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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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>> No.19733737 [View]

have you never heard of light water? there's zero water as well

>> No.19734499 [View]

i've been using the same one for about 4 years so i'd say i got my money's worth

>> No.19734538 [View]

I have the Lifestraw home 7 cup, it has an active charcoal filter as well as the straw itself, looks like that's one of the better ones listed.

It is pricey though to replace the filters regularly

>> No.19734686 [View]

If you own your own place you should have your water tested to see if it's actually potable every few years or so, and if not then have a proper filter installed in your kitchen sink.

If you rent or something and your landlord won't do that for you then I that's pretty much what you should use a brita filter for.

>> No.19736246 [View]

The only reason ZeroWater is even remotely cost effective for me is that my mom finds tons of the filters new in box at Goodwill.

>> No.19737508 [View]

Costco has Kirkland filters that go with Brita stuff. Not expensive at all, you get like 12 in a pack, that'll last you like 2 fucking years (replace every 2 months as per instructions)

>> No.19737584 [View]

My pitcher has a light indicator saying when to replace it. It goes from green to yellow to red. I would guess that it counts pours and/or pour-time but idk.

>> No.19738123 [View]

It's less about how often it's used and more about how long it takes mold to start growing. Personally I keep my filter pitcher in the fridge and get ~8 months out of them before the water starts tasting off.

>> No.19738151 [View]


>> No.19739703 [View]
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Based mamasboy
What's the going to be like down in the basement this week, it must change with the season

>> No.19739715 [View]

Speaking of which, my fridge has a filter. I replace it as necessary, but I noticed literal mould in the ice from the ice maker so we've stopped drinking that water or using that ice maker until we can figure out how to clean the ice maker and all parts of the water intake and tap so we use a Brita pitcher now.
Any tips for cleaning mould from a water dispensing/ice making fridge?

>> No.19739813 [View]

How does the system handle clogging of the membrane? How do they handle the formation of a biofilm on the membrane? How long will it actually last?
Large systems reverse the flow to clean the membrane and optimize flow to reduce bio accumulation. Although by the look of the module they probably use a hollow fiber membrane which might be alright for prolonged use at least for a single tap not a whole house. Also do you just drink the water straight or is there another module to reintroduce certain ions like Mg, Ca etc?

>> No.19740075 [View]
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>instruction manual
zoomers are something else..

>> No.19740159 [View]

I can tell the difference between my tap water, which does contain some chlorine, but is generally okay, and my brita filtered water.

It doesn't taste as good as quality bottled water, but it's a noticeable difference for a fraction of the cost.

>> No.19740166 [View]
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I've got one of these for my sink and I'm fairly happy with it, even if it's a little bit annoying to change the filters out every couple of months. Quite possibly a placebo but the water quality in my area is generally very good anyway so it's probably less impactful than it would be if I lived in a shithole.

>> No.19740168 [View]

We have pretty high quality tap water here but I still prefer the taste of britta filtered water.

>> No.19740169 [View]

depending on the quality of your tap water, can get away with 4-6 months per filter

>> No.19740206 [View]

>look at your instruction manual again.
>It alleges that even a TDS of the range 002-050 will only yield 40 gallons.
Everyone wants to blame Trump for everything. Trump Derangement Syndrome will be the end of us.
That being said, I think it makes far more sense to use sink filters vs pitcher filters. At least with the sink filters you aren't constantly dipping your filthy filter into your potable water.

>> No.19740232 [View]

Reverse osmosis is the best filtration tech you can get for your home. Poorfags need not apply.

>> No.19740248 [View]

Based Community enjoyer

>> No.19740308 [View]

My tap water tastes better after using one. It's perfectly safe to drink without it, but the filter just makes it taste a little nicer. Worth it? Up to you, but I like it.

>> No.19740916 [View]

My water comes out pretty rusty and it at least appears to filter most of it out.

>> No.19742049 [View]

> Still drinks water straight from the garden hose.


>> No.19742052 [View]

if there are hard cores in your hosewater you have some kind of issue

>> No.19742355 [View]

>are Britta filters a scam?

I think so. I bought the pitcher and never bought another filter for it again. Did it taste better? I don't even remember. Was it healthier? Probably not. Is it a gimmick? yeah.

