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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9905687 No.9905687 [Reply] [Original]

We have a lolita one going, let's see what cosplayers have.
Get it off your chest.
Used to make dresses that were stapled or hot glued together? Used to buy wigs and wear them unstyled out of the bag? Charge extra for commissions if you think the idea is stupid?
Post them here.

>> No.9905879

i love to nitpick on everyone’s cosplays

>> No.9905898
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People I used to hang out with and call friends posted me a lot on here about 5 years ago despite me being new-ish to cosplay and gave me a lot of shit irl. Their two-faced behavior made me quit cosplay and get off social media for a while. I've recently started getting back into cosplay and said folks have been out of my life for a few years now. I posted these people a while ago in some bad cosplay threads and found out that they are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. One has become a huge lolcow, another failed to become ~*the best costume designer and cosplayer desu~* despite majoring in all this art stuff and is now struggling to even find a minimum wage job, and another dropped out of community college because it was too hard and getting a real job/career is too hard desu so she lives at home with mommy, and another is a fake boi. My cosplays may not be the best but at least I'm not at the bottom of the barrel and my life has gotten a lot better!

>> No.9905956

Black people cosplaying light skinned characters always looks bad to me, even if the cosplay is well-made

>> No.9905969
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>> No.9905973

no u

>> No.9905987
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I just want nice cosplay friends that don't talk shit behind peoples backs, or point out people at the con that are fat or clearly new to cosplay. I feel like so much drama is caused by people (especially girls) being petty or rude to begin with and I just sort of try to disappear while this happens. I'm not a perfect person and I've said some possibly unkind things about people before but I wish most comments I heard from my friends weren't about how poorly made someone cosplay is, or how caked their makeup was. I feel like the only cosplayers that are nice are more reddit types, which just personally isn't my vibe.

>> No.9905988

This is a confessions thread. Fuck off to tumblr if you're so easily offended

>> No.9906027
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I feel like we should be friends anon. I feel the same.

>> No.9906041

My friend and I have been cosplaying for over a decade now. We recently added a few people into our group since we wanted to do larger group cosplays but they're all newbies that just started last year. When we try to give them tips on how to buy/make/wear certain things to make a photo look better or be more efficient with their time and money, we get ignored because "wah we're still new to this!". They also always bring unnesecary drama into the group to the point where my boyfriend and I had to get away from them during our last con. My original friend is still putting up with them about it but I'm starting to hit my critical point. I sometimes wish it was just the two of us again.

>> No.9906049

I've been in a situation like this before. I'd give it one more chance and if things don't get better then you need to cut the deadweight. It will do wonders for your sanity.

>> No.9906053
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I see cosplay as a stupid hobby that only children should do. If you're an adult and still want to be a fictional character, there's something mentally wrong. I don't know a single cosplayer who isn't mentally ill or retarded.

>> No.9906055


>> No.9906062
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Being able to become a real life replica of a fictional character is something I admire. I love how much detail and time that goes into creating the perfect dress or crafting armor and weapons that doesn't exist in real life. To me it's creative as heck.

Ofcourse some people just throw together a t-shirt and a skirt and call it a day. That's not the part of cosplay that I love (even though I don't mind others doing it, whatever floats your boat)

>> No.9906071

Instead of sewing my cosplays I meticulously source store-bought clothing that'll fit the theme of the character and look good together, then spend the real effort in detailing and props. Costs a lot but blows a lot of the "handmade only!!11" snobs out of the water.

>> No.9906084

I consider cosplay a fetish, not a hobby

>> No.9906149

The people on Reddit are still judging the shit out of you and others anon.

I've yet to meet a single cosplayer who hasn't been catty, they might limit their targets like my friend group does (those who think they're better than everone else because they have 40k+ followers) but even the sweetest of people I've met have judged hem lines or paint application.

This is a hobby based on looks, fandom of the series as well, but when you have so many people making their stuff it's gonna come out as competitive

I guess my confession is I'm a bitch but idgaf, I'm not gonna post you to here if I don't like your cosplay though.

>> No.9906156

I cosplay series I've never seen or played all the time. it pisses off my friends but I just let them bead about it usually

>> No.9906161

nayrt but I think there's a difference of judging people because their cosplays are bad and observing are 2 different things.
Personally, I only ever judge if someone claims "I'm the best in the world, I'm a proffessional model/cosplayer/actor" and they don't have their act together
But if someone paints themselves blue and claim they're cosplaying Kisame from Naruto because they like the character, I think they can do whatever they want and I won't judge.

If the goal is not to portray a character to precision there's no reason to judge their appearance imo

>> No.9906190

may I ask why?

>> No.9906203

I hate any kind of redesign or OC that's being called 'cosplay'. It's a costume, not a cosplay if it's not reflecting the OT character.


>> No.9906277

I hate genderbend cosplays.
The ftm ones end up being lazy booby cosplays or lace monsters
The mtf ones end up overly simplifying the character or just the character in no makeup and a short wig

>> No.9906304

I only have 200 followers on facebook and I feel horrible about it. My greatest wish is that I would be more popular.

>> No.9906351
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My girlfriend has wanted to start cosplaying for months and I've avoided encouraging her or actively dissuaded her from it because I'm afraid the newfound attention will eventually make her realize she could do better than me and leave me

>> No.9906361

Don't be such a beta. Do it with her and enjoy it. If she'd leave you for strange dick she was never worth it in the first place.

Also if ya fat don't be fat

>> No.9906383
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This shit pisses me off. Literally nobody said this

>> No.9906386


>> No.9906397

Wat. As a black cosplayer, it's usually OTHER black cosplayers saying they can only cosplay black charas because of their features or whatever.

>> No.9906407
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>> No.9906409

I think that half the time the cosplay help threads create bad habits and gives awful advice. It becomes about who gives advice first. People who barely made it above being a newbie themselves are trying to help out newbies and passing on bad habits.
It doesn't help either that the type of person to ask in the help thread turns off their brain and just does what any person over the internet tells them.

>> No.9906486

I hardcore judge cosplayers who care about page reach and Facebook/Instagram post algorithms. It just feels like they care more about living some delusional “professional cosplayer” dream than actually cosplaying. Attention is nice, but if people are going to get excited over my cosplay I would rather they get excited in person, or be someone I’m at least vaguely acquainted with. The whole concept of cosplay fame feels like bullshit to me, especially lately where examples of “popular” cosplayers usually are barely interested in the series they’re cosplaying from.

>> No.9906518

I have been cosplaying for a little more than a year now and between the 4-5 cosplays I've done, I can count on 1 hand the number of times I have been asked to take a picture at a con.
Makes it pretty useful for knowing who posted me in the bad cosplay threads though

>> No.9906531

Then reply and give better advice? No one's going to learn if you just scoff at them from behind your screen.

>> No.9906541

That was the point, the person asking usually takes whoever replies first and leaves the thread after that, so it's just whoever replies first with info, not who has the right info

>> No.9906581

> the person asking usually takes whoever replies first and leaves the thread after that
How would you even know this?

