumiere paint for the gold designs on the obi bow (and for the gold edges on the sleeves if you wanna save yourself some work).

>> No.9605989
File: 133 KB, 1024x576, saw_cleaver_handmade_by_carnedacannone-d9st8hx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a saw cleaver. Found a simple tutorial but the end result does not have the lever and must be manually closed with both hands and is locked in place by pins.
Anyone have any idea how the lever could be implemented so I can morph the thing with one hand?

>> No.9605995
File: 50 KB, 960x540, 20863983_10210346402872446_987797039_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to figure out why this dress I'm making is so ill-fitting in the ribcage area. Is there a way to take in the top without removing the skirt?

>> No.9606004
File: 116 KB, 905x600, 2bnqsword[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anywhere to get a virtuous contract by this weekend?

>> No.9606029

No, you're fucked.

>> No.9606033

The seam in the back needs to be inverted on both sides so it's concave with the curve of your back. Thats why its floofing out like that. The whole point in doing the top in portions like that is so that it fits to the curve of your middle.
Turn it inside-out, do some pinning, and modify your seams.
Idk the technical term for any of it but I recognize this problem. I also had dresses look like this when I was a beginner.

>> No.9606037

Thanks so much! I was really concerned that I messed up somewhere with the pattern, but I guess it's just too big. It's just weird that it fits my bust and waist perfectly, but not my ribs.

>> No.9606043
File: 381 KB, 2000x926, JiroJacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got what I want to do mostly figured out with these, but I can't figure out how to paint them to match my skintone. The tubing is silicone, so I'm not sure what kind of paint would stick to it best without compromising flexibility. I'd love any advice you guys could give me, thanks so much!

>> No.9606059

I wanna say coat in plasti-dip, then makeup, then sealer. YMMV

>> No.9606061

Regular makeup or latex but put it INSIDE the tube.

>> No.9606064

If you live in socal, maybe; I have one that I'd sell.

>> No.9606079

how much to overnight that bish to ohio

>> No.9606106

Thanks so much for the the tips! I'll test these out and see what works.

>> No.9606114

that sort of tubing is usually too thick / not transparent enough for it to work inside, I think?

that's a damn clever idea though.

>> No.9606672

Who's worked with Worbla and what do I need to get started with that shit? All the stuff people make looks dope and I can't find anywhere to buy it.

>> No.9606691
File: 85 KB, 380x574, burning man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noob here

how shitty would an unaltered suit look? I am wearing it + a mask for burning man. Would I not properly telegraph "ludicrously overdressed" with a suit that doesnt fit perfectly?

>> No.9606707

keep in mind that jackets are hard, you aren't gonna find one that's really beginner lever and if you don't know that maybe you shouldn't be making one. also his jacket is simple enough you might want to just find a similar one, it would probably look better.

>> No.9606735

Common cotton would do, so would satin and any type of cheap nylon/polyester mix.

go actively follow some damn foam smiths, girl

some type of garbage bin mechanism could work, with a rope through a hollow handle

plastidip as prime, latex or flexible paint
silicone tubing grabs any type of paint or glue incredibly poorly, so plastidip is almost obligatory.

and no it's not going to work inside pretty sure.

what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.9606974

Aa thank you so much, it never even occurred to me that it would be difficult for the body to stay up strapless. This was really helpful

>> No.9607101
File: 272 KB, 315x377, Screenshot_9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this kind of neckline called?

>> No.9607180
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x1951, 2288372-renee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/ I'm not really big on crafting. It sounds like a short cut but could I pull off pic related with a zentai body suit of flesh coloring?

>> No.9607183

A regular suit doesn't put you into "ludicrously overdressed". I'd look into renting a tuxedo, it's like $150 at Mens Warehouse for a weekend. You need the whole tails/satin lapels/cufflinks/white tie shebang to not look like a salaryman.

>> No.9607188

Don't buy a whole zentai just for face coverage, you'll get unnecessarily gross and sweaty. You can get a pair of dance tights (come in various beige shades and are quite opaque) and cut a tube out of the thigh to cover your face, your wig/hat and collar will cover the ends.

>> No.9607211

I'm assuming you're talking about the collar, which is generally a high necked collar flared outwards.

>> No.9607233

CosplaySupplies.com sells it here in canada. Not sure about the states. There's like a million videos on YouTube now too.

>> No.9607275


I could go that route. Thank you.

>> No.9607291
File: 355 KB, 1708x758, EarHelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to do a few characters that have animal ears (Caster Fate/EXTRA, Black Hanekawa, Cerberus, etc.) and I want to start making my own ears instead of buying them.
I really like these flexible realistic ears, where do I start so they don't look like shit? What are they made of and how is the fur attached? Do I dry brush color or do I need to invest in an airbrush machine?

