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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9748317 No.9748317[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many catty, petty cunts on this board?

>> No.9748318

Are you the girl who threw a fit in the insta thread

>> No.9748345

it's what happens when too many girls gather in one place

>> No.9748429

>huge gathering of women
>for a hobby that is 99% aesthetics and thus subjective
>for a clothing type that is very prissy and potentially expensive
>on one of the most autistic websites on the internet

>> No.9748434

hi hinachi_cosplay

>> No.9748451

Why do people always attribute the bitchiness of /cgl/ to the fact we're all girls? Have you people ever been on any of the other boards? /a/ and /v/ make us look like the nice board.

>> No.9748453

Because this is a predominantly female board filled with some of the saltiest cunts around. It's not as bad as it used to be though, back in the day it was fucking terrible and I guess it sort of stuck around. Long long ago when there were 1838748393 koots thread up at any given time we were worse.

>> No.9748458
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> /a/ and /v/ make us look like the nice board.

>> No.9748466

Are there screenshots of this drama?

>> No.9748467

don't go on /a/ but /v/ is full of underage screaming retards, while /cgl/ is full of screaming retards of all ages

>> No.9748469

Literally just go to the insta thread?

>> No.9748485

Actually op isn't me, but yes I'm back bc I wanna see what people are being mad about. Lul

>> No.9748500

>Comes back to make sure people aren’t bitching about you
Lmao this is sad

>> No.9748507

I did leave, and after spending some time doing some important irl things I decided to check up on what people are bitching about.
Doesn't change the fact you guys got baited. Lul

>> No.9748509

>I was only pretending to be retarded

Yo, you left your social media here and then acted like a retard. You didn't b8 us, you set yourself up to be fucked over big time.

>> No.9748511

If you keep this up you're gonna end up a lolcow

>> No.9748517

Not to mention /b/, /r9k/, /pol/, and /fit/. 4chan as a whole has a reputation for its users being horrible mean autists. Not sure why people act like this is exclusive to /cgl/ when we're nowhere near the worst.
Yeah, I feel like our reputation is largely left over from before the drama ban in 2010. We were pretty much lolcow-tier back then.

/v/ doesn't have that many underage people outside the summer, anon. They just seem that way.

>> No.9748518

>Want to confirm is /cgl will take bait
>put ahegao insta
>argue logically that most gulls are insecure. (Which they in fact are.)
>gulls get mad and threaten to lolcow

I got what info I needed, but these sad attempts to make threads like this that just kill other threads is pretty pathetic.
All it got me is more insta traction lul.

>> No.9748519

People on /v/ and /a/ will call you a faggot or tell you to kill yourself over ultimately innocuous shitposting over shit that doesn't matter, with the boards moving so quickly that you're unlikely to ever talk to the same person twice.

/cgl/ posters on the otherhand will vendetta, post people they don't like to ita threads and use the board to stir up shit and drama about people they actually know in a catty, passive-aggressive manner usually reminiscent of how women in groups conduct themselves in real life.

>> No.9748521

>all according to keikaku!
>i was just PRETENDING to be retarded!

>> No.9748522

Yes, very smart anon. Now you're getting it.

>> No.9748523

What is this weeb shit.
If you don't believe me that's fine doesn't change the benefits I got from this.

>> No.9748524

Protip, if you're so good at pretending to be retarded it might be because you're actually retarded.

>> No.9748526

I used to go on lolcow a lot. Then I realized it was making me miserable.

>> No.9748527

You sound angry.

>> No.9748528
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>Yeah, I feel like our reputation is largely left over from before the drama ban in 2010. We were pretty much lolcow-tier back then.
That and ebin screencaps that get spread around.

>> No.9748530

People in real life are often petty, catty cunts. However, they show their pettiness in private, real-life conversation and IM so it's not documented publicly.
Some /cgl/ users vendetta, laugh at people in the 'ita' and 'cringe' threads, and gossip about people on lolcow. Some /cgl/ users report or call out vendettas, avoid the 'ita' and 'cringe' threads, and don't go to lolcow. It's not a hive mind.

However, censorship is not exactly 4chan's forte so the result is you see these topics, and all too often those people are louder then the rest. The only solution for OP is learning to avoid the salt, not click 'cringe' and 'ita' threads, and be one of those posters who doesn't contribute salt to the board.

Simple enough.

>> No.9748539

>OMG was just trying to b8 u
>but follow me on insta xo

>> No.9748542 [DELETED] 

And many men on other boards do shit like dox people for no valid reason, discuss their fantasies/experiences about raping and assaulting people, and post nudes of their exes or girls they hacked. They also make fun of people like we do, only over shit like deformities and handicaps, instead of just being dressed poorly, and fap to/share porn depicting extreme abuse and violence.

