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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11455535 No.11455535 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>32 yo white male
>be only normal person in entire bloodline
>extended family drunks and criminals
>previous year, small family fight got serious and my cousin ended up in jail
>decide I am going to carry this year
>loaded Glock concealed inside sport coat
>nephew notices it when I pick up a cookie she fucking dropped and left on the floor
>tells her dad, same asshole who went to jail in 2016
>comes at me out of fucking nowhere with a knife.
>I draw, scream, and somehow coax him to drop it (I think his bitch wife had more to do with that)
>entire family beyond pissed at me
>I'm asked to leave
>pulled over within a minute of leaving
>explain sitch to piggy and show conceal carry license
>he tells me which roads to avoid because of dui checkpoints.

do I go again in 2018? I can't fucking decide! post your horror stories from Thanksgiving.

>> No.11455543

Why are you Americans so obnoxious

>> No.11455585

Why are foreigners so obsessed?

>> No.11455610
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>being 32
>being on 4chan
>claiming to the only "normal" person in family
>claiming to be normal at all
I have some bad news anon

>> No.11455613
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Who gives a flying fuck?

>> No.11455627

I’m 34 so suck it anon

>> No.11455632

>Last year
>Father is trained chef so taught siblings and I how to cook
>Doesn't want to cook Thanksgiving this year, does it every year
>Brother in law's stepdad invites us over, asks us to bring a few dishes, makes some stupid ass dinner party style menu
>Sure why not
>Brother in law makes the turkey, I was making the 5 side dishes for 30ish people, but sister took one because it was too much for me, and Dad said he would make the mashed potatoes. Brother is in Med school so isn't expected to cook due to traveling.
>We all get there, out of the rest of the people there they only brought soda, store bought rolls, and beer.
>They're well off and our family isn't so much.
>They don't help clean up
>They took all the leftovers
>The step father wouldn't let brother or I (parents drove us so we could drink) have any of the alcohol.
>They asked us to come back this year
>We told them to fuck off, we're doing a small get together, and brother is out of med school so all us kids are doing the dinner together.
>Dad still wants to make the potatoes.

>> No.11455637

I really like this image

>> No.11455642

I have a feeling OPs retelling is MUCH different that what actually happened

I wonder how it really went down/how much he is warping it to make himself the victim

>> No.11455653

Shut the fuck up, little faggot.

>> No.11455662

>oh my family clearly has a history of criminality, instability, and violence
>I know, I’ll bring a gun to this environment!

As a CC holder, you’re a fucking retard

>> No.11455877

When I was seven my uncle took me out of state without my parents knowing. Nothing bad happened but I just had thanksgiving dinner at his house then he took me back.

>> No.11455880

I'm glad you survived

>> No.11456008
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>thanksgiving 2 years ago
>cousin gets call that her 14 year old son got callers daughter pregnant
>shes wailing in anguish
>dad goes ballistic
>homer simpson strangling son
>nigga is 6'9" and weights 280+
>takes me, uncle, my dad, grandfather and other uncle to restrain him
>female cousin on floor screeching
>abuela and tia are begging for peace
>his dad yells YOU'VE RUINED YOUR FUCKING LIFE before we drag him outside
>left before anymore developments
>girl ended up losing kid through self aborting and now his parents dont care that it happened
>tfw this happened seconds after eating

>> No.11456037

When I was six, my uncle took me to a supermarket and was holding my hand. And then somehow I was holding hands with some other dude and he was walking out of the supermarket until I realized it wasn’t my uncle and I screamed. My mom 23 years later still does not know my uncle dun goofed

>> No.11456041

It’s always interesting to visit that trashy part of your family.

>> No.11456048

Your uncle was trying to sell you as a sex slave and almost got away with it. I'm glad you weren't a sex dlave, anon. You must exact revenge upon your uncle tho

>> No.11456081

Just wanted to let you know I read your post.

>> No.11456117

That is terrifying. Glad you screamed and were saved.

>> No.11456149

He probably touched the nieces cookie

>> No.11456153

>be this year
>not going to any family dinner because I don't want to
>instead taking gf and going winter camping
Will update in two weeks.

>> No.11456155

You won't survive the pass

>> No.11456157

Is your family from the South? A white family killing or seriously injuring each other verbal insults is decidedly a southern thing.

>> No.11456159
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>Very small family, all spread out across country
>Nobody comes over, nobody talks to one another
>Haven't seen a family member in 5+ years
>Just eat small dinner with wife on Thanksgiving
>Nothing weird happens

Not sure how to feel about it.

>> No.11456163

Okay, was thinking you were an idiot until you mentioned the guy coming at you with a knife.

Assuming you're not a bullshitting faggot, your assessment that the availability of lethal force was necessary was then proved correct.

>> No.11456167

Thanksgiving food sucks
Families suck

Can we not get over sentimental about a holiday because of advertising traditions

>> No.11456172

>Do I go again in 2018
I see no reason why not, may as well enjoy the sideshow.

>> No.11456188
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I don't really have a dysfunctional family but last Christmas we had my friend over for a movie and dinner and he had too much to drink and told my family I had a foot fetish.
Miraculously they didn't really make a big deal out of it and seem to have forgotten, which I'm thankful for.

>> No.11456235


Your friend musta felt like he put his foot in his mouth huh.

>> No.11456243

>extended family hates each other bc aunt/uncle got outed as swingers and they were embarrassed about it
>never get together
>only grandparents and mom
>mom and dad are divorced, dad doesn't talk to me since I told him I'm trans
>grandfather has dementia and grandmother has severe arthritis

it's pretty depressing

>> No.11456251

>my uncle took me out of state
>Nothing bad happened
I hope you have good insurance, because you're going to need a lot of therapy for those repressed memories.

>> No.11456269

But do you have one?

>> No.11456275

>everyone is quiet
>someone says something
>mom screams and throws her plate of food at the wall
24 years and counting!

>> No.11456285

>Be me at christmas because aussies have no thanksgiving
>Greek family, but the black sheep cousin married an alcoholic aussie wanker
>She invites our extended family over to her new house for christmas
>My dad is the master barbecuer of the family
>He arranges about ten kilos of the juicest gyros meat you've ever laid your eyes on
>Aussie says he'll arrange the charcoal
>We get there, there's no charcoal, he says he spent all his money on beer
>My dad is angry, gives the aussie $20 to go buy charcoal
>He comes back with a slab of beer
>Dad is beyond furious
>Meanwhile trouble is brewing inside the house
>Several aunties and cousins, including the blacksheep have been building up to some sort of convoluted four way argument that escalates into a screaming match
>To this day I still have no idea what it was about
>Cops eventually show up
>We bribe them away with beers and souvlaki (We finally had the grill lit by this point)
>Ten minutes after cops leave the screaming starts again
>Cops are back
>My dad is done, he tells me and my sister that we're leaving
>Hasn't spoken to the blacksheep cousin for fifteen years and going now.

>> No.11456289

me too

>> No.11456298

My mom isn't that bad but we more or less can't get through a family gathering without her being mad or crying.

Also every time it wraps up and everyone goes home she makes my siblings and I feel miserable for leaving.

Oh also she hasn't had a job for 10 months and we have to help her pay her bills.

She's a loving caring mom but she certainly doesn't make us want to see her.

>> No.11456308

4chan has been around for 15 years. If you were 15 when you found it you're 30 now
so shut the fuck out of my face

>> No.11456313

Don’t respond to underage posters anon

>> No.11456314

I only have the hot dog onions story. Oddly enough, all our family debacles occur on non-holiday events.

