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11673445 No.11673445 [Reply] [Original]

Why do idiots still preach this when it's known that it takes more crops to feed animals?

To feed animals to the age of slaughter, it requires many times more plants to be harvested than if we just ate plants ourselves. You might argue that we could instead just eat exclusively grass-fed animals who do not require grain, but this is entirely impractical. Firstly, most "grass-fed" animals are not fed 100% grass anyway, and secondly, it's not sustainable at all to try to feed 7 billion people exclusively on grass-fed beef. There isn't the space available for such a thing, and good luck living exclusively off beef and nothing else.

Whilst there will be casualties in crop harvesting, and whilst vegans would prefer it not the be the case - it is the least harmful thing most people can do. Obviously, it would be even less harmful to grow your own crops on your own property and pick them by hand, without spraying, and without using machinery which can run down animals. But most people don't have the space available to do that to feed themselves at all, let alone all year round every year. So out of all practical options available, it is least harmful - and hopefully in future, as people start to have more respect for animals and more accountability for how we treat them, more advances will be made in crop harvesting in ways that minimize casualties.

>> No.11673471



>> No.11673487

They are overly defensive idiots.

>> No.11673488
File: 88 KB, 612x491, 1529611226773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>typing all of this up and hoping someone on fucking 4chan will debate it with you.
Owo maybe go outside and make a friend

>> No.11673502

>Why do idiots still preach this when it's known that it takes more crops to feed animals?
Release cow onto pasture
Of grassland
That God literally made for cows (Bison)
Wow it takes more than that?
Your post proves again, vegans = liars
>To feed animals to the age of slaughter, it requires many times more plants to be harvested than if we just ate plants ourselves.
Moot and nonsensical comment. Are you going to eat grass? Are you going to eat wild grasses that cows and sheep love to eat? Are you going to eat silage? Wow vegans are astonishingly dishonest.

>> No.11673505

Just gonna say while an amount of crop produce is dedicated to feeding livestock it heavily intersects with unmarketable produce too. Lower quality goods are purposely fed to livestock since we're picky motherfuckers that'd throw anything away with deformations and bruises. It's food that you *can* eat, but it's also food that you (normally) *wouldn't* eat.

>> No.11673528

>You might argue that we could instead just eat exclusively grass-fed animals who do not require grain, but this is entirely impractical.

It is entirely practical, natural, and the cows and sheep live pleasant, outdoor lives (except for winters) with their cow/ sheep friends, eating their natural food which is grass, for most or all of their lives.

>Firstly, most "grass-fed" animals are not fed 100% grass anyway
Hay in winters (stored grass) and short time in a feed lot. Your point is empty like the empty head of a starving vegan lol.

>it's not sustainable at all to try to feed 7 billion people exclusively on grass-fed beef.

Here you get to the foundation of veganism--They want whites to starve, so Africans, who cannot produce their own food, can eat healthy meat for free. You want to starve and tax whites, to feed precious niggers in Africa lol. Kill yourself quickly.
>There isn't the space available for such a thing, and good luck living exclusively off beef and nothing else

America, Europe and Australia already feeds itself and Africa. Their is much more than enough space to feed ourselves and modest exports, your post should be "But the precious Africans are hungry!!! We must do without so they can be fed!!
(And meat eaters eat vegetables too, I don't want to shock you but yes, in small amounts, because meat takes care of the requirements, we don't have to eat mountains of food like vegans)

>> No.11673531

>Facebook frog

>> No.11673561

>Whilst there will be casualties in crop harvesting,

Yes, "casualties" more accurate to say, an animal genocide on an industrial scale. Commissioned, paid for and carried out for vegetables eaters and vegans

>And whilst vegans would prefer it not the be the case -
A lie 100%... IRL and online vegans laugh in my face when I beg them to stop this massacre of rabbits, turtles, frogs, moles, lizards snakes and fawns. Veganism is about winning a propaganda war, vegans don't give a single fuck about the animals massacred for their zany cult.

