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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11715546 No.11715546 [Reply] [Original]

>tons of saturated fat
>tons of sodium
>literally floating in grease
Wow yeah looks great. Breakfast of champions, amirite?

>> No.11715549

>boil egg


>> No.11715559


>> No.11715560

you literally just made this thread on /fit/

>> No.11715566

No one cares what a paranoid psychotic theorizes about anime image board posts

I'm saying this as a friend. Someone who wants to help you

>> No.11715590

Egg nog is the way to go

>> No.11715614

So you just arrived from the 80s and your primary concern is eggs? Shouldn't you be concentrating more on learning from us?

>> No.11715617

>Someone who wants to help you
By being sarcastic. Check. Please proceed to refute the central point of eggs not being healthy.

>> No.11715629

>literally floating in grease
Stop watching Joe Rogan, dum dum.

>> No.11715782
File: 67 KB, 500x491, 10F5523A-3C80-486B-9651-15B6E9B0B9B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11715788

OP has to make his point first. He messed it up because there are many ways to cook an egg, and most of them don't entail floating it in grease. Then there are the ideas that sodium and saturated fat are inherently problematic. Nobody intelligent believes that anymore. So what is OP's argument? He doesn't have one. He just has cheap bait.

>> No.11715793

If you have an issue with frying eggs you can microwave them

>> No.11715828

>tons of sodium

>> No.11715921

>What are poached eggs
>What is portion control
Brainlet confirmed

>> No.11715922


>> No.11715924

I dont even use oil to cook my eggs. Just the leftover juices from cooking bacon or sausages is enough.

>> No.11715931

Let me get this straight. You suggest that thing containing nutreins necessary to grow functional living being is somehow not healthy? It is literally what chickens are made of . Fuck off.

>> No.11715984

so OP if i cook my eggs in a fat free non stick fry pan its gonna be swimming in grease is it?

eggs by themselves dont contain loads of sodium of or fat. otherwise they wouldnt be included in a healthy diet. dingus.

the only fat in my eggs comes from the hot (real) butter on my toast.

>> No.11716185

6 days out of 7 I just poach eggs with a little microwave poacher
no oil, just a tablespoon of water

>> No.11716274

And the yolk, you retard.

>> No.11716472

>thinking dietary fat is bad for you
I bet you believe avocados and olive oil are healthy though. I put extra oil and butter on all my food and always opt for full fat options on dairy. My bodyweight is perfect enough to be an instagram model.

>> No.11716591

But it's completely unnatural. Its meant for CHICKENS not HUMANS

>> No.11716598
File: 83 KB, 1082x818, thirsty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only are they unhealthy, they smell like rancid fucking farts!

Vegans: 1
Ovo-tarians/Meatplebs: 0

>> No.11716612

This. Enjoy your unsustainable chicken periods. People who are serious about the culinary arts bypass eggs altogether for their barbarism and nutritional inefficiency. But the flyover retards here simply wouldn't get that.

Q: Where are most vegan restaurants?
A: In cultural hubs like NY and LA

>> No.11716627
File: 469 KB, 876x657, 1541390595950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe cucked shitskin mutt coastie

you will never, ever EVER be anything but a disgusting abomination and a wannabe ersatz European proper like us

>> No.11716640
File: 685 KB, 766x1024, 1545538581967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot the {{{}}}.

>> No.11716641

Haha wow sorry I don't respond to literal Nazism. I live in a place in the world where cultural acceptance is paramount. Black men are welcomed, not shunned. That is called being "upper class". Weird, huh?

>> No.11716648


>> No.11716653
File: 66 KB, 602x602, 1522907640662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haha wow sorry I don't respond to literal Nazism. I live in a place in the world where cultural acceptance is paramount. Black men are welcomed, not shunned. That is called being "upper class". Weird, huh?

>> No.11716656

>People who are serious about the culinary arts bypass eggs altogether for their barbarism
>eggs for their barbarism
>egg barbarism
>eggs and barbarians
wtf i love eggs now

>> No.11716658

above all else, people serious about culinary arts do not live in am__ica

>> No.11716663

>tons of saturated fat
Literally nothing wrong with that you dumb fucking boomer
>Tons of sodium
Don't put tons of salt on your eggs?
>Literally floating in grease
So don't bathe your eggs in butter

>> No.11716671

>she speaks french
>he speaks italian
>she speaks spanish
>he speaks dutch
>it speaks english
o i am laffin

>> No.11716676

>where cultural acceptance is paramount
WOW, and you say this as if it’s a good, innocent thing. I suspect you’re full of shit with that “cultural” accceptance” and you probably live in a place where they are just pushing “muh diversity” hardcore.