>> No.9607361

You put in simple metal wiring in the edges of the ears (like a triangle), and these seem to have a base of felt. You can also use a base of craft foam. Glue on the fur with hotglue, fabric glue or contact cement, and these look barely painted, so you could just purchase 3 small bits of fur in different colors (white, skin color and your preferred ear color).
You can dry brush or buy cheap alcohol markers (look up wig dye diy tutorials) to make up for an expensive airbrush.
Use wig clips sewn to the base or glued to a small hairband to put on the ears.
Also get a pair of cheap hairdresser scissors to trim the hair.

>> No.9607373

Look up elevator shoes. I'm 5'4" and wore a pair of shoes that made me 5'8". You won't be tall, but at least you won't be as short. Also prepare for your feet to hurt like hell.

>> No.9607580
File: 37 KB, 255x640, Weather_Report_EoH_render.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about doing Weather Report as an easy-ish Jojo cosplay.

What's a good material for the various gold ornaments on his clothes? Paperclay? Thermoplastic?

For his outfit itself I plan on getting a flat black/navy blue pajama set and a white cossack, since that'd only require minor modifications and I have no experience in sewing so I figure it's best to start small.

>> No.9607600

How necessary is it to wear false lashes when I'm cosplaying a girly girl character? I can do make-up alright but for the life of me can't get falsies to work. I'm just wondering if it's going to make a big difference in my cosplay.

>> No.9607624

Falsies do make a huge difference. Just try practicing putting them on and it will eventually become second nature.

>> No.9607625

*funky dance music*

>> No.9607942

is gathering or pleather a better way to get a large amount of fabric on to a small area

>> No.9607943


>> No.9607952

Depends on what you're trying to do. The aesthetic is very different.

>> No.9607976

I got a dark earth toned flight suit that I want to dye or stain black for my HUNK cosplay. Rite dye doesn't quite get clothing black, I was thinking of using a steel wool vinegar mix. Any suggestions?

>> No.9608002

Make extremely poofy sleeves, for pleading I mean things like cartridge pleats or tiny box pleats, I'm really just trying to get the most volume humanly possible

>> No.9608005

For puffy sleeves you'd gather, not pleat.

>> No.9608084

Can you colour something completely white only using Gesso?

>> No.9608117


If your fabric is something lightweight like organdy, you'll be fine with just gathering, I think you could go up to 5x, maybe 7x times the fabric without a problem since the fabric is so lightweight.

For thicker fabric, making tiny uneven pleats (that aren't ironed or set in) would make it lie flatter, so that it's easier to sew a larger amount of fabric to a smaller one, yes.

Make the pleats tiny and uneven, and don't iron them, to imitate the gathered look. What you want is the top is folded neatly so that it's easier to sew (gathered fabric is basically a series of bumps, pleated fabric will be a series of folds so it's easier). If the pleats are small, uneven and not set into the fabric it'll look gathered, no worries.

Next, the key is to overlap the folds, for eg when you make box pleats usually you butt one folded edge up against another, this usually means you're able to pleat 3x the fabric. But if you start overlapping the edges so that one box pleat fold goes behind the other side's box pleat fold, you can easily pleat 5x the fabric without a problem, even if it's thicker fabric. So that will give you the volume that you want.

>> No.9608120


Gesso is basically acrylic base primer. Assuming you can get the first coat to stick, you can built up several layers and get it white, yes, but it'll be several layers thick and it will have a rough surface (because it's meant for acrylic paint to have something to stick to to).

Not sure why you'd choose gesso instead of several coats of white spray paint?

>> No.9608126


Rust dying generally comes out a nice middle brown, so if you want a blacker black than rit dye, it doesn't seem like a good option.

>> No.9608132

It's a rayon challis and it's deceptively thick, pleats are probably my best bet. This isn't for a cosplay by the way, I just want to make something that looks like it came out of an old shojo manga

>> No.9608173
File: 9 KB, 350x233, peaked cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ay, anyone know where I can find someone who makes custom peaked caps? Benn looking around and I can only find two, and one requires you to order a thousand of them, while the other refuses to make anything that isn't excessively elaborate and tacky.

A minimum quantity is fine, but a hundred or a thousand is pretty ridiculous, and way too expensive.

>> No.9608176

try etsy I guess

>> No.9608179

I only use procion dyes for cotton. Dharma Trading has a whole article on the different blacks they sell.

>> No.9608307

Do you not live near an army/navy surplus store? go there i'm sure they have something similar

>> No.9608320

Sugarbones has sparkle patches some but the shop is closed til October. The egg and panda look like enamel pins.

>> No.9608634

weather is might not go great as your first jojo cosplay. EVA foam or a thermoplastic is probably your best bet for the gold bits. its easier for flat things and sturdier. foam might be the best as it its softer and would be more comfortable for the codpiece. although the seas make it look like 2 pieces, you should use a bodysuit as a base instead of pajamas to get a better fit. just make the hat, sewing fur isn't fun but the shape is easy and it will look much better, if you do that you can also match the hat and the cuffs

>> No.9608661

Are you talking about storm the castle's saw cleaver build?

