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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11821575 No.11821575 [Reply] [Original]

When will this fad end?

>> No.11821582

Shitposting? Probably never

>> No.11821586

I agree hard tacos need to end, they hurt my mouth

>> No.11821602

i despise hard shells
i'm clumsy as fuck so i can never manage to eat them without making a massive mess of my plate
tortillas are infinitely better

>> No.11821605

why not just save money and go to taco bell/del taco? or even a step up, jack in the box

>> No.11821627

I just rip the shells in half and make what are essentially oversized nachos, r8 me/

>> No.11821629

I've been eating them for 40 years so probably never

>> No.11821800

wow so progressive
how many liters of soylent are you on right now?

>> No.11821828

>save money by going to a restaurant
Boomer logic

>> No.11821855

based and redpilled

>> No.11821923

someone explain this to me. what’s the appeal of getting liquid volcano shits?

>> No.11822430

If you get diahrrea or a stomachache from some meat, sauce and corn, it's probably nature doing its best to filter you out of the gene pool.

>> No.11822537
File: 58 KB, 291x307, mfw the mexican food isn't AUTHENTIC enough because the menu is in English.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11822569

>liquid volcano shits
from mild salsa? sounds about white

>> No.11822595

I'm just sick of the Mexican food trend in general.

>> No.11822613

Found the wh*toid

>> No.11822632

Monday nights were taco night in the chow hall when I was deployed. After 6 months I started just putting all the taco shit in a bowl and crushing up the hard taco shells to break up the monotony. I called it the disaster bowl because it looked terrible and i always had to run to the shitter right after.

>> No.11822637

How ironic.

>> No.11822638

My girlfriend finds Mexican food dry and boring

>> No.11822643

30 years ago you'r stuck in time warp op.

>> No.11822660

only boomers eat this trash

>> No.11822685

At least I can drink milk without dying

>> No.11822699
File: 74 KB, 625x423, 1506786636491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all nonwhites are lactose intolerant
>drinking milk when you have a lactose intolerance causes death
keep seething wh*tey

>> No.11822744

the fad of mexican food existing?

>> No.11822768

that isn't mexican food you stupid amerilard

>> No.11822781
File: 202 KB, 2048x1536, aQQ2beg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11822815


>Being mad at a taco shell

>> No.11822868

me on the bottom

>> No.11822926

Tex mex is infinitely better than authentic mexican

>> No.11823030

Only boomers think this

>> No.11823072

>and i always had to run to the shitter right after.
What a stupid fucking meme. If by "right after" you mean the next day, then whatever.

>> No.11823251 [DELETED] 

No one cares you stupid wetback, we aren't talking about food south of the border and you know it so fuck off.

>> No.11823257

my wife's son absolutely loves them, i always make it for him on sundays

>> No.11823647

The key is to bake them with the meat and cheese already inserted so they steam slightly from the inside. Still crisp while hot, but ever so slightly more sturdy. Makes all the difference.

>> No.11823651

>brings up racial crime statistics

>> No.11823764

When the wall is up.

>> No.11823794

Mexican isn't a race you stupid racist brown shit.


Meanwhile you mexishits are always walking around with your angry murderous staredowns while the social justice faggots excuse your assbackward third world racism, sexism, and gangbanger machismo.

>> No.11823798
File: 346 KB, 524x511, latest[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How ironic.
>You ended up shitposting for us anyway.

>> No.11824406

Maybe boomers are right?

>> No.11824496

>he fell for the /pol/ memes

The whole planet drinks milk, it's not a god-given superpower.

>> No.11824514

Never gonna’ happen.

>> No.11824592

Soy "milk" isn't

>> No.11825402

fence, wall, whatever

>> No.11825410

we wuz kangs n sheeit

>> No.11825433

>Mexican isn't a race you stupid racist brown shit
where did they ever say it was?

based and redpilled illiterate retard boomer. good thing this is bait because no one is this retarded