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9710023 No.9710023 [Reply] [Original]

I saw in the weeaboo stories thread a post about a girl who was so jealous of OP dating this guy she liked that she literally assaulted her at a party and she had to be in the hospital for it. Anyone else have a crazy jealous/stalker story from crazy weeaboos?

>> No.9711650

Oh God, I do have one. Never posted it here, since it has nothing to do with lolita or cosplay, just a general creepy weeb, but anyways, here's the tale of a girl who was actually referred to as Yandere-chan. Enjoy my suffering.

>the year is 2012
>it is springtime, my first year of high school coming to an end
>I am a lonely weeb with no real life friends or self-worth
>while I'm not the level of weeb I was in middle school, I'm still very much into anime, and it shows. Think anime stickers plastered onto everything, mall goth clothes, pigtails and tons of hair accessories
>after being bullied all through middle school, one of the reasons being my habit of being too emotional and oversharing, I tried to start anew in high school by being reserved and not talking much. Since I was still very much awkward and had trouble talking to people (I still do, but I've gotten better since then), I don't make any friends and fuck up every chance I have
>people mostly think I'm stuck-up for barely talking, or a gross weeb (liking anime and manga did not become mainstream in our country at the time, most people saw it as weird if not gross)
>my only friends are online, and none of them live in my country
>have a boyfriend, long-distance relationship obviously
>also have a girl I do yaoi RPs with, sometimes refer to her as my girlfriend because of it
>still feel lonely as fuck
>want to have friends so hard, it hurts
>tried to meet people from a small anime forum based in my hometown, but we did not click. They were mostly talking about normie stuff, anyway
>so, one day at school I walk past a bunch of younger girls talking and laughing
>one screams my name (how tf does she know it?) and asks me to come near them
>we chat for a short while, turns out girl likes anime, too, and was excited to talk to me
>asks for my number
>I give it to her because I was a naive soul and wanted to socialize with someone who shared my interests

>> No.9711657

>it should be noted that I'm completely blind when it comes to sarcasm and cannot tell truth from lies even if I try
>so, the girl starts messaging me a lot
>and when I say a lot, I mean it
>I get messages every single day. They are mostly random "hey how are you doing" or her talking about how her day is going
>her grammar and spelling are abysmal, but I pay no mind to it
>she tells me she is 12. It's weird, since she is an 8th grader, but oh well
>tells me she loves smoking. I'm concerned, since 12 year olds really shouldn't smoke, shit's bad for them, and also illegal. Tell her that, she ends up saying that I'll have to constantly be around her and pay her lots of attention for her to stop smoking. Note that we were not even friends at that point, we barely knew each other
>she gradually tells me more and more things about herself. Apparently, she has a split personality that is "kind" and the other that's "evil", self-harms and smokes weed. I'm deeply concerned for her well-being. We spend hours chatting on social media, mostly me trying to comfort her and listening to her problems. It's hard on me, since I take everything she says seriously (why would someone lie about these kind of things?), but I do it because she's my friend now
>summer starts, clinginess gets worse. 1000 messages from her a day, and if I don't respond, she freaks out, calling me a bitch and swearing like a sailor, which I was not comfortable with and told her so several times. But that was her "evil" persona doing it, so that's okay. She also calls me on Skype frequently, usually with her friends around, screaming and laughing at random in-jokes i don't get, asking me lewd questions and making me uncomfortable for shits and giggles
>I bear with it but it's tiresome and rather harsh for me
>we don't even discuss anime, what the hell

>> No.9711662

>the only times we do discuss anime, it's usually her asking for a cool hentai to watch with a dude or "what was that one anime where a guy fucked his sister"
>I'm not a prude, but discussing stuff like that with a 12 year old is gross, and it's freaking me out
>she finds out I'm bisexual
>"hey how about we date"
>I was still underage myself at the time, so "you are too young" excuse wouldn't work
>blurt out that I have a girlfriend, meaning the girl I RP with (shouldn't have done that, but the situation caught me so off-guard my brain shut off for a moment)
>she finds out that I have a boyfriend through social media
>"Hey, anon-chan, if you won't date me, I'll tell him you are a two-timing bitch, and I'll tell her, too! You'll lose everyone you love ~"
>explain the situation to both boyfriend and the RP girl, because fuck blackmailing
>tell some other friends about the girl, too
>friends come to the consensus that she is acting creepy af, but I'm still willing to give the girl a chance
>part of the reason are the horrible abuse stories she's been telling me, about how her "friends" beat her and draw stuff all over her body like in those hentai doujins (she even sent me the pics)
>I cannot abandon a girl who is going through that
>go to summer camp with a group of teens from my town
>mention this girl to them
>one of the other girls knows her
>tells me to run for my life
>doesn't go into detail, but warns me to stay as far away from her as possible
>still, I stay adamant about dooming myself
>summer goes by, I hang out with her and her boyfriend, trying not to cringe at their lewd jokes and his less-than-savory comments about me
>I hate hanging out with them because if it, but when I try to refuse her, I get shit and accusations of all kinds thrown at me
>too much of a pushower to fight back
>still hope that me hanging out with her will help her, setting a good example and all that
>I'm just glad she has a boyfriend now and probably won't hit on me again

>> No.9711678

>God was I wrong
>school starts again, I get to meet her friends, the ones she would Skype call me with
>she's given my number to all of them
>they call me during classes and laugh or sprout "oh so funny" nonsense at me
>ask her to make them stop, she won't, "I have nothing to do with this" (her voice clearly at the background of those calls)
>if I keep my phone turned off for too long, I miss her messages, and get a load of verbal abuse mixed with self-harm threats for not answering them
>self-harm and suicide baiting becomes a reccuring tool of manipulation for her ever since I mentioned how touchy these subjects are for me, due to having a friend try to commit suicide in past
>"If you won't call me right now, who knows what I might do to myself, anon-chan ~ so you better hurry up"
>sends me pictures of her cuts
>describes the process in vivid detail, mentions stiching them up herself
>leaves drawings in my locker
>once sends me a picture of an entire sheet of paper filled with my name in her handwriting. That's some yandere shit right here
>mention this to boyfriend, he dubs her Yandere-chan
>wants me to stay away from her since I'm clearly stressed out by the entire situation, but I'm too deep down the rabbit hole
>her another friend starts messaging me
>the friend is really posessive of her and wants me to get out of Yandere-chan's life, since she is "hers only"
>I'm freaked out, but now only more resolved to stay by Yandere-chan's side, if only to be the only decent friend she has
>the new friend constantly shits on both Yandere-chan and me and describes some rather perverse sexual acts she wants to do to her
>they still seen to get along fairly well
>meanwhale, Yandere-chan has a pregnancy scare from a guy jerking off and stuffing his hand into her panties (what the fuck), breaks up with her boyfriend, has a one-night stand with her second cousin, decides to become a skinhead and loses her parents

>> No.9711689

>at least those were the things she kept informing me about
>even a naive fuck like me started to suspect something, but still, you have to trust your friends
>sometimes she would live-text me about her drug experiments and i would sit there freaking the fuck out
>sometimes her friends would text me that she is currently about to jump from a rooftop because I won't date her, and refuse to give me an adress
>when I talk to her about rehab or getting help, I get screamed at
>she stalks me at school
>she is rather physical with me, and says some borderline rape-y things about cornering me when I'm alone or something
>her friends bait me by asking if I like them, and if I say "yes", she goes into jealousy-fueled rage
>one time she sees me leaving school with a girl from my class (we were going to a science competition) and is hysterical, calling me a liar and a traitor
>her friends play along to her. one time they corner me at school and, after pushing me aroung for some time, order me I kiss Yandere-chan
>I'm freaking out and want to go home, so I do as I'm asked
>feel like dying then and there
>Yandere-chan texts me later with "why the fuck did you do it you bitch you made me look stupid in front of my friends"
>still, I'm bombarded with texts
>my phone, my Skype, my social media pages, no where is safe
>her texts get more sexual and violent in nature
>apparently, many of these come from her friends using her account
>one time I almost hit her for it, but stop myself
>obviously, I'm now the Devil and she won't let me live it down
>I start getting paranoid and scared of everything and everyone. I hallucinate, hearing Skype sounds even when I'm outside
>eventually, her second cousin gets onto the texting. he tells me a lot. turns out Yandere-chans's 15 (of course she is), doesn't do any drugs, doesn't smoke or drink that much, is a virgin, and her parents are fine. She was lying to get my attention. Oh boy

