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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.9231164 [View]
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>Soooo I scramble my stuff and head back to the island for the summer season.
>Maybe the situation is shit but at least I can get the japbro to teach me since we are very friendly and beef up my skills even more.
>I am nearly at head sushi chef level but still need one last HARD push to be there.
>Season passes with no actual issues besides my knees giving out by the end, most days I would have to dish out 110 covers just by myself since the japbro was busy with other stuff and the second assistant was still very green.
>I am a BEAST at this point, nothing phases me. everything comes out beautiful and proper.
>Everyone is happy. Except my knees.
>At this point I am working already 2 years in this rest non stop with 1 or 0 days off per week.
>Bite the bullet, carry on.
>Summer season over, get 5 days break then back into the fray.
>Continue through with the winter season.
>I am in charge of one branch japbro another one.
>Chef K calls me.
>Asks me if I have all my shit in order to leave and he has an important job for me summer season.
>I'm ready bro. All is in order.
>I plot my Exodus.


>> No.9231132 [View]
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We are almost done.


>At this point it's nearly summer season and people are getting ready to go to the island, a new japbro gets appointed as executive sushi chef. He is also very surprised and happy with my performance so thins are going well.
>Chef K calls me.
>Sushibro. I have a job for you as a head sushi chef in this island pay is 2k you will have a house to yourself and all that jazz.
>Start planning out my exodus. Corp ows me 3k moto still in their name.
>I am an honest guy so I go for the honest approach.
>Owner-san, I want to leave here is my two week notice, please arrange for the moto papers before I go (he was delaying them HARD)
>Okay sushi bro of course no problem.
>Next morning I am woken up by a call.
>It's owner-san.
>Sushibro, you will stay the summer season or I will go to the police and say you stole the moto and you are an illegal without any papers.
>Actual hardcore blackmail here bro.
>Okay :(
>Call chef K explain the situation and send a previous assistant in my stead as to not to completely hang chef K up.


>> No.9231107 [View]

I did not bullshit anyone about my work experience actually. I was very clear and honest about my experience everywhere I went

>> No.9231102 [View]
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Before the island japchef left he sold me his moto, which was in the company's name since he did not have the right to buy a vehicle in the country. Some time before Chef K left my wallet was stolen along with my passport and ID so I could not transfer the moto to my name untill I got my docs back, the process took 6 months. this will be relevant later

>> No.9231087 [View]
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cont. TL;DR - ish version

>Chef K remembers me as a shithead 2 years prior that didn't know shit and nearly fires me on the spot without even checking if I learned anything.
>Within 4 months I am the Head sushi chef of the town branch 1.5k/mo denbt free.
>Trying hard AS FUCK to keep the image of my sensei making nigiri and sashimi and trying to perfect what I am doing without guidance.
>Management is happy so whatever. I am not happy at all but constantly improving
>Chef K is happy
>Chef K has a HUGE fight with management and picks up his crew same day and storms out.
>Tells me to follow him.
>Sorry chef the company owes me 2.5k at this point, I can't quit I will lose my money.
>Okay :(
>Continue working, the management brings in a new chef, chef S
>Chef S is the previous head chef of one of the other top 3 japanese rests in the country.
>Actually WTF-ing


>> No.9231048 [View]

Yeah my parents split early and I left home when I was 16. barely speak to them since

>> No.9231046 [View]



>all this is happening mid july.
>23d of july I get a call from the head chef: Get your shit ready anon you are coming to help into this amazing paradise island branch for the high season. (200e per person in this one)
>Tomorrow evening.
>Get my shit packed. Take the ferry. Sayonara big city.
>At the island branch they had a hardcore mothafocka japanese working.
>250 covers per day. Actually quite hard.
>After a month and a half a couple of hundreds of fish later I am a master of filleting any kind of fish you throw my way.
>MAD SKILLZ in rolls and prep. Still no idea how to make nigiri and sashimi. Try to pry some lessons from the head sushi chef and he tells me some bear tips.
>The head chef announces that he is going to resign along with the whole crew. Japanese does the same.
>I get a call after a shift: we need you at the city branch to help the new head chef start shit up.
>Pack my shit get back to town filled with new knowledge and skills feeling good.
>Walk into town branch.
>Chef K is there.

