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File: 815 KB, 2000x1333, how-to-make-stovetop-popcorn-01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12742491 No.12742491 [Reply] [Original]

Popcorn thread. Discuss techniques, favorite seasonings, cooking methods, etc.

>> No.12742494

For me, it's the McChicken

>> No.12742504

Tabasco out of a spritzer bottle

>> No.12742512

>Get a nice jar of good popcorn seeds
>heat a sauce pot up with about 2 tbsp of coconut oil
>when coconut oil is hot enough, cover the bottom of the pan in a single layer of seeds and cover until it's all popped
>pour into large serving bowl
>salt to taste and enjoy

Coconut oil makes such amazing, savory popcorn

>> No.12742524

what're you, some kind of genius? that's brilliant

>> No.12742527

Cook's Country / ATK did a tasting of bagged popcorn recently.
Apparently sales of this shit have quadrupled in the past few years. Most people are buying it already popped instead of making it at home.
Interesting, so have a watch.

>> No.12742567

Garlic powder is kino as fuck. Also curry powder, but you have to be careful cause of possible staining.

>> No.12742757

How does coconut oil compare to olive?

>> No.12742762


>> No.12742799
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Popped in oil and butter on the stove then seasoned with lawrys or I'll just pop some popcorn and mix in a box of sugar babies candy.

>> No.12742806

Brainlet here, do you season before or after? like do you season the oil/kernels or after the popcorn's made?

>> No.12742814


>> No.12742816

Unless it's flavocol

>> No.12742914

It's way better for this application. I'm an expert in this matter. Trust me.

>> No.12742930

You can flavor the oil if you want, not with salt and such, but garlic popcorn is pretty dope, if you are into that

>> No.12742932

>coconut oil

You retard. You need to use clarified butter.

>> No.12743034
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I use an old non-stick wok that was handed down to me. It doesn't cook for shit, but it makes a mean bowel of toasted corn.

>> No.12743040



>> No.12743075

>heat 3 tbsp coconut oil in tall pot
>add in 3 kernels, cover
>once all three have popped, remove popcorn, remove from heat, and add in 1/3 c kernels
>cover and let sit in hot oil for 30-60 seconds
>put back on heat
>pop all the kernels
>remove from heat
>sprinkle with flavocol
>pour in some melted unsalted butter and toss evenly
>sprinkle more flavacol
>serve in bowl

>> No.12743077

it would get much better coverage than the splash and toss method. I might have to give this a go.

>> No.12743299

Woah, you put your flavocol in after?

>> No.12743306

It comes out good, but I guess I'll have to try putting it in with the oil.

>> No.12743314

I pop it in vegetable oil or clarified butter, then toss it with brown butter and a bit more salt. You have to simmer the butter until the water is evaporated to help the popcorn stay crispy, but it's worth the little bit of extra effort.

>> No.12743326
File: 2.88 MB, 532x300, Popcorn 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Popcorn is a super food

>> No.12743331
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>> No.12743341

this guy knows what's up

>> No.12743351
File: 77 KB, 289x550, 0005754_popcorn-salt-flavacol-butter-flavored-seasoned_550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in between
>Put a few kernels into some coconut oil and heat until a couple of them pop
>Add in a chunk of butter alongside the rest of the kernels
>Finish with a light dusting of Flavacol

Better popcorn than you'll get in any movie theatre

>> No.12743361

this but don't be a faggot and just use vegetable oil

>> No.12743377

Coconut oil is what they use for movie theater popcorn. I'm sure vegetable oil works fine, too.

>> No.12743504

>he thinks using coconut oil is trying to be fancy

>> No.12743529

10x the cost of veg oil it is fancy

>> No.12743589

coconut oil is inferior to clarified butter by far.

>> No.12743603

poorfag detected

>> No.12743614

I think using clarified butter is kind of a waste. It doesn't have as much flavor anyway since there's no milk solids, it's not too far off from other refined oils. I think it's better to pop in a cheaper oil then toss it with regular melted butter.

>> No.12743749

Canola is much better and kinda buttery, actually.

