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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 330x199, wine-graphics-2006_1054983a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12103708 No.12103708 [Reply] [Original]

That an excellent steak sir, surely you must know what wine pairs well it it, you're not one of those noveau rich people right?

>> No.12103713

Cab sauv duh.

>> No.12103714

>being this insecure

>> No.12103715

Uhhh I didn’t order the steak? I ordered the vegan ortolan

>> No.12103718

Yeah, I'll have your cheapest grain alcohol.

>> No.12103723

Y'all got carlo rossi burgundy?

>> No.12103731
File: 1.17 MB, 2640x1760, E1DDA465-6AA2-4393-A37C-D2C5E034CE68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I’m no nouveau riche.

I’ll have a lebatt blue ...with a lime.

>> No.12103732

Jokes on you, before I came here I googled what wines go well with this particular cut of steak

>> No.12103737

That's a nice fachwerkhaus and i want to suck on that piece of fat on the steak

>> No.12103743

Anytime there is a potential for a riot, im getting blasted on grain alcohol.

>> No.12103744

What does noveau mean?

>> No.12103770

just get me a tallboy of natty daddy

>> No.12103807

look the faggot waiter dead in the eyes and then just order whatever wine you want. be a trend setter, not a trend follower.

>> No.12103822

Ahh Natty Daddy, excellent choice sir.

>> No.12103823

>...and not caring what people think is what MAKES us cool, right?

>> No.12103824

I just realized the reason Americans only drink wine when they're eating steak is that picking a wine that goes with a steak is babby's first pairing exercise


>> No.12103831

if you are "not caring" to "look cool" then you aren't "not caring"

>> No.12103834

>t. peasant who drinks liquorous Monbazillac with red meat

>> No.12103836

Why would i discuss that with a mere servant?

>> No.12103844

Surely you are not trying to act pretentious and judgemental while working as a waiter

>> No.12103850

Milk Steak and Riot juice is super comfy

>> No.12103853
File: 30 KB, 368x546, obsession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or because restaurant steak and restaurant wine are both seen as luxury items which cost a fair amount and as such both are only harkened on special occasions such as anniversaries, birthdays, etc?

>> No.12103857

I don't drink, so give me a coke

>> No.12103860

being condescending is a common tactic employed by sales staff for businesses catering to the lower-upper class. the idea is that the customer feels humiliated so they spend a bunch of money to show off that they are a high-roller and not to be fucked with
>hurr i just wont tip
high-end restaurant service staff get paid well enough to not really care about tips and they might even get commission per table

>> No.12103866
File: 31 KB, 400x505, 911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or because I'm such a pleb the nicest thing I can imagine is a steak dinner with a Robert Parker Certified ball-buster, if you drink wine outside the context of a Romantic Anniversary Dinner you are clearly a poncey gay foreign faggot who wants to destroy America and has literally never even set foot here
But that's what I said.

>> No.12103884
File: 1.35 MB, 900x1174, 1540543064534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could set up a drive-in movie theater with that massive fucking projection.

>> No.12103888

>high-end restaurant service staff get paid well enough to not really care about tips and they might even get commission per table
That's 100% bullshit and you're talking out your ass. If the waitstaff is paid, it will clearly say no tipping on the menu and at the front door.

>> No.12103892

What am I projecting? Please be as detailed as possible, I do not look, talk, live, or think like you so please assume nothing. Thanks.

>> No.12103899

Why would I give a shit what my waiter thinks about me? I'm ordering whatever I want.

>> No.12103901

maybe at the restaurants you can afford

>> No.12103911

>ill have a glass of your finest Kraft IPA, Sir

>> No.12103934

Not a fucking clue. I don't have a vagina, so I drink whiskey.

>> No.12103943

I don't drink alcohol.

>> No.12103986

I work in high end restaurants and have for over a decade.
Go on, tell me, since you know so much. Precisely which restaurants offer service staff "commission" on sales? I'd like to know, since this is an apparently very well kept industry secret. Please, grace us all with your immense transcendent knowledge.

I'm going to assume you're an angry faggot and be on my way, because having written exchanges where I have to condescend to angry faggots isn't on my to-do list.

>> No.12103992

Wine? Do I look like a pussy to you? Get me a beer and a shot

>> No.12104154

I'm too retarded for names, get me a mean red wine with kind of a gunpowder stink and iron/spicy licks to it.
The ones that leave the viscous film on the tongue.

>> No.12104309

Sorry sir but only children drink fruit juice with their steak.

>> No.12104332

See >>12103714

>> No.12104351

Ewww at that fat

>> No.12104369

Seething. Waiterboy didn't get tipped last night or something lmao.

>> No.12104403

A bottle of your best Primitivo

>> No.12104409

>high-end restaurant service staff get paid well enough to not really care about tips
>not tipping 100% of the bill when in a nice-ish place

spotted the nouveau riche

>> No.12104414
File: 34 KB, 250x659, camo_silver_ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gimme a 4 pack of these, no need for a glass. And a bottle of A1.

>> No.12104417

malbec pls

>> No.12104703

I'll have bud light and bring the ketchup

>> No.12104706

Yes I'll have your finest dirty mason jar of paint thinner, please.

>> No.12104709

Right away Mr. President.

>> No.12104722

Beer, a good stout. Wine is for faggots.

>> No.12106088

I'll have a brown ale, and lay off the pretentiousness.

>> No.12106098

>vegan ortolan

>> No.12106110

No, I'm old poor. It took me a year to save up for the steak alone. I'm not having wine with it.

>> No.12106118

So what if I am? Shut up and take my money. Fucking tip whore.

>> No.12106131

Give me a nice warm ale to wash it down with you cheeky cunt

>> No.12107178

Water. On the rocks.

>> No.12107197

Good post anon I recognize yoi

>> No.12107234

I'm afraid I don't drink, bring me some tea instead.

>> No.12107247
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man of culture detected