>It is the least harmful thing most people can do.
A complete lie. One cow per year dies for me. You commission and pay for a genocide of small creatures while pretending to actually care about animals. Complete insanity. There is also pesticides use. Zero for me, millions of tons for you vegan 'environmentalists'

>Obviously, it would be even less harmful to grow your own crops on your own property and pick them by hand, without spraying, and without using machinery which can run down animals

First of all vegans do not give a single fuck about this, second of all this is entirely moot for 99% of the people on Earth who do not own large acreage or have the time to devote their lives to growing crops. (People have to work full time just by the necessities of life, if not independently wealthy)

>> No.11673569

this guys fucking revved

>> No.11673581

you linked the same debunked article in the op, you have no argument at all

>> No.11673589

>So out of all practical options available, (veganism) is least harmful -

Veganism is the most harmful, to a satanic level. Vegan industrial scale plant harvesting for human consumption sterilizes the land, demanding every tree be torn down, and every living creature killed. My money pays for cows food and land to graze and roam. Your money pays for industrial pesticides and machines that grind up small mammals and reptiles on a scale that is horrifying.

>And hopefully in future, as people start to have more respect for animals and more accountability for how we treat them, more advances will be made in crop harvesting in ways that minimize casualties.

Zero chance with Satanic vegans in charge. The more the vegans gain, the more forests will be cleared for Mass scale monocrop harvesting. Trying to be a rabbit family in the wild will be a death sentence if (((you))) vegans get your way.


>> No.11673601

such a troll lol

>> No.11673605

You have debunked nothing Satanic vegan. How do you wash the blood off your hands for all the rabbits, snakes, fox families, fawns and mice that die for your perfect vegan salads? Of course I have to link the best articles if my posts are being screen capped you insufferable nigger




And thanks for screen capping my work vegans, I really appreciate it, feel free to spread far and wide, maybe we can save the environment if we work together.

>> No.11673615

The (((subsidized cash-crap monoculture))) acreage alone could feed everyone in the world delicious beef/lamb/chicken/pork/whatever if converted back to sustainable cowzone polyculture. Imagine cows freely grazing everywhere, free for the taking just outside of every city, town, and village. That's the fuckin' future once we get rid of (((them))).

>muh methane
Methane is GREAT for agriculture. Wake up. Imagine a system of agriculture that cultivates life rather than destroying it. That's the fuckin' future. The environmental drag shipping california avocados to your door far outweighs any localized meat infrastructure. Come visit my ranch and I'll show you how it's done.

>> No.11673621

It's actually the easiest thing in the world to destroy any vegan in a debate, but up until now, our side has never been heard. On (((mainstream media))) vegans just sit around in a conference discussing their lies in complete agreement. Fuck me this is easy.


>> No.11673640

Would you say the Hearst Ranch has almost achieved that balance? They maintain the most beautiful countryside, and produce cattle for the market. (Easier when they are already billionaires and don't have to maximize profits just to stay afloat)

And I believe some Irish sheep operations work like your ideal as well, where they release the sheep into the grassy countryside/hill country and collect them later, healthy and well fed for sheering, harvesting etc

>> No.11673657

But seriously thanks (((OP))) for screen capping my work, besides all the insults lol. Tell Earthling Ed to stop massacring so many wild creatures in nature, wash the blood off his hands and eat a grass fed steak, raw, once a day and he might not look so emaciated. (In fact I guarantee he won't if he's not a meth addict)


>> No.11673659

>expecting us to read your post
>expecting us to open the image so we can read a whole other post that you screencapped
No. I refuse.

>> No.11673672

>Not taking the time to show people how easy it is to destroy (((vegan lies and propaganda)))

Bro step up your game!!


>> No.11673677

And this thread addresses the great environmental harm that veganites inflict upon the Earth and that's a great topic, but remember that Veganism is a terrible, deficient diet for humans (great for cows... 4 stomachs) but not for humans, why do veganites purposefully starve themselves? Fuck me I can't figure this out??


>> No.11673680

I quit the vegan community since it became pro-Trump.

>> No.11673722

A few Berniebros voted for Trump. I think that's the extent of the leftist support for the Donald toots.

>> No.11673750

What you're describing is populism not leftism. Both Donald and Bernie have some populist supporters. Beyond populism they have little to nothing in common.