So, please stop acting like the worst they do is tell each other to kill themselves over disagreements about anime.

>> No.9748546

Yeah... I mean, they send inexperienced animators death and rape threats just because a company decided to put the person in charge of their flavor of the week video game. Yet, people say women, and /cgl/, are bad.

>> No.9748549

And many men on other boards do shit like dox people for no valid reason, discuss their fantasies/experiences about raping and assaulting people, and post nudes of their exes or girls they hacked. They also make fun of people like we do, only over shit like deformities and handicaps, instead of just being dressed poorly, and fap to/share porn depicting extreme abuse and violence.

So, please stop acting like the worse they do is tell each other to kill themselves over anime disagreements, and that we're so much worse because some of us will post girls in our comms to ita threads just because we don't like them. Especially when people who vendetta almost always get called out for it.

>> No.9748550

You must be new, because /cgl/ used to doxx so frequently we had to stop all drama

>> No.9748552

the point is that we don't anymore, but the other boards still do

>> No.9748554

It did use to be worse until the mods/janitors put a damper on it. Still yet, that's only a percentage of /cgl/. All it takes is a couple people being bitchy on an anonymous board for people to attribute it to every user.

>> No.9748557

Yeah, and speaking of rape threats, there was also gamer gate and how many people in Elliott Roger threads were citing him as a hero.

But, you know, we're the monsters of this whole site because every now and then we'll call a girl ugly.

>> No.9748560

To be fair I legitimately think hinachi should kill herself.

>> No.9748561

Dear Sir or Madam,

I cordially invite you to eat my penis. The penis in question is tremendously large, wide and delicious. The girth itself is 20 inches wide, so it should fill up your enormous and hungry rectum quite nicely.

Forever yours,

>> No.9748562

Gamer gate... that had to do with the whole depression quest VN, right? Like, I won't lie, that was a poor excuse for a VN since the visual part was highly lacking. Also, if people are doing surreptitious things to gain journalist coverage, that is a bit wrong. However, agreed that it spiraled way out of control and civility. Sage because this is /v/ related.

OP just needs to not click threads where they know they'll see something they don't like, it's what the rest of us do. I personally hate ragging on others, but at the same time I don't think it's my right to censor people who want to. If 4chan didn't allow it to happen, it wouldn't be 4chan anymore. The lack of censorship is what makes this site great. Also, people here can anonymously ask questions without a face or name linked to them which actually helps prevent drama.

>> No.9748563

And I forgot to sage. Failure. Derp, at least the last part was /cgl/ related.

>> No.9748565

>someone asks why /cgl/ has a reputation for being catty and bitchy
>provide an answer
>yeah but mean do all of this completely unrelated shit that's nothing to do with being catty and bitchy
Sounds like you should just brush up on your reading comprehension

>> No.9748577

Right... and it stopped being a thing nearly eight years ago and was heavily looked down upon by most of the board even then, even in cases where the person being doxed was horrible.

>> No.9748589 [DELETED] 

>conveniently not mentioning the other posts between those that bring context to the final post
If anyone needs to brush up on the reading comprehension, it's you.

>> No.9748598

NTA, but the tone you were using in the post they replied to very much implied that /cgl/ was worse than the rest of 4chan. If that wasn't the point you were trying to make then you should have worded it better.

>> No.9748599
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>making fun of disabled people
>not bitchy

>> No.9748602

/cgl/ is one of the most toxic boards on 4chan. Believe it or not even /pol/ is a lot more civil than /cgl/. If some black guy gets shot by a cop, /pol/ will make discuss the event throwing around bantz and casual racism, but all in all they're fulfilling the purpose of their board, to discuss their politically incorrect world views. /a/ in general does a very good job staying on topic. They don't tolerate spoonfeeding or off topic shitposting. It's a board for people to discuss anime, and that's exactly what /a/ does. /cgl/ is much closer to /v/ in terms of quality. /v/ is irredeemable non stop shitposting, lots of off topic threads, console wars, board culture makes it perfectly acceptable to make bait threads even though it's literally against the rule. /v/ was made to discuss video games and all anyone does is shitpost about games they don't like. It's not all that different from /cgl/ shitposting about bad cosplayers, con organizer drama, cosfamous cosplayer drama, shitposting about bad photographers. It's not quite as full blown cancerous as /v/, but /cgl/ is very very close.

>> No.9748634

because female egos are extremely fragile and no matter how hot they are, they are still insecure inside and compare themselves to others.
add that people on 4chan are socially below the average, which means girls receive even less validation

>> No.9748660
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>thinks racism is more acceptable than women being catty

wew lad

>> No.9748664


This really explains it all.

