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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10721760 No.10721760 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything more comfy after a cool spring night of billiards and a few beers than eating hot soup while smoking a cig?

Soup is chicken corn chowder with some Old Bay and Texas Pete.

>> No.10721796

Used to work at wawa, even if I was drunk I wouldn't go near that soup for less than a grand. The rethermalizers are fucking disgusting. (Most of the non-oven hot food is in frozen bags that are put into hot water baths that are only changed once a day, and rarely cleaned out. Spillage happens all the time so the water is usually a rusty soupy mess of stuffing(during the gobbler season), gravy, mac, and chicken noodle soup.

Beggars can't be choosers but I'd go with a taco truck taco with some beers, sans cig.

>> No.10721804

>breaded chicken, buffalo sauce, lettuce, tomato, roasted peppers, salt, pepper on 10" white roll
If you don't eat this sandwich you don't know SHIT about Wawa®.

>> No.10721810

As a man who lacks pretentions, I like to cool off after a hard days work with a crisp chilled Bud.

>> No.10721811

I worked at Wawa until I was 26 (4 years ago) and quit shortly after becoming an FFM because I got a real job. Honestly, the only thing that grossed me out was some of the prepackaged meats. When I started we still had slicers. The nasty turkey juices especially made me gag. Sliced turkey should't be packed in slime.

>> No.10721833

My name is Harold. I enjoy it all.
>Soupy Life
>Sleep Soup
Life is good fellas

>> No.10721840

>got a real job
I feel you senpai. I remember coming into work and noticing a 40 yo lady with down syndrome working as an associate and thinking, I'm going to work within an inch of my life to get a promotion, save up enough, and quit once I hit my milestone.

After 2 months of sometimes 70 hour weeks, I got the raise, started making 13 an hour. When I hit my mark, I left. Never looked back since.

>> No.10721864

Honestly, for a convenience store job Wawa is pretty solid. I was able to pay my bills and still enjoy my free time with my paychecks and the health benefits Wawa offered while I was there were on par with what you'd expect with an office salary. To my knowledge, the GM at my store would rake in around 100k annually. If all else had failed in my life I would've stuck around and climbed up the ladder, but I had been sitting on a science degree and felt it was time to move on.

>> No.10721886

Jesus. I was halfway through a medical program and left to do some soul searching. It was strange to see such a strange mix of people working in the store. Everyone from single mothers to drug addicts to savants and semi-retired bored VP's of pretty large credit unions. It was definitely the experience that I thought it would be, and in some ways I learned a lot from it.

>> No.10721894

Working there was definitely an experience I'm glad I had. Of course, that could be because I spent nearly 10 years of my young-adult life working there, but even so I find myself sentimental when thinking back to some of the memories. So many fun work stories, strange customers, nights at the bar with the 2nd shift crew still in work gear and of course the 2 coworkers I dated. Sometimes I'll hear a song pop up that had been overplayed on the Wawa radio station and instantly it sends me back. It's a shame that the new corporate leadership has lost touch with the food quality and attention to staffing. It's all seem to have gone downhill in recent years with them substituting quality ingredients for cheaper alternatives to save a few dollars.and then shorting the staff during some of the busier hours to cut labor costs.

>> No.10721902

You're absolutely correct about that last spot. I remember people essentially opting out of rush-prone shifts, especially with dramatic shift cuts to save the budget, which went straight to the GM's bonus.

It's nostalgia at work, but I still have good memories from it. Working from 6am to midnight two days in a row then working the next day from 6am to 2pm and starting to smell colors. Going bowling with the second shift guys and getting schwasted. Hearing war stories from an old vet who worked under carter and was involved in more than a few crazy diplomatic issues during the seventies even after he discharged. Putting out fires in the parking lot. Arranging the hot dogs in a swaztika pattern in the oven so the oven papers became Third Reich flags. Good times.

>> No.10721905

Oh, and watching a guy shove like 4 sizzlies down his gullet in the freezer. It was like a fast-forward clip of an anaconda swallowing a tapir. Magnificent.

>> No.10721923

hot summer day, after the pool, come inside and my mother inlaw made mexican street hotdogs and ice cold jamaica water.

>> No.10721972

>smoking tobacco
>not weed
tf is wrong with you

>> No.10721986

Wow, yeah...seems really cool...


>> No.10722184
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tf is wrong with you, stoner? No amount of smoking is OK. Only the lowest of low class degenerate retards smoke.

>> No.10722216

I don't enjoy smoking weed, but I can enjoy the light buzz from a cigarette.

>> No.10725417

>tf is wrong with you, stoner? No amount of smoking is OK. Only the lowest of low class degenerate retards smoke.
haha what a fag

>> No.10725429
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>> No.10725430

I couldn't care less about the soup, but completely forgot that at one time in my life I had places I could go to drink and play pool with friends while smoking... What the fuck happened?

>> No.10725474

lolol faggot