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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 193 KB, 1280x720, 4 levels of.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12560907 No.12560907 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the level 1 chef always a woman or person of color?

>> No.12560941

By level 1 you mean the lowest level, right?

I don't know why. Why are the best chefs in the world all western European men?

>> No.12560945

Good ole boy system

>> No.12560946

if you think that's good, you should try kraft

>> No.12560949

What's the difference between an amateur and a home cook? Wouldnt anyone cooking at home by definition be an amateur since they arent recieving compensation?

>> No.12560951

but the lvl 2 chef is always a woman or poc
and the experts are often women and one was a person of color

>> No.12561015

Uhhh... forgetting pink shirt guy?!?!?
Plus lorenzo and granny are /ourchefs/ anyway...

>> No.12561021

Didn't the "expert" in that mac and cheese video use fucking graham crackers as the topping? Fucking disgusting. Which proves that, while they do know better cooking techniques, expert chefs can still fuck up food quite badly.

>> No.12561046

Try the redpill and see for yourself
Because we're just simply inherently superior

Praise Kek

>> No.12561083

I tought all Facebook videos were 1:1

>> No.12561096

I wondered that too. Maybe it's like a caterer from home using a cottage license. I have a friend that caters parties for some side cash. Not really a professional since it's not her living and she's not doing it full time, but definitely well above amateur level.

>> No.12561299

Mac and cheese is not a baked dish. This should be called a gratin, a cheese casserole, or perhaps a noodle loaf.

>> No.12561446

>a noodle loaf.
kill yourself lol

>> No.12561486

What the fuck is going on with that expert mac and cheese? It looks disgusting. All three look pretty bad in fact, but at least the first two resemble some combination of macaroni and cheese.

>> No.12561498

that channel is terrible, i honestly dont understand why people watch it

>> No.12561507

>Why are the best chefs in the world all western European men?
Unironically patriarchy

>> No.12561528

I think it's just someone who cooks for their husband and kids vs someone who cooks as a hobby and puts a bit more effort into it. The line can be blurred pretty easily though, especially in older generations.

>> No.12561530

pls post link faggor

>> No.12561553

i wonder if the new food expert is legal or not

>> No.12561581

for me it's sodium citrate(food grade) in my Mac and cheese

>> No.12561623

But the one in the middle looks objectively the best. The one on the right likes like a shovel full of sand was dumped on some mac and cheese

>> No.12561628

Yet you conveniently ignore the race and gender of the other two levels which are wildly varied from episode to episode.

Stop cherry-picking shit to be mad about.

>> No.12561667


middle is the only one that looks edible. Left looks like ramen covered in cheese and right looks like someone broke a bunch of cookies in a casserole dish.

>> No.12561711

sodium citrate tastes weird

sodium hexametaphosphate works better and has no discernible taste

>> No.12561735

It just tastes like salt nigger retard fuck you die

>> No.12561777

Why can't any cook make a proper mac and cheese?

>> No.12561778

Graham crackers mixed with bacon. It wasn't a fuckup it was deliberate and is actually fucking delicious

>> No.12561806

>Graham crackers mixed with bacon.
How the fuck is that mac and cheese then? That's retarded. The whole point is supposed to be showing the same dish with increasing degrees of quality. That's not a higher quality version of mac and cheese, it's mac and cheese mixed with completely unrelated other foods.
That's like if someone did an amateur martial arts vs. professional martial arts video and the only difference was the professional had two other guys helping him beat up his opponent.

>> No.12561825

It also isn't even in the same ballpark of what macaroni and cheese is like. Mac and cheese is all about nice, soft, melted together textures, while bacon and graham crackers are hard, crunchy disconnected chunks. It's basically just making easy mac and then pouring some shitty breakfast cereal and bacon bits on it.

>> No.12561827

>unrelated other foods
It's just the crust, you oblivious moron, it's not like its distributed throughout, all mixed together. What, is it not mac&cheese if it doesn't use just panko and butter?

>> No.12561832
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>actually fucking delicious
Oh yeah, I always eat sugary cookies mixed with bacon on top of my pastas!!! Who wouldn't?!? Plebs, amirite?!?!

>> No.12561834

Tell us, oh enlightened one, what happens when you serve it? What happens when you eat it? WHAT, MOTHERFUCKER. WHAT HAPPENS?