>> No.9608667

Don't use alcohol paints. You need to use thinned silicone otherwise you run the risk of the paint job rubbing off. See this video

>> No.9609137
File: 13 KB, 617x393, saw cleaver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depress the lever and swing the saw outwards, the red hook will catch on the first tooth of the saw.

Two ideas for keeping it in normal mode: left side orange band is a rubber band or string that loops through a hole in the blade. Right side would be a peg sticking out of the blade and another hook connected to the lever. Neither option is fully accurate and I'm not sure how the blade is actually intended to stay in its normal mode.

Alternatively you can just make the pivot really tight but you'll miss out on flicking the blade for trick switch antics.

>> No.9609138

Meant for

>> No.9609152

Thank you for the advice, I didn't think of using a bodysuit because a felt that a thicker fabric would work better, but I'll probably get one since that'd also make the shoes easier.

Thought about making the hat myself and honestly I probably will since the pattern should be babby-tier and I can ensure I get the right fur length. Wasn't too concerned about the sleeves since they seem to be speckled in his official artwork while the hat is white, but I'll coordinate them anyways for simplicity's sake.

>> No.9609325
File: 122 KB, 737x643, FFX_Weapon_-_Brotherhood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tutorials or tips for making a Brotherhood sword (Tidus' weapon, Final Fantasy X)? All the tutorials I found are made with wood and painted to resemble the water-like effect, but I don't really like how it looks... Any ideas of how to make the blade look transparent?

>> No.9609391

Anyone know where I can get a blonde heat resistant, lacefront wig without ridiculous prices?

>> No.9609400

If you want it to actually be transparent? Good luck.

You could try getting plexiglass or similar and cutting it into the shape then use some manner of semi-opaque paint or ink on it, but a piece of plexiglass large enough and also thick enough to not just snap under its own weight the moment you pick the sword up is going to be SUPER expensive. Probably 1/2 inch thick at least for something the size of Brotherhood.

Another way would be to make a master and cast it in clear plastic/resin, but something of that scale is way, way beyond your scope unless you have lots of prior casting experience. Might not even be possible without special equipment because it's so large. And again, you'd be spending hundreds on resin with probably a 99.5% chance of wasting it all unless you really know what you're doing.

I really hate to tell people not to try stuff, but there's honestly no good way to do it that isn't stupid-expensive and/or requires a lot of prior experience. You really are just better off going with painted wood/foam in this case.

>> No.9609426
File: 569 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mnfl9gb7ib1qf6dwqo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get a decent sized thickness for plexiglass and it could work. For my Star Driver blades, I used two sheets of plexiglass per sword and glued them together.
I don't currently have any pics of just the swords, but you can see what they look like pretty well in this pic.

>> No.9609448

>I really hate to tell people not to try stuff, but there's honestly no good way to do it that isn't stupid-expensive and/or requires a lot of prior experience.
Don't worry, I really appreciate your honesty! I was expecting an answer like that desu. I'm not a pro cosmaker, not a noob either, but I know making a transparent sword is a bit out of my league yet... Still, I wanted to ask just in case there's an easier way. If there isn't, I'll just go the painted wood/foam way.

>>9609426 I like a lot how these blades look!, but as >>9609400 said, plexiglass isn't strong enough for the size I need. Thanks to both of you for the info tho!

>> No.9609484

Unfortunately, Brotherhood is way more massive than that. It's more of a greatsword than anything despite how Tidus uses it. If it was smaller, plexiglass'd work.

Those swords look really nice though, very clean. Was the original material colored or did you add it? And what did you glue them together with?

>> No.9609582
File: 173 KB, 1242x1321, IMG_1244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a Jotaro part 3 costume, and was planning on sewing together the jacket myself. After seeing the Simplicity 5386 pattern be frequently recommended as a starting point, I looked it up to find that it had been discontinued, and now sells for around $50-60.

I can't really afford to spend that much on just a pattern alone, so now I'm kinda lost on what to do next. Does anyone have any advice?

>> No.9609634

What do you consider a ridiculous price? Where are you located?

>> No.9609637

Illegally download the pattern or something. That's a thing in the sewing community, right?

If not then just thrift a cheap overcoat, seam rip it, and make your own pattern. If you can use a sewing machine then it shouldn't be rocket science.

>> No.9609740
File: 380 KB, 840x972, ShyGuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm planning on doing Shy Guy for an upcoming con and do guys think making the robe go to my knees and then matching blue pants and shoes or the more literal robe to the feet look is better?

>> No.9609743

And I'm asking because I'm 6'0" and I'm thinking that might be too much red if I make it go to my feet.

>> No.9609746
File: 12 KB, 160x240, AAAB78E4-D21A-423B-98CA-F3D737488C73-1203-000000BB8446B4D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue pants and shoes with a above the knee robe, brown belt on the waist.

I'd also make the mask much bigger than your head to give it the correct cartoon proportions or else it will be creepy as hell.

