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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 17 KB, 400x400, ab2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9835507 No.9835507 [Reply] [Original]

Anime Boston pt2, how you guys hanging?

>> No.9835720

I just made it to the con and I'm the gender neutral bathroom when I hear this dude come in and take a huge dump.
He was moaning and sounded in pain.

What's everyone's plans for today?

>> No.9835766

Feeling like a burden to my friends


>> No.9835768

I recognized throughout this month animeboston thread keeping getting saged on cgl. Is it that bad?

>> No.9835774

Still at home, gonna take the train & head over soon. Unfortunately I gotta work at 5pm.
Really gotta get a hotel room for next year.

>> No.9835852

people still go to that shitshow?

>> No.9835904
File: 7 KB, 185x272, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spend at least 80 hours making a fantastic screen accurate jet black cosplay for Friday and I get like 6 pictures

I show up today in *0* effort 11th doctor cosplay because I did it when I was a kid and wanted something easy to move around in for my shopping day

and I've been stopped at least 20 times

>> No.9835911

lowest common denominator cosplay always gets the hits. i wore a shitty dumb crab suit one year and everyone wanted a picture with me. fuckin awesome to know there's a jet cosplayer though, respect.

>> No.9835949

I’m wearing a fuzzy black and pink zebra coat with a green collar. Say hi or make a weird noise in my direction.

>> No.9835982
File: 1.59 MB, 4200x3020, Die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extremely low effort Shirou Emiya
>jeans and $10 shirt with already semi-ginger hair
>mfw keep getting asked to be included in group shots

>> No.9836055

Same, I've been wandering the past day or say

>> No.9836205

I found the con incredibly boring. Does this mean I’m getting old or does the con just suck?

>> No.9836221

I feel ya. I haven't been to a con in years and I'm finding in hard to get back into

>> No.9836222

This year is boring because Sakuracon cannibalized all the good shit. Usually it's a lot better.

>> No.9836239

This is probably very anti-4chan of me, but anyone wanna meet up? I'll be the annoying asshole in lolita garb giving out high fives on the elevator

>> No.9836249

I don’t understand? You want to have a meetup in an elevator?

>> No.9836256

Is the goal to allow the collective scent to manifest in one place thus summoning nurgle to reality?

>> No.9836257

Which one?

>> No.9836260
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That was me
Sorry, I've been having the worst digestive problems lately. It's one of those things when you haven't felt stomach pain or anything like that in a few days and you think you're fine, and then your body reminds you that you're fucking broken down from the inside.

>> No.9836270

***escalator, it's slightly less annoying

>> No.9836297

Saw you, how many takers?

>> No.9836307

More than you'd think lol, probably about 20%? I wasn't in lolita before but my cousin had a Styrofoam head on

>> No.9836336

I just remember someone with a pink wig/hair giving high fives, might've just been me assuming.

>> No.9836352

Who wants to meetup tonight?

>> No.9836361

The con feels pretty lame this year. Dealers room sucks, the panels dont even feel current. If it wasnt for FLOW concert Id be pissed i spent money on this.

Where at though?

>> No.9836379

Im watching g-gundam
Abridged in ten minutes or so :/ its hard to organize peoples haha

>> No.9836383

I'm still riding the escalators

>> No.9836385
File: 2.42 MB, 4032x3024, E9D1D19F-DE4C-4CF8-A463-960A431B1C20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to fan creations room

Pic related is me

>> No.9836413

What room is that in?

>> No.9836417

Well I left now... its the fan creations room

>> No.9836428

Maybe by the stairs near the photoshoot area on the third floor near the fan creations room would be better

>> No.9836432

Ill be there

>> No.9836457

Meetup for tonight we are meeting at the swap room you can look for the lad in the cream colored bomber jacket

>> No.9836459

Ahhh where is that I'm at the 3rd floor stairs

>> No.9836461

Right next to the gameroom, im at the entrance sitting at a table

>> No.9836469

Could I get a room number? Is it 3rd floor?

