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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12892505 No.12892505[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do they do it?

>> No.12892510
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colors good

>> No.12892511

Would eat both

>> No.12892516
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>> No.12892521

The salad on the right looks delicious from the ingredients, moron. Not because "colors good". Go back.

>> No.12892527

Have sex pitiful incel

>> No.12892648
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>> No.12892658

I thought it said Norwegian

>> No.12892661

You can count on vegan restaurants making pretty delicious salad. It's like going to a steak place and ordering the steak. Of course vegans will know their way around salad. They're vegans. They have to make it fruit and vegetable as delicious as possible to compensate for their lack of carnal desire.

>> No.12892670

obviously by being more focused on the salad instead of it just being an afterthought

>> No.12892688

>let's put everything and make sure the sauce is all it tastes like
I'll keep the humble lettuce thank you, clown.

>> No.12892689

Communism has always failed. It just fails harder in shitholes than white countries for obvious reasons

>> No.12892802

>leftist meme
>wall of text

>> No.12892820

>ah cayn't read, socialism destroyed mah edumacation!
Lmao, you retards are hilarious

>> No.12892990


>can't read


>> No.12893026

I'd rather not be chained to a toilet for the weekend.
Ex vegan

>> No.12893042

>vegan salad
Decent but unfulfilling main dish
>nonvegan salad
Some extra nutrients to supplement a main course creating a meal with all of the micros and macros your body needs

>> No.12893051

well, you see, norvegians enjoy healthy food

>> No.12893056

Nonvegans die of cancer, heart disease, and on average have more deficiencies than nonvegans. Your comment is hilarious to someone well read on the matter, retard.

See above

>> No.12893058
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>>Vegan dental care

>> No.12893073
File: 104 KB, 1009x748, proof by example aka gatis aka toothless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toothless, nobody listens to your singular examples.

>> No.12893087

Vegans also die of cancer heart disease and some most the most healthy people on earth aren't vegan
Toms of diets are better than going full vegan like a retard

>> No.12893093

When will this vegan meme go away, it's on /fit/ too. We just need to gas all of the vegan posters on this board to stop their idiotic shit posting.

>> No.12893094

>I eat vegetables that mean's I wont die of these diseases like them!
>what do you mean I have to take all these supplements everyday??

>> No.12893095

norvegians live healthy and die an old age

>> No.12893158

Nobody dies of 'old age'. You die from your organs failing or your brain dying. And vegans die much later from this.

>> No.12893206

I mean, yes? Colors are antioxidants. Isn't this a cooking board?

>> No.12893265

because they eat it as a full meal, the "nonvegan salad" is a garnish

>> No.12893318
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Looks like you do.


>> No.12893324
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Sure they do.

>> No.12893341

Thats not what that anon said though.
Fuck, leftists really cannot meme.

>> No.12893342

>actual realistic homemade salad
>meticulously crafted photography display

>> No.12893346

Your memes aren't funny. Deal with it.

>> No.12893355

wew that went over your head

>> No.12893358

Trumptards literally btfo!

>> No.12893359

>thread somehow turns into trump vs seething leftist
No wonder I keep seeing /pol/tier thread here lately
This place is a den of delusional retards getting absolutely butt flustered over anyone disagreeing with them

>> No.12893363


>muh memes haha funny memey

Trumtards are this stupid.

>> No.12893366
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>> No.12893395
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>haha I'm le calmly watching le faggotry xDDD
>dumb libs ahahah xDDDDD
>can't wait to show Cory on Discord how I owned libs on Da 'Chan!

You are a massive faggot and an embarrassment to your parents.

>> No.12893402

By making salad as the main meal rather than a side.

>> No.12893409

Who the fuck says "protesting=bad"? The reason people hate Antifa is because they call themselves anti-fascists while trying to violently shut down any dissenting protests/rallies/voices and this irony is lost on them

>> No.12893419

Why can’t the right read, bros?

>> No.12893435

Aren't vegans always eating salads?

>> No.12893438

>posts no evidence
the left cant meme

>> No.12893442


>> No.12893458
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>no argument
cope bernie cuck

>> No.12893463

>affordable insulin is communism
Jesus Christ the right can’t meme

>> No.12893475
File: 5 KB, 106x159, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with Norvegans? Why do they wear the sweater?

>> No.12893511

>socialism means priceable insulin
>only preaches socialism positives while ignoring the negatives
i wonder who the real npc is

>> No.12893520

Mass-shooter detected.

>> No.12893526
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>no arguments
the left cant meme nor debate

>> No.12893529

>reddit frog

>> No.12893531

animal fiber is almost a fetish for the meatbrains

>> No.12893560
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>> No.12893590

>the republicucks throw tantrums and pitch bitchfits because a few football players knelt during the anthem as a protest
>b-but the right loves peaceful protests

>> No.12893602

Cuckservatives have also been trying to outlaw flag burning since the 1960s (while now squealing that they’re being oppressed when burning the gay flag upsets people)

>> No.12893610

>salad on the left
>merely a side accompaniment to a main dish
>salad on the right
>an entire meal

>> No.12893615

How is this even relevant? This isn't a place for you.