>> No.9231017 [View]

If everyone agrees I will condense this to the bare minimum

>> No.9231014 [View]

Mind elaborating?

>> No.9230999 [View]
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>At this point I haven't even made a DENT into paying off my denbts.
>Decide to swallow my pride and send a text to the previous restaurant chef(The good one) "Good evening chef, are you looking for sushi chefs?"
>Get a reply in 30 seconds: You start on Monday 1.3k/mo
>In reality I am a fucking shell at this point, burnt out with no interest in being a sushi chef or whatever. But I need the money and I have confidence in my skills. At least in the skills I was needed for where I was going, In addition I learned how to fillet fish properly, still in practice phase though.
>Get into work, some bald dude with a goatee introduces himself as the assistant sushi chef and the head sushi chef will be in later.7
>Tells me fish has arrived but the sushi chef does not let him cut fish cus he sucks balls.
>He shows me around (this is a different location of the chain mind you with different people) and while he shows me around the second japbro from the previous branch waltzes in, looks at me.
>The dude is in the grind for a loooooong time and is near retirement.
>Squints at me: I don't know you! Go do fish!
>Haha very funny.
>I take my knives and go to fillet the fish.
>Remember I am still in the training phase so I am slow and not as precise as I would be later.
>Still the whole staff is looking and me with a dumbfounded look on their faces while I dance around the fish with no confidence.
>Feels good.
>Take the fish to the sushi chef. He's happy AF no need for him to do this assistant job anymore.
>And a lot more as I would later find out.


>> No.9230952 [View]
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>We start working. Only me and my Sensei in the kitchen, almost pure blood sushi bar, albeit with some twists and extra plates here and there besides sushi.
>He is starting to beat mad skillz into me with the Japanese prowess you only seen in fucking anime.
>after a month passes I have some bowel accident and get 20mins late to work.
>Dude actually stops talking to me and is not letting me do anything.
>I try to iron shit out, apologized properly work twice as hard to no avail.
>I would later find out that the shop is not bringing enough money in to support my presence there.
>Two weeks of this shit. I get so anxious that I am actually nearly throwing up every time I walk through the door to start my shift.
>Hours are insane as well >80/week
>Exhausted and enraged I quit.
>Leave the joint with my clothes and the knife Sensei gave me as a present when we started nearly in tears. [pic related not the actual one but same thing]


>> No.9230925 [View]
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>> The head sushi chef tells me he is going to leave after the end of the summer season and plans to open his own restaurant.
>> Tells me that if I want to I can follow him as an assistant and of course I agree.
>> The dude has SKILLZ.
>> Season ends in early October, I resign from the restaurant with the promise from the Japchef that his joint will be open by the end of December.
>> It turns out the guy doesn't even have a place yet.
>> Greek bureaucracy is a nightmare, takes MONTHS to get a license to run a restaurant and only after you establish your location.
>> November arrives and I found him a location. He is happy with it and starts the renovation etc. I come in daily to help with whatever they needed free of charge of course.
>> Japchef promises me 1.3k and 30% tips cut once we open.
>> MONTHS PASS, no income. The joint opens in fucking MAY, I am a couple of THOUSANDS in debt at this point.
>> First day, he and his partner announce to me that they can not pay me 1,3 k and will only give me 1. At this point so deep in shit I can only accept this.


>> No.9230894 [View]

The fuck dude, I greentext but at least most of the sentences are coherent after the first time someone asked me to stop fucking around.

