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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10669022 No.10669022[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I gave you two.

what did he mean by this?

>> No.10669036

whats this from?

>> No.10669042

James K, My 600-lb Life.


>> No.10669044

At first he thought he only had one eggroll. A lil one at that. Next he is corrected, he is told he received two eggrolls.

>> No.10669045
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>> No.10669048

Judging from the photo I suppose he might not have been able to see the second egg roll from that angle.

>> No.10669721

Post his legs

>> No.10669745

>james you know the doctor said you aren't supposed to be eating rice

>BUT ITS FRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what in the fuck did he mean by this?

>> No.10669765

Addicts say the dumbest shit when they're trying to get their fix.

>> No.10669797

I wanted him to succeed. Don't get me wrong, some people on that show, I watch only to make fun of, like Steve Assanti. James tho, I was rooting for him the whole time.

>> No.10670939

Same. He actually wanted help, unlike a lot of the fatties on the show, but his food addiction won out in the end.

>> No.10670992

Did he die?

>> No.10671012

he is too fat to lift his head high enough to see that indeed, there is a second egg roll hiding behind the first one.

>> No.10671029
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Why doesn't his family just stop feeding him? From the looks of things he's too fat to stand or crawl. They're responsible for his weight.

>> No.10671073

Last we've heard he was dying of sepsis and kidney failure.

>> No.10671083

Isn't that what happens when you get poopoo in your bloodstream? Does this bloke have poor hygiene to match his poor diet?

>> No.10671096

Bacteria in the bloodstream, yes. Also his gf reported he has cirrhosis of the liver too.

>> No.10671098

My gf was watching a lot of that show and talking to me about it ~1 year ago. Since then she's gone from 155 to 120lbs out of what I now assume was pure disgust.

>> No.10671100

nah he gets out of bed to shower and bathe every day, what the fuck do you think

>> No.10671129
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Does he think something being fried makes it better?

>> No.10671140


>> No.10671142

He might be one of those people who think you can burn the calories out of food. Yes, they exist.

>> No.10671145

>his gf

>> No.10671158

Maybe he used to go out and do things instead of spending all day on a locomotive identification forum

>> No.10671164

They obviously met when he was lighter and not bedridden. He also has a daughter, who had to drop out of school to help take care of him.

>> No.10671179
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>> No.10671259

>that documentary where the wife ends up murdering the fat guy before leaving and everyone pretends he committed suicide

>> No.10671306

How do you get this fat. I have trouble getting up to 200 lbs

>> No.10671489

post it

>> No.10671514

That should really be part of the treatment desu. These enablers are almost as mentally ill as the person trying to lose weight

>> No.10671525


>> No.10671648

>When Dr. Now asks the enabler why they continue over-feeding them, the typical response is "If I don't give them what they want they'll get mad"
Who cares? It's not like they can chase after you. Just give him a normal person's portion, walk away, and check on them periodically to make sure they're still breathing.

>> No.10671653

Reminder that this thing has a gf and meanwhile there are tons of able bodies robot adults on /r9k/. I guess at least you can sleep well knowing his gf isn't a super model or pornstar looking type.

>> No.10671685

The problem with /r9k/ is that they don't want to lower their standards to a realistic point. They're like feminists where they would rather be alone and bitter than attached to a low status partner.

>> No.10671692
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>Mfw I have a secret fat fetish and have to hide my boner when they have they show the obese woman naked showering.

My gf is 110lbs and a former college athlete, I can't imagine her disgust if she knew.

>> No.10671697

I don't blame them or anyone for that matter not wanting to lower their standards. If you aren't attracted to the person you are with then you are only going to make yourself extremely miserable. People who say these things are thinking too logically on this. Yes it makes sense that hot people should fuck hot people and uglies fuck uglies. But that isn't how humanity really works. People want an attractive mate. No self respecting guy is going to want to be with a disgusting looking woman. Women know this to. They just don't get shamed much about it.

>> No.10671708

O W !

>> No.10671723

Jesus fucking christ, I never saw a close up of that shit but fuck that shit is so inflamed it looks rock hard.

Also didn't he die yet? He was in the icu for a while right?