>> No.11456316

4chan is for normies now r-tard

>> No.11456317

Of course I do, where do you think we are?

>> No.11456405
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>dad doesn't talk to me since I told him I'm trans

>> No.11456424

>Do you have a girlfriend yet, anon?

>> No.11456516

not him, but is therapy really worth finding something like that out? I'm afraid I was molested as a child because I have incredibly realistic nightmares about getting fingered in the butt by some man, and my father making some offhand comment that a family member was a pedophile while in a drunken stupor
Yeah, I know, /blog. But still

>> No.11456571 [DELETED] 
File: 179 KB, 640x462, 1540612609799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Few years ago
>On leave from the Navy
>Drinking myself to death with sailor jerry
>Depressed about my friend being killed in Iraq
>Get invited from family to attend thanksgiving with them
>Get there and shit my pants at what I see
>Sister is dating a wild 300 pound porch monkey
>Feel disgusted and call her a whore
>Nig ends up getting her pregnant
>The animal leaves her
>Me and my uncles have a laugh about it from time to time
Go ahead and report me to the janys you european pieces of shit. This is an American board. Hurr RAH!

>> No.11456581

>dad doesn't talk to me since I told him I'm trans
Based dad

>> No.11456583

I hope you guys are LARPing; no one's family can be this dysfunctional for Thanksgiving. All my family ever does is cook, eat, watch the games, and take a nap. No fights in the kitchen, no arguing politics or ideology at the dinner table, no weird "this is our son's room, he's quite the X" or awkward "Look who finally decided to come out of their cave" moments.

>> No.11456586

sort this except its always when shes drunk and the wall is my dad who is also drunk

>> No.11456803

same anons

>> No.11456838

I know this story is bullshit because you can't get a slab for $20 anywhere here.

>> No.11456873

Lucky to get one for forty, even.

>> No.11456923

Not the most disastrous but, here goes.
>Dad is Nihongo
>Mom is Canadian.
>Dad's Sister, my Aunt hosts
>Japanese Christian ThantsuGibbingu.
>Christian Japanese people.
>Mom brings turkey.
>Aunt also makes turkey.
>Step uncle brings annoying tech up starts and dull white people.
>Raw squid, Raw octopus
>Shabu Shabu
>Most people don't know anything about American History.
>Just a bunch of irrating people.
>At least the white people ate some of the Turkey's.
Of course all the Asian people were grossed out by turkey but, were just fine with eating raw octopus and squid.

>> No.11456932

>Dad is Nihongo
>Mom is Canadian.
So you're full Asian

>> No.11456935

M-my mom says I'm white.

>> No.11456940

You exist in the phantom zone of ethnicity, anon. Not something to be ashamed of, since you can sort of flex into a contrary role for both sides.

>> No.11456962

The tree of liberty must be watered with the bile of obnoxiousness
t. Thomas Cranmore

>> No.11456964

It was like fifteen years or more ago.

>> No.11456971

>seem to have forgotten
they haven't, and talk about it a lot when you're not around.

>> No.11456972



>> No.11456974

Repressed memories have been proven to be mostly bullshit by now.

>> No.11456983

welcome to the 54%!!!
(of transexuals that commit suicide, if it's not clear haha)

>> No.11456993

> 20 yrs old
> first apt
> mom gave me a cookbook
> followed to the letter
> [drink I was]
> forgot giblets
> <<<<<< OH SHIT >>>>>>
> Reread after 15 minutes
> Find giblets in plastic bag
> No harm done, they were still cold

Lesson learned, always reread and follow instructions, especially when drunk. All my friends were at school and I was in NYC didn't have a girlfriend and it my first time with my own apartment so said wtf, I'm gonna make a turkey, my mom gave me instructions. I'm really glad I reread those.

Point reread directions/instructions and don't fuck up.

>> No.11456995

Small family kickback
>bring 3 little ceasar $5 dollar "Hot and Ready" pepperoni pizzas
>See that some random people (friends of friends) have also shown up
>leave one of the pizzas in the backseat for later when they leave
>none of these guests brought anything or pitched in for food/drinks
>they ate the most and drank the most
>some random fat bitch who I don't know eats one of my pizzas all by herself.
>15 people expected to share a bag of lays potato chips and one pizza

>> No.11456998

Good Morning
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnU2Tmqqv9g [Embed]
Good morning America!
The Highwaymen, Willie Nelson

>> No.11457021

I'm just a nobody American but I can pick good songs from time to time. See above.

>> No.11457025

Frenchfag here

>Live abroad
>Never did thancksgiving
>Get invited to by nice looking classmate (we fuck sometimes) i only know her there
>Dinner starts and i get quickly unmasked as that guy she can't stop talking about
>Both of us blushing, saying no way, and so on
>One chad looking guy at the end of the table visibly upset says "no fucking way, no no no"
>Starts to get up, runs at me and tackles me
>Starts punching me
>Grips the tablecloth to get up and make some plates full with food fall down, glasses and everything, yelling stuff i was to stunned to understand at the girl i'm fucking
>He runs away, later girl tells me he was crying the whole time
>I strugle on my feet everybody helps
>Finish dinner and i fuck her at her place, i got special treament.

Turns out he was her ex, they broke out months ago and he figured out she cheated because the relation went bad suddenly.

>> No.11457039

based anti-nog bro

>> No.11457059

No Thanksgiving because not amerixlcan, but

>tfw old enough to just avoid Christmas Eve feast instead of going and sulking at a corner all night
>tfw juat stay home playing video games all day
>tfw extended family has stopped asking about me
>tfw didn't get a single happy birthday on social media last year

This suits me just fine.

>> No.11457065

>carrying a gun to a family get together in order to win the inevitable arguments over sports and truck brands

>> No.11457070


t. 30 year old loser who still browses 4chan

>> No.11457302

Swinger family members are cool as fuck, my uncle used to let me shag his girlfriends.

>> No.11457315
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I've been here for 13 years.

>> No.11457343

I mean it's pretty clear from his story he's not 'normal' he brought a gun to thanksgiving and actually fucking drew it the mad fucker

It's just his family is LESS normal that he had to do that in the first place.

The rest is totally believable, 4chan is full of boomers whose souls have been trapped here since the aughts

>> No.11457348

>Abuela and Tia

Ah, Mexicans. Explains that.

>> No.11457349

Every Thanksgiving I go to serves turkey, it's peasant food.

>> No.11457350

>>Aussie says he'll arrange the charcoal
>>We get there, there's no charcoal, he says he spent all his money on beer
>>My dad is angry, gives the aussie $20 to go buy charcoal
>>He comes back with a slab of beer
yep welcome to Straya

>> No.11457356

who the fuck invites their ex to thanksgiving

>> No.11457367

>be me
>32 yo white male
>be only normal person in entire bloodline
stopped reading here hello /pol/

>> No.11457398

To be fair, the ones who don't have any special stories to tell (ie they have a normal family) probably won't be posting in the thread.

Worst thing that happened to me on Thanksgiving was my dad got mad at me and accused me of being racist over a political discussion, which was pretty weird because I actually get along well with my dad. But that's nothing compared to some of the shit in this thread.

>> No.11457411
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My family is awesome and I look forward to sharing the holidays with them.

>> No.11457433


It was a let's invite everyone we know type of thing at someone else's place with mostly american students, i was her plus one.

>> No.11457445

why would a chef boiling potatoes get mentioned twice?
is that not like saying he'd want to scratch his nutsack?

