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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 813 KB, 2500x1667, 1519157479-chili-horizontal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12581664 No.12581664 [Reply] [Original]

>"The Chili Appreciation Society International specified in 1999 that, among other things, cooks are forbidden to include beans in the preparation of chili for official competition—nor are they allowed to marinate any meats."

>> No.12581679

why the fuck can't you marinate the meat.

>> No.12581696

Yes, because it would no longer be "chili", it would be "faggot sauce".

>> No.12581706

>beans in the pic

>> No.12581708

nigga if you dont marinate your meats with chilies, some acidic liquid and salt you fucked up.

>> No.12581710

Because its the rules

>> No.12581714

I’m assuming the no beans because it’s a filler?

>> No.12581732

Exactly. Rice, macaroni and corn are seen as filler as well, so they are also not allowed along with beans

>> No.12581767

>no beans
So chili is actually just chilies and meat? Who says? Wikipedia says that both beans and tomatoes are not real chili ingredients.

Personally, I use tomato sauce, three types of beans (kidney, pinto, and black), and two kinds of meat (ground beef and pork sausage). Then to serve chili, it needs shredded cheese (I use a blend of cheddar, jack, and asadero), Frito corn chips, and sour cream.

>> No.12581773

Based and neurotypicalpilled

>> No.12581793

beanless fags are just scared. If it's so much better without beans, then why not let them compete? Surely they pose no threat to your superiority. unless.. chili is better with beans

>> No.12581844

Beans, no beans, it doesn't matter. Chili is, like many other dishes, merely a noble vehicle for garlic and spices.

>> No.12581854

this thread is kind of gay
do other people think its gay, or just me?

>> No.12581858

Nope, fags and fag enablers everywhere.

>> No.12581860

i think you’re projecting
are you gay?

>> No.12581897

Just talked to my doctor, found out Im gay

>> No.12581909

Damn. You wanna take the news in with some chili with beans? It can't turn you any more gay than you already are.

>> No.12581921

Based. "Chili" with beans is shit because beans are shit (I think it's mostly the texture, for me). You can put whatever the fuck else you want in that chili and I'll eat it, but fuck beans.

>> No.12581969

>acidic liquid
here's your boeuff ala battery acid, sir

>> No.12582138

It's called chili con carne for a reason.

>> No.12582308

>Who says?
the name is literally chiles and meat in spanish. do you put prawns in your cacio e pepe?

>> No.12582313

I'm going to get some guys together and we'll call ourselves the Chili Appreciation Authority International. We're going to allow beans. Sucks to be the mere society.

>> No.12582315

Right. So cacio e pepe shouldn't have noodles?

>> No.12582323

It's a good thing I'm not cooking for competitions

Everything must be made on-site. Some comps will disqualify pre-made spice blends.

>> No.12582348

A rule from an arbitrary group passed 20 years ago means what, exactly?
Faggot rules.
Gay af. But the kind of Texas gay that clings to homophobia to somehow seem less gay.

The very idea of men in a cooking competition is a little light in the loafers.

>> No.12582645

and there it is!

>> No.12582896

this is just so people who don't use beans and don't marinate their meat don't automatically lose to superior marinated meat bean chilis

>> No.12582907


>> No.12582917

to be fair it should be called "pasta cacio e pepe" (cf. italian wikipedia vs english), but his point is still retardo

>> No.12582918

please say pasta. but you are correct.

>> No.12582930

>for official competition—
>for official competition—
>for official competition—

>> No.12583554

based post. chili with beans is trash

>> No.12583582

chili = beans
chili con carne = beans with chili
it doesnt have anything to do with the spice with the same name actually

>> No.12583586

beans with meat*

>> No.12583588

They also submitted the rule as an amendment to the Geneva Convention.

>> No.12583686
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Agreed. I'm French, and beans with chilli almost sickens me as much as seeing Muricans use pattie ''fillers'' with their bread.