>> No.9906604

i personally check back a few times just in case someone else replied to me.
what i do notice kinda goes against what you're saying, though:
most questions only get one single answer.
i feel it goes something like this:
>oh, this question already has an answer ok, next!

>> No.9907229

I really want to talk to people who cosplay semi obscure/forgotten series, but after hearing about people quizzing cosplayers about the series they're cosplaying from, I don't want to seem like that, I just want to talk about series I love, especially the ones I have an autistic knowledge of.

>> No.9907359

I only cosplay for my husband. I love putting the time into a cosplay just to wear it around the house occasionally.

>> No.9907728

what I noticed is that people cosplaying obscure characters literally don’t care as long as you just recognize them.. because if you’re able to recognize them then you know what they’re from to some degree

>> No.9907736

It's true, I hate cosplaying certain series like fire emblem or bnha because the fans will just grill you for about 5 minutes to make sure you're a "real fan". It's fucking annoying and their gatekeeping shit is stupid.

>> No.9907913

Everyone involved in that cancerous bullshit got what they deserved in the end. Nice.

>> No.9907923

Maybe you should gatekeep a little harder. Maybe we wouldn't have cosplay thots running wild.

>> No.9907943

having to answer a quiz about every series you cosplay and being told you're not a true fan because you haven't finished every game on the hardest difficulty isn't what I want to have. you can't just tell people they're not real fans if they like the series

>> No.9907974

I used to be part of this cosplay group but as soon as I had drama with the main girl (and had a sexual assault situation with a friend of the main girl) I decided to leave the cosplay group and do my own thing. I even fell a bit out of the fandom that i was in because people there was spreading crap about me (though the fandom is a pretty shit fandom). I tried to get into another fandom but the main girl and a few others who don't like me are also getting involved in that fandom too... I heard that they bring up my name in their little group chat they have too...

>> No.9907976

I also relate, Though its less my friends talking about how a cosplayer looks and more about drama involving other people and not liking them for stupid reasons.

>> No.9907978

I so relate to the last bit, I also wish it was just me and my best friend cosplaying instead of her cosplaying with toxic people.... though she is willing to just do some cosplays with me.

>> No.9907981

Same Anon, I only have over 300 likes on my facebook meanwhile i have over 600 likes on my instagram. I just want to get popular enough that people would leave a comment on my post since i love to interact with people who loves my cosplays

>> No.9907983

on the other hand I think I posted it in the feels threads but I had a friend take a bunch of pics of my cosplay to go post as "cringe" material and make fun of me at a shoot because I had only been cosplaying for about a year and was still pretty new. You have to cut newbies some slack and give them a chance to have some fun.
rolling up on newbies and telling them all the ways you think their cosplay is shit is just going to make them way more defensive and quit the hobby.

>> No.9907985

its funny but sad that I get more attention online than at the actual convention. I think the only time i got a lot of attention in cosplay was when i was wearing a big poofy dress and when i was wearing a half revealing fairy costume with big wings.

>> No.9908227

That's what I'm afraid of, I'm just really happy to talk about older series like Macross or Ninja scroll but I'm afraid that it'll sound like I'm gatekeeping. I'm not, I'm just retarded.

>> No.9908339

We usually try to go "hey I found these exact pair of shoes here for $20 cheaper" or "it'll save you 10 hours if you molded it like this. Here let me show you". We're not trying to bring them down, just try to give the tips that I wish I knew as a newbie 10 years ago. But if this is offending enough that they wanna quit the hobby then they wouldn't have the thick skin to deal with internet nitpickyness

>> No.9908350

I'm probably too fat to be cosplaying. I'm not obese, but I'm too chubby for the cosplays I wanna do. I should just not dress up this year at AX...

>> No.9908368

A cosplayer that I follow on twitter who meticulously crafts most of the components of her costumes said, “buying a part of my costume means that I can focus more time, energy, and/or money on the pieces I want to”. Even if nothing is handmade, it’s really just the snobs who care about it anyway. As long as no one is claiming to have made store bought shit, then who gives a fuck?

>> No.9908370

Cosplay is literally “costume play”. What’s your point here?

>> No.9908372

You don’t hate them, you just wish they were better executed. And on that I couldn’t agree with you more. So much wasted potential

>> No.9908374

Make sure to post your pictures at peak times (per media platform, they vary). Follow more people, but don’t harass them or ask for a follow back. Just get more intertwined with your community of choice and try to make friends. WHERE you’re posting is just as important as when. And use hashtags. But please, keep them at the bottom of the post.

>> No.9908377

If you’re so insecure that you’re preventing her from exploring a harmless hobby, then yes. She deserves someone better than you. It’s not going to stop at cosplaying either. That same insecurity is going to follow you both. Work on a way to overcome it before you dead-end each other’s lives. You have so much potential for growth and freedom of expression.

>> No.9908378

If you think of it as a casual hobby then yes, the proffensionalism is odd. But some people make a profit off of contests for their craftsmanship and fame can help them acheive that. Some people use their fame and familiarity to sell branded merch or art. It doesn’t make sense looking through your lens, but try to imagine why someone else would want that (other than being narcisstic, which I’m sure is the depth of some people’s reasoning).

>> No.9908381

It’s all about the way you phrase it.
>Do you even know what episode x,y,z happened?
>What did you think about x,y,z happening in episode #?
>Did you hear about xyz happening in episode #?
Phrasing your information dump as a conversation starter or information to be shared is a lot different than gatekeeping. Just remember that not all cosplayers are going to be willing to entertain your desire for a conversation either. Volunteer to begin the conversation and allow them to decide whether to continue it.

>> No.9908383

You know what really gets under the skin of petty bitches like that? Not giving a fuck. Let her writhe with anticipation of your reaction while you’re living your life. The people who matter won’t involve themselves in shit like that. And offer to tell your side of the story to anyone who asks. Or don’t. A short “That’s private between the her and I”, “That’s drama I don’t want to involve myself in”, or “I’d like to leave that drama in the past” should suffice.

>> No.9908385

Dude, there’s people who just flat out hate fat people just for existing. You can fix your weight, but they can’t fix their attitude so why not do something you enjoy? We all only have one life to lead. You’ll definitely regret not at least taking a shot. There’s going to be people who think you shouldn’t but as long as you’re having fun, then that’s what cosplay is about

>> No.9908846

I don't know why you're bringing lolita into.
But the post in question was a friend of mine who asked me to walk around with him at a recent con and had me take pictures posing with "real cosplayers". He talked me into going to a photo shoot for the series and somehow i ended up in a lot of pics and didn't know how to pose. He made fun of me with the other people at the shoot, said I was a "poser", not a real fan, said I wasn't a real cosplayer and my cosplay was shit. After the con he went into a group chat and spammed all the pics he took of me with commentary to try to "roast me".
I was embarrassed as hell and just wanted to stop going to cons at that point. The worst part was he considers himself a cosplayer and photographer because he bought an aliexpress cosplay and a DSLR and dabs in selfies with cosplay girls.
It just sours me on this shit whenever people post things about ragging on newbies now.

