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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 81 KB, 740x555, BP-food-desert-578x433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10405219 No.10405219 [Reply] [Original]

what is it like living in a food desert?

>> No.10405228
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you live off convenience store food.

sounds expensive, but they accept stamps.

>> No.10405233

I'm not a poor nigger so I have no idea

>> No.10405248

The day we restrict ebt food items is the when we'll finally start to see results in the obesity epidemic

>> No.10405255

do americans really live like this?

>> No.10405256

Brother moved to such a place near the grand canyon. It wasn't really that bad but actually good groceries didn't exist, just convenience store stuff. He would either get most stuff online and made a 2 hour pilgrimage to walmart and Costco once every few months

>> No.10405265
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>Take a drive down a stretch of Lamar Avenue in Orange Mound off Airways Boulevard, and you’ll see that the people who live there have plenty of food choices. Just not the kind that will add years to their lives. There’s Burger King. McDonalds. Kentucky Fried Chicken. Popeyes. But no Kroger's.

>That supermarket closed last month, along with another on South Third Street in the Southgate Shopping Center, after the company announced the stores were losing money.

Grocery stores can't survive in the hood. Too much theft, property destruction, and employee assaults.

>> No.10405281

Which is fucking hilarious because Kroger is based out of Memphis. Orange mound is s.africa tier.

>> No.10405313

Only the tarded ones that live in trailers in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.10405326

Memphis is a shithole. I grew up in East Memphis. Neighborhood was good until they started building apartments for lower income families nearby.

>> No.10405413
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>He didn't live in Germantown
Sucks being poor

>> No.10405488

I graduated from Germantown High.

Whole region is bad anyway. I live in WA now.

>> No.10405699

Who left the bunker door open?

>> No.10405714

Damn, that's grim. Lived about a hundred miles from the nearest big supermarket in the middle outback Queensland and the town had an actual greengrocer and at least one decent small supermarket. Had to keep an eye on the use-by dates in the other two though, bit sketchy at times.

>> No.10405735

no farmers around to sell food to locals?

>> No.10405793

I live in a semi-hood area that I would call a food desert since there are no grocery stores in <45 minute walking distance. However, I have a car so it's not a problem, and you could always take a bus. The only excuse for eating garbage is if you are so poor you can't afford a bus ticket, or if you live in a rural area with no transportation.

>> No.10405802

This is more of a blighted city issue. There's always mom and pop shops in the country.

>> No.10405864

Fake news, lack of Kroger's means nothing. There's a fucking Aldi on Lamar Avenue.

I'm sure the street is filled with people eating garbage, but they do that by choice, not necessity.

>> No.10405930

I live in a food desert in a big city in the US. One of the reasons I visit this board is so that I can see pics of real food while I eat greasy garbage. It's like that scene in Hook.

There's a fried chicken place on my block complete with bulletproof glass in front of the register. I eat there probably 3-4x a week. Usually I just eat one disgusting fast food / convenience store meal per day, because if I did breakfast lunch and dinner I would be thousands of calories over my needs and would probably go broke anyway.

A "supermarket" opened here last year, it's basically just a convenience store with aisles and multiple registers. For example:

-$4 lb Pasta
-$1 ea Banana
-$6 gallon Milk
-$5 dozen Eggs

Nobody shops there.

>> No.10405941

You have to go back

>> No.10406000

Let's see how long it lasts

>> No.10406245

The nearest McDonald's is over 10 miles away. The off chance I actually get to go to one I feel no embarrassment ordering $40 worth of mcnuggies and other fast food crap because I rarely if ever get to have that chance again in the year.