>> No.11457465

men are just resources to the roast

>> No.11457484

>Whole family knows I'm a taciturn, introverted bastard with weird tastes
>I stopped going to family functions when I was 16, they stopped inviting me when I was 19
>Holidays are now days I spend naked, eating trash, getting drunk, and catching up on comics/series/chinese cartoons

Everybody wins in this situation.

>> No.11457511

its sounds like your well and truly creating your own personal hell, its one thing to not go to some christmas event, fair enough, but to instead spend that time being sad and disgusting is not a very good way of dealing with things

>> No.11457606

>Dad is Nihongo

So your dad is Japanese language, not a Japanese person? kek

>> No.11457626


Well, at lesst you dusted the pasta off and gave it a spit shine before posting.

But a polished turd is still a turd. I feel sorry for you that you don't have your own stories.


>> No.11457658

I kekd at this also.

>> No.11457661
File: 252 KB, 1343x1007, 20161225_110551-1343x1007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holiday get togethers have always sucked donkey dick
>boring ass family
>shitty food
>step dad unbearable Texan know-it-all
>screaming kids I'm expected to entertain for some reason
>also expected to help cook and/or clean up
>can't get drunk or smoke any herbs
>get gf
>gf convinces me to go on casino getaway over Thanksgiving
>it's pretty great
>plush hotel room
>free liquor
>able to smoke weed
>amazing buffet
>louisiana cajun and southern food (pic related, smoked turkey necks
>no cooking, carrot souffle)
>no dishes
>no family
>no kids
Now we do this 90% of the time. Go visit grandma and the important ones a day or two after, have quality one on one time.

>> No.11457665
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>> No.11457688

when you have to make everything every year, then you can do something simple like potatoes its fun again.
you just get to cook without any pressure and can relax, its therapeutic

>> No.11457699
File: 22 KB, 392x331, IMG_20181104_170950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>Thanksgiving with my wife's libtard family
>Cool redpilled vodka uncle gets up to propose a toast
>5 minute toast to president donald Trump


>> No.11457738

antisocial gang

>> No.11457742

a year is not enough time for this lazy fuck to decompress

>> No.11457770

Sup dude I read your post

>> No.11457813

Fuck off cuck

>> No.11457814

Where else do you browse?

You think just because people got older and had a couple kids, that they're just gonna go to reddit/facebook?

>> No.11457820

lick my hairy taint first, nignog

>> No.11457822
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>That 27 year old Boomer that thinks that 3 years is a monumental difference

>> No.11457824

>On leave from the Navy
>Depressed about my friend being killed in Iraq

ISIS has a navy now?

>> No.11457832

It still helps, I like making the simple things now. Potatoes and gravy because the rest of the family doesnt cook that well
atleast I know I have my favorite thing done right on thanksgiving

>> No.11457838

Nah, I really do that to enjoy myself. I rarely ever drink, so I take a handful of days a year to get myself nicely boozed up; it's wrong of me to call it "getting drunk", since I never got past the happy stage. I've never blacked out, or woken up without memory of what I'd done the previous night.

Eating trash... well, it is what it is. Pizza, chinese takeout, popcorn, cracker nuts, funyons/fritos, iced tea/coffee, mini PB&J sandwiches, the list goes on. I'm still a fat fuck (currently ~240lbs @ 6ft), but I've been going to the gym for a while and dieting correctly, and I use the holidays to make up for the cheat days I deny myself throughout the year.

It's unarguably disgusting, but I wouldn't call it sad. This thanksgiving, I intend to spend the day slowly eating a small sushi boat and a bunch of homemade spring rolls, drinking vodka mixed with soursop juice, and watch my backlog of One Piece episodes. Better than spending a day watching my small army of relatives and hangers-on trading gossip, undergoing drama, and discussing politics and sports (plus my grandmother's unending religious wailing because her children aren't as devout as her, and 4 of her 5 grandchildren are either atheists or uninterested in joining her specific strain of protestantism).

>> No.11457858

>It's unarguably disgusting, but I wouldn't call it sad
>fat fuck
>sushi boat
>One Piece
>I wouldn't call it sad

>> No.11457868

I had easter with my girlfriend's family.
They're poor and half retarded because they were raised piss poor by my gf's grandma. (she raised her kids to be such dumbfucks she had to raise her grandkids.) She's a cunt. She didn't raise my girlfriend but literally everyone she's raised still lives with her. Her kids are in their 50s, 3 grand kids in their 20s.

They're dysfunctional, but boring as fuck. None of them drink or do drugs or anything.

If you keep thinking about it those memories will manifest whether they really happened or not.

If you put your mind to work on it, it will create memories where none previously existed.

>> No.11457876

>I told him I'm trans
>grandfather has dementia

So mental illnesses run in the family?

>> No.11457884

How is bringing a gun to thanksgiving normal?

Why the hell would you go if you had someone threatening you with a knife last year?

Just don't go...

>> No.11457893

a good family to marry into, anon
>s-she'll b-be fine w-with me
uuuhhhh huh

>> No.11457916

How do you resist the urge to photoshop monkey faces onto her mutt and send it out as your christmas card?

>> No.11457923

You're a hapa mutt, your mother is terrified of you becoming an elliot rodgers
>On 4chan
Not looking great so far

>> No.11457945
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>> No.11457946

Wouldn't matter either way, we have a 2 year old daughter, might as well be married.

I could write paragraphs about how weird her family is but it'd just make me angry about shit I really don't have to deal with anymore.

>> No.11457947
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>be American
>go to Thanksgiving dinner
>get shot by cousin

>> No.11457951

>abuela and tia

Stopped reading there, NHI

>> No.11457962

>argument gets heated
>someone pulls out a gun
>four other people point their guns at him
>first guy backs off
Happens at least twice every holiday

>> No.11457966

Lol no, you're not both, you're neither

t. Vancouver

>> No.11457974

Is nephew really a she?

>> No.11457984

>Make killer turkey day shit
>gf and her mom come over, along with liek 30 peeps
>gf's mom says multiple times "That's not how we do Thanksgiving at my house."
>know it's never going to work
>start cheating on gf
>best decision made in a while

>> No.11457986

Story has a happy ending we need more of this shit.

>> No.11458001

>majority of family always comes from every other state to spend thanksgiving at one of my realtor aunts handful of bigass houses
>it's always peak thanksgiving
>last year everyone decides to let my newly married cousin host thanksgiving in her dumpy little shitshack
>out of state family doesn't even bother flying in, tell us they made other plans
>cousin is whitetrash and so is her husband, dude walks around wearing a snapback and the same basketball jersey he wears every day
>for some other reason they also insist on having 3-5 foster dogs in their house at any time, neurotic ones that all have issues so no one will adopt them
>one of these dogs is a pitbull mix with separation anxiety, will actually start tearing a room apart if it gets left alone too long

>arrive at their house with what little family actually showed up
>husband is out on the driveway with one of those barrel sized turkey deep fryers
>red flags shooting out my asshole because I've seen those things consume entire homes in fires on youtube
>i don't say shit because I think it'll be funny if it happens
>turkey is lowered in and nothing happens, oh well
>we all hang around inside and every now and then go stand outside and drink PBR while watching the turkey cook in the fryer
>different cousin walks out the front door to come outside and I hear my whitetrash cousin yell "WATCH THE DOG"
>pitbull mix comes flying out the fucking door at the husband because I guess it missed him
>slams straight into the fryer
>hot oil splashes all over the place, some family members get it on their clothes but no major burns or anything
>dog however is flailing and screaming as I can see fur sloughing off of it, it's coated in sizzling oil
>cousins husband says "aw god damnit keep it where it is don't let it run away" and goes inside
>dog is screaming at the top of its lungs as it spasms on the ground in front of all of us
>neighbors watching

