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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 88 KB, 969x546, 1499378474203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10560479 No.10560479 [Reply] [Original]

Donald Gorske broke his world record by officially eating 30,000 McDonald's Big Mac's Friday in Fond Du Lac.

Gorske was surrounded by family, friends and Big Mac lovers as they watched him take a bite of Big Mac number 30,000. Gorske has been eating Big Macs at least two Big Mac's a day since he took his first bite in 1972. He saves the wrappers, receipts, and bags for proof.

"When I had a Big Mac that was the best food I ever had. I knew I was going to be eating them every day," Don Gorske said.

In Big Mac attire, his proud brother Daniel Gorske came to support him. But, 40 years ago, he was a little skeptical.

"I didn't understand the magnitude of what that would become. It's been a neat journey to see him," Daniel Gorske said.

Don Gorske has been featured in the Guinness World Records and the film Super Size Me. After Friday's record-breaking Big Mac, Gorske said he's already looking forward to the next milestone and doesn't plan to stop anytime soon.

"The wife jokes it will be over when I have to put it in a blender it's over," Gorske said. "I don't think it would even be over then."


>> No.10560488

Get a job you filthy hippie

>> No.10560491

For me

>> No.10560495

>the absolute state of amerimutt man-children

>> No.10560500

He broke his own world record? How is that news? Every Big Mac he eats from the point he was given a world record is going to "break his world record."

>> No.10560506

>When I had a Big Mac that was the best food I ever had
Clearly has never tried a mcchicken

>> No.10560516

>30,000 McDonald's Big Mac's
That's a big record

>> No.10560524

yeah, worded really poorly, should say he hit a milestone

>> No.10560525

Local man eats 30,000 Big Mac
https://www facebook com/CBS58/videos/10157498926607907/

>> No.10560526

why would anyone ever order a fast food chicken sandwich?

>> No.10560528

With no survivors

>> No.10560533

>2 big macs every day
That's just the typical american diet, not news worthy

>> No.10560536

>not news worthy
in Wisconsin it is

>> No.10560544

>amerifattieclap reading comprehension

>> No.10560563

My hero.

>> No.10560569

Good point. Everyone in Wisconsin is confused about why he wasn't going to Culvers

>> No.10560576

I had culvers for lunch. i wished it was a big mac

>> No.10560580
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>tfw your local mcdonalds is being remodeled for several weeks

>> No.10560629

How does he have a wife?

>> No.10560634

Yeah, I remember he was in SuperSize Me back when he had only eaten 15-20,000.
>obsessing this hard over McDonald's worst burger.

>> No.10560646

ur right it's pathetic
he should at least have the double quarter pounder with cheese

>> No.10560658
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>> No.10560675

What shithole 3rd world country are you from?

>> No.10560679

You'll figure it out when you get older.

>> No.10560681

Double-quarter pounder is better

>> No.10560687
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I'm Lovin' It

>> No.10560691

you've clearly never tried a mcchicken

>> No.10560692

He has a jod. He worked at the Chrysler plant.

>> No.10560695

Why would I ever order a McChicken when a McDouble is a thing?

>> No.10560696

how much money is that..

>> No.10560701

It's actually "at least 2". IIRC from SuperSize Me, he always ordered 2 Big Macs at once, and most days he'd do that for both lunch and dinner for 4 total. He would never get fries or soda with it.

>> No.10560717

>SuperSize Me
fuck off with this trash movie

>> No.10560718

Less than most people spend cooking for themselves probably

>> No.10560722

McDonald's marketing is still testy I see

>> No.10560738

checked. i don't fast food, but that movie is fucking trash.


>> No.10560740

A quick search says they started out at .45 cents and are now $3.99 on average. If he bought them all at today's price, it would be ~$119, 700.00, or ~$2,660.00 a year assuming he only ate 2 a day (he said he ate more.)

>> No.10560773
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>that was the best food I ever had. I knew I was going to be eating them every day

>> No.10560778

It's pretty much the only thing he eats and he doesn't get the meal IIRC, so it's like $8 a day.

>> No.10560786
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>guy eats McDonald's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 30 days
>almost dies
>guy eats 30,000 Big Macs
>looks like that

>> No.10560793

I'm guessing he doesn't drink their coke

>> No.10560796

supersize me was vegan agitprop

>> No.10560798

For real though, he's autistic right? How else could you eat the same meal several times a day for several decades?

