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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 37 KB, 360x542, nutraloaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10964344 No.10964344 [Reply] [Original]

post some prison food.

>> No.10964349
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>> No.10964365

>crush ramen
>add crushed chips
>hot dogs
>bbq sauce
bone apple tea

>> No.10964485
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>be me
>go to prison for 2 months for trying to escape the police and driving without a license
>my mum brings me mcdonalds every day
>eat it in my cell while reading books about quantum physics and space
>dont share even a single fry with the other prisoners

>> No.10964493
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>Florida inmates purchase 270,000 honey buns a month, the Times said, selling more than tobacco, envelopes and Coke cans. Although the pastries have little nutritional value, they are used for everything from improvising wines to settling bets. In Orlando’s Lake Correctional Institution, a man was shanked to death over, among other things, an accusation of a stolen honey bun.


>> No.10964496

Was the butt fuck horror a real thing ?

>> No.10964595

Lol, faggot.
Too stupid to get a driver's license? Please die.
Too stupid to realize you can't outrun the police? Please die.

>> No.10964673

You just reminded me of some BBQ hot dogs I would eat as a kid. I have had them in over a dozen years. My parents were in and out of jail a lot

>> No.10965137


>> No.10965424
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Is florida even part of our own dimension?

>> No.10965449

That's kind of depressing, I hope you are doing well for yourself.

>> No.10965454
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>2 months

>> No.10965556

Yeah he's lying, anything 11/29 or less will be served in county jail
t. corrections officer

>> No.10965583

Wew I saw something similar on emmymadeinjapan and legit thought it didn't look too bad

>> No.10965600

Autistic fucking losers
Fucking semantics

>> No.10965604

>post some prison food.

jamal's big black cock

>> No.10965605

They don't let you have phones in prison. The yakisoba was generally reviled though. Spaghetti with soy sauce. At least twice a week. Baked chicken was also common but it always looked like Jack cooked it.

>> No.10965606

>why use the correct word when I can use an incorrect one!

>> No.10965622

>they are used for everything from improvising wines
Post recipe

>> No.10965627
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in japan

>> No.10965630

Prisons are not jails.
T. different county corrections officer

>> No.10965632

>why get a job and move out of my moms house when I can lose my shit over universally interchanged words!!!

>> No.10965637

Welfare queens who make dont even break 40gs after taxes are not “county corrections officers”

>> No.10965638


Fucking this; honeyed wine from a honeyed bun of such a low caliber? I gotta know.

>> No.10965639

If you think jail and prison are the same then you clearly know nothing about either

>> No.10965647
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I'm not sure what you mean by this

>> No.10965672

This makes me want to kill myself

>> No.10965686

Oh i know NOTHING about jail or prison. You’re right, what do those words MEAN? Are those names for the places where your did went to get away from you? Man i wish i knew a SINGLE thing about jail or prison how do i even spell them?

>> No.10965707
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>> No.10965709

You're a moron.

T. Someone comparatively less retarded than you.

>> No.10965755

Less retarded? So you have an IQ sub 70? DAAAAAAAANG. You’re also clearly samefagging and another nigger that lives in his mothers basement

Its okay, everyone lived with their mother. We just moved out before way before Age 40

>> No.10965765
File: 41 KB, 500x371, idkwhattosay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being retarded
>getting this assblasted because people are pointing out the fact that you're retarded
Whew lad

>> No.10965767
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>> No.10965780

Again its fine. Everyone’s mother drank at one point in their lives, just not during their pregnancies

>> No.10965796

>this level of damage control after being called out on your bullshit

>> No.10965797
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>> No.10965800

>this level of damage control after being called out for being an autistic “WELL ACTSHUALLY” shitbin with zero prospects in life

>> No.10965804
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>> No.10965817

Sorry prison in most states is defined as FIVE YEARS or more

>> No.10965939

Mads Mikkelson, more alpha than Joe Rogain.

>> No.10966062
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>butthurt as fuck

>> No.10966079

I don't fucking get how people survive in prison eating nothing but junk for years and years. Like I spent a couple days in jail and saw dudes literally with bags of just junk food. Imagine doing 10 - 20 years and eating that every day

>> No.10966292

they eat that type of stuff for enjoyment making the food they give you better trading

>> No.10966303

They have a lot of time to work out.

>> No.10966338

Healthy inmates are dangerous inmates

>> No.10966949

it's yeast and sugar, put any sweet bread in the right environment to rot(a prison works well enough aparently) and you're brewing.

