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File: 91 KB, 720x720, 1 gotta go cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10062301 No.10062301 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else think these 4 cuisines are overrated AF?

>> No.10062306


>> No.10062405

Id get rid of soul food.

>> No.10062429


>> No.10062442

Fuck Italian

>> No.10062448

Italian is Italian elsewhere in the US?
How is it not just slop all everywhere outside of NJ/NYC?

>> No.10062450

I'd get rid of Chinese

>> No.10062452

a lot of that stuff in soul food was just adopted from other types of food so ill get rid of soul food
not like they invented fried chicken, mac and cheese, and waffles
thats ridiculous

>> No.10062463

If you don't live in the NY/NJ/PA triangle, people generally equate Italian food with shit like The Olive Garden. I'm sure OP is a flyoverfag and has never had any memorable experience with the 4 cuisines he has listed because of this.

>> No.10062467

Bye Mexico

>> No.10062472

>outside of NJ/NYC?
News Flash: You don't have to live in Stockholm Syndrome: The City in order to have good food.

>> No.10062474

I'd get rid of soul food

>> No.10062480

Bye soulfood.

The only other option would be Chinese, and no... because MSG...

>> No.10062484


Only among poor people. Everyone else thinks of them as mostly lazy cheap garbage food to eat every now and then.

>> No.10062490
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>overrated AF

>> No.10062497

Absolutely disgusting, I've heard the same about 'A, it's only chains
News Flash: Most people know this already
You realize people in the NYC/NJ/PA area don't all live in NYC, right?

>> No.10062498

i'd get rid of soulfood for sure
mexican would be my second choice, even though i like it personally
italian and chinese are not options

>> No.10062499

the name soul food in inherently problematic
it implies that all other foods are made my soulless people
i would get rid of soul food on the basis that it is racist and not only because its the worse one

>> No.10062501

italian has nothing spain/france doesn't have
and american pizza is superior

>> No.10062526
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>> No.10062529

I don't know anyone who raves about soul food. As far as Mexican, Chinese and Italian when you add -American to any of them you get shitty, overrated food. If you're talking about the regional cooking of Italy, Mexico and China some of it is the best food in the world.

>> No.10062535

italian is overrated. the only good thing they came up with is pizza and then america improved it

>> No.10062539
File: 186 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

""""""""Chinese""""""""""" food is overrated.
Chinese food is criminally underrated.
I eat picrelated every morning.

>> No.10062550


>> No.10062554

Italian and chinese maybe. Soul food, mexican, and thai are GOAT.

>> No.10062556

Those are the four cuisines I make the most.

>> No.10062560

well obviously soul food since it already doesn't exist

>> No.10062572

Is soul food even its own thing? Seems more like an amalgamation of other foods that already existed. Would getting rid of it mean I can still eat fried chicken and still eat waffles but never eat them together?

>> No.10062581

yea i guess
the picture is a pretty stupid question when you think about it that way

>> No.10062588

I think soul food is technically its own cuisine, but to me soul food=southern food in general minus bbq. Southern bbq is in a league of its own.

>> No.10062624

The general consensus is that the peasantry of Italian food is overrated as fuck. That's ok. Most of their own food is stolen from other countries.

>> No.10062633


You do realize that 'soul food' is basically extinct and black folks actually eat way more of the other 3 categories.

$100 says OP is a suburban white kid who's never actually met any blacks but "loves soul food."

>> No.10062649

fuck soulfood since it isn't even real

>> No.10062670

Soul food absolutely is real. It's the American third world of cuisine. No one would eat pigs feet or collard greens on purpose. All the trash and shit cuts that aren't prepared by BBQ fall under soul food.

>> No.10062686

>No one would eat pigs feet or collard greens on purpose.
You're just making shit up there.

>> No.10062691

Ok nigger

>> No.10062705

goodbye italian

>> No.10062717

MSG is completely safe

>> No.10062735

i think its silly how you all are saying farewell to food

>> No.10062743

bye anon

>> No.10062745


>> No.10062749

>Chinese food is criminally underrated
>Virgin Boy Eggs

I don't think you know what "underrated" means.

Just curious, if you think those four (aka the most popular 4 dinner/takeout foods in America) are overrated, then what alternatives did you have in mind? Middle eastern food is all I can think of.

>> No.10062753


There are only so many ways I can eat tortilla with rice, beans, cheese, salsa and meat.

such a boring cuisine, what's not boring is their native american stuff but you rarely see that outside Mexico.