>> No.10560800

He's literally /ourguy/

>> No.10560804

Well yes. He literally has OCD.

>> No.10560809

Some people just plain don't get tired of eating the same thing. I could eat a burger (maybe not a specific burger like a big mac, but A burger) every day for the rest of my life and not get sick of it.

>> No.10560817

Mirin her bicep

>> No.10560819

If he was truly /ourguy/ he'd be eating McChickens, the best fast food sandwich.

>> No.10560826

Maybe if he were a lady. Hard to imagine a dude buying a chicken sandwich

>> No.10560831

>man obliterates the "fast food makes you fat" meme

>> No.10560862

Most amerilols could eat pizza every single day

>> No.10560891

He doesn't have the fries, or coke, etc. to my knowledge.

>> No.10560995

Well it is a vegetable according to their government


>> No.10561008

>because it contains a serving of vegetables as an ingredient
>hurrr you consider pizza a vegetable
And foreigners consider Americans to have inflexible minds...

>> No.10561035
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Get out

>> No.10561145

so his record of 29,999 wws beaten by himself eating number 30k.
such a task.

>> No.10561180

>not wishing that you had 1 food you loved so much that you could eat it twice a day for 40 years and never get sick of it
Eurofaggots have no soul.
No wonder you all kill yourselves, you certainly don't know how to live.

>> No.10561185

So that you can put the McChicken INSIDE the McDouble.

>> No.10561190
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>some literal who shames hismelf
>euros still get mad
Loving Every Laugh.

>> No.10561207

If he stopped eating big macs, would he die?

>> No.10561215

I would be very painful.

>> No.10561260

for he

>> No.10561282
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for you

>> No.10561400

flyover epitomized

>> No.10561411

if only mcdonalds starts selling the big mac sauce on stores i would be done with that place.

my favorite is the triple chesee burger

>> No.10561413

That movie was pretty horrible. I remember just looking up clips on YouTube to see what it was really about, and in the first scene I see, he overeats to the point of making himself vomit and was like "LOL SEE WHAT MCDONALD'S DOES TO YOU?" You can eat too much of the healthiest foods and still make yourself sick. He was a scam artist.

>> No.10561419
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We going places.

>> No.10561423

>He would never get fries or soda with it.
That's funny, because burgers can be kind of healthy on their own, and it's the soda+fries that make the meals unhealthy. A Big Mac has a fair bit of sugar and salt, and you should probably still be eating more vegetables than what you get on one, but it's really not the worst thing you could be eating. So whenever someone makes fun of Americans for eating burgers, it just shows that they don't really know what they're talking about because they should be making fun of us for having the soda instead since we consume the most sugar per capita in the world.

>> No.10561444

They did

>> No.10561450

>not mchicken, the best of fast food sandwhich

>> No.10561479

Is that a McDildo ©

>> No.10561484
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McRibbed for your pleasure

>> No.10561520
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McDonalds sells salads


>> No.10561536
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I see john lennon is back and eating hamburgers now

>> No.10561892

He doesn't get fries or a drink very often. Really makes you consider.

>> No.10562794

One day he's going to try a McChicken and realize he's wasted his life. I'd love to see it happen.

>> No.10563359

Fuck off ESL peasant

>> No.10563361

Check out the monoglot, everybody.

>> No.10563363

I speak 4 laguages actually ;^)

>> No.10563365

Why not cry about the apostrophe in the OP instead?

>> No.10563534

English, American, Canadian, and Australian?

>> No.10563551

Maybe you should pick one and focus on that instead. You managed two errors in that tiny sentence. Three if we count your crude use of "4" instead of "four".

>> No.10563805

Yeah, wouldn't he be breaking his own record and hitting milestones every fucking day?

>> No.10563823

Yes, She is a nurse practitioner.

>> No.10563911


>> No.10563997
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Is he dead ?

>> No.10564140

That guy from the documentary was purposely overeating and exaggerating how it was affecting him.

The salads are somehow more unhealthy. You'd be better off eating a burger.

>> No.10564147

he's looking good for 64
must be all those preservatives

>> No.10564261
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quite pungent indeed

>> No.10564308

A Big Mac is not exactly healthy, but still probably one of the least harmful things on the menu.