>> No.9836477

Right next to game room

>> No.9836489

Anyone got any photos of the Dark Souls Elite Knight or the MGS2 Gurlukovich soldier?

>> No.9836592

Barnacle Man for best cosplay.

>> No.9836624

I still can't believe the masquerade last 5 hours...

>> No.9836629

I couldn't get over that myself either. I did enjoy parts of it though.
Overall I thought it was a good con (I only go fridays and sat) but I'm also very easy to please so I suppose my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt

>> No.9836909
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, 8D052F48-CAC0-47FD-B5E3-80FB28F60D14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I SAW YOU and wanted to jump out of bag line to grab your photo. (I have a big crush on kongou-sensei..)

>> No.9836981

friday was way worse for pictures in general imo (less people to take them, also)

>> No.9836992

Good con this year! Glad the game room was open til 2 am (well, 1:45), and also glad that they brought so many rhythm games. Two-player Mario party on the projector was kind of a waste, though... Congrats to whoever won that Switch in the raffle!

>> No.9837218

sup dave

>> No.9837273

Monika, Sayori, and Natsuki will be arriving soon. Come say hi and possibly get a cupcake!

>> No.9837311

Cupcakes for breakfast?
Where is dis?

>> No.9837403

Thanks Anon. That made me smile. Hope you had a good event.

>> No.9837412

I really wanted to stop by this year but I'm stuck at a family thing a few hundred miles away, how was it?

>> No.9837440
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was ok
what are next?

>> No.9837629

I haven't been to AB in two years but i enjoyed myself. Tickets were easy to pick up and lines for panels and the crowds weren't bad.

>> No.9837650
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>> No.9837664


>> No.9837689

Cute boy

>> No.9837737

Anyone here went to the touhou meets?

>> No.9837949

No Ian. Nobody went.

>> No.9838111
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>> No.9838238
File: 1.21 MB, 3088x2320, 8C0AF8B9-C708-47A1-B7E6-83A575C64123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was fun. See you all at the next one

>> No.9838248

post your touhou pictures

>> No.9838251

Yeah, I was dressed as Marisa. What about you?

>> No.9838321

I felt like a burden with my sis and mum this year, especially because I had to rush a bunch this year

I saw you last night in the Sheraton as I was rushing over to the AA to grab a commission before it closed. I should've stopped you if I had the chance! ;_;

You were the ONLY Jet i saw this year! (Actually, really any year. I've always seen Eds, Fayes and Spikes but never any Jets)

I hope you get to cosplay as him again and have a friend be Spike! I'd take a pics of you guys next year!

It really was kinda lame this year. I think mostly for me it was also because I really wanted to cosplay but wasn't able to due to lack of funds prior. Maybe next year I'll get to do the Policenauts and P5 cosplays I dreamed of...

Were YOU the Gurlukovich soldier?!
I was the chick in the fish shirt and striped tights haha. I'll definitely add you on FB cause you seem gool as hell.
First time I actually ever saw an authentic MGS mook cosplayer! (well i mean i've seen kinda amateur genome soldiers in the past but still)

Were you elite knight too? I saw you on Friday across the hall but I had to go to the mgs shoot before i could take a pic of you

Nah it just sucked balls this year. like what anon said here >>9836222 since sakuracon was this weekend too, it took away a bunch of the good stuff

>> No.9838334

I had a pretty good time although yeah, some things seemed lacking. Did it feel like there were less people than usual? like not a whole lot less but enough to notice.

Also, WTF all the interesting sounding panels on Saturday were in the morning way before anyone is ready to go to the con. I know they want to have their special events and guest stuff all during the peak hours and have less of other things so as many people can go but yeah. Same thing with the 18+ panels - not that great of a selections sat night but Friday night had some decent ones.

>> No.9838344

I was tired and stressed the whole time, but still had fun! Still feeling phantom pains from the 7" heels I wore from 10am-midnight on Friday, but I'm getting photos back and it was worth it. The con also felt a little less crowded this year, which was nice because they usually overwhelm me, haha. Hope you guys had a good time!