>> No.10406261 [DELETED] 

What’s dumb about this is that most Americans who are fat are middle class or lower middle class
Most people don’t stay on food stamps that long so basing any data off on any group is kinda shitty seeing as how the staunch majority will go back to eating fast food without ebt
Poor people aren’t the problem, it’s the education of the people about health that you need to worry about
If you do take money from EBT give it to public schools

>> No.10406266

Americans don’t grow food, they grow fuel and feed
Basically, most crops in America aren’t edible

>> No.10406275

Buses are really only effective if you’re within 20 minutes, anything more than that and it’s basically an hour in each direction
Factor in the numbers of stops, transfers, and waiting time between buses and you’re basically lugging around tepid food all day

>> No.10406288

You don't need to be educated that junk food=bad and that more calories out then in=lose weight.

>> No.10406304

Fast food companies literally hire people to try to trick people into thinking their food is good for them
It’s propaganda, and you honestly do need to teach people because there’s no other way they will learn

>> No.10406333

Why do you think legislators passed bills saying that they had to include calories
Because they hadn’t for decades and it fucked everyone up

>> No.10406336

How can one think fast food is good for you? No amount of propaganda should sway you on that. And you don't, it should be common sense.

>> No.10406342


>> No.10406358

>those prices
Jesus christ.

>> No.10406366

You guys only recognize it’s bad because you were born I’m guessing You were a teen in the past 15 years or so
Before the law demanded it, there was literally nothing saying that fast food was bad. The only people talking about fast food were the fast food companies.
Don’t be so blinded by your lack of perspective, do you really think that McDonald’s would be as popular as it is today, knowing what we know now back when it started?

>> No.10406371

>How can one think fast food is good for you?

See Subway's concerted "health food" misinformation campaign that has gone unchecked for 20+ years at this point.

>> No.10406381

You don't. Health was a required class my freshmen year in high school though and before that I just never gave any thought to what I was eating. So I would say education can play a big part in it. Maybe we should have ads fighting obesity the way they do smoking.

>> No.10406385

We honestly should because food can kill more than smoking
Three of the top ten causes of death can stem from unhealthy eating habits

>> No.10406391

Only Americans fall for this type of marketing.
Wilful ignorance and convenience will always win in the USA

>> No.10406403

>Only Americans fall for the propaganda created, intended, and directed at Americans
Woah no way

>> No.10406409

this but unironically

>> No.10406431

A place like that, with zero windows is a place that has been robbed soooo many times that normal people don't shop there nor own it, only the most resilient of immigrant running some phone card business or shady markedup items. Only late night drunks, people who have no cars that live in walking distance, and addicted smokers have reason to stop into a fire trap death building like that. Sometimes the town is so remote that it'll be the quick stop for people that just ran out of eggs and milk and need a new loaf of sandwich bread. For the rest of their food, they'll actually pile the family into the SUV and head to wal-mart, and stock up hundreds of dollars at a time. They will have a deep freezer at home, and likely a generator in case of power outage because they have hundreds of dollars of frozen meat and foot on hand because the gas and trip to store is so lengthy. These people that live really far from civilization have stunning mountain views, river or lake houses and wilderness, or else they actually farm their lands acres at a time, which doesn't necessarily make them brokefags or inferior food buying people.

>Brother moved to such a place near the grand canyon. It wasn't really that bad but actually good groceries didn't exist, just convenience store stuff. He would either get most stuff online and made a 2 hour pilgrimage to walmart and Costco once every few months

I actually drive the Tamiami Trail road through the Everglades getting coast to coast quite often. Think only National Park bathrooms, and one lone convenience store in the middle maybe not even open per the owner's whim, where you can buy the Arizona iced tea marked 99c for a $3.50. They know it's an hour in each direction for any other kind of purchase. God bless them for having any business open at all. Imagine the convenience store in like Seldovia AK where all items come by boat once a week after 3hrs at sea.

>> No.10406451

I know Nickelodeon does or used to do that Day of Play where they would cut programming all day to encourage kids to go outside but I'm not sure how much good it did. I know those Truth ads are on tv constantly and they've gotten annoying and purposefully try to bait people into getting mad. I'm not sure obesity ads could ever be a thing as much as I might want them. People would probably get mad and cry bodyshaming. Antibullying and loving yourself the way you are are things they're still trying to push.

