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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10254361 No.10254361 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys ever stop and think about how amazing the food you buy is? These things (bananas) come from Brazil and such places, hundreds if not thousands of miles away, grown by farmers year-round. Shipped across an entire ocean. It's so amazing. I know as humans we've had food from exotic places, but to have a banana seen as a common thing in this modern time is actually amazing. I'm so flabbergasted by this. Every single food, even if it's grown locally, I think how many man hours and amazing inventions have had to be invented to get on my plate. This world is truly special, and I'm happy that food makes me think this way.

>> No.10254374

No. Also you're gay.

>> No.10254393

>these things

>> No.10254716

i genuinely think grapefruits are a gift sent to us by jesus christ himself

>> No.10254732


>> No.10254746

Bananas don't even want to be in Brazil. Not that difficult to get them to move.

>> No.10254907
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Cooked dishes often fascinate me, the progression of cooking techniques that has lead to some of the more complicated meals is astounding, it's somthing mkst take for granted.
Think about it, some dude 20,000 years ago decided to put a piece of meat on a fire, now we have such complex and inricate dishes and cooking methods that they take hours or days to complete and life times to master.
Think about it next time you cook a relatively compex dish: what lead up to this point in culinary history? How many different ingredients and discrete cooking methods have culminated to create this result?
The irony of all this is that people still just throw meat on some hot coals and it's still absolutley delicious and even considered by many to be a top tier food. I guess some things never change.

>> No.10256084
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I still don't get how vanilla came to mean "plain" and "boring." It's a rare, expensive tropical spice with a distinct flavor, only available through international trade, how the hell is that boring?

>> No.10256483

I assumed it was from the context of ice cream. Vanilla ice cream is like the stock ice cream, there's nothing in it and the flavour itself is rather mild. It's not wild and exciting like "mint chocolate chip" or something, it's just vanilla.