>> No.9908993

I feel you, the same thing happened to me as a noob cosplayer. I'd rather not gey asked to pose for pictures than to get made fun of for not knowing how to pose in character.

>> No.9909073

this is dumb, they CAN fix their attitude just as he can fix his weight. People can change in many ways, and hopefully they do.

>> No.9909098

I'm sick of seeing 'RPCStudio-esque' levels of crappy bodysuits as "cosplay". If you actually add something to the suit, that's different. But if you just dropped money on a basic ass spider-man, diva, etc. bodysuit, your "cosplay" is trash.

This really only goes for people that get "professional" pictures done. If you're just at a con in a body suit to just have fun and you're not taking yourself that seriously, then by all means have fun.

>> No.9909108

Think you misquoted since I never mentioned Lolita in my post

>> No.9909123

That's an oddly hostile yet optimistic addition to my post. You're right. People like that don't see themselves in the wrong, or be willing to change, but it's not impossible. But, you get the gist of what I was trying to say.

>> No.9909127

It's usually because making or alterning bodysuit is pretty difficult. You can't use paint, adding fabric would just look bulky, and not many people can sew their own.

>> No.9909130

I'm so afraid of this. I'll practice poses before taking any type of picture, but what I think looks good and what actually looks good is such a great divide :(

>> No.9909132

I'll agree to that to an extent, but I've seen good Divas that actually add armor pieces and stuff to the bodysuit. I've seen spider-men that have polyurethane webs and other detailing, so it can be done.

>> No.9909221

The cosplayers with the worst attitudes that bully other people are the ones with the highest numbers. They either do it themselves or send their lackeys. They all have a sort of clique and if you arent part of it then youre not worth anything to anyone in the community.

>> No.9909293

Shit bro, you're not My Boyfriend are you? Are you an Aussie? 0.0

>> No.9909786
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I've worn glasses every day of my life since I was seven years old. I really don't want to get contacts (price, discomfort, would 'feel' weird without my glasses) even though I acknowledge that that SEVERELY limits my options.
I typically limit myself to bespectacled characters, although I sometimes cheat with prescription sunglasses or clear frames. I guess it's just latent dissatisfaction that I won't 'look right' as a lot of characters or be able to wear a mask.

(I should probably get over myself)

>> No.9909928

Helped a friend glue her stockings to her thighs with superglue.

>> No.9910829

I thought you were talking about the suit itself. Like having a party city printed spiderman suit.

>> No.9910833

You'd only be wearing them for a couple of days at most. I think you just have to train yourself to be comfortable with them

>> No.9910980

I'm often hopelessly possessive of the characters I cosplay. I love the ones I pick so I feel almost insulted when I see someone else cosplay as the same character and can't be happy for them. I know it's stupid and childish but I can't help myself. It just annoys me to no end to see someone else step on my turf. It's almost like being cheated on.

>> No.9910985

I hate seeing people put way less effort into cosplay and get way more attention and praise than me. Usually it's young teenage girls or "uwu pretty traps". I hat ewhen someone goes out and buys a store bought cosplay and just rakes in pictures and likes

>> No.9911011

Same anon. I feel that no matter how much effort I put into making everything as perfect and accurate as RL can let it, I'll still be outshines by girls that'll get more attention just because they have a prettier face or a naturally skinnier body.

>> No.9911028

i hate to say it but I feel the same way, but slightly toned down.. only because i’m forcing myself to not hate on them
but also for me its only a handful of special characters that I love, even seeing people on social media cosplay them I feel bitter and competitive and want mine to be the best

>> No.9911031

Same, I pick obscure characters and like being the cosplayer who does one of the only versions of a rare character. It makes me mad when a friend or someone else at the con decides to do the same character as me.

>> No.9911038

I love doing superhero stuff, but I can’t sew. Makes boots and gloves a pain in the ASS. On the bright side, gotten pretty good at making armor and helmets to compensate.

>> No.9911058

put down the fork, ok?

>> No.9911186

Being skinny doesn't mean you'll get that sweet sweet recognition anon.

>> No.9911249

>I'm often hopelessly possessive of the characters I cosplay.

I went overboard and to try and make absolute sure that no one else would ever beat my armor cosplay by making it out of actual leather, chain mail, steel plates, etc... I'm convinced no one else in North America would ever do what I did because they would literally have to learn traditional armorsmithing.

The NEXT fucking con I go to, there is one guy who does exactly this and rolls up with the same exact cosplay I have in full steel outfit. I don't hate this guy, but what the fuck

>> No.9911255

Wow so either anon had a bad experience with cringey cosplayers or they're bitter about being shunned by a cosplay group at some point in their life. Their social skills must be truly lacking

>> No.9911266

I know that feel so bad ; x ; I'm seriously thinking about adapting to contacts this year

>> No.9911282
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>naturally skinnier body.

>> No.9911286

Guess you two had the same idea. You should team up and become an unstoppable duo.

>> No.9911396

then go get some lipo and PS done

>> No.9911490

There are so many overly photoshopped fake boys that do crap closet cosplays and get thousands of followers. These girls dont look anything like themselves in person and people are so blind to flock to them. COsplayers who work hard on accuracy and detailed costumes dont get nearly as much recognition because they arent riding a hype train by kissing their friends for low res ~*yaoi*~ pics

>> No.9911515

I want to be cosfamous. I am getting very good at the crafting aspect and starting to compete more, but I feel like I jumped onboard a little too late and missed the prime years of cosplay. It really pains me to see younger girls in low-effort aliexpress cosplays getting more attention or seeing catty old hags become the face of cosplay. I wish I could just suck it up and show tits or give up altogether.

>> No.9911564

I also kinda feel the same way except its with the person im not friends with anymore and how she cosplays some of the character i love to cosplay as, plus she did group photoshoots in those outfits with my best friend.

>> No.9911659

Don't give up hope. You're feeling low because those competition wins haven't started raking in yet.

>> No.9911671

Use that feeling to fuel your weightloss journey. Nothing has ever motivated me as much as wanting to look good in cosplay.

>> No.9911770

Yes, but being overweight is generally unhealthy and looks disgusting and should be stigmatized or else nobody would do anything about it.

>> No.9912257

I just go fuzzy-eyed and carry my glasses around in my bag to wear when at panels/events.

>> No.9912304

I gave up on cosplaying obscure series. I mean I know and love mainstream titles I choose but when it's time to choose the next cosplan I go for mainstream instead of obscure because I'm tired of having almost zero recognition. My recent houseki no kuni cosplay costed me ~70 dollars including wigmaker's work and it got 5 times more likes than nearly anything else I've got so far.

>> No.9912428

I absolutely love doing obscure cosplays. I just wish i liked my body enough to do even more obscure cosplays... that and im constantly broke.. and i dont usually feel motivated to cosplay because it means im spending more money, buying more wigs, and having more junk I wont need in a year or so.

