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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10710348 No.10710348 [Reply] [Original]

what foods cause acne?

>> No.10710374

cow milk

>> No.10710386

dairy, chocolate

>> No.10710483

all the good stuff

>> No.10710486

None. Acne is caused by hormones, literally nothing else. Fucking dumbass underage burn out.

>> No.10710487
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>2017, colorized

>> No.10710500

>food has no effect on hormones

>> No.10710523

It is also caused by oils on your face. I worked in a pizza place, oil was fucking everywhere and it made me break out like crazy. I quit, and stopped breaking out. Then I worked at a job where I sweat all the time... started breaking out like crazy again. Quit, and got an office job, I don't break out anymore. My friend never broke out until she got an office job where she sits on the phone all day... now she breaks out because she rests her head on her hand and the oils get on her face and clog her pores. It's not just hormones... hormones can just make you more prone to breaking out.

Seriously, if you have mild to moderate acne just get a warm cloth every morning in the shower and soak your face with really warm water. Just water. Do not use soap or anything else. Do this in the morning for about 5-10 minutes to just open the pores and get everything out... do this GENTLY... do not scrub... just a very gentle press and slight push to wipe off anything coming out. Do this at night as well and make sure you have fresh clean pillow cases. Get 4 pillows, and alternate pillows every day if you have to. Within 30 days you will have almost no acne as long as you dont touch your face and do this consistently.

>> No.10712416

any good foods to eat so I can die and not have to deal with the crippling insecurity of this?

>> No.10712423

show us how bad it is

>> No.10712513


>> No.10712553


Sugar literally causes acne dummy, try eating a no sugar diet for a month and see how much acne you have then

>> No.10712569

Your entire second paragraph is bullshit. Literally THIS ONE SIMPLE TRICK-tier, I do all of that to an obsessive degree and I still break out all the time.
It is 100% hormones and genetic disposition. Some people just get fucked when it comes to acne.

>> No.10712582
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>> No.10712587

It's a little bit more than that, having parents that teach their kids how to wash with soap, water, and a washcloth really helps to avoid acne.

>> No.10712597


I went on a no sugar diet except for certain fruits like blueberries and cranberries and I stopped having redness and acne on my face. I also washed my hair with teatree oil and lemon sage and it helped with facial acne. I wash my face every morning and night with warm water. For body acne might want to try washing with soap that doesn't have perfumes and shit like ivory soap or something.

>> No.10712599

Parents actually doing their jobs and teaching their kids might not be too politically correct these days.

>> No.10712603
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go vegan

>> No.10712632
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Cute birdo, here's another

>> No.10712634

None. That’s all a fucking lie. But if you get greasy foods on your face, and don’t wash, that will definitely cause acne.

>> No.10712680


>> No.10712703

Dairy, soy, eggs, sugars, so that includes breads and pastas.

>> No.10712711

Your third sentence is bullshit. Literally MY EXPERIENCE MUST BE EVERYBODY'S tier.

>> No.10714013

Or, you know, like, maybe acne goes away after a while

>> No.10714318

Just drink more water and don't touch your face. Wash with a good cleanser and moisturize.

>> No.10714869

American food.

>> No.10715539


Are you a girl? Hormonal acne is for girls with periods, that's how they know it's hormonal, you retard. Male acne might be caused by hormones but it doesn't matter, since it's ultimately caused by bacteria infecting pores.

Diet does have an influence, but Ivory soap is terrible advice.

Good advice
Washcloths are too harsh, and not just any soap. You'll want a gentle facial cleanser and a soft konjac sponge or microfiber cloth

>> No.10715842

Thats a rat with wings.

>> No.10715868

Yeah okay, that's why almost every teenager going through puberty has acne and meanwhile virtually no adults have it. Because no adults ever sweat, eat sugar, eat dairy, have bacteria on their faces any of the other pseudo science bullshit you idiots mentioned (that sarcasm if you couldn't tell).

It's hormones. That's literally all it is. Use some fucking common sense, morons. You have acne as a teenager, then as an adult you don't. Unless you're one of those unlucky adults with retarded hormones, then you might have it as an adult as well. You can deprive yourself of sugar or whatever else you want, it won't do jack shit.

>> No.10715905


>> No.10716441

You don't call it "hormonal acne" unless you're a girl and youve identified your monthly spike in androgens as the main cause of acne. Every process in the body is hormonal in some way, which is why is retarded to call it hormonal acne. Androgens boost sebum production which is why teens have bad acne, but plenty of adults have bad acne their entire lives, at least until their skin dries out decades later. Plenty of super high-test men never have a zit in their lives.

>> No.10716466

I had acne for years but I have been very successful with these products...

Glycolic Acid
Silicone Facial scrubber
Lotion soap bar(i.e. Dove) with the silicone scrubber
Lotion that lists that it doesn't clog pours on your face. I picked up a cheap bottle from Trader Joes.
Lotion Salicylic lotion on the troublesome mini pimps and/or your face gets oily.

If you tend to have razor bumps after you shave, I suggest hair removal cream. I use Nair for men on my chin and neck area. Regular razor for moustache region.

If you have any questions, just reply to this post or your mom dies.

>> No.10716493
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>Nair for men
Is this like pocky for men? What possible reason could there be to make a special line of nair "for men" except to cater to insecure flyovers who think they're going to turn gay if they buy a bottle of chemicals with an ambiguous sexual identity?

>> No.10716506


>> No.10716514

Peanut butter. It takes a couple weeks for it to cause acne and a couple weeks for it to get out of your system, but if you eat it consistently, it will give you acne.

>> No.10716555

It's probably a stronger formula. Nair won't remove my hair. Men have much tougher body hair than women.

But then again women are so self-absorbed they probably never noticed how difficult it can be for a man to groom himself compared to a woman.