>> No.12583703

Personally I've never made any chili except Texas red
Go right ahead with the beans, corn, spaghetti noodles whatever. I'm not the one that has to eat it

>> No.12583713
File: 135 KB, 917x960, 1541547797977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's funny. According to my nobody-gives-a-shit-about-a-couple-counties-in-bumfuck-texas society it's not really chili without beans, and if you don't serve it over rice you're doing it wrong.

>> No.12583764

>a well-marinated meat, being necessary of a good chilli, the right of the people shall keep and sear protein, shall not be infringed.

>> No.12583923

anyone like cincinnati chili like they serve at steak and shake? that's my favorite but dont know how to make it

>> No.12584049

Texans act like italian nonnas about their chili. They're retards.

>> No.12584055

>Wikipedia says
ah yes, the zoomer's bible

>> No.12584109

Hispanics did not invent chili, and they sure as hell didn't develop it. Anglos did.

>> No.12584122
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>The Chili Appreciation Society International

>> No.12584129
File: 31 KB, 300x250, prepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My chili has lots of beans and no meat whatsoever. If any of you fags don't like it than you don't have to eat it. Comprendo amigo?

>> No.12584130

I don't make chili to impress you fags, I make chili to blow copious farts out of my asshole.

>> No.12584135

Is this where the autism about beans in chili came from?

>> No.12584168

If it doesn't have beans, its not chili.

>> No.12584210

Why is it that all recipes I find through google(in my own language I admit) use beans? Unless I add "authentic" I get lots of varieties, but they all include beans. Is beans in chili a meme?

>> No.12584218

It's people getting mad about the fact a recipe originally about using whatever you had contains things in it that an arbitrary group says is filler.

>> No.12584274

it came from contest chili yes. In order to create a degree of uniformity and establish a baseline from which entrys could judged upon. Since the idea is to judge the cook of the meat and the spice blend, beans just get in the way.

4chan, being the home of elitest autism, memes this up

>> No.12584318

>anyone like cincinnati chili like they serve at steak and shake? that's my favorite but dont know how to make it
dump a fuck load of cinnamon and nutmeg. it's not real chilli anyways

>> No.12584352


>> No.12584502

why do all of the recipes for goulash look like hamburger helper unless I add "hungarian?"

>> No.12584522

If it really was just chilies and meat, then there would be no liquid. Oh you want it to be "chili con carne y agua y tomato"? gfy

>> No.12584560
File: 164 KB, 1462x975, authentic_goulash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because hungarians copied american ghoulash, so usa has the original. pic related

>> No.12584673

you don't need tomato

>> No.12584703

Chili meat water is not chili. Chili is only ground beef stuffed with chili peppers.

>> No.12584765

Post source or you die a virgin.

>> No.12584834


>> No.12585229

Delete this right now.

>> No.12585305

No the name is Chili WITH meat, not chili AND meat.

>> No.12585369

texans always have some stupid fucking rules about chili, and that's why their chili is always the worst.
"Hurr I want ground meat suspended in a thin red sauce AND NOTHING ELSE"

>> No.12585448

Goulash is a stew (or soup) of meat and vegetables usually seasoned with paprika and other spices. Originating in medieval Hungary, goulash is a popular meal predominantly eaten in Central Europe but also in other parts of Europe. It is one of the national dishes of Hungary and a symbol of the country.

Its origin traces back to the 9th century to stews eaten by Hungarian shepherds. Back then, the cooked and flavored meat was dried with the help of the sun and packed into bags produced from sheep's stomachs, needing only water to make it into a meal.

3/10 bait, but based Hungarian shepherds ate their instant goulash 600 years before your continent was discovered

>> No.12585479

>ground meat suspended in a thin red sauce
why do people shitpost like this when they have never even had texas chili?

