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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 127 KB, 720x960, 72E3DC28-B422-4AA7-91F1-488E0FBB5D0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10800797 No.10800797 [Reply] [Original]

Parents that feed their children sugar cereals should have their custody taken away. It’s akin to shoveling cancer into your child’s maw.

>> No.10800830

>children belong in the hell that is the foster care system rather than with their parents who make a poor but virtually harmless decision

>> No.10800842

You missed the mark by about a mile and a half.
Bait is an art, and you failed.

>> No.10800900

(You)'re gonna need better bait.

>> No.10800937

>everyone recognizes shitty bait
>bumps it anyway
There needs to be a 4chan tutorial that teaches you how to sage.

>> No.10800949


>> No.10801691


>> No.10801698
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there are far more dangerous things a parent can do to their kids, like teach them liberalism or live in a foreign country illegally.

>> No.10801716

Welcome to 4chan

>> No.10801754
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>sister can't take care of her kids worth a damn
>kids eat nothing but garbage all day
>she dates guys that abuse her in front of her kids
>house is infested with bugs and rats cause nobody there has the intelligence to put food away and leaves it out for weeks
>tell my dad that this might as well be child abuse
>he says to keep my mouth shut and that I don't know what in talking about
>don't understand how people can think this is better than foster care

>> No.10801768

honestly? I can agree with this. I mean I hate Trump and I hate separating children from their illegal immigrant parents, but this is different. These parents are mostly caucasian cis retard scum and they probably pour a gallon of pus and antibiotics (called "milk") all over their high fructose corn syrup cereal. And they're probably a bunch of Christians too, and they probably eat meat. I'm OK with their kids being taken away. It's fair game considering they probably voted for Trump anyway.

>> No.10801816

Foster care kids get raped and abused by strangers. There are kids in fostercare who have perfectly healthy loving and willing families but can't live with them cause of foster care bullshit. Foster holds typically have tons of other mentally and emotionally fucked up kids and they're actually the ones who do a large amount of the abusing and shit. Not to mention the adults who abuse the foster system for cash.

>> No.10801844

I'd rather my tax dollars go towards bullets than towards feeding and schooling someone's slug shit spawn, but if they bill the parents for the bullets used, I'm okay with that.

>> No.10801867

>don't understand how people can think this is better than foster care

Foster care is a completely broken system. It is essentially a money making scheme and sex slave business. It is quite fucking horrific for the most part. You literally can't cherry pick enough "successes" out of that barrel of bad apples to make it okay. Children either live with their parents or with their closest relative. Never in the foster care system.

>> No.10801873

Completely this, especially that last part about cash. A lot of foster parents adopt kids solely so they can get money and just end up further neglecting/abusing the kids. I had a shitty relationship with my dad when I was young and he would beat me sometimes and throw shit etc., even at 7 I still knew how much fucking worse a foster home would have been, especially since I still could get my dad to buy me things since we weren't poor, shit I could never have as a foster kid.

>> No.10801894

>>>10800797 (OP)
>>sister can't take care of her kids worth a damn
Is she drunk/high in front of them? Is she incapacitated in a way that would prevent her from dialing 911?
Does she leave them home alone or unattended...ever?
If the answer is no, keep your mouth shut.