>> No.10671733

Fat Fetish girls are out there too. No lie I'd probably try something with a girl that big

>> No.10671741

how do you even get this fat?
I'm 6'3 210 and i feel disgusting every time i look myself at the mirror (going back to the gym this week tho)

>> No.10671743

How do you deal with boners outside when you come across a group of thicc women wearing short shorts and a tight shirt?

>> No.10671751

mah layigs

>> No.10671810


adding fat slows down the metabolism of simple carbs

>> No.10671850
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The UK has better fat people shows.

>> No.10671856

>"But if we don't feed him he might starve to death!"
>"He has to eat more healthy foods!"
>Scene where the family is eating pizza and fried chicken around him.

>> No.10671868

Most of them have no willpower themselves.
That includes the willpower to tell others "no"

>> No.10671874
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And if you spend your whole life wanting a Ferrari you're never going to realize how lucky you are to just have a car that fulfills the needs a car should fulfill. Most girls I've been with that I didn't find that physically attractive usually made up for it in the personality and sexual craziness departments and I'm fine with that. I'd like a gf that looks like Sofia boutella as much as they want a bf that looks like Thor but we're both realistic and have the ability to be happy with what we've got. However r9k posters have never talked to girls and I guess that's why they can only focus on physically attractive stacys since they don't understand that a partner can have more than just a nice face and body.

>> No.10671875
File: 102 KB, 780x780, Khalorie Drogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best shows for fat people?

>> No.10671900

>comparing a living person you will be romantic with to a car

I didn't even need to read the rest of your shit. Go fuck a 1 out of 10 before spewing more trash.

>> No.10671906

I have no problem dating a woman who isn't extremely attractive, but I won't date a woman who is overweight, has no real hobbies, or has bad hygiene. I work hard to look good and better myself. Excepting deformities, most women can easily be 7/10 if they take care of themselves and have style, but most women prefer to be slobs. I'm not a robot but I've only had 1 gf and I'm 24 because I have high standards.

>> No.10671915

>Sofia Boutella
My dude.

>> No.10671951

fry it up
look at that crackling, beautiful

>> No.10672015

omg no
i will never eat again

>> No.10672023

>6'3" 210 lbs
That's a fairly normal weight for your height. Or is it all fat because you don't lift like every man should?

>> No.10672060
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>> No.10672062

Luckily I'm a decent 5/10 so I've never had to set my standards that low :^) Also
>not being just as romantic with your car as you are with your woman
I mean as long as you're still putting yourself out there instead of going your own way that's fine. I've just encountered too many guys oblivious about their own inadequacies that break their own hearts chasing girls who obviously don't give a shit about them because they happened to be hot AND know what the word anime means while ignoring less hot girls that are fucking perfect for them because she's as unattractive as they are.

>> No.10672071

that is one hot slice, my friend

>> No.10672671

Literally marriage tier for me

I stare but I can control myself. When I watch 500lbs of adipose tissue jiggle and shudder I cannot

>> No.10672791
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ITT: morbidly obese people talk about even more morbidly obese people.

Shoot him in the face and burn the pile. NEXT!

>> No.10672908
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>> No.10672931

Imagine a kicking, screaming baby, except the baby is now a grown adult and weighs over 600 pounds.

>> No.10672944

He actually has two kids but the son was never shown, the girlfriend also had the first kid (or was it both?) while she was married to another man.

>> No.10673105
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>> No.10673171
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>> No.10673220

These huge people tend to be extremely manipulative and they act out massively, like >>10672931 suggested, if you don't give them what they want.
They are masters of making their family feel guilty for not bringing them food.
Don't ever feel sorry for these fat sacks of shit, but do feel sorry for the wives and kids who are being manipulated by them. They tend to be pretty mentally weak folks obviously.

>> No.10674310

its just boggles the fuck out of my mind how people get that fat. I know im fat cause i eat shitty food and dont exercise that much, but like.. what in the fuck do you have to do to get THAT fat?

>> No.10674328

>what in the fuck do you have to do to get THAT fat?
Constantly eating far more than you need to over the course of your life. These people on the show were hitting the 300's in their teenage years.

>> No.10674446
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>Just a taste.

>> No.10674505

Christ, at my heaviest I was 299 and when I realized that I was that close to 300 pounds, Immediately begun to lose weight and change my diet.