>> No.12893632

yes? You seem to be lost, >>>/pol/

>> No.12893717
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>eating salad

>> No.12893734

>thinks socialism is fair in a multiracial community when some races are proven inferiors

>> No.12893738

By having a severe protein deficiency and needing to add in a bunch of unnecessary shit in order to fulfill their basic nutritional needs.

>> No.12893885
File: 191 KB, 1500x1125, wedge-salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can vegans ever compete?

>> No.12893886

>thinks some races are inferior

>> No.12894054
File: 125 KB, 683x809, 33f02ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>severe protein deficiency
Go ask any doctor if they've ever seen someone with a protein deficiency outside of eating disorders.
Pro-tip: they haven't

>> No.12894079

>Protein deficiency
>Unnecessary shit

Lol. Pick one you rekt faggot.

>> No.12894098

This is unironically true

>> No.12894188
File: 1.30 MB, 1512x2688, IMG_20190904_190611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add-on to the folks that said one salad is a side and the other is amain meal... It may be obvious but here:

Vegan salads often include whole grains, proteins, leafy greens especially kale and especially not iceborg and various vegetables and other non leafy green super foods (seeds, nuts, berries, sweet potato). Commonly these are supplemented with healthy fats from avocado, or dressings made with nut butters, coconut oil, sunflower or Evo oil.. and seasoned with healthy seasonings like miso, nooch, sea salt, fresh herbs. Many of the ingredients may be a salad on their own, like a quinoa salad that was made earlier in the week...or a cucumber and pickled beet salad that is then added for more variety.

Vegans are smarter than your average cuck meat and potato red hat shills and they know how to make tasty food other than "burn meat, make side of starch, iceborg after thought". It's easy once you start thinking of salads a main course and realizing you should season most of the ingredients before like you would if you were cooking any other non vegan food. Imagine if your non vegan meal was just mashed potatoes,or just steak. That's what non vegan salad of just iceborg lettuce is. A vegan salad is a 3 course meal in a bowl because vegans are smart and sophisticated about salad. You can be too if you just realize you need to include a grain (brown rice, quinoa, millet tossed in vinaigrette and chilled) a protein source (nuts, peas, broccoli), a super food, and a leafy green that isn't iceborg. Simple.

Pic related, lunch, missing a grain because I'm lazy.

>> No.12894246
File: 213 KB, 1436x783, steak-dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving a fuck about sides

>> No.12894274

Glad I'm not the only retard

>> No.12894285

>Main course
>Meatcucks: heart disease
>Vegans: healthy BMI, better body odor, better sex, bigger dicks, higher IQ, longer lives, environmentally friendly

>> No.12894288

if you unironically think Salt Bae is a normal person, then, unironically, you are no normal person.

>> No.12894289
File: 191 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_20190908_153405_796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yall bitches don't even know about salads without leafy greens. I feel sorry for the trump cucks. Never had a powerbowl in their lives, never will. That's the real definition of being a loser. Can't eat healthy grown up food. Just a bunch of mental 6 year old cucks. Enjoy your chicken nugger.

>> No.12894299
File: 314 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_20190908_153414_948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggots in this thread have never made their own sourdough croutons

Keep eating your way to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, gout, cancer, and hypertension.

Trumptards btfo.

>> No.12894312
File: 27 KB, 650x323, way7mZt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vegans: healthy BMI, better body odor, better sex, bigger dicks, higher IQ, longer lives, environmentally friendly

havin a stroke there, m8?

>> No.12894338
File: 190 KB, 640x2336, FhDhi5w_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fake news based on a study about vegetarians
Vegetarians are traitorous scumbags who hork cheese and feel entitled without doing anything for the environment or animal abuse.
Don't you god damn dare lump vegans in with cheesebreathing fatfuck vegetarian pantshitters.

>> No.12894740

So true. Vegans only get made fun of because meat eaters are insecure and feel bad about ruining the planet and treating animals like shit.

>> No.12894762

But I'm not mad at vegans and don't feel ashamed. I think it's funny that people think they can escape from the rich tapestry of cruelty that society relies on for our every comfort.

>> No.12894767
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>> No.12894770

>Since someone out there is being cruel no one can make a difference.

>> No.12894778

you post this in ever thread

>> No.12894856

Everything you own was produced through a system of cruel exploitation. Animals living a life of despair is the least of the problems to deal with.

>> No.12894864

I can't even imagine being naive enough to think you can "make a difference".

You're gonna have a bad time in 50 years when your brain finally figures out what's going on

>> No.12894868

I believe that anon is none other then stabby sv3rige himself.