>> No.11673784

Got to dig up the source on this, but I recall reading that there is a significant amount of land unsuitable for the production of grains and pulses, but are essentially ideal for some varieties of grazing animals. In an ideal world we'd phase out the CAFOs for mass produced meat, using vat grown meat, and raise higher quality animals on grass.

>> No.11673790

I didn't know how else to respond to that ridiculously false troll comment about veganites going pro Trump. Vegans are radical left pretend and real Marxist terrorists. Imagining vegans voting for Trump is silly.

Maybe they detected how weak Trump is,, and voted for him knowing they would be able to get away with with way more rioting and mayhem than with a Hillary who might actually arrest them? (Maybe they're smarter than I thought?)

>> No.11673793

And how is that a bad thing? Growing plants is good for the environment. If eating meat = more plants then veganism should be outlawed.

>> No.11673797

>Got to dig up the source on this, but I recall reading that there is a significant amount of land unsuitable for the production of grains and pulses, but are essentially ideal for some varieties of grazing animals

Absolutely it's called grassland, where the buffalo used to live. We klled the buffalo and stole their food as well. We're all worse off.

Look where the sheep graze in Scotland, perfect hill country for them, we don't need to harvest every square inch of the Earth for soy.

>> No.11673923

>I didn't know how else to respond to that ridiculously false troll comment about veganites going pro Trump. Vegans are radical left pretend and real Marxist terrorists. Imagining vegans voting for Trump is silly.

It's in the data.

>> No.11673929

>Why do idiots still preach this when it's known that it takes more crops to feed animals?

First of all nigger, idiots don't get a chance to preach the truth. (((Mainstream media))) is just a constant rehashing of standard vegan lies. How can we preach the gospel truth (1; Timothy 4) when we have no say whatever in the (((media?))

>No answer will be given.

What a surprise

>> No.11673932


>> No.11673945

>To feed animals to the age of slaughter, it requires many times more plants to be harvested than if we just ate plants ourselves
The difference is that animals can eat plants that we humans cannot. A field of grass is useless to human beings. We can chew and swallow it but we can't digest it. We can, however, let animals such as cows, sheep, or rabbits eat it and then we can eat them.

>>You might argue that we could instead just eat exclusively grass-fed animals who do not require grain, but this is entirely impractical
It's not impractical at all. I do it right now.

>>Obviously, it would be even less harmful to grow your own crops on your own property and pick them by hand, without spraying, and without using machinery which can run down animals
Yes. I do that right now. I don't need insecticides either because my chickens eat the bugs in my garden.

>> But most people don't have the space available to do that to feed themselves at all,
sure they do. they'd just rather buy a fancy new smartphone for muh social media than they would set up an indoor garden, or one on their balcony. This even works in cities. For example, the Victory Garden programs during WWII.

>>So out of all practical options available, it is least harmful
Nonsense. You're letting your silly religion get in the way of practical thought.

>> No.11673974

There are also laws and ordnances (yes written by libtard governments) banning any vegetables or farming in front yards of suburban houses. You have to use pesticides and chemicals to maintain useless grass, or risk fines and legal sanctions.

>> No.11673983

actual autism

>> No.11673986

>First exposure to the truth which disproves my brainwashing.
>I don't like it.


>> No.11673991

>someone screenshoted me exposing myself as an idiot so I'm going to sperg out and make 16 posts
I wonder what it feels like to be that revved

>> No.11673994

I'm aware that such things do exist. Thankfully they're rare enough not to cause any sort of real problems. People can still grow indoors and in their back yards. And there's always hope that silly bass-ackwards laws like that are changed.

>> No.11674186

You won't know because no one ever screenshots your boring ass posts. Sorry.

>> No.11674297

Soy is the worst

>> No.11674303

>yes written by libtard governments
Stop being retarded, it's the opposite. Progressives are against pesticides and herbicides and advocate for organic home gardens, moron. Who do you think established the first organic garden at the white house and who do you think immediately ploughed it up and built an oil derrick over it?

>> No.11674308

True, sóy should not be grown, it's bad for humans and livestock animals.

>> No.11674314

>False assertion
>Totally meaningless anecdote.

I'm used to liberals/ veganites lying any time they post or say something. Shock me and say something true?