>> No.9609769

Depends on how you want to do it, as long as you got the mask, a red hoodie, blue pants and belt could probably pull off the character. Though it would be awesome to see someone with an oversized mask that goes down to their belly button.

>> No.9609781

The main reason I picked shy guy is because I'm still very much a sewing novice and I want to practice making the robe myself rather a premade hoodie or anything. Speaking of which, what kind of fabric should I be making this out of?

>> No.9609864
File: 45 KB, 314x500, starlord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best wig for Star-Lord?

>> No.9610026
File: 39 KB, 306x803, 30dc4238f3e4658d9ba875f7ff265fa6--scavenger-cosplay-ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey! i need some advice on how i should make those pants, especially the pads on the legs. i can't tell if they're armor pads or leather.

>> No.9610037

Need colored contacts. Any suggestions on where I should get them and what kind have the best quality?

>> No.9610047 [DELETED] 

Bio-oil, is it worth it to touch up scars or marks after getting /fit/, or is it snake oil?

>> No.9610050

Bio-oil, is it worth it to touch up scars, or is it snake oil?

>> No.9610082

What's a good material to cover a mask's eye-holes? Like, bug screen material?

>> No.9610101

Fuck off already

>> No.9610221


>> No.9610327

Question was asked earlier in this thread so they probably think you're the same person.

Best way is spandex or another elastic synthetic fabric since they scatter light far away but you can see through them up close. Cheapest way to get some is black tights/leggings.

>> No.9610329

Denim chaps with leather insets for the "plating". They look entirely leather at first but the folds at the ankle cuffs imply it's denim or khaki material.

>> No.9610338

If you're cosplaying a real person with short hair like Chris Pratt then you should just use your natural hair and dye it if necessary. Wigs are good if the character's hair is long, thick, has (complicated) bangs, has a complicated style, is an unusual color, or any combination of the above.

His hairstyle would be especially unsuited for a wig since he's basically buzz shaved on the sides so you'd have to be bald and then even with a very short lace front you're going to have wefting showing through.

If your hair is really curly or something where you can't get his style then you're just SoL. Otherwise you just need shaggy short hair, spray+flip the bangs, and you're good to go. If your hair is light you can use a temporary dying agent if dying is what you're trying to avoid. If it's black then you're either SoL again or will have to bleach it.

>> No.9610489

can I iron a non-polyester pleated skirt with a spray bottle and a hair straightening iron?

>> No.9610547
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x720, Persona-5-King-Frost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is my dream cosplay and I am pretty sure this is going to be the last thing I ever make. So I want it to be good enough to wear multiple times.
But I am confused if I should build it like a fursuit, lots of foam and shit or like armor?

I am confused on how to make his round shape. I was in the fursuit thread hoping to get some tips, but It didn't look like they know much besides animal builds. Any suggestions?

>> No.9610583
File: 131 KB, 480x640, 19373053769_8b6040f558_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


buckram, pantyhose or thin cotton

wat. You can try steaming it above a boiling pot of hot water i guess, and then pressing it with something heavy and flat. Straightening irons are too hot I think, it would even burn cotton.

You can try a build like evil teds totoro, or upholstery foam like broad fur suits do (see attached)
Just really large foam mats would work too if you wanna make it more like the armor way. Foam will also be quite light for an armor based look, especially if you make it comfortable for yourself with a good harness.

>> No.9610599

I just found his youtube and its has so much information I didn't see before. Thank you anon!

>> No.9610624

Do I really need to wash my fabric prior to using?

>> No.9610640

a whole world is opening up to you right now

never did personally.

>> No.9610641

Yes. The dye may run, the fabric may shrink, it may be treated with chemicals to keep away pests. Wash your damn fabric.

>> No.9610739

You don't need to, but if you do then do it by hand and air-dry so it doesn't shrink.

>> No.9610762

Does anyone have a Pepakura Designer keycode? Or can save on thier Pepakura Designer? My friend made me a Pepakura file and forgot to put in edge ID and I need someone to either give me a keycode or put in edge ID for me.

>> No.9610790
File: 150 KB, 500x714, OSL_Velvet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably a silly question, but I'd appreciate if any of you guys could help me. I'm making this cosplay atm (pic related), and I can't figure out how to get the black skirt-thing to lay like that. I cut a rectangular piece of black fabric and tried just bunching up the sides (more like folding them accordion-style) and it just isn't working - the sides bunch up but not the middle (it just kind of hangs down), and it looks like shit. This was my only idea for how to do this. Does anyone have any other ideas?

>> No.9611032

does anybody have any experience with mech suit cosplays? i want to make it based on a pepakura file of Gundam Alex nt-1. i found one here https://www.405th.com/forums/threads/official-gundam-pepakura-file-thread.27735/ and have some questions about scaling and also on this guide https://www.therpf.com/showthread.php?t=160555 to make a frame. what do i measure when scaling my body and is foamboard a decent material to use for this project or should i opt for a mixture of materials?