>> No.10967125

>why actually argue when i can suck fucking cock and advert the reason with my own projections

>> No.10967149

They're not universally interchanged though retard.

t. not that guy

>> No.10967639

protip: if you run from the police in a car, its a felony. If you run from the police on foot its a misdemeanor

>> No.10967701

Are you ok? Nobody is really going to think less of you for using a couple words incorrectly. Being so extremely insecure about getting called out for it on the other hand..

>> No.10967753

I read somewhere that Jared from subway got fat again in prison because he eats a fuckton of these a day

>> No.10968202

Interesting. Sounds disgusting but also interesting.

>> No.10968507
File: 97 KB, 650x431, county-jail-kitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Years back, my buddy’s older cousin who was a jail bird in and out of jail and prison numerous times for B&E and drug dealing, told us that prison food in an actual prison was quite good, (considering what they have to work with) as the cooks were usually long timers and took pride in their work, as it was the only thing they had to look forward to.

But he said food in county jails was terrible, as those prisoners are never there for long so they don’t give a fuck and do a shitty job. He specifically said NEVER get the scrambled eggs in jail, as it’ll be full of egg shells due to lazy cooks just throwing the whole eggs in the bowl, shell and all (though I suppose nowadays they use dehydrated powdered eggs?)

He also told us that carrying a baseball bat in your car would get you busted for having a weapon but if you included a glove and some balls with that bat, it was considered "sporting equipment" and you'd be ok.

>> No.10968523

I suppose it's because if you run into minivan full of some cunts hellspawn you won't kill 6 or more of them if you do it on foot.

>> No.10968546


Clearly the honey bun industrial complex has

been working to make sure the prisons are full

to keep their profits up.

>> No.10968623

check AfterPrisonShow's video on it. It's called How to make prison wine or something like that.

>> No.10968653

Last jail I was in it was okay, my local one sucks.

Last jail I had cereal twice, biscuits&grave, a chicken patty sandwich, then they let me out on an OR bond.

My local jail it's oatmeal every single fucking day for breakfast, then it's lunch that sucks 50% of the time, then it's a sandwich with a cookie for dinner. You starve if you don't buy ramen or something.

>> No.10968655

This is mostly correct. Jail food is barely edible. Most places in my region are on a "heart healthy" menu which means the shitty food they typically serve is the exact same as normal (dogfood-tier) but they aren't allowed to salt or season anything. I think they get bonus points on their yearly inspections for abusing inmates with sparse portions and terrible food. As far as throwing eggshells in the food, absolutely not. They are on camera and monitored by a kitchen officer the whole time they are cooking. They won't risk ruining their 2-for-1 work credits by fucking the food off.

>> No.10968667

why are you in jail so much

>> No.10968670

Long time line cook here. Will I get a kitchen job because of my professional experience if I ever end up in prison?

>> No.10968677

Last time it was domestic abuse cuz my mother in law locked me out, so I kicked the door open, she happened to be standing behind it. I only had to pay for the door, I spent two days in jail.

Another time I shoplifted a beer and got 10 days for a misdemeanor retail theft. I then got 2 days for missing court once on it, 5 days for missing a fine payment on it, and another 3.

I've spent about a month in jail and 1k cuz I was drunk one night and didn't pay for a beer.

>> No.10968680

It depends on your charges. Some people aren't allowed to work because they are security risks. It won't hurt to mention your experience however.

>> No.10968716
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>As far as throwing eggshells in the food, absolutely not.

Like I said, this was years back when my buddy and I had just graduated from high school (class of ’86 here) and his cousin was already in his early 30s.

And despite being a jail bird, he was a nice guy and funny as fuck, as he’d heard every joke possible while in and out of prison and oddly, while he was on parole he had a_ pre-scheduled_ drug piss test every Monday. So he’d smoke pot all week long then spent Sunday drinking tons of water and he’d take some kinda magic potion that (supposedly) defeated piss tests but one Sunday he got drunk and forgot and failed his test.

But the cops didn’t arrest him then and there, they let him go back home and of course he cut off his electronic teether and went on the lam for several months, until he predictably got pulled over for failure to use a turn signal and they sent up him up the river for good.

He ended up dying in prison from emphysema at 50-something years of age, as the guy smoked like a chimney, literally lighting one cigarette off another.

>> No.10968756

Ah yes a different time. And I have no trouble believing it. I've only worked corrections since '14, but I've known plenty of old timers (both inmates and guards) who have told me about how things used to be.

>> No.10968792

>I've spent about a month in jail and 1k cuz I was drunk one night and didn't pay for a beer.

Nah, you spent a month in jail because you're retarded.