>> No.9838353

I thought this year was pretty decent. Great cosplays, entry into the con was ezpz, didn't feel like there were too many people and FLOW was fantastic. Dealers room kinda sucked, and there weren't that many interesting panels.

>> No.9838408

I was working in the dealers room and so I only get to experience nightlife. Everything was super stale, if it wasn't for the people I was with, I would have been miserable.

>> No.9838530
File: 62 KB, 720x960, Rip Random Guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to post this in the other thread but found this dude passed out near a hotel room. Poor guy didnt make it to his room ;_;

>> No.9838543

I don't feel bad desu. Know your limits/stop being an alcoholic or you're gonna do dumb shit in public, like this.

>> No.9838546

The nightlife at the con and Boston in general are kinda meh. Honestly, I hate to say it bc I think I like that it's gone, but when the rave was still around people were a bit more active at night.

>> No.9838576
File: 2.00 MB, 1833x3439, 20180330_1326092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9838602

seems like a good way to do it, help pay for the trip, still see some panels and whoop it up.

>> No.9838606

Yeah, crowds were not a problem this year, but i mostly walked around the hynes after 2pm.

>> No.9838612
File: 28 KB, 480x640, FB_IMG_1522639671473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno about you guys, but I had fun.
Thanks anon

>> No.9838616

Yup, Elite Knight and Russki. Shoot me an add, you got my info, right?

>> No.9838626
File: 132 KB, 671x504, 1408805246614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panels were honestly meh this year, I skipped out on most of them. Mostly it was photoshoots, dealer's room, and meeting with new people that made the con. Already drumming up ideas for next year's theme.

>TFW your friends all ask you about cosplay advice and are considering doing it next year

>> No.9838630
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>> No.9838640
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Yoooo also Marisa. Damn

>> No.9838642


>> No.9838665

my first year cosplaying, really makes the event worth it. even a kinda shitty homemade costume is good because it has work and heart to it.

what was the theme? i didnt stick around for the closing ceremony.

>> No.9838671

Shogun and Samurai. Expect a lot of Naruto though, cause people can't tell the difference.

>> No.9838689

This was my first con and had a really good time, can't wait to cosplay at the next one

>> No.9838696

yoo post a pic i might recognize ya

>> No.9838698

oh nice, seen alot of samurai versions of people like darth vader already.

>> No.9838952

FLOW was shit, though. I saw Marcel Marceau back when he was still alive, so other professional mimes just aren't the same.

>> No.9838953
File: 127 KB, 750x1233, IMG_20180331_080418_343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty insta story selfie but oh well

>> No.9838980

:( Stop ruining my weeaboo dreams of flow

>> No.9839015
File: 191 KB, 640x1136, 19EF347A-09AB-4BD6-9018-3E0CE5C98D07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite from the weekend, I was just saying “I doubt it but seeing some Bloodborne cosplay would be amazing” then saw this person a minute later

Didn’t see any Pyramid Heads when I did Heather Saturday but I believe in finding one one day
And was super happy so many people seemed to like the Punpun and Aiko cosplay I did with my gf Sunday given I wasn’t sure how many people would recognize it

>> No.9839021

What was shit about FLOW?

>> No.9839146

Was it just me or were the winners of the AMV contest kinda lame? Also shout-out to the guy who said "do you feel oppressed by the masses?" while walking in one of the artist alley aisles. I'm glad it wasn't just me who felt they were super cramped.

>> No.9839150

i liked the flip flappers one, but mainly just because it was flip flappers and the animation in it is gorgeous

>> No.9839151

During the masquerade, I had the event's designated shrieking fangirl behind me in the balcony.

I don't want to rain on anyone parade, but when your screams are in the whistle register and you're in my ear, I feel like there not much else I can do but tell you to pipe down. That, or leave. So.. my partner and I left. Hecking nonconfrontational.

>> No.9839153

I liked the space and the beach one, but the rest didn't do much for me.
I had two who cried during one of the skits and with the amvs

>> No.9839246

Hoping they improve some stuff for cosplay viability for next year. Wider lanes in AA is absolutely necessary as is better A/C. Total shitshow this year. Even registration was hot as all hell. Can't help but feel that that could have been prevented by flipping a switch a bit earlier when they saw the weather forecast.

