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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11943699 No.11943699 [Reply] [Original]

It's been a long day on the road, you've been driving 6 hours when you decide it's time for a bite to eat before you trudge onward. Where are you stopping?

>> No.11943703
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>> No.11943705

McDonalds for a McChicken and a McDouble, then any gas station for a bag of All Dressed chips

>> No.11943707
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>> No.11943713

If I'm driving that long I've planned ahead and there's a cooler in the back with fruit and veg, string cheese, nuts, and sandwich fixings.

>> No.11943720

My current job has this feel all the time and it's made me realize how poorly designed some gas station areas are

>> No.11943728
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Capitalism was a mistake

>> No.11943729

>all dressed chips

yo you know whats good

>> No.11943747

comfy pictures

>> No.11943763

Grocery store. I'll just buy a $5-6 rotisserie chicken and eat half of it, then get a road coffee at some drive-thru. If it's in the middle of the night I'll do what >>11943713 does.

>> No.11943786

This is a fast food board, you tastelet

>> No.11943792

Only for the NEETs, pal. Enjoy nickel and diming your Taco Bell order because of mommy's strict allowance.

>> No.11943797

Probably Quiznos since it's the least messy. No lettuce because lettuce sometimes makes me shit.

>> No.11943807

the diner

>> No.11943822
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No real better alternative senpai

>> No.11943833

Buongiorno pupperino.

>> No.11943847

The patrician choice.

>> No.11943879

Look up restaurants near me and go somewhere that isn’t a chain. The point of travel is experiencing new things. I’ve driven through most of the U.S., and the only place this wasn’t possible was the barren wastelands of Kansas. Even there, I managed to find a rinky-dink little diner.

>> No.11943885

Seething incel, try to get laid.

>> No.11943886

Is this another "do americans really?" obsessed european thread in disguise?

>> No.11943889

So I generally try to avoid chains when possible but at 11 am there isn't much choice in this area when it comes to small local places that are not super far off the highway. You will eat up at least half an hour driving to go anywhere that isn't a chain or shit if you are going through Breezewood. I ended up going to Hardee's I think.

I did look up other places on Yelp while we were driving through this area but there just isn't a lot of selection there.

>> No.11943901

>everywhere you go, you can acquire food, lodging, and fuel to take yourself elsewhere
>this is somehow a mistake

>> No.11943902

No. OP here. I find something about these images strangely comfy, but I can't explain it.
The bustling corporate wasteland surrounded by woods and mountains. People on the move. American road trips.
Some people will look at these images with disgust, but I see something beautiful.

>> No.11943904

I need some gas -- so I'll stop at Taco Bell >:)

>> No.11943907

>won't buy fast food because it's too expensive
>WILL buy coffee at fast food place
absolutely based

>> No.11943908

I couldn't have said it any better myself. I feel the exact same way. It's especially comfy on the east coast and in the south. Nothing more comfy than an Appalachian town like this.

>> No.11943912

I agree

>> No.11943915
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>> No.11943922

Hah fat fucking Gordita eating faggot. Blow off the Cheeto sustained from your fingers and come suck the cum out of your moms cunt since I’m done with her.

>> No.11943941

For me, it's Cracker Barrel. Chicken fried steak with extra gravy, Mac n cheese and green beans with an iced tea.

>> No.11943960
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i love the old subway logo. and the old taco bell logo. nobody uses brown anymore

>> No.11943973

Gift and souvenir shops in the middle of nowhere to satiate a person's need to mindlessly consume.

>> No.11943988

How much of a fucking life hating cynic are you? Do you get no enjoyment out of traveling and bringing back a momento with you? I love having little souvenirs to remember some of the beautiful little gems of places I've discovered. Quit hating the world.

>> No.11944029

Bonjour le pup.

>> No.11944033
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>> No.11944036

If I have the time, I stop at the diner, or someplace a little less corporate or local (if it exists and is accessible) to take a real break and recharge. If I have bills to pay, fast food or convenience store it is.

>> No.11944061


>> No.11944075

90s aesthetics were horrible, all of those signs look like ass

>> No.11944088
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i've been to breezewood twice and both times i stopped at taco bell.

perkins is trash.

>> No.11944097


Companies everywhere fuck their employees over for share holders. Lobbyists free to push their corporate will to legislators in order to push favorable bills that only benefit companies.