>> No.10968804

>carrying a baseball bat in your car would get you busted for having a weapon but if you included a glove and some balls with that bat, it was considered "sporting equipment" and you'd be ok.
>he lives in a cuck state
how's it feel to know that I can walk out of my house with a gun in my pocket, a gun strapped around my ankle, a gun in a holster on my side and a rifle strapped to my back with no permits or licenses of any kind

>> No.10968807

Most people go to jail over their own stupidity, it's where I've met the dumbest fucking people on the planet.

I tried to just read books while I was there and ignore other people as much as possible.

>> No.10969218

Not on parole or probation dipshit.

>> No.10969240
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I’m in Michigan and have been carrying a NAA .32 Guardian since the late 1990s.

>> No.10969447

Yeah the baseball bat thing is common near me. Throw it in a bat bag with some balls and you are good to go

>> No.10969463

>carrying a .32
What kind of gay faggot does this

>> No.10969520

If you're in GA and go to prison, do NOT drink the milk. All the correctional facilities in the state get their milk from Reidsville which operates a farm that inmates work. About once a month some jiggaboo gets lil jamal stuck in the udder milker. Not even fucking kidding.

>> No.10969552

>dont share even a single fry with the other prisoners

>> No.10969647
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The kind you'll never see coming.

>> No.10970963

>"dude why are there bees in your house, I just got fucking stung"

>> No.10971002

You go to jail for something like two months not jail. This anon's butthole was safe.

>> No.10971006

Let me guess someone stole your sweet roll

>> No.10971038


>> No.10971054

Based brainlet

>> No.10971096

>Cousin who was smaller than me, and scrawny went to jail for 6 years
>Comes out, taller, fitter, and tanner.
>Has a wife and a kid now.
Jail food is fucking healthy

>> No.10971103

>f you run from the police on foot its a misdemeanor
you mean for the cop that shot you?

>> No.10971142

i work in corrections in Ontario, Canada. the kid's eat so much better than adults in detention centers. The kids used to get wing night/pizza night. Adults eat like shit at all jails. Often, youth will leave weighing more than when they came in.

>> No.10971187

>Jail food is fucking healthy
I doubt that. I'm pretty sure he just had so little to do he would just work out all the time.

>> No.10971201
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Courtesy of an anon on /biz/

>> No.10971209

Manning moon missions from the chain gang. Alpha as fuck. Hopefully he'll be released into lamboland soon

>> No.10971213

This was months ago, so he's probably since been released from county

>> No.10971225


Good looks good but the regiment looks shitty. You basically get 1 hour a day for meals and like 2 hours 'leisure' time, 7 for sleeps. Rest is all labor of some form or some shit.

>> No.10971306

this is some white trash shit

>> No.10971438

I carry a wasp with magnums desu

>> No.10971476

>get felony
>Turn self in because arrest warrant just got put up
>do booking stuff
>Fully processed
>Get food right as I'm about to fall asleep
>They gave me a burrito with a black filling that I still to this day can't figure out the contents of
>And some carrots
>Burrito was the best shit I've taste in a long time
>Time passes
>Suddenly they taste like shit
>Just roll with it, prison is prison just focus on being a good boy
I have no idea what to think anymore. When I got let out I personally met with the guy that did my processing to find out who made that burrito and it turned out the dude died mid way through my stay. I never got to thank him for whatever he made. He made that stay bearable

>> No.10973192
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>> No.10973385

What were you in for? And for how long? Did you get butt raped? Did you join a gang?

>> No.10973412

Working out is meaningless if you eat junk. You may build alittle extra muscle or even lose fat but you are still rotten on the inside.

>> No.10973509

>be me
>get weed charge in shitty state
>can''t make bail
>have to stay a couple of weeks
>everynight a few mins after lights out, I yell out REEEEED ROBIN!
>a couple of people would reply YUMMM
>after a few days the whole dorm would reply YUMMM
>guard starts getting butthurt because it's against faggot jail rules and out of his control
>one night he snaps
>turns on the lights, demands to know the culprit
>nobody says anything
>he says the whole dorm loses commissary for a week
>I give myself up
>mfw he makes me do an extra chore in the morning
>mfw everybody likes me and give me free shit out of their commissary after that

>> No.10973516

what's it like having the emotional maturity of a nine year old?

>> No.10973518

idk, you'd have to ask the guard yourself

>> No.10973556
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kek good story anon

>> No.10973558

Fucking kek'd

>> No.10973584
File: 537 KB, 559x477, 1468584789960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am howling, thank you anon

>> No.10973600


I enjoyed this story

>> No.10973665

Absolutely based

>> No.10973699

In other words, it's punishment, as it should be.

