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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10652913 No.10652913 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10652916


>> No.10652974

hallelujah he's back

>> No.10652999

The jam cookie is a nice touch.

>> No.10653011


>> No.10653016
File: 3.04 MB, 444x250, 1527151254989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dam were just saying on her last night he was gone for a month must have died from that 100 year old meat, NICE

>> No.10653034

These modern australian rations look pretty good.

>> No.10653044
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the chinaman grip over australia tightens

>> No.10653053

God damn now I want some noodles.

>> No.10653070

Ughhh you couldn't be more politically and economically incorrect get the fuck off ck

>> No.10653188


>> No.10653197
File: 65 KB, 650x400, w-sob-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature

STFU you slant-eyed Oriental.

>> No.10653211

Dirty gook.

>> No.10653217

careful... he might try to high kick you in the pelvis with all the force 92 lbs of math nerd can generate

>> No.10653221


>> No.10653230

How come everytime there is a thread about how steve hasn't made a video in a while and probably died a new one comes out the next day? D-does he come here?

>> No.10653234

even if he does

you're still not special

>> No.10653236

>thread about steve not posting a video in a month and worry for his well-being
>new video posted hours later
stevo lurks here

>> No.10653313


I love the cut between meals

>> No.10653316

maybe OP is stevo

>> No.10653346


he's so positive

>> No.10653355

viral advertising

>> No.10653360

Unlike this thread. Shame.

>> No.10653437

am I the only one that prefers his MRE reviews from the past 10 or so years rather than the ancient ones?
The other ones are interesting but pretty much the same every time. Opens it up, shits rancid, tries to eat some of it, smokes a ciggie or two
I find it more interesting to see what other countries have out their these days for their rations and he gives a good idea of what their food quality is like

>> No.10653442

I can't believe that Steve literally meatspinned at the camera.
And for breakfast!

>> No.10653446

Yeah, me too. The old ones are more interesting as historic documents than product showcases.

>> No.10653482

What does vegemite tastes like? I don't have it where I live.

>> No.10653485


>> No.10653507


>> No.10653510

Concentrated shitposting.

>> No.10653514

if you make beer

just save the yeast patty from the bottom of the primary fermenter and eat that


>> No.10653610

lets check out this protein drink, essentially
>oh wow

>> No.10653644

Found the faggot.

>> No.10653722
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>> No.10653736

Gotta whip it.

>> No.10653763
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>> No.10654064

The modern ones always make me hungry, most of the mains look delicious. Wish I could get some that weren't stupid expensive.

>> No.10654068

Do you think we will ever find out about some dark shit about his life or past that will strip him of all respect forever?

>> No.10654111
File: 19 KB, 225x225, 9FAD5C62-5813-44D2-A118-3356B5638759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Steve holds back and cucks you out of spoon tap tunes
>Edges you for every drink
>Stirs and taps out a song at dinner after 20 minutes

>> No.10654298

i wish i had the money to buy and eat lots of rations

>> No.10654303

keep wishing. I am sure it will get you there.

Steve mowed lawns.

>> No.10654537

>Was able to find one of the good looking french 24 hour ones he reviewed not long ago for $35
>After shipping it came out to $90 and I decided to cancel the order
The shipping fucking kills it man. I was excited too.

>> No.10654589

It’s really interesting how he’s so good you can enjoy both. If he only did the gross out old ones it would really paint him into a corner and force him to escalate.

>> No.10654592

>Shipping is a nightmare.
>The packages are designed with low weight in mind.
How does that shit work, postal service?!

>> No.10654602

Nice, I get really worried for Steve when the time between videos gets around a month or longer.

If everyone was in the world were replaced with clones of him, would that mean that they would stop producing military MREs (because there would be no more war)?

>> No.10654632

DUDE let's sell all our minerals without adding value lmao

>> No.10654641


>> No.10654874

I was triggered by the last 24 hour aussie ration he did when he made the Mi Goreng wrong. This was a pleasant surprise.