>> No.12561874

You take vertical slices out of it with a fork, getting crust, pasta, and cheese sauce at the same time. Or do you maybe mash up your food like a fucking five-year-old?

>> No.12561885

So, the crust STILL ends up getting stuck to the rest of the mac and cheese. No matter what. Because unless you're making the equivalent of a mac and cheese MOLDED dish (and I assume you're not a 75 year old housewife), you're going to get some of your COOKIE CRUMBS stuck into your next bites of it. You can't seriously be this stupid.

>> No.12561924
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yikes !

>> No.12561932

Are you implying that you discard the crust? No kidding it's going to get in your next bite, you're fucking eating it!

I'm not sure what graham crackers you're eating, but you do realize the make "plain" ones, right? Not just the honey, sugar, or brown sugar+cinnamon ones? Are you not aware they were originally created by a madman thinking he could create a food so bland it would kill people's sex drives?

>> No.12561933

You are painfully stupid

>> No.12561936
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Enjoy your sweet cookie pasta and cheese, fatty faglord.

>> No.12561955

Yeah, I do actually know the origins of graham crackers, faggot, and I also know that "plain" ones are not normally sold in stores anymore.
It's fucking bizarre that you're shilling so hard for something that isn't even good. NO ONE is going to fall for your graham cracker bullshit. You just can't handle the fact that no one likes your bullshit, so you're trying to fight it. You're wasting your time, dumbass. There's way better crumb toppings for mac and cheese, period.

>> No.12561987

I see that the identity politics plague has infected /ck/

>> No.12561990

heh. Yeah. keep telling yourself that.

>> No.12561994

I'll remind you that this started because you were claiming its not mac&cheese because it uses graham crackers. That makes it a kind of mac&cheese that /you/ don't like, it doesn't mean it's not mac&cheese, you fucking child.

>> No.12562047

Best likely candidates to be incompetent and thus make the video more "entertaining."

>> No.12562554
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>> No.12562556

The food industry is weirdly macho and i voted for DRUMPF

>> No.12562660

I didn't claim is wasn't mac and cheese, fucktard. My first post was this>>12561021
You stupid ass.

>> No.12562669

Because the producers are bigoted cunts, probably dumbfuck drumpf supporters

>> No.12562709

Amateur cooks only because they have to survive so they learn things here and there to make decent tasting shit, but home cook takes pride and actually loves cooking and trying things, yet would never dream of being a chef

>> No.12562720
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>ywn make spaghetti and meatballs with this qt

>> No.12562727

Cry more, bitch. This is an OP mac&cheese.

>> No.12563248

cooks get feedback from people who ate more than burgers all day and are able to properly taste food. patr my arse

>> No.12563258

Really? That's all you've got? What a dumb cookie-pasta eating loser. You didn't even know who's posts you were replying to, lol.

>> No.12563470
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>expert makes some horse shit that's not even the original thing they were told to make

>> No.12563519
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>the "food scientist" complains about how canned food and american cheese have "bad chemicals" in them

>> No.12563534
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>What, is it not mac&cheese if it doesn't use just panko and butter?
It's not mac and cheese if it's not mac and cheese, dipshit.
Bacon and graham crackers aren't mac and cheese.
Mac and cheese has two ingredients:
1) Mac
2) Cheese
Why would you ruin a nice, soft, warm, and gooey mac and cheese with a bunch of hard chunks of graham cracker and bacon bits?
This is almost as bad as that anon who did the "ramen noodle sundae" thread where he just kept on mixing random disgusting out of place ingredients together, except that anon at least had the self-awareness to know what he was doing was disgusting, unlike the person who came up with that retarded graham cracker bacon bits macaroni and cheese idea and yourself.

>> No.12563574

Home cooked ANYTIME ANYDAY !

>> No.12563695

Look at this retard questioning the dumb shit that Americans do.

>> No.12563715

1 and 2 look more appetizing

>> No.12564133

cheese, butter, maybe a little heavy cream, salt, pepper and maybe some bread crumbs on top after it’s been plated if i have them

all those spices, egg etc is just bullshit
and, baking it is fine if you have the time
but to me part of making mac & cheese is that it’s fairly easy and quick

>> No.12564164
File: 69 KB, 720x960, simple but delicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

home cook anyday

>> No.12564196

Wow, now THAT'S spicy. Might need some milk to go with that.

>> No.12564207

your cheese sauce went everywhere but on the noodles...

>> No.12564218

do black people really eat this?