>> No.10973815

can't show weakness.
you could trade though

>> No.10974606


>> No.10974757

You know the apparatus that goes on the udders to milk them? That thing. Inmates put their dicks in it, usually until the point of completion, then go about their business. But every so often one gets stuck and it's a whole huge thing. The base point here though is that there is a ton of cum in every carton of milk served in GAs correctional facilities.

>> No.10974783

>thinks visits happen every day
>thinks they'd allow you to take food back to your cell
Know how I can tell you've never been to prison?

>> No.10974799

These and ramen sell like fire to cave men. Reason being they are typically the most "bang for your buck" on the commissary menu. Prison trays are typically 3 whole meals, but the quality is so terrible that people don't typically eat everything on them. On top of that, when I was in we were served dinner around 4pm meaning that you wouldn't be fed after that, so you needed to have some commissary sitting around so you wouldn't go to bed hungry. Heavy foods like honey buns and ramen work well for that fix.

>> No.10974862

>You basically get 1 hour a day for meals and like 2 hours 'leisure' time, 7 for sleeps. Rest is all labor of some form or some shit.
yurocuck detected. Prison shouldn't be a vacation.

>> No.10974884


its not only prison. in florida every public school cafeteria and college sells them

>> No.10974910

There's honestly no good reason why someone should go to jail multiple times, once is bad enough. They should honestly just execute the person once they fucked up a third time enough to where it would earn them a jail sentence.

>> No.10974929

why the fuck have so many people on this board went to jail?

>> No.10974939

Restaurants are one of the few industries that hire ex cons

>> No.10974971

What country?

>> No.10975031

>I've only worked corrections since '14
My condolences

>> No.10975114

Medical officer on the SORT team at a GA level 5 facility. Where you at fellow CO?

>> No.10975122

You have any stories about inmates doing stupid stuff requiring medical attention?

>> No.10975127

I was only charged with one offense 4 years ago, shop lifting, I end up in jail because I got a court date wrong. When my payment was late and I spent 5 days in jail (they arrested me on a friday, took me to court tuesday,) I had made a fine payment 2 days prior to them issuing a warrant, so they just let me go.

They've let me out for free everytime after that shoplifting charge cuz it's such a petty offense, it just takes a few days before a judge will see me. It was the first and only time I've been in trouble, it just fucks me over multiple times if I don't stay on top of it, or the courthouse doesn't process my payment fast enough. I pay weeks in advance now.

>> No.10975138
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Retired police officer here. It makes me feel pretty good that I may have put some of you three time losers in prison.

>> No.10975150

Tons dude. The funniest thing I've seen from them though wasn't medical. We were shaking down a building and when we got to this inmates cell I recognized him as one that had been to medical earlier that day for Pepto bismol tablets. We instructed him to dress down for a squat and cough and he refused. He was given the directive again with a warning that refusal would result in a use of force. He again refused. We took him down and as we removed his clothes I realized what he was doing with the Pepto. He'd crushed them up in some water in his sink and dyed his underwear pink and cut them into a thong. One of the few times I've ever laughed my ass off while beating someone's ass.

>> No.10975155

It was just one charge, one of the late payments I had actually made, they just arrested me on a friday, I saw the judge tuesday. He let me go because they'd issued a warrant after I'd paid my fines, it just took them a few days to process it.

The domestic abuse charge didn't stick because it was just her mom wanting me off the property cuz we got into an argument and she's a huge cunt.

>> No.10975170

Why did he make a jail thong? Was he a prison bitch offering his ass or something?

>> No.10975177

You'd be amazed at some of what they do. One of the more popular ways to make yourself more attractive for trade is to use candy like Skittles as makeup. Put it in your mouth to get it wet, rub it on your face where you want the color, and wa la you're a tranny hooker

>> No.10975184

I used to work in a prison doing a music programme with the inmates. The food was awful, and we used the visitor's room canteen. I used to go for a steak slice as it seemed easy but it tasted sweaty af. Garbage food

>> No.10975194

Hope you guys beat these offenders. Beatings are the only treatment for such mental disorders.

>> No.10975202

Were any of the good musicians, if not Lead Belly tier?

>> No.10975209

Statistics prove otherwise.


>> No.10975212


>> No.10975216
File: 1.23 MB, 500x282, 10 seconds before death.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was waiting for you right at the door.

>> No.10975247

>comparing Norway to countries overrun with niggers

>> No.10975248

I'm at a county facility in TN. Second one in this state I have worked for. This one's pretty sweet though, it's tiny (houses 400 inmates) and we're one of the few around here which uses the total control use of force continuum; i.e. ask, tell, spray. The inmates don't really act out much because they know they will get chemical agent and an assbeating of they are out of line.

