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File: 54 KB, 750x892, my01awg0m3b01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12784949 No.12784949[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Please remember to stay hydrated

>> No.12784984

That haircut means good credit but no sex

>> No.12784998

He looks like an incel Viggo Mortensen

>> No.12785026

i only drink water and the occasional fruit juice but this whole zoomer "reminder to stay hydrated!!!!" meme is cringey as fuck and makes me want to drink corn syrup straight out the bottle. as if anyone needs a reminder to drink water, stop it you fucking faggots

>> No.12785045

there are people out there who don't like water
it must be some kind of birth defect

>> No.12785061

I'm sure reminding them to drink water on 4chan will change their minds

>> No.12785069

i forget to breathe unless someone on 4chan reminds me

>> No.12785080
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>> No.12785092


>> No.12785106

Probably fatties thinking they are healthy because they managed to drink a glass of water after their burgers.

>> No.12785116

This is what people call "wholesome memes".

>> No.12785119

This. People like >>12785106 are just humorless projecting cunts.

>> No.12785132
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>> No.12785171

I have everything except a social life and relationship and i still generally don't feel good unless i'm buzzed.

>> No.12785175

>I have everything except [the single most important parts] and I still generally don't feel good

>> No.12785178

>I have everything except a social life and relationship and i still generally don't feel good
Well anon, there it is

>> No.12785183

it could be malignancy

>> No.12785195

I have everything except for the financial planning, social life, relationship, reasonable bedtime, exercise, career and diet and I still generally don't feel good unless i'm drinking water.

>> No.12785198
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That's isn't good, you should really get that check out.

>> No.12785206

have breath, breathcel

>> No.12785218

Thanks for reminding me, I left the bottle in my other room.

>> No.12785509
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This is what I think of your disgusting water. FUCK WATER.

>> No.12785585


>> No.12785970

Whenever I drink water, I can feel the electrolytes flowing in my body and energizing it with lightning and power. My colleagues thinks I'm really annoying when I shout while having spasms whenever I drink water but I cannot help it, the amount of raw natural energy flowing in my body at every single gulp is so powerful that I simply cannot contain myself.

>> No.12786077

We should stop stalling evolution and let those fatties die from the infections caused by kidney and urinary stones.

>> No.12786185

In high school my friends would always ask me: "which ring would you like to have? Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, or Heart?" I would tell them every time: it is Water I would want. Water is the tasty beverage that all right-minded people enjoy. The greatest thing about nature is water, and it is water I would love and defend.

>> No.12786228

That's pretty close to my haircut, and can confirm this is true.

>> No.12786239
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>> No.12786245

Insanely redpilled
unfathomably cringe. Actually embarrassing to read

>> No.12786257

And what ring would you choose? Don't tell me, I can already see the type of person you are. "fire of course because you can burn stuff and Wheeler's the cool one." And the saddest part is you don't even see a problem with this. You think your opinion is perfectly fine.

>> No.12786385

you need to return to the site you came from

>> No.12786388

weird I have all of them except a social life and I feel pretty good
perhaps it is because you are gay?

>> No.12786390 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12786403

Drink 8 pints of water a day to keep those kidney stones away.

>> No.12786436

One of the greatest discoveries I've found in my 42 years is keeping a jug of water on my nightstand. I use those 1/2 gallon tea jugs since they're easy to drink from and have a twist-top. I refill it every 3 or 4 days. I end up drinking like an enormous amount of water before going to bed and when waking up in the middle of the night. Having such easy access to room-temp water to slam down at 3am without even getting up is a great feeling. It always hits the spot.

>> No.12786439

When people constantly try to force shit on you, it makes you want to do the opposite. (sort of a strange human evolution, really. no idea what purpose that instinct serves). Politicians and activists - take note.

>> No.12786440

You are now breathing manually.

>> No.12786484

I have everything but sensible planning and reasonable sleep schedule.
Can't sleep as a night shift nurse

>> No.12786508

t. fattie

>> No.12786512
File: 104 KB, 1300x866, 50532402-girl-drinking-water-sitting-on-a-couch-at-home-and-looking-at-camera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do girls pretend to like water, anyway?