>> No.9611128

Uh yeah I had one, 0835-4302-8418
Not sure if it works for you, found it off the internet and it worked for me so whatever
Can send a file and ill reupload if you want to.

drawn fabric rarely follows actual physics. You could try just sewing up the whole bunch a bit like a draped curtain or just accept physics

Eva foam mats are generally the core of mech suits since theyre lightweight and provide a good strong base.
To scale my costumes I usually draw my bodyshape and size and lay it over a template of the suit I want to make, then move/resize the legs/arms etc whatever doesnt fit until it fits right. Pepakura has a tool to measure from point to point, use that to scale important stuff like the diameter of the helmet and body etc. Keep in mind you need to leave plenty of space to wiggle yourself into it.

>> No.9611171

Hey, not sure if this belongs in /fit/ or whatever, but I'll ask anyways. Playing a character who's fucking jacked, I'm in pretty good shape myself. Costume has exposed biceps, forearms, delts. Any wrapping I can wear to emphasize it, or other tactics? I know wearing wraps for boxing always made my forearms look big, so I figured I might as well ask. Any other tips would be appreciated.

>> No.9611220

What you need is some slack. Make it longer than it needs to be so that the slack is in the front and it can droop. You'll probably also want to bunch it up a bit artificially on the sides like you've already tried; I'm not sure what the best way to do that is, but personally I'd sew a short strip of fabric to the backside where it'll be hidden that holds it bunched up.

The combination should give you something close enough. Depending on how the fabric drapes you might need to artificially bunch it up a little in the middle too to get the effect you want, but hopefully not. If you get too much slack it'll probably crease in the middle instead of just hanging, so experiment a little first.

is right though, it won't be perfect because people almost never draw clothing with real materials in mind. Nobody will notice if it's a little off, cosplayers have all been there.

>> No.9611659

I'd say try makeup to accentuate your muscles. Shading and shit.

>> No.9611972
File: 4 KB, 300x300, $_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making my first full face mask and was wondering if I should get a mannequin head. Is it easier to make with one or is it mostly for display?

>> No.9611984
File: 64 KB, 203x586, Kazuma-anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think that a short circle cape would be right for Kazuma? I think technically his one has a slight point at the back.

>> No.9612022

Foam heads are often much smaller than the average human head. I can't imagine that you would get an accurate fit if you based it off of those dimensions.

>> No.9612059

Ok. Is there any other tips before I get started?

>> No.9612072

Try a knit fabric instead of a woven fabric, it might drape better, especially if it has some stretch to it. You can also try starting with a circle skirt (or a half-circle skirt) and gathering that up. Hit the mall and take a bunch of skirts to the dressing room to gather up and see what cut or fabric works.

>> No.9612074

I own an Ed Head from Monster Makers and I have used it for several mold making projects; I love it. It has a long neck though. CFX sells foam heads as well.

>any other tips
idk man what are you making it out of?

>> No.9612075
File: 15 KB, 320x240, FleurDelacour_WB_F4_FleurDelacourCloseup_Still_080615_Land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a last minute invite to a Harry Potter themed party. The hat is the most daunting part. Could it be possible in a week and a half?

>> No.9612090

Long wigs will tangle no matter what, but is there anything i can spray or coat my wig in to make it easier to brush out? a lot of cosplayers i see seem to keep their wigs so nice and sleek.

>> No.9612092

I'm making it out of fleece. I couldn't find any online that looks how I want it to. I know it's probably going to be a bitch to breathe through but it's the closest material I thought looked right.

>> No.9612104

Ugh it looks like a fucking curtain. That's just horrible.

>> No.9612245

Any type of silicone spray is what a lot of people use (car/bike). There are also special products for horse (!) hair to make it sleek and smooth that some wig people use.

If you find the right fabric immediately and you have sewing experience, yes. Else just don't bother

>> No.9612248

what material would you use for upward-pointing feathers, and is it possible for them to be slightly bouncy?

>> No.9612267
File: 342 KB, 2000x1722, 20934010_1908499562734963_103208150828857430_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two layers of felt glued to each other with flower wire as the core

>> No.9612701
File: 72 KB, 600x323, bebop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can get a decent suit pattern to alter to make Spikes suit

>> No.9612746

I reckon you could find a blue felt hat of a similar shape and steam it into that. Never tried it tho

>> No.9613930
File: 568 KB, 1432x1148, jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can a pattern for a jacket that's something like this, but without the vintage price tag? I've looked around a lot, but I might not be searching the right terms.

The only other one I could find is the McCalls Civil War one, but I don't like how they gather the sleeves at the shoulder, and I'm not sure how I'd change the sleeve to fix that.

>> No.9614085

thats called a nehru jacket, mandarin collar or stand collar might be helpful terms but im not sure you are going to have much luck cause it's such an outdated look at this point. You should probably just get a simple jacket pattern and alter the collar which is fairly simple. what exactly is this going to be used for? I might be able to help better if I knew

>> No.9614097

Kind costume related, but -

Any tips on contacts? I've worn them once and struggled to get them in. Any tips for easy use of them?