>> No.10564555
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it the french fries that will get ya

>> No.10564647

And he's right to do so desu

>> No.10564677

His brother looks like he is gay and has aids

>> No.10564690


>> No.10564719
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His wife is Japanese.

>> No.10564721

I can just imagine this guy being high as a fucking kite in 1972, and having his first Big Mac ever, and it just so completely blowing his mind that its like an orgasm everytime he has one.

>> No.10564792

>The salads are somehow more unhealthy. You'd be better off eating a burger.
The dressings alone are crazy dense in calories, same thing with burgers in most fast-food chains too, if you just take out the dressing/mayo it's suddenly hell of a lot healthier and less calorie dense.

Whenever i make burgers at home i just make simple dressing-sauce based on sour cream or yoghurt to make it not so calorie dense than mayo would be, i think it's even better tasting since mayo easily tastes just fatty while some good greek yoghurt tastes like fucking yoghurt and yoghurt is awesome and also compliments a beef-patty really fucking well!

>> No.10564803

> Big Mac guy eats 30,000 big macs and is skinny and relatively healthy and happy looking
> My vegan GF is pushing 248lbs, has a littany of health issues, and is just a miserable person to be around

fuck my life

>> No.10564808

I've noticed vegans are either obese or anorexic, with little variation in between.

>> No.10564837

This angers the obsessed bongs.

>> No.10564860

Moot used to post about cooking his own food out of his new copper pan on this board.

Fast food killed /ck/.

>> No.10564868

>Donald Gorske
There's an interesting theory in psychology, which typically applies to last names, that people subconsciously gravitate to careers that their names relate to (like someone named Baker becoming a baker). It's thought this might be related to the name impacting image of oneself and one's purpose, or that the correspondance subtly changes one's beliefs in what will bring them self-fulfillment. It's been confirmed through basic imdustry surveys that people with names relating to some subject are disproportionately represented in relevant fields. I wonder if something in this guy's brain told him that the best way for him to actualize himself was to set a record relating to the restaraunt that shares his name.

>> No.10564878


lol. Your life was already fucked when you decided to marry a judgmental vegan cunt.

>> No.10564896

It might have some nutrient deficincies, but 4 big macs a day is only 2160 calories, it gives you protien, dairy, carbohydrates, and some vegitables, and is less than twice the recommended daily value of fat. If that's really all he's eating it's not that bad of a diet, and certainly better than what many people in this country eat.

>> No.10565037

Dump. The. Bitch

>> No.10565230

here in good ole wisconsin a chicken sandwich is exchanged for a blow-j, at the least, so I cannot see receiving one from an employee at Mc's to be worth it unless the guy truly enjoys giving blow-j's. Furthermore, I cannot see a man buying one to give away for said blow-j as each transaction would be worth exactly one blow-j ie. a man would not deliver a bj to the employee just to prank a friend into giving him one.

We get bitches to buy our chicken sandwiches in order to bargain for blow-j's. common sense dictates.

>> No.10565245

I'm a vegan but i'm a healthy weight
I'm 4'10 and 235lb

I mostly eat tofu and baby carrots

>> No.10565252

It should read: local man struggles with eating disorder after consuming 30,000th big mac.

>> No.10565258

5'11" 275lbs fatass here. Youre fucking fat you nigger

>> No.10565264
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>I'm 4'10 and 235lb
>but i'm a healthy weight

lol 'Merican fattasses are so fucking in denial...

>> No.10565278

>vegan GF

American reading comprehension...

>> No.10565291

>American reading comprehension...

That's what happens when 'Merican schools tries to make everyone the same level as the dumbest, illiterate nigger.

> 12 yo Tyrone still can't read, so all you other smarter kids need to be held back, cuz equality.

>> No.10565308

So that's your excuse for why you flunked out of uni after the 1st semester and work alongside Tyrone and Shaneeka slinging burgers? Lol!

>> No.10565556

how did he not die already

>> No.10565757

Big macs are healthy

>> No.10565775

>> 12 yo Tyrone still can't read, so all you other smarter kids need to be held back, cuz equality.

Affirmative Action: Everyone be as dumb as the dumbest niggers in school.

lol @ retarded 'Merican logic

>> No.10565781


lol Yeah, If I had to attend school with your american niggers and were held back to their level, I'd be retarded too.