>> No.12564222

I fucking hate breadcrumbs on my mac&chizz.

>> No.12564236

it's basically a kikefeed video

my entire family had a shitfit over this video because of how fucked it was

>> No.12564241

Is a mornay really that hard?

>> No.12564287

HAHAHA, noodle loaf is a new /ck/ maymay

>> No.12564314

I put pepper in my cheese sauce, guess it isn't mac and cheese anymore!

>> No.12564371

Idk ibut it's been my gateway into vapid, over-produced normie shit. How do I stop before I go too far?

>> No.12564424

Because it's a low paying wage, and these niggers never want to to better for themselves.
They expect somebody to do it for them.

>> No.12564521
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>Graham crackers and bacon are a spice.

>> No.12564565
File: 3.28 MB, 1346x4986, 1546765417792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That "expert" mac and cheese
Looks like this "expert" is the same anon who did the Sweet Sundae Ramen thread.

>> No.12564627
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Here's my expert level fettuccine alfredo.

>> No.12564787
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>Mac and cheese has two ingredients:
>1) Mac
>2) Cheese

>> No.12565230

Someone who genuinely enjoys cooking but doesn't do it for pay is a home cook
Someone who just happens to cook every now and then, and doesn't bother to try and make their skills better is an amateur

>> No.12566141

home cook and amateur should be reversed as labels

>> No.12566146

It's much harder to convince white men to humiliate themselves on camera for little to no money

>> No.12566178

Why don’t you go and just eat some kraft then huh buddy?

>> No.12566200

Sprinkling some salt or pepper on a dish isn't the same as pouring a box of graham crackers on it you retard.

>> No.12566223
File: 77 KB, 536x679, 1497819533_mickey%20and%20duc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What you need to do is to use Havarti, Extra Sharp Cheddar, and Gouda for the cheeses.

Cook the macaroni in milk to reduce dishwashing and so that it all fits in one pot. Bouille is kinda irrelevant in mac and cheese when you do that.

Add garlic and onion powder and white pepper on top the mustard powder Expert added. Remove cayenne and nutmeg. Not very helpful spices.

Put some cottage cheese in the milk one-pot

Put thin slices of butter on top the graham cracker crust to better caramelize the crust

Add a little sugar to slow cook/simmer dishes, especially with the milk

Tell me how it goes with you, anon.

>> No.12566234
File: 280 KB, 620x573, screenshot-www.youtube.com-2019.06.30-19-28-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The expert looks like he had to film this video after finishing a 12 hour shift and working 9 days in a row. That's what all the expert level chefs have in common on these videos is that they look unenthused and overtired.

>> No.12566256
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>That one ice cream sundae episode he made passion fruit sorbet

>> No.12566263

Where did the "cheese sauce" meme come from? Unless it's just straight-up melted cheese shit tastes like ass.

>> No.12566278

Never forget ketchup on french toast girl

>> No.12566279

Still a ingredient also mac and cheese is supposed to be made with a mornay sauce and sprinkled with parmesan

>> No.12566286

I feel like terrible bachelor cooks dont leave their houses often enough to have this opportunity

>> No.12566287

>"cheese sauce" meme
How is it a meme? It's just bechamel with cheese in it.

>> No.12566291
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Parmesan is too hard a cheese to go in mac and cheese. 0/10 will not recommend.

>> No.12566303
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>What if you used a bouilli, celery, and mushrooms in Chicken and Dumplings?

>> No.12566311

the food industry is the most macho after military and oil men

>> No.12566315

dont knock it till you try it fatty

>> No.12566319
File: 1.53 MB, 900x1200, Chirico.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So what does that make people who worked in soup kitchens?

>> No.12566320

you put it on top, that's a really common practice buddy

>> No.12566342

>but you do realize the make "plain" ones, right?

w2c? honey grahams are too sweet for me

>> No.12566358
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>mac and cheese is supposed to be made with
Macaroni and cheese. This isn't complicated. If you want to sprinkle some salt or pepper to add a minor flavor tweak that's fine. You get little salt and pepper packets or shakers at restaurants exactly for that reason.
Dumping graham crackers and bacon bits on macaroni and cheese is NOT fine. You're moving into down syndrome child left without supervision in the kitchen territory at that point.

>> No.12566393

Shut the fuck up. Just do Seasoned Croutons crushed up, and Pork Tenderloin shreds.