>> No.9912624

>i dont usually feel motivated to cosplay because it means im spending more money, buying more wigs, and having more junk I wont need in a year or so.
Man I feel you. I love cosplaying and making the costumes, but the amount of stuff you have to buy to use maybe only a couple of times is insane. Especially now that I'm older and have to pay for my own living expenses on top of having less free time because of work to earn said money I've just been cosplaying less and less.

I guess my cosplay confession is that I daydream about having that special cosplay buddy who I could watch anime and play games with, work on cosplays together and then have silly photoshoots at cons. But I kinda feel like something like this is harder to accomplish when you get older and it makes me really sad.

>> No.9912634

It's all fun and games until you're legally blind and fall down the stairs.

Just wear the glasses and take them off for pictures. Glasses make characters look cute anyhow.

>> No.9912962

I make dumb cosplay youtube videos and I wish they got more views. I feel like I actually do interesting and funny stuff but It's always overshadowed by "Yuri on Ice YAOI CMV" type shit

>> No.9913006

Being overweight is healthier than being underweight, and while I'm not saying it is completely safe, what is considered "not skinny" in contemporary culture can still be perfectly healthy. Some diseases widely and incorrectly thought to be caused overweight can actually be other way around, heart disease can make you fat, etc, and being overweight does not negate having healthy muscle mass or guarantee illness. Then there's meds that cause weight gain as well, and genetics are a factor too, beyond anyone's control. There is no simple solution to different body types nor should they all be the same, regardless of what you think looks disgusting or not.

On top of that, you claim that being overweight should be stigmatized, but inflicting shame is the greatest way to actively harm people, it only brings hopelessness and "nothing to lose"-mentality, and you're using it to justify being a judgemental asshole with myths for facts. Weight loss takes loving yourself enough to make long term commitments. I am a stress eater with chronic mental illnesses that make it hard to care about looks when some days I have to actively decide not to kill myself. Sweets are a lesser evil compared to more serious self harm, a habit I've managed to cut, thankfully. All the while I am exercising more though, and working on portion control. It isn't some simple montage from a reality show, a "either or"-situation. I'm not at comfortable weight to cosplay yet, but I am also not inherently unhealthy.

You can honestly think what you will but what gets me about your comment is the idea that other people should be shamed and stigmatized when you have no way of knowing their situation, and you're obviously uneducated about the subject. Maybe think about what you're saying?

>> No.9913150

I want to do a sexy Cosplay like starfire or something just because i feel like I'm not being taken seriously as a cosplayer because i don't do sexy cosplays that rack up male fans. But i have small boobs and don't think it'll work

>> No.9913201

The last cosplay I did I wore my natural hair most the time since the wig was overly bulky and annoying. It was such an obscure cosplay that almost no one recognized it anyways.

>> No.9913205

Recently got to know this cosplay group and wanted to join since ive only been cosplaying for a few years because of my transition to moving, and getting school situated. My first time going to a con with said group, one male in the group who is one of the oldest(19), continues to hit on girls aged from (14-17). Not only hit on, flirt, pick up, send lewd photos too, role play chat, etc.
-With that info,i confess, everytime i hear his name mentioned i tell them this because before he had gotten in trouble AGAIN for messing with girls younger but insists that "its not like that". Why are cosplay groups so dysfunctional?

>> No.9913208

Find a sexy character with small boobs maybe?

>> No.9913213

I hate people cosplaying as their OCs. It’s lazy as shit and loses the interest of people asking.

>> No.9913221

That seems to be fairly common among cosplay groups to have messed up sexual stuff like pedophilia, girls chasing guys way older than them, daddy issues, mommy issues, etc. I don't know what it is about the hobby, but there are a lot of messed up people out there.

>> No.9913228

Sigh, i understand, but that group are the only cosplayers i know in that area. Just makes me sad :/

>> No.9913413

I hate it because I'll rack my brain trying to figure out what they are and I find out that they're no one

>> No.9913419

I still use the hacked together, piss poorly constructed suit from my first effort cosplay because I'm too lazy to be bothered to redo it.

>> No.9913458
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I get uncomfortable autists who have handlers at cons. I have never seen a situation end well for either party. Clearly the autist doesn't know entirely what's up hence the handler and they go and do things that affect others' safety and enjoyment. Some handlers are good but I have seen too many that find the autist's behavior "cute" or dismiss the other party's complaints altogether therefore causing even more issues. I think if you need to have a handler with you at cons then you should probably stay home.

>> No.9913483

I still look down on people who don't make their own cosplay. I'm old-school and to me cosplay will always go hand-in-hand with crafts. To me these young people who refuse to learn represent everything I dislike about generation Z: lazy, uncreative and not willing to improve themselves in any aspect of their lives.

I always feel somewhat amused when someone complains that their cheap bought cosplay from China didn't arrive on time for the con.

>> No.9913490

Well fuck. Are you me anon? I hate this transition of "everyone can cosplay" mentality where lazy casuals think a bought eBay cosplay constitutes attention they think they deserve.

>> No.9913492

In some way, I do understand it. I know some veteran cosplayers who have bought a costume once or twice because the level of the costume is just so easy it gets boring to do by yourself, e.g. school uniforms. These people make alternations to the costume though and usually they feel conflicted after wearing it.

It just pisses me off because I was TERRIBLE at sewing when I started cosplaying, I started from absolute zero and still managed to make decent costumes. I can't stand "not everyone can sew uwu" excuses because it proves how lazy and unwilling to learn these people are. Internet is now full of tutorials and help, all you need to do is to type the keywords to search for information, but apparently even that is too much effort.

>> No.9913524


Sometimes people cant afford to hands down make their own cosplays or dont know how to let alone where to start. When i first started cosplaying i made my own cosplay and tried to style my wig, when i wore it no one recognised who i was nor did anyone talked to me. I felt so upset that i felt like giving up....

It wasnt until i brought my first cosplay that motivated me to actually cosplay, i started watching tutorials, joining group cosplays, asking for advice from all kinds of cosplayers. I even saved up to get myself a sewing kit and other tools.

What im trying to say is thst SOME people who buy cosplays are just starting out with cosplaying.

>> No.9913531

Sure, everyone can learn how to sew, but not everyone wants to? I like going to cons, I like cosplaying, I could probably learn how to make a semi-decent costume if I tried but there's so many good-looking cosplays out there to buy that I don't really feel any need to. I've tried sewing before and I don't find it particularly fun, I have no ambition to join in contests or anything of the sort. Not everyone wants to become a master craftsman, but that doesn't mean they're not a cosplayer.

>> No.9913533

Yeah I understand that. It's just how I feel personally, cosplay was so heavily connected with crafts and sewing back in time that I see buying cheap costume from Chinese sweatshop worker as laziness and lack of creative thinking.

But it's okay, it's just this consumeristic era: we are supposed to buy cheap, bad quality shit as much possible without giving much thought to it.