>>kids eat nothing but garbage all day
Most kids do.
>>she dates guys that abuse her in front of her kids
She hasn't found someone worthwhile yet, and has low esteem or depression. Dudes of quality without kids of their own aren't typically interested in single moms.
>>house is infested with bugs and rats cause nobody there has the intelligence to put food away and leaves it out for weeks
Offer to help. She sounds like a single parent. Life is rough. Drop off some bait, and some traps that aren't going to endanger kids, of course. Go over and visit, bringing a healthy casserole, and clean up the kitchen while you're there. Fix'd. Weeks? Oh c'mon. Sounds like you haven't lived a normal life yet on your own with kids or responsibilities.
>>tell my dad that this might as well be child abuse
Well, it's not. It's fine to talk to your Dad about helping her out, maybe a day to watch the kids each weekend so she can rest/clean/just get a freaking break. That's what it takes to keep house and have energy both.
>>he says to keep my mouth shut and that I don't know what in talking about
You don't.
>>don't understand how people can think this is better than foster care
Foster care is last resort. It's for when there is zero family available to take over the care while a parent is in jail. It's for meth heads. Those kids are better off psychologically not knowing their mom could be a better person (and she might yet be one day soon), than the painful rejection of being yanked away from her and wounds that never ever heal the rest of their lives from that fact or the mistreatment that follows. A few roaches aren't going to kill them.

>> No.10801895

The faq tells you how

>> No.10801922

you probably "knew" this because your dad threatened to give you away and told you how you would get abused even worse

>> No.10802033

>Sister's life is a train wreck and her house is a rat's nest
>You should offer to make it your problem
Great advice anon! Maybe he can be like a half-measure substitute father for his sister's kids, and a half-measure substitute husband for his sister, and never start a life of his own

>> No.10802082

So then why would he complain and say that she should give her kids away? Why does he care that much about something that's "not his problem"?

>> No.10802093

My mom used to only buy us Honey Nut Cheerios and Puffins, which we could only have twice a week. I remember being sooo jealous of my friends whose mom used to buy them Cookie Crisp, Reeses Puffs and all of that other ass cancer. But now I realize there was a reason they were fat and I was skinny. Hmm.

>> No.10802115

Because he's an idiot, and you're enabling his idiocy by giving him bad life advice

>> No.10802147

>helping your family and having a life of your own are mutually exclusive

>> No.10802194

Starting a family of your own and spending too much time taking care of your sister's mess actually are more or less mutually exclusive, maybe not as a Boolean but at least each increment of time you devote to one is not going to the other

>> No.10802255

>Waaaaaaah single parent life is hard :^((((
The fucking state of you, do you seriously think taking care of children is that difficult?

>> No.10802260

dumb boomer

>> No.10802291

t. extremely butthurt scorned roastie who is now stuck raising unwanted children all alone

>> No.10802302

but they are her pride and joy! She has to tell herself so every day since it's too late for an abortion and she already posted pics of them on facebook so if she gave them up for adoption her friends would ask where they went

>> No.10802329

>she hasnt found someone worthwhile yet
if you arent a virgin and this is a problem then you are also a problem

>> No.10802339

oh wow a whole 150 calories, the horror

>> No.10802352

Most people don't only eat 3/4 cup of cereal. They fill up a whole cereal bowl which is 5-6 times that amount.

>> No.10802356

macros matter more than calories, and a bowl of sugar-coated carbs isn't great macro-wise

>> No.10804251

well and you post anime pictures with your post, so the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree...

>> No.10804292

One time I ate an entire box of Froot Loops straight from the packet and then polished off a full bottle of vodka. My vomit looked very much like that, but liquified.

>> No.10805749
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This is your brain on reddit

>> No.10805752
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i used to get to pick any cereal i wanted on fish night because i have anaphylaxis

>> No.10806033

Look into pizzagate and you'll never think about taking them to foster care again.

>> No.10806060
File: 7 KB, 700x550, snapyep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread has nothing to do with pizzagate
>redditor brings it up


>> No.10806544

>She hasn't found someone worthwhile yet, and has low esteem or depression. Dudes of quality without kids of their own aren't typically interested in single moms.
Oh well that makes it okay then. Shut the fuck up you waste of space.

