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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 170 KB, 380x380, mcd-meals-double-quarter-pounder-with-cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13154080 No.13154080 [Reply] [Original]

knock mcdonalds all you want, but the double quarter pounder with cheese, fries and a large coke is amazing if youre totally hammered. i bet its good when youre baked as well

>> No.13154084

Society as a whole despises you.

>> No.13154088


>> No.13155297

Degenerate marihuana user here, yes it is.
Also the 5 dollar cravings deal at Taco Bell.

>> No.13155302

But McDonald’s tastes bad.

>> No.13155455

>not driving drunk and ordering 3 double quarter pounders 3 bic macs and 5 filet o fish sammiches in the drive thru

>> No.13155490
File: 108 KB, 1056x1080, 1559273256177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I didn't total my car 3 months ago while drunk driving on backroads I had never been on before going 80 in a 20

>> No.13155521

>being fucking alcoholic and obese
eugenics called :^)

>> No.13155841


>> No.13156576

>not a classic chicken soup

>> No.13156589 [DELETED] 

I ordered some yakitori and a katsudon once. They tasted fucking atrocious. The restaurant obviously assumed that I ordered through a deliverycuck because I was smashed and I wouldn't care. Jokes on them, I was slightly more than buzzed and I tasted everything. Gave them a bad review.

>> No.13156600
File: 23 KB, 363x550, ede2b35ab00e4365be8e199112a17567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this post
>> 88

>> No.13156611

*laughs in чeбypeк*

>> No.13158196
File: 62 KB, 700x420, 791(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck (((McDonald's)))

>> No.13158217

do americans really? oh no no no

>> No.13158221

Their price has been going up and up so most things don’t seem reasonable

>> No.13158227

mcdouble is better desu

or the "daily double" they used to have

>> No.13158235

Australia needs to sink into the ocean

>> No.13158243

only the dollar menu is worth ur money, or else u might as well spend ur 10$ on a burger and fries at an actual res----

oh drunk food, you'll shit it out the next morning regardless

I vote hipster Korean tacos

>> No.13158247

>no one said kebabs yet
many such cases...

>> No.13158250
File: 144 KB, 960x542, WTT-burger3-desktop-EN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this wasn't McDonald's best limited time burger ever

>> No.13158258

McDonalds, Taco Bell, Checkers/Rallys, White Castle

Those are my favorites for drunk eating, all depends on my mood. McDonalds is very nostalgic to me, it's familiar and consistent, tastes and smells exactly the same way it did when I was 5

>> No.13158265

Hot clam chowder from sea food places.
I need more b-12 in my diet to save my brain.

>> No.13158281


>> No.13158424

patsas and magiritsa
thank me later

>> No.13158476

Society as whole, objectively, eats McDonalds

>> No.13158660

Hes right, and he’s not saying that because he eats McDonalds he’s saying that because he smokes weed and eats mcdonald’s

>> No.13158494
File: 349 KB, 1019x1272, jumberjark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDonald's doesn't hold a candle to the buy one get one free Jumbo Jack coupon on every Jack in the Box receipt, you just have to do the survey which takes 2-3 minutes. Great burgers for super duper cheap.

>> No.13158519

I don't drink outside my home, so my drunk foods are quick and easy things to make. Like pasta boiled with frozen vegetables, pancakes, canned soup, or sometimes a frozen lasagna or pizza.

>> No.13158695

pretty fucking overrated if you ask me

>> No.13158563

Why are you geh?

>> No.13158716

McDonald's really disappoints me. What's with the fake cheese? it really distracts from everything with its overbearing fake taste. McDonald's has Monterey Jack which they charge the same price for and use in their chicken burgers, so why? Also they're such cheapskates with their toppings. There's like half of the toppings visible in OP's pick present in each entire burger.
It could be so much better at minimal extra cost.

>> No.13158616

Jack in the box is inedible

>> No.13158780

fuck Macdonalds

>> No.13158808

Why don't you just make baked chicken thighs? More enjoyable

>> No.13158845

>What's with the fake cheese?
Amateur detected. Double hamburger ALL DAY baby.

>> No.13158870

We only have double and triple cheese burgers. Also the hamburger has become the single worst item at McDonald's since it was placed on the dollar menu. It now comes with one slice of pickle and half a teaspoon of diced onions. It's only edible because it's being hard carried by the sauce.

>> No.13158887

Double hamburger is sold everywhere. It might not be listed on the menu, but you'll find it on the app it kiosk.