>> No.10975258

this, if he even shared even a single fry they would have eating out of their hands

>> No.10975374

too bad their legal system is fucked sideways, corrupt as fuck, and based on "guilty until proven innocent"
like you're considered a massive asshole just for pleading innocence because it's expected that if you're being taken to court, the police did their homework and you're obviously guilty so you should roll over and take it

>> No.10975388

Then you were in jail not prison

>> No.10975394

It really isn't corrupt, you're just angry because you even suck at being a criminal.

>> No.10975427

Go away boomer

>> No.10975493
File: 186 KB, 496x363, Proper_Boltgun_Placement[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fucking newspaper is this? I live near Broward and never seen such PETA-ass rags floating around.

If you read into the article they say they use a captive-bolt gun which is exactly what they use to euthanize cows as well. Hardly "bashing their heads in".

>> No.10975523

>have anus phone snuck in so you can shitpost on 4chan


>> No.10975531
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>> No.10975656


>> No.10975683


>> No.10975688

Those damn millenials...

>> No.10975848


>> No.10975892
File: 66 KB, 719x795, 1509839132010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was that graphic hard to swallow?

>> No.10975925

nothings 2 hard 2 swallow 4 u

>> No.10975941


>> No.10975981

>implying that's not a racial problem that prisons will never fix

There isn't any point in just throwing away the key because then the workforce shrinks and you need to take in more niggers and more Spics to keep the rate maintained. You aren't solving the problem by acting retarded, you're making it worse (unsurprisingly).

Gas yourself.

>> No.10975996

Who says you can't learn something on 4chan

>> No.10976058

>you'd be amazed
>skittle lipstick
No, you wouldn't. Everyone over 16 years old has heard that.

>> No.10976071

Mah nigguh,up at the holiday Innes here. Where you at?

>> No.10976606

>People who favor prison as punishment>rehabilitation

>> No.10977037

Why would you beat a guy for not taking his pants off? Are you a faggot?>>10975177
>wa la
Confirmed flyover inbred

>> No.10977187

Nah. They stash convicts all over the place. The county jail I was in had a few lifers. Only ones I didn't see mixed were the federal types. Once you get transferred to the fed lockup you stay there and your puny County time will have long expired by the time you Finish.

I have to call building in the two months thing tho. Mums trading they pussy to smuggle mcds in goes on all the time, but your 2 months would be up by the time you made it through clarification.

>> No.10977212


Honeybuns are very substantial. Well over 400 calories I remember.

If you're doing hard labor in bumfuck nowhere, forgot your lunch, and only have enough spare change for one vending machine item: honeybun.

I've been there.

>> No.10977216
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Lol butthurt as fuck

>> No.10977382

been in many gunfights through those 18+ years captain america lol

>> No.10977490
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>> No.10977491

>Being this new

>> No.10978253

I mean if you actually read the page you'd see it said they also just smashed their heads on stuff and didn't just use a boltgun

>> No.10978371

English jail food is awesome in fact way better than most people can afford to eat out of jail. starts off with breakfast which is a buffet full English breakfast bacon eggs sausages baked beans mushrooms hash browns toast with butter and jam a selection of cereals and fresh milk fruit and biscuits with Lashings of fruit juice and fresh coffee. lunch can be anything from fish and chips or lasagne or toad in the hole or anything you can imagine and usually at least a selection of 4 or 5 dishes. teatime gives a more modest selection of cheesy chips pizza etc. Muslims over Ramadan get special tuck boxes for After Dark snacking. on top of this there is a very well stocked library and games room an excellent gym and for those who prefer to stay in their cell it is ok to have friends sending a television and PlayStation with a sound system.

>> No.10978419 [DELETED] 

The fuck is wrong with Europe? Prison actually sounds comfy in your countries. In the US prisons and jails are basically half a step above 3rd world shitholes. Pic related, literally one of the cell blocks on the building I was in. No AC and I was in for a month and a half during the summer till I was bailed out.

>> No.10978429
File: 82 KB, 600x400, 07_09_cover-jail-cellblock-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is wrong with Europe? Prison actually sounds comfy in your countries. In the US prisons and jails are basically half a step above 3rd world shitholes. Pic related, literally one of the cell blocks on the building I was in. No AC and I was in for a month and a half during the summer till I was bailed out..

>> No.10978441

because we believe in rehabilitation and just restricting your freedom, not taking away all your human rights.