>> No.10806577

>This is what sluts actually think

>> No.10806662

>Starting a family of your own and spending too much time taking care of your sister's mess actually are more or less mutually exclusive, maybe not as a Boolean but at least each increment of time you devote to one is not going to the other
Your logic is pretty messed up.
Maybe you should leave your house, and stop putting increments of time into 4chan when you have problems to solve. The only kind of person who would have your logic isn't living a real life independently. They have time and place to judge without having walked the walk. It's all theory to think you know better because your life is only theory. Get out there, on your own, and start living something that makes you a bit happier. Scorning one's sister to give up their children vs help in some way means you don't have a pot to piss in nor a relationship nor the means to help financially. You could buy her a weekly maid visit, or matchmake her with someone decent from your own decent circle of friends? You could take those kids into your home? You didn't even suggest your Dad take them in. You don't love her spawn as your nieces and nephews because you are a broken sad person.

You're as trashy as you claim she is, in other words.

>> No.10808369

t. used up roastie with unwanted kids

>> No.10808382

Retard thread of the day.

>> No.10809772

People who refer to children's mouths as a "maw" should have their custody taken away.

>> No.10809837

I see the cereal company shills are out in full force as usual.

>> No.10809869

>Welcome to 4chan
No, you mean welcome to /ck/ the little known angriest board on all of 4chan.
Just look around a little and tell me this board isnt the most rage infused place on the internet. We have daily threads about pizza styles just to piss people off and that actually generates some of our decent discussions.
This board is made and fueled by pure hatred and I don't know how people haven't realized it yet. I could go to any other board and have a normal conversation for at least a little why, but when it comes to baking a cake, we will duel in the pits of Hell with hacked together spikebats and iron helms. Whoever survives the thread war makes objectively the best cake.
That's /ck/.
I come here for the same reason the Romans came to the colosseums.

>> No.10809873

>little why
*little while

>> No.10809883
File: 580 KB, 500x500, 1528692222052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks shitty cereal stops a kid from becoming Chad

>> No.10809898 [DELETED] 

My foster parents had a painting of Jesus on one side of the dinner table an a painting of Elvis on the other. They weren't bad people but it was living hell. I was so depressed during every check-up that it might've sped up how soon my dad finally got custody of me. It sucked but it was better than living with my alcoholic mother. I'm sure there are roasties in foster care though that manage to have the foster dads "rape" them.

>> No.10809927

writting sage on the post does shit
plz kys

>> No.10809931

This, I ate cereal all the time and I am becoming a Chad

Well maybe not a Chad because I started fucking babes a little late in my life

But at the very least I am Brad tier

>> No.10809939

>many of the “healthy cereals” contain more sugar than the sugary ones.

>> No.10809975

My parents (more so my mother) had foster children as I was growing up. 4 of us children of the parents and 2-5 foster children. As >>10801867 said we were the good apple in a very bad basket. I was abused physically by my dad, but seeing the situations these other kids come out of when I could sympathise with them on a very human level. I didn't really think about it as abuse when I was younger, kind of treated it very lightly. I very strange to grow up, but I easily call a couple of my long time foster siblings as family. They were ones who otherwise had no family.

I just want to attest to the potential of foster care. There are good people out there.

>> No.10809979

>a 4chan tutorial that teaches you how to sage.
Uhhh... their kind of is a 4chan tutorial that teaches you how to sage.

>> No.10810043

/ck/ is great exactly because it’s one of the least popular boards
If you want to see real butthurt, shitposting, and virgin rage then try /tv/ or /pol/.I think /v/ and /b/ work too but I’ve been to neither in years.

>> No.10810049

Such is the life of a turd-worlder.

>> No.10810115

>single mother
He wouldn't abuse her if she didn't deserve it.

>> No.10810147

please get this bait off this board
that goes for everyone treating it seriously too, even as a joke, and everyone posting wildly off-topic stuff
this place used to be nice

>> No.10810163

/ck/ has stuff I'm actually interested in though unlike /tv/ and /pol/ is its own predictably god awful thing. Watching people argue about food is more interesting.
And even though they do argue about it a lot, it usually isn't as bad as... wait why is it so bad lately god fucking dammit.
I'm starting to question if the summer meme isn't right after all.