>> No.10406482

>You guys only recognize it’s bad because you were born I’m guessing You were a teen in the past 15 years or so
>Before the law demanded it, there was literally nothing saying that fast food was bad. The only people talking about fast food were the fast food companies.
>Don’t be so blinded by your lack of perspective, do you really think that McDonald’s would be as popular as it is today, knowing what we know now back when it started?
I think as mid-40s, I was alive during this time you speak about, and it's true. There was weight watchers and diabetic "exchanges" and heart association diets, but nutritional awareness outside of making sure you get a varied diet with nutrition including health/home economics (electives) training in schools.
Then, out of nowhere, the proverbial "food police" started making articles..
First they vilified the the coconut oil on theatre popcorn. We all know Samoans were lardasses with heart disease, and this was their oil! Trans fat was the awareness yet just that fat solid at room temp was bad.
Then, some muslims or vegan versions of the "food police" figured out the secret to McDonald's fries was a spray of beef tallow and were outraged at being tricked. Cooks understood you fried things in duck fat, and you made better german potato salad by hitting hot potatoes with beef stock or bacon grease before they cool. Reformulated, and played with a couple of more times, meanwhile BK decided to edge on the market they could never get a handle on, but reformulating their fries to be like McDonald's style, and ruined them ever since.
I appreciate the food labels on food I buy for sure, but the restaurant menu nutritional awareness laws have removed very good, quite delicious, secrets from the restaurant industry just so they aren't targeted by nasty media articles. Gone are mayo and other secret sauces because idiots without the awareness that mayo is 100% fat compare restaurant fat counts.

>> No.10406536

>>10406381 here. Let me also emphasize this by telling you that the food I chose to eat and the food my parents fed to me was bad enough that I developed gallstones at 12. I then spent a summer with my grandparents eating low-fat because my grandpa had just had a heart attack and while the gallstones havent been a problem since (they're not going to do surgery on a 12 year old when diet change is effective enough) it is because of that and the health class which taught me basic nutrition guidelines that they havent been a problem.

Of course then you've got some people who just don't care. My mother also developed gallstones shortly after I did and went for the surgery. Then proceeded to continue eating whatever she wanted. And after years of her near constant kidney infections and stones still insisted on drinking nothing but Pepsi. When I bitched her out about it she chose to then drink extra sweet tea.

>> No.10406568

no, it is not because of trailers

food deserts happen in largely black places because of constant losses. It is basically common sense. If you run a grocery store which doesn't sell anything expensive, and people are constantly stealing everything and robbing it, you will lose money and the entire purpose of the store is lost.

it's not caused by racism or anything like that, it's just the free market

>> No.10406569

People will look for any reason why they aren't response for their actions, this thread is proof.

>> No.10406570

It’s weird to hear you trash Muslims and Samoans and I’m sure other groups if you don’t really understand how they work

>> No.10406584
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>> No.10406590
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You might have wandered into the wrong website, lad

>> No.10406598

Gallstones in kids are calcium related, and not the same pathology for adult development. You should do a little research. Diet aside for a second, things are supposed to just work so much better in a youth barring other illnesses. For instance, you might have only one working kidney or another disorder you aren't aware about.

Female kidney infections are likely starting out in the bladder and going unchecked until it reaches the kidneys, and that begins with genital health and sex life most of the time, and people who do have issues with it will have it over and over again, because of the proximity of the ureter to other anatomy. Not enough water is only part of the problem. It's not just sugar kiddo. And a similar post gallstone diet? Most people have issues with fat after surgery, a lot of heartburn or issues with things like peppers and sausages.