>> No.12585501

Ironic that they allow myriad other bullshit to be added when original chili con carne was nothing but meat pounded together with mexican chilis and salt cooked in water.
>Hoo boys, looky here, we's gots to protect our authentic chilli from corruption, so you can add anything you want as long as it ain't dem dagnabbed atheist shitskin beans! Where da hell my cow wife wander off too, Billy Bob?

>> No.12585690
File: 2.00 MB, 400x211, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3/10 bait
>based Hungarian shepherds ate their instant goulash 600 years before your continent was discovered
WRONG! People have been eating ghoulash in America since the time of the clovis people. Europoors didn't have access to all of the ingredients until the americas were discovered, spice trade with east indies established, and noodles arrived from China. You can keep WE WUZ GHOULASH all you want, but facts don't care about your feelings.

>> No.12585691

Opinion discarded

>> No.12585696

>please say pasta
Look at this goombah thinking he invented the noodle

>> No.12585732
File: 101 KB, 1024x576, F1US8KEJ6WGM63X.LARGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to make my food how I like it. There's no reason to care what some faggot who is triggered by another person's preferences thinks about anything.

>> No.12585770

>not bait

>> No.12585783
File: 181 KB, 407x275, 1549171796907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be in London.

>> No.12585829

Don't talk shit on Italian nonnas you sorry sack of shit

>> No.12586336


>> No.12586353

Veggie chili?????

>> No.12586447

>CASI Chili Appreciation Society International, Garland, Texas

into the trash it goes

>> No.12586591


>> No.12586701

why are beanfags so hostile? no one is telling them they aren't allowed to eat beans. we are just trying to inform them that real chili doesn't have beans and they are eating a degenerated recipe. even chicongolese will admit that go'za is different from real pizza.

>> No.12586724

You have lost all credibility as an actual, thinking, feeling human being, and now function solely as a shitty low-quality input organism for 4chan.

>> No.12586747

uh hello? based department?

>> No.12586933

And then they changed the rules after. The current rules specify separate categories for chili containing beans and chili without.

>> No.12586956

the amount of self deception here is palpable

>> No.12586970

Don't forget suet

>> No.12586986

beans cannot be prepared from a raw state on site within the time allotted. Kidney beans especially might still be mostly raw, which aside from being like coarse bonemeal, poses a health risk. If the beans are not in a raw state, then they have been prepared in some way ahead of time

>> No.12586999

But I like beans in chili

>> No.12587013

Chili has beans in it, period.

Worry about the fact that your country will be the first Islamic nuclear power before you think about Americans eating beans in their chili, Jacque.

>> No.12587026
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>> No.12587068

My mother-in-law would always make "goulash" which was basically macaroni, browned meat, and tomato sauce, but she would put a ton of garlic salt in for seasoning. Was really good. Just wasn't actually goulash.

>> No.12587076


>> No.12587077

yes that's the point. chili with beans is not chili just like that goulash was not goulash and go'za is not pizza. you can still enjoy eating it, just stop pretending it's something it's not.

>> No.12587129

if you're going to use the genuine article's name to title its impostor, you're just advocating for its inclusion as a stylized subset of the thing itself... which... yeah, chili with beans is a type of chili, with beans. Chicango deep dish pizza is a type of pizza designed to cause heart disease... Goulash is kind of its own thing, at least in contrast with Gulyas. It's got more in common with Cincinnati chili than the Hungarian stew.

>> No.12587567

chili with beans has more in common with brunswick stew than it does with real chili.

>> No.12587619

I was getting ready to say that this was bullshit, my father and I went to lots of chili cook offs and we always brought marinated meat. Even got in trouble with customs over it once.
Then I looked at the date. 1999. The times I was talking about were in the eighties.
I thought I was going to be indignant, now I just feel old.

>> No.12587624
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>> No.12587660

i mean, people "in charge" are often wrong.

>> No.12587717
File: 20 KB, 267x400, 51QubDJHecL._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dis foo' got it.