>> No.11944200
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I get enjoyment out of traveling, meeting other human beings, cherishing our brief moment together and understanding that this particular moment I've experienced is unique and will not happen again.

If I *need* a physical memento I will take a photograph. In my trip throughout China, a period lasting a year and a half I took 15 photographs and kept 2 souvenirs, a celadon gaiwan from a colleague and a painting my students drew for me before I left.

Pic related is the inside of the gift shop. Often times we're so heavily indoctrinated with the collection of "things" and consumption culture that we don't even realize it's happening.

>> No.11944248

The alternative is having nothing and starving.

>> No.11944259

>english teacher just realized we live in a consumer culture
word of the day: yikes

>> No.11944287

>$1.32 for gas
How old is this picture?

>> No.11944296

Holy shit, soi boi beta faggot

>> No.11944318

Is there a Cracker Barrel nearby?

>> No.11944336

All of the pics look 90s as fuck. That one looks like early 90s.

>> No.11944799

mcdonald's for a 10 piece chicken nugget meal

this has been my go-to since I was a liddo and it's not changing anytime soon

>> No.11945106

>middle of no where
>Pennsylvanian Turnpike entrance


>> No.11945115

I just got off on that exit yesterday. Half of those businesses aren't even there anymore.

>> No.11945116

No one forces anyone to work or shop at these places. What you should be complaining about is human nature, not abundant options.

>> No.11945146

I go to the next exit for burger king because i really wanna feel like shit for the rest of the trip.

>> No.11945370



>> No.11945379

Yeah uh I'll get a Exxon diesel big gulp to go please

>> No.11946819
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In this sort of town, I trust highly processed fast food more than anything a local restaurant would make.

>> No.11947026

McDonalds for a double quarter pounder with no pickles (Pickles are great but the wet cardboard McDonalds has is not).
Then I get a salted caramel icecream from the gas station.

>> No.11947028

You know how they say "It's the journey, not the destination"?
Yeah they're lying. The journey sucks. These kind of rest stops exist just to make the hunger go away so you can focus on the road. No point spending any more time than you have to here, just grab a shitty burger and stretch your legs for five minutes and move on.

>> No.11947032

>he doesn't eat literal garbage and sugar slop like me

it is you, who is the faggot

>> No.11947033

i guess a tuna sub from subway

>> No.11947037

"Mmmmm sammich fixings :)"
no dude you're the faggot

>> No.11947044

Reminds me of the first Rambo movie for some reason

>> No.11947058

What the fuck is soy about preparing food in advance? That is a trait reflecting preparation, forethought and responsibility. Exactly the kind of traits that are missing from the soycuck millenial generation. Get control of your life.

>> No.11947060

simply embarrassing

>> No.11947061

>preparation, forethought and responsibility.
You sound like an incredibly interesting person.

>> No.11947067

>arguments: 0
Go spend your wages on some more corn syrup

>> No.11947068

argumentum ad faggotum
sorry but I will not engage in someone who won't debate me in good faith or who is a soycuck

>> No.11947069

>I have no argument and I will now run away
This is why you will always be on the bottom rung, shouting upwards at those who will give you nothing more than a sideways glance and a snicker.

>> No.11947072

snickers would be better than string cheese and veg, Nancy

>> No.11947073

Your only argument was ad hominem. Why do you expect me to reply with a logical argument if you've already set the tone here?

>> No.11947083

You (or someone who is obviously on your side) called someone soy for preparing food in advance. I said that these are traits reflecting preparation, forethought and responsibility. Since then there have been exactly zero arguments this, just ad homina and accusations that I am "soy". (>>11947060 >>11947061 >>11947068) I am not setting the tone, I am just responding in kind.

>> No.11947106

is stating that it's a faggot thing to do any less of an argument than saying it's thoughtful thing?
no, you just want to white knight the cock jockey for extra good soy points. get real

>> No.11947120

It is a thoughtful thing to do for the reasons I stated. You have just said that it's a "faggot thing to do" for no reason.
>you just want to white knight the cock jockey for extra good soy points
You sound like someone who learned how to "argue" from /pol/ (i.e. say a bunch of baseless obnoxious nonsense and then shriek in hysteria like a moronic leftist when questioned). If you are a logical person, I am still waiting for an answer to this:
>What the fuck is soy about preparing food in advance? (>>11947058)
So far your stance is essentially "I don't have to justify this" (>>11947073)

>> No.11947134

wrong, you did not give any reasons you just listed adjectives. huh... almost like you don't know what you're talking about. odd.
it is a faggoty list of prepared food. string cheese... you're a man driving your car and you have got string cheese in a cooler for your goodie good snack? then irreducibly you are a faggot.