>> No.12566501

>>mac and cheese is supposed to be made with
>Macaroni and cheese.
Nope the oldest known recipes have more than just mac and cheese

>> No.12566503

I'd like to see your mac and cheese that is only made with noodles and cheese. It doesn't work, it's a greasy clumpy mess

>> No.12566546

you're so bent out of shape that your samefagging is glaringly obvious. go take your ADHD meds and finish your homework, joshua

>> No.12566600

It sounds like you're quibbling over the distinction between a block of cheese vs. a cheese sauce. That's pretty fucking far from justifying graham crackers and bacon. The packet of cheese in Kraft, Velveeta, or whatever other mac and cheese product you come across is the cheese.
>only made with noodles and cheese
How would doing what I imagine you have in mind here which is taking a block of cheddar cheese and adding it to macaroni going to make it "greasy?"

>> No.12566605
File: 24 KB, 754x136, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you include my post at the bottom?

>> No.12566706 [DELETED] 

wow you kikes are even trying to kike up the most american of dishes

why the fuck are you trying to put cookies on mac and cheese

what the fuck, gas yourselves already

>> No.12567019

hope somebody puts cyanide in your pasta dish

>> No.12567228
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White is a color

>> No.12567252

anon he doesn't know what bechamel is.

>> No.12567925
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>How would doing what I imagine you have in mind here which is taking a block of cheddar cheese and adding it to macaroni going to make it "greasy?"
Because when you bake it, the cheese will seperate with an oily layer and clump up. This is why mac and cheese is typically made with a cheese sauce to emulsify the fat in the cheese. Unless you're using kraft or some garbage in which case your dish isn't worth eating. A breadcrumb topping gives it a nice crunch, and can stop the cheese sauce and pasta burning before its cooked, graham cracker + bacon is just an alternative to a breadcrumb topping with a little more flavor.

Bacon and pasta is a pretty common combination, crushed graham crackers have a similar texture to browned breadcrumbs, so what is out of place here?
>But mac and cheese should only have mac and cheese in it
Whatever premade trash you're "cooking" like kraft or velveeta is filled with preservatives, emulsifiers, dehydrated milk, etc. So not just mac and cheese.

>> No.12567935

How does an "Expert" create a Mac and Cheese looking like that? That straight up looks like sand.

>> No.12567944

anybody else want the food scientist lady to sit on their face while tapping their junk with that pointer thing she has?

>> No.12568261
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>> No.12568269

Still shilling that garbage tier mac and cheese? The only reason I can fathom for this incessant blathering is 1. You're the "expert" and you're in so much ass pain because people hate your dish. Or 2. You're an autistic dickweed who's obsessed with Graham crackers.

>> No.12568275

he's probably balking at the sweetness

>> No.12568530

found the jew lmao

"Kike, gas thineself"
-some cool dude, probably

>> No.12568535

there's also the eccentric asian man that grew up as a peasant

>> No.12568546
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>Still shilling that garbage tier mac and cheese?
I would just use a panko and cheese topping myself.

I just replied to you because there were a lot of things you needed correcting on!

>> No.12569168

>How does an "Expert" create a Mac and Cheese looking like that?
It's not really mac and cheese. It's a retarded pile of graham crackers and bacon bits on top of mac and cheese.

>> No.12569175

So your only complaint is that we called the ingredients macaroni and cheese instead of macaroni and cheese sauce. Great, your autism has been acknowledged and you can fuck off now. The distinction between cheese vs. cheese sauce is nowhere close to the one between cheese vs. graham crackers and bacon.

>> No.12569176

>fucking graham crackers on top of the fucking macaroni
What the fuck?

>> No.12569180

>Why are the best chefs in the world all Mexicans who work under western European men?


Seriously, the back of kitchens are always filled with minorities no matter where you go, what is the deal with that

>> No.12569187

Exactly, yet apparently we're the crazy ones for pointing out that isn't mac and cheese. Because mac and cheese uses cheese sauce and not a literal block of cheese which somehow means any ingredients you put together in a bowl now count as mac and cheese.

>> No.12569202
File: 642 KB, 900x450, BT_bacon_mac_and_cheese_v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now THIS is mac and cheese done right

>> No.12569313

Whites are the minority now. It was 9/11.

>> No.12569730
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>> No.12570075

look at that chicken

>> No.12570148

Begone, leaf.

