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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13002626 No.13002626 [Reply] [Original]

Love or hate most of this board, what keeps me coming back is quality OC. Tonight I thought I'd offer up a humble contribution: one-pot sausage and arugula oricchiette.

Here's what you'll need:

Olive oil
Italian Sausage
Chicken Broth
Chili Flakes
Dried Herbs
Worcestershire Sauce

>> No.13002628
File: 337 KB, 1600x1200, orocchiette2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dice your onion down to a fine mince and add it to a pan with some heated olive oil. Your patience hear pays off. It’s not that you don’t like onion, it’s probably that you dislike the texture of poorly-cooked onion. So go small and it’ll melt into the sauce.

>> No.13002635
File: 406 KB, 1600x1200, orocchiette3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our onions have sweated out with some salt and pepper over medium heat for several minutes. See those golden crispy bits forming? That’s when you know you’re ready for…

>> No.13002637
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The Italian sausage. I didn’t see any hot, so I went with the mild. Sadface.

>> No.13002647
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Break it up, stir it up. Break it up, stir it up. We want it crumbled down almost to rice texture.

>> No.13002655
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As the sausage starts to brown and get crispy, we add some healthy splashes of Worcestershire sauce. You’ll appreciate the slight sweetness and smokiness it adds to the final flavor.

>> No.13002659
File: 207 KB, 1600x1200, orocchiette7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WEEWOOWEEWOO! Your reward for scrolling through every picture and post is that you’ve found the first secret ingredient not listed in the OP. I like ground mustard in this dish not just for the heat, but for the different kind of heat. Capsaicin works on your tongue, whereas mustard and horseradish really get you in the nostrils.

>> No.13002663
File: 360 KB, 1600x1200, orocchiette8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauce and secret ingredient added, and we’re really starting to get nice and crispy here. Time to move on…

>> No.13002669
File: 419 KB, 1600x1200, orocchiette9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add your orecchiette and stir it in thoroughly. Oh yeah, we also forgot the garlic earlier, so we’re adding it now. To compensate, we’re sauteeing this and stirring frequently for about 1 minute before adding…

>> No.13002676
File: 406 KB, 1600x1200, orocchiette10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough chicken stock to cover. Stir well and cover, simmer over medium heat (4-5 is good).

>> No.13002679
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As we stir, the stock will reduce. We need to balance the thickness of the sauce with the doneness of our pasta. See these thick bubbles here? That, combined with tasting the pasta and it still being pretty crunchy, tells me I need to add more stock. I do so here with another cup, and it eventually needed another half cup to get to my desired doneness.

>> No.13002684
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WEEWOO! 2nd secret ingredient. One-pot dishes like this make it so easy to sneak in extra veg. Often I’ll do it with the onion in the form of celery, carrot, bell pepper, or mushroom. Today I opted for some frozen peas.

>> No.13002692
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Pasta is al dente, it’s time to bring it all together. Here I’ve added the peas and stirred them in, leaving them for a minute or two to come up to a simmer.

>> No.13002695
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HOLY SHIT, look at all that chopped arugula!

>> No.13002703
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JK lol, it really wilts down. I’ve stirred it for 60-90 seconds or so at this point, it’s wilting and the sauce is almost to my desired thickness.

>> No.13002709
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Time to give it the ol’ parmesan kiss. S

>> No.13002716
File: 435 KB, 1600x1200, orocchiette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you’re ready to go. A final check for seasoning told me to add a little more salt, some extra black pepper, and then I topped it with a little more parmesan upon serving.

>> No.13002721
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Happy cooking, hope you give it a shot.

That’s it. That’s all I’ve got, /ck/.

>> No.13002734

>Italian sausage
how is that block a sausage?

>> No.13002740
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>> No.13002750

do they sell oricchiette as dried pasta in America?

>> No.13002755
File: 191 KB, 1920x1025, Yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>19 posts
>2 posters
Big gay

>> No.13002762

Yes but it depends on the store. I couldn't find it at CostCo, WinCo, or Walmart, but a Fred Meyer had it. I'm in a smallish town (50k) in a remote state in the US, though, so I have to believe that larger urban areas would have it in more stores.

>> No.13002766

>17 steps to the cookalong
Just how retarded are you?

>> No.13002769

Looks good I’ll def give it a try sometime soon

>> No.13002770

why'd you have to put those little green balls in it? ruined it

>> No.13002780

Maybe you should have made a salad, fattie

>> No.13002782

Just gunna throw all dark shit in at once lol. Just Look at that block of meat

>> No.13002790

Ur not going to get a rice texture with ground meat anon .....

>> No.13002797

6'1 180, but now we know what you're insecure about, sweet pea. Smoochies.


>> No.13002810

Why shit talk someone who actually posted a thread about real food? What a shit show this board and website is become

>> No.13002823

Amen, brotha. Thought a little OC would bring some life to the board but I guess we don't do that around here these days.

>> No.13002830

Lel, those are not the hands of a 180lb man.

>> No.13002851

Op go cry some more on R*ddit where people with thumbs like yours belong

>> No.13002868
File: 42 KB, 400x323, watcat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wondering how someone gets to the point where they have no idea that such a blanket statement makes them look absolutely retarded.

>> No.13002883

Ahhh yes, the good old slop o' shit. Absolutely disgusting

>> No.13002902

Congratulations, you made hamburger helper

>> No.13002930

Meat, who likes that stuff, yuck.

>> No.13002958

Thanks for the cookalong OP. Might try this later.

>> No.13002982

NP, thanks

>> No.13003004

wow, threads with original content seem to attract the biggest cunts who prolly can't cook at all.

>> No.13003014

While we're at it, another anon mentioned that it might be difficult to find oricchette in stores. What would your first substitute pasta be if you couldn't find oricchette?

>> No.13003039

Has there ever been a more butthurt op in the history of /ck/? Maybe Reddit would be more your speed, pal

>> No.13003089

Could have probably used a little white wine.'

>> No.13003114

Yum yum yum yum looks great op

>> No.13003130

Not Op but based on the shape of that pasta I would say shells or bowties would be good substitutes, as they have some texture but aren't hollow or noodly. Maybe even those spiral ones. sorry for not knowing the italian names of these six dozen gay shapes

>> No.13003134

Hey don't worry about it I only about op's pasta because he used the name, and I still had to look it up.

>> No.13003163

>shit on someone for making OC
>"lmao suck it up pussy"
I bet you wonder why your life is shit, too.

>> No.13003180

op is liddle babbie confirmed

>> No.13003195

Not OP, try harder.

>> No.13003256

>I'm not op
Op confirmed

>> No.13003262

>what keeps me coming back is quality OC
I applaud you for not posting in and enabling the cat blog.

>> No.13003289

The what?

>> No.13003317

Based fattie

>> No.13003318

Some guy who came here with the reddit invasion of 2016 and makes an eternal general, "for people who cooked something but don't want to make their own thread" - and then he keeps it bumped with pictures of his cat, gives everyone Likes, talks like a retard, and it's basically a circle jerk that most people hide and it's been killing OC here and is generally anathema to /ck/ culture. It's effectively turned OC into a containment thread, which is backwards as fuck.

>> No.13003321

Its true, this is simple flyover casserole with an irrelevant Italian name. Nothing to see here.

>> No.13004423

Imagine having a viewpoint so retarded. "OC generals are awful for the board." Look at this poor fuck you guys dumped on just for trying to make OC. That thread is so popular because everywhere else people get shit on for not posting shitty bait, fast or junk food, or energy drinks.