>> No.9913534

I don't like people that make a cosplay out of latex just because it's latex and would get them more attention. Materials like that only make sense when the outfit actually looks like its made of it. (I'm talking to you latex schoolgirl cosplayers)

>> No.9913536

I don't get people who would use latex willingly anyway. It's pain in the ass to sew and most often looks cheaper than it costs.

>> No.9913544
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You don't sew latex you glue it :X I assume you're talking about PVC when you say that?

>> No.9913549

Are you two from Scandinavia perhaps?

>> No.9913551

I'm from France

>> No.9913554

Well that doesn't surprise me either.
You an older generation folk?

>> No.9913583

How do you deal with kids flirting with you/treating you as dad. I have too many kids who treat me as their dad. I mean this 19 year old invited me over to her house and now I am friends with her dad, which is another story).

>> No.9914326

For starters what do you look like anon?

>> No.9914345

Man, I feel this. I’ve seen inaccurate, messy wigs and armour/props with the wrong proportions get hundreds of likes over decent cosplays of the same character with like 30.

>> No.9914758

piggybacking on >>9906277
and >>9908372
genderbed cosplays are so poorly done 99% of the time. ftm is generally either a poorly dressed, wigged character OR a super buff dude dressing up as if they were a woman. i want to see the character as if they were actually a man, not a man wearing women's clothes.
mtf is always tits and ass instead of what that character, again, might look like as a woman.

also, i'm so fucking tired of marvel/comic book cosplays.

>> No.9914915

In life each Anon gets what he deserves!

>> No.9914930

I'd just work on phrasing it right. Like maybe start off with a 'wow great cosplay! How did you find this series? I haven't seen a cosplay for it in forever!' Sounds less like a 'Do you even know what your cosplay is from?' and more just a general 'I want to talk to you because I have no one else' question. I'd get excited someone else knows my cosplay character

>> No.9915261

Disney cosplayers. I really dont hate them but its so out of place.

Ex. Blizzcon does a good job of keeping it blizzard related, but ive seen some people asking about going as disney characters. it just doesnt fit at all.

>> No.9915272

I hate it when famous cosplayers post schmaltzy fake as fuck pretentious shit like "Don't care about social media numbers or attention! Just do it because you love it!". Bitch you have 100+k followers, post new filler content every day to keep yourself afloat and reach out to new fans constantly on social media while raking up at least 2+k likes on each photo you post on Instagram and receive hundreds of comments complimenting you. You're not one to talk about this and anyone can see through you.

>> No.9915284

I feel this so much. I'm very skilled with my craft and I've won multiple awards, but I'll never get the same recognition for my effort and skills as someone with a pretty face, big tits and a popular aliexpress/closet cosplay. It's frustrating and it used to bother me a lot, but now I kinda don't care because their "fans" aren't that dedicated or sincere. The one thing that still bothers me though is when they get invited as guests/judges and get branded as "pro cosplayers" even though their craft is shit and they don't deserve it.

>> No.9915356

Without my beard I look like Young Happy Black man, like I stepped out of the 1980s "Diversity" guides, and with my (properly shaped and cut beard because I am not looking 40/like a neckbeard) I look like fashionable male x.

>> No.9915492

I feel terrible because I usually shit out my cosplays last minute due to horrible time management and have to cut corners but essentially “hide” the mistakes under better made parts, put tons of attention into styling my wig and make sure the general fit of certain pieces, the general silhouette and my makeup are exemplary. I can get away with it and still get compliments and photos and for my next con I absolutely NEED to get my shit together. I would love to have a competition worthy costume, not just floor costumes that are good at a general glance only.

>> No.9915825

Make a schedule for yourself. Give yourself hard deadlines and freak out as if it'd cost you your grade to miss them.

>> No.9915981

+1 I put in so much money and effort into this hobby to be looked down by climbers who only want to orbit the cosfamous. Part of me knows that being cosfamous wouldn't solve the issue but I'd rather be on the winning side.

>> No.9916213

I had a very controlling mother who kept me from a lot of hobbies and insulted my interests regularly. My husband now is very encouraging and I’m finally cosplaying for the first time and I’m about to then 27 in a month and a half. I’m really nervous I started way too late and that I should already give up but it’s honestly the amalgamation of a lot of different hobbies I already have, and it’s so mentally and emotionally rewarding/fulfilling. I look young but isn’t it just weird being 30+ and cosplaying? I just don’t want to lose my love for things. Idk

>> No.9916236

It's never too late to cosplay. You won't be an internet diva, but you can have fun anyway.

>> No.9916240

What are you planning on cosplaying? Keep on keeping on, anon!

>> No.9916424

I give up pretty frequently on cosplays halfway through because this hobby is a girls club that is frequently full of man-hating girls.
even if I were to put all my time and effort into making my cosplay, I would still get shit on by Instagram girls for being a "white cis male" who cosplays. Cosplay contests from what I've been a part of have also had issues with beign pretty heavily skewed towards women picked as winners, for example, favoring well made dresses over well made pants or shirts or in general looking over most male cosplayers that aren't 3k+ armor builds. In general unless a guy is making movie quality armor builds, he's going to be considered worse than a girl who buys aliexpress cosplays to show off her tits.

it's frustrating as hell, and people in the community see nothing wrong with it at all.

>> No.9916459

>t. salty male
It's not the womens' fault your closet tier Kirito didn't win the contest, anon.

>> No.9916505

exactly what I mean. CGL is full of a bunch of sexist 20 year old women who never matured past the "ewww boys are gross" phase and the cosplay community is an extension of it

>> No.9916515

I hate the Cosplay burlesque show at Anime USA. Their costumes are horrifically lazy or ilfitted (topless girls wearing pvc corsets making their titties look like...pudding) , they don’t ever seem to practice their skits, their strip teases are the equivalent to someone tossing their clothes on the floor after they get home from work.
I overhear the caste sometimes on the con floor talking about it and I wish they would stop pretending like it’s anything respectful.
Call it what it is- you want to get get half naked in costume for a bunch of nerds.

>> No.9916516

There's never any age limit to doing a hobby you love anon. If you're really self conscious, maybe cosplay a character that's closer to your age first before dipping into the high school characters to see if you're comfortable? Also it doesn't really matter what your age is if your face looks young desu.

>> No.9916521

most of the burlesque shows at cons are pretty cringy. They have to be like, pg13 to be at cons even if they say 18+ only. That combined with the girls they get means it barely feels like burlesque

>> No.9916749

I have seen a lot of "I heard black people can't be mahou shoujo but here I am" posts lately and nobody ever. If anything I have heard a lot of people about how white people shouldn't do black characters.

>> No.9917295


My boyfriend and I both compete and he told me his judging experience is usually very different from mine. Judges don't touch his costume as much and only ask questions. Maybe because the judges are usually women? It's sad that it is that way, but I hope you don't give up! I have seen men win with very cleanly sewn, detailed costumes in the past, in Masters at large conventions. It can definitely happen, just keep practicing and don't get discouraged!!

>> No.9917308

Nayrt but what's the deal with these competitions? Boyfriend and I also competed once and they did the same thing to us. Only asked him questions but my entire costume was flipped back and forth for every little seam, nook and cranny.