>> No.9614146

Go to an optometrist and get a prescription so you know what kind to get, otherwise you can fuck up your eyes. They can probably help you with putting them in, too.

>> No.9614163


I see. These won't be worn more than a day or two (for a costume and upcoming con) I've work them before, but just have a hard time putting them in

>> No.9614182

Where are people getting high quality Nier Automata cosplays from? I'm pretty sure that they're way beyond the skill level of most people, but most of the places selling them have been really low quality.

>> No.9614348
File: 300 KB, 960x687, pct_main.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those were the terms I tried before, but apart from the vintage ones I couldn't find any for men. But there were many for women.

>> No.9614414
File: 46 KB, 401x600, de5824b7f9da26655b0ae4afd7284a4f--brian-froud-fantasy-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have searched everywhere for a pattern based off of Brian Froud's fairie dresses, I can't find any resources or any patterns. Help please

>> No.9614476


Do you have any other references that you like? I can probably help but since you can't see the waist of this dress it's a bit ambiguous

>> No.9614514

Paying pros

>> No.9614577
File: 49 KB, 383x550, f623a5003200651960386db3fa2e1eb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same-ish style but more ball gown like. I really appreciate the help anon.

>> No.9614593

They're probably properly commissioning them from professionals rather than buying generic ones from China.

>> No.9614671

practise wearing them a couple hours per time (like 3-5 times) before the actual day.

There's a nier thread, try asking there where people bought theirs and if they like the quality or not.

>> No.9615043
File: 77 KB, 1188x1200, tumblr_orhwds8jib1s2z1y6o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably a dumb question but I've been looking online and haven't found any answers, so here it goes:

I'm trying to plan out a cosplay for Princess Peach's wedding dress from the upcoming Super Mario Oddessy game. I know that I want to line the bottom of the skirt with scalloped lace (from what it looks like, there are technically two layers to her skirt), but I've been thinking it would look really nice if her bodice had some embellishments as well, like a lace applique or something. Now here is the problem: I don't know if it's okay to "mix" two lace patterns. I'm afraid it might come off as "tacky" if the trim and applique are not the same pattern. Would it be okay if they were similar at least, or am I right that if I use two different lace patterns my cosplay will end up on a cringe thread?

>> No.9615080

mccalls m7374 might be both of your best bet, just remove the lapel and upper collar. if either of you are small and somewhat adventurous there are some Japanese patterns that would work quite well but it doesnt seem like thats the case for you guys

>> No.9615439
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1504061390238s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a headless horseman mask and I am trying to figure out a way to get some lights hooked up inside the mask connected to a voice controller so they light up as I talk. Any suggestions to help out with this?

>> No.9615458

A voice activated switch. More common for cars so you can find them easily in 12V variants that would also fit car led strips, but it's a little harder building a power supply for it. You can buy them from aliexpress ebay etc.

Can be tricky to install if you don't really do circuits before, you can ask any car modding store or car supplies store to see if they have anything like it aswell, they can also tell you how to install it.

>> No.9615485

That's totally fine, just make sure they're from the same family of lace. If you use venice lace for the top, use venice lace on the bottom, etc. Similar motifs can help unite them too. Most sakizo cosplays use at least a few different laces, look at a some of those for inspo maybe?

The "female" style ones are extremely small, get one of the male styled ones and measure all of the dimensions of your own head (distance between eyes, nose length, etc) and mark out those on the fake head. Add packing tape and newspaper or something for adding head circumference if you need stuff like that. If you want a better fitting one, though, I'd just look into making a cast of your head.

>> No.9615875
File: 53 KB, 441x621, 0824b0d1e678f4b30d6a98b0f3e1a508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey gulls, I need some advice.

i'm about to start working on a princess serenity gown and i'm not sure how to tackle it most effectively. because i'm beading all the embellishments on the bodice, i'm thinking it might be easier to make it as a seperate piece that's worn over the top of a base dress so that it doesn't weigh the whole thing down. would it look odd if i did it like this? does anyone have any helpful suggestions or resources that i could look at? everything i've turned up on google looks really underwhelming.

>> No.9615961

Thanks anon

>> No.9616022
File: 258 KB, 800x554, EVA_foam_contact_cement_Kamui_Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been having a lot of trouble using rubber cement to glue together pieces of eva foam armor recently and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, maybe someone could help point me in the right direction?

Some pieces will work just fine the first try while with others I'll apply glue to both pieces, wait a few minutes and then press them together, everything seems fine.... Then when I come back later the pieces have pulled back apart with a wide stringy gap in between.

I'm not sure what I could be doing differently, I thought maybe it could be the shape but even the same shaped pieces on the other side of the project have turned out fine with the same glue. I've tried adding more glue to try again, but it feels like it's just getting even worse every time I try to fix it. Any help appreciated.

>> No.9616029

I need to make some small ornamentations with eva foam that have curvature to them. Should I cut indents in the back and glue them or just pick up a heat gun?