Any way, seeing people argue about such an innocent topic is more interesting. The level of anger to the scale of the topic is what makes it magical and in that respect, /ck/ often shows itself to have the most potential for rage.

I mean not really, but still. When people do argue on this board its kind of hilarious unless it involves soy boy memes and the horribly mangled visage of the previously almost tolerable thatfeels meme.

>> No.10810203

I see what you mean, the other boards mentioned are mostly broken records spewing buzzwords. At least here there is some semblance of passion left when people get angry

>> No.10810290

I fucking hate yet also admire your sheer devotion to being this delusional

I go to /ck/ TO WHIND DOWN FROM BROWSING /v/ /tv/ and virtually anywhere else. /ck/ is the fucking Canada of 4chan in in that everything is fucking harmless, and any drama is usually the result of boredom and nothing is taken seriously. Do you fucking realise how sheltered you are here? This is the nicest god damn board around. It's an oasis surrounded by neckbeards, incels, Nazis, autists and hyperventilating critics.

This is the fallout shelter of 4chan

>> No.10810295

Fuck off and die

>> No.10810329

This, having been in foster care. Molsted, neglected and only seen as a additional check. The day I turnder 18 the people playing parents told me at breakfast that I didn't pay for that bread I am about to eat. That day something died in me understanding what I actually was to them.

>> No.10810350

You're Steve at best.

>> No.10810421

Holy fuck anon I'm sorry

>> No.10810443
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Thanks, but I grew on it, and it somehow stuck with me so strong that today I consider a meal with my own family as the most important event each day to share love with each other.

It's actually fascinating how such small things get burned into your memory. A similar one has been in elemtary school, we all had to draw bird for something and I've like the whole weekend in the library to make a perfect replica of a natural sparrow because I loved realism and had art lessions for years due to a good talent. Teacher upon seeing it, took it away and trashed it because it wasn't colourful and "creative" enough before giving me a new piece of paper to try again. Haven't drawn anything since then and consider anything non realistic to be degenerate.

>> No.10810458

>Pretending to act tough on a cooking board
>Thinks coming to 4chan is for ruff tuff hyper masculine dudes who know how the ""real world works"""

There is literally no benefit from surrounding yourself with angry, edgy, fringe losers. There is literally no such thing as being a bad ass on the internet, and there is no such way to become a bad ass through browsing the internet.

I rate /ck/ near the bottom in terms of edge
/pol/, /r9k/ and /v/ will always reign at the top in terms of edge. You want to see worthless arguments go there. I can tell from your response that you WANT an argument and to pretend to be a tough guy on the internet, so go do that in the bad boy pond.

>> No.10810466

Nope, missed the mark there.

>> No.10810489

>Art teacher forced another kid into drawing their way and killed any enjoyment and passion they had

This isn't uncommon. I just wanted to draw comic characters and stuff but I had a literal pedo fuck come and shit on anything I liked. I swear art teachers in HS are told to fuck up childrens passion and creativity.

>> No.10810523
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Just stupid fucks with no talent at all trying to feel some power of helpless kids because they are losers to any peer. Today I look back at them and smirk when I encounter them. Still in their shitty paying job having to walk around with the head lowered in any healthy community. I remember one english teacher trash talked me when he thought nobody would hear, telling me how I'm wrong at his school for beeing too stupid and lazy and how I should leave. Jokes on her. I literally left that moment, been to a psychdoc, got attested to be a literal big brained nigger and put two classes ahead in the following year.

>> No.10810583

Cool story anon, what do you do for a living?

>> No.10810611
File: 15 KB, 255x170, 63645634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my degree, happily married and about to partly homeschool my kids soon. Best job I could imagine. Why waste my potential on some shitty shekels, when I can multiple it through my kids.

>> No.10810614


>> No.10811386

So you don’t have a job lol

>> No.10811397

I'm a mother, I worked the last 10 year in biotech.