>> No.12786854

that doesn't work on me, buddy

>> No.12786901

I'm missing sensible bedtime. Fuck sleep the concept of needing sleep. Stupid ass fucking reality making me waste my time in bed when I could be doing stuff.

>> No.12786942

You might be drinking tequila accidentally

>> No.12786962

Just ate 4 candy bars and some salty chips for dessert. Is drinking half a liter of cold water enough to offset this? I had 2 glasses of water earlier today, how dehydrated am I?

>> No.12787005

Works through your early 20s with moderate drinking, but it's not an entirely hydration issue.

I used to be able to drink a ton and drink some water and be fine. Now I can drink as much water as possible and still feel like shit. I'm in good shape too and drink plenty of water, this is just what happens.

Source: 29 years old.

>> No.12787009

The joke is that he drank ONLY water.

>> No.12787022

God damn it I'm a retard. I'm gonna go now.

>> No.12787060

your brain seems to be functioning at half efficiency so I'm assuming extremely

>> No.12787181

i remember when i was a 14 year old edgelord who thought he knew everything about the human condition

>> No.12787185

Thanks anon, you too

>> No.12787257

My girlfriend doesn't drink much water so I command her to everyday and spank her when she doesn't.

>> No.12787278

You are now aware of the fact that no one loves you

>> No.12787292

Show pics of gf's ruby red butt after spanking or shit never happened.

>> No.12787309

She doesn't turn 18 until next month lol

>> No.12787311

Why would you drink a ton of water at night, do you enjoy having to get up and piss every hour?

>> No.12787314
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I only miss having a relationship and I am depressed as shit and have periodic appointments with my psychiatrist. I don't know what to do, I'm so fucking desperate for a stable loving relationship.

>> No.12787321

That fat guy actually has some technique, hilarious! I mean, he is cutting with the blade correctly aligned with the movement of the arm and also while rotating his torso.

>> No.12787436

>i remember when i was a 14 year old edgelord who thought he knew everything
Happy 15th Birthday. If I'd known, I'd have sent a card.

>> No.12787810
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>> No.12787823

I'll give you loved <3

>> No.12787849

I'm working outside with no water source in a rural area. Brought 2l of water. Not near enough, lads. I ran out 3 hours ago and I'm so thirsty I can hardly stand it

>> No.12787856

I know a girl who says she hasnt had water in 10+ years. All soda, coffee and "juice". And no shes not fat but jesus christ

>> No.12787872

I have a 2l jug on my nightstand. When I wake up it's usually 2/3's gone. I dont remember waking up to drink any but I guess I get thirsty at night.

>> No.12787877

Gotta flush those kidneys, lad

>> No.12787915

well I'm not 40 or disabled so I'm able to sleep through the night without pissing myself even if I have a glass of water before bed

>> No.12787922

Sometimes I worry about my health because I eat a bag of chips on occasion and I like to dip my chicken breast in sugary bbq sauce and then I remember there are people like that and realize I'm doing pretty well in comparison to most people

>> No.12787932

Usually outside work crews have a couple 15 gallon ice water coolers strapped on a truck in my area. You should have at least 1-2 gallons for yourself in the middle of summer. Enjoy your heat stroke.

>> No.12788037

First day on site. We're only a crew of 3 guys so we're more or less responsible for our own water and I didnt know there wasnt water source on site because that's never happened. A neighbour offered me her well water. Tasted a bit funny desu. Headed home now. Looking forward to a big pint of ice cold water

>> No.12788079

Well water tastes a bit funny because its less filtered, since its not re-used sewage water with heavy chlorination (i.e standard tap water). The strange taste is a bit of the minerals in it.

>> No.12788243

yes actually. Night pissing is relaxing.

>> No.12788311

I'd rehydrate with at least a couple litres not a fucking pint. Don't fuck with dehydration, it can seriously fuck you up.