>> No.9711709

>confront her about all these lies
>"I wanted to impress you, anon-chan, because I'm in love with you! but since you don't love me back, guess I'll kill myself"
>it should be noted that before her infatuationwith me started, she wanted me to help her get together with our P.E. teacher (who was married), or else she would hang herself
>suicide baiting intensifies
>her friends constantly badmouth me, blaming me for her being "suicidal"
>a couple of them comes up to me at the hallway, rip a brooch off my shirt and break it, just like that
>they call me before a school trip and promise to stab me at night during said trip
>nothing happens during the trip, but I'm still shook
>it reaches a point where she disappears for a week, and her friends only send me cryptic messages about how whatever's happened is "your fault, anon"
>I stop eating for a week, too stressed to function
>my mother notices that something is wrong
>I confess, fully believing I'm responsible for a girl's suicide
>"Anon, don't be an idion, she is fine, she's just messing with you. Cut that bitch out of your life as soon as possible"
>I'm still freaking out, but at least I finally force myself to eat
>Yandere-chan texts me the next day about some random bullshit
>of course she's fine
>despite her claims of "loving" me, I never hear a good word from her. She always finds a way to insult me and make me feel like a piece of shit. So do her friends
>the torture goes on 'till winter months
>my mom finally has enough
>orders me to block her on all social media
>gets me a new phone number, gives the old one to my aunt, aunt promises to verbally demolish any suspicious callers
>at first, I'm scared as fuck that Yandere-chan will destruo either me or herself
>tell the teachers about the situation. They know this group of kids Yandere-chan belongs to, and have been waiting for a good reason to suspend these pieces of trash
>I'm forbidden from speaking to them
>Yandere-chan stll actively stalks me

>> No.9711726

>a classmate of mine overhears Yandere-chan speaking to some of her friends, apparentky she's been dating one of them for a while now and finds fucking with me to be amusing
>all of my worries were for nothing, she wasn't even into me to begin with
>holy shit I'm an idiot
>one day she and her friends follow me when I'm walking home from school, through an empty industrial area
>was almost sure I was going to die that day
>she still tries to text me through alternate accs, I block them all
>tries sending me pics of her injuries, too
>eventually, I get all my social media locked down and only accept friend requests from people I'm 100% sure I know
>my mental state goes up significantly after I stop communicating with her
>I finally live again
>next school year starts, three of her friends have been expelled
>she doesn't follow me around as much, but still creeps on me from time to time
>I ignore it the best I can, but I'm still scared of her
>one time I hear she's in hospital and have a panic attack, thinking she finally did something to herself because of me
>turns out it was nothing like that
>by that time, I've already found actual, non-abusive real life friends
>life is looking up for me
>last year of high school ends, graduation party is in order
>taking pictures with mom and one of my friends in central park after the ceremony, waiting for a bus to pick our class up so we can go to the party
>I spot two figures in the distance
>it's Yandere-chan and her friend
>they don't seem to notice me
>if they did, I hope they took note of how happy I was, now that i was finally rid of them

>> No.9711730

And that's the end of the story. There were other, minor instances of her being shitty or plain weird (like that one time she made me wait for her under the rain for an hour, or typed out rape fantasies along with her friend, who was also into it, or told me about not sleeping for three days as an experiment), but I honestly try to forget. I'm much better now, moved away to start Uni, still visit my hometown on holidays and breaks, but haven't seen Yandere-chan again. Still, for a long time, I would see her in every girl with similar build and hair, even if I was in a different country. Used to have nightmares about her as well. Now I trust people much less that I used to, and put up with much less shit from others, even if they try to appeal to my soft spots. Also, people who fetishize yandere characters and stalkers get on my nerves now. Yandere characters in fiction? Good. Yandere characters in real life? Hell no.
Overal, this was an experience I needed to become more cautious as a person, and I'm glad I got out of it relatively unscratched. This did almost ruin yuri genre for me, but I got over it rather fast. Fictional girls can be pushy about their affections, but they are not Yandere-chan, and thank God for that.

>> No.9712005

what cunt? I saw you said central park so now I'm just imagining NY

>> No.9712012

This is like a Lifetime movie

>> No.9712106

Not really yandere-tier but this was just so bizarre to me that I thought I'd share because vaguely on-topic

>be me
>dating this faggot dude for a few months
>go to con with faggot in couple cosplay
>other chick suddenly shows up in a dollar-store tier cosplay
>same character I'm cosplaying
>dollar-bitch is hugging my faggot
>shooting me glances
>ignore it cuz I'm a pussy-ass bitch
>throughout the con she has convos with my bf
>hear a lot of them
>"wow Faggot! We really need to have a photoshoot together! When can we hang out!"
>no one asks for pics of dollar-bitch
>whine about her to my faggot when we go home
>later find out he cheated with her after the con
>it's funny cuz she kept buying him shit I ended up using
>also how much she bitched about me
>forgive faggot
(Yeah yeah I'm stupid and he's proof, whatever. He's my ex faggot now)
>faggot keeps cheating with other chicks
>later find messages when faggot tried to resume with dollar-bitch
>dollar-bitch went on several rants about me while my ex faggot barely mentioned me
>he's literally trying to romance her with flowery language
>she's ignoring it and just bitching about me
>how she "outdid" me with her dollar-tier China costume
>occasionally says how much she likes him
>dollar-bitch still obsessing over my hair choices
>dollar-bitch finds out I dumped faggot
>cuz faggot needs a new main chick
>dollar-bitch can upgrade from side chick to main bitch
>suddenly she's no longer interested in faggot
>suddenly she's happy with her bf of 3 years (She was cheating on her bf with my faggot too)
>suddenly not obsessed with cosplaying my token character anymore

I still don't understand this chick at all or why she became so obsessed with my shit.

>> No.9712178

Nope, it was in Latvia.

>> No.9712185

My gf is pretty clingy and when she gives me hikeys I end up looking like a crime scene, not really a yandere tho

>> No.9712187

She sounds borderline narcissistic

>> No.9712246

She knew she couldn’t beat your cosplay so she tried to take something else from you

>> No.9712251

can you make a summary of this? couldn't get past the first post

>> No.9712270

Bitches be crazy

>> No.9712280

>befriend a girl
>she gets possessive af and resorts to suicide baiting when I don't return her affections
>stalks me along with her creepy friends
>death threats
>attempted blackmail
>parents and school have to be involved
>break free of her, move away, live life free of yandere
That's basically it

>> No.9712397

Well that certainly was a fucking ride and a half.

>> No.9712406

Yo homes to bel-air

>> No.9712431
File: 32 KB, 480x480, tumblr_oa0bgosa0R1qasjkvo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> Be me
>> Have best weeb friend, we are friends online and irl for half a decade
>> Take each others virginity, he's with me through traumatic childhood shit, even if we date someone else we still sleep together on the DL
>> Call each other brother, pretend to be twins.
>> Dress the same, finish each others sentences.
>> relationship is toxic af, he betrays me all the time doing things like setting up fake profiles to fuck with me etc etc, plays mind games all the time.
>> Always take him back because I'm obsessed with him.
>> Suddenly one day he drops me, we did not fight or anything, just blocked me on everything out of nowhere
>> Contact him on everything, find all of his profiles by stalking his friends, hack into an old account of his that he has his new account added on and message him from his own account
>>Continue tormenting him for a year to make up for everything he did to me. He made me suffer now I make him suffer.
Anyway now I have a better bf who is as mentally unstable as I am, and we've been together for a few years! I stopped stalking him over a year ago and now I stalk my bf but he also stalks me so it works out!
>>tl;dr I am the yandere.
The moral of the story is no matter how crazy you are, there is someone just as crazy as you who will love you forever :)

>> No.9712443

Holy shit anon, that was the type of entertainment I was looking for when I made this thread lmao. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, and I agree someone needs to turn this shit into a film

>> No.9712514

We can’t let this thread die!’