Get ready for the next century of Chinese dominance, illiterate 'mericans.

>> No.10565818

>so all you other smarter kids need to be held back
that's not what happens, you're just making shit up now

>> No.10565828


many vegans are obese cakeaterians

>> No.10565836

lurk more

>> No.10565860

my golden just passed away. this made me smile, thank you

>> No.10565901

Unless you're drinking every drop of salad dressing that comes with it, you're not getting all the calories though. But high in calories doesn't inherently mean it's bad, you just need to be able to balance your other meals around it.

I like having salad for dinner sometimes with a yogurt dressing, it helps make it pretty filling along with cheese/chopped hardboiled egg/walnuts. Most creamy storebought dressing are basically flavored mayo, so a real yogurt dressing has more protein and is more filling.

>> No.10566462
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>> No.10566513
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>> No.10566521
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>> No.10568532

>It's been a neat journey to see him

>> No.10568546

Can't tell if serious or ...? How do you miss a joke this badly?

>> No.10568769

It turns out you can eat fast food every day if you're willing to budget the rest of your daily nutrition around it. The problem is most people don't, so they end up still eating two other meals plus snacks and wonder why they gain weight.

>> No.10568914

These are the buns you eat at Mcdonalds.

>> No.10569009

No those are the buns he eats

>> No.10569186 [DELETED] 

>He saves the wrappers, receipts, and bags for proof.
eww where is he storing all that garbage

how much money is that?

>> No.10569368

The lack of soda. That's why spurlock got ill - liters of it every week.

>> No.10569381

Royale with cheese, amerinigger!

>> No.10569406

he's not even fat

>> No.10569420

my hero :)

>> No.10569434

mcdonalds is plastic

>> No.10569453

Fuck you I play life on hard difficulty. No easy increments of 10 for me!

>> No.10569494

>you have to be 18 to eat the Big Mac

>> No.10569503


>> No.10569508 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10569519

Is he not continually breaking his record with each new sandwich he consumes?

>> No.10569533
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>> No.10569615

>not posting the link


>> No.10569625

literally who

>> No.10569644

>and is just a miserable person to be around

Nigger you deserve better, if you're unhappy then it's time to break it off.

>> No.10569717

Run away.

>> No.10569810
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>"did you know oreos are vegan?????"
>as she proceeds to turn the 3rd pack this week into something resembling the last gore thread on /b/

>> No.10571432

More like he became the president of the greatest burger in the world, inspiring another man to become president of the greatest country in the world.

>> No.10573264

Is that the dude who was featured in the documentary Super Size me? You know the one who eats a Big Mac every single day?

How is he not Donald Trump's size?

>> No.10573271

>greatest country in the world

>> No.10573272

Hon, you gotta ditch dat zero and find yo' self a HERO.

>> No.10573279

Why not dump your GF and date the Big Mac Guy instead?

>> No.10573302

To everyone wondering how he's not fat:

A big Mac only has around 500 calories. For a man with a tdee of around 2000, that's only a quarter of his total calories used throughout the day - he can eat breakfast and lunch and still maintain his weight.

>> No.10573318

weight is all about calories in vs calories out. i doubt they have many calories, he probably works out moderately and doesn't eat much else.

>> No.10573362

Still wouldn't his triglycerides be through the roof?

>> No.10573421

Bigmac confirmed to keep hair longer and Fuller in men

>> No.10573449

super size me was faked, and the fries + soda are the bad part of fast food, not the burgers

>> No.10573525

Tell me about Donald, why does he eat the bigmac.

>> No.10573551

guy orders like 1 or probably 2 big macs every day. you can easily work that off

>> No.10574194

/b/ still has gore threads? I though it was now just all porn

>> No.10574212

super size me wasn't faked, the rule was just he had to try everything on the menu at least once, always go for the "combo" if asked and always "super size it" when asked. he just ate 3 calorie dense things a day

>> No.10574302

Him and his wife are very nice people. They go to my church.

>> No.10574680

Does he have children?