>> No.10811403

You're worse than him by far with that forced meme.
He probably meant once you realize how prevelant sexual abuse is in general, and pizzagate was just his first real exposure.

>> No.10811408

/v/ is worse than /pol/ even now. At least /pol/ is on topic. They even discuss games better on the rare occasion it comes up.

>> No.10811414

>le reddit buzzword
Way to out yourself. Go back.

>> No.10811446
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>My job is being a mother!

>> No.10811467

oh ok, well done femanon

>> No.10811521

Read my entire second post >>10810163

>> No.10812862
File: 21 KB, 484x382, 1494444682940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my job is watching TV all day and getting pissed off and complaining every single time I have to do something

>> No.10813044

ayylmao pro-life fags would rather flood the (already strained) foster care system with 500k-600k newborns a year.

>> No.10814638

Yes taking care of children is difficult, you clearly don't have kids if you say otherwise, they're living breathing individuals that need constant attention and love so they don't turn out like you shitposting about food in a Kentuckian see-sawing forum. I work full time in manufacturing and my wife literally had to turn to stripping for part of last year so we could make ends meet, because we have 3 children to look after. Even with ebt it was difficult to provide enough food so our kids didn't go hungry, kids eat a lot, they need to in order to physically develop properly, so shut the fuck up about how you think taking care of kids is so easy while being a childless loser and not knowing what you're talking about.

>> No.10814663

Biogen is going to make ur lil babby start-up its bitch

>> No.10814705


>> No.10814982
File: 493 KB, 160x160, matsumotowow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Children are dying because of sugar and video games every second. How is that harmless you sick fucko

>> No.10815473

>t. raised by a trash-tier single mothers
It's real sad that most of you think getting parked in front of the electro jew is how proper parents raise their kids. We don't even have a TV, only a couple hundred books and the woods for entertainment. I'm up shortly before 5am to make breakfast for husbandu and never in bed before 11pm when everything is done and the family in bed. No kitchen electronics either, as we're pretty varg style under way, with fresh seasonal food daily.

My short breaks shitposting and refuel on coffeine in between when the kids sleep is all there is desu. Still the best job I ever had. Hope some of you at least will be able o experience it as well sometime.

>> No.10815485

>I work full time in manufacturing and my wife literally had to turn to stripping

>> No.10815489

Sounds /comfy/ m80, all the best

>> No.10815500

how many posts in this thread are genuine?

>> No.10815504
File: 24 KB, 543x443, brainlet wide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When people do argue on this board its kind of hilarious unless it involves soy boy memes and the horribly mangled visage of the previously almost tolerable thatfeels meme.
t. butthurt brainlet

>> No.10815508

Almost all of them are actually fake

>> No.10815651

Damn you reminded me of my mother, have a good life anon

>> No.10816725

>on foodstamps
>girlfriend is a whore
>kids are hard to raise
Apparently making sound life decisions is even harder for you human piles or trash, stop being a parasite, get off welfare and drown your kids for me, then kys

>> No.10816732

Someone should call RICE on them

>> No.10816734

haha. I received constant attention and love, and guess where I am right now?

>> No.10816741

fuck off Jamie Oliver

>> No.10816748

OP here
I think my point is apt, and just because you think it’s outlandish doesn’t equivocate it to bait, I truly believe it is a cancer and really take the issue to heart and with conviction.

>> No.10816926


>> No.10816940

I agree. But I won't be able to resist maybe once a year enjoying a bowl of lucky charms with them.

For the most part I'll just want to cook for them in the morning.

>> No.10816947

Why don't you go clean the place and feed the kids you fucking faggot.

How dare you suggest that family should be taken away to strangers. YOU should be helping. It's your fucking nieces and nephews.

>> No.10818480

pizzagate is also a forced meme, tho

>> No.10818496

this post is too ugly to read