That being said, saw some good cosplays, panels didn't interest me though. Good overall. Just wish I didn't die from the heat in the first three hours of Friday.

>> No.9839252
File: 3.02 MB, 3120x4160, 20180331_152051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres always at least 1 Bloodborne and DKS cosplayer, and I love it. I still feel the games are underrated. (I haven't played Bloodborne, but it looks amazing and the soundtrack is superb, wish it came to PC :( )

>> No.9839255

I'm pretty sure they can't control the A/C bit. My issue with the AA wasn't so much the lane size but rather PEOPLE'S NEED TO STOP IN THE FUCKING MIDDLE OF THE ISLE

>> No.9839281

I wonder if AB could implement a cosplay line system? At comiket there are designated photography areas where people line up to take pictures and this isn't a problem.

>> No.9839353

>I'm the gender neutral bathroom
You're cosplaying as the unisex bathroom?

>> No.9839358
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>> No.9839373

Makes me wish I knew how to make armors. Making cloth sets from DaS feels a bit pointless and I'm not big on Bloodborne.

>> No.9839447

yes!! I remember you!! I was the other Marisa, I asked you where you got your cosplay done at, and you told me you made it yourself. I then talked about how mine was so high quality despite from China lmao

>> No.9839464

Yeah, I'd love to make an Ornstein armor set or something

>> No.9840024

well they said 50 times to stop taking photos so i don't think it will stop anyone desu.

>> No.9840122
File: 3.07 MB, 4608x3456, DSCN0142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a pic, I made a little metal gear joke and had a laugh, he was pretty cool.

>> No.9840147

Fuck me, I swear I had it straight, why is it sideways?

>> No.9840151

whats your instagram?

>> No.9840307

He's actually fine now lol. Im sure hes hungover as shit but he's fine

Yep! Got you in the MGS group FB

Oooh samurai you say...? Maybe I'll make a casual yukata version of my Pnauts cosplay too. shoulda bought a fan at arise bazaar's booth when i bought my happi set. ah well next year nbd

I saw you as Heather in the AA! Wanted to say hi to you but I had to rush somewhere ;_;
I also saw a PH Saturday afternoon on the 3rd floor in the game room's hallway

I heard the AMVs were all surprisingly sad this year...?

GOD THIS. People KEPT. FUCKING. STOPPING. RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING ISLE. Standing there like little braindead chimps with their mouths hanging open.

Gave me war flashbacks of trying to get to class/homeroom in high school... ffffUCK THAT SHIT!

Because of that (...and catching a downwind whiff of someone's farts every few minutes) I seldom did any AA shopping this year. Just got a commission and that was it. At least my commission made my night and it made me very very happy <333

>> No.9840317

trying to stand in line to register on friday was fucking ass. people kept cutting me to the point I got fed up and just walked in front of everyone that cut me.

follow a fucking line retards

>> No.9840330

Time to pull my Saito cosplay out of retirement.

>> No.9840664


OH SHIT hey man that was QUALITY

>> No.9840943

Anyone got pics of the skimpy Dio and the Alucard?

>> No.9841106
File: 59 KB, 258x639, IMG_20180330_171520_207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, thanks lmao
this was mine btw

>> No.9841295
File: 102 KB, 1411x944, 1521471400433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still p sad I didn't get to shoot with you, hope the day went by well for you tho!

>> No.9841356

I recognize those timbs, stood next to you at one of the security lines going into artist ally lmao

>> No.9841364

>Hall's that empty
What in tarnation when was this

>> No.9841384
File: 519 KB, 1280x750, 1392334621521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, I had a lot of fun attending group photoshoots and chatting/photographing with other cosplayers from my series and felt cute. Good stuff. I want to work on making it better for next year and making another cosplay too.

>> No.9841413
File: 64 KB, 640x754, 29404058_576806829360850_4495898884152754176_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9841562

The drunks we’re out in force this year.