>> No.9748679

It’s because people know each other (or know of each other) and interact regularly. A board like /v/ has plenty of toxicity, but there’s a constant churn of people and anonymity is pretty strong there. This board, imho, is more similar to /vg/, where you have dedicated posters in the various threads and people become very familiar with one other. That’s why /vg/ is such a toxic shithole, and the same thing applies here. That said theres plenty of great people who post on /vg/ too and the same goes for this board.

>> No.9748682

Racism on /pol/ causes no offense to the average /pol/ user. Racism doesn't derail threads on /pol/. Racism is literally 100% on topic on /pol/. The same can't be said for women being catty on /cgl/. Cattiness diverts away from the purpose of the board, which is to discuss cosplay. It stirs shit up and derails threads actually discussing cosplay. Now outside of /pol/ racism might be disruptive and derail threads, but inside of /pol/ it's perfect acceptable. Like I said, /pol/ is surprisingly civil. There are casual bantz like "is x white?" or that whole Amerimutt meme, but it's mostly made in jest. Compare that to a vendetta thread on /cgl/ where someone legitimately hates another human being so much that they try to smear them online. Those are two very different kinds of hate and /cgl/ is definitely more hateful than /pol/ in that regard.

>> No.9748701

>/pol/ is less toxic than /cgl/ because everyone on the board is racist, so it's not offensive
>/cgl/ is more offensive because bad cosplay threads are a thing
Oh god, anon.

Also, your logic is completely inconsistent. If /pol/ isn't toxic because no one there is offended by racism... then /cgl/ isn't toxic because no one here is offended by bad cosplay threads. You're not making sense.

And you're acting like shitposting and things like bad cosplay threads are most of the board. They're far in the minority, look at the catalog. Almost all of the threads are on-topic and not mean at all.

>> No.9748702

Men can be just as catty and bitchy as any female anon. Don't let the lack of a uterus fool you.

>> No.9748710
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>Compare that to a vendetta thread on /cgl/ where someone legitimately hates another human being so much that they try to smear them online.
Yes, because hating an entire race or religion so much that you think they deserve less rights is soooo much less hateful. And it's not like the board as a whole frowns on vendettas and is quick to call them put or anything.

>> No.9748716

This. I used to be one of those girls who decided to only be friends with guys because ~less drama~ and found out that men are crazy competitive with each other, bitch about each other behind their backs all the time, ended friendships over retarded shit, and love talking about drama just as much as girls are stereotyped to.

But you know, it's only dramatic, bitchy, or catty when it's coming from a female.

>> No.9748719

For starters, vendetta threads are against the rules. Discussing bad makeup, bad fashion sense, and bad crafting skills is not against the rules, and falls under the domain of /cgl/. Sure, some of the threads such as the Kawaii-whatever contest seem super bitchy, but still appropriate since they're voting on a Westerner to represent j-fashion overseas.
Thirdly, this person is right. You're asking people to accept that racism is less toxic then cattiness. I hate to tell you this, but the majority find racism far more toxic. Is that even bait? I don't know. You're asking people to consider a cesspool of racism and misogyny as less toxic then a board where a few threads are devoted to saying people have bad style.

Let me ask this... did somebody hurt your waifu? If so, I'm sorry. Just ignore the thread and carry on.

>> No.9748734

>Cattiness diverts away from the purpose of the board, which is to discuss cosplay.
The examples you've given are cosplay discussion, though. They're not off-topic at all (except vendetta threads, but people have already pointed out they're rare and looked down upon). When I started lolita, the ita threads were incredibly helpful because they played a huge role in teaching me what wasn't lolita and how even an all brand outfit can look like shit of you can't coord. Same with bad makeup threads. I've seen cosplayers say the same thing about bad cosplay threads. Believe it or not, cattiness can be productive. Honestly, you seem like the kind of person who would consider a man pointing out everything wrong with a costume in a bitchy way to be "harsh constructive criticism", but when a woman does it, it's "catty and off-topic".

I don't know how much time you've actually spent on /pol/, but obviously not that much since you keep going on about how "civil" and on-topic it is over there. They call other users pretty much any derogatory slur you can think of and shitpost dumb memes all the time. Also, your reasoning for saying it's less toxic because they're all racist is incredibly stupid.

>> No.9748735

GG is about demanding ethics in gaming journalism.
Feminists got upset that all their 'feminist approved' games were all called out for their devs crawling all over people to get veiws and notoriety (rather than actually make something decent) so rad fems made it about single white males whitewashing games.
There's a lot of info on it. Avoid Sceptic, visit r/Kotakuinaction if you actually care.

>> No.9748736

If it wasn't for /cgl/ I wouldn't have improved my ita coords and shitty makeup "skills" so honestly. sorry you can't handle the bant m8

>> No.9748755

Except that it quickly turned into a bunch of random female developers getting rape and death threats