>> No.10406653

Anon I got gallstones because I was eating cheap hamburgers nearly everyday. The final straw, the one thing that caused an attack that convinced them to finally take me to a hospital, was a fried egg sandwich swimming in butter. Or more likely it was margarine. Butter is expensive. The doctors themselves told me to cut down on fatty foods. As for my mother you are right. I rarely saw her take a shower and not once did see a drop of water pass her lips. Her issues are due to a myriad of self negligence. She consumed nothing but snacks cakes, candy, soda, and cereal usually at 3 am. But I brought her up mainly to point out that some people aren't going to change even with education. She worked in the medical field and knew how the human body worked. She just didn't care. She very much has an attitude of I'm an adult and I'll do what I want towards every facet of her life.

>> No.10406655

This could not be more wrong.
When you're in the country, there's produce stands selling fresh, local produce for good prices
Your neighbors might bring you some corn or squash they just grew
There's local butchers so you can get incredibly fresh meat
It's the niggers in ghettos that have this convenience store shit.
The closest one would have to this in the country is gas stations and Dollar Generals, but most people in the country have much better access to produce and meat than cityfags

>> No.10406666

I don't even know why you're responding.

>> No.10406713

Lovecraft ish

>> No.10406733

I spent a few years in the middle of nowhere and I can confirm this, what they lack in specialty stores/restaurants they make up for in farmers markets and local butchers. I was deep in the south, so a lot of those local gas stations outsource to local butcheries and are almost delis in their own right

>> No.10406734

I grew up in a tiny poor Mexican town that had one family owned grocery store and a few fast food places. The grocery store had Alaskan tier prices and candies that were discontinued 10+ years ago along with a bunch of cheap chink shit. It got a lot of business because a lot of people in town were too poor to afford a car to drive 15 minutes to a nearby city that had an HEB, Sams, Walmart and Target.

>> No.10406798

Food deserts are a myth. Any city has grocery stores if you're willing to take a bus to reach them.
t. thought I lived in a food desert and lived off canned dollar store foods until I figured out bus schedules to get groceries from an Aldi's on weekends

>> No.10406879

>Food deserts are a myth. Any city has grocery stores if you're willing to take a bus to reach them.
Anon, these deserts exist in the first place because subhuman apes destroy everything around them and then wonder why it's all destroyed and nobody wants to open a business there. They don't have the intelligence to realize they can take a bus to a grocery store 10 miles away. They'd rather complain and eat their beloved fried chicken anyway, because cooking is hard.

>> No.10406894

>They don't have the intelligence to realize they can take a bus to a grocery store 10 miles away.
that's a good thing

if they figure that out they will wreck my neighborhood too

>> No.10406911

>banana 1$ ea

Anon move now, please. Come to the cheap Midwest. Come to indy

>> No.10406915

hi other hoosier anon

>> No.10406943

Hey how's it goin

>> No.10408985

I remember coca-cola at one point had their 12-packs plastered with some weird blurb about how soda can hydrate you

>> No.10409038

Are you in new york? because those are the prices that I pay for eggs and pasta (store brand). Bananas are 50 cents each and a gallon of milk is only like 3 or 4 bucks but yeah this doesn't seem too off. How much cheaper is it in the Midwest?>>10406911

>> No.10409066

Bananas are 55 cents a pound. Milk is usually 1.39 a gallon. Eggs are about a dollar a dozen. Loaf of bread is a dollar. Pound of pasta is a dollar. Skinless trimmed chicken breast fresh from the counter is 2.99 a pound. Frozen is cheaper but I don't buy it.

Also I live in what's considered a more expensive suburb (Carmel, its north Indianapolis). Walmart prices are slightly cheaper.

>> No.10409105


>> No.10410233

>waaaah waaaaah why aren't things like they were when I was growing up?!

Wow, people really only have a good window between 20-40 before they degenerate into massive fucking pantshitting boohoo babies again, don't they?

>> No.10410249

i mean, it's technically true

>> No.10410255
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>Milk $1.38

>> No.10410295

I don't know how. Americans have life on easy mode. Anyone living poor in America is retarded and has no one but themselves to blame.