>14nth floor south tower Sheraton 2am Saturday night

Was the worst I have ever heard it.

>> No.9841572

people love the timbs

>> No.9841625
File: 864 KB, 2730x1536, Anime Boston 2018_3110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Con went pretty great, I can't believe I found a Purple Heart cosplayer to take pictures with. I'm proud of how my male Nep costume came out except for the wig, which I need to get a lot better at styling. I even had the controller prop from the CD box set I picked up a while back.

>> No.9842004

Hey, you did the Madoka Rebellion panel! It was really good and you should do more in the future

>> No.9842129
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>> No.9842131

a solid 6/10

>> No.9842147

Anyone else have fun at cosplay chess?

>> No.9842334
File: 50 KB, 326x267, 3cb64295fffb520d0fc4574294fd00cf1479bd0b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! Glad you had a good time
What's your problem bud?

>> No.9842335

Meant to quote
>>9842129 on that second reply

>> No.9842355

which nep wud u fug

>> No.9842759
File: 202 KB, 929x690, 20180124_071140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homura did nothing wrong

>> No.9842896
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she try so hard
being homu is suffering

>> No.9843999
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this guy was a funny one.

anyone noticed there was ALOT of maka albarn cosplayers? like more than a dozen, i hope im not the only one who noticed. a few other characters ive seen that i didnt think would be so popular like beowulf. i dont know how many care about the theme, just went as a thing they like, or just some trend i havent noticed.

>> No.9844180

feels like there are always a ton of baby weebs that go to this con, which of course includes cosplays of baby weeb series aka soul eater and naruto etc. so im not suprised

>> No.9844185
File: 606 KB, 1536x2048, 451E1319-E8DD-4869-A9D2-96A09165315B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my first time going to a con and my very first time cosplaying for it. Im just glad so many people still remembered bobobo. Thanks and see you guys next time! I think the kill la kill girl in the background is the same one from this thread

>> No.9844248

You literally made my day

>> No.9844268

How? Lol

>> No.9844443

Did you hop the row of seats during the masquerade?

>> No.9844503

Yup, I remember you dude I don’t remember if you got in trouble as well or not

>> No.9844945

i did sans on friday. SO many kids and tweens recognized me, i had no idea undertale was liked by so many kids. i missed both undertale shoots, which i had no idea there was one until i went. the first one i was late half an hour to on saterday had a bunch of homestucks.

>> No.9845144

I wish I got a photo of you. BoBoBo for FUCKING LIFE.

>> No.9846120

Oh yeah, I think I called you "Player 2 Bob Ross". I dug the outfit, in all seriousness.

>> No.9850294

that's cause there was drunken oil wrestling in a kiddie pool.

>> No.9851517

Excuse me???

>> No.9851983

gonna need some pics of that, f-for proof

>> No.9853861

what holy fucking shit

>> No.9855619
File: 55 KB, 634x634, IMG_2778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what holy fucking shit

>> No.9855666

Friend in AA went there. It is the truth. The girlfriend/land lady of the room was PISSED at the man/boyfirend that invited them in to do this.

>> No.9855796

This con was a waste of money and time. I met the most worthless bitchy cosplayers except I didn't realize it until I started following them on twitter. .

>> No.9856092

honestly thinking of working a booth and whoop it up at night from now on, so at least the trip will pay itself for the most part.

>> No.9856763

>gender neutral bathroom
>calls the person who entered a dude
rude desu

>> No.9857242

I'm guessing you were just trying to make a joke but gender neutral bathrooms aren't strictly for gender neutral people.

>> No.9857282

apparently a bunch of people stole the MHA posters that were up and staff were pissed, is it true that they're looking to ban the people who did it?

>> No.9857877

wouldnt you want to wrestle in oil drunk too anon

>> No.9857878

Sorry to hear you had such an awful time, anon. This year sucked loads for me, too.

Damn, really?
Weren't they planning on auctioning those off on Sunday too?

>> No.9858355

i didnt have an awful time, honestly not the worst ive had. id just figure it would make the trip cost less by working the booths and have more money to whoop it up at night.