>> No.11674320

>Progressives are against pesticides and herbicides and advocate for organic home gardens, moron
so you would think.

Sadly, most liberals are not progressives, and just because many young people ARE progressive doesn't mean the establishment is. Making rules to govern how other people handle their private property is very much a liberal thing. (and the conservatives do it too, only it's your body rather than your property which they want to interfere with)

>> No.11674395


>> No.11674413 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 650x491, tfw not vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Veganism is the most harmful, to a satanic level.

>> No.11674428
File: 56 KB, 650x491, tfw not vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Veganism is the most harmful, to a satanic level.

>> No.11674438

More proof that vegans at best don't care about animals and more likely take joy in their suffering. Save the animals and gas the vegans for a better future

>> No.11674485

And when you show a vegan the truth, about the wild animals they slaughter in the billions for their varied fresh garden (of genocide) salad, they literally laugh at you, safe in the knowledge that MSM will protect the lies of veganism--They hide the truth forever


>> No.11674489

why do you have so much dickndabutt when you know all those darkies carry disease?

>> No.11674535

Got any good Jewtube links I haven't seen Bru?

>> No.11674551

most plants grown for animals don't need the inputs that plants grown for humans need and are much more economic for the farmer as well as the caloric output for the consumer.

Also, vegan crops grown for humans are still processed and their by-products go straight to the monsanto/cargill/AMD/Bunge animal feedlots. Think: soy husks from all your dairy free milks being fed straight to cows in slaughter houses and large scale dairies owned by the same companies.

>> No.11674565

Oh look, it has an extra chromosome! Do you work at the downie restaurant being discussed in another thread?

>> No.11674777

>Vegan adhom.

Pathetic, like your physical bodies.

>> No.11674787

Because agriculture and transport are the foremost fatal blow- livestock are maggots on the corpse. Hunting should be encouraged- not freighting third world peasant food into the first world.

>> No.11674794

Go vegan for optimal human health. Here are my favorite vegan teachers....


>> No.11674806

There's nothing optimal about excluding some of the best sources of vital nutrients from your diet.

Anyone who doesn't eat organ meats, especially liver, is cucking their diet.

>> No.11674857

(pssst watch the videos)

>> No.11674964

Show me the laws written and passed by which governments that specify such things. Those are generally written into HOA covenants of exclusive subdivisions and they tend to be conservatives.

>> No.11675006

I never claimed the rules were made by governments.

>>Those are generally written into HOA covenants of exclusive subdivisions

>>tend to be conservatives
Not in my experience. I've lived in four places with HOAs over my lifetime. One was in a very conservative area, the other 3 were in liberal areas. The Conservative HOA only cared that your property was in good repair. You could have whatever you liked there as long as it was properly maintained. Gardens, vehicles, whatever, that was all OK, as long as it was well kept. The other 3 places, all highly liberal areas, had all sorts of silly rules that made no rational sense whatsoever, and two of those places expressly forbid vegetable gardens. The other allowed them, but only if they were invisible from the street.

>> No.11675046

Plus the (libtard controlled) governments and courts, sweep aside conservative covenants (white neighborhood deeds) and enforce with full power of government, any liberals desire (whatever libtard voters and structures want)

-Liberal HOA wants..... (More blacks)
-Government enforces it. Automatically.

-Conservative HOA wants white neighborhood deeds
-Liberal government feds strike it down.

>> No.11675091

Even more so when the grassland is shit tier soil that can't grow any useful crops.
Why do vegans think farmers living in cold, sea swept islands keep sheep instead of growing cruelty free avocados?

>> No.11675107

Small animals in fields hear the equipment approaching and escape before being mauled. This is just shitty carnivore propaganda.

>> No.11675204

>Same thing with pesticides vegans drop on the Earth.
>We do it out of love
>Like cleared forests for another avocado plantation

>> No.11675245
File: 475 KB, 720x581, fox roundbale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody has never had the fun job of extracting unidentifiable bloody animal bits from baler before. Why do you virgins always insist on discussing sex you've never had?

>> No.11675400

We have to be prepared for the vegans to notice that hay is bailed for the cows consumption too.

>> No.11675438

That's fine, they're welcome to know that.
The point being struck down was that "animals successfully run from machinery". The answer is no, they don't.