>> No.11458008

>cousins husband comes back out with a fucking .22 revolver and before we can say anything, he says "just like yeller" and shoots it in the head
>seizing deep fried dog now has a dent in its head spewing blood
>still screaming
>he shoots it again in the head and then twice in the chest
>dog finally quiets down and kicks before dying
>cops show up and go what the fuck
>no trouble after explaining what happened because you're allowed to put down animals that are suffering where I live, even if he did it in the worst way

we're going back to my aunts this year

>> No.11458016

Lol .22 revolver what a dumb ass

>> No.11458022
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3 weeks ago true story.
Went out for dinner with mom, stepdad and dad for my 34th bday at a casual new place.
Drank 2 pints of vodka because im an alchy.
Black out 5 minutes into dinner.
I wake up in bed with a text from my dad "wtf chris"
I make everyone get a $10 chicken caesar salad because I love them.
I assume they call me out on being drunk as fuck.
Stand up and berate my parents because im a drunk. Walk out of place and get picked up and brought home.

I dont think I want to do thanksgiving this year.

>> No.11458027


>> No.11458034

It's retards like you that provide fuel for the gun control activists.

>> No.11458037

There's over 1000 calories in a pint of vodka.

I stopped drinking just to lose weight with the help of medical detox.

>> No.11458053
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Most of the unstable psychos are WMAF byproducts. He's at least got a leg up in the game since he's a AMWF byproduct.

>> No.11458062
File: 35 KB, 408x450, dur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to narcissitic aunts house for thanksgiving
>she was recently rich and blowing through all her money on prescription drugs/gambling
>everyone is there because she's rich and they all want a taste
>everyone pretends she isn't a vile cunt
>her crackhead son shows up with his crackhead friend
>starts causing a scene
>starts throwing chairs around
>slaps his mother right across the face
>someone calls the police
>other crackhead leaves 'I GOT WARRANTS'
>we somehow manage to lock him out of the house
>starts banging on the door
>door is flying off hinges
>cops arrive
>he resists
>they get him on his knees in front of the house
>he's still mouthing off
>they take a club and whip him across the face with it
I have many more stories, if you'd like to know.

>> No.11458064
File: 11 KB, 480x360, 1523850581035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do what I did, start going to the gym and when people comment on it be honest and tell them it's for the race war
Now no one asks me anything because they don't like the answer, it's great

>> No.11458067

>constantly get badgered by old people
>get told how much they've missed me and how much I've grown
>get asked if I have a gf/wife and that I need to give them grandnieces or something
>ask them what my name is
>they can't answer
>they don't even know who I am but feel the need to constantly pester me with this
I stopped going to family meetups

>> No.11458069
File: 114 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just like yeller

>> No.11458106

You do realize there's more to life than browsing the web all day, right?

>> No.11458112

>One Piece
Lost all respect right there.

>> No.11458126

Yes, please

>> No.11458146

>you want me to procreate but you don't even know my name...?
>good luck with that, bitch
I don't get why people brag about autism so much

>> No.11458155

Well, what would you suggest to watch while spending a whole day off eating and getting buzzed?

>> No.11458168

How about a good anime which isn't just generic big three shounenshit?

>> No.11458169

Read my post more carefully. I was saying that he can play the white guy among the azns and the azn among the whities.

>> No.11458186

Find a good place that's open on Thanksgiving, enjoy a great meal and say 'fuck you' to your family.

>> No.11458195

WTF is a kickback?

>> No.11458200

Well, I do have Cromartie High School, Watamote, Spice and Wolf, Desert Punk, and Tokyo Ghoul somewhere in an external HD. I guess I could rewatch one or two of them.

Then again, there's still over a week until turkey day, I can probably torrent whatever you recommend until then.
>inb4 Boku no Pico

>> No.11458241

What a piece of human garbage.

>> No.11458242

I'd like to hear more

>> No.11458245


>> No.11458248

glad you liked it son

>> No.11458250


I wonder if any vocal trumptards have the self-awareness to realize that they're just as cringy as the worst tumblr SJWs.

>> No.11458251

Congrats, you have a taste in anime equivalent to /mu/'s taste in music. Try some slightly less entry level anime, like:
Good story: Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu
Good directing: Should Kakumei Utena
Good classic: Ace wo Nerae
Good cute girls: Kokoro Toshokan
The list goes on forever. CroKou is good comedy at least, but why rewatch something when you can watch something new?

>> No.11458256
File: 61 KB, 640x640, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done agent 008.

>> No.11458259

Hell no. I relate to family constantly going at each other, fighting, yelling and crying....

I moved out the second I was done with high school and keep contact with my mom and dad, but to other family, a bare minimum.

>> No.11458260

Hi wagie-incel

>> No.11458264

what are the open carry laws? Having a gun is pointless if you can't passively threaten people with it

>> No.11458273
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>> No.11458278


>> No.11458340

Sure, but even if you do it for a few hours a week and you want to post some stuff or read a collection of opinions. I'm not going somewhere lame that I have to login to post and have a post history.

>> No.11458346

>4chan is my secret club of misfits xD
you are late for like 11-12 years son

>> No.11458354

>preparing the turkey
>wrist watch comes off and gets stuck inside it
>having difficulty finding it and somehow end up putting head inside turkey
>doorbell rings
>gf is at the door
>get the turkey off head eventually but in the process the turkey gets tossed out the window

At least the watch was found.

>> No.11458376

>somehow end up putting head inside turkey
>but in the process the turkey gets tossed out the window
How did any of that actually happen?

>> No.11458390

brotip: it didn't

>> No.11458422

Lucky desu

>> No.11458425


>> No.11458434

>Every midsummer and easter
>Dad and aunts husband are both too stubborn to admit wrongdoing
>Dad and aunts husband always get cringe tier drunk
>Everyone else just watches dissaprovingly

>> No.11458443

>Should Kakumei Utena
>Ace wo Nerae

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll check them out. But, I think you're still missing the point: I'm looking for something to watch while drinking, hence the initial plan of binging on something that's easy to follow like One Piece. Appreciating good stories and direction isn't easy when it's nearly midnight and you still have three ounces of vodka in your system telling you to giggle at every little thing.

Maybe I'll just forsake the booze this time and do a Kon Satoshi marathon.

>Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu, Kokoro Toshokan
Already watched these.

>> No.11458459

I imagine the stress is higher for a trained chef to do it because everybody expects it to be mind blowingly awesome.

So just having to do something simple is nice and relaxing and you can enjoy the meal without worrying if everybody is enjoying what you made. If they don't like what you brought, well they still have plenty of food from other people to enjoy.

Sounds like you had a happy ending anon. Small get togethers seem more /comfy/ anyway

>> No.11458487

>Christmas dinner
>grandma wanted the whole family there
>my mom, uncle and aunt start arguing because my mom stole money from my grandma for 10 months
>mom brings up shit from their childhood to try and paint herself like the victim
>try to defuse, wait for lull in their argument and tell uncle the math he made is great for a first attempt
>tells me to piss off and get a job
>I make more money than he does and have been paying for his moms medication out of pocket for the last 5 years
>correct him, tell my aunt she has excellent taste in wine
>uncle flings fucking cranberry sauce at me
>look ar my cousins, they are both visibly embarrassed.
>grandma starts crying "I just wanted a nice family dinner!"
What a bunch of spoiled rotten kids she raised.