Enjoy your Marxist dystopia.

>> No.11716690

How are eggs even bad? If someone wanted to drink the contents of my menstrual cup or make tampon tea it wouldn't do me no harm. vegans are so fucking retarded.

>> No.11716713

>cultural hub
>cesspool of crime and degeneracy
Whatever gets you to sleep at night.

>> No.11716801

Spoopy jewish skellington

>> No.11716853

Haha alright so the nazi hicks wanna be high class. With who? Zuckerberg? Bezos? Face it you capitalist hillbillies are alone at the bottom with cracker barrel and buffalo wild wings lmao

Oh no!

>> No.11716875
File: 33 KB, 523x868, Screenshot_31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11717224

Fucking white people with no fucking class


>> No.11717230

>tons of sodium

>> No.11717262

I think he's saying if you fry them and put salt on them they're unhealthy

>> No.11717272

Oh no, butter and salt. How will I go on when I make my french omelets in the morning filled with proteins and good things in general?

get fucked nigger

>> No.11717273


>> No.11717392

This image originated on /fit/. Just reverse search it.

>> No.11717414


So fucking what

>> No.11717423

so humans should only eat other humans?

>> No.11717427

This guy was correct somehow. It's not a criticism I just find it interesting.

>> No.11717432

Where does a person buy non-fat pans?

>> No.11717447

>French Cuisine is loaded with eggs and butter
Just FKYS already instead of trying to incite your own murder by being an insufferable cunt.

>> No.11717451

Fat in and of it'self is not bad. It is the excessive consumption of fat that can lead to problems if you don't have a healthy level of physical activity. Eggs are one of the richest natural sources of protein available. You just need to figure how best to cook them so you don't add in fat and sodium and also maintain a decent exercise program to loose weight. You can stop being a fatty fatty boombalatty if you really try, I believe in you chubby (OP)

>> No.11717465

Nope, not far, sugars are the real issue. The idea that fat was the cause was the efforts of a famous scientist pushing fraudulent data to support his belief that fat was the cause of obesity and heart disease, and the sugar industry worked hard to promote his results while suppressing research with opposing results.

>> No.11717472

Saturated fat is fine, sodium is fine (just drink more water, dumbass), fat is fine.

>> No.11717514

I just made homemade mayo. Fite me irl

>> No.11718802

but what if i made them in butter and not oil.

The perfect fatman recipe.

>> No.11718808

>use non stick pan
>no grease
>no grease
>no grease


>> No.11718849

I believe the study was actually funded and backed by what was then called "the American sugar institute" or something along those lines. I read about if a while back. It's a big reason why sugar is in everything in the us.

>> No.11718868

That’s not even true. The lipid hypothesis was formulated well before Hegsted took any money from sugar lobbies. You’ll find decades of data supporting the lipid hypothesis before and after Hegsted. You don’t just have one study be the basis for an entire scientific principle

>> No.11718879

Hegsted and Keys didn’t have any singular study formulating the lipid hypothesis nor was any of that funded by any sugar company. This is why skimming through news headlines isn’t effective as a way to inform

>> No.11718888

>its an eggs are bad episode

finna skip this one lads

>> No.11719401

Just cook your eggs a different way you fag

>> No.11719631 [DELETED] 

>he thinks Marx wrote about concrete policy and a path forward to utopian society rather than just outlining a critical framework to discuss class in relation to social ills.

Yeah, keep sucking down those Jordan Peterson videos. Remember, marxism means anything the scary feminists and other assigned "bad guys" like! Understanding what you are talking about is or cucks!

>> No.11719700

>leftover juices from cooking bacon or sausages
Guess what that is, bro

>> No.11719705

>haha he totally didn't issue any predictions haha you think that lmao he was just playing
The absolute state of communists lol

>> No.11719845

Is a tablespoon of butter too much for 3 eggs? Scrambled of course.