>> No.9712515

It was only on page two, threads on this board up can stay up for weeks.

>> No.9712516

threads on this board can stay up for weeks*, don't know where that first "up" came from

>> No.9712563

Thanks for your sympathy, anon. Glad I got to entertain people here, I genuinely love cgl horror story threads, it's sort of therapeutic for me to read about people who've had a similar experience and didn't let it destroy them.
If someone ever wants to turn my story into a film, I give my full permission. Maybe it will teach some young naive kid to notice red flags and avoid shitty people. Wouldn't want anyone to experience the shit I did with Yandere-chan, even if it deliver a good lesson for me.

>> No.9712622

Is this copypasta? I've read this before

>> No.9712663

>be me, 19
>in relationship
>have close friend and cosplay partner
>friend is also in a relationship
>lowkey crush on friend but assume it isn't mutual
>do a few "couple cosplays" but shoots never turn romantic
>friend is sometimes oddly intense (eg I tried to cover my face when I hadn't put on makeup and she yelled "don't ever hide your face from me"), but it's uncommon and I don't think much of it
>bad break up with my boyfriend
>friend comes over to "comfort" me, brings a ton of alcohol
>gets in my lap after I've had a couple drinks
>want her but have the decency to ask about her boyfriend
>says he knows and it's fine
>he doesn't know, it's not fine, he threatens to put me in the hospital and she laughs it off
>tell her I only want to be friends but she keeps pushing
>if I won't immediately commit to her, we can date
>if I won't date her, we'll just fuck
>and so on
>I'm still not okay emotionally from break up
>ask her for space
>she freaks out and threatens self-harm
>I won't play along, tell her to stay safe, but I'm going away for the weekend and won't have my phone on
>she apologizes
>out of nowhere brings up how she and her boyfriend have decided they're going to spend their lives with me
>tell her that's wildly inappropriate and to leave me alone for a while
>later learn that during this time she also tells her boyfriend about my body and what she wants to do to me and how furious seeing me with anyone else makes her
>a couple months later, friendship is still weird
>sort of seeing someone new
>friend and I are at a party
>she gets drunk and tells me she would kill him to have me
>leave to spend the night with new guy
>new guy and I decide to be a couple three months later
>cosplay friend announces immediately after that she has a new girlfriend
>it's a toxic rebound, ends badly in a few months
>still with boyfriend three years later
>friend and I don't talk much
>she's with someone new and seems happy if even wilder
>no new cosplay partner yet wahwah

>> No.9712684

You're the type of person that would have gotten eaten by predators if we were still a primitive society, please don't have kids

>> No.9713190

Thanks, I'm not planning to anyway. I'm way better now, though, started therapy, wenth through a treatment course at a mental institution. Have been living alone for a couple of years now, have mastered both my survival skills and people skills. I'm going to be fine.

>> No.9713291

I think my story is probably going to be pretty tame compared to some of the stories in the thread, but I'll share anyway

>be me in gr. 10, babby weeb
>moved to the town the previous school year, made friends with group of art-ish kids
>One of them is this scrawny kid, we'll name him Shigure (everyone was obssesed with Furuba at the time). President of anime club
>He's dating this girl, we'll call her Tohru. She's not into art or anime much but hangs out in anime club anyway
>Tohru becomes my sorta best friend along with Shigure
>starting dating boyfriend in Novemberish, long distance
>I'm totally madly head over heels gross in love
>Talk about bf frequently, because yeah
>Shigure starts getting oddly jealous
>As relationship progresses, he accuses me of not paying enough attention to him
>Share some private stuff related to relationship with Tohru, ask her to keep it secret
>She immediately shares it with Shigure, he flips out and writes me a two page letter on how I don't love him as a friend anymore
>k, just reassure him and stuff that I still care about my friends
>come out as bisexual, Shigure and Tohru both immediately come out as well
>Nearly year later, lose virginity to bf
>Tell Tohru, she obviously immediately spills it, Shigure has another epic flipout, writes another letter
>Getting fed up with this shit, have discussed this stuff openly with bf, he's getting fed up too
>Obviously, he doesn't like that some gross dude who already has a gf is being possessive of me, but he encourages me to stand up for myself too esp with Tohru regularly betraying my trust
>gr. 11, quit anime club cold turkey, stop seeing both Shigure and Tohru
>Find a different branch of art kids - said kids I encouraged to join anime club but none of them wanted to because they were all avoiding Shigure, go figure
>hang with them and talk about Death Note, no more drama, good times are had

>> No.9713293

>I only hear from Shigure years later, after we've graduated and he finds me on Facebook
>Apologizes for acting like twat, says he wouldn't mind meeting for coffee or whatever
>Yeah sure, don't really care. Accept his apology and we never talk again, he deletes his account at some point and I have not heard from him since.

Epilogue one:

>bf moves to live with me after a few years, we get married, adopt three cats and have a kid.

Epilogue two:

>Tohru cheated on Shigure multiple times. She dumps him for the guy she cheated with.
>Cheats on that guy with new guy, dates him for a few years
>He dumps her because guess what, she cheated and now she's pissy
>She had two kids with another dude and got married
>Randomly ran into her the other day, she's lost a ton of weight and looks great actually
>Baby daddy divorced her and started a custody battle when she wanted to take the kids out west
>She shares this with me and also says "man I just don't know why I can't seem to escape drama in my life"
>Gee I wonder why, Tohru-chan. I wonder why

>> No.9713295

Epilogue three:

>Shigure dates a girl for a couple of years after Tohru dumps him, we'll call her Rin
>This is stuff I found out from Mine, one of Rin's very good friends
>Mine hates Shigure's guts, because while he dated Rin (two years from when Rin was in gr. 10 to beginning or gr. 12) he was abusive, both emotionally and physically and only got worse over time
>He had anger issues, would escalate arguments and such and then get physical
>He hit, bit, and scratched Rin
>He was a scrawny pieces of shit like I said, Rin could have broken him in half but he acted so psycho that she was terrified of him
>Rin is a little chubs but she has an hourglass figure, she looks fine. He told her she was fat, disgusting, refused to even kiss her, never mind have sex with her
>He cheated on her with a guy, lost his virginity to him, and then dumped her

Epilogue four:

>Rin started dating this one dude
>They do couple cosplays, move out of town together
>They got married and now have three cats

>> No.9713298
File: 1.12 MB, 3641x4569, Baby r9k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I saved ages ago.
/cgl/ related, I guess.

>> No.9713339

>tfw I am the crazy gf

Men always say they love it but then its always "youre too clingy" and "youre too obsessive"

I try so hard to contain my yandere qualities but I can't handle it.

>> No.9713344

>tfw no yandere cosplay gf

>> No.9713347

Anybody that claims that is a liar, even my last ex who stayed with me 3 years eventually ran away because I "scared" him.

I regret still that I didnt kill us together when I still had the chance, if I had known he was going to leave I might of.