>> No.9917315

Come on twitter or see IG comments tbf

>> No.9917867

I think the differences in approach to male and female fashion is what comes through in cosplay as well. Men's fashion in general is more oriented towards details and fit, and in general not as flashy as women's fashion, so if you're a woman who primarily make costumes for female characters you simply wouldn't know what to look for in many men's garments. I think one way to ease this would be to have more judges who are actually schooled in tailoring.
As for online interest I don't quite agree, I find that whether or not you're conveniently attractive and/or can play to your strengths is a much bigger factor than gender. I often see people asking for more male cosplayers to follow to balance their feed.

>> No.9917868


>> No.9917980

Nayrt but Cosplay is when you take on the character. You "play" whoever you're dressed as. Unless homegirl is acting like a witch or elf or fawn then please call it a costume.
>party city
>sexy cat outfit
>"hot kitty cat dress cosplay costume"

I don't know why I have strong feelings about this but I do

>> No.9917981


I feel for you. I'm a female but I make costumes for my other half so the experience has been a bit of an eye opener on how guys tend to pull the short straw.

I cosplay with my girl friends a lot, and usually he will have seen the series and enjoyed it and will want to join us for a group.
More often than not the male cast will end up in normie clothes, very boring school uniforms when compared to the girls, or there ends up being absolutely no males in the series at all.

If anyone asks for photos the guy will also be overlooked too and they will usually want the girls to pose. I try to stop him from being left out and pull him in or just ask the person requesting the photo if they mind. Of course if you're a guy by yourself you can't get that foot in the door.

The other thing that annoys me is this opinion that guys don't/can't sew and only do armor builds. You have to incorporate at least some before someone will give you the time of day.

But anon, just because you are part of a minority doesn't mean you should give up. If anything I encourage you to keep trying otherwise no one else will use you as inspiration and try themselves to make it more common.
I promise you there are at least someone is noticing what you're doing, even if they're keeping quiet.

>> No.9917985


Weird, I competed as a duo with my boyfriend and if anything they were more interested in his and spent more time with him even though it's timed and meant to be equally spread.
We kept our mouths shut about the fact that I was the one who sewed them together though, as I have the steadier hand and he has dyspraxia.

We balance each other out as I have dyscalculia and take a long time with the mathematical parts and am prone to brain fog. But I've taught him everything he knows about patterning and is actually now better at it than I am and shaves our time making a costume in half.

He'll also pin and help to prepare our own bias binding and knows exactly how the costumes have gone together, the processes, and helps me to fit things to myself while I'll do the same for him.

It's really nice to be able to take him along with me on the ride of competing because I used to hate just leaving him for half a day and not getting to enjoy the whole con experience together. He wants to do it more and to try and incorporate skits.

>> No.9917986

That doesn't conflict at all with what people are saying about guys being grilled more at judging than just looking at the construction. For female participants they assume they made it and just look at the build. For guys, they try to test that they know how it was built because the assumption is guys can't see so they probably had a girl make it for them.

>> No.9917991

Nah I agree with anon. I never see any white cosplayers say stuff like that, it’s always POC who try and demonize them

>> No.9918026

That is pretty true, I've been cosplaying for about a year as a guy and I have only been asked for pictures around 4 times or so. At the time I wasn't sure if it was because I had an obscure cosplay or something but it seems like it's more that people just want pics of pretty girls doing cosplay

>> No.9918027

I hate "plus size" clothing items. Looking for tights for a cosplay. I am tall for a girl, normal tights don't really fit me. I am only left with "plus size" options, but its only for fat chicks or the morbidly obese. Make the legs girthy enough to fit a tree trunk but you can't extend the length by 6 inches. "Plus size" just means the seat of the crotch still won't reach but also it'll hang loose on my legs.
Fuck you obese women. You overeat until you're the size of a manatee and get catered to, meanwhile tall girls really are ~born this way~ and have virtually 0 options.

>> No.9918028


>> No.9918033


The two I quoted specifically mentioned how the guys in their scenario never had their costumes touched, however the guy I cosplay with is usually handled and checked more thoroughly than my own, which is what I was interested in.
However this may be because I've been in the circuit for years and the judges rarely change where I am so they know me by now, but he's a newer face.

They didn't really get a chance to 'grill' him because he starts from top to bottom and describes everything and how it was done because he already knows the entire process. I hate it when you end up forgetting a piece of the costume (usually the most impressive part because you don't have a particular order and end up kicking yourself later)

I suppose the best thing to do is make sure you don't give them an opening to do any grilling. If you look and sound like you know what you're doing then people will rarely ever question it. We usually practice what we're going to say in advance so we don't require any prompting and we don't run over - That doesn't necessarily stop the judges in question from focusing on a detail that they like for too long though.
Having progress pictures with you IN some of the photos actually helps too, because the disembodied hands could belong to literally anyone.
But they seem positive towards him nonetheless.

In future when he's more comfortable I might see what happens if we enter separately and draw a comparison to the experiences, since I find it interesting on how different applicants are treated differently and the experiences with different judges.

A lot of the time I'll find that the female judges will paw through my costumes but the male ones are more reserved (they might flip a hem at best) and I wonder if that has anything to do with it in the other scenarios mentioned. If they're female judges, maybe they felt weird about flipping seams or touching a guy?

>> No.9918488

Try Sock Dreams. They have a variety of sizing when it comes to tights, socks, stockings, etc. I found some stuff that fit me on there.

>> No.9918547
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do it with her, be the cosplay husbando you were meant to be

>> No.9920099

You will regret it if you don't do it now and for everyone 1 person that might judge you, there will be 10 who wish they were confident enough to do it and will admire your effort.

>> No.9920196

Agreed. Just go into it with the mentality that you're doing this for you, and not efame. You'll be a lot happier that way and don't really need to worry about judgy bitches ruining your fun that way.

Lol the joke here is that most of us girls feel just like you do. I know that's hard to believe, but there are a handful of girls at the top. Some of them are talented, others are a literal joke. The hobby has always been a popularity contest, but not like the last few years.

It's annoying but that's the status of the hobby. I get your frustration, but you need to just do it because you enjoy it. If you're in the hobby and are so bitter you can't enjoy it anymore, that's on you. I've just had to come to realize that it doesn't matter how much you look like a character: If you have no reach, aren't posting desperate selfies 5x a day on insta, no entourage...you'll never get recognition for it. I follow some insanely talented cosplayers and they get no attention. It really doesn't even matter if you're decent looking or have a good figure. Some of these girls I see commanding insane likes/followings are honestly not even attractive. But they've got a social media presence that the better cosplayers don't. You've got to be zen about that and not let it ruin your fun. Just enjoy knowing you did your best on something and that it turned out great. I do realize that is hard to see people who put in 0 effort being ass kissed and praised, trust me I really do get how that is so irritating, but just do the hobby for yourself. You'll be a lot happier.