>> No.12570169

Texture wise, the one baked in the cast iron looks the best, I think. Left just looks like cheese on unsauced pasta, while the breadcrumbs on the right are excessive.

Middle, made with a good bechamel, with some cheddar and gruyere, topped with panko would be best.

>> No.12570181

>needed correcting on
No, sweetie, you need to keep those shit opinions to yourself.

>> No.12570226

Regular graham crackers aren’t sweet at all.

>> No.12570289 [DELETED] 


>> No.12570413

Bread crumbs on Mac and cheese is so gross to me. I always ask they take it off.

>> No.12570492

>get a load of this speak-to-the-manager bitch

>> No.12570549

Less milk in that sauce boiii, also stir it a while longer in the pot. I used to do the same thing

>> No.12570587

Yeah bud. We’re the gross plebs when you’re the one putting fucking graham crackers in your pasta. Better hope Martha stewart doesn’t see you on street.

>> No.12570782

>Regular graham crackers
this is the 3rd or 4th time someone has requested sauce on 'regular' graham crackers and no one has delivered

>> No.12570840
File: 102 KB, 469x595, crackers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they heard the piece of trivia about graham crackers being invented to discourage masturbation and incorrectly assumed this meant "no sugar."
Even the earliest graham cracker recipes in existence contain molasses or sugar as an ingredient e.g. pic related's from the 1800s.
People being irrationally terrified of sugar is more of a modern phenomenon, where focus on that is used to try to avoid dealing with the actual cause of obesity which is eating too many calories.

>> No.12570848

>JUST the crust
>in mac n cheese
Learn to cook you troglodyte. Mac n cheese needs a proper crust just like a good baguette needs a crunchy crust.

>> No.12570872

They don't exist. A 'plain' graham cracker is just a whole wheat cracker.

>> No.12570885

imagine being this autistic

>> No.12570903

It's not autistic to prefer actual mac and cheese over this Sweet Sundae Ramen 2 Electric Boogaloo graham cracker bacon abortion you turbo-autist:

>> No.12571232


>> No.12571242

cooking as a living is a difficult life

>> No.12571563

is that better than sodium diphosphate or sodium tripolyposphate? I tried to find out what kind is in velveeta but it it's specific.

it's not about difficulty it's about using technology to make better tasting food

>> No.12571972

Why is level 2 always better than level 3? Level 3 is always some overdone dish that tastes like garbage because "muh complex flavors." Like the video you posted, fucking graham crackers on macaroni? Really?

>> No.12571989


turn on a fucking light.

>> No.12571998

Nice. I only eat white foods too.

>> No.12572004

But it's not exactly like normal whole wheat flour. It's much coarser and it's not sifted. Plus it's made from a hard, red wheat that grows in cooler climates.

>> No.12572016

The new food scientist lady is so much worse than the one they had before, but the one they had before had actual credentials so I guess she's too expensive.

Level 3 always seems to have some bullshit recipe that takes several days, while level 2 is something I'd cook for a nice home dinner.

>> No.12572146

those recipes are probably still not going to be that sweet compared to modern versions that are literally covered in sugar. especially that molasses one, blackstrap molasses is bitter

anyway, spergbaby is stomping about putting a sweet topping on mac and cheese, meanwhile mac n cheese with apples is a thing.

>> No.12572180

I don't think you read my post correctly. I don't care about sugar and think people irrationally freak out about it as a distraction from the real problem for obesity which is excess calorie intake.

>> No.12572217

Because whites these days are pampered little bitches that barely know how to fry an egg, let alone work in a kitchen. Also, it's an environment that requires a lot of teamwork and coordination, so once any minority attains any position of power, they'll be inclined to hire more of their kind simply cause they have a similar frame of reference and understanding of the field.
t. one of the two white line cooks in an otherwise South Asian kitchen.

>> No.12572229

hahahaha white people working in an ethnic ghetto? they must have a diversity initiative, I cant stop laughing, hahahahah what a faggot, token white guy

>> No.12572245

The issue with level 3 is they do shit like in the latest episode where they use shit that's been 'fermenting' for years while mixing it in with run of the mill dough. I can guarantee under a blind taste test no one would know the difference between a regular home made dough and that, not including super tasters.

>> No.12572259

Nah. The other white guy is really committed to his work, and convinced them to hire me to work dish with his reference. After a year of that they started having me work line. It's not much of an ethnic ghetto either. They all either have formal culinary schooling, or else have five+ years of experience. You could learn a lot if you spent less time looking down on others and more time looking at yourself.