>> No.9713400

Holy shit
You do realize that killing someone for wanting to leave a relationship is wrong, and you might need mental help before you've actually hurt yourself or others?
This is part of the reason I'm glad Yandere-chan was in my life. At least I've become extremely wary of new people and avoid anyone who raises my suspicions even slightly. Wouldn't want to end up a murder victim because of someone elses's issues.
And yeah, I've met another person like her, wanting to murder a girl for rejecting him, insisting that rape is okay is the rapist is handsome, wanting to pay some shady dudes to euthanise him, all that glory. Thankfully, it was online, and I've blocked the guy a long time ago (wish I could have reported him to the police for the more extreme stuff he told me, too bad we live in different countries).
Might greentext this guy as well, but it's nothing much since I'm not the victim here and only know the story through his ramblings (which might have been just a very dedicated troll using somebody else's pics and trying to get money out of me)

>> No.9713401

blah blah blah yes of course I know its wrong, thats why it has never happened and I supress everything. I have done therapy as well.

I dont want to be this way fucko. I certainly dont think rape is ok though.

I just want to feel stable for once and like I dont have to go crazy to keep men in check. Even the best men I have ever been with fuck up years later and tell me how they cheated or something. Just being clingy and obsessive doesnt mean you can cheat on me.

>> No.9713402

Oh, and the girl he yandered over is okay, so the story's not going to turn into a gore fest. Just another very strange weeb I had a misfortune to meet (the forth one, in fact, but the other two, sans him and Yan-chan, are actually nice people, cringy escapades aside)

>> No.9713409

Sorry if I came off as rude. I know how it feels like to have tendencies you find hard to control. Just don't regret not killing a guy, okay? You did the right thing by not killing him or yourself, you deserve to live and find peace with yourself, and it's hard to do that after commiting a crime.
I know you don't need any advice from someone like me, but if my family history did teach me anything, it's that you don't need to keep a man in check. If he's a cheater, he's going to cheat, and there's nothing a woman can do about it. A family member of mine has been in relationships with all sorts of women, some controlling, some not, and he cheated on them all, because that's the kind of person he is. Still, it is possible to find a man who won't cheat, who will respect and trust you the same way you respect and trust him. It took me a long while to build such a relationship, and the other side being controlling and trying to "keep me in check" only made the work harder for both of us - I felt like I was not being trusted to, like I was a prisoner in my own relationship, like my partner secretly hated me and expected me to screw up. I know he did not mean it and it all boils down to his personal issues and past experiences, but still, we had to work these issues out, on both sides. Relationships are very hard and complex. Sometimes, you have to let a fuckup slide, because nobody is perfect, and we all have our baggages. Some fuckups are inexcusable, though, but ruining your life by doing something drastic as a response id the worst thing one can do.
Wish you the best of luck in finding a person you will feel stable with. Sorry for being a bitch in my previous reply. Remembering that experience wasn't the best course of action for me, I got way too emotional and projected. Shouldn't have done that. My fault.

>> No.9713497

>Apparently, she has a split personality that is "kind" and the other that's "evil", self-harms and smokes weed.
Lol I can't get past this post. I knew so many weebs in highschool who had self proclaimed split personalities.

>> No.9713637
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I appreciate that you wrote it all down, he'll of a ride.
Glad things are better for you now.

>> No.9713678

same here, anon.
we should be crazy friends

>> No.9713681

Those are the same fucking people who go on Tumblr today and claim to have "professionally diagnosed" DID, I swear.

>> No.9713686

>tfw i am the crazy one
i'd never hurt anybody but myself though. my bf is a saint. i don't get why people romanticize being "crazy" and "yandere" like it's a desirable, cute, or good thing. i also don't get why people like to call themselves crazy/yan when there's nothing actually wrong with them. having a legitimate psychotic episode fucking sucks because hardly anybody understands what's actually going on. it pushes everybody away. i live in fear of blanking and killing myself or stabbing my eyes out because something upset me. crazy isn't cute. i'm a burden and i'm damaged goods.

...how is this /cgl/ related again tho?

>> No.9713687

This all happened around 2012
>be me
>18 years old
>goes to local con and chats with a few cosplayers
>one cosplayer in particular was a quiet little girl
>she was 14 at the time
>I didn’t pay too much attention to her because she didn’t contribute to the convo
>later that day I get a few friend request and one of them was from the quiet 14 year old
>let’s call her tiny
>I accept because she was a part of the group I got to know that day
>tiny didn’t hesitate to hit me up right away
>I just thought it was cute and didn’t think about too much so I just talked to her
>mostly about weeb stuff, about her boyfriend (he was a part of that group) and so on
>a few weeks have past and tiny wanted to keep in contact with me because I didn’t have Facebook app on my old phone at the time
>we exchanged numbers and went on chatting as usual
>tries to keep it platonic as possible because she’s a minor and I’m not the one to risk going to jail for some kid
>also my preference was strong towards older women
>a month or so passes and her boyfriend breaks up with her
>something about her being too clingy and wanting to move forward very quickly
>just tries to console her like a big brother
>tiny keeps on going about being a fuck up, not pretty, and so on
>I want out, I don’t like dealing with these situations so I just tell her what she wants to hear
>tell her she’s pretty and that any guy is foolish not to want her
>I fucked up
>apparently she took it as an invitation to flirt with me
>shit, this was never my intentions but I thought it was her just being overly friendly than usual
>I was wrong
>I try to avoid talking to her but she would blow up my phone or Facebook messenger
>at the time I was seeing a girl
>let’s call her petite (she was a small girl but older than me)
>I’m trying to keep my distance from tiny and playing it off as senior priorities to get her off my back
>tiny keeps getting more clingy and keeps blowing up my phone

>> No.9713693

that;s cute.
does she succ good?

>> No.9713696

>This goes on for another month after tiny’s break up and she wanted to see me as well
>not fucking happening
>it’s pretty obvious she’s got a huge crush on me and I wasn’t having any of it
>my main priority was to mac on petite
>petite and I keep talking more and more and we somehow agreed to going on a date with eachother
>I was really exited until Tiny texted me
>I kept that I was going on a date a secret from her
>on my way to my date tiny text me out of the blue that she likes me
>what? No!
>I had to put her down as soft as I can
>she blows up my phone texting me sappy teenage shit about how she’s worthless and how she could never find a guy to love her
>I do not have time for this bullshit
>I pull the ‘but you’re like a little sister’ card on her in hopes that she’ll stop
>it didn’t work
>’oh anon, girlfriend, best friend, sister, it’s fine as long as you’re in my life’
>reading that text was the creepiest weeb shit I’ve ever seen
>I couldn’t say anything so I had to pull the plug
>block her off of Facebook, delete her number
>I just tried putting in under the rug hoping it will stay there
>go on my date and just try to concentrate on that instead

That’s one of my yandere stories. At the time it really creeped me out and it probably doesn’t sound all that read worthy but I hoped my story contributed to this thread.
I don’t see tiny anymore and I’m glad she’s out of my life.
Petite and I dated after for 4 years but ubfortunatly we broke up around 2016.

>> No.9713706

Aaah, Baby, a classic.

>> No.9713710

>friend introduces me to his female asian friend and we hit it off
>appears normal, after 2 weeks realize that shes been filming me most times Im not directly looking at her
>her background picture on all her devices is my face
>the password to all her devices is my name
>has an extensive folder just for pictures and videos of me

story 1:
>apparently, shes convinced im cheating on her, never even mentioned it
>she gets sick, I get sick from her by the end of the day
>she thinks "how could he get sick so fast", he must have HIV from cheating on me
>shes so convinced of this she drives 2 hours away to another city and back to get tested for HIV
>results are negative, so she does it again 2 weeks later
>literally never knew until after breaking up with her after 8 months of hell and learned from a friend.

>> No.9713719

So do you cook and are you going to hurt my cat because I've known/loved it longer than you?

>> No.9718351

I agree. I had to deal with someone like this, outside of cosplay though.

>> No.9718357

Yeah. Pretty much whenever someone throws around the suicide bit openly, repeatedly, and brazenly the best response it to tell them 'pics or it didn't happen'. If they call you a heartless monster, just call them a pussy with no follow through.