>> No.12788340

unironically this

>the shiver

>> No.12788361

I am becoming increasingly dehydrated. I'm worried but don't drink ore water because ugh

>> No.12788370
File: 2.53 MB, 1280x720, Dog Drink.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12788375
File: 2.76 MB, 788x360, Water Fountain.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12788379
File: 2.84 MB, 1920x1080, Water Balloon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12788382
File: 2.66 MB, 480x360, Poor Stress Drink2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12788466

There's a lot to unpack here. Maybe, just maybe, we all bet you'd be fun at parties.

>> No.12788512

blueberries saved me last night

fuck water

>> No.12788563

>All soda, coffee and "juice"
Soda, coffee, and juice are themselves almost entirely water. Stop falling for bottled water company shill memes.

>> No.12788580

looks like nat strawn.

>> No.12788583
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It's a form of mental illness to make yourself drink excessive amounts of water. That's how schizophrenics sometimes get hospitalized after doing this long enough to give themselves brain problems from constantly flushing out their electrolytes.
Also rapes your kidneys to the point where you start leaking protein into your urine.
>Medical myths
>The advice to drink at least eight glasses of water a day can be found throughout the popular press. One origin may be a 1945 recommendation that stated: A suitable allowance of water for adults is 2.5 liters daily in most instances. An ordinary standard for diverse persons is 1 milliliter for each calorie of food. Most of this quantity is contained in prepared foods. If the last, crucial sentence is ignored, the statement could be interpreted as instruction to drink eight glasses of water a day.
>Drinking two liters of water per day may not benefit most individuals and even could be harmful, investigators say.
>At the Canadian Society of Nephrology annual meeting here, re-searchers from the University of Western Ontario, also in London, presented a study showing a significant correlation between excess urine production—which is usually caused by excess fluid intake—and proteinuria.
>The large population-based study uncovered a five-fold higher risk of proteinuria among people with polyuria than among those with normal urine volume, even after taking into account such factors as age, sex, and estimated glomerular filtration rate.

>> No.12788640

>soda, coffee and "juice"
all of those are made with water retard they have water in them they're mostly water
wtf are you thinking

>> No.12788644

hurr your body is 70% water so why do you even need to drink anything??? (^:

>> No.12788662

doesn't work
can't logic

>> No.12788692

aka virtue signalling

>> No.12788723

>schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop

>> No.12788732


>> No.12788758

my girlfriend is the same way, but she likes when I bully her about it

>> No.12789469
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Can't tell if it's a forced meme or if it's actually a struggle for them

>> No.12789569

It's actually a struggle, my friends are way younger than me and they literally just won't drink water.

>> No.12789578
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>hurr your body is 70% water so why do you even need to drink anything??? (^:
No, other anons are right.
>Cumulative urine output at 4 h after ingestion of cola, diet cola, hot tea, iced tea, coffee, lager, orange juice, sparkling water, and a sports drink were not different from the response to water ingestion.
>The same goes for tea, juice, milk and caffeinated sodas: One glass provides about the same amount of hydrating fluid as a glass of water. The only common drinks that produce a net loss of fluids are those containing alcohol.
Reminder Danone's been caught shilling in academic journals:
>Over the last few weeks, those who visited the British Medical Journal's website might have noticed an advert for a new public health initiative, Hydration for Health. It is sponsored by Danone – which owns the Evian, Volvic and Badoit bottled water brands – and urges healthcare professionals to encourage people to drink more water, claiming that "evidence is increasing that even mild dehydration plays a role in the development of various diseases".
>Margaret McCartney, a GP and columnist, saw these adverts and complained about it, writing an article for the BMJ (who admitted "we hadn't followed our own guidelines. The advertisement bypassed our editorial checks") about the lack of evidence – and citing the shortcomings of many studies – that people should be drinking more water.
Reminder "chronic mild dehydration" is a bullshit meme:
>The results indicate that during free access to water humans become thirsty and drink before body fluid deficits develop, perhaps in response to subtle oropharyngeal cues, and so provide evidence for anticipatory thirst and drinking in man.

>> No.12789580

If you work for a living you get to thebbtoton of it and you don’t feel more hydrated

>> No.12789587

I bet whoever made that jug also says that if your pee is yellow you're dehydrated

>> No.12789595

You're about to go a full eight hours without drinking anything. If you pee before going to bed, you'll only need to get up at night to pee again if you've damaged your kidneys with substance abuse.