>> No.12587727

>light in the loafers
Are you old?

>> No.12587792

chili = chili peppers
carne = meat
beans are for slaves

>> No.12587793

>beans are for slaves
You don't enjoy delicious beans because they're for slaves?
That is some nigger tier thinking.

>> No.12588004

killer bean

>> No.12588020

Food competitions almost always disallow any prep that didn't take place on site. With marinade they can't tell if you did that shit before and then took it out to marinate again at the competition.
As for beans it's because it needs to be chili fit for a hot dog, and beans is not a valid topping.

>> No.12588306

>what is Pakistan

>> No.12588353

I guess you don't add any tomato, onion, spice, beer? I'll even grant you water and salt.

>> No.12588550

Canned beans can be allowed. The competitors use canned tomatoes, spices, etc., so why not allow canned beans?

>> No.12588557


>> No.12589792


>> No.12590482

It's not chili if it doesn't have black, kidney, and butter beans, roasted corn, and is served over a bed of tortilla chips and ketchup then topped with red onions and cheddar cheese. Otherwise it's just meat water.

>> No.12590519


LITERALLY dabbing at my computer screen right now.
Based beanchad BTFO all the chililets.

>> No.12590577

Oh god, texasfags literally btfo! No recovering cow fuckers.

>> No.12590717

I didn't realize poor people were so passionate about beans.

>> No.12591310
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>Marco Polo brought noodles to savage Europeans
Go home brainlet!

>> No.12592379

Tomato is a flavoring ingredient (adds acidity) and water is literally present in everything. You can flavor chili however you want, but filler will always be filler. It will never not be ideal to replace beans with a different cut of meat.

>> No.12592392

>beans are a flavoring
Jesus fucking christ I hate north eastern white people.

>> No.12592958
File: 83 KB, 590x526, BrokeSkull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it's so much better without beans, then why not let them compete?
Dishes with beans can compete, they just belong in the "homestyle" category for non-serious cooks. Same reasoning behind why you (usually) don't have women competing against men in athletics. Because the disparity is obvious and nobody wants to see a murder happen.
More specific to chili, the no filler ingredients rule also spares tasters from having to taste low quality amateur slop. If you're doing chili right the flavor will be extreme and you wouldn't be able to taste any hypothetical filler ingredients even if they were in it. So either people using the filler ingredients *aren't* doing chili right, or they are but they're including fillers that just take up space without pulling their weight (hence "filler").
Beans and other filler ingredients are really only a thing in the first place because of past efforts to get more food with less meat. Presumably everyone in a modern developed nation chili cook-off will have enough money to do a proper chili with the full amount of meat and no filler ingredients, though again, if you're really dedicated to the idea of including fillers then the homestyle category is there for you to submit whichever disappointing non-serious entries you might be into.

>> No.12592971

a.) what is pakistan
b.) t. the first combination latin american and nigger nuclear power.
You literally had a muslim nigger as president for 8 years, do you really, really think you're in a position to bitch at any other country, mr estados unidos?

>> No.12593044

Frankly, since chili was created in Texas, no one cares what the French think.

>> No.12593586

>contest chili
contest chili, is that like "show" or contest cats and dogs that are most highly prized if they bear no longer any resemblance to the original animals that we picture in our head when we think cats and dogs?

>> No.12593707
File: 2.17 MB, 640x360, roiding4this.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why not let them compete and lose hardcore? Anti-bean fags are too scared to compete!

>> No.12594038

>muh Tejas
Chilli is from South America

>inb4 muh San Anton (San Antonio for the civilized)
Plenty of historical evidence shows otherwise and the women that sold """chilli""" were prostitutes with their wagon.

>> No.12594050
File: 300 KB, 1200x1800, slow-cooker-chili-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck da police!