>> No.9718362

That whole tumblr DID bullshit is cancer, and actually having DID sucks balls.

>> No.9718365

I did that because I was a chuuni, it was just a wild fantasy I spun so people thought I was entertaining. It's stupid harmless trash.

>> No.9718366

Old, but at my campus some years ago a graduate stabbed a professor because the prof danced with a girl he liked at some event with a katana

After that incident someone who had one of those katana handle umbrellas got swarmed by the college police lol

>> No.9718404

>she was 14 at the time
>Petite and I dated after for 4 years but unfortunately we broke up around 2016.

so, she legal now?

>> No.9718569

Does it count if I was the one going mad?

>A long-time gf and I, living the seagull lesbian dream
>At one point I was balancing college, work, and chronic illness. Wasn't the best partner at that time.
>Gf starts secretly falling for our mutual male friend; he knew full well me and my gf were together
>Illness now threatens my life, get emergency surgery
>Long recovery-leave, start putting more effort into relationship again
>Gf decides to visit our male friend for a con, I stay because I'm still recovering
>While there gf texts me and says she has feelings for him, and it's mutual
>Said no cheating happened, they just got a bit handsy
>Devastated, don't eat or sleep for days until gf comes back home
>Talk things through, she says she's over him
>Except she isn't
>Confront her again, ready to break up
>I give her one last chance, we decide to stay together
>Now harbouring extreme hatred against the dude, even tho gf and I were also at fault
>Con coming up, ready to confront him
>Get blinded with rage, I'm ready to stab the dude
>Buy a pair of long knitting needles, stick them trough my petticoat so that they're dangling hidden under my skirt, plan to use them as weapons
>Talk to him, he seems regretful
>Didn't actually stab him of course
>Later realise that was pretty fucked up
>Work on my anger issues and building trust with my gf again with a professional

>> No.9718574

>no cheating
>they just got handsy
wtf does this mean? do you only consider penis in vagina cheating or what?

>> No.9718587

Maybe handsy wasn’t the best choice of words. Pretty much just meant touches over clothes, no kissing or actual sexual stuff. Gf and the dude are both shy as hell.

>> No.9718606

My ex was a yandere. Once I was babysitting this 4 year old and she threatened to come over and stab his eyes out because he spent too much time with me and ‘we don’t need any unwelcome guests’.

>> No.9718617

cat family stories are so dramatic

>> No.9719047

Not a dramatic ending at all, I just wanted to include the epilogue to show that everything ended up okay, despite Shigure being a major fuckface. Rin deserves her husband and three cats lol.

>> No.9720653

First of all, that's not what yandere means, she didn't even love you at all. You basically got bullied and that's it.
Second, why the fuck didn't you ghost her earlier? Who the fuck cares if she suicided? I don't get it.

>> No.9720654

I'm with you anon, that whole diatribe was pointless.

>> No.9720655

>forgiving cheating
You are officialy a shecuck.

>> No.9720675

>Men always say
Soyboys you mean.

>you'll never have a yandere gf stab you repeatedly in the chest while laughing maniacally out of joy and then hug her while everything fades away

>> No.9720709

Can I give a story on a male yandere or are we doing girls alone ?

>> No.9720724
File: 555 KB, 1300x1400, confused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are so many people in these stories bisexual?

>> No.9720726

Reread the story. Tiny was the 14 year old, Petit was a different person.

>> No.9720727

Is Yukiteru a soyboy?

>> No.9720728

get that stupid shit outta here. You sound like a moron.

I'd love to hear one

>> No.9720729

>Why do so many mentally ill people have sexual disorders as comorbidity?
You tell me.

>> No.9720730

He turns into a man at the end of the show.

>> No.9720732
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>> No.9720733

He temporarily leaves soyboy status but returns to it imo

>> No.9720736

cgl is just hella gay.

>> No.9720737

Break up with her. If she wasn't shy it would've been much worse. You definitely need to work on your anger issues as it could damage future relationships but I don't think this one is good for your or your pseudo-cheating gf.

>> No.9720740

How? He goes into an armed assault, kills his fag friends for his girl and isn't afraid of anything.

>> No.9720741

doesn't* afraid of anything

>> No.9720743

He's afraid of his girl that's ultimate soyboy status

>> No.9720745

I know what you mean, getting axed by your cute yandere gf is my dream irl. But I understand if he didn't want that.

>> No.9721347

Even if it was just for pretend, she did act like a typical yandere, so I thought the story counts.
As for caring about her suicide, I did consider her a friend for a while, and was naive enough to think that she would indeed do something to herself if I wronged her. A person who used to be a close friend of mine tried to commit suicide when I was 14. He survived, thankfully, but this event did traumatise me: now when I think about it, it was what amplified my anxiety issues and left me with a deep fear of people I know dying, especially by suicide. I'm almost over it by now, but back in high school I was still living with mom, had no way of getting therapy without her permission, and my anxiety was on the rise. I couldn't bear the thought of letting somebody die, even if she was ruining my life.

>> No.9721451

>Who the fuck cares if she suicided? I don't get it.
>what is empathy
Seriously, though, this is a very common abuse tactic and if you have any ability to empathize with other humans it works pretty well. Very few people are okay with being the “cause” of someone’s suicide, no matter how awful they are. It takes a lot of convincing to get someone to realize it’s not their fault.

>> No.9721524

Well if you like me, hear about friends committing suicide and it turns out to be fake, or have a friend that calls me at work a friend is going to kill herself but it's a lie, you'll snap out of it fast.

>> No.9722168

Well that's ok I guess. It's just that I don't want people giving Yandere a bad name and start including things that aren't really Yandere and the term to stop meaning anything due to this.

Also about that, not that saying it now is worth anything since that was a long time ago and you say you're mostly over it, but, from a philosophical standpoint you could argue that if someone threatens with suicide unless you do something and you go along with it, you're pretty much becoming a slave to her, so then you have to stop and think things through "Is it worth it to give up my freedom to comply to her threats and turn my life into a living hell? Do I really care if she offs herself? What has more worth to me, her life or mine?".

I hope this is some sort of joke, because I don't think that having the ability to empathize with others leads you to become a fucking slave and a tool for no other reason than to avoid you're abuser/bully kills himself.

Maybe you're thinking about pathological altruism, which is a mental illness very common nowadays. Or maybe you just want good girl points for being seen by others as caring.

>Very few people are okay with being the “cause” of someone’s suicide, no matter how awful they are.
This has to be the biggest joke ever. So if someone raped you and then suicided, you would cry evry tiem?
I know you're a woman and all, but try being honest instead of using virtue signaling as a way of life.

Look, I don't care if someone who: is not part of my family, is not close to me, is my enemy, has wronged me on some occasion, bullied me, has taken advantage of me dishonestly, has told me a damaging lie, etc. commits suicide. And guess what? I'm not a psycopath (maybe for adepts of the sjw religion I am), I'm just an honest human being.

>> No.9722201

And if you, like me, have had several people say they are going to kill themselves and it turns out to be true you’ll get over that too. Some people don’t go through with it (thank god) and some people do. It’s not other people’s issue that they give a fuck

>> No.9722203

4chan is 18+ fyi

>> No.9722208

I was expecting a reply including fedoras, oh well. No matter what, you know I'm right.

>> No.9722210

>No matter what, you know I'm right.

>> No.9722211

Yeah, I'm sure you don't have any mental breakdowns just from hearing your bully or rapist or whomever you knew and harmed you committed suicide. So I am in fact very right. If you did have these mental breakdowns, I hope you get help asap and get better.

>> No.9722216

There’s a big difference between
>someone who was mean to me killed themselves and
>someone who inserts themselves into my life, whom I believe to be a friend, starts blaming me for their pain and saying my actions are causing them to kill themselves (even if it’s not true) per anons story
You’re the type of person who asks why children don’t run away from their abductors when they threaten to kill their parents because your the ~*brightest crayon in the box who would NEVER be that dumb*~ aren’t you?

