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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 79 KB, 600x400, 30-binging-with-babbish-grub-diet-2.w600.h400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13366380 No.13366380 [Reply] [Original]

>watching binging with babish
>it's an episode where he spends 20 minutes making bread from scratch

>> No.13366405

>watching binging with babish

>> No.13366435

>"wustuhshuhuh sauce"

>> No.13366446
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Remember when he made egg pasta from scratch to show up during his vomit-inducing "carbonara" only to get BFTO'd by the Italian chefs?

>> No.13366450

>it's 20 minutes of him buying his brother a tesla, hanging out with fans or just being a Swell fella

>> No.13366470


>> No.13366486


>> No.13366489
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>> No.13366528

kek doesn't he also pride himself on being part italian?

>> No.13366549

Don't believe he's ever mentioned it.

>> No.13366557

Does everyone have to have faggy tattoos these days? That has to be about the most feminine thing a man can do.

>> No.13366584

Best thing posted today. Thanks anon.

>> No.13366612

I don't see a problem with the guy desu, besides being a yankee

>> No.13366700

>it's an episode where he advocates weed smoking

>> No.13366746


It's the truth, Americans have butchered Italian cuisine for far too long.

>> No.13366761

tell me why they were upset that he added garlic to a carbonara?

>> No.13366779
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You guys need to cut the dude some slack. He was making the carbonara how it was made on the show. After being critiqued he actually took the criticism and made another carbonara recipe saying he was wrong. That's pretty cool if you ask me. This dish tastes fantastic too,


>> No.13366806

Snobbery. Guanciale is flavoured with garlic rosemary and sage anyway. Maybe he added too much, but Jamie Oliver added a single clove which he removed and they still criticised it, so it's just muh tradition.

>> No.13366813

Because garlic does not belong in carbonara.

You need to balance flavors when cooking. Pancetta or any type of cured pork is already flavorful enough.

Carbonara only has egg yolk, cheese, pancetta, black pepper and pasta. That's all.

>> No.13366986


>> No.13367003


>> No.13367073

so it tastes worse than the american version?

>> No.13367095

Cuisine snobbery is all italians have going for them, only nobody gives a shit what italians think about anything, much less food, so really they got nothing.

>> No.13367143

>and TRIGGERED assblasted Italian chefs

>> No.13367351

holy shit it's three nobody's from the world's smelly boot complaining about how people improved on their medieval food. Fuck Italy, and fuck Italians.

>> No.13367361

no need to improve perfection.

>> No.13367371

I don't watch Babish anymore. I don't know, he became too plebbit maybe. But at least he's doing what he enjoys so I can't knock him for that.

>> No.13367472

I would tend to agree; however when you see ta atrocidads that the Americans have made out of Italian dishes, you have to have sympathy for Italians point of view.

>> No.13367536
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>add cream to a rich pasta dish
>italian boomers: dios mio!

>> No.13367566
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Americans: Puts garlic in Italian dish.


>> No.13367584
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>reddit user: posts le epic reddit meme

>> No.13367599

So many people have called him gay and questioned his sexuality that he now obnoxiously includes references to his “girlfriend” every minute. He’s also not funny, but tries to be. He’s also let fame go to his head, mr. I’m not doing this for fame or money I’m doing it because I enjoy it. Psssh. But, he does give me a good place to start new recipes. I don’t know how much more of him I can take though

>> No.13367607

i think he's stated that he's openly bi

>> No.13367998

Ah you're right. That was a genuinely good video.

>> No.13368008

But then I did not get trips so what do I know?

>> No.13368371

>I don't watch Babish anymore. I don't know, he became too plebbit maybe.

Are you me? I'm still subscribed to his channel with notifications turned on. Yet, I almost never watch his latest videos.
>Oh he's doing that recipe from this show or movie? Meh, doesn't interests me so be gone alert on my phone!

>> No.13368379

>watching youtube cooks

>> No.13368405

this. you wop faggots should be thanking americans for improving literally every single italian dish you're so proud of

>> No.13368415

more like memeing with reddit

>> No.13368463

Name 5 of those dishes, mutt.
>inb4 pizza, carbonara, etc.

>> No.13368481

take the entire olive garden menu as a starter and go from there

should be name 5 dishes that aren't

>> No.13368649

I used to like babish until I saw him on the chef show and on munchies and saw how utterly clueless and useless he is. He's basically just some amateur that doesn't know what he's talking about and is exposed as being completely inept when he's filmed unedited.

He's basically just getting his knowledge from google and then pretending to be some kind of expert, while editing out all of his ineptness. It makes him seem like a total fraud.

>> No.13368666

pizza is better in america i have been to both countries and I live in neither

>> No.13368719

for real. he adds in a few "haha im silly look at me" moments as an attempt to humanise, but he still presents the rest of the show like he's an expert so it falls flat. also just all the fucking reddit-tier meme shit he throws in all the time.
the worst thing for me though is this "being with babish" series. its not that different to the people who record themselves giving homeless people money, he's just flexing how generous he is with his disgusting amount of money

>> No.13368723

this, america genuinely improved upon pizza in every way. i dont hate italian style pizza but its nothing special, and after a while just the basic margherita toppings get boring.