>> No.12572260

>mac and cheese with apples
That's not mac and cheese, that's a pasta casserole with cheese and apples.

>> No.12572278
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>muh colonialism
it's all so tiresome

>> No.12572286

Soup kitchens aren't restaurants or "the food industry". They're charities.

>> No.12572316

Diversity means you have to have 50% minorities, and since these particular individuals come along with shit work ethic and a general inability to read directions for cooking, you have to put them in the back. They have to go somewhere, and you can't just be rayciss and put hardworking whites in the front AND the back.

>> No.12572347

I'm just saying those recipes probably do taste "regular" in comparison to a modern cinnamon-sugar style.

But yeah from what I read Rev. Graham was more about eating whole grains than avoiding all sweeteners.

>> No.12572353

don't you have ANYTHING better to do?

>> No.12572377

It's not just one anon complaining about this. I complained about the "expert" bullshit in the OP pic and the post you quoted there was from some other anon. Pretty sure there have been at least four or five distinct anons who've pointed out how shit like that isn't really mac and cheese and defeats the purpose of doing an amateur / intermediate / expert kind of breakdown.

>> No.12572392

i fucking hate people the ruin the creaminess of it with fucking bread crumbs, prezel crumbs, chips, more unblended cheeses, parm, or whatever the fuck.

just make it bubble in the oven and the serve goddamn it

>> No.12572422

nice try

>> No.12572500

No, it really isn't just one anon. Which you should have been able to figure out given the topic here is fucking graham crackers and bacon dumped on mac and cheese.
Even if you personally have some weird ability to like that sort of culinary holocaust you could *at least* understand how most other people wouldn't take kindly to it. Just try to have a sense of perspectives other than your own here.

>> No.12572530

I'll never get the baking meme desu. I never bake my Mac. I just boil the cheese sauce in a pot and pour it over pasta.

>> No.12572629
File: 86 KB, 535x572, plain graham crackers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right. there is a bit of sweetness to a plain graham cracker, as you can tell from the molasses and sugar in this anon's picture. there are flavored ones with chocolate and cinnamon if you want, but the plain version still has a small amount of sugar in it compared to the total amount of flour.

>> No.12572833


hahahaha is this real? please tell me you're not proud of that mess

>> No.12572847


fucking pig-nose

>> No.12573014

it brings nice contrast to the flavor.

>> No.12573016


>> No.12573201

Turns out that being white doesn't make someone rich

>> No.12573269

Dude, no. No it doesn't. You know what it brings? Sand like conditions mixed with smoke.. Gritty, dry-as-the-desert, Wildfire-in-the-Mojave, burning-Joshua-tree, Where the Streets Have No Name conditions. John Wayne in Truu Grit tier. Gritty Gritty Bang Bang . Billboard's Biggest Grits of 2019. Grit Me with Your Best Shot tier. Fuuuuuuuck that.

>> No.12573373

But cheese sauce isn't cheese.
You're 1 person!

>> No.12573417

People who don't mix the sauce with the noodles should be gased

>> No.12573673

hey a new one is up
>that level 1 chef

>> No.12573681

Oh shut up. Even a retard can mix the sauce with noodles on the plate. You serve it like this for neat looks. Or do you require your food pre-chewed too?

>> No.12573689

just click the "not interested" button on youtube, the channel is pure unadulterated horse manure

>> No.12573700

>Graham crackers mixed with bacon.
That sounds fucking disgusting

>> No.12573706
File: 128 KB, 1200x911, 1561038282796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being this autistic

>> No.12573730

Better educated and rational brains when it comes to ingredients. I'm awestruck by how decent white men can cook while their women are better off serving roasted wet newspaper.

>> No.12574028

>But cheese sauce isn't cheese.
"The distinction between cheese vs. cheese sauce is nowhere close to the one between cheese vs. graham crackers and bacon."
Also nobody likes a nitpicking faggot. You don't make it OK to throw any random foods you want in there just by quibbling over how cheese sauce isn't technically cheese. That's just silly. Everyone calls the packet in mac and cheese cups the cheese packet, not "the cheese sauce mix packet." It technically is a cheese sauce mix packet but everyone understands it's the cheese part of macaroni and cheese.
>You're 1 person!
No, it really isn't. I'm continually surprised you think it would be assuming you aren't just knowingly lying to try to prove a point (and I wouldn't put it past you to be dishonest in that way given how you've tried justifying graham crackers and bacon by arguing cheese sauce is technically also an ingredient other than cheese). You MUST recognize on some level that the idea of graham crackers and bacon dumped on top of macaroni and cheese and called the "expert version" is something that would attract a lot of "what the fuck?" posts. Even if YOU don't personally have that response to it you should still be able to have some sense for how things come across to other people.