>> No.10410301

I love how obsessed you are with people who live better lives than you. You will never. Ever. EVER. Be able to afford a car. Get fucked and herded like cattle on (((public transportation)))

>> No.10410399

Highest I've seen is 1.59. It fluxuates a bit.

>> No.10410535

I used to think this until I had a roommate who was on eat.

>> No.10410541

Haven't been south of Lovers Key in close to a decade but i think i remember that place. I avoid the glades anymore. I've read A Land Remembered to many times, it gets depressing.

>> No.10410555

It can happen. It was nearly $4 at every grocer around me except Wal-Mart until a discount chain moved in. Then they had to lower milk prices to compete. Except the non store brands. Those are still almost $4.

>> No.10410585

>Yup. I work as a manager at a local grocery store in the midwest. Milk usually is around the 1.39-1.49 mark on average for us.

>> No.10410591

>drive 30 miles to get chickpeas

>> No.10410600

>what is mail

>> No.10410674

It's 2.90 at Walmart, and all these quoted prices are below market rate. So they must be giving it away for sales reasons.

>> No.10410710

He really likes it there caused he likes outdoorsy stuff (me too, Zion national Park is the most beautiful place I've been) and the store thing is really one of the only downsides. He has two of those giant freezers and doesn't get fresh produce too much. Lots of frozen veggies tough, I guess he eats ok.

>> No.10410729

sheeeit nigga I just go to Capn Jayz Fried Fishuz and get dat numba 2 with my Bridge Card and im gud

>> No.10410944

No, those are literally all just normal prices for products where I live.

>> No.10411902

It's $1.30 something at my Walmart

>> No.10411914

isn't some daft amount of yanks on the verge of homelessness if one large bill were to suddenly crop up?

Like 75% can't afford a bill up to $1000.

>> No.10411929

Oh, you mean niggers?

>> No.10412367

Lower income students already receive free breakfast and lunch at school. Most of the food gets thrown out because the parents send them to school with hot cheetos and punch

>> No.10412373

Africa isn't so bad bro

>> No.10412389

Betcha can't wait.

>> No.10412398

>loving them .001% savings rates

>> No.10412402
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Would it be feasible to have an entire grocery store outfitted like this?

>> No.10412431

I live in NYC and even the literal worst neighborhood in the entire city (Brownsville, Brooklyn) has a few grocery stores within walking distance of the housing projects.

It really puts into perspective how much things have improved since the 1980s.

>> No.10412469

I love buildings with this aesthetic, I'd go here every day.

>> No.10412611

Sure, you use an app and they have it ready when you get there.

>> No.10412616

It sucks but I've learned to cook a lot of stuff because of not having access to it.

>> No.10412658
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It's called the midwest and they live off of hotdogs, kraft singles and sticks of butter.

>> No.10412733

where is dis

>> No.10412746

not fast food, but soda companies have been behind the big push for including soda in an "active lifestyle," where the weight is placed on doing exercise, not excluding sugar drinks. that's a big lie pushed by coke to sell more coke.

>> No.10412777 [DELETED] 

I want to see the statistics.

>> No.10412788
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You'll find them pretty much in any inner-city liquor store or deli that has had a really bad history of crime.

As for that particular picture, I have no idea but probably somewhere in Los Angeles?


>> No.10412800


I've been in Japan for 4 years now, and the marketing is pretty much the same. They even use bullshit like "superfood."

>> No.10412808

>those are the prices that I pay for eggs
Eggs here are $0.72/dozen.
Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.10412825

>move from VA a town of 12,000 in the center of the US
>have access to everything I had on the coastline except for fresh shellfish (there are fresh fish here, and we have fresh-water fish thanks to lakes, oh and hunting), as well as better produce
What the fuck is wrong with coasties? Does every left-leaning city-tard get cranky if people don't think getting boxed into to a cement prison is superior? You couldn't pay me to move back to the east coast.