>> No.11458492


>> No.11458509

>dad cheated on mom when I was like 2
>mom divorced him
>a few years later he had a new wife and a new daughter and had Thanksgiving with them
>mom remarried an alcoholic
>thanksgiving was usually just me, her, my stepfather, and my maternal grandparents
>all my grandparents are dead now
>mom divorced stepdad after he hit her (but I think she instigated, since she was physically abusive to me)
>he later died of liver disease
>dad moved across the country for a job
>he never called me, I always had to call him to have any contact
>mom went to prison for a year (embezzlement)
>dad also went to prison for awhile (downloading cp)
>mom moved back in with me after she got released
>she became physically and emotionally abusive, so I kicked her out
>didn't speak to me for a year+
>dad moved back to the area
>recently found out he took me out of his will
>he doesn't know I know
I don't think I've ever had a "normal" Thanksgiving.

>> No.11458518

Classic wogs

>> No.11458525

Pretty sure you can sue him on grounds that he’s incompetent and possessed cp

>> No.11458530

I also found out he's giving a house and his life insurance (like $100k) to some chick he's been living with (doubtful they're banging, since he's old as fuck).

I think she's fleecing him, but he's stubborn as hell and won't let anybody try to help him.

>> No.11458540

Do you really want anything from a pedo though?

>> No.11458586

I love oysters and crab; how in the fuck did you manage to make them both look so unappetizing?

>> No.11458602

watch parasyte

>> No.11458676

sue his dad for disinheriting him?
the fuck are you talking about

>> No.11458772

>Day before Thanksgiving
>Mom working Thanksgiving for extra money
>She asks my father, my sister and I to prep food
>I had already finished putting the turkey in the brine for the next day
>sister finished whatever she had to and was watching her daughter
>Dad finally decided to get off his ass and peel potatos
>I decide to put a freezer pizza in the oven for a quick dinner since the kitchen had been prepped for Thanksgiving
>go back to my room and wait for the timer i set to go off
>hear my sister and dad yelling at each other in the kitchen like usual
>my timer goes off and hear my sister call me from the kitchen
>i walk out of my room to get my pizza and as i get to the kitchen my dad starts yelling at me from the sink
>"Anon, get your stupid fucking pizza out of the oven! It's fucking burning!"
>At this point my father had been verbally abusing us for years, wasn't working and weighed about 300lbs
>I'm over the shit and tell him to fuck off and get the pizza himself
>He immediately gets up in my face and points the potato peeler right in my face like he's going to stab me with it
>I get in his face because after years of shit like this I'm not afraid of a fat old man
>He then tries to hit me in the face with the potato peeler still in his hand
>i ended up wrestling it out of his hand
>he tries to hit me in the face so i aim for his stomach and punch the shit out of him as he's hitting me
>eventually my sister breaks us up from each other
>finally notice that the potato peeler sheared off a big chunk of skin from my middle finger
>starts bleeding like a fucker
>had to hold a paper towel over it to stop from getting blood everywhere
>ended up having to pick up my mother from work and stop by the pharmacy while my finger was still bleeding
>finally got it cleaned up and dressed after i got back home
>Ended up telling coworkers and friends i cut my finger peeling potatoes
Took him a week to apologize, but still blamed me for the fight. He died this past August

>> No.11458822

>He died this past August
sorry to hear that anon

>> No.11458896

It has happened and cases have been won.

>> No.11458905

A women is suing a dead kids family she ran over for causing her stress, depression and anxiety

>> No.11458914

Damn anon, fuck that shitbag

I hope the holidays get some better meanings for you sooon

>> No.11458927

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11458940


>> No.11458943

Seething roastie

>> No.11458954

It's called Mr. Bean

>> No.11459012

on the grounds that he has CP charges?
hmmm, never heard that one before

>> No.11459049

You sound like a piece of shit

>> No.11459094

>mom has aggressive inflammatory breast cancer that spread to her lymph nodes
>last thanksgiving and christmas this year
>last surviving family member
once they are gone, you dont get any more, anons
love them while they’re here

23 is pretty young to not have any parents or siblings left alive, so count your blessings

>> No.11459135
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>be mwuah
>2 years ago I think?
>Only competent cook in family, tell my parents/some extended family to come over and do dinner this year at my loft and for them to maybe put together some cold salads or whatever they can manage.
>big day comes,food in the oven, things going swimmingly
>there are about 12 of them that show including parents and sister
>getting close to showtime, plating the tables
>father has hilarious idea to drop some racial joke with the N bomb in it
>family roaring except for me and sis
>sister and I both regularly racemix and he knows this
>he and my mother are shocked when my sister and I kick everyone out right before dinner
>everyone is throwing a fit "it's not fair, whats your problem" "F this F that N word this"
>end up calling police because they refuse to leave and attempt to steal food they didnt even bring
>father gets physical with police and is arrested (and ultimately jailed for over a year)
>mom also gets disorderly and is locked up over night
>everyone else clears out and hasn't spoke to me since
>ended up inviting over our BF's and their friends to eat all the food
should we try for round 2?

>> No.11459137


>> No.11459146

Sorry, take your little white shrimpdick elsewhere, incel.
>ill produce black children and you wont produce ANY

>> No.11459147

I feel you anon. Last christmas I also thought it would be my moms' last because her doctor told me so. She still lives and is recuperating, hope things change for the better for yours.

>> No.11459160

Why are you so intent on racemixing? Love making Daddy angry? So typical.

>> No.11459176
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You'll be a single mother

>> No.11459178

Yes, dumbass

>> No.11459200
File: 76 KB, 724x620, 1483018319102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>cousins husband comes back out with a fucking .22 revolver and before we can say anything, he says "just like yeller" and shoots it in the head
Fucking amazing. I've been giggling about this story for the past 5 minutes, it just keeps giving every time I imagine it.

>> No.11459212

Yeah you should, and then report back here around Christmas when there's a thread like this.

>> No.11459226

Who said he served in Iraq?
>t. nigger

>> No.11459249

>what are corpsman?

>> No.11459256

Soon they'll have space marines too

>> No.11459259

>>for some other reason they also insist on >having 3-5 foster dogs in their house at any time, neurotic ones that all have issues so no one will adopt them
why do white trash dipshits always insist on doing this?

>> No.11459264

So he's what they call passing in the black community

>> No.11459276

I just have to navigate Christmas when visiting my dad or mom's just doing all I can to ensure we don't get stuck there with my brother and his wife.

My brother is a good man but I just cannot stand the woman. I've tried to play nice but she is just an awful human being. Greedy, selfish, one-upping, judgemental and materialistic. It's all we can do as a family to be there when she inevitably divorces him and annihilates him emotionally with restricted custody, and financially with child support.

>> No.11459278
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thank you based anon

>> No.11459300

because blacks can actually fuck and my dad is a maga trump blower so who cares
I make well over 6 figures from home. I can hire a live in nanny if I need one.

>> No.11459312
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Tbh if it isnt ck I would have thought everyone out there had an amazing sweet family and thanksgivng. Full with laughter like in the movies. While mine is surprisingly pretty bad

Unlike social media these kind of story will never show up on FB

>> No.11459324


>knows that fucking a nig will make her a single mother
>says i'll hire a nanny

Yeah you deserve everything that is going to happen to you. The way I look at you is the same way I look at a dog that knows better but still fucks up. Just shake my head and sigh.