>> No.10654875

...Musk flavored?

>> No.10654882

shh Chankaro

>> No.10654915

Bros... I'm having Steve cold turkey....
Why does he upload so little all of the sudden?

>> No.10654934

Because he needs actual rations to eat or there is no video. Though I do remember he was contemplating doing outdoor camping videos.

>> No.10654942

>Musk flavor
australian cuisine

>> No.10654952


Good shit yo

>> No.10654965

he's really shaking in this one

>> No.10655249
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>that little jingle he always makes by splicing together clips of the spoon hitting glass when stirring a drink

>> No.10655320
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post rares

>> No.10655332
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>> No.10655347

Every time he comments about wanting some of those fruit bars, aren't they the kind you can buy in grocery stores or am I missing something? Because they totally looks like Sunrype Fruit to Go.

>> No.10655393

I miss armhair ponytail steve

>> No.10655445

>ywn taste Steve’s musk stick

>> No.10656167

>tfw Steve has gaslit me into spending huge sums of money on foreign MREs
>Tried all the common countries and am now spending over $80 on rarer countries rations
>spent $100 on a one meal Japanese
>Thinking of buying a Indonesian for more than that

I need to catch them all guys, I just need to

>> No.10656183
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>> No.10656209


>> No.10656271

Where did you order it from? mRE mountain is cheap if you live in the US

>> No.10656283


>> No.10656460

Now you know how Steve feels when he devours 100 year old MREs

>> No.10656501

Not nice

>> No.10656661
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>> No.10656685

i though t he died after the last video

>> No.10656717

get control of your life son

>> No.10656942

Does Steve have palsy? Why are his hands always shaking?

>> No.10656947

I could really use a blessing right now


>> No.10656949

he's excited. also he likes to work out before he eats

>> No.10656964

I think he once responded in a comment saying that he works out before doing these

>> No.10658720

He's still alive, praise Steve

>> No.10658769

>He's still alive, praise Steve
I see what you did there.

>> No.10658859

not me
Some independent seller, probably the reason it was so much. MRE mountain didn't have any I really wanted.

>> No.10659236


>> No.10659294

Nothing like the shakes you get from lifting and feeling dead after. 200% nice.

>> No.10659509

Fucking same. he knows what we want, and how to keep us coming back for more.

>> No.10659623

Steve’s are intrinsically patriotic. If the elite Steve’s power corrupts them and they use nationalism for evil they would absolutely force the working class Steve’s to go to war, which they would out of duty.

>> No.10659744

Steve is the kind of guy that helps you move, then buys YOU pizza and beer.

>> No.10659787

His videos are so pleasant

>> No.10659791
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>> No.10659898

I want to have Steve help me move then! Maybe he would share an MRE with me.. or maybe even a Lucky Strike.

>> No.10659933


>> No.10659958

MRE Zone is really good I just bought a whole bunch of IMPs from that guy.

Also waiting on 6x Kazakh rations from Rocket Store from Ebay. I paid $125 shipped.

Anyone here ever try a Kazakh? Steve has not reviewed one yet. I saw Emmy did one but I really want to know what Steve thinks of them.

>> No.10659961

Just watched his videos for the first time, is it wrong to say he's just like a grownup Reviewbrah? It feels uncannily similar.

>> No.10660005
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>> No.10660023

>ordered case of MREs from mremountain last Friday
>still no tracking info


>> No.10660033

How do I get a /fit/ body like Steve?

>> No.10660035

mow lawns, work out

>> No.10660047

fuck, he's such a chad

>> No.10660069

>want to buy us army mre
>€18 for the mre
>about the same amount shipping

>> No.10660082


>> No.10660134

He cut his hair :(

>> No.10660149


>> No.10660245

>no hiss
chickety check yourself before you wreck yourself

>> No.10660381

>30 minutes
>starting with a modern
aw yis

>> No.10660399

China nigger detected.

>> No.10660805
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>> No.10660816


>> No.10661009


>> No.10662276

Australia is rightful Chinese clay!