>> No.12574299

You take the noodle out of the pot early, then finish them with a portion of sauce.
Why the fuck are you on /ck/ if you can't cook?

>> No.12574311

I didn't know that children posted here.

>> No.12574323

Because you need crunch to deal with all that softness. Its too one note texturally otherwise.

>> No.12574663
File: 407 KB, 498x373, yui roll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crumb toppings are the standard for mac and cheese, it is what you will get in most restaurants! So really what you're claiming is that the difference between cheese and cheese sauce is less than the distinction between breadcrumb toppings and a biscuit topping. I disagree, there are many many ways to make a cheese sauce and its the most complex part of a mac and cheese. Flatbreads and crackers are almost the same, the difference mainly being in baking powder and how you form the dough, chunky breadcrumbs have nearly the same texture as toasted crushed crackers (try it!). Graham crackers simply add a hint of sweetness. I'm sure you don't actually think bacon is a weird thing to put in pasta, do you?
I think most people would call it a cheese sauce packet, and why are you using that anyway? This explains why your mac and cheese is so bad... There are way more steps in turning a block of cheese to a packet of dehydrated cheese sauce than there are turning some flour and butter into a cracker.

>> No.12574769

>waiters work harder than the cooks


>> No.12574776

>mac and cheese with apples
actual tastlet detected

>> No.12574896

the autism is astounding

>> No.12575030

Why would you ever order mac and cheese at a restaurant? That's like ordering a cup of instant noodles or a Swanson TV dinner.

>> No.12575045

Autism is quibbling over cheese sauce not being cheese.

>> No.12575054

You, you I like.

>> No.12575069

I don't, it's just a good standard for something being relatively good. If your argument is "Mac and cheese should be bad because I make it badly" then whatever, keep eating garbage forever, why are you on a cooking board?

>> No.12575075
File: 25 KB, 665x574, m19dajsdw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao samefag

>> No.12575182

An ameture is a woman or nigger/spic/chink, a home cook is a man, but sometimes they are also a filthy chink or some other worthless race, Profesional is an aryan white male, as it should be.

>> No.12575200
File: 5 KB, 250x140, 1515881711935s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only one person finds graham crackers and bacon on mac and cheese stupid

>> No.12575252

>it's a amateur just uses store bought episode
>it's a expert doesn't actually make the dish in question episode
>it's a food scientist is a twelve year old girl episode

>> No.12575266

boys will be boys

>> No.12575273

>obsessed and delusional

>> No.12575371

Was the burger episode the only time that wasn't the case and that level 3 was relatively simpler?

>> No.12575473

If it doesnt have mac or cheese then how the fuck is it mac and cheese?

>> No.12575525

But if it has more than those it isn't mac and cheese?

>> No.12575542

Sorry, you sound generally reasonable, but trying to defend graham crackers for mac and cheese is ridiculous. You can better adjust seasonings by making your own breadcrumb mixture (even adding sugar or honey or something else sweet that would cut through the bacon and cheese). Graham cracker is attempting too hard to be clever and is only sold on the basis of an expert doing it. Good cooking doesnt need to rely on gimmicks like using an obviously weird ingredient for the sole sake of having it in. Same goes for using proprietary premixed ingredients instead of making spice mixes and sauces yourself - you lose control when you're not adjusting the flavors yourself. So yeah, graham cracker mac as the expert level is stupid and provocative solely for clicks / shares and for making threads like these exist.

>> No.12575548

Because he doesn't count cheese sauce as cheese.

>> No.12575596

Have you ever tried graham crackers on mac and cheese? Have you had graham crackers recently? Perhaps you've forgotten how they taste, they just aren't as sweet as you think they are.
I don't think its the best thing to put on mac and cheese, I don't, but I have tried cracker toppings before and its completely fine, barely different to a regular topping and the tang and texture is nice. I don't know how you would get the same flavor as a graham cracker with typical kitchen spices.
If it works, it works, graham crackers aren't classy or a high class ingredient. Maybe the expert really does like them!