>> No.9722219

>thinks that someone who "starts blaming me for their pain and saying my actions are causing them to kill themselves (even if it’s not true)" is a "friend"
>compares a teen to a child in cognitive capacity, absolutely retarded analogy
>attempts to call others dumb
Found your problem, apply for tardbux.

>> No.9722220

Oh, you ARE the magical unicorn who would never, ever fall for psychological control tactics that are well documented and used on a regular basis to keep people in abusive relationships!!! I’m sorry!!! I had no idea!

>> No.9722223

>Thinks teens aren’t kids
Found the 15 y/o

>> No.9722227

>literally making your life hell
>still consider him/her a friend

Do I really have to walk you through this? Do you know what a friend is?

>thinks it is legit to compare a teen to a literal little kid
I mean, if you are talking from experience, it's ok. But teens are allowed to drive and little kids aren't, just food for thought.

>> No.9722228

I’m sure you blame abused wives for not leaving because their husband threatens to kill their kids, too, even if he’d be arrested if she calls for help.
>but he was mean so she should know!!!

>> No.9722230

>move in with a fellow cosplayer. He's 35 and I am 19.
>end up in messed up "romantic with the roommate" situation. No actual sex, making out and sharing the same bed. Weird lonely cuddle-club arrangement.
>too much of a weenie to end it as soon as it's apparent he's not interested in being a real couple.
>slowly he becomes more controlling. I wake up one morning in tremendous pain. I don't remember the night before. The lower half of my body has been destroyed, literally.
>freak out, too afraid and in his controlling grasp to confront him about this. Perminately return to my room. No more touching, just keeping a distance from now on. Still help him with cosplay.

Enter Yandere-chan...
>She's better looking then me, very attractive and does very sexy cosplay.
>She knew us and only started hitting on him after she got wind we had something going on.
>Flirting at him only while infront of me intensifies.
>Mentions many, many times in private to me that she has tons of unprotected sex on the downlow. And that "you'd never guess who I've been with, teehee!"
>Find out she's on a constant string of meds to suppress an STD. (like, she accidentally dumped the bottle out of her purse)
>After the me waking up destroyed thing happened, her flirting with roomate infront of me no longer bothers me and I ignore it.
>This pisses her off.
>Eventually I get sick of being kept down by this older guy, having now been reduced to a housemaid basically. So I leave.
>He moves Yandere-chan in before I've moved all my stuff out; he gifts some of my "abandoned" belongings to yandere-chan.
>she txts me about all this, rubbing it in that she's "totally gonna bang him at some point"
>I read the messages but never reply and start a new life.
>She keeps trying to get a rise out of me because she "won" him and I "lost" him.
>I snicker sometimes, wondering if that bastard got sickness from her that he deserves.

>> No.9722232

I don't even know the point of that question.
>I'm sure you blame people that want to stop drinking toilet water but keep drinking toilet water!
Uh, yes?

>> No.9722235

This entire post is retarded if you don't explain what the fuck "I wake up one morning in tremendous pain. I don't remember the night before. The lower half of my body has been destroyed, literally." is about or means. Did he bash your knees in with a slegdehammer? Is it an euphemism for something sexual?

>> No.9722237

Anon, I sort of feel the same as you but after pulling one of my friends out of an abusive relationship I'm gonna have to disagree.
They draw you in by being nice and caring, then turn around and blame you for their problems. You don't want to leave because you already care about them too much, even though the obvious course of action should be to leave.
Some people are just naturally too caring or a little weak-willed. It's easy to blame them but if you have any compassion at all you'd try to help them out.

>> No.9722240

I recently got over this trauma and I'm 22 years old now

>freshman year of high school
>was 15, girl
>befriend a 14 year old who is two grades below me (7th grade)
>become bffs insanely fast
>constantly with each other
>both bisexual but I never had feelings for her
>start liking boy
>she quickly snatches him up
>"I don't want anyone taking you away from me"
>he breaks up with her a week later and we have a semi-romantic relationship for 4 years that never lead anywhere
>friendship gets better and she apologizes

a year passes by
>still in that semi-romantic relationship with that boy a yoo finally
>her mental health is deteriorating, she cuts herself and then comes over to my place so I can clean the cuts and bandage her up
>because I loved her so much as a friend
>she spends the night one night
>wake up to her arms COVERED in new cut marks (with my dad's kitchen knives!!) and her hands around my throat
>I mean the blood is dripping down her wrists/arms and onto me and her grip is getting tighter
>kick her in the stomach, bite the fuck out of her hand and throw her off of me screaming
>she immediately does a 180, telling me that's she sorry, that I need to calm down and stop yelling
>"or else your parents will find out"
>her parents are called and they get her
>she gets expelled from school, I get a restraining order against her, and she s o m e h o w did not get charged with attempted murder
>I almost got charged with something for bruising one of her ribs

It's weird that this thread popped up, because a few months ago she sent me a Facebook request and I debated deleting mine entirely. I ended up self-harming and developed an eating disorder at 16 because I felt like I wasn't in control of anything. I had chronic night terrors and needed meds. (She could break into my house and kill me, the legal system failed me, she still knows where I live.) I went to the psych ward for five days two years ago, and that's when I started to recover.

>> No.9722244

I would say the only lingering trauma is that I still feel uncomfortable sometimes when laying in bed with my boyfriend, but that's been slowly going away too! I'm actually a little emotional now, it's been six years and sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get over what happened.

>> No.9722248

And what could possibly help more than to tell them straight to cut them off? It is after all the best solution, just stop drinking the toilet water. I think telling the truth is more helpful than being a hugbox or trying to justify these things like "oh well, many abused wives are still with their partners so I'm not alone on this and this isn't that weird!". No, full stop, remove the toxicity in your life or it will devour you.

There are things you can't fix, there are people you can't change, there are relationships that take a change for the worse and will never go back to what they were. Sometimes it is better to destroy and start anew than to fix something.

I have had a """""""""""""""""""""friend"""""""""""""""""""""" for over 10 or 11 years now, when we met (both males), we clicked instantly, ideologically similar, similar interests, he knows things about me I haven't told any living being on earth, not even my parents, we had a really close bond. We literally spent every day together through steam, playing games and talking. Some time after it turned out he was gay or bi (I don't know even now, there are some things in which he'll lie no matter what) and somehow liked me, I turned him down and nothing happened, we kept being friends (he hated faggotry himself, and tried to deny that part about him). Time kept passing, I explored new points of view and ideologies, I was very individualistic and he was very collectivistic. We started diverging on our thinking, the bond weakened, but we mostly carried on. Then, as years passed we diverged more and more, he became an extremist "animalist" or some shit, something I don't share, and we started having arguments about that, I forgot to mention, we used to have really nasty arguments from time to time (he mostly wanted I followed along with some bullshit claim and I'm not that person, so we started debating and arguing), but these grew in intensity too. As time passed we grew apart more and more, cont.

>> No.9722251

Wow anon. Please tldr more and stay on topic.

>> No.9722252

Anon, that's not what I meant. You have to help them cut them out of their lives because they don't have the strength to do it themselves, and that's what I did. My friend is still recovering but their quality of life has improved drastically over time since.
I think what the other anons are saying is that it's not the battered wives' faults for staying, not that they should stay. They don't have anyone to turn to.
>There are things you can't fix, there are people you can't change
And I especially agree with this. But the people who stay in these relationships think that they can fix things, and somebody has to help give them a wake up call. Sadly it's too hard to help everybody.

I don't think anything about this whole thread is /cgl/ related, which is why I'm saging my posts

>> No.9722255

Do you even go here? Who cares that you had a gay friend once and then didn’t?

