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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 96 KB, 570x855, salted-vs-unsalted-butter-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13537397 No.13537397 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being such a brain-dead idiot that you buy salted butter LOL you can't take 2 seconds to sprinkle salt on your food? LMAO

>> No.13537403
File: 159 KB, 620x827, 1541715606387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13537406

I like salted butter better. It is the superior eating butter, in my opinion. Unsalted is for fatties who eat cake all day.

>> No.13537407

Nice selfie, retard LOL

>> No.13537417

>superior eating butter
That's funny because I make my own cultured butter and I NEVER add salt to the butter. When I eat buttered toast, I spread the butter, then I sprinkle on some fine salt. You can't take 2 seconds to sprinkle salt on your food? RETARD ALERT!

>> No.13537423

it's good for bread, plus it lasts longer outside the fridge

>> No.13537426

"People" who buy salted butter, explain yourselves. Is it really too hard for you to sprinkle salt on your food? You need some machine in a factory to do it for you? You're so bad at cooking and seasoning food that you don't know how much salt to add?

See, I put "people" in quotations because if you buy salted butter, you're subhuman.

>> No.13537427

How many seconds does it take you to make your butter?

>> No.13537443

>good for bread
So is unsalted with salt that I add myself. In fact, I buy the highest-quality sea salt that money can buy. Does your store-bought salted butter have artisan hand-crafted sea salt? I don't think so, chump.
>it lasts longer outside the fridge
LMAO I really am talking to a retard. What's wrong with cold butter? You can't spread it on your toast? See, I'm not a dumb fucking idiot, so I put cold butter on the toast when it's still in the toaster oven. Then, it melts and becomes spreadable in seconds. I bet you break your spaghetti noodles, too, you dumb fucking idiot

>> No.13537445

Hundreds. That's only my "eating butter" though. When I buy butter for cooking, it's still unsalted. And you're still a stupid bitch who can't season food with salt.

>> No.13537446
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>> No.13537452

Hmmm still not ONE single compelling argument to support buying salted butter, AS USUAL. Saltboys SEETHING.

>> No.13537457

unsalted butter is for tripfags
tripfags are cockgobbling fairies
therefore unsalted butter is for cockgobbling fairies

>> No.13537465

Nice selfie, retard. Look, I have these triggered salttards posting selfies LMAO
>WAAAAHHHH someone used a built-in feature on the website!
>WAAAAHHHH someone's identifying themself in a specific thread!
KWAB. saltboy SEETHING. I'm not taking the trip off. I'm glad such a small thing makes you mad.

>> No.13537478

enjoy your bland ass inferior butter

>> No.13537481

Butter for cooking should be unsalted. Butter for topping/eating should be salted. I've tried adding salt to unsalted-buttered toast and it just doesn't taste quite the same as salted butter.

>> No.13537487
File: 26 KB, 466x537, 81smEEgnhfL._AC_SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everyone owns a toaster oven. Everyone I know (myself included) just has a regular toaster. You can't add butter to a regular toaster.

>> No.13537492

You can make butter with a food processor, and you also get butter milk.

I do it all the time when I host people for dinners and think I'm some sort of chef by making whipped butter.

>> No.13537504

>bland ass inferior butter
Did you miss the part where I said I add salt? Typical salted butter consumer: dumb as shit.
>tried adding salt
>doesn't quite taste the same
Hmm salt added to butter tastes different than butter with salt added? What? You retards make no damn sense. "Hey, I ate some potatoes that were mashed, but they didn't taste like mashed potatoes." That's how stupid you sound.

>> No.13537512

>salt added to butter tastes different than butter with salt added? What?
Yes. I don't know if it's that the sodium is more evenly distributed, or that there's less of it overall than when I sprinkle salt onto it, or if the salt being added in the creation of the butter actually makes the flavors interact differently. Whatever it is, adding salt to buttered toast doesn't taste the same as using salted butter.

>> No.13537519 [DELETED] 

saged and reported.

>> No.13537532

Toasters are unitaskers. They're useless pieces of shit. Why would anyone own a toaster when toaster ovens exist? Go figure: you buy salted butter, and you own a toaster instead of the superior, more versatile toaster oven. What a joker.