>> No.10663467


>> No.10663552

FUCK YOU GUYS!! I have been watching this asshole for 4 hours and have 3 24 rations on my Ebay watch list. Fuck

>> No.10664154


Tastes like insect repellant and salt. It's only good if you add a little to jam on toast.

>> No.10664226

Steve is getting swole af

>> No.10664248

Why would you guys buy MREs when you can buy fresher, better tasting food for cheaper?
MREs are literally made to feed troops where they are unable to find a normal food supply, why pay lots for and eat them when you do have a proper food supply?

>> No.10664254
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Why do his hands shake so much?

>> No.10664290
File: 713 KB, 1882x714, fuck_you_steve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watch new Steve video
>See MRE Mountain suddenly selling 2018 MCW on amazon


>> No.10664310

he is becoming a giant muscle

>> No.10664349


>> No.10664360

Because they come in little plastic packages that you get to rip apart

>> No.10664401

Because I'm a fat loser who wants to LARP as a big strong soldier in the woods.

>> No.10664412

Wrong, I'm a skinny loser who wants to RP as big fat soldier.

>> No.10664438

Just make your own MRE.
You need some cardboard boxes, some shelf-stable bread/biscuits, some canned meat or potted meat, some freeze-dried food, instant tea or coffee, juice powder etc. Add a few random items to boxes without looking, hot sauce or some other condiments. Mark boxes with expiry date. Call them Kekistan 1 man 24 hour MREs or whatnot.
Store away for a few years (in a dark dry cool place) so you forget whats in them. Then open them up. Make a video out of it.

>> No.10664445
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Ooh, better yet, do a swap with a friend. Surprise MRE!

>> No.10664865

I love watching him smoke

>> No.10665067

damn steve is hot. I would suck the corn out of his ass and make cornbread

>> No.10665113

Yo what's with that penmanship

>> No.10665152

True character that's what.

>> No.10665157

I want Steve to jack me off with the force of his shaky hands alone

>> No.10665178

I want Steve to fuck me hard up the ass, so when he slides his cock out, air escapes my gaping asshole and he said "nice hiss"

>> No.10665200
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>tfw you nut and Steve says "ew, ew no, god" but keeps sucking

>> No.10665213 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 258x145, IMG_1213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no hiss

>> No.10666687

>>106530Those are Indonesian not chinese

>> No.10666803

He...he worked out right before writing that.

>> No.10666809

Delete this immediately

>> No.10668255

>>tfw you nut and Steve says "ew, ew no, god" but keeps sucking

>> No.10668264

any /fa/ggots know what brand shoes those are

>> No.10669357


>> No.10669658

Tfw this is my first Steve video

>> No.10671147
File: 466 KB, 1555x1011, MKS.US_.Case_.3D.Front_.Panel_.2013.w.MRE_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make your own MRE or at least prepare something that last for few days without refrigerator and require little to no cooking?

>> No.10671156

>>how do you make your own MRE
you don't.

>>last for a few days without refrigerator
-home canning
-trail mix

>> No.10671167 [DELETED] 


>> No.10672039

I didn't mean actual MRE, I meant more along the lines of tightly packed food for in 24 hours one man ration that doesn't spoil easily.
My job started to require me to stay overnight, with no cooking facilities.
I usually just bring with me some spam cans and eat it with my spork.

>> No.10673240


Catch what, every foodborne organism known to man

>> No.10673476

Didn't know Steve was /ck/ figured /k/ would claim him. I found his videos this week and they're the comfiest in YouTube entertainment

>> No.10673719


>> No.10673723

holy shit... a man which writes like me.

>> No.10673727

my threads about him always get deleted. maybe he is more /k/

>> No.10674692


>> No.10676065

/k/ sent him a remove kebab patch you can see in the background of his torso shots

>> No.10676068

just make sandwiches and pack them with a cold pack

>> No.10676077

he writes like a six year old damn

>> No.10676852
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