>> No.9920309

there's just more light skinned characters to cosplay than dark skinned ones, but I get what you mean

>> No.9920363

keeping it kind of simple with a zero 2b mishmash, futaba from persona 5 and rem from re:zero!

thank you so much anons. while e-fame would be nice, its more fun for me to pour hours over into finding the right wig, contact lenses and crafting/sourcing items and gives me a way to just appreciate my favorite animes even more so. i really appreciate these kind words <3

>> No.9920417

to be fair, i've heard a lot of paternalistic comments from white cosplayers. From their perspective, they trying to nudge me to an easier cosplay. It gave off a hint that you shouldn't cosplay other types of characters

>> No.9920486

>Let her writhe with anticipation of your reaction while you’re living your life

I used to be friends with someone who has bpd, which isn’t a bad thing if you manage it, but she uses it as an excuse to act like a complete sociopath. Shit eventually fell out between us and she started stalking me and a few other people. She would do fucked up stuff, spread rumors about us, and then constantly show up where we were both in and outside of conventions to try and get a reaction out of us. At this point she’s been doing this for almost 3 years. The last time she showed up was about a month ago at a local event she knows that I cosplay for every year. What she didn’t know is that I had worked my ass off and majorly stepped up my cosplay game within the last few months. It was hilarious. As soon as she got close enough to get a proper look at me, she looked down and wouldn’t make eye contact with me, then sulked away pretty quickly.

The best thing you can do is look happy and ignore them. Nothing upsets them more than seeing you being happy.

>> No.9920497

This Mish mash doesn't make any sense. Please don't.

>> No.9920499

>also, i'm so fucking tired of marvel/comic book cosplays

Comic books are such a vague and broad genre though.
It would be like me saying that I hate anime cosplays

>> No.9920516

I fucking hate the fact that average executed big craft with huge props wins over superior sewing with a lot of deliquate job most of the time. Zero details but a big hot mess of EVA and hot glue? pass. A hard costructed dress with different fabrics and paintwork but without a massive skirt? ughhh no.

>> No.9920517

Oh no I’m sorry I was confusing. I am doing 3 cosplays: 1) Zero 2B crossover, 2) Futaba, 3) Rem.

>> No.9920523

Wearing contacts is much like riding a bycicle. Terrifying at first, trivial after a bit of practice.

Plus, if you're nearsighted like me, your lenses make your eyes look smaller. I wear glasses every day to work but put in 1-day contacts for special occasions - they're soft and hassle-free.

>> No.9920527

Your words make sense but the crossover cosplay doesn't

>> No.9920712

I used to love cosplay but as I've got older I've started to feel kind of embarrassed about it. I'm not even that old, I'm 26. I've also started to feel self-conscious about my interest in nerdy stuff anyway though and feel like I need to justify its legitimacy to other adults sometimes to have them take me seriously. Kinda sucks. I miss being a teenager and just not giving a shit what people thought about me even if it meant I was a bit of a social outcast.

>> No.9920802

I promise you that those other adults have hobbies that they don't like to let other people know about. Life is too damn short to live it for other people like that. Interest in comic books, cosplay, anime, and video games are on a serious upward rise. Cast your uneasiness aside and I promise that you'll feel better. Also, I feel like you'd enjoy watching Wotakoi.

>> No.9920895

I'm 28 and I stopped giving a shit at 27. Like anon >>9920802 said, life is too short to be ashamed of your hobbies. Hell I wear an itabag in public when I'm out of work because I simply don't give a damn. I like embracing the weebness in myself after hiding it in embarrassment for years when I was younger. I'm a responsible adult working a good job with good money, why the fuck shouldn't I be able to do whatever I want as long as it's not hurting anyone?

>> No.9921677

This 18 year old twat I know is complaining that their bank account is at negative $47 and yet they still plan on going to anime Midwest. I swear this kid has no concept of how reality works. They always spend beyond their means and then complain like it wasn’t their own damn fault. Then they proceed to beg people for money so that they can keep going to cons

>> No.9921836

>they still plan on going to anime Midwest
Eh, I mean if you're just ghosting then yeah I could kinda see it, but if they're buying a badge and room and stuff then oh well, they're going to figure it out eventually.

>> No.9922729

Just piggybacking off this post too but I hate flavour of the month cosplays too. I mean ok I wouldn’t be too bothered if the character was popular because they have good character development or whatever and people actually liked them for the character/series but that’s not the case. Most people probably don’t give that much of a shit about the character and are just jumping on the bandwagon of what’s popular and probably don’t even care for the series that much. Last year it was 2B, year before that was Rem, this year it’s Zero Two. It’s getting tiring because there is no real passion for the character behind the costume, its just a ploy for likes and attention. ‘Hey guys here’s my patreon set of Zero Two!!’ until the next person comes along and has to outdo the person before them with a latex version of the same costume.

>> No.9922842

I've been browsing cgl since at least 2013 and I still haven't had the balls to cosplay or dress up in lolita. It feels like I'm not skinny enough or pretty compared to other girls here so why should I bother? The best part is knowing that the later I start the more of a noob I'll be. Sorry for blog post.

>> No.9923004

The discords that get posted here sometimes scare me, it seems like the majority of people who hop into them are 18 year old guys from /v/ or /a/ who have social and alcohol problems, and are constantly looking to get drunk/high/laid.
I've joined a few and hop out not long after because it's just not what I really wanted from cosplay communities

Lolita has their vetted discord but cosplay doesn't really have any crafting only discord without all the off topic and thirst.

>> No.9923432

The only real reason I have for cosplaying is that I have once gotten an handjob on the cons toilets from an girl, and that I want to have more of that.

>> No.9923438

I just realized I know who it is and Anon you are deadass right. Honestly they need to go full Pateron or some shit if they are going to beg that much, at least those girls are working for betabucks

>> No.9923445

I want to cosplay just to know what its like for someone to ask to take my picture in a non-insulting genuine way.

>> No.9923860

>they need to go full Pateron
It would be hilarious to watch them try seeing as how they struggle to even get 100 likes on a photo

>> No.9924122

26 here and not giving a fuck. All my friends are 28 and up and the fiance is 30. We all cosplay and like to him up cons around the state. It's just fun honestly. Probably stop in my late 30s. Keep your body respectable and don't be a creep. That's best advice I found.

>> No.9925193

I cosplay just to get female attention because out of every place to meet girls there are, girls at cons are by far the most aggressive and straight forward which is great for me as a shy pretty boy.

>> No.9925204

there's a secret about girls like that at cons, and the reason they're so forward about everything is a ton of them have serious mental and social issues that normal guys stay away from. Lots of family issues, eating disorders, and other clinical disorders going around cons and cosplay.

>> No.9925208

That's just it though, I love mental girls for a lot of reasons.

>> No.9925231
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I am afraid my cosplay friends and colleagues think I'm truly autist and that's why they are all cool and are friendly as hell with me.

>> No.9925305

Asians will always be the better cosplayers when it comes to anime characters. I don't care what anybody says.

>> No.9925502


>> No.9925505

When you say asian, do you mean japanese/east asia?