Again, the most enviornmentally friendly method of feeding people is small scale, local, farms that raise mostly crops but small numbers of animals. In that system there is no need for industrial production of hay (or whatever else) to feed animals. The goal is only to raise enough animals as can be fed with the byproduction of that particular farm.

>> No.11676190

Ive seen it where a farms pigs (happily) ate the tomatoes that had gone overripe. Along with other produce which otherwise would have gone to the compost. Farm stopped raising pigs anyway, scared of the inspectors.

>> No.11676226

jesus christ do you people actually believe this?

>> No.11676287

Well that's anecdotal, to be sure. I have anecdotal experience in multiple subdivisions in the knuckledragging, mouthbreathing south and the HOA's are generally run by busybody, corncob up their ass paula deen types who drive around measuring peoples grass to make sure it hasn't exceeded the 3" limit mandated in their precious covenants, so touche.

Seek help.

>> No.11676349

To what degree are you going to lie to protect your
starvation cult? Don't get me wrong I want you to starve yourself to death as quickly as possible, I just don't want you to take the whole white race with you.

True or false- Industrial scale vegetables cultivation for human consumption displaces and kills millions of small mammals and reptiles?



>> No.11676362

If anyone is waiting for an answer to that, you can listen to a landowner who actually knows about this issue....


>> No.11677870


>> No.11678152

>Uncomfortable truths that veganites don't like to hear.

You have blood on your hands vegan. Your money pays for pesticides and gigantic machines that grind up millions of wild animals. My money pays the taxes for ranchers so they can keep their land. I literally pay for cow food you pay for chemical weapons that kill animals.


>> No.11678162

Would you rather live on a world of 10 billion living equally in poverty eating legumes or would you rather the disparity and those capable of population control enjoying their food surplus.

>> No.11678185

According to one source I read, Australia exports 80% of the beef it produces. So the west is already in a super-abundance of food production, while places like west Africa, Haiti, Egypt etc can't even feed themselves (or even pay for the food we send them at taxpayers expense)

>> No.11678304

>Muh wh*te neighborhoods!
Fuck off Cletus

>> No.11678329

>That God literally made for cows (Bison)

He made it for cows who lived and died on that land. Not for cows to graze on and then die somewhere else and then have all their accumulated nutrients washed out to the ocean.

>> No.11678555

Based. I own cattle. Doesn't take much grass at all.

>> No.11678832

Nice fake image, carnist.

>> No.11679302
File: 145 KB, 1284x509, Screen1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For every cow, one vegan can sacrifice his or her or xer life for the land, and the body can be dumped on the pastureland. Problem solved.

>> No.11679304
File: 87 KB, 1039x421, Screen2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice and nice digits farmer bob.

>> No.11679311
File: 109 KB, 1040x473, Screen3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not fake it's real bro, like the billions of small animals you kill with your chemical pesticides.

>Yeah but you use chemical pesticides too carnist Checkmate!!

Yeah no I don't. Cows eat grass, God makes more grass, repeat. No pesticides.

>> No.11679324
File: 122 KB, 1042x556, Screen4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP since you like screenshots so much, I happily made some more carnist screenshots for you. You can take them back to vegan central and show your (((vegan overlords))) how you got BTFO on plebbit lol.



>> No.11679326
File: 80 KB, 1036x372, Screen5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couple more. If vegans haven't all starved to death overnight lol.


>> No.11679334
File: 132 KB, 1042x560, Screen6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To those vegans who have died overnight,
of starvation,
Yours was an honorable death....


>> No.11679569

One kilo of plain grass living on a field is far less nutritious compared to 1kilo of meat.

In orded to get the same nutrition you need you must far more kilos of grass.

Last time I checked humans can't eat multiple kilos of grass a day.

>> No.11679601
File: 67 KB, 400x400, Elite Vegan Athlete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well they can, but they're called 'vegans' and this is what they look like lol...

>> No.11679690

Yes and its important to remember you arent just what you eat, you are what you eat - has eaten. AKA GMO Bullshit cancer causing corn.