>> No.11947140


>wrong, you did not give any reasons
Wrong, they are here:
>That is a trait reflecting preparation, forethought and responsibility

>you just listed adjectives
This is a simple statement of fact and not a discreditation of their validity nor a counter argument.
>almost like you don't know what you're talking about. odd.
ad hominem
>it is a faggoty list of prepared food
ad hominem, and I said "preparing food", I made no mention of specific food items.
>you're a man driving your car and you have got string cheese in a cooler for your goodie good snack? then irreducibly you are a faggot.
ad hominem, and also irrelevant (see previous point)

>> No.11947142

correction, it was a list of qualities not adjectives. but the point is the same.

>> No.11947146

yes calling the guy a faggot because he's got a freezer bag full of lunchables is relevant. the context of the discussion exists whether you acknowledge it or not. The dude is a faggot.

>> No.11947151

Not eating McDonald's makes you a faggot? How fat are you?

>> No.11947152

Nobody said anything about Lunchables, you are now introducing a school child's lunch item as foreign element and ending with yet more ad hominems. Ironically, a Lunchable is itself a food item which is intended to minimize the amount of effort required to prepare food, and are therefore attractive to lazy people, in a sense reinforcing my own position more than yours.

>> No.11947165

>no one said
it has nothing to do with your position because you wouldn't acknowledge that eating string cheese out of a cooler is a gay thing. it could be thoughtful or prepared sure, but anything negative about eating a children's snack on a road trip would be ad hominem.

>> No.11947179

Kek good stuff mate

>> No.11947180

A lunchable is still a food item which disincentivizes food preparation, and my central argument is that food preparation is a sign of pragmatic traits and responsibility in people. The idea of if eating a certain food is "gay" is not something I am concerned with.

>> No.11947188

One of those truck stop specific diners. Last one I went to had breakfast all day, got some eggs and corned beef hash. Pretty baller.

>> No.11947193

>patrician choice

>> No.11947377

circle k.
They make breakfast baugette which has
>scrambled boiled egg butter
>roasted ham
>boiled egg slices
Wait for them to grill it and then ask for salsa sauce and it is the most delicious shit ever in any gas station.

>> No.11947382

You should read a book called "A World Made for Money". It's quite comfy, reading endless lists of how many Starbuck's and Arby's restarants will open in 2020,.

>> No.11947388
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>> No.11947418

Quiznos. They got a pepper bar.

>> No.11947594

>long day on the road, you've been driving 6 hours

heh, you're a drive-let
>drive 12 straight hours from Toledo, Oh, to Dalton, Ga
>where to eat?
>Waffle House is the only correct answer.

>> No.11947619

probably Whole Foods
i'll get a salad and something else from the foodbar
maybe just a sandwich if the saladbar doesn't look that good
maybe just something to throw in the microwave at the hotel

>> No.11947941

I always try to stop at a place I'm familiar with and that I know won't make me feel sick. Usually that's Wendy's. If not though, I just buy gas station coffee and live off of the massive box of cliff bars that live in my car

>> No.11947958

where do they have whole foods at rural interstate exits?

>> No.11947964


>> No.11947984


>> No.11947985

allo doggo

>> No.11947987

i go to mcdonald's beefy on a nice hot bun i love mcdonald's hamburger with a tasty soft drink and french Fries

>> No.11947988

For me, it’s chipotle

>> No.11948046

Yeah, those pics are fucking old.
Does anyone even stay at the hotels in Breezewood?

>> No.11948054

your dad sounds like a queer, no offense to you personally.

>> No.11948068

Easily the most soypilled post I’ve seen on this board in a longtime.

>> No.11948091

based Pittsburgh bound. I've driven through here many times. I've always stopped at the exxon to get my sips before the long journey home.

>> No.11948097

You can live off the turnpike and still be in the middle of nowhere. See: Chelyan, WV

>> No.11948111

>Does anyone even stay at the hotels in Breezewood?
If you're on a multiday drive you would.