>> No.10978451

Nah, I completely get that. Our prison system is garbage and we know it, but unfortunately we still have the moral-crusade sticklers who believe that prison should be all about punishment. Programs are very limited, especially for people in for drug charges and the likes. Most people leave US prions a better criminal than they were locked up as. You treat people like animals, they will start behaving like animals.

>> No.10978456

yeah it's pretty cushty over here, especially for those prisoners who have done really bad mother fucking shit and in for long terms. also most of the UK jails have staff shortages so there is no staff to supervise work programmes and time is all in the cell or leisure facilities. I don't get what the Americans describe us jails vs prisons as it all means the same thing over here. you'll get arrested and put in the police cells for a maximum of 24 hours then you are either charged and taken to court or you are released. while I was inside there was a few hardships, such as not being able to buy apple juice because it made hooch that was way too nice for prisoners. we had to make hooch from orange juice which tastes pretty gaki. also it was virtually impossible to get any good weed. it was always just shit tier hash. I mean if somebody is going to all the trouble of smuggling hash into prison they might as well smuggle some good hash eh?

>> No.10978463

Jail is where you stay while you're waiting for your sentence. Prison is where you go after you're sentenced.

>> No.10978472

my friend got put in to a jail in the east of England for two years and after a couple of months in an allocation jail he got transferred to an open prison we're basically the doors are open during the day and you can either go to work or go to the pub or fuck bitches or walk down to the beach and have a swim as long as you get back before 8pm for lock up on the weekdays. many of the married prisoners had special licence to stay with their families on the weekend. in UK we also get what he's called a cell wage which is like a welfare payment that you get for every day you are in jail and you can use to buy extra luxury items from the shop once a week. you don't have to work for this money it is free. they also pay you when you leave jail and can give rather large grants of several hundred pounds or sometimes over 1000 to get you a nice stable home to moving to. of course it helps if you are some shade of brown

>> No.10978563
File: 43 KB, 468x306, article-1052305-0283DCA100000578-744_468x306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I spend 6 months inside (selling drugs) and prison food in BritBongLand is just like school lunches and often supplied by the same companies.

If you know anything about nutrition (e.g. WAPF, paleo) then you'll know it's nutritionally incomplete food. Got 4 cavities while inside, only had 2 in my entire life before that.

>> No.10978768

brush your teeth, faggot

>> No.10978805

what jail? i was in Norwich

>> No.10979229

Seriously mate it was all those cheap carbs and lack of fat soluble vitamins.

Stafford (before it was a sex offender prison)

>> No.10979281

so all im getting out of this thread is, go live it up in yurope slinging blow and fucking hoes, when you get busted you get free meals and video games. why would anyone work over there?

>> No.10979408
File: 2.56 MB, 2592x1944, Justizzentrum_Leoben2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is one of the prisons in my country.
It's apparently one of the most luxurious prisons in the world and actually looks a bit like a hotel that has flatscreen TVs in the cells for inmates that have 10+ years to serve.
They also have a site where you can buy ""art"" and woodwork made by the inmates.

>> No.10979418


he actually did that egg trick himself, took him a lot of takes

>> No.10979476

yep that's about right. I don't get why these Americans are always going on about how cool is to work their asses off. sounds a bit like Jewish slavery to me

>> No.10979482

yeah that place looks ok I wouldn't want to bother escaping

>> No.10979502

Working for yourself is cool. Wilfully selling oneself into slavery is Hebrew as fuck, and so is utter dependency on the powers that be for absolutely everything. Either one is selling your autonomy.

>> No.10979554

Ironically countries that treat prisoners like human beings and focus on rehabilitation have much lower recidivism rates compared to the US. But the US corporate privatized for profit system has a vested interest in ensuring high recidivism rates for muh profit at the expense of law abiding citizens' safety and they payoff the cuckservatives for the priveledge.

>> No.10979559

Anders Brevik led a hunger strike because they weren't getting enough new games for their Xboxes
Prisons in Yurop, even for murderers/psychopaths, are basically daycare because something something muh rehabilitation. Tax dollars at work

>> No.10979584

It's lose-lose; lower-class/minority America is so saturated in various gang cultures that many prisoners have no intention of ever "shaping up"- like someoen said before, prison teaches you how to be a better criminal in the future. Not to mention the fact that any life prospects go out the window with even a misdemeanor, to say nothing of how over your life is if you get a felony.
The gummints see that the easiest solution to "problem demographics" is to keep them in prison as much as possible, hence the complete lack of rehab. I wouldn't say it's at the expense of law-abiding citizens' safety- it's unethical as fuck, but it actually is an effective way to curb gang developments in large cities.

>> No.10979595

Gotta be tough on crime
Stand yer ground!