>> No.13537534

>salting his own butter like a savage
pathetic, you reed to reevaluate your life.

>> No.13537542

>letting some machine in a factory salt your butter
Pathetic, you need to reevaluate your life

>> No.13537560
File: 36 KB, 488x488, GUEST_7ab792f7-07ed-4682-8cf0-2b2f54437787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, since I'm so benevolent, I'll give away my dirty little secret. This is how I salt my butter. It seasons my buttered toast perfectly. I bet you retards thought I was eating giant salt flakes like a deer licking a salt block.

>> No.13537566

>Why would anyone own a toaster when toaster ovens exist?
Because they're small and every kitchen already has an oven for when you want to do something other than toast bread/waffles/bagels/etc. Having a whole second oven on top of my counter would be a waste of space.

>> No.13537575

I use salted butter and put salt on my food. Salt isn't bad for you as long as you work out and drink a lot of water, which I do both of.

>> No.13537577

>shits on toasters as unitaskers
>buys special salt just for his fucking buttered toast

>> No.13537594

I also use it on popcorn, among other things. You don't know my life.

>> No.13537789
File: 94 KB, 500x288, anon bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13537810

Imagine being such a brain-dead idiot that you use a tripcode LOL you can't take 2 seconds to identify yourself in your post? LMAO

>> No.13537817

>spends thread moaning about how the salt in salted butter is low quality so you should use fancy sea salt
>posts of a picture of the cheapest basic bitch salt you can get

You're not even trying at this point. 0/10

>> No.13537827

salted butter is more efficient and taste better. Especially when salted from your tears.

>> No.13537904

I like this thread. I wish I could save it.

>> No.13538266

>iodide deficiency
>retarded arguments
wow the memes make themselves

>> No.13538814

I buy unsalted butter for cooking, and (generally also fancier) salted butter for my room-temperature butter dish. The salt acts as a preservative and means I don't need to add salt when spreading it on bread.

>> No.13538815

Stop trying to 'deconstruct' idiotic things you fucking simpleton. This board is bored. You people are so fucking living bored lives you can't even come up with something interesting to bitch about.

>> No.13538821

I'm gay, btw. Not sure if that matters.

>> No.13538862

Im going to go out and buy both unsalted and salted butter, just because i saw this thread.

>> No.13538951

My country doesn’t even have “salted butter”. Even if they had it in the supermarket I guess nobody would buy it anyway.

>> No.13538955

what shithole country is your mudhut in?

>> No.13538961

>shithole country
Said the one who can’t even season his butter on toast with salt and has to buy salted butter.

>> No.13538968

We don't have to, we have the choice to do so or not so so. Three FREEDOM to choose the salinity of our butter, you might say.

Also salt helps preserve butter, which is useful when you keep it at room temp.

>> No.13538972

>room temp butter
>not enjoying the contrast of warm bread and cold butter
Anon, I....

>> No.13538980
File: 12 KB, 236x214, extra salty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incoming master race

>> No.13538982

I enjoy being able to spread my butter. I also keep butter in the fridge, though, so I always have the choice. I generally only put out a third of a stick at a time, because I don't butter bread enough to get through a whole stick before it begins to seriously oxidize.

>> No.13539002

Still weird. I thinly slice the butter so it’s spreadable in a seconds but I don’t spread it since my bread has almost always open crumb.

>> No.13539008

nope my spare time is devoted to fucking your mom and shitposting I go for salted because I work up a sweat

>> No.13539023

Reminder that deficiency in iodine leads to cognitive problems.

>> No.13539082

>unsalted is for fatties who eat cake all day

or people who use butter as an ingredient rather than a calorie condiment. its mostly landwhales that buy salted butter because direct consumption is their only use for it.

>> No.13539122

An autistic thread calls for a strong answer.
Salted butter is vastly superior to unsalted.
Salted butter is better for pastry, on bread, in soup, literally for everything.
Unsalted is plain fat, salted is a travel on land and sea, it's a poem to a country's many treasures, the eternal balance.

>> No.13539143

>An autistic thread calls for an autistic answer

>> No.13539147


>> No.13539162

Imagine not getting raw milk butter from grass-fed cows which lasts longer and tastes better salted.

Enjoy your nutrionally empty fat.