>> No.10062754

bye felicia lol jk

>> No.10062756

I'm Gen Z

>> No.10062760

btw, that picture does not match italian. what's pictured right there is "Italian", the overcooked noodle shit covered in greasy shitty cheese over and over. Those dishes are far to widespread here in the US. Disgusting.

real Italian food is actual food, not that disgusting excuse of a calorie bomb.

>> No.10062762

Mexican and Italian. Boring, formulaic piece of shit foods

>Pasta, tomato sauce and cheese
>Corn, beans, avocado and chili peppers
>Both in 800 different shapes and forms
>But anon there's also this obscure dish from the south that's slightly different

Nobody gives a fuck. Mexican and Italian are the definition of pleb foods, truly the kind of garbage that only could be liked and popuralized by americans

>> No.10062763

so far i think only one person has said chinese food and not because they think its bad but because they are a snob and did the whole """"""""""""chinese"""""""""""" food like a faggot
like yea dude we all know that it isnt actual chinese food, get over yourself

>> No.10062764

What the f*ck is real Italian then?

>> No.10062767

top kek

>> No.10062768

>Town I live in was literally fields before WWII
>Built from scratch by Italian inmates from an internment camp
>A dozen amazing restaurants from first generation Italian immigrants and their children
>See firsthand as local traditions and unique small-town culture dies off as generations pass and children are Americanized
>Get unironically told multiple times by innumerable faceless Hive City dwellers that I've never had REAL Italian, handcooked by Tony Pajamas the sixth generation Italian-Irish-Polish-German Immigrant and his crack team of illegal workers in his "Small business" owned by a multi-billion dollar 'small business firm'
Actually get fucked
This fucking cancerous attitude has never come out of someone with a palate able to tell the difference between dirt and dog shit
You shitposters should be euthanized

>> No.10062774

Impressed that you have such a succinct picture to describe your choice.

>> No.10062789

italian-americans need to get the fuck over themselves, holy shit you're embarrassing

>> No.10062791

Not OP but there are plenty of options if you live anywhere near a major city where you get actual real food:
Thai, Jamaican, Indian, Indonesian, Ethiopian, Middle-eastern, Greek, etc. etc.

>> No.10062799


Tough choice, I like them all. But if I had to get rid of one, it'd probably be italian.

>> No.10062804

>i drink a shot of roundup everyday because i like industrially derived chemicals whose manufacturing process and byproducts aren't disclosed because mommie blogs say their bad.
Good goy!

>> No.10062809

Damn, interesting. I'll keep that in mind in case I ever visit NYC.

>> No.10062811

>Italian represented by only pasta and Chinese with Chinese-American restaurant fare

>> No.10062816

my man

>> No.10062817

it's naturally occuring and you're a retard who doesn't vaccinate their children

>> No.10062823


>> No.10062829

this, also japanese

>> No.10062848

Wow look at this pleb

>> No.10062856

they include mac and cheese as "soulfood" explain that? mac and cheese is white as hell since blacks are lactose intorlerant

>> No.10062870

Italy has a huge variety of food, most of which are not covered and drenched in poor quality tomato sauce and greasy cheese.
Most Italians care about food and know how to cook on some level. They will recognize poorly made food, such as "Italian" immediately, same with any people from a culture where cooking at home is the standard (In the US, take out is the standard in many states)

See videos as a related picks.




Plenty to chose from.

>> No.10062882
File: 113 KB, 566x254, gongura_mamsam2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indian food varies a lot by region as well; a north indian restaurant is likely to have a completely different menu than a south indian one.
>South Indian Menu from Chicago-area restaurant
>North Indian Menu from Austin area

Most Indian restaurants will feel chain-y because they all have the n. indian standard menu; but if you can find a south indian place it is objectively better.

>> No.10062890

good post

>> No.10062891
File: 1.42 MB, 500x281, idiotsandwich.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lactose intolerant
>processed & cooked dairy, i.e. mac'n'cheese
Lactose intolerance deals with the ability to drink raw milk you moron; the enzymes in the cheese culture eat all the lactose for you. That's why cheese fucking exists in the first place.

>> No.10062895

>Soul Food
It's okay but hardly constitutes its own genre because most soul food is actually just inferior snippets of other foods. Chitlin's/Chitterlings are garbage and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Stewed greens are cool but idk if soul food can lay claim to that entire catergory of vegetable prep.

Avocado makes me vomit reflexively which shits up most of the nu-Mexican food for me, but I've had some good stuff.

Keep this one around, Italy has produced some good shit.

Authentic Chinese sans the gutter oil is pretty great, and there's a huge enough variety of foods here to hold you over. 5,000 years of cooking will do that.