>> No.10412832

I had one day at work when the EBT cards weren’t working for energy drinks and I hope I never have to relive that

>> No.10412843

Any time I hear someone talk about all the wonderful food that only exists in cities, I assume they mean Chipotle.

>> No.10412848

is this round lake right next to the 7-11?

answer me OP.

>> No.10412860

>muh mud catfish is the same as ocean fish
>muh bestest produce is our favorite monsanto gmo corn, wheat and soybean
Lol, keep thinking about your agri superiority while you buy CA fresh veg and CA and NY federal taxes keep your tired ass state fiscally solvent.

>> No.10412901

Pretty sure someone was murdered on facebook live in front of here

>> No.10412916
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I lol'd. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.10412919

>Imagine the convenience store in like Seldovia AK where all items come by boat once a week after 3hrs at sea.
I drove along the PNW coast from south of Seattle into Anchorage through Fairbanks and back again, hitting both the Alcan and Poker Creek ports. Some of the shops I stopped in were selling shit like a small box of Pop Tarts for $16. The Three Bears "grocery store" in Tok was little more than a glorified, extraordinarily overpriced convenience store.

I've been to tiny ass stores on the Big Island that had it better. A lot of Alaska really is remote as fuck.

>> No.10412969

Kroger is based in Cincinnati, m8.

>> No.10413031 [DELETED] 

>migration has anything to do with the fact red state flyover budgets are dependent on big blue states' fed income tax revenues
Ironic isn't it, /pol/tard?

>> No.10413041

Who are you?

>> No.10413117

Migration of income, idiot. Those states are hemorrhaging income. Dem-heavy states, including "fly-overs" like Illinois, Ohio, and Michigan are clearly losing it too.

Other states getting tax dollars for public works isn't relevant to businesses fleeing California. You aren't going to be paying more taxes for very long when your businesses have moved to red states because of your antics.

>> No.10413267

I had a friend who was in the military in Georgia. She ate a lot of canned veggies because she just couldn't get fresh stuff. To even get canned veggies that weren't corn or beans she had to drive a town over.

The first thing she did when she got back to Washington was buy a bunch of apples and other fruit.

>> No.10413936

is this round lake?

>> No.10414413
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I have been to every military installation that has existed in the state of Georgia since 1980 except the USMC Logistics Base near Tipton, Ga. Every single one possessed a fully functional commissary, stocked with fresh fruit and vegetables, meat and dairy, in addition to items from Europe and Japan not readily available to the average American at the time.

Even the Navy Supply Corps School in Athens, Ga had a small commissary that was fully stocked, and that town has at least 15 major grocery stores.

Only Fort Macpherson lacked a full commissary and they used the one at Fort Gillem a few miles away

I think your friend just didn’t like the fresh fruit in Georgia.

>> No.10414442
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>he's never eaten from the commissary at the USMC Logistics Base near Tipton, Ga

>> No.10415963

I've actually seen that store in OP's pic and a bunch more like it. It's in Chicago near North Lawndale on the west side. For Chicago at least alot of poor Blacks and Hispanics these are the only nearby and affordable options.i f They had a bit more cash then im sure nothing would stop them from drive a few miles north to hit a whole foods, Mariano's or Jewels. Plus alot of people(Americans in general) don't really know how to eat to live. Though I do see alot of the Mexicans have grocery stores with varying degrees of fresh/wilted produce.

>> No.10416113

We have the same prices in Oregon without the toothless inbred trailertrash retards

>> No.10416144 [DELETED] 
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Large bills dont just "crop up" like TV license men and the thought police

>> No.10416808

This. Most people shop at farmer's markets where I'm from. It's almost a holiday when it's harvest season for corn because you can get a shitload of ears for cheap.