>> No.11680119

In that case, natural pigs on a farm would be great to eat, they eats the seconds and over-ripe produce. I wonder what they eat in winter? Must eat some feed crap, poor pigs.

>> No.11681000

s0i is based, imagine the twinks if everyone just drank soimilk instead of toxic dairy

>> No.11681113

As if vegans aren't gay enough already, and you want them to consume more soy?


>> No.11683148

So whenever you see a vegan thread pop up, remember who veganites are: the enemy. And remember their goal: to force you and me into their self harm starvation cult.


>> No.11683203
File: 66 KB, 640x480, healthylambtakeaway__medium_4x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no need to feed 7 billion people on beef. Just those that live in areas that facilitate animal herding. Are you going to chastise the mongol whose barren land's only use is grazing or the greek that should raise a goat herd to make food out of the rocky hills?
Sure, the meat industry went too far because of the demand for meat but veganism is still retarded

>> No.11684475

When vegans say "you can't feed the whole world on grass fed beef" they are planting the meme that it is required for us to feed the Afringgers, forever.

Every vegan argument is beyond retarded, and the arguments only stand, because we are never allowed to answer.


>> No.11685411
File: 97 KB, 800x533, swiss-cows-pasture-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do idiots still preach this when it's known that it takes more crops to feed animals?

>> No.11685511

>Haha le epic vegan thread please debate me xDDDD
kill yourself you fucking redditor

>> No.11686270

I think OP posted this thread as his last dying act. Vegans all look like they're starving to death, and with his final breath of life, OP posted one more vegan propaganda post, full of lies as per usual.

Yours was an honorable death OP

>> No.11687656

Cows eat grass. If you eat nothing but cow you're fine.

>> No.11687973

Slightly oversimplified, but basically this comment is true.

>> No.11688407

Based and redpilled

>> No.11688420

We feed cattle mainly with the parts of plants we can't eat, dumbass. Wheat straw gets fermented into hay and fed to the cows, for instance.

>> No.11688852

This is generally unknown or kept as a secret, and I have barely scratched the surface of knowledge myself. Evidently cows eat grass, corn stalks, something called "silage" which I don't even know what it is. Cows eat all the stuff that humans absolutely cannot and do not want to eat like hay.

This is NEVER MENTIONED. Veganites propaganda says we can be much more efficient if we just "eat the vegetables ourselves" vegans should be restricted to eating grass and silage, so they can walk the talk and stop lying.

Link only partially related.

>> No.11688868

Also a lot of corn and soy, especially Prime and faux Wagyu. If you want to stuff them with as much energy in as short a time as possible, silage is not efficient.

>> No.11688879

The most enviornmentally friendly farming operation raises meat and crops in a careful ratio. The animals eat the crop byproducts humans cannot eat, while the animal's waste is used to fertilize the farm. In such a setup there is minimal need for industrially produced fertilizer. And in many cases pesticide use is greatly reduced as well. For example, I grow veggies and keep chickens. I let the chickens into the vegetable garden and they eat the bugs off the plants. Goats can be used to control unwanted vegetation, etc.

>> No.11688886

>something called "silage" which I don't even know what it is.
>grass or other green fodder compacted and stored in airtight conditions, typically in a silo, without first being dried, and used as animal feed in the winter.

>> No.11688889

I'll grab those digits nigger and finally get the truth out!!!!

>> No.11688909

Fuck me I'm going vegan.

>> No.11688961

Yeah, but in the US we grow way more corn and soy than we can ever eat, which is why they're also used for bioplastics, fuel, and other non-food purposes.

>> No.11689076

I read that Australia exports 80% of it's beef production, so we are way past just producing the meat we need. This is being done for maximizing profits with zero concern for the environment.

My opinion is.... this is out of our hands, and governments and huge money interests are going to plow over every tree and forest regardless of what we think or want.

They are still clearing natural land in Australia to increase beef production. It's the same in other countries for soy, avocados, corn and etc.