>> No.9230887 [View]
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>> I arrive at the address the japbro gave me.
>> Get SUPER anxious, hyperventilating and the such.
>> NO WAY they would hire me.
>> Well fine, might as well bit the bullet.
>> Walked in, two Japs working in the sushi bar.
>> A hot as FUUUU hostess greets me and tells me to wait while she calls the chef.
>> Chef walks out of the kitchen.
>> You are here for the tryout anon? This way.
>> Leads me to the sushi bar.
>> Angels sing out in an immaculate chorus while I approach the sushi bar, large, spacious, clean and neatly organized.
>> At this point I realize that it's very HOT even though this was an outdoors sushi bar.
>> White plastic panels covered the ceiling creating an actual effective greenhouse effect.
>> GO through the tryout the japanse were polite and nice.
>> You know nothing anon.
>> But if you want I can train you.
>> K have 1300/month
>> I'm nearly crying while I walk out.
>> Start working two weeks later.
>> INTENSE SHIT 120 covers per day, HEAVY on the sushi bar while.
>> Cost per person is aprox. 120eur
>> ELITE RESTARAUNT, celebs, politics and the such.
>> No room for fuckups.
>> One advantage I have is I absorb what I see like a fucking sponge and produce very fast results of what I learn.
>> Get on an OK level within two weeks.
>> Japanese enjoy my MASSIVE weaboo-ness since I catch some of what they are saying and try to say shit and japanese while they laugh their ass off.


>> No.9230850 [View]

Not Greek fagget so no denbts for you.

By the way all the photos of food are made by me.

>> No.9230845 [View]
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>> I arrived to the sushi bar.
>> 2x2 open kitchen with EVERYTHING set around it. Fryers, fridges, stoves, all the shibang.
>> A realization hits me: I am expected to work alone. Do everything. Salads, appetisers, sushi, sashimi, nigiri, entrees, main courses and desserts.
>> Weeeeeeew
>> Start setting up, cleaned everything up, tested the recipes.
>> Went up to the attic where the freezers were
>> 4 years worth of fish scrap.
>> Damn son. Gotta throw everything.
>> Opening day arrives with nothing of interest to report, actually the whole thing was boring so I will skip most of it.
>> Owners wife a COMPLETE BITCH SMARTASS HOE that breaks my balls daily.
>> One day I arrive at 1pm to start prep (opening hours were 7pm-1am) She has 2 cooks there cooking chicken skewers for her daughter's birthday.
>> Took them 5 hours to finish, I had to enter the kitchen to prep 1 hour before service.
>> Needless to say that day was a fucking NIGHTMARE.
>> Across from sushi bar is a high end eatery, half japanese guy works as a sou chef, we talked a couple of times.
>> Get friendly and talk often.
>> One day we were babbling on about this and that.
>> Hey japfriend, I know what I make is shit and I feel shit about it. Wat do.
>> Well anon, I have a japanese sushi chef working in a restaurant in need of an assistant. I can arrange a tryout for you on good terms.


>> No.9230819 [View]
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I live in Greece. Miminum wage 420eur. 750 is SWEET considering I had no prior exp.


>> I make some shitty rolls and two DISASTERS of something resembling nigiri (no exp in making those). But I knew how to present a sushi plate at least.
>> Japchef looks at it with obvious disgust written on his face.
>> You know nothing Anon. But you are not Fillipino and look at least kind of clean so I will try to train you. (he did not give a flying fuck about the sushi bar he was consulting in retrospect so I got a free pass)
>> Start training for a week or two pick up as much information as possible.
>> The japanese did not train me, fillipino did
>> Protip: they were shit and they taught me shit.
>> 3 weeks later owner calls me
>> Okay anon we are happy with your progress, we have this hole of a sushi bar north of town, the chef bailed with no notice.
>> Go there take as chef
>> WAT? ok
>> have 1200 salary


>> No.9230793 [View]
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>> I like to greentext like a retard.