How do you let it get that bad /ck/

>> No.10674531

Of all the people on this shit show, I hate this guy the most. It's always triggering to see him here. It would give me great pleasure to beat his blubbery ass with a barbed wire baseball bat and then feed him a tub of marshmallows as an apology.

>> No.10675000
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You're delusional, you seem to think it's easy to find a mentally sane and loyal partner as of 2018.

You're more likely to fuck "Sofia boutella" than to find a regular women that isn't like pic related as of today.

>hey, just invest your time in a loosened up ugly whore that'll cuck you at the drop of a hat
>car analogy
You wouldn't buy a thirteenth-hand car, and you definitely wouldn't take care and invest in a car shared with unknown people, no matter if ferrari or fiat.

>> No.10675083

You can. Charcoal is basically calorie free.

>> No.10675088

You're overestimating how much they need to eat to get fat, if you take a baby and feed it an appropriate amount of food plus one cookie on top every day it's going to grow up into a fat as fuck teen.
>How do you let it get that bad /ck/
Live with other fat people and allow obesity to become the new normal. I don't remember any of these 600 pound lifers having an in-shape family.

>> No.10675097

It's also nutrient free.

>> No.10675178

>You're overestimating how much they need to eat to get fat, if you take a baby and feed it an appropriate amount of food plus one cookie on top every day it's going to grow up into a fat as fuck teen.

You are a gigantic retard, the fatter you are the more calories you burn just by existing, he would stabilize his weight adapting to the extra cookie, his weight would not grow linearly infinitely.

t. /fit/

>> No.10675197
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Actual true story inbound:

>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>farts uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down

>> No.10675377

He predicted that a 16-year-old's first boyfriend wouldn't stay with her forever?
Guy must be fucking psychic.

>> No.10675381

kys Cletus

>> No.10675438

Oh hell, that just sounds like a real version of the Tendies greentexts.

>> No.10676177

What a dumb story. Just terrible in every aspect

>> No.10676355

It would stabilize at fat as fuck you god damned genius. When did I say he would turn into godzilla from eating an extra cookie? Fat costs almost nothing to maintain, metabolically.

>> No.10676375

Well they didnt start as larps, /r9k/ has some real, actual, unironic turbo autists

>> No.10676395

>one cookie
>probably 60-70 kcal at max
>would stabilize at fat as fuck
Are you re-
>Fat costs almost nothing to maintain, metabolically.
Oh yes, you got the downs son.

>> No.10676452

>60-70 kcal
Actual cookies are twice that and up depending on size.
Put in a surplus of 150 calories and see what result that gets you after two years. I'm getting 20 pounds.
>Oh yes, you got the downs son.
Right. On the other hand you think it makes sense for calorie storage tissue to burn a lot of calories just existing.

>> No.10676511

Well I'm not american, so I'm not accustomed to american cookies.
>150 kcal surplus
Absolutely irrelevant, that won't make you "fat as fuck", you're a joke. Fat is living tissue and it needs calories to keep being alive, it increases your BMR.

I'm not really going to go back and forth about water being wet. /ck/ is really retarded when it comes to nutrition. You better keep frying eggs and let grown up calory stuff to /fit/, the actual people that look good.

>> No.10676562

>get BTFO
>I-I'm not going to argue with you
Okay, bye sweetie. If you care so much what /fit/ thinks go ask them what happens if you eat a calorie surplus without lifting so they can tell you you'll get fat just like I told you you'll get fat.

>> No.10676597

For a lot of enablers, the fat guy is also their boss. If he doesnt like what you are feeding him, he will just sack you and get onto another care agency for an enabler who will feed him what he wants.

>> No.10677199

this is the worst story i have ever read on this shit site

>> No.10677214

Actually that amount of weight requires more muscle for support, so they are right. Being that fat takes a lot of energy to support, if the person is still functional in some way

>> No.10677229
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Anon, I need you lose 50 pound by next month.

>> No.10677243
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Watch the Assanti fatkino trilogy if you want to see what IRL tendie greentexts look like. Pic related. It's several hours of nonstop autism, extreme dysfunction and memes.

>> No.10677556

>Actually that amount of weight requires more muscle for support
That is entirely dependent on the amount of exercise they do. You can't honestly believe that a fat kid in the iPhone generation is getting an appropriate amount of exercise.

>> No.10677563

How much would you need to be payed to do this job?