Also a lot of people hunt and fish regularly so they end up with way more meat than they could eat, so they usually end up giving it away to friends or neighbors.

>> No.10417886

>His nation doesn't have a well developed public transport system.


>> No.10417894 [DELETED] 


>> No.10417904

>heart attack brought on by diet of corn syrup and hamburgers
>no insurance because muh freedoms

>> No.10417973

The same person who let the dogs out.

>> No.10417979

public transport sucks I don't want to sit near niggers

>> No.10418001

>He has niggers swarming all over his country.

Must be terrible.

>> No.10418097 [DELETED] 
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this. there's an aldi about a 25 minute walk from the location mentioned in this article. problem is, you can't walk down the street holding anything of value in the mound because people will just pull over on the side of the road, take your shit at gunpoint, get back in and drive off. plus, niggers just want to eat cheetos and drink jungle juice( look it up, its the discount brand of koolaid)

it's entirely the fault of the community that they'd rather spend their niggerbux stamps on cheetos and grape soda than normal fucking groceries like produce, dairy, meat. The store can't survive without enough customers coming in.

t. memphis anon that is 3 months away from moving to WA

>> No.10418127

what possesses people to live in places like this? why not move?

>> No.10418189 [DELETED] 
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i'm guessing you don't have much experience with american blacks, but these areas are 80%+ black and they could care less about their condition. it's just the way of life for them to constantly look over your shoulder, and live a life of poverty and despair in a broken down section 8 housing complex while driving a leased 2018 chevy tahoe. my point is, to them it's just normal and how black people live.

I wasn't racist until I moved to memphis. These things aren't people, they're just loud monkeys that can't reason and refuse to change

>> No.10418198 [DELETED] 

I live in an area that's about 40% black. I literally walked through a nearly 100% black housing complex just now with a $300 pair of headphones on my head and a relatively new iphone in plain sight, as I do every day. I've lived here for almost 20 years. Never had a problem.

Why don't you move?

>> No.10418218 [DELETED] 
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sir I believe your math is off. 40% isn't a majority. Memphis as a city is 2/3s black. the other third is in the white suburbs where I live. I'm moving to washington state in 3 months like i mentioned.

>> No.10418227

but we used to restrict these things, thats why you always see advertisements that 7-11 or jack in the box now accepts EBT, because they didnt before.

>> No.10418230 [DELETED] 

what math? majority? what are you talking about?

>> No.10418247 [DELETED] 
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when they become the majority is when crime skyrockets. this is the case with atlanta, memphis, detroit, chicago new orleansetc etc. 40% is not a majority of blacks.

>> No.10418267 [DELETED] 

ok, but that's an argument that was made by no one, at any point in this thread, until just now when you posted it.

you said my math was off, but I guess you were just arguing with a voice that existed in your head or something.

>> No.10418307 [DELETED] 



>> No.10418333 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 960x260, 940x260_bridgeprotestcommandpostsite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'm guessing you don't have much experience with american blacks, but these areas are 80%+ black

lol, you're just the redditor that comes in here calling us all /pol/tards cause you have no arguments yourself. just "hey man i walked around with 300 dollar headphones in bangor, maine and nothing happened"

fuck off nigger lover

>> No.10418343

It fucking sucks. You actually look forward to the neighborhood church meals because it's something different and fresh cooked. When all your food is fast food or from Family Dollar eating becomes a chore.

>> No.10418344 [DELETED] 

oh right, I forgot "experience with american blacks" only counts if the neighborhood meets an extremely specific set of criteria that you failed to articulate until after I pointed out that you were wrong

also, it was the bronx

>> No.10418349 [DELETED] 

>Most people don’t stay on food stamps that long
Stopped reading right there. Source or gtfo

>> No.10418359 [DELETED] 
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keep runnin boy

>> No.10418363 [DELETED] 

what would you hope to see as a reply? an apology for asking a question about your life decisions? you were the one who chose to move to memphis.