>> No.13159055

The best drunk food is fire-fries
Heat up a pan with cooking oil, throw the potatoes inside and go take a nap. The fries are ready when the firemen arrive.

>> No.13159100

Same for McDonald's. Shit tastes like cardboard covered in HFCS.

>> No.13159111

If you drink alcohol or smoke tobacco you don't get to criticize people for smoking pot.

>> No.13159118

>getting drunk on beer
literal teenager

>> No.13159137

>amazing if youre totally hammered
So is everything.

>> No.13159241

I like McDonald's, i think it's good. Is it the best? No. Am I healthy for eating it? No. But honestly I just enjoy it, I guess cause I was brainwashed as a child by the commercials or I just never grew out of it.

>> No.13159282

Only one person triggered by the mention of dude weed 420 lmao? Maybe the angry sad and /pol/ are all finally killing themselves and the board can go back to its happy nihilistic ways again

>> No.13159296




>> No.13159322

can only imagine how bad the shit is you do after a half pound of maccas burger. nothing makes my poos dryer, flakier and harder to get out than a maccas.

>> No.13159506

This! So much this! Especially Taco Bell, one taco from there and I'll be shitting blood for weeks!

Edit: Wow, didn't expect this to blow up!

>> No.13159842

red onions are not beets

>> No.13159894

>best friend is from poland
>go over and get drunk with him and his dad and cousins all the time
>they feed me a bunch of weird slav foods
>puke up weird slav foods all morning the next day
>every fucking time
Also whats with polaks and vodja+oj, fuck i hate vodka

>> No.13159899

You're doing satire wrong when you're more cringeworthy than whatever it is you're mocking.

>> No.13159924

bro, you just posted cringe

>> No.13159939
File: 31 KB, 378x378, not cool man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mcdonalds??? That SHIT IS BAD!
>Getting Drunk and hung over????? OH WOW MY GOODIE. GOODIE GOODIE! I LOVE GETTING WASTED, DUDE EVERYONE DOES IT, ITS NOT AS BAD AS SMOKING CIGARETTES SO LIGTHEN UP. Inebriating my mind with ethanol to the point where I experience a glutaminergic rebound, is not bad ok, jeesh, I bet your fun at parties.

>> No.13160117

i cant stomach this shit anymore. last time i ate mcdonalds i threw out my burger and picked up ground beef and buns from the grocery immediately after. never again.

>> No.13160130

>being a fat alcoholic
Feels good to have a lower tolerance at a lower weight. And you save more disposable income in the long term! ;+)

>> No.13160133

Don't you mean b-1?

>> No.13161697

A skinny guy of moderate tolerance would not be able to get drunk on the volume of beer he can stomach unless he's willing to spend hours on a cycle of piss a beer to drink a beer.

>> No.13161701

>but the double quarter pounder with cheese, fries and a large coke is amazing if youre totally hammered.
Substitute the coke with an ice cold beer and now you are talking anon. It's what I'm having tonight.

>> No.13162114

No it is not, it tastes bland af even when hammered/strunk.
Make some gyros instead with iceberg lettuce, murrican cheez, 4 season pepper, kikkoman, tabasco and ofc pita breads.

>> No.13162876

It's not. You can alter the ingredients and probably add patties, but a double hamburger doesn't exist anywhere on the menu. Melbourne.

>> No.13162885

except I'm hammered and can't and or don't fucking want to make food

>> No.13162907

That sounds absolutely disgusting

>> No.13162937

mcdonalds serve beer?

>> No.13162972


>> No.13162993


>> No.13163004

being too into drinking is cringe, but so is hating it with a passion. it can be fun with the right people, getting a light buzz is nice and some of the drinks actually taste good.

>> No.13163258

say goodbye to your microbiome and hello to mr diabetes

>> No.13163294

No, you order the Double QPwC and Fries to go and eat it with your own beer at your place.

>> No.13163310

Dunno about you all but when I'm drunk nothing is as good like a sandnigger doner kekbab

>> No.13163448

people that never drink tend to be dumb and what little of a brain they have degenerates into an alzheimer's hell at 70 much more often, just like smoking. have fun with your mediocre head puritan faggot

>> No.13163466

Tfw skinny as fuck, but have a massive tolerance. I need at least 10 beers to get drunk, 12-16 if I really wanna get fucked. I like to drink liquor, and supplement with beer in between hard drinks.

>> No.13163468

t.virgin who's afraid of trying alcohol.