>> No.11459333

Sounds exactly like a typical white trash Thanksgiving from my old neighborhood. Good times. It wasn't Thanksgiving or Christmas if the cops didn't show up because McKayla brought Devonte over

>> No.11459335

Based dad

>> No.11459338

You can sue for anything, doesn't mean you'll win

>> No.11459340

one of them should have brought a trigger warning for you faggots

>> No.11459345

You're just mad you can't have me :)

>> No.11459346

>thinking why is he so mad, they can just get an abortion
>"abuela and tia"

>> No.11459349

Such a rich and passionate culture.
I wish my country could be overrun by it.

>> No.11459351

I'm confused. So your family is white and your dad drop some black joke and you and sister got offended by it because you two dated black ppl regularly?

>> No.11459354
File: 516 KB, 680x418, 1532138092539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 years old
>Get in line to get food
>Aunt makes shitty stuffing
>Don't like stuffing in the first place because picky eater
>Don't like Aunt's stuffing because it smells horrible and looks burnt
>Don't want to eat it
>Skip it
>Dad gets mad at me for not getting any stuffing
>Say I don't want any
>Dad forcefeeds it to me
>Vomit on the table
>Vomit all over the turkey
>Dad beats me for ruining thanksgiving
>Everyone awkwardly goes home

>> No.11459362


Yeah the bitch got trigged because she's a roastie coal-burner.

>> No.11459366

Imagine being so detached and uncaring from your flesh and blood you throw money at a Puerto Rican immigrant to take care of it

>> No.11459374

I was eating dinner not doing a photo shoot, dumbass

>> No.11459376

If he cannot assimilate to civilized life outside of his respective mobile home, then he can live in his dated "white mans" world alone away from those of us with 21st century lives.

>> No.11459377
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Maybe your family sucks mutt, I'm pure breed white and my family is upper middle class awesome (except the one obligatory skanky cousin) and my grandma is an excellent cook that makes delicious sides and a succulent turkey every year

>> No.11459378
File: 100 KB, 600x600, 1539298100021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I've never had thanksgiving. Is turkey really that delicious? I've always seen it on shows how big and juicy it is

>> No.11459380

Post body and let us decide you fucking larper
>makes 6 figures from home
Be more subtle next time, retard
Funny how literally every person on 4chan makes 6 figures from home. As if some roastie who fucks niggers and posts on 4chan for God know what reason has any noticeable skills that could be monetized beside being a cum dumpster for apes

>> No.11459381

They did not forget anon. It's not like that should come up in conversation alot unless you and your family are the creepy kind of close

>> No.11459385

she dwells in a "loft", that's all you need to know about this L lover

>> No.11459389

it is great have Thanksgiving anyway

>> No.11459394

It can be amazing if prepared right. It can be very bland and dry, if not.

>> No.11459396

That must have been awkward, black thanksgiving sounds kind of comfy tho. I imagine it's alot of soul foods

>> No.11459398

Tastes like chicken, it's just traditional and larger for big family meal

>> No.11459417


Turkey doesn't just taste like chicken. It has it's own flavor.

>> No.11459424

Lol that's the continuation of your family line anon, you and your uncle laugh now but the monkey has the last laugh as all your ancestors are half-breed mutts

>> No.11459428

Yes but what are you gonna say to someone who's never had it, it's not far off

>> No.11459434

What? Thanksgiving is known as a shit-slinging argumentative family holiday in like every form of media.
I'm have no idea where you fabricated your idea of media thanksgiving from, but it isn't at all accurate.

>> No.11459443
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>> No.11459446
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You mean descendants you fucking monkey

>> No.11459451

>Getting into a fight over a girl
>Stay with her
Holy shit that's retarded you even know she is disloyal by her own admition

>> No.11459492

i'm sweating from laughing at this holy fuck

>> No.11459506
File: 2.96 MB, 640x800, 1537148062774.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Losing oneself over some pussy

I never understand ppl who lose their shit because of a girl. I've dated a view and broke up but never will I go to the point to punch their new bf

>> No.11459507

he was fucking a chick abroad, I doubt very much he gives a shit

>> No.11459524

You’re a faggot

>> No.11459525
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>> No.11459530
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>pitbull mix comes flying out the fucking door at the husband because I guess it missed him
>slams straight into the fryer

Holy fucking shit

>> No.11459536

Our families Thanksgiving has always been the tits
>Mother loves to cook
>Family is completely based genuine middle class people, (the few obnoxious members live too far to come)
>Mother and I are kitchen powerhouse
>Buddies come over and I sometimes get a little high with them before food
>Share stories and catch up, none of which is forced or awkward because we are open about our lives regularly.
My favorite holiday

>> No.11459548
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>> No.11459562
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>> No.11459566

Who the fuck calls on Thanksgiving to tell a family that their kid knocked someone up

>> No.11459568
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>> No.11459579

It really is unfortunate that worthless threads like these, which are not really to cooking at all, get so many replies.

>> No.11459588

Umm, in the US it was his ancestors too, sweaty.

>> No.11459590

axckshually dementia is a physical illness

>> No.11459600
File: 13 KB, 259x206, 1541044911994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food and cooking related stories arw always comfy.

Go back to your daily pathetic 3 replies "I think spoons are pretty good." Thread

>> No.11459616

he lit your ass up, son
stick that in your cup and stir it

>> No.11459617

Agreed, it wasn't his fault, he didn't even know him. It'd make more sense to punch the girl, but it's even more shallow and stupid.

>> No.11459624

What a worthless whore.
The guy is a cuck for attacking you instead of her, though.

>> No.11459627

Highschool was the best time because me and my friends would get high and a little drunk and walk to each of our families houses eating because we'd been long time friends and each family saw us as part of theirs.

Shit was tight. I miss it.

>> No.11459638

>one dysfunctional spic story
>1 gazillion wh*te 'murrican dysfunctional stories
>the sky is falling, the sky is falling, sound the alarm! a caravan of 4000 women and children seeking asylum are invading!
Kek, haven't heard word one since Tues. got over with.

>> No.11459643

>she fucking dropped and left on the floor
what did you mean by this

>> No.11459663 [DELETED] 
File: 1.73 MB, 400x736, 1530134233988.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yiff in hell furfag

>> No.11459666

>the classic don't blame the burglar blame the house routine
women can't help being whores, of course you attack the man

>> No.11459671

So you're telling me if you know you have violent family that you're fine with them coming at you with a knife? You bet your ass my whole family carries to thanksgiving. It makes sure everyone behaves like civilized adults.

>> No.11459714

>Go to family thanksgiving
>Get shot

>> No.11459740

Underrated, wholesome, and wonderful post anon. I feel the exact same way.

>> No.11459760
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You do that

>> No.11459777

Now I think about it. I would have punch a cheating gf instead of the new guy too

>> No.11459786

It's da joos fault Whiteys families are falling apart

>> No.11459819



>> No.11459831

I heard some updates on NPR. They're in Mexico City. Imagine walking to Mexico City.

>> No.11459834
File: 82 KB, 1028x675, 1540761771306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a disaster but wholesome:
>zero tolerance policy for shenanigans
>mom needs everything prim and proper trying to impress her mom
>im 10 dgaf tape my fart machine under the dinning room table hours before dinner
>right after grace a moment of silence
>mash the button in my pocket
>mom looks mortified, dad's looking for an ass to kick, gramps didn't hear it cuz war, rest of the family holding their laughter
>grandma suddenly chimes in with the most stereotypical British accent despite living in the US since the 50s
>"Oh my! Someone made a popper!"
>entire family erupts in laughter, except gramps, he still can't hear shit
Holidays are more light-hearted from then on, story becomes one of my uncle's classics to retell every year.