>> No.10979613

It's also the centerpiece of the "continental breakfast" of many southern 1 star motels.

>> No.10979655

And the ones that behaved like animals to begin with?

>> No.10979831

>effective way to curb gang developments in large cities
C'mon now, that's not reality and you know it.
>inb4 b-but muh drumpf, 2 year old MS13 gang members, with breast feeding mothers plotting the overthrow of the US, ok, we're taking care of it, it's great, i'm doing it, ok?

>> No.10979991


>> No.10980109
File: 1.04 MB, 300x225, lenny_thumbs_up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can tell you've lived a very sheltered life, which is why you scoff at gangs as if just treating them nicely is going to change shit. Starts at home with a piece of shit father or no father if they're lucky. Then you have the mom's who are typically not allowed to discipline or even reprimand their little boys unless they want their teeth knocked out. Theres nothing short of a miracle that will change these born and bred sociopaths.

t. Califag that went to public school his whole life with a girlfriend who lived in East Los

>> No.10980172

>the entire world works like america

>> No.10980277


>> No.10980332

Give them a chance to try to fix their behavior through programs and rewards systems and if they can't change take their privileges away. Starting them without an opportunity to turn their life around just guarantees you'll release them an animal. A lot of people end up turning to crime because they lack the skills to function in the real world, just locking them away for a few years doesn't correct the problem, just perpetuates the cycle.

I don't doubt that there are people who are lost causes and should just rot, but to take away opportunities to people who can better themselves just because these people exist is dumb and irresponsible. Corrections systems are important for dealing with criminals, but the US prison system just creates better criminals.

>> No.10980337

>has McDonald's brought every day
>honestly believes this would be the case for a non-American

>> No.10980356

That's because the criminal justice system in America is wholly broken and probably irredeemable. I've worked with inmates since 2007 and I can tell you that the US would be a genuinely better place if every single person incarcerated in America would be immediately and publicly put to death. Every single one.

>> No.10980455

>That fucking drain in the middle of the room
What the fuck, is there a shower in there?

>> No.10980472

Sure. You see the toilet nearby right? Having a floor drain is standard to make cleanup easier. They're typical in commercial/industrial/instutitional areas anywhere there is a toilet or washroom.

>> No.10980474

>he's never flooded his cell with towels, feces, and sink water
You have to be 18 to post here anon

>> No.10980475

>doesn't know how fat brits are

>> No.10980508

This. Pop the sockets to trip breakers, flood the cell, and get ready for the party

>> No.10981645

Getting stabbed for stealing somebody's sweetroll is beyond fucked.

>> No.10981681

not as fucked as stealing it

>> No.10981724
File: 48 KB, 500x610, 6-60525-gross-school-lunch-22-1389916236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, this isn't prison food, it's school food from an average american school!
Training your kids to live on sub-caloric intake to prep them for FEMA camps, huh?

>> No.10981841

you put a petty criminal in a shithole, he comes out a full-blown fellon. he'll be back, and soon
you put a petty criminal in some reasonable place where he can learn how to socialize like a normal person and get some skills useful for an employer and he can reintegrate
please note the "petty criminal". I'm not talking about murderers.
before you cry "libtard lmao" you might try to google northern Europe penal system and their results. I remember once watching a documentary about prison with no guards in it, basically an inmate-run resoc facility

>> No.10981879

shit food is a right of passage for american teens, it builds character

>> No.10981900

this right here i remember being back in high school and from freshmen to junior year you would be marched into the lunch room and get your tray,and then the lunch master for the day would use his ladle to scoop up the dry dog food and throw it at us while screaming" hurry hurry get your meal you faggots" it heart the gay ones a bit more then after we ate what we could we would be allowed to go outside to drink from the school main hose line.

>> No.10981923

I spent a little time in county jail, the food was better than at my public high school

>> No.10982082
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, 1469590411303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best thing I ever made was orange Thai chicken. I'd usually cook for 3 or 4 dudes who'd pitch in food.

3 or 4 ramen packs, chicken flavored
1 cup of tang
8oz jar of Siracha paste
16 oz jar of chunky peanut butter
2 packs of peanuts
2 or 3 16oz pouches of chicken

Place the ramen, as whole and unbroken as possible, in a bowl large enough to hold them.

Then pour in the tang, chicken season packets, and 1/3 of the Siracha paste, and if you can find some, a few chili season packets.

Fill with hot water until the noodles are covered and let sit before stirring.

While you're waiting, in another bowl empty the jar of peanut butter, the rest of the Siracha, and the chicken.