>> No.9722256

Both spiritually, mentally, and in our worldview (why do I repeat this? because the fascinating part is how similar we were when we met.), in the last moments of our relationship, I didn't even recognize him, he was a weird normie to me, he spent his days erping in teso with gay furry lizards and shit, while I detested such degeneracy and scolded him for it, we didn't even play games anymore, he hated losing irrationally, and I've always been better than him in any game we tried, so he eventually stopped playing altogether and started playin teso (the elder scrolls online) and going full autist with RP, he got new friends by the way, and I was pretty mad at this, it felt like I was being cheated on in my face, and I didn't get any new friends because I've gone full hikki. Our last days were always arguing, we both know eachother and know what hurts and what doesn't, so I got very worked up, and then a couple of days later, we'd make peace and then start the process again. But then I had to think if this was worth keeping, we basically turned into a giant joke I was unironically a "men are in charge of their own destiny", "destroy degeneracy", "the weak should fear the strong", "we need to stop white genocide" kind of guy and he was a "everybody can get along, communism is great!, race doesn't matter!, fuck your caveman shit!, I'm a estrogen bomb" gay/bi furry degenerate kind of guy.

It's to show you that of course I know how MUCH people change over time, how much a good relationship can turn into a big pile of steamy shit, I mean, I've lived through it. From being compatible and very similar to becoming fucking OPPOSITES. And then I cutted him off, there was no use keeping it up, nobody could have fixed it, so the best thing to do is to cut it off, and if you don't, you are the only one to blame.

So this is coming from a guy who lived it: Cut, it, off.

>> No.9722257

>ten paragraphs about a completely unremarkable and unrelated occurrence
>calls other people retarded

>> No.9722258

>taking about relationships turning abusive and/or toxic
>provide my own example
>hurr diz iz unrelated XD
Seriously, apply for tardbux.

>> No.9722259

So, in short, you’re a /pol/ crossboarder who doesn’t understand social interaction and lost his only friend (but claims it’s because he’s superior and not, you know, insufferable). That... makes a shitton of sense honestly.

>> No.9722260

How is some dude realizing he’s gay and changing his world view yandere? Dude, just admit you have nothing to contribute and love on.

>> No.9722261

>men are in charge of their own destiny", "destroy degeneracy", "the weak should fear the strong", "we need to stop white genocide" kind of guy
>I've gone full hikki

>> No.9722262

I... I really hope this is a LARP

>> No.9722263

>/pol/ invented right wing and everything I don't like
I really do care about your opinion on me (sarcasm). It was just an example about how much two people can grow apart given enough time.
If you haven't catched on, the thread is derailed as of now and this story was posted for other reasons, so of course it isn't Yandere.
Sorry for triggering you, nothin personnel.

I might stop replying to period-posters now, if someone wants to continue the discussion from where I left it, do so.

>> No.9722264

Yeah, this has to be a LARP.

>> No.9722265

I think it's real, he's a hikki remember? What else can he do except for shitpost on 4chan all day?

>> No.9722267

Oh god, you might be right

>> No.9722274
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>talking to yourself
>posts just 45 secs apart from each other

You're pathetic attempt is appreciated.

>> No.9722276

I think he's a lonely newfag. He doesn't even know about the post cooldown.

>> No.9722280

>it’s impossible for multiple people to think the above clusterfuck is embarrassing

>> No.9722285

It was implied you phoneposted, apparently your brain didn't cut it.
It is, but then you get some cringey monologue such as

>> No.9722290
File: 120 KB, 750x253, BF35751D-6438-463E-8FB6-369DE0BC8578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I know you don’t believe me but I’m not sameposting and frankly watching you tag capped is both amusing and sad. Please stop while you’re ahead.

>> No.9722296
File: 16 KB, 558x212, cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the other anon. Ever heard of a conversation before?

>> No.9722298

I mean, he was right that I phoneposted? Guess he’s got that going for him, lol

>> No.9722300
File: 144 KB, 1017x708, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting the ultimate proof, a screencap.

>> No.9722305

He's not gonna believe us either way. I pity him, honestly. His only friend left him because he'd rather erp as a gay lizard than spend time with him- that says more about him than it does his friend.

>> No.9722307

Dude, if it makes you happy go for it.

>> No.9722341

Are you that mentally ill dude that's obsessed with !Akemi on /a/?

>> No.9722371

When someone is better than you on everything, it wears down on you eventually and becomes a huge trigger. I told him to keep trying, but no cigar. He's not the kind of guy who practices until he becomes better. So the only thing left for him was just make believe lizard fantasy in which I wasn't involved, he basically abandoned competitive gaming. Also, I was the one who cut contact because of the vicious cycle that was argue>make peace>argue and repeat.
>going from generic boogeymen like le pol to some obscure specific shit
Your persecution complex is worsening.

>> No.9722373

All this needs is you calling everyone in the thread !Akemi and you are Mentally Ill-kun.

>> No.9722374

Do you really, honestly believe you posted this on this board and only ONE person thinks your cringey?

>> No.9722376

>xir seriously thinks I'm some dude from /a/ she's subscribed to
Is it paranoid schizophrenia? Post your meds.

>> No.9722379

I guess not. You would have wondered how I found you on /cgl/ and then called me !Akemi for the rest of the thread. Oh well. It was worth a poke.

>> No.9722380
File: 27 KB, 630x526, 1509763216773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first time she let's go of the paranoia without meds and accepts the idea that I might not be her boogeyman

>> No.9722383

>still thinks this whole reply thread is one person
ans she’s the paranoid one

>> No.9722385

You proved to me that you're not that specific mentally ill-kun but let's not get ahead of ourselves. You're still an underaged faggot.

>> No.9722388
File: 23 KB, 640x559, 1510666359734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whilst the old paranoia has left her, a new one rapidly takes hold, this time she's convinced some anonymous poster is underaged and homosexual

>> No.9722390

If you're not you're doing a great job at larping as one. I'm an anonymous seagull. You posted your off topic uninteresting blog on here for all of to see and judge and you came up underaged faggot at best and I had to see if you were a mentally ill troll to just confirm because of how you were acting. Now double down.

>> No.9722391

If your not underaged, this >>9722256
is massively embarrassing.

>> No.9722394
File: 884 KB, 1272x1586, 1510271132883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture is also massively embarassing, but, guess what? We are on a human carcass processing irc channel, so if that was meant as an offense, I'm sorry, not working.

>my opinion is relevant because I have a hole
Easy there.

>> No.9722397

Double down confirmed. We're done here.

>> No.9722399

Okay, real talk, why are you on this board? Do you cosplay? I doubt you are into jfashion since it might hurt your degenerate sensibilities. I just want to understand your mind...

>> No.9722400

I'm sorry I'm not your secret love interest from /a/. You might find him someday, don't worry.

>> No.9722406

>why are you on this board?
Feel threads used to be really fun, I also get chuckles with greentexts on story threads.
>Do you cosplay?
I did, not as of now.
>I doubt you are into jfashion since it might hurt your degenerate sensibilities.
Well, I think anyone can tell the difference between lolita fashion and straight up gay furry pornography role play, if you are referencing that. I don't go to /pol/ thought, so I don't know what is considered degenerate there exactly.

>> No.9722541 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 500x334, ai discomfort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I came real close to having a yandere story of my own, but thankfully she seems to have lost interest.