>> No.12575699

I'm annoyed to admit it but I bought some plain graham crackers not even an hour ago to test on some mac n cheese. Not sure when I'll do it, but I'll be sure to update this thread or make a new one to report my findings. I made sure to watch the video and I paid attention to what ingredient he adds with the graham cracker, and although I don't know the exact amounts, I think I can wing it.

>> No.12575720

please report back dubs-san

may your cookings be blessed

>> No.12575733
File: 2.86 MB, 637x355, 1562007487977.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>level 3 expert adds two packs of Philadelphia Cream Cheese © for creaminess
and won't the whole thing taste like fucking cream cheese now?
>"I can see why my kids love it"

>> No.12575739

>Mexicans are in every kitchen!
In America only, dios mio le creatura..

>> No.12575741

lol, seriously? So it's macaroni and cheese with cream cheese, graham crackers, and bacon? What a mess.

>> No.12575768

Cream cheese doesn't have a taste, it has a texture.

>> No.12575775
File: 227 KB, 1920x1080, level 3 cream cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. He uses three other good quality cheeses (gruyere, cheddar, mozzarella), but I can still see them getting overpowered by TWO (2) packs of cream cheese. Just fucking look at it. That's not a standard 8oz pack.

>> No.12575800


>> No.12576858


to each his own, i like a little brown edge on the cheese. but when i do it there is still very creamy cheese sauce, it is not all dried out or full of egg or whatever bullshit people do to ruin it. if you can serve it with a spatula you should kill yourself.

no it doesn't "need" crunch. also serve it with a contrasting texture, don't ruin the creaminess. goddamn it.

>> No.12576865

cuz niggers and women cant do jack shit right

>> No.12576914

id rather be dunked in a vat of boiling piss

>> No.12577051

This desu

>> No.12577643

No it isn't, actually. But black isn't a colour either so

>> No.12577663

You don't mix it with the sauce on the plate.
You let the water boil and put the pasta in, put the sauce on a separate burner, let the sauce simmer a little, then on the last minute or so of cooking time, add some of the pasta water to the sauce, turn the heat on the sauce up, and toss the pasta in letting it boil in the sauce.
This mixes it far more thoroughly into the pasta then your shitty ignorant method.

In other words, you finish boiling the pasta in the sauce so that it sticks.
It is not remotely the same as dumping the sauce on afterwards.

>> No.12577667

It doesn't actually make a difference, though. I don't know what you're doing so wrong when you mix it on the plate, but I suspect you just haven't tried it because I can't imagine messing it up so badly.

>> No.12577707

I tried both methods and switched to doing it the proper way when I realized the other way is shit and doesn't allow the pasta to stick to the sauce as well.

>> No.12578107

>Who is Julia Child

>> No.12578109

Who died and made you the king of Mac n' Cheese? Show me any official standard mandating no additions other than cheese and pasta in the dish.

>> No.12578115

A dead lady

>> No.12578123

>the flabby anon said as he shoveled more additive-laden, thoroughly processed quasi- ''''cheese'''' into his mouth

>> No.12578127

If he's using good-quality aged gruyere and cheddar, those will definitely be sharp enough to cut through the cream cheese. Anyone who thinks otherwise has never tasted fine cheese.

>> No.12578139
File: 36 KB, 500x500, DEE9F9CB-DBB1-4F45-8122-69911F52C0B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m excited to try this

>> No.12578189


>> No.12579217

Someone who was taught how to cook exactly like other people and wrote a book about it. She is literally a no one.

>> No.12579324

adam ragusea pls go

>> No.12579705

>I put pepper in my cheese sauce, guess it isn't mac and cheese anymore!
Look everyone it's learning.

>> No.12579772

Middle and right one looks absolutely fucking disgusting though, then again I'm not an amerishit so I've never even tried this subhuman meal.

>> No.12579797

You may well be the most neurotic autistic fuck I've ever seen here. I'm glad I don't have to deal with you irl.

>> No.12580005

Hamburger has two ingredients:
1) Ground beef patty
2) Buns
If you add anything else, even mustard or mayonnaise, it is no longer a hamburger.

Also the original version of pizza was just
>light tomato sauce
>Parmesan cheese
Mozzarella only came later, and was the first "topping". So obviously if you have any mozzarella, it's not real pizza.