>> No.10574697

I don't think so. Its a rare occasion I see them both at church. I mostly see his wife there. Shes one of the people that volunteers to distribute the bread and wine

>> No.10574820

He has no time for Christian God when he himself is the High Priest of McDonaldland

>> No.10574843

if mcdonalds brought back the grand mac i'd go out and get one

>> No.10574997

For you

>> No.10575248

How has he not died from clogged arteries? Mcdonalds is bad for you right?

>> No.10575260

>t. increasingly nervous michelle obama

>> No.10575291

It's been pointed out already but he only eats one or two, never gets fries or soda

>> No.10575309
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>Wisconsin man
>thinks Big Macs are the best food ever

Ladies and gentleman, the flyover.

>> No.10575496

Nigga you are a bowling ball

>> No.10575629

People like you are why this site has become so cancerous. You unironically believe every single shitpost that gets squirted out and use it to fuel your crusade against "the SJW vegan menace". You faggots get baited easier than grandmas to phishing scams and then use it as an excuse to be obnoxious pieces of shit because you think you're making a difference by batting at ghosts.

>> No.10575665
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Does this guy legitimately exist, or did McDonald's just make this up as a marketing gimmick?

I feel like there's no way this is real.

>> No.10575796

He's real. Brother used to work at the McDonalds he would go to every day

>> No.10575813

>When I had a Big Mac that was the best food I ever had.
This says all we need to know about the American diet.

>> No.10575839

He looks like he smells bad, people that eat mcdonalds everyday smell weird but they don't notice it.

>> No.10575860

The joke is that Wisconsin is boring so they'd usw anything for news.
Not sure how that says he has bad reading comprehension.

>> No.10575866

mustve never been there

>> No.10575961

Not much different than New York pizza autists.

>> No.10576030
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a true patriot

>> No.10576039
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>greenest place i've ever seen
>drunkest place i've ever seen

>> No.10576056

>eating a couple or more Big Macs with no soda and fries, maintaining an active lifestyle

>vs eating ~5000 calorie Happy Meal and not exercising at all

Gee, what's the difference? And that's not even taking individual variances in metabolism into account, which is a whole other can of worms.


To be fair, Spurlock's one-month binge wasn't far removed from how a lot of Americans spend their entire lives. And you can't really exaggerate the disastrous effects of rapid weight gain, liver damage, circulatory problems and a litany of other disorders either.

>> No.10576431

>wonders why his stomach always hurts and cramps
>has constant diarrhea
I think the greatest accomplishment is that he isn't dead yet

>> No.10576613

source on this

>> No.10576635

God bless America

>> No.10576713


Why would he be dead he is clearly healthy look at the OP to confirm.

>> No.10578004

This doesn't make it any less incredible to me. I feel like I'm gonna die when I eat one big mac.

>> No.10578041

all i can taste in big macs are the soggy bread and tons of mayo

>> No.10578447

>w-whiter than you mohammed
Kek the mutthurt never disappoints.

>> No.10578579

>"Look, he's not fat! He'll be fine haha"

>> No.10578615

They expect one of us in the wreckage, Hamburglar!

>> No.10578669

Someone appears upset
Big Macs taste like shit anyway

>> No.10578877

That's because you're a pussy.

>> No.10578904

>To be fair, Spurlock's one-month binge wasn't far removed from how a lot of Americans spend their entire lives. And you can't really exaggerate the disastrous effects of rapid weight gain, liver damage, circulatory problems and a litany of other disorders either.
The guy claimed to be eating 5000 calories a day but never released his calorie journal, even when skeptics asked for it. He definitely was hamming it up with the 'booo hoooh I got bad health' garbage.

Watch "Fat Head", it's like Super Size Me except with more transparency and less blatant lying.

If I sound mad, it's because I'm upset that people can fall for such blatant misinformation. I used to like the Super Size meal. I work out a lot so I need to eat a lot of calories. Now, because this vegan dickhead wanted to make money from a dishonest documentary, I can't get supersize meals anymore.

>> No.10579922

Unironically this

>> No.10581674

How does he get out without breaking all the Big Macs?

>> No.10581706

He has to eat all of them before he can leave.

>> No.10582113

i know this feel, i dont want new chairs i want mcchickens

>> No.10582377

Mine stayed open but it was drive-through only. The renovations were really nice though.

>> No.10582402

As someone who makes documentaries, they seriously blow every attention grabbing thing out of proportion. That guy was probably fine with very minor health issues.