>sometime two or three years back
>Facebook message out of the blue
>from a girl I volunteered with at a local anime convention. She's looking to make some new friends
>I kinda know her a bit from working at the convention, so heck yeah, why not
>make plans to meet up for frozen yogurt in my city. The day comes
>we hug and greet each other warmly
>ask how she's been since we last saw each other
>"I've been great! I did try to kill my girlfriend though!"
>it's been 30 seconds
Get toppings, sit down, chit chat. I keep trying to steer the conversation back into normal territory, asking about school, people we mutually know, anime/cosplay plans, etc
>instead i hear about how her girlfriend is a pedo (hence the attempted murder) but they're still together, her multiple personalities, her anxiety and paranoia, and tons of other weird shit I can't recall off the top of my head
>I'm just nodding and playing it cool because holy shit
>The date comes to an end
>"well, it's been great catching up with you, I had fun!"
>"wait anon let me give you a ride home. You don't drive, right?"
>oh god
>please don't
>you don't need to know where I live
>"haha no I'm fine, I have some errands to run first"
>"I'll take you! we can go together!"
>her eyes are wide
>her face is smiling but there's no smile there
>"No no don't put yourself through that. They're reaaaallly boring errands and then I'm going straight to the gym haha"
>"okay we'll have to hang out again soon!"
>walk in random direction, then another random direction, then literally hide behind a bush until I make sure I'm not getting followed

She messaged me a few more times after that, wanting stuff from me, but I redirected the conversation as gently as I could and she eventually stopped. It's been a few years since we've messaged, and I hope she managed to find happiness and peace somewhere.

>> No.9722544
File: 20 KB, 500x334, ai discomfort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I came real close to having a yandere story of my own, but thankfully she seems to have lost interest.

>sometime two or three years back
>Facebook message out of the blue
>from a girl I volunteered with at a local anime convention. She's looking to make some new friends
>I kinda know her a bit from working at the convention, so heck yeah, why not
>make plans to meet up for frozen yogurt in my city. The day comes
>we hug and greet each other warmly
>ask how she's been since we last saw each other
>"I've been great! I did try to kill my girlfriend though!"
>it's been 30 seconds
>Get toppings, sit down, chit chat. I keep trying to steer the conversation back into normal territory, asking about school, people we mutually know, anime/cosplay plans, etc
>instead i hear about how her girlfriend is a pedo (hence the attempted murder) but they're still together, her multiple personalities, her anxiety and paranoia, and tons of other weird shit I can't recall off the top of my head
>I'm just nodding and playing it cool because holy shit
>The date comes to an end
>"well, it's been great catching up with you, I had fun!"
>"wait anon let me give you a ride home. You don't drive, right?"
>oh god
>please don't
>you don't need to know where I live
>"haha no I'm fine, I have some errands to run first"
>"I'll take you! we can go together!"
>her eyes are wide
>her face is smiling but there's no smile there
>"No no don't put yourself through that. They're reaaaallly boring errands and then I'm going straight to the gym haha"
>"okay we'll have to hang out again soon!"
>walk in random direction, then another random direction, then literally hide behind a bush until I make sure I'm not getting followed

She messaged me a few more times after that, wanting stuff from me, but I redirected the conversation as gently as I could and she eventually stopped. It's been a few years since we've messaged, and I hope she managed to find happiness and peace somewhere.

>> No.9722567

>tfw no yandere gf to worship you and stab you gently every other day

>> No.9723008

You need help

>> No.9723052

>not wanting to experience the ultimate and purest form of love, your gf stabbing you out of paranoid jealousy while at the same time regretting it while you hug her and tell her it doesn't matter
I pity you.

>> No.9723262
File: 77 KB, 680x907, 1495966550096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the ultimate and purest form of love

This beetle is going to confiscate the knifeu from your waifu because you sound p. crazy

>> No.9723284

>hurr ur crazy
You poor ignorant girl, how can you dismiss the joy of being stabbed by the person who loves you the most? I want to feel the fucking knife in my chest with her delicate hand at the handle softly rubbing my skin. I want to feel the blood overflowing the wound and staining everything while we hug, both covered in blood, the ultimate marriage, the purest union, the eternal covenant. That is what it means to be HUMAN, you're not even fucking human if you can't realize this is the ultimate way of experiencing love. I want her to leave the knife in my inside and to start choking me while tears run on our faces and the room gets thinly veiled with that distinct metallic smell. THIS IS OUR TELOS. I AM HER LIFE, I AM HER GOD. NAIL ME TO THE FUCKING CROSS AND LET ME BE REBORN.

>> No.9723290

just walk into a crack-den and someone can stab you for free there. No foreplay required.

>> No.9723338

>uh just go get stabbed by a random bixnood!
It's not the same you foul wench.

>> No.9723339

But the foreplay/obsession/stabbing combo is the entire point, either aspect on its own isn't worth it

>> No.9723342


>> No.9723548
File: 770 KB, 500x281, A4392850-33BE-4F53-B3C5-24852F9708BA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me, around 13 years old
>start talking to a 17 year old
>she’s really clingy and suidical
>can relate as I’m going untreated for severe bipolar disorder among other shit
>eventually she becomes the only person I talk to and is really obsessive with me
>we start dating and since it’s my first relationship, I think this is normal
>threatens to kill herself if I stop talking to her
>months passes and she grows less interested in me
>now it’s my turn to be clingy and suicidal
>tell her she’s the only thing I have and the only reason for me living
>admit that I hate her friends because they get to see her irl and touch her
>she finds this romantic
>another month goes by and she’s mostly stopped talking to me
>tell her how the only reason I don’t kms is because of her
>become increasingly clingy, get angry when she ignores me for too long
>another month goes by of this
>finally she dumps me because she says I’m a freak
>mfw i scared my yandere gf away because i was too crazy for her

>> No.9723555

>>months passes and she grows less interested in me
Not Yandere, reported.

>> No.9724177

Where could a 24 year old guy find a yandere gf?

>> No.9724178

Mental hospital.

>> No.9724181

But wouldn't that defeat the purpose? Wouldn't she be medicated and closed up?

Also, how would you make a yandere fall in love with you?

>> No.9725548

A lot of hospitals have rules against hooking up with other patients

>> No.9725725

I feel dumb as fuck for hanging around/believing someone who claimed to have split personalities. They had seen professionals about their mental health before and been committed for a short time, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. People had receipts of chatting online with different personalities at the exact same time.

In the end I'm pretty sure they just used the split personality thing to be able to blame all the asshole-ish behavior on the "strict/dom/bad" personality. "Oh that wasn't me that was Kuro, sorry if he upset you teehee."

>> No.9725741

anime conventions and other places female degenerates congregate
yandere gf

>> No.9725907

As a person w actual D.I.D. and multiple personalities it was hell living through the weeb phase when everyone suddenly had them. I had this one girl get obsessed over me when I had told her about my diagnose and boom. a few weeks later she started clinging onto me and acting really violent and strange whe with me. She didn't want me to see anyone else and she confessed by scratching my name on her wrist.. After I told her that I am sorry and I am not interested in her she suddenly threw a 360 and was like "it was my evil side doing all of this teehee"

yes i am mad.

>> No.9725937

What do yanderes look for in a man? How would I know if she is into me? Please teach me how to conquer a yandere girl.

>> No.9725941

>she suddenly threw a 360
I spent literally 5 whole minutes laughing at this, and each time I see it posted and used wrong, I laugh harder.

>> No.9728708 [DELETED] 
File: 444 KB, 978x720, 1513369162778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9728885

They look for beta cucks who find psychotic tendencies attractive because they're stupid enough to think an anime trope translates well into real life.

>> No.9728891 [DELETED] 

Can I get a reply from someone who isn't on her period now?

>> No.9729062
File: 18 KB, 300x300, jodiarias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yandere girls don't work out very well irl anon

>> No.9729068 [DELETED] 

As long as I'm faithful, why would she murder me?

>> No.9729072

she'll delude herself into thinking you're cheating, even if you're not.
I hate the idea of yanderes, it goes without saying they're super unhealthy, regardless of gender.
Good luck, anon. May you avoid getting stabbed

>> No.9729075 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 620x349, 1507026919253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm paranoid about my partner cheating too, so the only way to be sure she isn't is for her to be a mentally deranged yandere who's obsessed with me.

>> No.9732046

Only a crazy girl could love me

>> No.9734535

I think they mean they were raped anon.

>> No.9736264

It made me imagine someone throwing an Xbox 360 at her face lmao.