>> No.19742365 [View]

I might look into this. Water in my city is super hard, and I get sediments on fucking everything. Fuck, I even need to water my plants with Britta-filtered water, otherwise they start to wilt from the minerals buildup.

>> No.19742383 [View]

My local water treatment switches from chlorine to chloramine every year.
Chlorine is bad enough but chloramine includes ammonia and unlike Chlorine is a lot harder to remove from water.

>> No.19742386 [View]

>We use to drink straight from the water hose and we never had an issue
>also boomers
>I don't know how I got stomach and bladder cancer

>> No.19743595 [View]

why is this shit thread still up

brita is a fucking SCAM

>> No.19743603 [View]
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oh Britta's in this thread?

>> No.19743616 [View]

You guys surely live in a first world country that has regular safe tap water right?

Are you okay over there?

>> No.19743708 [View]

They're in the beginning stages of a lawsuit for it right now, so maybe.

>> No.19744236 [View]

NTA but US water standards vary wildly by area. It can get pretty fucking bad, and the federal standards are dogshit, so most carcinogenic chemicals aren't even tested for outside basic heavy metals, bacteria, cryptosporidium, and a handful of pfas.

>> No.19744287 [View]

This is retard logic, drinking compromised water is always riskier than bathing in it.

>> No.19744297 [View]

imagine if our taxes got us clean, drinkable water

>> No.19744323 [View]
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LOL, says John Stossel, LMAO, as he reaches out to govenment agency for comment.

>> No.19744576 [View]
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The filter pitchers suck because you have to clean them, and the filters grow mold because they're always stagnating in water, and they make the water taste like plastic, and they make the water taste like your fridge, and if you run out of water in one, it takes a long time to wait for it to refill so you can drink more. They also waste space inside your fridge and make your water be too cold.

The faucet filter solves all of these problems. You're drinking the freshest filtered water every time you turn it on, with the bare minimum time spent touching plastic.

>> No.19744673 [View]

I had a reverse osmosis system and setting it up was a big pain but it was rewarding. Honestly it tasted better than the small filters like Britta.

>> No.19744773 [View]

I bought a filter from alex jones do they actually work or are they just placebo?

>> No.19744892 [View]

Chances are unless you live in area with a lot of heavy industry the drinking water is clean and drinkable and you're just a giant fucking faggot who doesn't think it tastes good enough.

>> No.19745130 [View]

he doesnt actually make the filters but sells popular brands you glownigger, so it depends entirely on what brand you bought

>> No.19745564 [View]

Depending on where you live they may or may not be worth it. My friend is from Las Vegas where the water quality is garbage and I kept trying to explain to him that the water quality in our town is not poor enough to justify buying bottled water all the time. Eventually I got sick of explaining to him that he was basically flushing his money down the toilet and just got him a brita filter for his wedding. Bottled water is the real scam.

>> No.19745593 [View]

I guess it depends on where you live.
>people in my country who refuse to drink tap water
>buy water from the shop
>that water actually comes from the same groundwater out tap water is from

>> No.19745764 [View]

Water, without all those empty calories.

>> No.19745957 [View]


i bought one of those when my friends came to stay with me for a week so we wouldnt ahve to go keep buying water and the filter died like a couple days after they left lmao

>> No.19746477 [View]

They don't remove flouride. Distillation or reverse osmosis is the only way to remove flouride.

>> No.19747853 [View]

erm.... apparently this image says they aren't worth it!!

>> No.19748026 [View]
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GG doe, see you next season!

>> No.19748033 [View]
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Oh shit wrong board lol duhh water is cool guys, just get it at your local water store

>> No.19748041 [View]

Been using an 18 cup Brita tank in the fridge for a few years. Instead of using .999 silver I used a few coils of new bare copper wire as an anti-microbial along with a mesh pouch of white calcium sulfite balls to further remove chlorine.

The brita filters are rated for some 40-60 gallons but I go through water fast and get about 7-8 months out of them before I start seeing cloudy tank water and replacing the filter. It's around $17 for 3 filters lasting 21-24 months.

The water doesn't have any taste or any smell from the brita tank and it beats hauling gallons of water home every few weeks.