>> No.11689121

Lol the reference point of this entire article is a study that didn’t detect any actual death as a result of reaping and harvesting but mere displacement of animals

The mere fact you think 2+2 is equal 4+2 discards any argument you have

>> No.11689125

Most grass fed cows subside on corn, the amount of land you’re taking up for grazing, the amount of cows you need to raise and slaughter will always outweigh

>> No.11689189

>Grinding up the Earth with gigantic machines doesn't kill animals.
>Thousands of tons of chemical pesticides doesn't kill animals

Of course veganites discard the truth. How else could you maintain a self harm cult? Even honest vegans come in from the cold... admit they were wrong


>> No.11689195

>Most grass fed cows subside on corn

What other kinds of lies can you come up with?
In Australia and the US, majority of cows live on grass, at least most of their lives.

>> No.11689203
File: 606 KB, 2480x2480, DB8BDF20-7556-4A2A-9529-651D3DBD23B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your entire reference point is a study that didn’t measure animal death

>> No.11689210

Nope. It’s a completely unregulated term. If they finish on grass they can be classified as grass fed

>> No.11689254

>Cutting down the rainforest for Chinese shekels.

100% my fault obviously?? Look you veganites are bold faced liars. Has a vegan ever posted any truthful comment on this website?


Above is one honest vegan, maybe you should read what he says??

>Hell no, easier to just blame westerners for shit China does
>Name of the game is emotional propaganda goy!!

>> No.11689260

China is forced to do what they do because of western demands, idiot.
They are a developing nation that is enslaved by the markets of capitalism.

>> No.11689262
File: 29 KB, 540x410, 84534849-F8CD-4EA8-9DCB-6D85FDE24E19.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re shifting blame from animal agriculture to veganism. Do you think I wouldn’t bring up animal agriculture?

Reposting the same refuted article just makes you look schitzy

>>Hell no, easier to just blame westerners for shit China does
>Name of the game is emotional propaganda goy
This is you strawmanning because you’re a retarded fatboy. All carnists get the rope, faggot

>> No.11689288

>All carnists get the rope, faggot
Why do I laugh so hard at "tough guy" vegans? You anorexic fucks can't fight for shit with your malnourished bodies so you flail about online repeating your self fellating falsehoods and attacking reason.

>> No.11689309

Sheeple don't respond to Venezuela level Marxist trolling pls.
Bullets go both ways. Step up your game and I will too.

>> No.11689335

>All estimates based on emissions for the US
>Beef, lamb
Guess how I can tell this is full of shit.

>> No.11689343
File: 176 KB, 714x755, 113CBF5B-94F7-4E7B-A345-EC741DC72C72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh look at these great arguments!!

>> No.11689368

>Al Gore level ((global warming))) arguments.

Al Gwhore's private jet cause more CO2 emmissions than all those cows, never heard a vegan complain about that. Are you lost BTW?? Are you looking for www.faggots.com?


>> No.11689379

BTW have you castrated yourself like 99% of vegan 'men'? (Apologies if I misgendered xe)


>> No.11689389
File: 54 KB, 1019x426, A6C30025-B288-41A8-ADCF-59F80FB7591F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do carniecucks get so triggered by facts and logic?

>> No.11689404

>Guy who gets sick from high-nutrient foods
>Calls others cucks

>> No.11689410

You vegan idiots starving yourselves to death, does not trigger me I promise you. When my enemies leave this Earth, I thank the Lord in Heaven. Please gather up all your libtard comrades for a mass commie immolation, for the animals.


>> No.11689413

Stop being retarded, pls.

>> No.11689435

I will if you promise to post a video full of excuses when your vegan teeth fall out?


>> No.11689437

says the guy literally starving his brain of nutrients resulting in reduced cognitive function

>> No.11689556

Vegans teeth alone makes a mockery of the "Veganism healthy diet" lie.
(Warning video shows disgusting dental close ups of rotted missing vegan teeth at age 23;do not watch)

But it serves as horrible tragic proof of what a joke the vegan "diet" is


>> No.11690113

>>Vegan rotten teeth

Hmm is this the vegan trolls kryptonite? Mention rotten veganites teeth and the vegans scatter. Too much emotional pain when they think about their own ruined malnourished teeth lol


>> No.11690993

As we know Veganism is a suicide cult, so let's have a moment of silence for those vegans were going to lose tonight. Go with Gaia comrades...


>> No.11692372

>>it was a vegan mass suicide.
>>They'll never come back.

I regret nothing.