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13337040 No.13337040 [Reply] [Original]

I have guests next weekend and I'm cooking pescetarian. I have a vague idea of what I want to do.

>grilled mackerel fillets, salt, pepper, smoked paprika, mixed herbs
>tomato sauce with soffrito, passata, red wine
>olives, basil, olive oil to garnish.
>serve with lemon garlic roast potatoes and salad

Does mackerel lend itself to that kind of a recipe? I'd appreciate any help with that recipe, or any other recommendations. Thanks, lads.

>> No.13337067

>smoked paprika
I would leave it out.

>> No.13337076

>smoked paprika
>red wine
>lemon garlic roast potatoes
Again, just no.

>> No.13337087

Lemon garlic roast potatoes seems odd, but isn't lemon a standard choice for most fish? What goes with mackerel?

>> No.13337088

I would use rosemary instead of the paprika.

the sauce is fine, but I'm not understanding how you're planning on serving it. on top of the fish? on the side?

potatoes are also good.

>> No.13337105

>but isn't lemon a standard choice for most fish?
It is. Just not with potatoes. Just because something goes well with an ingredient doesn't mean you can just switch it up and use it on another dish even if you're planning to serve them together. Using lemon on a roasted potato would just taste terrible.

>> No.13337118 [DELETED] 

WOW, it's almost as if people could CREATE things, huh?

>> No.13337121

>Using lemon on a roasted potato would just taste terrible.
There are PLENTY of dishes that pair potatoes with lemon.




>> No.13337127

I was thinking grill the fillets separately, serve the sauce on top of the fish and then bake a little in the sauce, garnish and serve.

I've tried the lemon garlic potatoes before. I like them. I'm just wondering whether they'd go with the rest of the dish.

Can you be more constructive? If you took the time to tell me how wrong I am, could you take a little more to steer me in the right direction?

>> No.13337151

>Can you be more constructive?
Use a white wine instead of red, it goes better with fish.
3 people told you to ditch the paprika, so I won't bother.
And 3 people are apparently offended at me for saying lemon and potatoes don't go together, so feel free to do your shit on that one.

>> No.13337206

Thanks. But if I use red wine I will need to ditch the tomato based sauce, right?

>> No.13337212

mackeral is such a strong tasting fish it doesnt need much more than salt pepper n lemon....
maybe the tom sauce might be too much

>> No.13337234

Biggest concern is sourcing the mackerel. You really need a fishmonger you can trust with oily fishes like mackerel and herring, as the go off much faster than other fishes.

>> No.13337319

I'm not seeing the logic here.

>> No.13337326

sounds good to me, but get rid of the lemon in the potatoes and add fresh diced dill on top.

>> No.13337336

he's putting the red wine in the tomato sauce you retard.

>> No.13337358

No, I get that, but he asked if he had to ditch the sauce if he used the red wine. Even assuming he meant white wine instead of red, I don't see why he'd ditch the sauce because he is using a different wine.

>> No.13337372

sofrito is a great idea. I actually do something similar with salmon
first for the soffrito (I use cajun mirepoix):
>slow cook onion, bell pepper, celery in mix of olive oil and pork fat for hours
>add serrano peppers, finely diced
>at very end add garlic so the flavor doesn't de-nature
>puree, add fresh cilantro now
And then for salmon
>purchase a salmon fillet, slice down the middle creating a pocket
>stuff with the sofrito and goat cheese, salt the meat and bake

>> No.13337387

If i went to your house and you served me shitty oily mackerel I'd ask for your address so I can order postmate some food in front of your face.

>> No.13337459

no, white wine works fine in tomato based sauces

>> No.13337674

You would know my address if you were at my house, silly.

>> No.13338560

Use lime juice and pepper during grill

>> No.13338738

Mackerel is extremely bony and if your guests aren't expert fish eaters they will hate it because it's incredibly bony.

Mackerel is one of the most difficult to eat round-fish for normies, it's easy if you have the hang of it but unless you buy HUGE fillets and take a pliers and pull all the bones out ahead of time, your guests will hate it.

Mackerel is best simmered in a light vinegar broth for an hour or so until you can eat the bones, spine, fins, and everything, or roasted pretty quickly over actual flame with the bellies stuffed with tomato or lemon or both to counteract the extreme amount of fat they have.

I have done it all ways and these two are the best. I have literally eaten hundreds and hundreds of whole mackerel of varying species from the smaller ones to large fish weighing 5-10 pounds, all prepared myself.

>> No.13338787

>Peel, dice and boil orange kumara (sweet potato) in salted water with a few cloves of garlic
>Drain and mash
>Spread on plate

>Pat snapper dry with paper towels
>Season some flour with salt and pepper
>Dust snapper in flour
>Heat olive oil in a pan then add a slice of butter
>Cook snapper in oil and butter until cooked to your liking
>Serve on top of the kumara

>In a bowl combine mung bean sprouts, julienned cucumber, thinly sliced capsicum, chopped roasted peanuts
>Make dressing with 1 tablespoon brown sugar, 1 tablespoon lime juice, 2 tablespoons fish sauce, teaspoon of chilli flakes or a fresh chilli sliced
>Toss salad in dressing and serve on top of the snapper
>Serve with a chilled Pinot Gris

>> No.13338815

waste of a snapper, serving it on mush and covering it with a bunch of crap

>> No.13338825

Basic bitch

>> No.13338833

>Steam corn cobs
>Cut kernels off cob
>Mix in a bowl with a knob of butter
>Add halved cherry tomatoes and diced avocado
>Squeeze of lime, drizzle of balsamic vinegar
>Sprinkle of chilli flakes
>Mix, serve with salmon steaks