>> No.11459847

Yeah, it's just one story. Hah.
They can go ahead and machinegun the white trash too. I value culture over race.

>> No.11459857

>be invited Muslim version of Thanksgiving
>usually avoid going to them since I'm irreligious
>Family doesn't really know,and I don't really want to burn bridges and reveal it to them yet
>There's one of those distant cousins who somewhat have a crush on me
>Family also always asking about when I'm getting married,or when I finish my college (I finished 2 years ago
>Food always give me the shits
>Expect to do the prayers and Koran recitals

It's annoying as hell,would definitely think about a time when I skip it altogether

>> No.11459894

Call me obsessed but you Americans are fucked. We constantly talk about you because time and time again we see examples of stupid as fuck people being able to have the tools required to kill/injure/destroy. Why am I reading about deep fried turkey and dead dogs at family functions? I'm so glad to be British at least I can run from a knife.

>> No.11459903


>> No.11459932

>be 17, have extended family over to our house for thanksgiving lunch/dinner
>very politically incorrect grandmother comes (she's based and redpilled af)
>among our aunts, uncles and cousins, is a cousin who is a typical fat, ugly, pink haired sjw loser
>brings her fetal alcohol delinquent chug boyfriend who's 8 years older than her
>they start going off about how we should be sorry for stealing the chug land and the other typical social marxist bullshit
>everyone is uncomfortable, suddenly grandma exclaims roughly: ''you should be bloody thankful we didn't slaughter you all like the spanish did, perhaps we should've, for the good you've done us'' or something like that
>cousin starts shrieking about white privilege and chug starts mumbling about racism and his land
>other cousins and I are laughing, grandma talking about how great residential schools were, and how fat SJW cousin should marry a ''proper'' man
>delinquent chug (who is drunk) goes to bathroom (find out later he pissed everywhere)
>cousin is crying and literally REEEEEEEEing and they leave and never come to thanksgiving again, then they cry about it on facebook and their fucked up reserve friends talk about how they're gonna beat us all up
that's about all, peace out.

>> No.11459934

I liked the post until they kill the dog. But I wouldn't know what else they could do if it's half cooked

>> No.11459939
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>dad used to fight a lot with my older brother and sister for some reason (adolescence, rebellion, pms etc)
>one fight of dad v. brother carried over to Thanksgiving
>stuck eating canned clams and tostadas when they start going at it
>my brother yells at my dad and calls him a motherfucker before storming out
>dad starts whining about "my poor mother" because the insult got lost in translation
>it's funny because my dad is always yelling at his mom and talking down to her

>> No.11459944

yeah because criminals obey laws
t. non-anglo

>> No.11459948


>> No.11459950

That sounded like it was fun...I'd go...

>> No.11459975

Violent crime in Britain is way higher than in the US. You have much less of a free press than the US. You don't have freedom of speech. 1/3 of London thinks being gay should be a criminal offense (no, it's not because of ''bigoted whites''). You voted to leave the EU, but now you are sort of in limbo between that and sovereignty, and your own incompetent govt is possibly even more abusive than the EU anyways. You literally have acid attack epidemics in certain areas and muslim child sex trafficking gangs that the police avoid for fear of being labeled ''racist''. Last time I went to London I couldn't walk 5 meters without seeing some goatfucker who doesn't belong there. It's sad. But hey at least you don't have the right to own a gun!

>> No.11459986

>t. triggered NPC who voted for Hillary

>> No.11459993

really went off the reservation with that one

>> No.11460000
File: 37 KB, 511x671, 8030F9A357EA4F73B391450F2CF3023C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grandma wasn't very reserved that night was she

>> No.11460010

>I'm so glad to be British at least I can run from a knife
Too bad that, by running from Nigel Woolsthorpington's blunt butter knife, you'll probably run into a pack of refugees and get C U L T U R A L L Y E N R I C H E D.

>> No.11460020

''refugees'' meaning military aged male economic migrants with no interest in contributing to your country or assimilating at all.

>> No.11460022

Reach out to your family one year I'll bet it would make them endlessly happy, don't you want to make your family happy anon?

>> No.11460029

Going to a coworkers family for thanksgiving. How do i not act like a sperg?

>> No.11460036

Oi, wheres your runnin loisense m8

>> No.11460039


>> No.11460044


>> No.11460092

All because your mother is a degenerate with absolutely shitty taste in men

>> No.11460096


>> No.11460104

Did your pizza burn tho?

>> No.11460126

Incredible. Thanks for the new meme

>> No.11460128


why the fuck do people maintain contact with shitty family?
If you don't like them, just cut them out and get on with your life.

Don't go OP, you have no reason to. Host it yourself and invite the people you like instead, and if the uninvited arrive, you get rid of them.

>> No.11460131

>Putting liberalism above your family
I'll bet your parents are fucking ashamed of having you. One day in a decade or two or after they die you will realize how shitty of a child you are and you will regret treating your parents that way

>> No.11460134

Oh boy. My family is split exactly down the middle. I'm not looking forward to another micro-civil war.

>> No.11460139

>Putting conservatism above your family
It goes both ways, nig

>> No.11460143
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>calling ppl a NPC hilary voter because someone doesn't like his cringe post

I wonder who's the NPC

>> No.11460146

I’m really not looking forward to thanksgiving this year, being that I’m 24 and still work at a grocery store. I already know all of my cousins around my age are going to ask what I do for work. Shits going to be shameful. Thinking about just going to my gfs thanksgiving instead, but I want to see my grandparents.

>> No.11460153

They could take it to a vet you utter retard. Instead, Billy Bob brings out his popgun and like most 'murrican gun fanatics is too stupid to even know how to take out a small animal with a .22. A disgusting story and if I were the cop would have confiscated his guns, hauled his ass to county and thrown him into an overcrowded cell meant for 2 people with Darius, Tyrone and Jamal as his cellmates sharing 2 bunks. Fucking scumbag.

>> No.11460156
File: 2.12 MB, 500x281, UniformSpecificHarvestmouse-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying anyone else would want you after you admit to fucking blacks

>> No.11460158

you double nigger

>> No.11460163

I have helicopter parents. They aren't shitty but they always want to control my life decisions.

People think I'm an asshole if I cut contact because they "love" me so much

>> No.11460176
File: 562 KB, 133x128, 1541294614140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude take a seat

>> No.11460205

Based brapposter

>> No.11460224

Fuck off back to where you came from retard take your shitty puns and narwhal shit with you

>> No.11460243

Thanksgiving involving my wife's family is kinda a big to do. Part of her family is "well off". They have zero problems with flaunting it either. Instead of having a traditional meal at someone's home they book some swanky restaurant and everyone just shows up at the appointed time. But you end up paying for whatever you eat. It's kinda lame; half these fucks don't got a clue who me (or my wife) is or who's related to who. No one who attends other than my wife's immediate family really socializes with anyone else. No one really sees anyone else except this once a year meet thing. Kinda like a funereal; you get fucks showing up then that you don't gotta clue who they are or you ain't seen in 30 years. So basically we go, see who is still kicking, be polite, pay, then leave.