>> No.11949230

Just how much do you weigh, 96lbs?
>That's 6 stone for the rest of you faggots

>> No.11949585

At the fucking grocery store to buy something to cook.

Fast food can go to hell.

>> No.11949629

This video was made for this thread.


>> No.11949669

thats fucking weird, you are gonna cook on the road?

>> No.11949678

oh my god just fuck already

>> No.11949709

>He owns a camera.
Fucking consumerist.

>> No.11949721

Pole signs are nasty

>> No.11949728

pizza hut for a few pizzas also i bring a few friends for pizza

>> No.11949771

>all diners are Denny's

>> No.11949815

Anon could always make engine block eggs. If he could keep them down he'd be sitting pretty.

>> No.11949970

*ad hominem

Also, you soiboi faggot, anyone who has a cooler of fucking vegetables is a gay fucking dainty soiboi faggot. A real American man, with proper Testosterone levels, eats BEEF at fast food places when on the road. So go eat your vegetables and drink you soy lattes and suck dicks. Leave the women to us.

>> No.11950080

Greed will disappear once my people have all the guns.

>> No.11950141

kfc homie

>> No.11950227

>I'll just buy a $5-6 rotisserie chicken and eat half of it
like.. with your hands or?

>> No.11950247

The alternative is not having a ton of trinkets and instead having more money saved up and invested in wealth generation schemes.

>> No.11950257

bonjour, but there was a better alternative.

>> No.11950260

I really hate poor people

>> No.11950283

Based and redpilled

>> No.11950307

no idea bro
there’s usually one close enogh to whatever hotel i’ve booked for the night though

>> No.11950310


>> No.11950313

Buenos dias, chucho.

>> No.11950477
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>> No.11950495

it's not even there anymore if that makes you feel better

>> No.11950598
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where my NJ bros at?

>> No.11950679

Is there something special about Breezewood? I drove through there twice four years ago but I immediately recognized it from these pictures. It was also the only time Ive been in the whole state of Pennsylvania.

>> No.11950797

>Is there something special about Breezewood?
>Breezewood has been labeled a "tourist trap" which prevents travelers from easily transitioning between Interstate 70 and the Turnpike, instead routing traffic along a two-mile loop lined with gas stations, hotels, and restaurants.[1] This section of Interstate 70 is one of the few parts of the Interstate Highway System which is not a controlled-access highway.

>> No.11950801

>The short stretch of I-70 through Breezewood is one of only two locations in the U.S. where there are traffic lights on a two-digit Interstate Highway (the other being Interstate 78 in Jersey City, New Jersey at the west portal to the Holland Tunnel).

>> No.11950805

the one in the picture is

>> No.11951115

also, if we just got rid of certain groups, it might work...

>> No.11951119

So THIS...is the power of flyover country

>> No.11952664

Perkins or Shoney's if there's one around. At Perkins I can at least get some muffins for the road.

>> No.11952775
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>For me, it's Cracker Barrel.
Can't go wrong with this choice no matter the time of day. It's nearly as fast as a fast food, and plenty of options, from light to platter sized. Clean bathrooms and bit of nostalgic candy or gum, cold drink, or a CD, on the way out.

As far as where to stop, just to satisfy a need to pee, walk around, and get back on the road refreshed, it doesn't matter. I lean away from greasy, utterly bad fast food, but I also tend to satisfy cravings for it as a treat, since I almost never do fast food at home. As a driver, a heavy meal can make you wish you could take a nap, so healthier and/or small portion/snack is best. I'm a sucker for Chick-Fil-A, as well as a sausage egg n cheese McGriddle. Grande starbucks drink to sip as well as a chicken peanut wrap or cheese n fruit box if I can't get out of the car and don't want a mess or smelly food.

>> No.11952835

You can go wrong with it any time of day: it's boring, bland, food. Cafeteria-tier slop. You might as well microwave a TV dinner, it's about the same quality of food.

>> No.11952886

ok i saw this in another thread, but no dog has got here first. bonjour.

>> No.11953831

I hate it but get the same feeling. I think it reminds me of childhood roadtrips.

There's this weird shift to grey lately.

>> No.11953848
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>> No.11954555

I pull into 7/11 and get a kara-age bento, tuna mayo onigiri and a can of boss coffee