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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 598x465, eat-a-giant-bowl-of-cereal-and-not-care-about-how-bad-it-is-for-me-game-show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11966618 No.11966618 [Reply] [Original]

I find it strange that people eat such unfulfilling food for breakfast. Why did it become common to start the day with a megaton of carbs and how can it be stopped?

>> No.11966625

It's because of advertising and marketing. Best way to stop it would be to convince ppl that they don't need so many freaking carbs in their lives.

>> No.11966627

nigga do you think they ate other shit back in the day? people ate porridge and oats it is like the same shit except now with more sugar for some

>> No.11966641

I don't know about you but cornflakes are delicious to me.

>> No.11966643


>> No.11966645

Basically this. My theory is that people got tired of oats so they experimented with what else can be made with oats and thus cereal was born.

>> No.11966658

>how can it be stopped?
Don't eat it and stop giving a fuck about the retarded shit that other people do.

>> No.11966667

Ketofags should be autobanned. This meme diet can't die quickly enough, you're worse than the vegans.

>> No.11966672

If you had posted a second earlier then this thread would have become somewhat meaningful.

>> No.11966706

>t. vegan fag
Oh fuck you buddy. There's nothing wrong with regulating carb intake. Most muricans eat too much of it.

>> No.11966722

Dollars to donuts that you didn't even think it was a problem before the internet told you so recently.

>> No.11966750

I believe in a balanced diet with moderately high protein. I stopped eating as much carbs ten years ago shortly after I cut out dairy (nothing against it, just became less tolerant of lactose). I don't think it's wise to go to an extreme in either direction.

>> No.11966763

That's what calories are for. If you're not diabetic then you should just limit yourself to a sane amount of calories each day. If you eat too many calories it doesn't matter what macronutrient ratio was behind them, you'll gain the same amount of weight either way. The only way cereal being carbs is mildly relevant here is if you're trying to avoid high glycemic index foods because you already trashed your body to the point of type 2 diabetes. A normal healthy person doesn't have any problems eating cereal.

>> No.11966821

>it doesn't matter what macronutrient ratio was behind them, you'll gain the same amount of weight either way
>ignoring muscle mass/fat distribution ratio
I guess if you're fine with an underdeveloped and unimpressive physique.

>> No.11966882
File: 989 KB, 1100x1483, shart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your real problem is way too little fiber, though.

>> No.11966891

Not at all. I regularly eat my veggies and leafy greens

>> No.11966915

dose no one know the story of the kelloggs bros itt?
>be "doctor" obsessed with pooping
>pooping is good for you
>start clinic where people go to get "healthy"
>fiber is good for poop
>make shity breakfast food called grape nuts
>worse food on planet
>guy down the road has better tasting grape nuts
>steal idea
>falling out with bro later
>bro takes less shity grape nuts adds sugar and salt make it taste good
>great depression hits and people dont have money yet have to eat
>cereal is cheap and tastes good plus super famous "doctor" says its good to eat

>> No.11967222

A bowl of corn flakes with fresh fruit is divine. Fuck off idiots

>> No.11967280

Oatmean would probably be a little better due to being less processed

>> No.11967371
File: 5 KB, 250x140, 1515881711935s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cutting carbs to try to *help* with bodybuilding gains
Anon, I...

>> No.11967398

Enjoy your carcinogenic gmo roundup, I guess.

>> No.11967424

>being american

imagine lel

>> No.11967624

The RATIO you imbecilic frog poster. Eventually you must cut to improve your lean mass to fat ratio. And the carbs must go.

>> No.11967688
File: 32 KB, 500x333, social_network_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pooping is good for you

seriously, what the fuck, are you 8 years old?

>> No.11967698
File: 31 KB, 766x401, 24846064_1417556911688158_8288485517691977728_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com&ig_cache_key=MTY3NDc1MTM1NjM1Mjk3NzY3Mw%3D%3D.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bodybuilders cut carbs because they are sub-200kg twinks

powerlifters love carbs because your muscles need glycogen to actually have strength

>> No.11967804

Hey I like grape nuts

>> No.11967846

There is a BIG difference between trying to define your muscles by losing fat and actively growing them. Doing the latter with only protein is like burning your house to stay warm; our metabolism simply cannot function with the relatively meagre amount of energy in lean protein. Inuits can only get around this by eating a lot of fat and very fresh meat, which contains a significant amount of glycogen (sugar).

>> No.11968125
File: 66 KB, 622x1280, thiccomlette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a thicc boy omlette with cheddar, spinach and bacon, usually skip breakfadt but working a long shift today

>> No.11968243

In response to your questions:
>because it's cheap and was once considered moderately healthy
>just stop doing it

>> No.11968312

You cant work out or take meds before breakfast.

>> No.11968982

Corn flakes are invited by a religious maniac. They were intentionally made bland to discourage dudes patients from wanting to fuck. I'm being serious

>> No.11969454

And stupid.
Breakfast choices has always been a product of the environment, just like all other foods.
>Steak and Eggs
>Pancakes, Maple Syrup
>Sausage and other preservable meats
>biscuits (and gravy)
for America
There was a point in time that beef was so abundant in the 19th century, just preceding the reasonable delivery of cattle to the east coast by train, that it was a common complaint; Steak and Peppers(Supper), Steak and Tomato(Lunch), Steak and Eggs(Breakfast); they couldn't get away from it even when they wanted to.
Pancakes or Flapjacks are literally what you can produce on any griddle when you're packing flour. You can also make a ton of them in very short order- so you can do anything from feeding all the farm hands to transporting it out to wherever. Then you obviously know the association with maple syrup from the far north east.
The sausage thing goes without saying, but especially look at the simplicity of the very American biscuits and gravy- the drippings of cooked pork sausage or other fats, white flour, milk, and often bits of sausage, bacon, or beef and you can make that gravy, perfect for smothering over any breads you might have.

The "coffee guy" used to be a respected position among a group. Before 1864, the first available coffee in the US to the masses weren't pre-roasted, and it was a pain to prepare, but the one guy who would put up with the pain of doing that would gain favors from others. In 1864, first the Arbuckle brothers began selling pre-roasted coffee by the pound, getting rich by selling it to cowboys in the West, and then Folger sold coffee to gold miners in California and also seeing great success.

>> No.11969461

Is there a more based and blackpilled cereal?

>> No.11969533

who the fuck eats breakfast

>> No.11969649

successful people