>> No.11460246

Where did they put conservativism above their family? They made a joke and the dumb bitch got so assblasted about it thry treated their parents like shit because they enjoy black dick. Conservatives are the party of family values and enjoy each other's company, liberals put virtue signalling above family because it's a Marxist cult and they have been brainwashed by the Frankfurt institution to go against their own interests

>> No.11460259

The vet would put it down and it would suffer the whole way there, why be incredibly cruel it's a fucking neurotic pitbull given enough time it would maul one of the kids to death anyway

>> No.11460284
File: 108 KB, 768x592, Brooklyn_Museum_-_Jesus_Wept_(Jésus_pleura)_-_James_Tissot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>family values
>hey, let's rip screaming children from their parents' arms and separate them forever 'cause they're terrorist MS-13 gang members
Jesus wept

>> No.11460287


You can't just cut them and not tell people? Or just be honest with folk and say you made the decision because they were bad to have around? Why worry so much about what other people think?

>> No.11460294

that's your government too, Pinko

>> No.11460339

Except for my parents, and a handful of relatives (who live far away anyway), fuck them all.

>Mom's family is mostly comprised of stupid fuckups who think they're still living in 13th century feuds. They're dirt poor and have more children than they can handle and therefore can't properly educate and raise, giving birth to another generation of stupid poor people who'll have their own clutches of stupid and poor people by age 25, ad infinitum
The only people in the family to break the chains of poverty and ignorance are my mom (retired social worker) her older brother (retired chemical engineer), a cousin of mom's and his family (3 well employed engineers, his wife was a college professor but retired due to health issues), and a lawyer who married one of my dad's cousins. Everyone else is working McJobs or sucking on the welfare teat. No one can hold a conversation that goes beyond family gossip/celeb drama/soap opera/sport.

>Dad's family is small and everyone's relatively well off and/or educated, but it's full of stuck-up cunts that only talked to him/us when they wanted to ask for something
The only decent people are my dad, a gay cousin that got black sheeped by the religious nut majority led by the wailing granny, and an entrepreneur who married my mom's lawyer cousin (they have 2 sons together, both are also decent people).

My family, generally speaking, is shit. Why would I make an effort to make them happy?

>> No.11460342

>giving a shit

>> No.11460355

Lol wow. Is this when I'm supposed to post

Or something?


>> No.11460387

Lost all sympathy there. Go kys you mentally ill faggot.

>> No.11460399


>> No.11460406

The guy (my uncle in law) was a pastor and his wife did a bunch of christian charity stuff so that's why it was a big deal

>> No.11460417

This is pathetic, and hilarious that you are convincing yourself it is not sad and pathetic.

>> No.11460428

>And then somehow I was holding hands with some other dude and he was walking out of the supermarket until I realized it wasn’t my uncle and I screamed.
I did this. I linked my arm through a man's arm and started talking to my Dad about whatever exciting thing I wanted to buy...and I just sensed something was off after a few minutes and looked up at my 6'4" dad and it was some other guy. I told my Dad about 4 minutes later the story when I found him...I dunno..Penney's....and he didn't get how I could do that mistake. I think kids simply don't look upwards of the knees. I don't know what age I was, but old enough to remember the details and how quickly afraid I became when not linked with my Dad. *shudder*

My Thanksgiving stories are almost too numerous to recall. I have about 55 people who used to descend upon my one grandparents. It was like a block party with the family reunion that turned into all day reunions with neighbor's kids in the front yard both...people that went to school with my aunts and uncles knew to come by eventually after their own gatherings ended. One of my uncles had a metal band, and the garage doors would be open, and people jamming, from banjos to washboards to electric guitar...LedZeppelin to Jimmy Buffet, whatever people felt like playing...about 4 coolers of beers and soda outside for the taking, and another set inside the house in a central patio. Good. Times. From about 5PM the night beforehand when the smokers would be filled with chicken wings, smoked marlin, or big roasts, there would be babysitting the smokers overnight, gathering for the noon lunch starting about 10am with partying right through the night until about 10am the following day. Christmas was just as bad x2. My grandma had two deep freezers and fridges in the garage just for the pies she baked ahead of time.

>> No.11460450

Never had a bad thanksgiving. Always have it with my mom's side of the family, a relatively small crowd who are mostly just loud. We sit around and watch tv, talk and have drinks while my mom and grandma do the cooking. I'm probably the biggest loser in the family but it's never uncomfortable because no one pries into my life and the conversation is always jokey and casual. It's a good time and I always look forward to it.

>> No.11460466
File: 30 KB, 720x480, latest[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't actually remember it happening and only go by having nightmares, it might not have happened. There are a lot of other reasons why you could be having those nightmares. I went from being molested and never thinking about it for years until suddenly just remembering it all at one point. If you can think of the situation but don't recall it actually happening then you could be forcing a false memory. Maybe you just really don't like child molestors, which is pretty normal, and not that you were actually molested. Or maybe you saw something about that on TV as a kid which scared you.

>> No.11460493

>wake up after a long week of studying literally 10 hours a day, dad was commenting on my performance all through the week, feels good
>I get to not study today, dad has work off, maybe we can do something, that's actually what I thought while still in bed
>go to kitchen
>half of dad's face is swollen, it just happens to him sometimes, he always tells me to shut up if I ask but it's definitely angiodema
>sister somehow breaks the toilet so dad spends the better part of the morning swearing and cussing because he took apart the flushing mechanism and can't put it back together
>have had the exact same problem happen several times and know how to fix it but when I try to help he glares at me and turns around, basically telling me to silently fuck off
>I sit on the couch while everyone's all nervous, dad fi,es it eventually
>Today's a big sports day in my turd world shithole
>Dad just finished fixing the flushing mechanism and now some literal niggers are shooting fireworks every time someone from their team does something good, screaming, yelling, our dogs are scared and crying
>dad tries best he can to control them, I try to help, tells me to fuck off
>That's over now time to get started on dinner, sell has gone from one side of face to upper lip area being grotesquely inflamed
>Sister wanted to make her """"tacos"'""" tonight but she has a friend over and doesn't want to actually cook
>Dad makes everything for her
>Finally sit down to dinner, mom comes home from work
>She tries to convince my dad to go to the hospital and get plasma so that it's all over with but dad fucking hates hospitals so he's gonna wait it out like last time
>Dad can barely eat, has like 3 bites of taco meat then stops
>Head in one of his hands as he's watching TV but not really
>Gets up listlessly and fucks off to bed without a word
>Clean up table, take out trash
>Almost tear up when outside and alone because I don't want my dad to be like this

Sorry for the blogpost, had to vent

>> No.11460501

>I don't think I've ever had a "normal" Thanksgiving.

This is a disaster thanksgiving thread, not a pity party because your life is shit blog.

>> No.11460513

I'm sorry that your father is so big headed

>> No.11460544

My dad was like this. He's just coping with you becoming a man and wants you to focus on your studies. Eventually they give in and let you help.

>> No.11460556

Feed them all bacon or something

>> No.11460566

I'd drop your ass too for being trans

>> No.11461003

>>being 32

>I have some bad news anon

I have some worse news, anon.

>> No.11461114



>> No.11461116

As irreligious as I am I don't really like to take the piss on people unless they're being really retarded

>> No.11461118


No one wants a coal burner, sweetie.

>> No.11461136

>4000 women and children

Hey Schlomo, what are you doing?

>> No.11461139

>I'm so glad to be British at least I can run from a knife.

Just demand to see their loicense.

>> No.11461216


>> No.11461750

>they're being really retarded
>Being muslim is not really retarded

>> No.11461907

I have to fart guys :(

>> No.11461952


>> No.11461952,1 [INTERNAL] 

stop racemixing you fucking heathen traitor