>> No.12789597
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You're not supposed to drink a fucking gallon of water in the first place. Even two liters (8 glasses) is wrong and based on a misunderstanding of a 1945 estimate of daily water allowance where everyone misses the last line that tells you you're already getting most of that quantity in the foods you eat:
>Medical myths
>The advice to drink at least eight glasses of water a day can be found throughout the popular press. One origin may be a 1945 recommendation that stated: A suitable allowance of water for adults is 2.5 liters daily in most instances. An ordinary standard for diverse persons is 1 milliliter for each calorie of food. Most of this quantity is contained in prepared foods. If the last, crucial sentence is ignored, the statement could be interpreted as instruction to drink eight glasses of water a day.
All you accomplish by forcing yourself to drink lots of water is flushing out electrolytes and straining your kidneys to the point where protein starts leaking into your urine.

>> No.12789604

So honestly how many of you have had kidney stones? I'm willing to bet quite a few of you.

>> No.12789618

I've never forced myself to drink water and I'll be 33 this year, zero kidney stones to date.

>> No.12789619
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>drink more water goyim

you know what they put in the water?FLUORIDE thats why they want people to drink more of it.

>> No.12789651

Jokes on you, I use an Alexapure filter

>> No.12789661

I'm 29, never had any kidney stones. I drink lots of water and tea, but it never feels forced.

>> No.12789663

>long night of drinking water
>you're fine
Remember that one schizo anon who got hospitalized because he drank large amounts of water daily for no reason?
>I was drinking @ 1.5 gallons/day over a period of several months. It really fucked me up. They basically had to force me to be admitted to the hospital because I was a raving lunatic and even when the ER medfag told me I was in serious danger of dying since my sodium level was so low I laughed hysterically and told him to fuck off out of my face, I'm leaving. He had security restrain me and gave me a shot to knock me out.
>I almost died from this but fortunately one of the symptoms was paranoid schizophrenia so my relatives got me to the hospital in time.
Literally a form of mental illness (psychogenic polydipsia).

>> No.12789667

Kinduv me cuase it may as well be water at this point (passed out drunk by 8pm wake up at 130am for work)

>> No.12789668
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>tfw can't drink water unless it's carbonated and lightly salted

>> No.12789672

That's also why they want you to go the dentist every year. The only time I went he wanted me to hold a liquid in my mouth for a while and then spit it out. "What is it?" I asked. "Fluoride," he said. Fuck that. I refused, and haven't seen a dentist since.

>> No.12789675

They dont like drinking water because they have never been dehydrated.

>> No.12789678

...you haven't been back to a dentist since you were a child lol?

>> No.12789679

You're not wrong. It's better to drink something that has electrolytes in it. That's kind of the whole point of Gatorade and why it works better than water. Also carbonation is helpful for indigestion.

>> No.12789681
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>> No.12789683


>> No.12789691

I remember a dentist coming to our school and giving us all fluoride tablets. fucked up shit and they think its good for us.

>> No.12789695

God damn it why isn't real life like that.

>> No.12789699

>carbon filter
>getting rid of fluoride

oh sweatie I hate to have to tell you this but no it barely gets rid of any

>> No.12789718

kino as fuck, nothing better than watching your friends all have hangovers while you had a great nights sleep and feel refreshed in the morning

>> No.12790660

Thanks for your concern mate. I drank until my belly couldn't handle any more then I went to bed at 830pm and slept for like 11 hours

>> No.12790666

>bottled water
I drink from the tap, mate. I dont live in a third world country

>> No.12790707

Nice try, Satan.

>> No.12790729

That was me. I mean sure I was psychotic while my sodium was so low but after 3 days or so of water restriction in the hospital I returned to normal. I wasn't diagnosed with any mental illness or told to follow up with a shrink. They just told me to limit water intake to a couple quarts/day unless involved in activities where I'd be sweating profusely and even then to occasionally sub water for something with electrolytes.