>> No.13163474

Mcdonalds is good desu, It's my favorite widely available fast food. When It's hot it tastes like fucking heaven, too bad the dumb niggers are too lazy to serve hot fries a lot of the time.

>> No.13163503

Pot smells. So do cigarettes. And they dull the taste-buds. To pursue a career as a food critic or cook/chef stick to alcohol, cocaine, and heroin.

>> No.13163573

Fucking retard: https://www.curiouscuisiniere.com/aussie-burger/

>> No.13163741

I like most kinds of drinks but I still don't understand what's fun about drinking with other people. It's just exhausting to deal with people who can't control themselves.

>> No.13164120

bro mcdonald's coke tastes like 50x better then any other place

>> No.13164137

If I'm drunk I usually don't give a fuck what something tastes like I'll just eat whatever I see first

>> No.13164183
File: 500 KB, 1080x878, Screenshot_20191104-210755_KFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimate comfy drunk meal, so much food it'll keep you busy for quite a while

Fuck Kfc wicked wings are good, dip em in the potato and gravy and you've ascended

>> No.13164733

oh i dont like getting proper drunk with people. just chatting over a pint or two. you get a little buzzed, enjoy the atmosphere, none of that falling over backwards shit

>> No.13164819

I can't go to Taco Bell while high or drunk. Always end up spending well over $20 on something that won't curb my munchies or something I'm just going to puke up in the morning.

>> No.13164822

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.13165123

Based and slavpilled

>> No.13165146


>> No.13166087
File: 1.96 MB, 3120x4208, IMG_20191104_190945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love eating pelmeni when drunk I can eat so much at once they are too good

>> No.13166154

Dude that is way too much pelmeni

>> No.13166200

you dropped this

>> No.13166651

>00 get quoting 88 Heil Hitler get
Fourteen words motherfuckers

>> No.13166669

>Also whats with polaks and vodja+oj
Not even polish and I love that shit. It'll get you drunk in no time while also taking the edge off the vodka

>> No.13166715 [DELETED] 

You must be young.
Not the fries. I actually remember the taste change when they switched to mostly vegetable oil instead of beef tallow when I was 4. Then they completely removed animal product in 2002. That was less noticeable, though.

>> No.13168765

It's only 500g I can eat up to a kilo at once despite being skinny. Power of alcohol and dude weed

>> No.13168782

no OP its called a kebab or swarma. taste like shit sober.

>> No.13168787

6 wings and chips. or a fillet burger meal, but save the drink for when you wake up

>> No.13168793

Pineapple is overpoweringly sweet, but beets lend a subtle sweetness akin to barbecue sauce while also introducing a tartness that pickles are ordinarily responsible for.

>> No.13170164

>t incel

>> No.13170922

Jack in the Box is indeed incredible, my presumably autistic and dyslexic friend.

>> No.13170933

i for one prefer burger King's "flame grilled" flavor over mcDs regular flavor

>> No.13170958

hey anon have you ever drunk beer before?

>> No.13170990
File: 207 KB, 720x540, burgdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry OP, you have shit taste. You can enjoy McD's all you want, but it still doesn't taste good. If you aren't poor Shake Shack is 1000% better.

>> No.13170994
File: 119 KB, 880x586, jack-in-the-box-tacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off with your trailer-park tier drunk food

>> No.13171042

Jack-in-the-Box is the absolute most bottom of the barrel, wretched fast food in existence.

>> No.13171976


Polack here.

OJ is a shitty way to make a cheap vodka taste less shitty.

A good wódka doesn't need anything to be washed with. (talking about clean shots, not drinks)

Your friends dad is just getting shitfaced with any vodka because he had so much of different brands of vodka that he just treats it as it is.

I ain't a V guy myself, prefer ciders and beers, but when i visit my family i trust my dad, because everytime i go on a one night a year vodka binge (his birthday) - the stuff he buys doesnt make a zombie outta me the next day.

>> No.13172038
File: 97 KB, 343x275, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never quite understood binge eating while drunk. Drinking just makes me sleepy and eating heavy food on top of it makes me extra sleepy.

>> No.13172262

I think you mean a Vanilla milkshake

>> No.13172268

making dogs smile is such a nice feeling.

>> No.13172271

Compared to Jack in the Box, McDonalds is a high end restaurant

>> No.13173383

This is the best possible combo and my McDonalds go-to but make that Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese plain though and I’ll have light ice in the Coke