>> No.9927180

Does anyone else ever feel like they're chained to their cosplay group? Don't get me wrong, I have loads of fun when we're doing one big cosplay group together, but the other days when we are doing our own individual costumes, I sometimes want to go off on my own to enjoy the panels/events that no one else wants to go to. They tend to guilt trip me into staying around and I always regret missing those. Last year I missed out on some amazing concerts and this year I'll be missing out on autograph sessions from my favorite content creator.

I don't want to step on any toes, but I don't want my con to just basically stand around looking for photographers to snap pics of us.

>being social is fucking exhausting

>> No.9927204

Grow a spine and ignore the guilt tripping. Go do whatever you want, invite them to go along if it seems like something they'd enjoy, but either way they'll get over it.

>> No.9927253

People that buy costumes and play the Instagram followers game disgust me, even moreso if they have a patreon. You're a glorified model preying on mentally unstable betas, get out of the scene.

I'd prefer a hand-made costume, even if it's a bit shitty, over the finest store-bought. Shows dedication to the character.

>> No.9927538

i feel so freakin ugly in all my cosplays lately and i can't tell if i'm really that ugly or if i have a fucked up sense of self (it doesn't help that i photograph like shit like i always do something weird with my face) but it makes it hard to get up the nerve to do my favorite characters

>> No.9927604
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I think she means she’s doing something like pic related by @Kiyo_pen or Zero in 2B’s outfit, which... yeah, I’m with you, this is very inadvisable. The series are connected by Drakengard 1 events but the girls themselves have very little overlap beyond being playable heroines and playable. “OP,” I would break them up into two separate cosplays if you can’t decide because crossovers nearly always look sloppy even done by people with eons of experience.

>> No.9927713

i never had cosplay friends. people i could bullshit with at cons, yea, but never someone who i could hangout with on the outside.
i've always wanted a cosplayer gf but never had one. i'm turning 30 in a few month and happily with my fiance but i feel like im getting too old to cosplay.

>> No.9930783

Try to work on your posing (facial expressions included). It's definitely a sense of self, but that doesn't mean you can't work to overcome this. Also, talk to your next photographer ahead of time so that they can work with you to fix this!

>> No.9930787

This. These people could disappear from your life in a blink of an eye. Do you really want to live with the regret of not enjoying yourself at the end of the day? It's your money and time. Go do what you wanna do.

>> No.9930789

This. I'm cosplaying for the first time this year and the one thing I want most more than to be recognized is to be on the other end of the camera. I take tons of pictures of cosplayers and make sure to compliment every one that I like as they pass by. And I don't do that expecting anything in return, but I hope I can get a piece of that feeling.

>> No.9930791
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At the end of the day you have to look at yourself and decide if you really want to let fear and insecurity rule your life. You obviously love the hobby and it'd be a shame not to put that love towards building the person you want to be. Start small if that's what feels comfortable to you. There will always be someone that you feel inferior to, but guess what? You're not alone in that feeling. Do what you love in spite of that.

>> No.9930804
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I only cosplay so that my friends will like me. Plus it makes me feel like I can fit in at cons. I don't really enjoy making costumes and wearing them. Just the social aspect of it.

>> No.9930903

1. I think people should choose their characters to cosplay based in ther own physical appearance. Not whether they like them or not. Find a balance, but pls stop cosplaying as a naked Goku, dear overly obese con visitor. You rape everyone'e eyes with that excess lard you have there.
2. People should cosplay a character of their own skin tone, or change theirs to the character. No this is not racist. I'm stayin true to source material.
3. A prop is never perfect, but the people who think a duct tape katana is looking well, should decide to take out their eyes. They're apparently not working anyway. And yes l will nitpick the fuck out of the people.
4. Using you own hair is fine and dandy, but make it look good. So no spray paint.
5. If you don't have the money for a difficult cosplay, pick something else. And don't talk shit people who CAN make it, because you're jealous. I see this happen way too often.
6. If you pay me like shit for a prop, get shit. I'm supposed to make a living too.
7. THE BIGGEST ONE: don't say you made it all yourself, whem you actually ordered it on ebay or asked for a commission. It's super disrespectful to the people who did their best.

>> No.9931547
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My girlfriend is a relatively famous cosplayer on instagram but I want her to quit cosplaying. It seems to make her unhappy and I'm always worried she's interacting with people far more attractive and she might want to cheat, even though I know she's an extremely loyal girlfriend. I guess a confession related to me would be that I nitpick and hate when people cosplay out of their body type, and I'd love to cosplay more but my eyes are extremely hooded which makes makeup almost impossible, so I become a piss baby and get discouraged.

>> No.9936166

I think buying a good quality costume shows you care more than making a shitty one, since you're actually spending hard earned assets for it.

>> No.9936194

Buying a costume is lazy and shows nothing but your willingness to splash money. You're not showing off your craftsmanship, attention to detail, or your love to the character.

Half the costhots see a character and immediately buy the wig/costume set without caring about detail or the like. Most recent example? Zero Two.

The only thing saving the cosplay scene is people still making costumes and props. The moment all stop it turns into a lame and shitty fashion shoot since everything is store-bought.

Once again, my opinion, and I'm a turbo-autist purist who's kind of ass at sewing.

>> No.9936207

I gave a lot of dirt on a semi-popular cosplayer that I used to he friends with. She annoys me so much with her e-begging I just want to post everything but I also hate that I'm bitter.

>> No.9936219

I feel like a lot of people only like cosplay if it's sexy, so I'm not mad when I see a lot of girls turning to ~sexy~ cosplay to help fund their craft.
It's a lame circle of hating women for doing "sexy" stuff and then actually encouraging it with your money.

>> No.9936731

>I see cosplay as a stupid hobby
>Is on /cgl/

>> No.9936733

>everyone on cgl is a cosplayer

>> No.9936735
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I make low effort cosplays
>AX 2017
>Two of my cosplays were pure cardboard
>One was Morgana's bus form from Persona 5
>The other was just a cardboard box from Metal Gear Solid
>MFW there was only one other cardboard box cosplayer at the MGS cosplay gathering
>MFW we were somewhat respected for our simple cosplays
I honestly don't care if my cosplays are shit. I have more respect for people who put effort into making cosplays from scratch that still end up looking like shit than cosplayers who just buy the outfit premade from some website.
Pay to win is bullshit.

>> No.9937218

My community has a racist photographer that no one every fucking wants to deal with. He only takes pictures with petite Asian girls and makes fun of white and black girls, along with guys in cosplay on his page. no one wants to deal with him now and he wonders why he isn't getting as much work anymore after we've alerted people to his game

>> No.9937232

I don't think anyone talks shit about good people making good things

what people DO say though, is how topheavy cosplay is right now where you have a small group of people getting all the exposure and attention, and using it to shit on newbies for the sake of shitting on newbies

look at that one gundam guy who shit up the WIP threads with his work and took off his trip to shittalk newbies in the WIP and bad cosplay threads

>> No.9937481

i like shitting on newbies