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12095971 No.12095971 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 26 years old and still think alcoholic beverages taste like absolute shit.
They lied about it getting better.
I still drink it to get drunk anyway.

>> No.12096003

Try some high end stuff

>> No.12096007

It's 2019 bro. You can just say you like dick. No one's gonna judge you.

>> No.12096053

It's not for everybody. I for one love it but that doesn't mean everyone will.

>> No.12096052

even the most expensive alcohol tastes like alcohol.

>> No.12096056


>> No.12096057

Only hard liquors I like are gin and tequila. Whiskey, rum and vodka come right back up before even going all the way down. Not all hard liquors are the same

>> No.12096059

Good beer can taste good, I've never been too much into wine but as for the hard stuff, I've noticed that I only really liked it when I was drinking very regulary, once I stopped doing that I mostly too drink it just to get drunk

>> No.12096087

once you get rolling, the taste stops mattering and getting drunker does

>> No.12096090

haha stupid filipino

>> No.12096095

Don’t worry you’re mostly right. Most people only pretend to like whiskey and wine

>> No.12096101

Cocktails, long island Ice teas, and spiked sweet drinks for you then friendo

>> No.12096111

this is a lie

>> No.12096122
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Alcohol tastes bad. Do you like the feeling of it once you're drunk enough to get past the taste? Quit being such a wishy washy little baby.

>> No.12096123

and once you get drunk you stop tasting the alcohol at all.

>> No.12096130

what does a long island iced tea actually taste like?

>> No.12096133

This is a myth. Or at least for me it is.

Are you people heavy smokers/cocaine abusers? Or are you so drunk you can't remember tasting it?

>> No.12096134

I barely get drunk with a full bottle of wine and it tastes like shit until the last drop.
I tried whiskey too to see if the higher alcohol content is worth it but the taste is absolutely horrible and I can barely get a 200g cup down before reaching vomit range, should I just kms?

>> No.12096140

Try some weird stuff and see if you like it. i know a guy who almost exclusively drinks mead and some weird elderflower shit

>> No.12096161

Get a decent bottle of either, expect new things

If you're not used to drinking alcohol, the taste (for lack of a better term) will put you off. The difference between people who drink and people who dont is the enjoyment they find from imbibing.

The more alcohol I drink, the less the taste (a)?effects me. Take that how you will.

>> No.12096208

Try experimenting with mixed drinks.

>> No.12096218

Stop drinking shitty alcohol, and you won't feel this way. Unless your taste range for liquid only goes into "soda or bad" range.

>> No.12096245

I almost exclusively drink water for sustenance, I only drink alcohol for getting drunk and only the occasional soda when it's in some pizza bundle deal.

>> No.12096250

Oddly enough, it does taste similar to iced tea, but much sweeter and more alcoholic, although the alcohol isn't very noticeable, especially if it's cold enough. It's worth trying once. Get some cheap miniatures of gin, rum, tequila, triple sec and vodka.

>> No.12096264

The longer you abstain from it, the worse it tastes. Just drink 2 times a week for a couple of years.

>> No.12096334

It's not a myth. It's a numbing affect all around including the taste aspect.

>> No.12096342

>but the taste is absolutely horrible

So stop drinking. No one who wants to get drunk does it for the taste dumbass.

>> No.12096348

Hello mr. diabetes

>> No.12096369

>No one who wants to get drunk does it for the taste dumbass.
Then why do they pretend the taste isn't absolute shit?

>> No.12096381

You can drink gin straight but not whiskey or rum? What the holy hell is wrong with your brain?

>> No.12096382

When did I ever pretend that? Do you understand what a mixed drink is? Low alcohol concentration to make it drinkable? Do you even understand alcohol culture? Shut the fuck up.

>> No.12096391

try rekorderlig cider, shit tastes like juice

>> No.12096396

>Do you understand what a mixed drink is?
> Low alcohol concentration to make it drinkable? Do you even understand alcohol culture?
homossexual cope in liquid form

>> No.12096404

>ice is now homosexual

Are you legitimately braindead? It's easy to water something.

>> No.12096424

>It's easy to water something.
it's also easy to take a dragon dildo up your ass

>> No.12096465
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alcohol is a utility my friend. it never rises above the line of tasting line shit, its just about getting it to passable and out of the disgusting range. Anyone who tells you they genuinely like the taste of alcohol is full of shit. Its a poison, there are literally tastebuds in your mouth meant to identify most harmful stuff and make it taste like shit. Alcohol is no exception. Anyone who says a 80 year old whiskey tastes better than a shirly temple wants you to see them in a certian way. Sodas>alcohols

>> No.12096470
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what on earth about this post gives any identification that the poster is filipino?