Also can anyone recommend a good, comprehensive guide to working with craft foam in general (not specific armor/weapons/etc)? I could google it but I'd figure I'd ask first since whatever's most popular might not be best.

>> No.9616032

Eva foam is really flexible, just pick up a 20 dollar heat gun at the paint section of a hardware store and heat and bend until you get a curve

>> No.9616034

Use a harder glue intended for porous surfaces. Rubber cement is more for non-porous materials and isn't a very powerful adhesive. Use wood glue or more mild superglues. The latter will completely fuse the pieces and keep them bendy, the former is good if you want to hold a curve since it dries more rigid.

>> No.9616250

You could probably just thrift a suit and alter it. That's what most Spikes seem to do, anyway.

>> No.9616270

I made mine a separate extended corset-style bodice that had all the beading on it, so it had suitable support all the way down my torso and didnt have the entire weight of the dress on my chest. I still attatched the skirts in the normal placement to the bodice, it just made the pounds of chiffon and fabric a lot easier to hold up, and i didn't have to keep pulling it up at all. A hulkton of boning on the inside and having it laced to your torso will solve all of your problems.

>> No.9616410

I bought a vintage haori since it ended up being cheaper than me making one + looks much better, but the sleeves are way shorter than I was expecting. They're more of a 3/4 sleeve on me rather than going to my wrist. Will I be okay or should I suck it up and just make one?

>> No.9616465

Seems like you're not using the right glue. Not sure what country you're from but it should be 'contact glue' based on neoprene. I also noticed i have more succes when I apply a second coat after the first coat dries, or when I use a hotgun slightly
?? Woodglue to glue foam are you on glue yourself? Superglue bendy? Woodglue rigid? I hope you confused yourself here.

>> No.9616502

I'm working on a pattern for a leotard right now that's being difficult. The leg holes go up to above my hips instead of on my hip like "normal" leotards. I've made one with the same (self made) pattern before with a stretch fabric that turned out great. I adjusted the size for this one (non stretch) but it still fits weird. If it looks nice in the front, it's horrible in the back. It seems like there's a lot of extra fabric "above the buttcrack" if that makes sense. I've tried taking out the seam in the middle of the crotch and moving the front piece higher up on to the back piece to attempt to remove any extra fabric that might be there, but it still doesn't fit very well. Any suggestions on what might be going on?

>> No.9616596
File: 103 KB, 442x556, Leviathan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where to buy extra large belt studs? Been looking all over and nothing definite. I had found a belt at one point but it was like $70 and Leviathan has a skirt/belt combo goin on. Id rather make it but would like to purchase the studs.

>> No.9616631

Nevermind I ended up checking aliexpress and found some 35mm pyramid studs. Couldnt find any bigger so itll have to do.

>> No.9616645
File: 221 KB, 493x397, 2017-08-31 20_43_34-Shop _ Hana Castle store _ Japan Disney Secret Honey I won't say Hercules Megara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the measurements for this dress are 60-75cm with the shirring, would it be possible to alter the dress in some way to make it 82cm without it looking awful?

>> No.9616654
File: 94 KB, 484x592, ss (2017-08-31 at 05.46.15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a half-circle cape i just made for faye from FE echoes, so you can see how it drapes. you probably don't need a full-circle for yours and can just taper the ends so it falls near the bottom properly

>> No.9616658

In what? Bust? Waist?

>> No.9616659

sorry, forgot to mention in the waist! Or the bodice in general would be fine.

>> No.9617014

Thank you both! I reread the reference tutorials I was using and realised I was confusing contact cement glue and rubber cement glue; I thought both were just interchangeable names for the same thing. Surprised my armor hasn't fallen apart more than it has. Ah well, live and learn

>> No.9617015
File: 2.76 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20170513_125125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A big fat moon shape and a smaller moon shape cowl would work great.
(pic attached is a rakan cape and is not symmetrical because of the design but you get the point)

>> No.9617293
File: 108 KB, 400x510, 3_1.5774759d78e205.57724580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you make this stupid fucking gun. The armor is no issue for me, but I can't even figure out where to start with the gun.

>> No.9617297
File: 25 KB, 413x420, 848267fd4b2888c36ea55f0f56f7135f--nier-emil-nier-replicant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no clue how to start Emil's weapon. I'm getting a light pipe for the base but the small chandelier looking thing on the end? No ideas.

>> No.9617488

When I made my gun, I laser cut a base, then built up the rest with eva foam.
My friend did a similar thing with cardboard base, and as long as you cover everything up it can look good.

>> No.9617536

Just wait a few months for people to stop going "You're only cosplaying that because it's new and popular REEEEEEEEEEE"

>> No.9617693
File: 167 KB, 316x361, AraleNorimaki01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the most reliable place to buy Arale's hat? Am I better off trying to make it?