>> No.10062914

wow pumpkin sauce instead of tomato sauce
wow pasta dish #2842882
wow pureed vegetables

>> No.10062920

>he likes/is mexican/italian
Won't argue with you anon, your life is already shit enough

>> No.10062937

lactose intolerance is an inability to digest lactose because you do not develop the enzyme to break it down before it gets deep into the small intestines. As a result the gut flora will have a feast of the complex lactose sugar causing bloating, gas.. etc
It is generally triggered at a threshold and some are able to consume certain amounts dairy products without too much discomfort. However there is also an upright allergy to dairy that gets widely bunched together lactose intolerance causing hysteria.
t.someone with lactose intolerance

>> No.10062947


>> No.10063013


the only one i disagree here is chinese - if you find a good chinese place it's absolutely delicious

>> No.10063154

Native american stuff in mexico? What do you mean

>> No.10063158


>> No.10063174

Fuk ‘soul food’ it just means super high fat content nigger food oh and some fucking shit tier collared greens :/

>> No.10063264

Seriously. Why call it soul food? Its nigger food. Food for niggers.

>> No.10063272
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Can you eat cheese though?

>> No.10063328

>Shitposting this fucking hard

>> No.10063414

Get rid of the chink food.

>> No.10063461

>a faggot defending fag food

>> No.10063472

mexican imo

>> No.10063490

I would pick chinese. I like it but I'm bad at making it and there's no good restaurants within miles of me.

>> No.10063562

Italian has to go

>> No.10063703

Some of the foods can be over rated

But each category has many sub categories that are not overated

>> No.10063710

Because Italians live all over the United States

>> No.10063722

You won't be missed

>> No.10063728


>> No.10063770

Mexican is the most overrated
its bascially just like Indian food
overloaded with spices which covers for its blandness

>> No.10063803
File: 410 KB, 1920x794, korean pizza versus mexican soul food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chitalianese food or mexican soul food
one gotta go my nigga

>> No.10063810

spices to cover up blandness you say?

>> No.10063832

He's right though

>> No.10063970

I'm a Southerner and I agree. Drowning everything in lard or butter does not equal good cooking.

>> No.10063999

I'd say Japanese.At least those listed are pretty cheap.

>> No.10064058


Bye bye Mexican.

>> No.10064104

Italian is shit, lowest tier cooking there is with not a single original idea in sight

>> No.10064131
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Chinese food and the Chinese people along with it. Good riddance.

>> No.10064165

what spices?

>> No.10064363
File: 54 KB, 540x696, 1506949362793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its the worst asian cuisine. Thai and Vietnamese are bomb. Japanese and korean are okay, Chinese is eh.

>> No.10064386

Which cuisine uses no spices and is not bland?

>> No.10064588

Get rid of "Italian." It's all just variations of pasta drowning in sauce and cheese. Fuck it. I have never been excited to go to an Italian restaurant.

>> No.10064625

>faggot defending fag food
That was the Greeks. Roman men never kissed each other or let the balls touch.

>> No.10065330

Are those curry fish balls? Isn’t that a Hong Kong thing

>> No.10066496

the only correct answer

>> No.10066562

Mexican soul can gtfo, we have a chinese pizza place up the road and it is absurd that the idea hasnt been copy pasted into every city all over the US. The sweet and sour chicken pizza is GOAT

>> No.10066603

I'd swap soul food with Japanese

>> No.10066622

>Virgin Boy Eggs
>Popular in Dongyang
>Literally eggs boiled in dong juice
I kek'd heartily.

>> No.10066896

yeah, overrated autofocus. what about it?

>> No.10067758

Mexican, it's the most overrated cuisine in the world.

>> No.10069135

I love me some tempen yaki

>> No.10069210
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>unironically implying niggers invented fried chicken, waffles, sweet potato, and mac and cheese

>> No.10069223

>In the early 1800s, hotels and resorts outside Philadelphia served waffles with fried catfish. Such establishments also served other dishes like fried chicken, which gradually became the meat of choice due to catfish's limited, seasonal availability.[4] Waffles served with chicken and gravy were noted as a common Sunday dish among the Pennsylvania Dutch by the 1860s.[4] A 1901 memoir recalled a tavern in East Liberty, Pennsylvania, well known for "suppers of spring chickens and waffles."[5] By the end of the 19th century, the dish was a symbol of Pennsylvania Dutch Country, brought on in part by its association with tourism.[4]

>> No.10069338

remove soul food

>> No.10069344

i would get rid of italian

>> No.10070373

I am not a burger what is soul food?

>> No.10070408

food for your soul