>> No.12743849
File: 172 KB, 250x425, morton-popcorn-salt-250x425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>add 1 Tbls Coconut oil to cold stock pot
>add 1/3 cup Orville Redenbacher (white)
>cover with lid
>turn heat to medium
>shake once or twice during popping (brazil nut effect)
>pour into bowl when popping slows to 10 seconds apart
>add 1-2 Tbls butter to stock pot and melt (add hot sauce if wanted)
>return popped corn to pot
>add salt from salt mill or super fine grain salt
>put lid on pot and shake
>pour back into bowl
Serve with granny smith apple slices and aged cheddar.

>> No.12743948

This is a comedy show right?

>> No.12743990

I fucking love popcorn
bagged and movie theatre popcorn a shit though
butter and salt is all you need desu
if you add anything else you're overthinking it

>> No.12744078

Melt 4 tablespoons butter with 1 tablespoon Cajun seasoning, 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest, 1/4 teaspoon cayenne and 2 chopped scallions; drizzle over 16 cups hot popcorn and toss. Season with salt.

>> No.12744201
File: 460 KB, 1920x1080, [AnimeKaizoku]Prison School - 11[1080p][687B62DA].mkv_snapshot_15.44_[2017.09.01_02.14.49].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>16 cups of popcorn

>> No.12744433

>single corn grains expelled of all their natural moisture then covered in fat.

Enjoy your breast cancer

>> No.12744456
File: 34 KB, 415x336, dozer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>single corn grains expelled of all their natural moisture then covered in fat.
everything the body needs

>> No.12744497
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Fuckers made me hungry.

>> No.12744618

This is my favorite to add.
A packet of chicken flavor from ramen noodles, I never use them all in the first place so have a bag of extras and a small pat of butter.
It sounds stupid but it's really good and before shooting me down try it out.

>> No.12744630

Whirley Pop, flavacol and butter flavored coconut oil with beta carotene.

>> No.12744643

>Whirley Pop
Where are you from, San Francisco?

>> No.12744644

I fucking love the Alton Brown cheese popcorn recipe.
2 ounces Cheddar cheese powder
1/2 ounce finely grated Parmesan cheese-food (meaning the stuff in the green can)
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
1 teaspoon buttermilk powder
1 teaspoon kosher salt
Blend it all in a food processor or coffee grinder to a fine powder, sprinkle over buttered popcorn.

>> No.12744827
File: 501 KB, 1741x1705, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>packet of chicken flavor from ramen noodles
Absolute pleb taste.
You should use Knorr Stock Pot.

>> No.12744889

Get your sorry ass back to frisco!

>> No.12744991
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I don't like unitaskers but this is one of the best things I've ever purchased

>> No.12745018
File: 28 KB, 357x450, 1528891844608-Robby_The_Robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty goofy looking when it's easy enough to just shake a pot around while it's popping corn plus it looks like it would take up a lot of space. You have to twist that stupid handle around, plus probably oil it, it's going to get all greasy.
You might as well get robby the robot.

>> No.12745028

Instead of a regular pot that thing looks like it would a bitch to clean.

>> No.12746132

>tfw jolly time no longer sold in my area
I'm a pleb I know but did I really deserve this nightmare?

>> No.12746278

>don't use enough oil
>bitch sized popcorn and teeth shattering kernels

>> No.12747306

based hyperactive poster

>> No.12747653
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You dont clean them, you just get a new one once the gears are too gummed up to spin proper like

>> No.12747674

I used to be all about olive oil for popping popcorn but lately I found corn oil or Canola have a better sweet kind of flavor they add, I don't like putting salt in with the oil.

Whirley poppers are the way to go but honestly I've had success with just a pot

>> No.12747744
File: 16 KB, 121x273, Planter's_Peanut_Oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Olive oil is goofy but maybe that's the grade of it. I find peanut oil to be the best for popping popcorn, not only does it not easily burn but it imparts a nice flavor.

>> No.12747758
File: 70 KB, 1114x850, Real_Genius-Popcorn_Scene-6plspznmu0y01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from an old movie, they used orbital LASERs to pop popcorn in some asshole's house who was stealing their ideas and selling it as his own.