>> No.12096476
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>"Hmm, this poison doesn't taste good"

>> No.12096502

shut up stupid filipino

>> No.12096514
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>soda pizza combo
Thanks for reminding me.

>> No.12096518

Try sweeter alcohol, like rum or port. Both are great.

>> No.12096522

I'm brazilian actually

>> No.12096524

I'm white, but I love their women, dated one and I think they are some of the best on earth. So I dont know what kind of displacement youre acting out here, but you didn't answer my question you pedantic retard

>> No.12096530

cool story autismo

>> No.12096535

With such a wide variety of alcoholic drinks, I find it hard to believe that you think everything is disgusting. Keep exploring and you’ll find something enjoyable

>> No.12096538

Drugs are better than alcohol lol.

>> No.12096543
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It's ok, you clearly need all your brain cells

>> No.12096562
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OK fag, have a nice life

>> No.12096576

the fag is you for trying to find deeper meaning in a throwaway post

>> No.12096603

but it didn't mean anything at all. I bet most of the things you say are like that though

>> No.12096643

That's because they are shit and are completely pointless in every way. Don't force yourself to pick up a pastime for dependant losers.

>> No.12096671

I only like gin , tequila, and vodka in that order. so mojitos, margartias, gin and tonic/gin rickeys are fine for me but other than that its too dark. I have drank lots of different beers (non mega chain) and enjoyed them for what they are but honest to god I only finish 1/3 or 1/2 the usual serving size. I love the taste but after awhile it feels like im ingesting like a 1 liter coke or something its all bubbles. I prefer to sip and enjoy the flavor

honest to god Ive tasted some good beers but the only stuff I found that I can drink the whole serving was Presidente on tap in the hot beach in DR or a super dry asahi.

Ive had fancy mix drinks from high end restaraunts by god do they taste good. any whiskey/rum/scotch and Im not sure I enjoy it.

Either I cant finish a beer, I dont enjoy "manly drinks", and I find girly/neutral drinks the only ones I actually look foward to eating

wine and cheese is a different story for whatever reason, since its all about the flavor and less about serving size its much more enjoyable

>> No.12097129

Lead tastes sweet

>> No.12097138

I agree with you, op. It's not good.

>> No.12098318

Whiskey Sour my dude, taste a piece of heaven.

>> No.12098344

I like some pinapple juice in it for that extra kick

>> No.12098736

Unnatural human made lead compounds taste sweet. Sugar of Lead isn't a commonly occurring substance.

>> No.12098762

Boiling things is a natural process, humans are natural processes, there's no such thing as unnatural processes unless you believe in spirits.

>> No.12098767

some really cheap(like real cheap) stuff tastes bad. and wine is ok i guess. a mixed drink our beer though, pretty good.

>> No.12098768
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>"computers and electric cars are part of the natural world because humans are hurrdurr"

>> No.12098772

Yes, computers and electric cars are just natural processes naturally laid out by natural creatures.

>> No.12098797
File: 738 KB, 1280x1657, tumblr_p2b7sahniN1tkr9eqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you understood what I mean't you twit. Organic Lead substances aren't common in nature and thus our bodies doesn't see it as a poison or something to avoid.

>> No.12098820

Good just don't drink. Nothing good ever comes from it.
t. 11 year alcoholic

>> No.12098858

People who drink alcohol "for the taste" are just closeted alcoholics. Its awful tasting because its poisonous, and we try everything to mask that fact. We try to overwhelm it with different tastes, try to make it extremly cold or try to throw back only small amounts in the hopes we don't even have to taste it. Meanwhile, the body does its best to reject the poison, make you throw up or feel sick. We just like to get fucked up.

>> No.12098951

Yeah if you have sensitive tastebuds it doesn't get much better. I'm the same - try different drinks, you'll find one you can tolerate. Personally I find gin mixed with lemonade to be a nice easily drinkable drink that I can get drunk on without a bad taste. Amaretto and lemonade also works, as do straight cream liqueurs. Anything else tastes too strongly of alcohol.

>> No.12098984

Tried some and all tasted pretty bad.

There are better, cheaper, and more fun addictions out there.

>> No.12099003

>I used to think drinking just to get drunk was a waste of precious booze
just give it up
if you don't like the taste, there's no point in the extra calories

>> No.12100124

I’ll agree that drinking liquor straight hasn’t really gotten easier, but I’ve grown to appreciate the burn more.

Beer, wine, and cocktails however I have grown to just enjoy the taste. I mean if you can’t enjoy a couple of beers at your age just give up

>> No.12100149


>> No.12100154


>> No.12100180
File: 59 KB, 767x733, 1546331137348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink wine, beer, etc alone
>it tastes bitter and bad
>drink with friends in a social setting
>suddenly alcoholic beverages taste good