>> No.13368734

wow. I've watched maybe 3 videos of his in my life and only posted on /ck/ twice but I completely understand what you mean. what an unfunny faggot

>> No.13368755

Imagine being pathetic enough to raid a subform for depressed people.

>> No.13370010

I enjoy his show.
I don't give too many fucks, what YouTubers do outside of their videos.
If the Video entertains me I am happy.

It's not like I am forced to watch anything I dont like.

>> No.13370029

That would be quite pathetic. Agreed.

>> No.13370048

but where2get recipes?

>> No.13370144
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Literally nothing wrong with baking your own bread. It's just generally not worth it because it'll go stale too fast due to no preservatives you get in store bought bread. Even with proper storage home baked bread is off in about a day unless you made something really dense.

>> No.13370149

To be fair Italian chefs will shit on EVERYTHING unless it's 100% exactly accurate to the recipe their grandma used to make.

>> No.13370162
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>mfw spaghetti meatballs

>> No.13370169

>and after a while just the basic margherita toppings get boring.

Not like you have to eat pizza margherita all the time. It's just a traditional pizza.

>> No.13370177

I think the fact most Americans just use regular bacon kinda explains why they feel like garlic is necessary. Pancetta really brings all the flavor you need, smokiness and salt.

>> No.13370183

It's more about carbonara being a very specific recipe. You can't just make noodles with cream sauce and call it carbonara. That's what they're so anal about. It's a pretty normal thing imo. Italians are proud of their culture and food is a large part of that.

>> No.13370187

it has more to do with trying to not make it be a poor man's recipe, which is what carbonara is

>> No.13370223

See the episode where he gets so triggered by three italian chefs critisizing his carbonara?

>> No.13370230

He also gets triggered by that one dude's video where he laughs like a mental patient and throws candy at a table.

Babish cannot grasp the dadaist humor and gets all assblasted.

>> No.13370242

It's so obvious how he slows his speech to increase the length of the video, and now that theres a fucking sponsor every time it's so clear that hes cashing in hard on this.

>> No.13370258

Atleast marc doesnt drag the video with knorr

>> No.13370291

This is bullshit, Italians care about product, flour being the first, while americans don't give a fuck a get anything from their local supermarket

>> No.13370295

I buy bread from the market that has no preservatives and I keep it for one week wrapped in some cloth

>> No.13370301

He's a pathetic manchild.

After being criticized for his carbonara, he made another video in a completely passive-aggressive tone.

>> No.13371002

nah i think his response was very adult, he made the traditional version and then the american version so italians would be happy

>> No.13371090

this, he could have called them out for being the fat crybabies they are but he didn't.

>> No.13371634


>> No.13372445

To be fair, Fuck those Italians, if it wasn't for their gmas they wouldn't know how to cook since they haven't done anything new in ages. Hurr Durr hol up I'mma shit on this recipe made by none Italians and not try other countries food since my pretentious palate says it's nasty even though it's good af. Fuck those Mama Mia soy boy looking faggots

>> No.13372469

Settle down.

>> No.13372504
File: 631 KB, 957x535, Screen Shot 2019-12-15 at 19.09.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13372516

I don't get why /ck/ hates Babish, other than him being reddit material. Nothing I've seen him do has been egregious.

>> No.13372548

mimetic desire

>> No.13373218

I call it the Rick and Morty effect. Basically something can be really good and interesting etc but if too many redditors like it 4chan goes derpmode and starts shitting on it constantly

>> No.13373247

>BFTO'd by the Italian chefs
Haven't seen the episode. But that's a pretty meaningless statement. Every italian chef is a turbo autist that thinks the only way to do anything is the way they do it in whatever shithole town they grew up in.

>> No.13373273

>reddit material
This whole site qualifies as that.
But regardless /ck/ hates him because he's popular and hating popular things makes autists feel special. Same goes for Regusea, he makes short, decently informative videos that are more or less inoffensive, yet fags on this board feel the need to have a weekly circlejerk about him.

>> No.13373279

Yeah, I've been seasoning my cuttingboard instead of my steak and now my steak tastes way better

>> No.13373285

babish is BASED because he makes cu/ck/s seethe

>> No.13373286

I won't lie, I tried it a few times. It's not bad. Though I still grind some pepper on top.

>> No.13373289
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To be fair I was lucky enough to eat at Pipero Roma a while back, and the pasta was exceptionally poor. Great food overall, but I swear if Luciano cooked that pasta he has no right to critique anyone else on the planet.

>> No.13373356

>hurr durr does not belong in carbonara

mentions pancetta instead of guanciale

>> No.13373365

Imagine not putting things you like in your food because a bunch of fat old greasers wouldn't like it.