>> No.9617718

You could try Aliexpress, I've seen a couple on there

>> No.9617740

made my own thread before I saw this one.....anyone with experience whitening hair using baby powder/hairspray? if so what order should I apply both? my googling gives me conflicting answers, one saying hairspray then baby powder, one saying baby powder then hairspray, and one saying baby powder hairspray then powder again

>> No.9617746

could always get a plastic chandelier somewhere. Depending on your skill with props you can do this a couple different ways. If you're not that skilled, start by closely looking at the structure, draft a pattern for the 'blades' to cut out of 10mm foam sheets, and electrical piping can be used for the curved pipe shapes around the middle. You can bend them with a heat gun. Spraypaint your pipe structure with silver, your blades with gold and then glue the blades on.

that sounds like it would only take the plastic shine out of a cheap wig. That's what baby powder is mostly used for, you cannot really use talc to whiten a wig.
A wig is generally only able to get darker, you cannot get them lighter again since bleach and such doesnt work the same way. So always get a lighter color instead of a darker color. Same goes for dyeing fabric etc

>> No.9617751

not for a wig, I was talking my actual hair. I've seen conflicting instructions on what order to do things whether I should put on the hairspray after I have all the powder in my hair or before or both (don't want to have baby powder going everywhere at the con)

>> No.9617753

Ah yeah I just read your other thread. I think you would be off best by using temporary grey hair dye you can buy at most pharmacists or halloween/party stores. I don't think baby powder will help well and a case of baby powder is nearly as expensive as temporary dye anyway.

>> No.9617975

How would you go about making a harness for morrigan wings from darkstalkers?

>> No.9618031

>but I can't even figure out where to start with the gun.

draw up a blueprint of the gun (search youtube, theres a good amount of tutorials on that), piece out the template and trace them onto your choice of material. the common method would be to use EVA foam and build up layers.

with the blueprint, youre gonna have to find as many reference pictures of the gun.

>> No.9618146
File: 41 KB, 564x564, f6e5a8733f774bf74b596c90fcf5bb76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an easy way to get that fabric-sealed armor plate look this guy has going on on his bicep plate?

Or am I just retarded and missing the obvious way to craft this?

>> No.9618465

Actually fabric seal it. Make sure you test out the fabric with glue first, I used a silver fabric and the silver started rubbing off.

>> No.9618486

Does plasti dip replace the primer, or do you still need to put a thin layer of primer on top?

>> No.9618531
File: 214 KB, 447x617, valentine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a dumb question but so far I only have experience with sewing so anything that's not fabric-related is a challenge.

Anyway, I'm trying to figure out which material to use for the pink crosses because I want them to look really cartoon-ish and smooth. Like toys somehow, if that makes sense? So some sort of plastic would probably be the best option. Not sure which type is best to work with though.

>> No.9619088
File: 36 KB, 697x360, HTB1BTsrGXXXXXcaaXXXq6xXFXXXU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It replaces the primer, make sure to use a couple layers and heatseal before you start spraying

you could try spandex wrapped over wooden crosses, or another type of smooth fabric wrapped around a hard shape.
If you can find it: cut it with a fretsaw from acrylic in that exact color, you can buy several solid colored acrylic sheets online (see attached) and occassionally in a big construction store.

>> No.9619497
File: 10 KB, 370x320, 4XTFNGL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to draw a logo onto fabric?

>> No.9620440

Depends on the logo. If it's one solid piece and the fabric you use is heatresistant, I recommend transfer paper. Not very easy to work with if it has lots of small loose parts unless you manage to find the type of transfer paper that will leave transparency behind on the non-printed parts.

If it's not heat resistant, you wanna be cheap, you don't have a printer, it's one color or easy to make, try fabric markers.

You can also take it to a printshop that can print it on transfer paper for you, or directly onto the fabric.

>> No.9620482

Ok. I'm not sure if the sweater I'm using is heat resistant so I think I'll do the markers.

>> No.9620710
File: 2.95 MB, 2048x2732, IMG_3486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually making Emil at some point in the future too, here's what I have so far for the piece breakdown. I'm probably doing laser cut acrylic and some 3d printed parts instead of all of these materials, though. I would highly recommend getting a pvc pipe instead of a light metal one, so you can easily drill points into it to attatch the "arms." The weird chandelier is just 6 of these things.

>> No.9623427

trying to curl a heat resistant wig, it's already got curls at the ends but i've got to put a wave in the bangs like Jessica rabbit or Rapunzel - there's a lot of loopy crap with it happening. I've tried a curling iron on a low setting but it's not working and i've also tried it on a higher setting and it's not working. Am I gonna have to boil perm a heat resistant wig? That seems redundant and the results are hard to gauge for waving to wait so many days. Can I put in rollers and blow dry it?

>> No.9624320
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Reposting from another thread, as I was directed here.

I come from the far away land of /out/, so be gentle.

Maybe attending my first comic con soon. I want to go all out with a costume, possible Game of Thrones related. I don't have the time or skill to DIY much.

What are the best places to buy cosplay outfits and costumes? I don't might spending a few hundred $ for a great costume.