Once the noodles have loosened up a bit, give them a good stir, try not to break any noodles, stir until everything's well mixed and the noodles are almost ready, microwave for 2 minutes.

Pour the noodles broth into the peanut butter mix, stir until you have a slightly thinned mixture, microwave for 3 or 4 minutes, stirring every minute.

Grab a bowl of noodles and pour some peanut butter and chicken sauce and finish with crushed peanuts.

It's Fucking amazing, I made a bunch of other crazy shit I might post here later.

>> No.10982165

>but the regiment looks shitty

>> No.10982479

You sure it was a prison? Sound like mental asylum for me

>> No.10982716

Holy shit. Alpha as fuck.

>> No.10982737
File: 616 KB, 392x340, 2C94BD0A-8F02-493A-AAA5-14E42E3B45A8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prison at Christmas is the best time.

>> No.10982763

Northern European countries have very few blacks; they are incorrigible and incapable of reform.

>> No.10983531

it'd just be mashing up a honey bun in water and letting it ferment.

Mix with fruit juice or some shit and walla, dindu juice

>> No.10984377


>> No.10984394

you don't belong here pham

>> No.10984401

The food is slightly better because you get sliced turkey or shit like that, but you spend most of the day on lockdown because a lot of guards end up taking off.

>> No.10985081

nope, one take. they set aside a few hours and dozens of eggs for this shot and he nailed it first try.

>> No.10985142
File: 54 KB, 980x551, Halden Fengsel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was served at the notorious Halden prison in Norway.

>> No.10985194

It really is, but literally everything about japan is trash tier, so no surprise.

>> No.10985233
File: 469 KB, 1604x726, Halden Prison Norway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how the suites look like at Halden prison.

>> No.10985237
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, innocent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> They should honestly just execute the person once they fucked up a third time enough to where it would earn them a jail sentence.

You have a point, though my buddy’s cousin was a nice guy (other then the B&E…) but I oppose the death penalty for any crime, as there is no way to guarantee the cops/prosecutor/judge aren’t fuck ups or corrupt and executed the wrong person.

It’s just the price we pay for being a civilized society.

>> No.10985246

Looks comfy. I want to commit a crime now.

>> No.10985290
File: 128 KB, 980x583, Butikk Halden Fengsel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the Halden prison grocery store where inmates get to buy snacks, coffee, cigarettes, magazines etc.

>> No.10985302

This world is hell.

>> No.10985306
File: 128 KB, 620x523, NAA_Guardian_CSSB_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> been in many gunfights through those 18+ years captain america lol
> t. Captain Britcuck

None, and only one time in all those years did I think I might have to shoot a nigga.

> Be me, early on a Sunday morning, ironically heading to a gun show
> stop at the credit union to get some cash from the ATM
> no drive-up machine, it’s in an inclosed glass atrium with only one door in/out
> I’m just about to stick my ATM card in the machine, when
> a beat-ride Pontiac Grand Prix pulls in and s l o w l y rolls past
> two wiggers inside are carefully checking me out
> they zoom around the parking lot and again, s l o w l y roll past, looking me over
> casually stick my hand in my back pocket on my NAA .32 Guardian
> I give them The Eye
> they say something to each other, look at me again, zoom off down the road

I’m convinced that the two wiggers were jonesing after being up all night doing coke and had been driving around since dawn looking for an easy mark to rob so they could buy more coke and had I been a woman or old person, they’d have tried robbing me (and maybe worse).

>> No.10985316

>four cavities while in prison
>only two before that
Jesus get yourselves together britbongs

>> No.10985323

Cute, tdqhfampidesu

>> No.10985346


>> No.10985382

Fuck you pig! You come in here, when I get out imma kill yo mama and rape yo dog!

Sadly this is a direct quote from an inmate that refused to cuff up and come out

>> No.10985432
File: 100 KB, 615x766, Rotherham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full English breakfast bacon

7 March 2014

Parents fury as pork sausages are banned from the school menu and replaced with halal meat
Sausages, ham and other pork products have been banned at Brinsworth Manor Infant and Junior Schools in Rotherham
Just 20 per cent of the 600 pupils at the two schools are Muslim
Governors agreed to the change to make the school more inclusive
Rotherham Council said only serving halal meat was a 'minor adjustment'
The move comes as Britain's vets call for Muslims and Jews to use more 'acceptable' methods of killing

>> No.10985463
File: 215 KB, 809x451, Breaking Bad - Call Saul Epic Fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you ever think maybe you're drinking too much you dumbass?

FFS, you've been to jail twice because you can't handle your boozing (don't act like that's not why the MIL locked your dumb ass out). What's next, a DUI where you kill someone?