>> No.12747941
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hell yeah coconut is a nice light/mildy sweet oil, delicious on pupcorn

>> No.12748628

I ate at a fancy-ish place in Nashville that handed out complimentary popcorn that was tossed with hidden valley ranch powder, according to the bartender. Not sure if that was all they used(doubt it), but it was damn good.

>> No.12748631

Putting flavocol on after is the shit, but real ones put it in the oil AND after its done.
t. Worked in cossesions popping popcorn for 2 years

>> No.12748639

For me, it's cheese popcorn

>> No.12748719

Popcorn is my favourite lazy snack, but y'all are putting some great ideas out there that I might have to actually try.

Usually it's just coconut oil and flavacol in a microwave popper for me.

>> No.12748722

What're your measurements, I wanna try that

>> No.12750058


>> No.12750856
File: 159 KB, 600x600, popcorn-oil-butter-flavor-16-24427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

air popper works for me
salt and pic related, as shameful as it is. i really like this shit

>> No.12750965

My favorite popcorn is unironically AMC movie theater popcorn with 10 gallons of flavoring dumped in.

>> No.12751097

in a pan, with lots of butter. the purest way.

>> No.12751102

>in a pan

>> No.12751152

duck fat popcorn = best popcorn

>> No.12751278

Does this actually work? Or am I getting memed?

>> No.12751291

One bottle before, two bottles after.

>> No.12751319

lol dumb hipster

>> No.12751370

: \

>> No.12751383
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> 2 tablespoons kernels in paper bag
> microwave 2 minutes
> pour into big bowl
> repeat until bowl filled

popcorn is really, really easy and cheap, and good

>> No.12751401
File: 126 KB, 575x863, kettle_chip_caramel_popcorn6..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I usually have to cook for a lot of people so almost every recipe I have has to be scaled down. Use to work in catering and for awhile "fancy" popcorn was a big deal. I've made it dozens of ways both sweet and savory

>> No.12751497

Share some recipes dude

>> No.12751517

why do you guys wait until the pot is hot to add the kernels?

>> No.12751751

chop off your dick and microwave it for three minutes

wa la

>> No.12751790


>> No.12752637

goodbye fillings

>> No.12752656

First post worst post

>> No.12752665

Coconut is superior because it has properties similar to butter. 1/2 cup oil over 1 cup of popped kernels then tossed with salt and whatever seasonings you want.

>> No.12752760

Stupidfag here
I've only ever made popcorn out of a microwave bag
Teach me the ways of making actually good popcorn

>> No.12752769
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>Tabasco out of a spritzer bottle
holy fuck

>> No.12752822

10 cups popped popcorn
1-1/2 cups pecan halves, toasted
1-1/3 cups sugar
1 cup butter, cubed
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/4 cup corn syrup
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon maple flavoring
Place popcorn and pecans in a large bowl; set aside. In a large heavy saucepan, combine the sugar, butter, maple syrup, corn syrup and salt. Cook and stir over medium heat until a candy thermometer reads 300° (hard-crack stage). Remove from the heat; stir in maple flavoring. Quickly pour over popcorn mixture and mix well.
Transfer to baking sheets lined with waxed paper to cool. Break into clusters. Store in airtight containers.

>> No.12752836

I use an air popper, the scoop doubles as a butter melter. I usually just use salted butter

>> No.12752838

16 cups popped popcorn
1/3 cup buffalo wing sauce
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 tablespoon ranch salad dressing mix
Additional cayenne pepper to taste

Place popcorn in a large bowl. In a small bowl, combine the wing sauce, butter and cayenne; drizzle over popcorn and toss to coat. Sprinkle with dressing mix and additional cayenne to taste; toss to coat.

>> No.12752849

It's as simple as heating up the kernels in oil in a pot. How you season the popcorn is up to you. You might want to drizzle the popcorn with some melted butter and sprinkle with salt after it's popped.

>> No.12753276

>Melt butter flavored coconut oil in a stove top popper until it's about the same height as one kernel
>Add one tablespoon of flavacol to the oil and let it dissolve
>Add kernels until the bottom is almost covered by one layer of them
>When the popping reaches a crescendo turn the heat off to ensure nothing burns
>Add seasoning if you want and serve
It's the closest I've gotten to movie theater popcorn