>> Gotta go buy a knife. Otherwise no chance.
>> Settle for a small Yanagi from Kai. Pic related.
>> No money for something better.
>> Christmas passes I survive butchershop rush.
>> Meantime we start a meat sushi roll gig in the butcher shop. Sell 1euro per a PIECE [1 roll = 8pcs]
>> Needless to say I am still completely TRASH at making rolls or sushi of any kinds.
>> Chances are slim but meatsushi doing GOOD. Every Saturday/Sunday 50eur/day
>> Judgement day arrives.
>> Go to the sushi bar.
>> Shitting BRIXX
>> Japanese dude there and some Filipinos fidgeting around.
>> Calls me over.
>> Ok Anon, make me a roll two nigiri and present them to me in a plate.
>> Yeschef.jpg


>> No.9230770 [View]
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cont by "popular" demand.

>> Cafe gig going GREAT.
>> Deal was 40 rolls so many people coming I need to make over 100 per session.
>> Feeling confident.
>> No money do.
>> Get in contact with the butcher I had in the previous restaraunt.
>> Hey Anon it's Christmas we are in the shtter need help too many orders can you help?
>> Okay Butcherbro I'm on it.
>> Butcherbro provides meat for public as well as over 70 restaraunts in town.
>> In the meantime Cafe owner calls me.
>> Sorry sushibro we can't afford sushi lunch anymore so we stopping it.
>> No sushibro u good we have sushiplace in the center u go there in 3 weeks for tryouts.
[Nobu is the largest chain of japanese restaurants in the world google it]
>> Sweatrolls.png

>> No.9230749 [View]

Will continue if this gathers any interested. Can't be fucked to write for myself.

>> No.9230743 [View]
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>> Chef K is OLD FUCKING SCHOOL. Screaming, punching, kicking, throwing pots all the jazz.
>> Kinda takes a liking in me cuz I had Japanese shit lying around, kimchee base and the likes.
>> Chef K has hardon for japan.
>> Introduces me to some cafe bar.
>> They want sushi every Saturday for lunch.
>> 100eur for 4 hours work. I am shit at rolling rolls but had some glimpses at head sushi chef in previous restaurant, so I manage some nifty shit.
>> Dey happy.
>> 3 weeks later owner of the restaurant I am working in calls me.
>> Ur fired bitch bb
>> Y do?
>> No explanation.
>> Well balls. At least I have sushi gig, can barely survive on 400e/ month.
>> Cafe gig owners happy so not sweating it keep rollin dem rolls.


>> No.9230722 [View]

fuck off mobile was spazzing had to rewrite everything you hoe.

>> No.9230717 [View]
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>> Sorry saladbro :(
>> 2 days later found a job as line cook at another restaraunt.
>> bb lol
>> Go to new place.
>> Owner calls me over.
>> Anon we got a problem. Chef gtfo'd we need you to take charge of the kitchen.
>> wtf.png
>> Here some money go to that island take recipes from gtfo chef. U GOT 2 DAYS LOL
>> Okay.
>> Go to island get recipes gtfo back to town to start cooking.
>> Looks ez actually I manage to get everything in line with one assistant and food is ok
>> Start service everyone is happy first day with no delays.
>> Fuck ya I rock.
>> 1 month pass, restaurant is not doing too hot.
>> Come to work one day.
>> Here is Chef K anon. He is here to change the menu.
>> New Chef is hotshot worked with Ferran Andria in El bulli

>> No.9230694 [View]
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Swapped to laptop.

>> Week 1: Take over salad and dessert section solo. Life is GOOD.
>> Week 4: Hey anon I know it's Saturday and we are expecting 120 covers, but here are some new desserts for you to make as well.
>> Well fuck.
>> Salad expectation time 3 mins.
>> Have 20 salads and 14 desserts to make.
>> MINOR DELAYS ~7mins
>> Maitre waltzes in.
>> Hey guy in charge salad was late, by Sunday get a new saldbro and fire current one
>> Wait souchefbro I am saladbro, plsno.


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