>> No.12594121

people who don't put beans in their chili are the niggers of chili-eating people

>> No.12594296

>So why not let them compete and lose hardcore?
Why not let women compete in all the male athletic competitions and lose hardcore?
>Anti-bean fags are too scared to compete!
Anti-women fags are too scared to compete!
Also you're ignoring the part where this is the spare tasters from having to ingest your amateur pseud-chili filler slop. Tasters deserve to know they're only tasting real chili if they sign up to taste for the real chili cook-off category.
You can stay in your homestyle category where any random combination of filler crap is permissible, thank you.

>> No.12594304

that is just fucking stupid.

>> No.12594315

>people who don't put beans in their chili
Are making actual chili. How the fuck did so many people get indoctrinated into this "beans are good for chili" nonsense? It's a filler ingredient people used to try to get more food out of less meat. If you're cooking chili properly there is no way beans are going to add anything of value to the final product. You're supposed to make chili strong as fuck, not so weak that bean flavor is perceivable. And if you did make chili strong like you're supposed to then beans in it are just wasting space. You can't be that poor if you're here in modern times using the internet. There's no reason for you to try to skimp on meat.

>> No.12594320

Stupid that they allowed it to happen or stupid that it's being raised as an issue? Not sure which side of that debate you're on.

>> No.12594323

Nice strawman! Does it attract cows for your nightly tryst, cowfucker?

>> No.12594334

Obviously that they would allow a man to seriously fight a woman in a MMA match just because he bought breast implants. It makes no sense. You let a man fight a woman and he'll wind up breaking her skull.

>> No.12594340

shut up nigger

>> No.12594345

It's called an analogy. Ask an adult to explain it to you.

>> No.12594354

Go save another nickel replacing meat with filler beans, nigger. You'll have enough saved up for those air jordans in no time.

>> No.12594368

>I-i would tell you something right now but it would probably make you cry
this is how you sound

>> No.12594392

>applying the rules from some chili tasting competition to your dishes
the best dishes are the ones you put thought into
Nobody wants to eat some shit that was curated exclusively by some gay tasting committee in Texas. Their opinion is worth about as much as anyone else's except they throw chili down their gullet every once in a while giving subjective judgements.
My mom puts some beans in her chili. I put some beans in my chili. A chili tasting competition might cry and scream and say it's against the rules, but you know what? I think it's based and beanpilled

>> No.12594445
File: 463 KB, 240x360, roidingFORthis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why not let women compete in all the male athletic competitions and lose hardcore?
EXACTLY! Let the discord trannies be BTFO in a cooking competition. Why are anti-chilli bean fags so scared?
>duh filler
COPE harder. It's all about the full taste right? So why not compete? Too scared?

enjoy your ragu

>> No.12594633

How many jurassic park movies do we need before people stop trying to make raptors a thing again?

>> No.12594984


>> No.12594997

>discord trannies
>a thread about chili
I don't even have to read the rest of the argument to know you lost

Good luck with your struggles

>> No.12595100
File: 101 KB, 450x632, Roiding4this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't even have to read the rest of the argument to know you lost
Why cannot your chili compete with beans? It's because your chili is literally diarrhea, right?

>> No.12595462

Strawman argument is an analogy where the moron who got btfo, attempts to create a similar case that is entirely unrelated to the case where he got btfo. You lost, get over it cowfucker.

>> No.12595595
File: 347 KB, 756x1008, vchili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My vegetarian chili, cooking on the stove as I type this.

I'm not even a vegfag but this is delicious, I have no need for meat in my chili.

>> No.12595601

gimme the recipe homie

>> No.12595669

>Pinto beans, about 1.5 cups cooked
>Diced tomato, canned, 400ml, juice included
>1 large carrot, thinly chopped
>1 cup corn
>Half a large green pepper, diced
>5 serrano peppers, diced
>4 white mushrooms, chopped
>Half an onion, diced
>5 cloves garlic, crushed and minced
>chili powder
>Hot pepper flakes
>Worcester Sauce
>Lime juice
>Chicken broth (like i said i am not a vegetarian, i use this as needed for cooking liquid, but you can use veggie broth or water)

I guess you can figure it out from there. I don't use exact measurements, I have been making this chili once weekly for years and I just know. I hope you try it and enjoy.

>> No.12595938
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antibean chilli fags cannot compete with the superior bean infused chilli

>> No.12596179

sheeit, came back to check this thread and realized that this should also include a large diced stalk of celery

>> No.12596215

So the Chili Appreciation Society only judge spicy bolognese? Absolute muppets.

>> No.12596234

i made chili today
ground beef, sausage, fava and kidney beans wth last years home canned tomatoes

>> No.12596245

Sort of but not really? It's cooked in a specific way and served in a specific way in annonymous styrofoam containers and nibbled on in small portions by a panel of judges who may or may not be qualified like any other food fair contest.

>> No.12596256

Not enough vegetable, but good on the home grown tomato.

>> No.12596270

But I'm from New York City. I have literally never been to Texas in my life. And I have nearly zero interest in chili, which is probably the most boring dish from Middle America and that's really saying something.

>> No.12596290

>the most boring dish from middle america is the one that actually utilizes seasonings and doesn't have it's roots in 1950's housewife magazines
I have to object to your thesis. There's no way chili is more boring than Green Bean Casserole or Pasta Salad

>> No.12596376

>the most boring dish from Middle America

Your mom's pussy was pretty boring. Honestly I don't even know how your dad managed to nut, must have been watching porn or something

>> No.12596451

Looks pretty good, except for the beans.

>> No.12596464

>except for the beans

>> No.12596511

This is the content I'm here for. Come for the recipes stay for the shitposts and arguments. I love you.

>> No.12596519

His mom's pussy was trash but his dad's dick was bomb.

>> No.12596541

cockadoodledoo muthafucka

this is the bull your girlfriend tells you not to worry about...

>> No.12596573
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>If it's so much better without beans, then why not let them compete?
>Surely they pose no threat to your superiority. unless.. chili is better with beans
I seriously hope you're just pretending to be this retarded.

>> No.12596620


>> No.12596637

chili without beans is just shitty knock-off goulash desu

>> No.12596649

A bomb dick wouldn't have produced such a pathetic faggot. His dad is in no way cleared of wrongdoing here.

>> No.12596656

Wouldn't it be the other way around? Goulash has vegetable filler in it. That makes it more like chili with beans.

>> No.12596661
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>> No.12597942

beans in chili are good

>> No.12597980

this post with no context is great

>> No.12598154

Beans are cool just not floaters. Also, how did spics cook something without beans in it? Fucking impossible. Lived in San Antonio most of my life, but refried beans will never be a breakfast food.

>> No.12598315
File: 299 KB, 810x450, Mary_of_Agreda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, how did spics cook something without beans in it?
They didn't.
>The only thing certain about the origin of chili is that it did not originate in Mexico. Charles Ramsdell, a writer from San Antonio in an article called San Antonio: An Historical and Pictorial Guide, wrote: “Chili, as we know it in the U.S., cannot be found in Mexico today except in a few spots which cater to tourists. If chili had come from Mexico, it would still be there. For Mexicans, especially those of Indian ancestry, do not change their culinary customs from one generation, or even from one century, to another.”
Chili came from a telepathic nun.
>According to an old Southwestern American Indian legend and tale it is said that the first recipe for chili con carne was put on paper by a beautiful nun, Sister Mary of Agreda of Spain. She was mysteriously known to the Indians of the Southwest United States as La Dama de Azul or The Lady in Blue. Sister Mary would go into trances while her body laid lifeless for days. When she awoke, she said her spirit had traveled to a faraway land where she preached Christianity to savages and counseled them to seek out Spanish missionaries. It is important to note that Sister Mary never physically left Spain.
Pic related, her magic body never decayed after dying.